Unit 2

Unit 2: Exploring Relationships
Between Variables
Our Learning Goals:
We will:
Make scatterplots by hand and with the use of technology.
Describe an association between two variables.
Calculate the Least Squares Regression Line
Predict the response variable given the explanatory.
Interpret the slope of LSRL in context of the problem.
Transform curved graphs.
Why do we study this?
 We compare the relationship between two variable to find
possible linear relationships.
 Businesses use linear regression to analyze cost to profit ratios.
 When data is not linear, much like real world situations, we
will transform it to be able to make predictions.
How we will show what we have
Formative Assessments
Ongoing formative
assessments during
lesson and homework
activities will help in
monitoring learning
and providing
feedback for students.
Sample Problem:
Given the scatterplot,
residual plot, and regression
analysis of the number of
games won by National
League baseball teams and
the average attendance at
their home games for the first
half of the season, if the
Texas Rangers won 55 games
and averaged 38, 988 fans
at their home games,
calculate the residual for the
Texas Rangers’ first half of the
Additional Support:
Summative Assessments
Summative assessments to
measure learning at the end of
concepts will include the
 Free Response Test: Exploring
Relationships Between
 Lab: Exploring Relationships
Between Variables
 Unit 2 District-wide Exam
Check the teacher web
page and Canvas page
for notes, activities, and
Search the topic on the
web. We recommend
using Kahn Academy.
Attend tutorials.
Questions? Please contact your AP Statistics teacher.
We look forward to a great year!
--Your EMS-ISD AP Statistics Team