NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ARUNACHAL PRADESH, YUPIA, Pin-791112 (Established by MHRD, Govt. of India) Website :, Fax No: (0360) 2284972 E-Mail: / Exercises Proposed for teaching in (Jan – June, 2015 Semester) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of the Teacher : Dr. Dipak Sen Department : Mechanical Engineering Course Title : Fluid Mechanics-II Course code : ME403 Course Hands out (in reference to framed & approved syllabus) (maximum 500 words) COURSE OUTLINE Sub Code: ME403 Faculty Name: Dr. Dipak Sen Chapters UNIT I UNIT II UNIT III Topics to be covered Total Hrs: 36 Hrs/Week: 03 No. of Hrs Boundary Layer Theory: Navier-Stokes equation Laminar and Turbulent boundary Layer thickness Blasius Equation von Karman’s momentum equation Total drag due to Laminar layers on flat plate Total drag due to turbulent layers on flat plate Separation of boundary layer and it’s control Numerical problems Forces on submerged bodies: Drag and lift on a stationary body by flowing fluid Expression for drag and lift and dimensional analysis Streamlined and Bluff, Drag on a sphere Drag on a cylinder Terminal velocity of a body, lift on a airfoil Potential flow: source, sink Doublet, Rankine oval Lift on rotating cylinder Numerical problems Compressible flow of Gas dynamics: Thermodynamic relations, continuity equation Bernoulli’s equation and momentum equation Velocity of sound in fluid, Mach no. propagation of pressure waves in a compressible fluid-Machangle, zone of action and silence, Stagnation properties, Area-velocity relationship for compressible flow Flow of compressible fluid through nozzles-maximum mass flow rate Total Hrs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 08 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 09 1 1 1 07 1 1 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ARUNACHAL PRADESH, YUPIA, Pin-791112 (Established by MHRD, Govt. of India) Website :, Fax No: (0360) 2284972 E-Mail: / and its variation, mass flow rate of compressible fluid through venturimeter, pitot-static tube Normal and oblique shock waves Numerical problems 1 1 Hydraulic turbines: Impulse and reaction turbines Pelton, Francis turbines Kaplan and Propeller turbines Turbine efficiencies, turbine specific speed Numerical problems Numerical problems Pumps: Ducted and open pumps, centrifugal pump Pump efficiency, performance curves Net positive suction head, pumps in series and parallel Scaling laws – specific speed, affinity laws. Axial pumps Numerical problems Numerical problems 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UNIT IV 6. Books/Literature to be followed: (a) Books (Min. 2 texts + 3 references) (i) Title : Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines Author : S. K. Som, Gautam Biswas and Suman Chakraborty Publisher : Tata Mcgraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd. Edition : Third (ii) Title Author Publisher Edition : Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines : Sukumar Pati : Tata Mcgraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd. : First (iii) Title Author Publisher Edition : Fluid Mechanics : F. M. White : Tata Mcgraw-Hill : sixth (iv) Title Author Publisher Edition : Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics : B. R. Munson, D. F. Young and T.H. Okhiishi : Wiley India Edition : Fifth (v) Title : Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals & Applications 12 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ARUNACHAL PRADESH, YUPIA, Pin-791112 (Established by MHRD, Govt. of India) Website :, Fax No: (0360) 2284972 E-Mail: / Author Publisher Edition : Y. A. Cengel and J. M. Chimbala : Tata Mcgraw-Hill : Third (b) Magazines/Journals (Minimum 5) (i) International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. (ii) ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering. (iii) Experiments in Fluids. (iv) Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (v) Pumps & Systems. (vi) World Pumps (vii) Hydraulics & Pneumatics. 7. Mode of Teaching: J.C Bose/S. N. Bose (please tick). 8. If the course is of practices, list the experiments to be offered. (i) To make a comparison between the theoretical and practical force of the liquid jet that is issuing out of the nozzle. (ii) Plotting of pump Characteristic Curves for a Single Pump. (iii) Plotting of pump Characteristic Curves for a Series Pumps. (iv) Plotting of pump Characteristic Curves for a Parallel Pumps. (v) Study of turbine characteristic curves for Pelton Turbine. (vi) Study of turbine characteristic curves for Francis Turbine Are the manuals ready for the experiments to be conducted? Yes/No (please tick) If “No”, the reasons there of and fixing responsibility Remarks/ Endorsement by the HoD With his /her signature with date Name of the Teacher: Dr. Dipak Sen Designation: Assistant Professor Signature with Date: 14/12/2015