Instructions for Certificates for Reading the Bible and Taking Quizzes RATIONALE A knowledge of the Bible is very important for a person’s life. The Psalmist wrote “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” Even Jesus used the word of God in resisting temptation. The Psalmist also wrote that God’s word was a “lamp unto his feet and a light unto his path.” In other words the word of God can guide us and lead us. Hosea wrote that “my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” This certificate program will definitely aid a person in their walk with God. CERTIFICATE REQUIREMENTS 1. On the website read each chapter of the Bible. Whereas the scriptures on the website are in the King James version, you can select other versions if you wish. 2. Answer the review questions at the end of each chapter. 3. Take the quizzes that come up periodically. Each book of the Bible has at least one multiple-choice quiz with the exception of 2 & 3 John, which are combined into one quiz. Many of the books of the Bible have several quizzes. There are a total of 120 quizzes 4. Write down your score for each quiz. 5. To receive a certificate your average score on the quizzes must be at least 70%. 6. There are three certificates. A. Old Testament part 1 (Genesis – Esther) B. Old Testament part 2 (Job – Malachi) C. New Testament (Matthew – Revelation) They do not have to be taken in order. For example one could start with the New Testament. Instructions 1. Go to and you will see on the homepage at the right a picture of a Bible. 2. Click on “Quicklinks to the right of the Bible Picture 3. In the dropdown list click on “Review Questions” which will take you to a page called “Bible Courses.” An alternate way is to select a Bible Reading schedule by clicking on “Reading schedules.” This is probably only best if you start doing this at the first of the year. 4. At the center of the page you will see more drop down lists from which you can select scriptures and review questions for either the Old or New Testament books. 5. Click on either the dropdown list for the Old Testament or the New Testament to find the Book of the Bible that you desire to read. For this example I will click on the dropdown list corresponding to the Old Testament and select Genesis 6. Then click on Go and it will take you to a short description of Genesis and the scriptures You will note that for some versions you can listen as you read if you wish. Just click on the highlighted version and then the sound symbol. Many other versions of the Bible can be read on 7. Read the entire chapter and at the end of the chapter you will find the review questions for the chapter that you have just read. Sometimes there are also discussion questions. If you don’t know the answer to a review question you will find a number in parenthesis, which will give you the verses in which the answer is found. 8. Repeat the process until you come to something after chapter 11 that looks like: If you are still not sure of the answers to the review questions click on “Answers ..” If you are ready to take the quiz, click on “Quiz……” which will take you to the following: All quizzes are Multiple choice. Select the correct choice by clicking on the circle to the right of the letter of the correct choice. If you select the correct choice the computer will cheer if you have the sound on. If you select an incorrect choice the computer will groan. 9. When you have finished answering all the questions you will see the following box: 10. Click on the “OK” button and it will take you to the Quiz Result page. Look for the right answers row, which give the % correct. In this example one question was missed and the resulting percentage score was 95%. 11. The 95 must be entered in the “Form to Record Scores” or into the Excel spread sheets that will be provided when you sign up for the “Certificate” program.” 12. Move on to the next chapter of the Bible and repeat the above process. 13.The following is a sample certificate, which would be on 8 ½ x 11 paper. If a husband and wife read the Bible together, the Certificate would be made out to “John and Mary Doe.” Or if the family reads the Bible and takes the quizzes together in their family devotion the Certificate would be made out to “The John Doe Family.”