Aims of the Accommodation Based Strategy


Reshaping Care for Older People

Integrated Care Fund

Accommodation Based Strategy for Older People


Thursday 29 October 2015

Accommodation Based Strategy for Older People

Where ABS fits into the bigger picture

Reshaping Care for Older People in Glasgow

Vision: at home, confident and feeling safe

National Outcomes: able to live, as far as is reasonably practical, independently and at home or in a homely community setting

Key actions: from enhancing housing provision and support to working in partnership with the voluntary, independent and housing sectors

KPI’s: already increasing the number of people receiving support at home


Accommodation Based Strategy for Older People

Aims of the Accommodation Based Strategy

• Main purpose is to shift the balance of care

• Maximise contribution of housing and the third sector

• Key target- reduce number of older people entering residential or nursing care by a third

• Over a five year period this equates to 1,500 more older people supported to live at home

• Develop and increase services that bridge the gap between the care at home service and residential or nursing home care

Accommodation Based Strategy for Older People

Focus on Housing

• Around 80,000 older people in Glasgow city

• 10% in receipt of social work services at any one time

• Fewer than 50% of OP live in social rented housing, supplied by around 68

Registered Social Landlords in the city, the rest are owner-occupiers or private renters

• Fewer than 6% live in ‘specialist’ older people accommodation

• Glasgow funds £3m housing support services to 3,000 tenancies across 88 sites of very sheltered, sheltered and floating services

• Development & Regeneration Services (DRS)- Local Housing Strategy and

Housing Contribution Statement for Joint Strategic Commissioning Plan

Accommodation Based Strategy for Older People

Supported Living Services

• Originally commissioned as a direct alternative to residential care- care placement linked to a specific tenancy

• Change of focus over the years without any expansion in numbers

• The aim to extend supported living services is twofold:

• Work with providers to improve provision in order to match required increase in demand

• Improve demand by supporting social work assessment and care management practice

• Case studies: Mrs A Flexicare & Mr T- Brockburn VSH

Accommodation Based Strategy for Older People

Extension of Telecare

• Under developed means of complementing (not replacing) care delivery, to support carers and discreetly maintain people at homes

• National agenda to increase and develop a technology enabled care system

• Increased resources (this year) for equipment and associated services

• Ongoing communication with assessing & referring staff

• Widening use of emerging technologies to enhance risk management for people who may leave their homes unsafely

• Localised Responder Service for those with more intensive response needs

• Carr Gomm (south)

• The Richmond Fellowship Scotland (north)

• Supported by Cordia call handling, augmenting its central response service

Accommodation Based Strategy for Older People

Projects funded to support the strategy

• GCVS Community Connectors

• Southside HA, Home from Hospital

• Wheatley 415 Project- OP Well-Being Hub and Cluster

• Trust HA, Extra Care Housing

• Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living (GCIL), Better at Home

• Housing Options for Older People

Contact details for all of these are at the end of this presentation if you would like them.

Accommodation Based Strategy for Older People

GCVS: Community Connectors

A service for anyone over 60, delivered by Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector (GCVS) in partnership with the Glasgow & West of Scotland Housing Forum (GWSF)

Service model:

Aim of the service:


3 local Community Connectors teams based in host housing associations:

North East: Shettleston HA North West: Queens Cross HA South: Southside HA to connect older people and their carers to local services, facilities and activities by providing tailored informed support can be made online, by email, phone, and post or in person

Services offered: Signposting and referring

One-to-one person-centred coaching sessions

Buddy Support

Promoting volunteer opportunities & recognising the assets of older people

Accommodation Based Strategy for Older People

Southside HA: Home from Hospital

• City wide service to assist older people being discharged from hospital

• Tenure neutral- direct referral

• Achieved by providing a Handyperson Service eg:

• Moving furniture from one floor/room to another or to allow easier movement around the home

• Removing door thresholds/ Making floor coverings safe

• Installation of Key Safes to allow access for carers

• follow up visits within 6 weeks of discharge to those not eligible to use main Handyperson


• Continuous service promotion by Handyperson Coordinator

Accommodation Based Strategy for Older People

Wheatley 415 Project- Older Persons Well Being Hub and Cluster

Well Being Hub and Cluster model of care and support concentrating on people with complex needs.


