TOTEM Physics s tot Politecnico di Bari and Sezione INFN elastic scattering Bari, Italy Case Western Reserve University diffraction (together with CMS) Cleveland, Ohio,USA Institut für Luft- und Kältetechnik, Dresden, Germany CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Karsten Eggert CERN, PH Department Università di Genova and Sezione INFN Genova, Italy University of Helsinki and HIP, Helsinki, Finland Academy of Sciences, Praha, Czech Republic Penn State University University Park, USA Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK TOTEM TDR is fully approved by the LHCC and the Research Board K.Eggert/CERN on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration TOTEM Physics Total cross-section with a precision of 1% Elastic pp scattering in the range 10 -3 < t = (p )2 < 10 GeV2 Particle and energy flow in the forward direction Measurement of leading particles Diffractive phenomena with high cross-sections Different running scenarios (b* = 1540, 170, 18, 0.5 m) K.Eggert/CERN K.Eggert/CERN TOTEM Experiment K.Eggert/CERN Total p-p Cross-Section • Current models predictions: 90-130 mb • Aim of TOTEM: ~1% accuracy COMPETE Collaboration fits all available hadronic data and predicts: LHC: K.Eggert/CERN s tot 111.5 1.2 4.1 mb 2.1 [PRL 89 201801 (2002)] Experimental apparatus T1: 3.1 < h < 4.7 T2: 5.3 < h < 6.5 2 Ls tot 16 dN 2 1 dt Optical Theorem t 0 Ls tot N elastic Ninelastic K.Eggert/CERN s tot (dN / dt ) t 0 16 2 1 N el N inel Elastic Scattering Cross-Section Photon - Pomeron interference Multigluon (“Pomeron”) exchange e– B |t| t p2 2 104 per bin of 10-3 GeV2 diffractive structure pQCD wide range of predictions pp 14 TeV BSW model 1540 m L = 1.6 x 1028 cm-2 s-1 b*=18 m L = 3.6 x 1032 cm-2 s-1 (1) (2) b* = K.Eggert/CERN -t [GeV2] ~1 day (1) (2) Elastic Scattering at low-t Coulomb scattering (1/L) dNel/dt = ds/dt = [4a2(c)2G4(t)]/|t|2 + {[a(-af)stotG2(t)]/|t|}exp(-B|t|/2) + [stot2 (1 + 2)/16(c)2] exp(-B’|t|) Nuclear scattering L dNel/dt a f G(t) K.Eggert/CERN Coulomb-Nuclear interference - how to calculate? (Kundrat et al.) = integrated luminosity = observed elastic events = fine structure constant = relative Coulomb-nuclear phase: = ln(0.08|t|-1 – 0.577) (see: West & Yennie, PR172(1968)1413. = nucleon em form factor: = (1 + |t|/0.71)-2 Extrapolation uncertainty due to Coulomb interference Extrapolation to t=0 model dependent Error < 0.5 % Coulomb interference Coulomb scattering CoulombNuclear = Re/Im f(pp) interference Nuclear scattering K.Eggert/CERN ds/dt ~ exp( -Bt) Change of the slope B Elastic Scattering: = Re f(s,0)/Im f(s,0) TOTEM Ref+(s,0)/Imf+(s,0) (analyticity of the scattering amplitude via dispersion relations) constant/lns with s K.Eggert/CERN Elastic Scattering- From ISR to Tevatron ~1.5 GeV2 K.Eggert/CERN Elastic Scattering- Models (e.g. Islam et al.) Observations: large impact parametersdefines the region where inelastic diffraction occurs ”Reggeon” & ”soft Pomeron” single gluon exchange between valence quarks 1/t8 • fwd diffraction cross section increases, diffractive peak shrinks interference dip moves to smaller t • at –t 1 GeV2 ds/dt 1/t8 , little s