The Butterfly Effect Something small’s actions can cause something big. Introduction When anyone says ‘The Butterfly Effect’ they could mean 1. The movie or 2. The effect when something small can cause something big. The definition of the butterfly effect is ‘a cumulatively large effect that a very small natural force may produce over a period of time.’. One Meteorologist put it: “if this theory is correct, one flap of a seagull’s wings is enough to alter the course of weather forever”. Also, the Butterfly Effect is used in Time Travel/ Sci-Fi books and movies because any action you do can alter history for good, in fact, just appearing there might change lots of things already and a final fact: the butterfly is just a theory; it hasn’t been proved by anyone yet (so I might be making a powerpoint about something that doesn’t exist at all). Original Example 1. a butterfly is happily flapping its wings in *your random location on this planet here* 2. the wind from that butterfly’s wings is not counted in weather stations 3. Atmospheric changes are ready to create a hurricane... but they need just one more teeny tiny gust of wind from *the random location on this planet that you just chose* to set off a hurricane wrecking havoc in the direction of *a second random location on this planet that is far away from the last random location* 4. weather stations on the second location claim “ the hurricane will not reach here but it will die out near the shore” WRONG!!! They didn’t count that butterflies wings did they?? 5. people don’t panic and get ready so that location gets squashed (along with the people in it) Predator vs. Prey 1. something small (poisonous insect) kills a Rabbit 2. Foxes starve in one area, they die and then the corpses create a epidemic only aiming for Foxes. Foxes are wiped out. 3. Rabbits reproduce to be now intellegent 4. Rabbits equal to humans in number and forces 5. All because you or something small killed that rabbit! How to make your own example • 1. You are happily *in here put something you do* • 2. When suddenly *in here put someone you know* sees you doing *what you were doing* • 3. This *Inspires/Angrifies/Strikes/Makes (that certain someone) flip his/her lid* of *that someone you chose* • 4. So this pushes *that someone* *To make a antisomething club/Make a masterpiece of his or her time/go insane* • 5. This is noticed in near/far/distant future where *that someone* becomes famous and changes history *batman theme song* Bruce Wayne’s (from the Batman) bat-suit was inspired by the fear that a bat caused when it fluttered into his study room (no bat = no batman). ‘Well, you bombed me first!’ Near the end of WW1 a German bunker was bombed by an American plane… everybody in it died… except one. His name was Adolf Hitler (*gasps*) Ok Hitler, Zis time for sure. Hey! Isn’t he already dead? Be Quiet! Its ok as long as we can get rid of these nukes! Never, ever, trust the weather Weather stations in America said that hurricane Katrina was only a category 1 storm, a mistake so small it wasn’t important at the time. Then Katrina became a category 3 growing to a category 5. Humankind: 0 Nature: 1 We goofed… It’s a scam! Another example is George Bush’s first term in office. All TV stations said Al Gore won but one station: ‘Fox news’ said George won. Eventually this change made the other stations change their opinion. Who ordered this broadcast? George’s own cousin who works for Fox… that’s who. The killer postman Someone sent a package to someone and it turned into the great plague (further details could not be reached) Ow! My eye!!! At the battle of Hastings if king Harold wasn,t shot in the eye by an arrow, history would be different. See ya on Thursday folks! Credits • Now get ready for… Credits • Now get ready for… Whoever made this is a master of suspense… Apology Because of time and budget limit the author of this powerpoint (me) has decided not to add the credits list. The Vincent crew apologize for the inconvience caused and hoped you have enjoyed looking at this almost completely black screen. Thank You. Just Kidding… • • • • • • • • • • • • Author: Me Crew: Mwa Boss: Yours truly The guy behind the scenes: Vinny The missing person that caused the downfall of 96% of the budget (we borrowed it to him) The town idiot: David HAHAHAHAH My website: The credit writer: The boss boot The guy who is going on and on about the credits: the computer Imaginary person that has nothing to do with this: Gunter (Pronounced: Goon-ter) Website that has nothing to do with the creation of this: Nah. Iv’e Animation: No prizes for guessing… This is going to take a while huh? seen this guy, no imagination, this’ll be short …