Math 20-2 Course Outline Spring 2015

Math 20-2 – Foundations of Mathematics
Course Outline Spring 2015
Cyber High Mathematics Department
Ms. Andersen
Welcome to Math 20-2!!
Please read the following information about the course. If you have any questions or concerns
regarding this course please feel free to contact me at school (780-624-5656), or by email at
Course Rational:
The main goals of mathematics education are to prepare students to:
- solve problems
- communicate and reason mathematically
- make connections between mathematics and its applications
- become mathematically literate
- appreciate and value mathematics
- make informed decisions as contributors to society
- taking risks
- thinking and reflecting independently
- sharing and communicating mathematical understanding
- solving problems in individual and group projects
- pursuing greater understanding of mathematics
- appreciating the value of mathematics throughout history
Course Text:
- Foundations of Mathematics Grade 11 Workbook
(Absolute Value Publications)
- Notes and worksheets handed out in class.
Course Materials:
Binder or Coiled Scribbler for notes
Loose-leaf paper for assignments
Pens, pencils, erasers (No red pens)
Graph paper
Geometry Set
Graphing Calculator (TI-83, TI-84 or TI-84 plus)
Course Outcomes:
G.O.1. – Develop proportional reasoning.
G.O.2. – Develop spatial sense.
G.O.3. – Develop number sense and logical reasoning.
G.O.4. – Develop statistical reasoning.
G.O.5. – Develop algebraic and graphical reasoning through the study of relations.
G.O.6. – Develop an appreciation of the role of mathematics in society.
Course Schedule:
**Note – this schedule is subject to change
Relations and Functions
Research Project
1. Measurement
2. Logic
3. Geometry
MIDTERM (Mar 25)
4. Quadratics
5. Radicals
6. Statistics
7. Project
FINAL EXAM (June 12)
Reporting Terms:
Report Cards will be distributed on the following dates:
March 27, 2012
June 28, 2012
Completion Date
Feb 11
Feb 27
Mar 20
May 4
May 19
June 2
June 8
Assessment and Evaluation:
We will participate in a variety of formative exercises throughout the course that will be based on
the specific outcomes as outlined in the Alberta Program of Studies for Mathematics. These
formative assessments will account for 0% of your final grade.
Your class mark will be based on summative assessments that will be done in front of a teacher and
will be solely based on the public published student learning outcomes as outlined in the Alberta
Program of Studies for Mathematics. These summative assessments will account for 100% of your
final grade.
Formative assessment will include tasks such as quizzes, assignments, and problem solving
Your formative work will be collected and marked throughout each unit for feedback
purposes only. It will not count towards your overall course mark. However, it must be
completed before writing any corresponding summative assessments.
Summative assessment will include tasks such as unit exams, quizzes, and performance tasks.
Within the 100% summative, marks will be distributed as follows:
Summative Assessment
Unit Tests/Major Projects/Midterm
Final Exam
*As we move to Outcomes based reporting we are implementing a first step. In addition to a
traditional raw score, the midterms will be divided into specific outcomes and assigned according
to the corresponding unit. This change may be different from previous reporting experiences. Most
recent achievement will be taken into account when the student’s final grade is determined. We
encourage you to contact us at the school if you have any questions.
Students who are successful in this course will:
gain an understanding and appreciation of the role of mathematics in society
exhibit a positive attitude toward mathematics
engage and persevere in mathematical problem solving
contribute to mathematical discussions
take risks in performing mathematical tasks
exhibit curiosity about mathematics and situations involving mathematics.
Submitting Formative Work (Assignments and Quizzes)
Formative assessments will be outlined in the weekly lessons. What you need to hand in will be
colored in BLUE. It is an expectation that all work is handed in on time. If it is not going to be
handed in on time then please let me know, and request an extension. If you fall behind on your
work, you will greatly decrease your chances of reaching your full potential in the course! And
remember, all formative assignments and quizzes need to be completed before writing the
Assignments in this course will be e-mailed back to me. Sometimes I will ask you to scan things to
me. If this will be a problem then you may fax (780-624-3730) them as well.
When you are to e-mail your assignment to me please follow the guidelines in the message and in
the "Subject" of the email make sure to put in this format or your assignment may get lost:
Subject: Ma201_00-lastname_firstname
Example: If it is week 4's assignment then you would put
Ma201_04-skywalker_luke in the "subject" of the email.
Contacting Me
If you need to contact me with questions, you have the following options:
-E-mail – Anytime!
-Phone – between 9:00am – 10:00am any regular school day (780-624-5656)
-Add a 3rd type of contact here