• Developing capacity of OP in the hub and cluster to self-manage their physical and mental health

• Multi-disciplinary Hub facility within 415 for tenants, wider cluster with health, social care and housing

• Vacant site for 15-25 amenity housing for OP using a co-produced model of tenant involvement in design

• Demonstrator test site to influence roll out of complex care model of care across Glasgow


• Demonstrator Apartments

• First through the Door implemented across all sectors

• Activity & Engagement programme

• Digital Programme to support self-management and active ageing

• Minor adaptation assessment training programme for all staff

Accommodation Based Strategy for Older People

Trust HA: Housing with Care and short stay accommodation

Aim: to provide ‘one-site’ holistic support and accommodation

• Located Pollokshaws, South (potential for referrals from other areas)

• Access via assessment of need (SWS South area team)

• Reconfiguration of existing very sheltered housing site (41 tenancies)

• Site based staff team providing all services:

• Landlord service

• Housing support service

• Care at home service 7am-10pm, 7 days

• Meals service

• Short stay flat- similar aims to intermediate care

• Telecare

Accommodation Based Strategy for Older People

GCIL: Better at Home

Aim: Better at Home has a specific focus to assist older disabled people to return home from hospital/institutional care or prevent admission due to inaccessible housing.


• City wide- tenure neutral- direct referral

• Provide housing information, advice and advocacy to older and disabled people in housing need

• Full housing options appraisal; multi-tenure approach

• Utilise links and networks built up over 15 years by GCIL

• Assistance with re-housing into a more suitable home

• Explore family options e.g. moving in with an adult son or daughter for support

• Information and sign posting regarding aids, equipment and adaptations for existing or new home

• Organise and deliver housing surgeries for disabled and older people in housing need

Accommodation Based Strategy for Older People

Housing Options for Older People

Aim: an approach to preventing homelessness and promote successful tenancy sustainment, adapted for older people’s needs

Service: a training programme for frontline housing officers to apply a more holistic assessment process to assisting people to explore all their options.

• Key objectives for older people:

• Support older people to live in their own homes, for as long as possible

• Reduce no admitted to acute as emergency/ delayed when fit for discharge

• Reduce no moving into residential or nursing care

• Assist older people to move on from Intermediate Care

• Staff Team will:

• increase focus on early intervention and early identification of those ‘at risk’

• Develop creative and different solutions to enable OP to remain in/return to own home

• Help prevent OP reaching crisis and have a plan in place when their circumstances change

• Have different conversations with OP, their families and carers

Accommodation Based Strategy for Older People


• Starting at the sharp end of crisis intervention/hospital door- balance this with prevention at the other end of the care pathway

• Breadth and coverage of services needs to grow

• Responsiveness needs to speed up and simplify

• Balance between ‘hub’ and ‘cluster’ based service

• current accommodation- stay put or move?

• economy of scale afforded from grouped needs

• time and task based delivery model can be less reactive/responsive

• Need for more seamless links to community health

Accommodation Based Strategy for Older People

Successes and next steps

• Good practice- change of culture, increased knowledge and understanding

• Introduction of the framework will increase the supply of providers delivering community based solutions

• Increased referral rate, throughput and user numbers

• Better community connectedness

• Better awareness of roles/contribution across sectors

• Continuing communication- getting the message out wider

• Evaluation and expanding what works

Accommodation Based Strategy for Older People

Projects funded to support the strategy


• GCVS Community Connectors, GCVS, 11 Queens Crescent, Glasgow, G4 9AS

The contact person is Gillian McCamley

• Southside HA, Home from Hospital Southside House, 135 Fifty Pitches Rd, Glasgow, G51 4EB

The contact person is Norma Taylor:

415 Project, Loretto, Lipton House 2nd Floor, 170 Crown Street, Glasgow, G5 9XD

The contact person is Brian Duffy:

• Trust HA, Extra Care Housing, Pavilion 5, Watermark Business Park, 345 Govan Road, Glasgow, G51 2SE

The contact person is Jenny Wallace

• Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living (GCIL), Better at Home, 117 Brook St, Glasgow G40 3AP

The contact person is Grant Carson

Housing Options for Older People, Wheatley House, 25 Cochrane Street, Glasgow G1 1HL

The contact person is Bridget Curran
