Presentation Outline (a) Introduction (b) Organising Framework (c) Scope and Size of the 2012 NSC examinations. (d) Monitoring Approach (e) Target Success Indicators (f) Progress - Examination Cycle (g) Progress Chart (h) Learner Improvement (i) Conclusion Introduction (a) NSC examinations has matured over the last few years and its strength lies in: • sound legislative framework. • strict compliance • strong national and provincial collaboration. • examinations culture • nationally set question papers (b) Concept of the national examination system not achieved in totality. (c) Continuous review and improvement of policy, processes and systems. The Examination Cycle Assessment Instruments Analysis & Feedback Credible Exams & Assess Test Admin Marking & Moderation 4 Organising Framework INPUT-PROCESS-OUTPUT model FEEDBACK PROCESS INPUT •Policies •Resources •Plans • Assessment Tasks •Support/Development •Standard setting •Designing •Administration •Standardisation •Marking •Quality Assurance OUTPUT •Results •Certification •Measurement NORMS AND STANDARDS INDICATORS World-class examinations, assessment and educational measurement system for the st Micro Framework Inputs Process Output Outcome Policy Directives PEDs Final Assessment Result Learner Performance Competent Educators National Subjects Committees Resources Monitoring system Assessment Tasks Moderation system Assessment support Competent monitors Competent moderators Systemic Improvement Scope and Size of 2012 NSC Exams • • • • • • • • Candidates: Question Papers: Printed Question Papers: Scripts: Examination Centres: Invigilators: Markers: Marking Centres: 623 897 264 7.8 million 7.4 million 6570 65 000 35 000 123 Entered 2012 Entered 2011 Entered 2010 Entered 2009 Entered 2008 Province NSC – Full-Time Enrolments 2008 - 2012 Eastern Cape 63 043 70 622 68 294 68 174 69 199 Free State 36 377 30 462 28 448 26 510 24 760 Gauteng 110 707 101 268 94 642 87 631 91 475 KwaZulu-Natal 152 194 139 965 130 302 127 053 132 272 Limpopo 90 724 93 289 95 869 74 669 78 182 Mpumalanga 57 145 55 735 54 542 49 592 48 989 North West 34 702 31 395 29 601 25 931 27 575 Northern Cape 10 691 10 765 10 406 10 426 9 281 Western Cape 45 408 46 862 47 062 41 273 45 602 600 991 580 363 559 166 511 259 527 335 National 8 NSC – Full-Time Enrolments 2008 to 2012 650,000 600,991 600,000 580,363 559,166 550,000 527 182 511,259 500,000 450,000 400,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 9 Eastern Cape Entered 2012 Entered 2011 Entered 2010 Entered 2009 Province NSC – Part-Time Enrolment 2009 - 2012 3 516 11 323 16 457 18 664 919 2 068 2 583 3 354 8 278 23 518 35 490 36 849 12 577 20 626 24 750 24 602 Limpopo 7 834 9 909 12 778 14 584 Mpumalanga 2 989 5 088 6 464 7 349 North West 1 029 2 708 3 131 3 434 Northern Cape 494 1 381 1 691 2 139 Western Cape 1 715 6 214 9 294 9 377 39 351 82 835 112 638 120 352 Free State Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal National 10 NSC – Part-Time Enrolments 2009 - 2012 11 NSC Enrolments for 2011 and 2012 2011 Province Full Time Part time 2012 Total Full Time Part time Difference FT Total 2012-2011 Eastern Cape 68 174 16 457 84 631 69 199 18 664 87 863 1 025 Free State 26 510 2 583 29 093 24 760 3 354 28 114 -1 750 Gauteng 87 631 35 490 123 121 91 475 36 849 128 324 3 844 KwaZulu Natal 127 053 24 750 151 803 132 272 24 602 156 874 5 219 Limpopo 74 669 12 778 87 447 78 182 14 584 92 766 3 513 Mpumalanga 49 592 6 464 56 056 48 989 7 349 56 338 -603 North West 25 931 3 131 29 062 27 575 3 434 31 009 1 644 Northern Cape 10 426 1 691 12 117 9 281 2 139 11 420 -1 145 Western Cape 41 273 9 294 50 567 45 602 9 377 54 979 4 329 Total 511 259 112 638 623 897 527 335 120 352 647 687 16 076 12 Accounting Afrikaans First Additional Language Agricultural Sciences Business Studies Economics English First Additional Language Geography History Life Sciences Mathematical Literacy Mathematics Physical Sciences 187 994 83 891 89 701 218 391 165 622 503 089 225 866 99 674 314 025 283 706 317 270 229 934 177 757 81 673 92 124 211 167 157 147 482 144 219 425 92 453 304 469 284 174 296 164 224 902 165 522 78 502 88 075 206 625 151 911 462 959 215 815 90 595 292 865 288 370 270 598 210 168 140 849 69 287 79 680 191 850 136 652 424 346 203 805 88 290 270 540 281 613 229 371 184 052 Entered 2012 Entered 2011 Entered 2010 Entered 2009 Entered 2008 Subject NSC – Full-Time Subject Enrolments 2008 - 2012 137 527 76 797 79 828 199 377 137 524 430 521 217 875 96 481 283 611 297 074 230 194 182 083 13 NSC – Mathematics Full-Time Enrolments 14 NSC – Mathematical Literacy Full-Time Enrolments 15 NSC – Physical Sciences Full-Time Enrolments 16 Monitoring Approach • Broader mandate of building a national examination and assessment system • Support visit conducted in April/May 2012. • Self-evaluation instrument preceded the on-site visit. • Ongoing engagement with PEDs – through meetings, teleconferences, regular reporting. • State of Readiness visit in August 2012. Target Success Indicators a) High quality question papers are set and moderated b) Examination centre and candidates are accurately registered on the examination computer system. c) Question papers are accurately printed. d) Question papers are distributed on time to all schools and candidates and strict security measures adhered to in the distribution process Target Success Indicators