User Interface Design Components


User Interface Design


Chapter 11 Handout


To understand principles for navigation and design

To understand principles for input design

To understand principles for output design

To have the ability to design a user interface


Interface design is the process of defining how the users will interact with the system and how that system accepts inputs and produces outputs

Three main mechanisms

– Navigation

– Input

– Output

Don’t forget about the GUI’s

Navigation Design

The goal is to make the system as simple to use—and so that the user hardly gives it any thought

Use the assumption that people will not read manuals

Use typical controls (like installation prompts)

– Use clear controls

Basic Navigation Principles

Prevent mistakes

– Use multiple menus

– Gray out commands

– Confirm important actions

Simplify recovery from mistakes

– Allowing the use of UNDO

Use consistent grammar order



Navigation Controls


– Natural versus programming like SQL

– Use of Office Assistant


– Broad and shallow as opposed to narrow and deep

– One rule—no more than 8 items and 2-3 mouse clicks or keystrokes to execute action

– Grouping by interface objects (Customers, Orders) instead of by action (New, Update, Format)

Direct Manipulation

– Windows Explorer, PowerPoint


Error Messages

– First should explain the problem

– Second, describe how to correct it

– Third, provide button(s) for user response





Polite versus impolite

Avoid humor and negative wording

Input Design

Facilitates the input of data into the system and ???

Basic principles

– Online or batch processing

Can you think of examples for both kinds?

– Capture data at the source

Avoid multiple entry of same info

Can utilize source data automation [examples???]

– Minimize keystrokes

Utilizing default values

Types of Input



Selection box

Input Validation

– Completeness check

– Format check

– Range check

– Check digit check

– Consistency check

– Database check

Output Design

Perhaps the most important part of system design because of its visibility and because of ????

Basic Principles

– Understand report usage

Types of report—all general or specific, real-time or batch—look at business value of the report

– Manage information load

Balance needed information as opposed to all information available

– Minimize bias

Ie utilizing alphabetical or numerical listing

Graphical displays of bar chart information

Types of Outputs

Types of Output

– Reports



Turnaround document


– Media


Electronic—web, CD, others??

Now what?

Well how do you go about actual creating the interface?

Do you just jump right in?

You could but….

User Interface Design Principles

First, user design is an art

You must make the interface

– pleasing to the eye

– simple to use

– Minimize the potential for errors

One of the biggest challenges is managing space

– That is, how do you include all the necessary information without overload the user (well see this in a little bit)

Six Main Principles


Content Awareness


User Experience


Minimal User effort


The interface should be a series of areas on the screen that are used consistency for different purposed

– Top area for commands and navigation

– A middle area for input or output

– Bottom area for status information

Content Awareness

Users should always be aware of where they are in the system and what information is being displayed

Including titles, and location menu

– Ie Home>>GBA 577>>Lecture Slides

Also applies to form/field labels

– Proper date formatting MM/DD/YYYY


Interfaces should be functional and inviting to users through careful use of white space, colors, and fonts

Be careful of trade off concerning white space

Try to keep density of form low

Design of text should be kept to same size and type

– 10 point font is often preferred and no less than 8 point

– Serif font best for printed reports, sans serif better for computer screens, headings

Color and patterns should be used carefully and sparing (10% of men are colorblind)—but of course there are always exceptions

– Be careful of high contrast in colors

User Experience

Although ease of use and ease of learning often lead to similar design decisions, there is another tradeoff

– Trying to negotiate between experienced users and novices (ie difference between full and partial menus)

Ease of learning – how quickly users can learn new systems

Ease of use – how quickly users can use the system once they have learned it


Enables users to predict what will happened before they perform the function

Trying to make programs simulate windows or macs

Trying to make web interfaces similar to other models (Amazon)

Try to use consistent terminology

– Customer versus client

– Use the same terms/field names for both forms and reports

Minimal User Effort

Making the interface easy to use, actions should be no more than 3 clicks away

User Interface Design Process


Use Scenario Development


Interface Structure Design


Interface Standards Design


Interface Design Prototyping


Interface Evaluation

Use Scenario Development

An outline of the steps that the users perform to accomplish some part of their work

Think of the library project

– Some users may need to find specific information

– Others may need more general search results

One helpful tool is to think of processes and use modeling tools

Interface Structure Design

Defines the basic components of the interface and how they work together to provide functionality to the users.

This is similar to modeling in the user scenario—except that you draw out how each menu/screen is related to each other

Most similar to a Data Flow Diagram


Specific Interface Standards

Interface Metaphors

– Using a real world concept as a model for a computer system

Paper form or table

Online version of a check

Interface Objects

– Applying an understandable name to the fundamental building blocks of a system

Shopping cart example

Interface Actions

– Specifies the navigation and command style (menus), and grammar

Interface Icons

– Be careful as some icons are not intuitive

Interface Templates

– Designing the same appearance for each different page in the system

Interface Design Prototyping

A mock-up or simulation of a computer screen, form, or report.

– Storyboard

Hand-drawn pictures of what the screens will look like

– HTML Prototype

– Language Prototype

How do you select which technique?

Interface Evaluation

The objective is to understand how to improve the design of the system before it is completed.

There are four main common approaches

– Heuristic evaluation

– Walk-Through evaluation

– Interactive evaluation

– Formal usability testing

Heuristic Evaluation

Examines the interfaces by comparing it to a set of heuristics or principles of interface design.

– Checked separately by at least three members of the project team and then meet together to compare answers

Walk-Through Evaluation

A meeting conducted with users who will ultimately have to operate the system

This usually occurs in the interface design prototyping stage

Interface Evaluation

Users work individually with a member of the project team on a prototype of the model and discuss what their likes/dislikes

Provides additional information or missing functionality

Formal Usability Testing

Generally some type of scientific testing process that mostly can only be done with language prototypes

Can include surveys, video camera recording

It is very expensive and must include more than 5 users, but not really more than 10


At this point you should be able to

Understand the navigation, input, and output design principles and techniques

Understand the fundamental user interface design principles.

Understand the process of user interface design

Understand how to design the user interface structure

Understand how to design the user interface standards
