Community Service

Community Service
Stephanie Schleiger
What is Service Learning?
• Service-learning is a method of teaching, learning and
reflecting that combines academic classroom curriculum
with meaningful service, frequently youth service,
throughout the community.
• As a teaching methodology, it falls under the philosophy of
experiential education.
• More specifically, it integrates meaningful community
service with instruction and reflection to enrich the
learning experience, teach civic responsibility, encourage
lifelong civic engagement, and strengthen communities for
the common good.
Works Cited:
• Community Service Act of 199, which authorized the Learn and Serve
America grant program, defines service-learning as:
"a method under which students or participants learn and develop through
active participation in thoughtfully organized service that is conducted in
and meets the needs of a community; is coordinated with an elementary
school, secondary school, institution of higher education, or community
service program, and with the community; and helps foster civic
responsibility; and that is integrated into and enhances the academic
curriculum of the students, or the educational components of the
community service program in which the participants are enrolled; and
provides structured time for the students or participants to reflect on the
service experience."
Work Cited:
What are the benefits of service
Benefits for Youth Participants:
Youth who participate in high-quality community-based servicelearning are likely to benefit in a number of ways: Increased access
to the range of supports and opportunities they need to grow up
healthy, caring, and responsible.
Increased sense of self-efficacy, as young people learn that they can
impact real social challenges, problems, and needs.
Higher academic achievement and interest in furthering their
Enhanced problem-solving skills, ability to work in teams, and planning
Enhanced civic engagement attitudes, skills and behaviors.
Works Cited:
Benefits for Youth Development
Youth development organizations and after-school programs that use
service-learning can benefit from this strategy in a number of
ways: Young people are more likely to stay engaged when they feel their
participation is meaningful and they can make useful contributions.
Service-learning gives an intentional strategy for addressing goals for
learning and personal development through civic engagement and
community service.
Service-learning can cultivate connections between the organization,
schools, higher education, and other community groups.
Service-learning can increase program staff and volunteers’ level of
engagement, leadership capacity, and satisfaction with their work.
Service-learning reinforces effective youth development practices,
providing young people with, among other things, appropriate structure,
supportive relationships, opportunities to belong, positive social norms,
opportunities for skill building; and integration of family, school, and
community efforts.
Works Cited:
Benefits to Organizations that Utilize
Young People as Volunteers
Community-based organizations that engage young people in
service and service-learning point to the following kinds of
benefits: The opportunity to expand their mission and reach
without substantially increasing costs by engaging a cadre of
competent, motivated young people.
New energy, ideas, and enthusiasm as well as specialized skills that
young people can bring to the organization.
Increased public support and visibility in the community as young
people become ambassadors for the agency in their schools,
homes, and other networks.
New partnerships and resources.
A new generation of volunteers for their own organization or cause.
Works Cited:
My Community Service
• I helped volunteer at the Boys and Girls Club
Womanless Beauty Pageant.
• I helped to dress the contestants and helped
clean up afterwards.
• The pageant was created to help raise money
for the club.
Here are some of the contestants I helped dress.
This was the talent part of the Pageant
Here are the winners of the Pageant.
More Community Service
• I also participated in the Relay for Life in Peach
• What I did:
– set up bags
– walked
– helped put up and take down a booth.
This was the start of the walk
These are the bags I helped set up.
This was the booth I helped set up.
I helped make this sign for the booth.
That’s me in the white shirt walking.
What did I learn from Volunteering?
• It was a good experience.
• It was a great way to meet and help people in
the community.
• I had lots of fun while helping the community.
• These experiences had made me want to
volunteer more.
• I recommend volunteering to everyone!
The End!