Where are you in your spiritual journey? Every human being is on a spiritual journey. We ponder the origins of the universe and wonder if life has any true purpose. Some follow religious systems thrust upon them by force. Their path is good works and blind allegiance. Some use their personal freedom for self-indulgence with no care or thought of anything beyond themselves. Still others are swayed by human philosophy, where truth is relative and situational. Some choose agnosticism, because they doubt a God would allow suffering, and others choose to totally reject any concept of God and identify themselves as atheist. They settle in their minds that there is no God, yet their basic questions remain and new ones arise. If there is no God, then why be good? If life is the result of random, unexplained spontaneous processes, what is the meaning of life? If there is no Creator, why not fulfill every lust of the human nature without any concern for consequences? Even science has become an adversary to faith, but what if they actually compliment one other? Modern scientists assume there must be an answer that precludes any divine involvement. Any evidence of an intelligent designer is rejected and any deviation from the presumptions of the scientific elite is called ignorance. Yet, legitimate scientific questions remain. How did order form out of chaos? How did billions of random processes over billions of years evolve into a universe and a unique planet that sustains so many interrelated life forms with the right atmosphere? Why do we base our theories on thousands of assumptions that cannot be measured by the scientific method? Why does everything, even down to the complexities of the human DNA all appear to be the work of an intelligent designer? Is there a God? Has He revealed Himself? Is there absolute Truth? Do all religions lead to the same God? Do all religions teach the same thing? How do you discover these answers? Are they worth exploring? Have you ever questioned what you believe? How do you know what you believe is true? The Journey of Discovery is a tool for you to explore the basic claims of biblical faith with someone on the same journey. They have found the evidence of the Bible compelling and a relationship with Jesus genuine. Their role is to listen and to understand the obstacles you face. They may not know all the answers, but they are willing to seek them with you. Are you a SEEKER? A seeker is someone who is open to spiritual things. They still have obstacles to faith, but God is drawing them and they want answers. A seeker is willing to explore what the Bible says, but they want to ask their questions without feeling like they are being judged. We understand. Your life experiences may have left you skeptical. You may have doubts about the authenticity of the Bible. You may see those who claim to be Christians as hypocrites. What about other religions? What about science? Our greatest desire is for you to know and love God, so we are willing to open up our lives to you. No question is off limits. You have been given this booklet by someone who cares about you. They have a relationship with God, through Jesus Christ. They may not have all the answers, but they are ready to help you find them. We have also found www.truelife.org to be a great resource. This sites hosts quality videos, which examine the self-authenticating claims of the Bible from a historical, logical, philosophical, and scientific perspective. 1 A Journey of Discovery Will you give us 4 weeks to explore the claims of Scripture? Will you make the following commitments? Read 1 chapter a day from the Gospel of John. Write down your questions and thoughts. There are 21 chapters, so you will have 21 days with Jesus. You will discover who Jesus said He was/is and you will have to decide if you believe it. Was He just a good man or a good teacher, or was He truly the Son of God? In the last week, you will walk the Romans Road. Then, it’s up to you to decide. Meet with your discipleship partner at least once a week for an hour to discuss what you have read and ask your questions. There are five main discovery questions. Use them to focus on the meaning of each passage and to gain understanding and perspective. Critique what the Bible says and evaluate it for yourself. Watch at least one video a week from www.truelife.org and seek answers to your questions. Examine the evidence with an open mind. Explore the site to find more answers! If you are willing to make these 3 commitments, we are willing to join you in your Journey of Discovery. There are no strings attached. If you reject the claims of Christ, we will still love you. You are not obligated to go any further. If the door is still open, we will walk with you for however long it takes or however long you are willing. If not, we will respect your decision and continue to pray that door will open again in the future. Will you embark on this Journey of Discovery? Sign and commit with your discipleship partner. _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Make a Plan! Pick a time and place for your first meeting. Choose a location where your discussion will be free of unnecessary distractions. Do you have a Bible for the journey? Let’s begin with an Overview of the Bible. See the Timeline in the appendix. It is God who supernaturally spoke everything into existence out of nothing. It is God who is the Author and Sustainer of life by His divine power. It is through God, we live and move and have our being. You see, when God formed our universe, God created man different than every other living thing. He uniquely created man in His own image, to mirror His attributes. 1) He gave us a spiritual capacity, which means we can know God and be known by Him in ways that plants and animals do not. 2) He gave us a moral capacity to choose the good over the bad, rather than just living by instinct. 