1 MONTGOMERY-TOWNSEND UNIVERSITY COURSE OF STUDY Date Revised: Fall 2011 INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Devann Townsend Office: SCI – 76 Phone: (555) 456-7890 E-mail: dtownsend@mtu.edu Course Number and Name: BIO 101 - General Biology I Department/Program: Science Department/ Biology Semester Credit Hours: 4 Contact Hours per Week: Lecture: 3 Laboratory: 1 Prerequisite Courses: None Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Class Meeting Location & Times: SCI 101; Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Lab Meeting Location & Time: SCI 111; Monday 2:00 – 3:00 PM Nature of Students: Undergraduate Format of Course: Discussion, Class participation, Individual work, Lab activities, Homework, Reading assignments, etc. Instruction will also include PowerPoints and other related technology. Course Description: A combined lecture and laboratory course for science majors that includes study of the scientific method, chemistry relevant to biological systems, cell structure and function, cell processes including photosynthesis and cellular respiration, cell division, genetics, and molecular genetics. Labs associated with this course contain experiments and exercises that reinforce the principles introduced in lecture classes. 2 Catalog Description: BIO 101. Principles of Biological Science I: (4 hours) Introduction to the study of biological sciences in which core principles and processes are emphasized, including cellular structure, metabolism, and function, as well as more expanded topics such as basic ecology and evolution. A one semester hour laboratory experience is included. This course is intended primarily for majors in the biological sciences, although non majors may take it to satisfy core curriculum laboratory science requirements. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Define and apply the Scientific Method. Demonstrate an understanding of basic chemistry of relevance to biological study. Describe cell structure and physiology. Describe and relate cellular processes. Compare and contrast the different types of cell division. Describe Genetics and compare and analyze cellular molecular genetics. CONTENT OUTLINE: LECTURE 1. Introduction to the Science of Biology/Scientific Method 2. Basic Chemistry 3. Chemistry of Life, Organic Molecules 4. The Cellular Basis of Life & the Cell membrane 5. Cell Division: Mitosis & Meiosis 6. Cellular Processes LABORATORY 1. Scientific Method 2. Metrics 3. Chemical Components of Cells 4. Animal & Plant Cells 5. The Microscope 6. Cellular Processes 7. Mitosis & Meiosis 8. Human Inheritance 9. DNA modeling COURSE OUTLINE COMPETENCIES: 1. Scientific Method a. Define a science as a systematic organized approach to problem solving in the natural world. b. Discuss the basic steps of the scientific method. c. Recognize the elements of a good experimental design and include the concepts of an experimental control and experimental variables. 2. Basic Chemistry & Organic Chemistry a. Define and describe an atom’s composition. b. Compare and contrast types of bonding and how they form. c. Compare and contrast the types of chemical reactions that occur in cells. d. List and give examples of the four major groups of organic molecules and their subgroups. 3 3. Cell Structure and Physiology a. State two tenets of cell theory. b. Define, compare, and contrast components/functions of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. c. Describe the current model and function of the cell membrane d. Describe the methods the plasma membrane uses to regulate the passage of materials into and out of the cell. 4. Cellular Processes a. Describe the science of thermodynamics and how it applies to live organisms. b. Describe and compare Photosynthesis and Cellular respiration. 5. Cellular Division a. Describe and compare the cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis, and cytokinesis. b. Describe and discuss the structure of DNA. c. Discuss the events of DNA replication. 6. Genetics a. Perform genetic problems that are monohybrid and dihybrid crosses using a Punnett square or forked diagram method of problem solving. b. List and discuss the various Laws that govern Genetics. c. List and discuss common human genetic disorders. 7. DNA Modeling a. Compare and contrast DNA & the three types of RNA in relation to structure and functions. b. Describe the coordinated actions of enzymes, with the molecules DNA and RNA in replication, transcription, and translation. REQUIRED TEXTS: Textbook: Raven, P. & Johnson, G. (2011). Biology, 9th Ed. Lab Guide: Vodopich, D. & Moore, R. (2010). Biology Laboratory Manual, 9th Ed. TENTATIVE COURSE PLAN: Week: 1 Course Objective: 1 a, b, & c Assignment: Scientific Experiment Project Responsibility: Group Assignment Date Due: WEEK 3 2 1 a, b, & c Scientific Method Lab/Lab Report Lab Groups WEEK 4 3 2a&b Lab Groups WEEK 6 4 2c&d Chem. Component of Cells Lab/Lab Report Metrics Lab/Lab Report Lab Groups WEEK 7 5 1&2 TEST 1 Individual *TEST DAY 6 3a&b Lab Groups WEEK 8 7 3c&d Animal & Plant Cells Lab/Lab Report The Microscope Lab/Lab Report Lab Groups WEEK 9 4 8 4a&b Cellular Process Lab/Lab Report Lab Groups WEEK 10 9 1, 2, 3, & 4 MID-TERM Individual *TEST DAY 10 5a&b Mitosis & Meiosis Lab/Lab Report Lab Groups WEEK 12 11 5c Article Critique Cellular Division Individual WEEK 13 12 6a&b Human Inheritance Lab/Lab Report Lab Groups WEEK 14 13 6c Article Critique Human Genetics Individual WEEK 15 14 5&6 TEST 2 Individual *TEST DAY 15 7a&b DNA Modeling Lab/Lab Report Lab Groups WEEK 16 16 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 REVIEW CLASS 17 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 FINAL EXAM Individual *TEST DAY **See assignments section for detailed information. GRADING: Grades and evaluations will be made using the following criteria: 10 % Quizzes & Daily Grades: lecture worksheets, assignments, &/or practice tests 70 % Tests: lecture, lab, and comprehensive final 20 % Lab Assignments Course Grade Scale: 90-100 = A; 80-89 = B; 70-79 = C; 60-69 = D; 59 and below = F INSTRUCTIONS FOR ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE: Students needing assistance should make an appointment with the Instructor utilize the learning center located in student support services. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS: If a student has a disability of any kind that requires assistance or reasonable accommodations in the classroom or laboratory, see the instructor as soon as possible then see the office of Americans with Disabilities Act, Dr. Barty Watts, at (555) 456-1000. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Every MTU student is expected to uphold the policies and procedures as defined in the student code of conduct and the University’s Policies and Procedures manual. A full explanation of the policies is available in the student handbook and online. Students are expected to read and familiarize themselves with all policies and procedures as related to academic integrity at MTU. Failure to adhere to these policies and procedures is considered a serious violation of MTU’s Academic Integrity Policy and will result in review by the student judiciary board as stated in the student handbook. 5 MISSION STATEMENT: Montgomery Townsend University strives to cultivate discovery, expansion, transmission, and application of knowledge in an array of scholarly and professional disciplines. Its duty of delivering superior quality undergraduate and graduate programs is indivisible from its task of creating new understandings through experimentation and ingenuity. Montgomery Townsend University prepares students for roles in leadership, responsibility, and service to the community. The institution supports freedom of inquiry and a collegial environment fostering the development of the human mind and soul. It welcomes and seeks to serve a progressively diverse population in a global economy. While being guided by our mission, Montgomery Townsend University seeks to maintain its reputation as a competitive and respected institution of higher learning. ATTENDANCE POLICY: Attendance at all class meetings and labs in expected. Students may not miss more than 25% of class. This means no more than two lecture classes may be missed and no more than two lab classes may be missed. Any student who misses more than the maximum 25% of class will not receive credit. Students are excused from class only if the absence is deemed excused by the Dean of Student Services. Tardies of more than 15 minutes will result in an absence. Two tardies of less than 15 minutes will result in one absence. Leaving class more than 15 minutes early will result in an absence. Leaving class twice, less than 15 minutes early, will result in one absence. LAB ATTENDANCE POLICY: There is no option for making up missed labs; therefore, attendance is critical. If you miss a lab, your grade will be a zero! Two missed labs will result in the removal from course. MAKE-UP POLICY: Students are encouraged to not miss test days. If an exam is missed, it is the student’s responsibility to contact and make arrangements with the instructor. The student is responsible for making up a missed exam within one week of the given test date. Failure to make up an exam will result in a zero. The student has the opportunity to make-up only one exam regardless of how many are missed. Permission to make up an exam is at the instructor’s discretion. Bonus point opportunities will not be on make-up exams. DISASTER PLAN: Class closure due to emergencies or disasters will be made up according to the MTU’s Natural Disaster Policy. Information regarding closures will be posted on MTU’s website: www.mtu.edu, as well as sent via media alerts. If possible, check BlackBoard postings for makeup assignment dates and times. Instructions for accessing BlackBoard can be found on the MTU homepage. TOBACCO-FREE: MTU’s campus is tobacco-free. Failure to abide by this policy will result in disciplinary action. 6 LECTURE RECORDING: Students are permitted and encouraged to record lectures electronically by tape recorders, cellular devices, or other methods. This has proven to be highly effective toward improving class performance. Montgomery-Townsend University is an Equal Opportunity Employer and welcomes students and employees without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or qualified disability. ASSIGNMENTS: SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENT PROJECT: Students will pair up and investigate a real-life problem they have encountered. Using this problem, perform an experiment using your knowledge of the steps in the scientific method. Students have two weeks to complete investigations (due week 3). Presentations will be made on week three, include visual aids and a data sheet showing records kept throughout experiment. See attached rubric for further information. LAB REPORTS: Students are required to work alongside lab members to perform weekly labs. Upon completion of lab, each student is required to submit a laboratory report that is due within two weeks of lab date (labs 2 & 3 are exceptions and will be due within 3 weeks, as they require more lab time). Student will be required to type & print out laboratory reports. Each report will include the following six components: introduction, hypothesis, materials and methods, results, questions, & conclusions. Do not simply copy this lab report! This class is designed to help students prepare for professional careers; therefore, this instructor expects laboratory reports to show college-level work. HUMAN GENETICS CRITIQUE: Students will select an article from Scientific American pertaining to human genetics. Students are not limited to genetic disorders and may choose any scientist’s research to critique related to the field. Critique is due week 15. See attached rubric. RUBRICS: SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENT Student can research’s information on a subject to determine background information. Student provides reference information for investigation’s background. Beginning 1 Investigation is not relevant to proposed