dependence (Donnachie & Landshoff) 1/t8 K.Eggert/CERN Elastic Scattering-large t 1-gluon exchange between the three valence quarks: each with a contribution 1/t2 1/t8! Possible effect of a hard Pomeron K.Eggert/CERN Elastic Scattering- sel/stot Rel = sel(s)/stot(s) Rdiff = [sel(s) + sSD(s) + sDD(s)]/stot(s) 0.30 sel 30% of stot at the LHC ? sSD + sDD 10% of stot (= 100-150mb) at the LHC ? K.Eggert/CERN 0.375 Experimental apparatus T1: 3.1 < h < 4.7 T2: 5.3 < h < 6.5 T1 K.Eggert/CERN T2 RP1 (147 m) CASTOR (CMS) RP2 (180 m) RP3 (220 m) T1 telescope 5 planes with measurement of three coordinates per plane. 3 degrees rotation and overlap between adjacent planes Primary vertex reconstruction Trigger with CSC wires 1 arm Support K.Eggert/CERN T2 Telescope 5.3< lhl < 6.5 Vacuum Chamber 1800 mm 400 mm Bellow T2 GEM Telescope: 8 planes 13500 mm from IP K.Eggert/CERN Castor Calorimeter (CMS) T2: telescope 8 triple-GEM planes, to cope with high particle fluxes 5.3<|h|<6.6 Pads: 54(j) x 22(h) = 1536 pads Dh x Dj = 0.06 x 0.018 ~2x2 mm2 __ ~7x7 mm2 Strips: 256 (width: 80 mm,pitch: 400 mm) Digital r/o pads strips pads Technology used in COMPASS Analog r/o circular strips K.Eggert/CERN GEM for the T2 Telescope TOTEM GEM Prototype 2004 Totem GEM Final Design 2005 Full Telescope Mock up strips pads K.Eggert/CERN Prototypes of all three detectors tested in X5 test beam in 2004 K.Eggert/CERN TRADITIONAL PLANAR DETECTOR + DEEP ETCHED EDGE FILLED WITH POLYSILICON E-field Planar with 3D edges p + Al 13keV 6 mm X-ray beam n + Al n + Al Insensitive edge = 5 + 2 mm Leakage current = 6 nA at 200V K.Eggert/CERN Edgeless Silicon Detectors for the RPs Active edges: X-ray measurement Signal (a.u.) Signal [a.u.] 1.6 1.4 1.2 Add here photo of RP 1 0.8 Strip 1 5mm dead area 0.6 0.4 Strip 2 0.2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Position (microns) 150 mm Strip 1 Strip 2 Planar technology: Testbeam 40 mm dead area K.Eggert/CERN 50 mm dead area active edges (“planar/3D”) 10 mm dead area 66 mm pitch planar technology CTS (Curr. Termin. Struct.) Detector 1 Detector 2 TOTEM ROMAN POT IN CERN SPS BEAM K.Eggert/CERN Roman Pot Assembly of Silicon Detectors for the SPS test beam Roman Pot unit (Final Design) : Tracks K.Eggert/CERN 0 BPM -Vertical and horizontal pots mounted as close as possible -BPM fixed to the structure gives precise position of the beam -Final prototype at the end of 2005 b functions at the LHC for b*=0.5 m K.Eggert/CERN TOTEM Optics Conditions L TOTEM ~ 1028 cm-2 s –1 TOTEM needs special/independent short runs at high-b* (1540m) and low e Scattering angles of a few mrad High-b optics for precise measurement of the scattering angle s(*) = e / b* ~ 0.3 mrad As a consequence large beam size s* = e b* ~ 0.4 mm Reduced number of bunches ( 43 and 156 ) to avoid interactions further downstream Parallel-to-point focusing ( v=0) : Trajectories of proton scattered at the same angle but at different vertex locations y = Ly y*+ vy y* L = (bb*)1/2 sin m(s) x = Lx x *+vx x*+x Dx v = (b/b*)1/2 cos m(s) Maximize L and minimize v K.Eggert/CERN High b optics ( 1540 m ): lattice functions v= (b/b*)1/2 cos m(s) L = (bb*)1/2 