3) He gave us a rational capacity to logically think through details and solve problems. 4) He gave us a creative capacity to use our imagination, to dream, and to live in awe of His wonders. 5) He also gave us a relational capacity to communicate and relate with Him, with other people, and with the created order. We were created to be at peace within ourselves, because we were right with God. This is why the Bible says it was good! 2 If the complexity of the universe was the result of a Big Bang with billions of years of random processes, where did matter and energy originate? How did order evolve from disorder, when the laws of nature teach the opposite is true? How did such complex atmospheric, ecological and biological systems develop, all at the same time to allow life to exist? Why do we exist? Why are we different than every other living being? Only the Bible answers these questions with scientifically verifiable facts. Our universe clearly displays the evidence of a Creator, beginning with the genetic code in our DNA. Therefore, if everything in the universe was made by God and belongs to God, are we not His as well? Has this Creator revealed Himself to us? If so, are we not accountable to Him? What is the purpose of our lives? What does the future hold? These answers are all found in the Bible. The Bible can be broken down into 4 main plot movements: a. The Creation: God reveals Himself as the Author of the universe. We lived in perfect unity with God. b. Our Fall: Man rebels against God. The curse of sin is suffering and death. Our unique capacities are corrupted by sin. c. His Redemption: The Bible reveals God’s plan to atone for sin through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are reconciled to God through Jesus, by grace and through faith. d. His Promised Return: Jesus will reward those whom He has made righteous and punish the rebellious. The curse of sin will be over and we will reign with Jesus Christ in a new heaven and new earth. Of course, there are a lot of details in between, but these provide the framework to understand the redemptive work of God. In each plot movement, Jesus is the central character. In creation, everything was by Him, through Him, and for Him. Jesus was the promised Messiah for whom people longed to see for centuries. Jesus became flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus died on the cross in our place as a sacrifice for our sin. Jesus arose from the dead. Jesus promised to return. The story of the Bible is about Jesus! The Bible is comprised of 66 books and is divided into the 39 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament. It was written by about 40 different authors under the inspiration of God and its history has been authenticated by archeology and secular historians over and over again. The Bible has been the most scrutinized compilation of writings in the history of man and its accuracy and authenticity are well documented. In Genesis, it was God who gave us the ability to make choices with our lives, based on our unique capacities. For there to be true choice, God had to allow the natural consequences of our choices to unfold. The Bible says that man chose to rebel against God’s authority and sin against Him. Therefore, sin tainted our unique capacities to relate to God and to the created order. We now live under the penalty or curse of sin, which is death. We continue to see the effects of sin (disease, poverty, suffering, etc.) because God continues to allow us to make choices and to live independent of Him. For God to put an end to the consequences of sin, He must also put an end to our ability to make sinful choices. This means what you value most, your freedom to choose your own way, must also be eliminated. In the end, God will put an end to sin. When that day arrives, and Jesus returns, it will be too late for those who have rejected His forgiveness. Therefore, we are to share His redemptive plan with others, so they can be saved from the consequences of sin through repentance and faith. Because of the nature and character of God, He has taken sin very seriously throughout history. He is a righteous judge who has punished wickedness in various ways at various times. He caused a great flood to envelope the earth during the days of Noah. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire during the time of Abraham. Yet, God has continually shown grace and mercy to those who believe Him by faith, who love Him by obeying His commands, and who submit to His authority. The Old Testament reveals that God is a covenant keeping God. He keeps His promises. God chose Abraham as the seed from which the Messiah would come. God made a covenant with Abraham and promised a special land in which his descendants would inhabit. In fact, most of the Old Testament tells the story of the children of Israel and their relationship to God. Have you heard the stories of Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph? These men lived by faith! They believed God and despite their flaws, God fulfilled His promises through them. By the providence of God, the children of Israel went to Egypt to escape famine. Eventually, they were enslaved. It was Moses, whom God called and equipped to lead them out of Egypt. Through the burning bush God revealed Himself and His plan to deliver His people. God displayed His power with amazing signs and wonders. He caused 10 plagues to fall upon the Egyptians, and Moses led them through the Red Sea. In the final plague, all those who had the blood of a lamb on their door did not lose their firstborn son. This is why the Jewish people celebrate the Passover. It memorialized the promise of God to provide the forgiveness of sin through the Messiah. On the cross, Jesus