e) All candidates including learners with special needs are accommodated in the examination. f) Examinations are conducted under controlled conditions across all examination centres.. g) Answer scripts accurately marked and moderated. h) All examination marks are accurately captured on the examination computer system. Target Success Indicators i) SBA is completed in accordance with policy prescripts and moderated. j) All examination and SBA marks are accurately captured. k) All examination irregularities are appropriately managed. l) All candidates are accurately and timeously resulted. m) Effective feedback provided to schools. n) All eligible candidates receive certificates. Registration of Candidates/Centres a) All candidates have been registered on the Examination Computer System . b) Two schedule of entries have been sent to all schools to verify accuracy of registration of all candidates. c) Subject changes, immigrant candidates and special concessions have been appropriately managed d) Registration data has been audited by the DBE. e) Mark sheet printing commenced on 31 August 2012. f) Letters of admission to the examination will be sent to schools by 15 September 2012. g) All enhancements on the examination computer system have been completed. h) A complete dry run on the system will be completed by 30 September 2012. Dry run done in conjunction with Umalusi Registration of Candidates/Centres h) All independent centres have been evaluated to ensure that they satisfy the criteria for registration. i) In cases where there is doubt about the integrity of the centre, the examination will be administered by the PED at these centres, or will be closely monitored. j) Candidates that would have written the ERCO examination have been registered as private. Question Papers a) All question papers are set by the Department of Basic Education to ensure a national standard. b) 264 question papers have been set by panels of examiners and moderated by subject specialists. c) The question papers are moderated and approved by Umalusi to ensure appropriate standard. Question Papers Improvement Initiatives: • Reviewed the examining panels where there was evidence of capacity shortfalls. • Trained examiners and moderators • Results of intensive post test analysis results shared with examiners and moderators. • Findings from international benchmarking shared with examiners and moderators and incorporated where necessary. 24 Question Papers Improvement Initiatives • Pre-writing of selected question papers • Full implementation of the common assessment framework for languages • Closer monitoring of the setting and moderation process • Improved editing and translation of question papers 25 Question Papers a) All question papers for November 2012 and March 2013 examinations have been set and moderated b) Question papers have been approved by Umalusi, edited, quality assured and handed over to PEDS that are printing. c) Adaptation of the question papers for blind, partially sighted and deaf candidates is complete d) Brailing of the adapted papers for the blind is in progress 26 Printing, Packing and Distribution a) Six of the PEDs have excellent in-house printing facilities. The remaining two PEDs utilise the services of GPW, SITA, and the last PED outsources printing to a reputable service provider. b) Printing and packing progressing according to plan. c) All PEDs have introduced pre-sealing of question papers to minimise human contact with the question papers and to improve the accuracy in packing. 27 Printing, Packing and Distribution d) Storage facilities across all PEDs have been inspected and security has been improved at distribution points e) Question papers will be distributed to examination centres on the morning of the examination, except in the Western Cape. In the Northern Cape, only in schools that are far from the districts, will question papers be stored at schools. f) Western Cape will pilot daily distribution of question papers to schools in 2013. 28 Writing of the examination a) Examination commences on 22 October 2012 and concludes on 28 November 2012. a) Invigilators who supervise the writing of exams are in the process of being trained across all PEDs. b) The principal is the Chief Invigilator, except in cases where he/she has a son or daughter writing Grade 12. c) Detailed regulations govern the conduct of exams and the managing of irregularities – DBE has issued a Guideline document to assist this process. 29 Writing of the examination d) All chief invigilators and invigilators are officially appointed for the duration of the examination and are made aware of the responsibility. e) The writing of the examinations will be monitored by DBE, PEDs and Umalusi. f) Schools with previous irregularities will be closely monitored. 30 Collection of Answer Scripts a) Stricter control of Answer books introduced across all PEDs. b) All scripts to be returned to the district office the same day. c) Scripts to enjoy the same attention and security as the question paper. d) All scripts must be correctly labelled with centre number, subject and must be sealed at the school level. e) All scripts to be controlled and checked at each stage of the process. f) DBE has introduced norm times for the return of scripts between the different collection points. 