sin m(s) L (m) Parallel to point focusing in both projections v y Ly *y v y y * x L vx x Dx * x x K.Eggert/CERN * Elastic Scattering b* = 1540 m acceptance K.Eggert/CERN Elastic Scattering: Resolution t-resolution (2-arm measurement) f-resolution (1-arm measurement) Test collinearity of particles in the 2 arms Background reduction. f correlation in DPE K.Eggert/CERN Elastic Cross section (t=0) tmax = 0.1 GeV2 Statistical error L dt=4 1032 cm-2 Uncertainty Beam divergence Energy offset Beam/ detector offset Beam offset (100 mm) Crossing angle 10% 0.1% 0.05% 100mm 20mm 0.2mrad Fit error -0.05% -0.25% -0.1% -0.32/-0.41 % -0.06/-0.08 % -0.08/-0.1% Energy offset (0.1%) Theoretical uncertainty (model dependent) ~ 0.5% Beam offset (20 mm) K.Eggert/CERN Accuracy of s tot (sinel.~80mb, sel.~30mb) Trigger Losses (mb) s(mb) Double arm Single arm After Extrapolation Minimum bias 58 0.3 0.06 0.06 Single diffractive 14 - 2.5 0.6 Double diffractive 7 2.8 0.3 0.1 Double Pomeron 1 - - 0.02 Elastic Scattering 30 - - 0.1 Ds tot s tot 0.0082 0.0052 0.01 Inelastic error t=0 extrapol. error Vertex extrapolation simulated Acceptance extrapolated detected K.Eggert/CERN Possibilities of measurement Try to reach the Coulomb region and measure interference: • move the detectors closer to the beam than 10 s + 0.5 mm • run at lower energy √s < 14 TeV K.Eggert/CERN CMS + TOTEM: Acceptance largest acceptance detector ever built at a hadron collider 90% (65%) of all diffractive protons are detected for b* = 1540 (90) m T1,T2 T1,T2 Roman Pots Roman Pots dNch/dh Total TOTEM/CMS acceptance Charged particles b *=90m ZDC CMS dE/dh central TOTEM+CMS T1 HCal T2 CASTOR Energy flux b *=1540m Pseudorapidity: K.Eggert/CERN RPs h = ln tg /2 Running Scenarios Scenario Physics: K.Eggert/CERN 1 low |t| elastic, stot , min. bias, soft diffraction 2 Semi-hard diffraction 3 hard diffraction large |t| elastic (under study) b* [m] 1540 1540 90 N of bunches 43 156 936 N of part. per bunch 0.3 x 1011 1.15 x 1011 1.15 x 1011 Half crossing angle [mrad] 0 0 100 Transv. norm. emitt. [mm rad] 1 3.75 3.75 RMS beam size at IP [mm] 450 880 200 RMS beam divergence [mrad] 0.29 0.57 2.4 Peak luminosity [cm-2 s-1] 1.6 x 1028 2 x 1029 ~ 2 x 1031 Diffractive protons at b*=1540 m log(x) Diffractive protons are observed in a large x-t range > 90% are detected -t > 2.5 10 -3 GeV2 10-8 < x < 0.1 x resolution ~ few ‰ log(-t) K.Eggert/CERN 420 (mm) (mm) mm Diffractive proton detection at b* 0.5 m x > 2.5 % (mm) (mm) log x log x log -t K.Eggert/CERN log -t New optics b* 0 m To optimize diffractive proton detection at L=1031 in the “warm” region at 220m • Ly large (~270 m) Lyy Lxx+vxx*+xD tmin = 3 x 10-2 GeV2 30mm • Lx ~ 0 independent 10mm (CMS) =0 10s beam • Vertex measured by CMS ~ 65% of all diffractive protons are seen K.Eggert/CERN x determination with a precision of few 10 -4 -2 Particle elongation (x) for Lx=0 and different x-values Lx x(m) x(m) Lx = 0 x Lx=0 Example at x=0.007 and different emission angles s(m) K.Eggert/CERN s(m) X220-x216 (mm) b*=172 m: x resolution ~ 4 10-4 (preliminary) x= 10-3 2 10-3 2s 2s (x220+x216)/2 (mm) K.Eggert/CERN Diffractive