n9g *toolbox

What is the N9G Tool Box?
• The N9G tool box provides the field with helpful information
on a wide range of subjects.
• The tool box provides information to CNIC Regions &
Installations; keeping them “audit-ready” at all times.
• We have provided each of you with a tool box, just make sure
as we provide you a tool monthly, you keep it in your tool box!
Topics that will be filling your Tool Box
Cost of Goods Sold
Cash & Cash Handling
Managers Financial Review
NAF Personnel
Assets Inventory
Facility Managers/Supervisors
Did you ever wonder how this “MWR” “NGIS” thing really works?
Who is responsible for everything? Who is held accountable? Who can recommend
changes? Who is suppose to learn all this stuff? Who teaches the other folks that
work under me?
Easy……. The answer is YOU! Look in the mirror; YOU make the difference no matter
what position you hold.
Look at it this way…..
If you are a Facility Manager,
you should run your facility as if it were your own business
outside the gate
Facility Managers/Supervisors
 Facility Managers Duties & Responsibilities:
Annual Budget preparation
Scheduling of employees
Hiring of employees
Ensure proper stock levels are maintained at all times
Train employees
Discipline employees if needed
Approve/Disapprove leave
Complete daily paperwork & submit to the accounting office
Complete Inventories
Track Revenue
Justify expenses
Monitor employee progress
Monitor facility
Listen to customers
Implement valued customer ideas
Review & validate monthly financials statements
Monthly Financials
Start with logging into CITRIX and then log into SAP
Since sometimes it’s hard to remember everything, here is a cheat sheet for logging into
Ensure 01. Production(PR2) via
NMCI is highlighted and click on
the Log on button.
Monthly Financials
If you need to change your
password, click on the
New Password Icon.
Enter User Name
that you were given
Enter your password and hit
the “Enter” Key on your
Monthly Financials
This is the initial screen and where you will always begin your SAP sessions.
There are several area’s within SAP that you will go frequently so you will now create a
Monthly Financials
1. Click on Favorites on the menu bar across the top
2. Scroll down to “Insert Transaction and click
Monthly Financials
You will see KSBB show up under Favorites and you will see a confirmation that the
Node was added to your favorites.
Now double click on KSBB
Type in the box
provided KSBB – This
is for running the
majority of reports
you will be looking
Click on the “Green
Check Mark”
Monthly Financials
• This screen shows you various reports under KSBB
• You will be most interested in Summary Operations Statement, so lets “click” on that
1. Click on
2.Then click the green
check mark
Monthly Financials
Fiscal Year
Period: October is 1,
November is 2, December
is 3, etc.
Cost Center Group:
For those not a part of a single fund:
Enter the company code -101 (1001101) you now see all of the cost
centers. Select the appropriate cost
center. If you are a part of a Regional
Fund enter your cost center;
node/group number (1199-208)
Then click the green checkmark
Monthly Financials
Your screen should now look like this!
Monthly Financials
Or this, if you are a Regional Fund
•What should you be looking for?
Monthly Financials
 Ensure all debit balance and credit balance accounts are correct
 Review the COGS by individual locations (review November tool box).
Investigate any variances < > 10% from the prior month
 Research any Anomalies
 Research if there are any dramatic changes from one month to another
 Validate that all expenses posted for the month actually belong in your
cost code
 Verify that the month end inventory numbers are correct; investigate
overages and shortages
 Don’t forget to look at your Payroll Expenses – Revenue to Labor and
Labor to Expenses.
Monthly Financials
To see the detail for a posting double click on the account then double click on Cost Centers: Actual
line items . That will show you everything that made up the total shown on the Executive Summary.
See Below:
Monthly Financials
After you double click you
should then see the detailed
information of the account.
As an example, in this account
you would want to validate and
question debit balances and
Monthly Financials
Always look at your
over/short accounts 812000
and 912000 to ensure all
discrepancies have been
researched and addressed.
Go to FBL3N (where you
previously put in KSBB) and
retrieve reports by general
ledger account number
Monthly Financials
This allows you to look at all
items for a specific period for
812000 and 912000.
If you have any questions
about Over/Short Accounts go
back to the Cash Handling
Tool Box.
Monthly Financials
Ensure you investigate
Cash Overages and
Shortages over the
allowable limit for
your Region or if a
single cashier/location
is over/short daily;
weekly; biweekly.
Look for trends
Monthly Financials
 One
of the most useful reports is the Executive Summary Rolling 12 months.
 To refresh your memory if needed, go to
slide 10!
• Enter the fiscal year, period and cost
center group.
• Go to T Code - KSBB
• Analytical Reports Field
• Double Click on Detailed Summary
Rolling 12
Monthly Financials
• This report gives you the big picture of what your facility has been doing for the
past 12 months.
• Look across the months to see the variations or inconsistencies!
Monthly Financials
Did you find discrepancies?
 Investigate the problem, look for a valid reason for large changes in
Revenue and Expenses
 Immediately notify the Regional Business Office of any discrepancies
 Work with the Regional Business Office to substantiate or explain
Do you need the link to NAF Accounts or other information?
•Click on resources
•Click on Finance
•Click on HQ Central Fund AIMS Accounting
Monthly Financials
Hopefully this information was helpful to you.
If you have questions or concerns relating to this tool or any other information feel
free to contact your Fiscal Oversight team at 901-874-6697 or e-mail