31 Marking a) Marking centres have been established across all PEDs based on the prescripts contained in the Policy. b) Markers have been appointed based on the PAM criteria and most PEDs have added learner performance as an additional criteria. c) Competency test will be administered. Two dates made available for the competency test to be taken. Results will be used for placement purpose in 2012. d) Training of markers is ongoing and specialised training sessions will be organised prior to the marking sessions. e) National Marking Guideline discussions will be hosted in Pretoria for all subjects, to ensure standardisation of marking across all PEDs 32 Marking f) Internal moderators to be appointed for each subject at each marking centre. g) DBE will appoint external moderators to evaluate the marking at each centre. h) Umalusi conducts centralised moderation of marking, while the marking is in progress. 33 School Based Assessment (SBA) a) Moderation of SBA is ongoing at the school, district and provincial level. b) DBE conducted a focussed moderation of assessment tasks in selected districts across all PEDS, in July 2012. c) Second national moderation will be conducted in October 2012 and will evaluate the assessment tasks and the learner evidence. c) Provincial moderation to be completed by 31 October 2012. d) All SBA marks will be captured by 18 November 2012. 34 School Based Assessment (SBA) e) Common Assessment Task developed by the DBE will be administered across PEDs, in Life Orientation, 7 September 2012. f) In addition to the Common Assessment Task, for LO, DBE provided an assessment guideline and assessment exemplars, to prepare learners for the Common Assessment Task. 35 Processing and Release 2011 a) Marking will be completed by 14 December across all PEDs. b) Mark Capture will be completed by 16 December 2012 c) A technical team will prepare proposals in respect of adjustments for the pre-standardization meeting – 18 December 2012. d) Pre-standardization meetings will be held on 19 & 20 December. e) Umalusi standardisation meeting to be held on 21 December 2012. f) Results will be thoroughly checked by DBE, PEDs and Umalusi from 23 – 27 December. g) Umalusi approval meeting to be held on 27 December 2012. h) Results will be released on 3 January 2013. 36 Analysis and Feedback a) Detailed analysis of results per school, per district, per province, per subject will be made available. b) Qualitative analytical reports from chief markers/internal moderators will be consolidated for distribution to schools. c) Outcomes of the Umalusi standardisation meetings will be made available to curriculum specialists and examining panels. d) Workshops will be conducted with teachers and subject advisors. e) Under-performing schools will be brought to account and improvement plans will be designed. f) Curriculum specialists to develop subject improvement plans. Certification a) The issue of the certificate signifies the culmination of the examination cycle. b) The certificates for candidates that wrote the examination in 2011 was distributed to candidates at the end of July 2012. c) The 2012 certificates are scheduled to be released to candidates by end May 2013. Progress Chart TARGET INDICATORS PROGRESS 1. High quality question papers are set and moderated 2. Examination centre and candidates are accurately registered on the examination computer system. 3. Question papers are accurately printed. In progress 4. Question papers are distributed on time to all schools and candidates and strict security measures adhered to in the distribution process 5. All candidates including learners with special needs are accommodated in the examination. 6. Examinations are conducted under controlled conditions across all examination centres. Progress Chart TARGET INDICATORS PROGRESS 7. Answer scripts accurately marked and moderated. 8. All examination marks are accurately captured on the examination computer system. 9. SBA is completed in accordance with policy prescripts and moderated. 10. All examination and SBA marks are accurately captured. 11. All examination irregularities are appropriately managed. 12. All candidates are accurately and timeously resulted. 13. Effective feedback provided to schools. 14. All eligible candidates receive certificates. In progress Learner Improvement Teaching and Learning – Current Interventions • Teacher development programmes targeting teachers in under-performing schools. • Development of support material – Newspaper supplements, self- study guides, worksheets, exemplar papers, radio broadcast lessons. • Subject support strategies – subject workshops focusing on content gaps. • Resource material on Thutong portal and DBE website. • Dinaledi intervention for Maths and science Learner Improvement Teaching and Learning – Current Interventions • Focus on curriculum coverage – Curriculum Coverage Monitoring tool. • Teacher Accountability and Class Attendance. • Diagnostic report on learner weaknesses emanating from the 2011 examinations, together with remedial measures. • Examination Guidelines. • Distribution of past year question papers with marking guidelines. Conclusion • All PEDs are ready to administer the 2012 NSC examination. • DBE will focus additional attention on the Limpopo, Eastern Cape and Northern Cape provinces • The DBE will continue with its agenda of building a credible, national examination and assessment system.