protons at b*=172 m 420 Log(x) vs Log(-t (GeV2)) K.Eggert/CERN Log(x) vs Log(-t) CMS/TOTEM Physics CMS / TOTEM detector ideal for study of diffractive and forward physics: almost complete rapidity coverage combined with excellent proton measurement Hard diffractive structure in Single and Double Pomeron Exchange K.Eggert/CERN Production of jets, W, J/y, heavy flavours, hard photons Double Pomeron exchange as a gluon factory Production of low mass systems (SUSY, c ,D-Y,jet-jet, …) Glue balls, … Higgs production ??? (Susy Higgs) Low - x dynamics Proton structure and multi-parton scattering Color transparency Parton saturation Forward physics particle and energy flow (relevant for cosmic ray interpretation) New forward phenomena: Centauros, DCC, gg physics TOTEM+CMS Physics: Diffractive Events Measure > 90% of leading protons with RPs and diffractive system ‘X’ with T1, T2 and CMS. X Double Pomeron Exchange X -Triggered by leading proton and seen in CMS -Central production of states X: X = cc, cb, Higgs, dijets, SUSY particles, ... K.Eggert/CERN Diffraction Example: Dh1 M Dh2 Exchange of colour singlets (“Pomerons”) rapidity gaps Dh Most cases: leading proton(s) with momentum loss Dp / p x clean case to study gluon-gluon interactions gluon - gluon collider Unlike minimum bias events: p g, q g, q p K.Eggert/CERN Exchange of colour triplets or octets: Gaps filled by colour exchange in hadronisation Exponential suppression of rapidity gaps: P(Dh) = e- Dh, = dn/dh Diffractive Deep Inelastic Scattering e’ Q2 xIP = fraction of proton’s momentum e taken by Pomeron g* b xIP p IP t d 4s 4a 2 2 dbdQ dxIP dt bQ 4 Naively, if IP were particle: [Ingelman, Schlein] K.Eggert/CERN p’ = x in Fermilab jargon = Bjorken’s variable for the Pomeron = fraction of Pomeron’s momentum carried by struck quark = x/xIP D ( 4) y2 2 1 y F ( b , Q , xIP , t ) D ( 4) 2 2(1 R ) F2D(4) fIP (xIP,t) F2IP (b,Q2) Flux of Pomerons “Pomeron structure function” Test factorisation in pp events hard scattering FDJJ ?(= F2D) Factorisation of diffractive PDFs not expected to hold for pp, pp scattering – indeed it does not: jet b jet LRG IP Normalisation discrepancy (x10) (depends on s [CDF, D0]) Hard scattering factorisation violated in pp (lots more evidence available) K.Eggert/CERN (x =xIP) Example Processes Single Diffraction: X p1 MX2 = x s P p2 x p2’ p2 p2 ' p2 ds/dh proton:p2’ rapidity gap Dh =–lnx diffractive system X hmin 0 ln(2pL/pT) hmax Measure leading proton ( x) and rapidity gap ( test gap survival). Double Pomeron Exchange: p1’ p1 P X p2 P diffractive system X proton:p2’ MX2 = x1 x2 s p2’ rapidity gap Dh2=– ln x2 hmin rapidity gap Dh1=– ln x1 hmax Measure leading protons ( x1, x2) and compare with MX, Dh1, Dh2 K.Eggert/CERN proton:p1’ Hard Diffractive Events Diffractive events with high pT particles produced hard M Probing the hard structure hard hard Double Pomeron Exchange K.Eggert/CERN of the Pomeron M ET > 10 GeV Rates at L = 2 1029 cm-2 s-1 sincl ~1 mb sexcl ~ 7 nb 720/h 5/h M ( j1,j2) = 120 GeV Rates at L = 2 1031 cm-2 s-1 sexcl ~ 18 pb / DM=10 GeV 30/day Particle production in Double Pomeron Exchange Use the LHC as a clean