was our Passover lamb. Through the Exodus, God renews His covenant to the children of Israel and He gives them His Laws, so that they know how to follow Him based His holiness. His first commands are to love Him and not worship any other gods or idols. He institutes a 3 sacrificial system. Every aspect of the tabernacle worship pointed to Jesus as the atoning sacrifice of sin. This begins a process where they come to know God by experience. Despite His presence and provision, the people often grumbled and complained to God, Rebellion and unbelief were a continual pattern. Therefore, they wondered in the desert for 40 years. God led them to take possession of the Promised Land through Joshua, and He again displayed His mighty power. The inhabitants of the land were extremely wicked. Because they were so perverse, and followed false gods, God uses the nation of Israel to be the tool of His judgment. Remember, God takes sin seriously. The Israelites did not fully obey God or complete the task He gave them. They intermarried into these cultures and were led astray to follow their false gods. They did what was right in their own eyes, which led to suffering. When the people repented of their sins and turned to God, God would send a judge to deliver them. Then, after a time of peace, the people would sin again and turn against God. This cycle continued for over 300 years. Eventually, the Israelites asked God for a King to lead their nation. God sends Samuel to anoint Saul. He was tall and handsome, just like the people wanted, but he was selfish. The next King was David, with whom God again makes a covenant. The Messiah is from the line and lineage of David. His son, Solomon built the temple. From David and Solomon come most of the poetic writings of the Bible, where the wisdom of God is revealed and the worship of God is expressed. From these foundations, most of the kings of Israel do not follow after God. God sends prophets to remind them of His holiness and calls them to repent of their sins. The prophets foretell the details of the Messiah and share glimpses of the final judgment of God. They also predict the Kingdom to split, to be conquered, and the Jewish people to be captured and sent into exile. All these occur. The Northern Kingdom fell to the Assyrians around 722 BC. The Southern Kingdom is conquered by the Babylonians around 586 BC. God discipline is to teach them about Himself and their need of a Savior. In Daniel, many more prophecies are made, which all come true! This authenticates the Scriptures are from God. It is through Ezra and Nehemiah the walls of Jerusalem are rebuilt and the temple and the sacrificial system are restored. When the New Testament begins, God has been silent for 400 years. The children of Israel had learned valuable lessons about the seriousness of sin, but most had turned faith into a legalistic system of works. The Pharisees were the religious rulers who used the Levitical Law as a means to gain righteousness. When Jesus takes on flesh and dwelt among us, He condemns religious people who were self-righteous. We are justified by faith. It was never about rules! The first 4 books of the New Testament are called the Gospels. They tell the story of Jesus from different perspectives. His life, teaching and ministry are documented, as well as His death, burial, and resurrection. The book of Acts tells the story of the early church, as the Disciples of Jesus share the Good News, empowered by the Holy Spirit. The rest of the New Testament is comprised of letters written by Apostles to specific people and the local churches where the Gospel had spread. These letters were corrective in nature and rebuked false teaching and while affirming doctrinal Truth. When John wrote the book of Revelations, detailing end times, the canon of Scripture was complete. The early Church only accepted the authentic works and rejected the letters they considered fake. The copies of these manuscripts were widely distributed and the availability of so many of them, prove that the story of the New Testament has not been changed or altered over time. It would be impossible to destroy and replace all those copies. This is what is so amazing about grace (receiving something we do not deserve). God is not only omnipotent (all powerful), He is also omniscient (all knowing). Therefore, He knew we would rebel against Him and choose our own way before He created us. He determined to take the shame of the cross and the penalty of sin before the creation of the world. He loved us and throughout history He has pursued us! We are saved by grace, through faith. It is the gift of God. We were shown mercy (we did not receive what we did deserve). He poured out His own wrath (Justice) on Himself at the cross. He bore the curse of sin, in our place. He was the atoning sacrifice for our sin. This was His plan from the beginning and we will have eternal life in Heaven when Jesus returns! God keeps His promises. The END! 4 A Journey of Discovery Week 1: John 1-7 Basic Discovery Questions: What does the text say about God? What did you learn about mankind/yourself? What did you enjoy or appreciate in the text? What troubled you in the text? What did you not understand? Observations & Questions Day 1: Chapter 1 Go to www.truelife.org and click on the Answers tab at the top. Choose the videos on God. Watch these short videos and write down your questions. Day 2: Chapter 2 Day 3: Chapter 3 Day 4: Chapter 4 Day 5: Chapter 5 Day 6: Chapter 6 5 Day 7: Chapter 7 NUGGET: As you read the Gospel of John, you will see that God reveals Himself as a complex unity. He is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. He is one God, yet He displays His nature in 3 Persons. All are co-equal and eternal, without beginning or end. The names of God relate the relationship of