gluon-gluon collider Quantum numbers are defined for exclusive particle production Gluonic states cc , cb , Higgs, supersymmetric Higgs,….. Clean gluon-gluon interactions K.Eggert/CERN Exclusive Production by DPE: Examples Advantage: Selection rules: JP = 0+, 2+, 4+; C = +1 reduced background, determination of quantum numbers. Good f resolution in TOTEM: determine parity: P = (-1)J+1 ds/df ~ 1 +– cos 2f Particle sexcl Decay channel BR Rate at 2x1029 cm-2 s-1 Rate at 1031 cm-2 s-1 (no acceptance / analysis cuts) [KMRS] g J/y g m+m– + – K+ K– 6 x 10-4 0.018 1.5 / h 46 / h 62 / h 1900 / h [KMRS] g U g m+m– < 10-3 0.07 / d 3/d bb 0.68 0.02 / y 1/y cc0 (3.4 GeV) 3 mb cb0 (9.9 GeV) 4 nb H (120 GeV) 0.1 100 fb assume 3 fb Higgs needs L ~ 1033 cm-2 s-1, i.e. a running scenario for b* = 0.5 m: • trigger problems in the presence of overlapping events • install additional Roman Pots in cold LHC region at a later stage K.Eggert/CERN Exclusive Higgs production Standard Model Higgs b jets : MH = 120 GeV s = 2 fb (uncertainty factor ~ 2.5) MH = 140 GeV s = 0.7 fb MH = 120 GeV : 11 signal / O(10) background in 30 fb-1 for m=3 GeV WW* : H MH = 120 GeV s = 0.4 fb MH = 140 GeV s = 1 fb MH = 140 GeV : 8 signal / O(3) background in 30 fb-1 •The b jet channel is possible, with a good understanding of detectors and clever level 1 trigger (need trigger from the central detector at Level-1) •The WW* (ZZ*) channel is extremely promising : no trigger problems, better mass resolution at higher masses (even in leptonic / semi-leptonic channel) •If we see SM Higgs + tags - the quantum numbers are 0++ Phenomenology moving on fast K.Eggert/CERN See e.g. J. Forshaw HERA/LHC workshop x and t distributions for 120 GeV Higgs (b*=90 m) input ExHume Proton acceptance 68% Detected protons at 220 m Uncertain predictions ! log x log -t log x log -t Phojet Proton acceptance 63% K.Eggert/CERN Mass Acceptance in DPE (preliminary) b=0.5 m 420 + 220 m Phojet ExHume ExHume b= 90 m 220 m 420 m K.Eggert/CERN Phojet Detection Prospects for Double Pomeron Events p1’ p1 P p2 p P b* = 1540 m: sx ~ 0.5% b* = sx ~ 4 10 -4 90 m: b* = 0.5 m M2 = x1 x2 s – ln x1 L < 1033 cm-2 s-1 Trigger via rapidity gap x < 2.5 x 10-2 Dy = – ln x p – ln x2 ymax = 6.5 CMS + TOTEM CMS y K.Eggert/CERN L ~ 0.2 1032 cm-2 s-1 Trigger via Roman Pots x > 2.5 x 10-2 p2’ dN/dy sx ~ 0.2-0.6 ‰ L 2.4 x 1029 cm-2 s-1 Rate (kHz) at L = 10 32 Integrated QCD rate for events with at least two jets Integrated QCD rate for events with at least two jets and which satisfy the ‘loose’ RP condition R. Croft Luminosity Events / bx 25 nsec Rate at 40GeV (kHz) Reduction at 40 GeV 1x10^32 0 2.6 | 7e-3 371 1x10^33 3.5 26 | 4 6.5 2x10^33 7 52 | 14.5 3.6 Effect of adding the ‘loosest’ RP condition in either 220m pot, on the total QCD dijet rate. 5x10^33 17.6 130 | 73 1.8 Reduction in rate of around 370 at 40GeV. Roman Pot trigger Caveat: 75 nsec bunch spacing at the LHC start K.Eggert/CERN Mass resolution at 420 m and 420+220m Note: beam position accuracy 10 mm 420m PHOJET Asym. 420+215 m 420m EXHUME K.Eggert/CERN MSSM Higgs is the hope Examples: 1. mA = 130 GeV tan b = 30 tan b = 50 mA s x BR (A