each Person within the Godhead. Respond to this statement: “16For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.” John 3:16-18 1st Meeting Connect: Discuss: Focus: How are you? What are your questions and observations? Review these 3 passages. Write down any new insights below. Jesus is God: John 1:1-14 Jesus gives spiritual birth: John 3:1-21 Jesus is Living Water: John 4:1-30 6 A Journey of Discovery Week 2: John 8-14 Basic Discovery Questions: What does the text say about God? What did you learn about mankind/yourself? What did you enjoy or appreciate in the text? What troubled you in the text? What did you not understand? Observations & Questions Day 1: Chapter 8 Go to www.truelife.org and click on the Answers tab at the top. Choose the videos on EVIL. Watch these short videos and write down your questions. Day 2: Chapter 9 Day 3: Chapter 10 Day 4: Chapter 11 Day 5: Chapter 12 7 Day 6: Chapter 13 Day 7: Chapter 14 NUGGET: God is infinite, so He cannot be fully explained our understood, yet we can know Him and identify with Him in the ways He has described Himself. Our attempt to define God, based on human wisdom, falls short and is insufficient. God defines Himself. The Gospel of John is a beautiful picture of the unity and submission within the Persons of the Godhead. If God were actually three different gods, then they would be competing for supremacy from one another, but this is not true. There is no division because God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are of the same essence and substance, yet God functions in 3 distinct ways. He is THREE in ONE. Respond to this statement: Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 2nd Meeting Connect: Discuss: Focus: How are you? What are your questions and observations? Review these 3 passages. Write down any new insights below. Jesus is the Good Shepherd: John 10:1-21 Jesus is the Resurrection & the Life: John 11:1-44 Jesus is the Servant: John 13:1-17 8 A Journey of Discovery Week 3: John 15-21 Basic Discovery Questions: What does the text say about God? What did you learn about mankind/yourself? What did you enjoy or appreciate in the text? What troubled you in the text? What did you not understand? Observations & Questions Day 1: Chapter 15 Go to www.truelife.org and click on the Answers tab at the top. Choose the videos on Jesus. Watch these videos. Write down your questions. Day 2: Chapter 16 Day 3: Chapter 17 Day 4: Chapter 18 Day 5: Chapter 19 Day 6: Chapter 20 9 Day 7: Chapter 21 NUGGET: If Jesus was not God, then He did not rise from the dead. The Bible even says in 1 Corinthians 15 that if Jesus did not rise from the dead, then the teaching of Christ and faith in Him are useless. It also says we are then false witnesses about God. Our faith in Christ is futile and we are still in our sin. However, if Jesus is God and He did rise from the dead, then that changes everything! We are now accountable to Him as God and everything He said is absolutely true. Respond to this statement: Jesus answered, “You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this reason I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” John 18:37 3rd Meeting Connect: Discuss: Focus: How are you? What are your questions and observations? Review these 3 passages. Write down any new insights below. Jesus is the Vine: John 15:1-17 Jesus is the atoning sacrifice for sin: John 19 Jesus is the risen Lord: John 20-21 10 A Journey of Discovery Week 4: The Romans road In your final week, your quest for TRUTH will take you through some selected passages from the book of Romans. Ponder these verses carefully and discuss them with your discipleship partner at your final meeting. The book of Romans is a letter to the church in Rome from the Apostle Paul. His given name was actually Saul. He was a strict Jewish Pharisee (a religious zealot). As Saul, he persecuted Christians and rejected Christ. Then, he met Jesus on the road to Damascus and his life was never the same. God even changed his name to Paul. You can read his story in Acts 9. In Romans, Paul describes salvation from a historical perspective with which the Jewish people could identify. The bottom line is that righteousness is not earned based on following the Law or by good works. It is given from God on the basis of faith, based on what Jesus did on the cross for all who believe in His name. Basic Discovery Questions: What does the text say about God? What did you learn about mankind/yourself? What did you enjoy or appreciate in the text? What troubled you in the text? What did you not understand? Observations & Questions Day 1: Romans 1:1-18 Go to www.truelife.org and click on the Answers tab at the top. Choose the videos on DEATH and Salvation. What is your response or questions? Day 2: Romans 3:21-31 Day 3: Romans 5:1-11 Day 4: Romans 6:15-23 11 Day 5: Romans 10:1-15 Day 6: Romans 12:1-3 Go to www.truelife.org and click on the Answers tab at the top. Choose the video on Heaven. What is your response or questions? Day 7: Ephesians 2:1-9 4th Meeting Connect: Discuss: Focus: How are you? What are your questions and observations? What is God doing in you? Are you convinced that Jesus is God’s Son and that He died on the cross in your place, for your sin? Do you believe He arose from the dead triumphant over sin & death, so that you can have eternal life? Are you broken you over your sin? Are you repentant? Have you placed your faith in Christ as your only hope for eternal life and heaven? Are you ready to follow (submit & obey) Jesus as King? If you answered yes, then let’s continue First Steps. If not, are you willing to continue the journey in First Steps to discover what it means to follow Jesus? If you are not ready and are unwilling to continue, we accept your decision. We are here to continue the journey when you are ready. 12