bb) 130 GeV 0.07 fb 130 GeV 0.2 fb mh s x BR (h bb) 122.7 GeV 5.6 fb 124.4 GeV 13 fb mH s x BR (H bb) 134.2 GeV 8.7 fb 133.5 GeV 23 fb tan b = 30 tan b = 50 mA s x BR (A bb) 100 GeV 0.4 fb 100 GeV 1.1 fb mh s x BR (h bb) 98 GeV 70 fb 99 GeV 200 fb mH s x BR (H bb) 133 GeV 8 fb 131 GeV 15 fb 2. mA = 100 GeV [from A. Martin] Comparison: SM with mH = 120 GeV: s x BR (H bb) = 2 fb K.Eggert/CERN Proton structure at low x For rapidities above 5 and masses below 10 GeV x down to 10-6 ÷ 10-7 Possible with T2 in TOTEM (calorimeter, tracker): 5 < h < 6.7 4 pt2 x1 x2 s Proton structure at low-x: Parton saturation effects? as Q 2 ( ) x g x, Q 2 R 2 Saturation or growing proton? K.Eggert/CERN K.Eggert/CERN Colour Transparency Parton localisation? pT plane: Single diffraction: pp p + 3j u p g g d u p Estimated cross-section jet 1 (pT 1) jet 2 (pT 2) jet 3 (pT 3) p 10 GeV j1 j2 10 GeV K.Eggert/CERN 10 GeV Example: 3 jets at 10 GeV polar jet angle ~ 4.3 mrad h ~ 6.1 jet separation ~ 7 mrad 10 cm in T2 jet width ~ 0.3 3 mrad 0.4 4 cm in T2 8 s3 jets j3 5 GeV (10 100) nb , where one of the jets has p > p T T min pT min 1 day at L = 2 x 1031 cm-2 s-1 with pT min = 10 GeV: 80 800 events Integral flux of high energy cosmic rays Measurements of the very forward energy flux (including diffraction) and of the total cross section are essential for the understanding of cosmic ray events At LHC pp energy: 104 cosmic events km-2 year-1 > 107 events at the LHC in one day K.Eggert/CERN High Energy Cosmic Rays Cosmic ray showers: Dynamics of the high energy particle spectrum is crucial Interpreting cosmic ray data depends on hadronic simulation programs Forward region poorly know/constrained Models differ by factor 2 or more Need forward particle/energy measurements e.g. dE/dh… K.Eggert/CERN Model Predictions: proton-proton at the LHC Predictions in the forward region within the CMS/TOTEM acceptance K.Eggert/CERN Photon - photon physics K.Eggert/CERN Conclusions Measure total cross-section stot with a precision of 1 % L = ~1028 cm-2 s-1 with b* = 1540 m Measure elastic scattering in the range 10 -3 < t < 8 GeV 2 With the same data study of soft diffraction and forward physics: ~ 107 single diffractive events ~ 106 double Pomeron events With b* = 1540 m optics at L = 2 1029 cm-2 s-1 : semi-hard diffraction (pT > 10 GeV) With b* = 90 m optics (under study) at L ~ 0.2 1032 cm-2 s-1: hard diffraction and DPE Study of rare events (Higgs, Supersymmetry,…) with b* = 0.5 m using eventually detectors in the cold region (420m) Detailed study of the structure of the proton and the parton interactions K.Eggert/CERN K.Eggert/CERN Exclusive Central Diffraction The Pomeron has the internal quantum numbers of vacuum. p1’ p1 P PP: C = +, I=0,... P: JP = 0+, 2+, 4+,... P p2’ PP: p2 JPC = Large mass objects O(1TeV) 0++ 2 Gap f 0 Jet+Jet hmin h Signature: 2 Leading Protons & 2 Rapidity Gaps hmax cc: 10 6-7 events before decay cb: 10 3-4 events before decay - a precursor to DPE Higgs, SUSY Gap diffractive system proton:p2’ rapidity gap hmin proton:p1’ rapidity gap hmax Exclusive physics Gluon factory Threshold scan for New Physics K.Eggert/CERN