problem. Developing 2 Investigation is relevant, but short and lacks details. Student has no background information and does not provide reference. Student has background information, but does not provide reference. Accomplished Exemplary 3 4 Investigation is Investigation is relevant and relevant to the very little proposed background problem and information is information provided. provided is detailed. Student gives Student gives reference reference information for information in background required information, format. but not in correct format. Score 7 Student supplies visual aid & data. Student has visual aid, but poor work ethic. Student is Student not on topic presents and investigation to presentation the class in an is over or oral under time presentation limit. format. Student does Student not demonstrates demonstrate knowledge of the investigation knowledge of and background information. information. GENETICS ARTICLE CRITIQUE Student can find content within subject-range. Student provides reference information for investigation’s background. Student supplies 5 visual aids. Student presents information to in an oral form. Student has only 1 visual aid. Student has all visual aids and at least one is irrelevant. Presentation is on student’s topic but is not within allotted time frame. Student performs presentation by reading from note cards or PowerPoint. Student is on topic, within allotted time frame, but he/she is not presenting professionally. Student performs presentation and only reads note cards or PowerPoint half the time. Beginning 1 Developing 2 Article is does not contain relevant information. Article contains pertinent information, but is short and lacks detail. Student has article, but did not provide reference. Student has one – two visual aids. Student has two – four visual aids. Student is not on topic and presentation is over or under time limit. Presentation is on student’s topic but is not within allotted time limit. Student has both required visual aids and both are relevant. Presentation is right on topic, within time frame, and student is presenting professionally Student presents presentation without note cards or PowerPoint. Accomplishe d 3 Article is pertinent, but without details. Student provides reference, but it is not in correct format. Student has four visual aids or fifth visual aid is not relevant. Student is on topic, within allotted time limit, but he/she is not presenting professionally Exemplary 4 Article is pertinent to subject-matter and contains details. Student provides reference in correct format. Student has five visual aids and all are relevant. Presentation is right on topic, within time limit, and student is presenting professionally . Score 8 Student demonstrates knowledge of content. Student does not demonstrate knowledge of information. Student Student performs performs presentation by presentation reading from and only reads note cards or note cards or PowerPoint. PowerPoint half the time. Student presents presentation without note cards or PowerPoint. LAB REPORT EXAMPLE: (This is only an EXAMPLE; credit belongs to the student that performed the lab and developed a well-written report.) [*Report copied from website: www.biologyjunction.com] Genetics of Drosophila melanogaster Introduction: Gregor Mendel revolutionized the study of genetics. By studying genetic inheritance in pea plants, Gregor Mendel established two basic laws of that serve as the cornerstones of modern genetics: Mendel’s Law of Segregation and Law of Independent Assortment. Mendel’s Law of Segregation says that each trait has two alleles, and that each gamete contains one and only one of these alleles. These alleles are a source of genetic variability among offspring. Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment says that the alleles for one trait separate independently of the alleles for another trait. This also helps ensure genetic variability among offspring. Mendel’s laws have their limitations. For example, if two genes are on the same chromosome, the assortment of their alleles will not be independent. Also, for genes found on the X chromosome, expression of the trait can be linked to the sex of the offspring. Our knowledge of genetics and the tools we use in its study have advanced a great deal since Mendel’s time, but his basic concepts still stand true. Drosophila melanogaster, the common fruit fly, has been used for genetic experiments since T.H. Morgan started his experiments in1907. Drosophila make good genetic specimens because they are small, produce many offspring, have easily discernable mutations, have only four pairs of chromosomes, and complete their entire life cycle in about 12 days. They also have very simple food 9 requirements. Chromosomes 1 (the X chromosome), 2, and 3 are very large, and the Y chromosome – number 4 – is extremely small. These four chromosomes have thousands of genes, many of which can be found in most eukaryotes, including humans. Drosophila embryos develop in the egg membrane. The egg hatches and produces a larva that feeds by burrowing through the medium. The larval period consists of three stages, or instars, the end of each stage marked by a molt. Near the end of the larval period, the third instar will crawl up the side of the vial, attach themselves to a dry surface, and form a pupae. After a while ,the adults emerge. Differences in body features help distinguish between male and female flies. Females are slightly larger and have a light-colored, pointed abdomen. The abdomen of males will be dark and blunt. The male flies also have dark bristles, sex combs, on the upper portion of the forelegs. Hypothesis: After performing a dihybrid cross between males with normal wings and sepia eyes and females with vestigial wings and red eyes, we expect to see only hybrids with normal wings and red eyes in the first filial generation. Then we expect to observe a 9:3:3:1 ratio of phenotypes in the second filial generation. Materials and Methods: The materials used for this lab were: culture vial of dihybrid cross, isopropyl alcohol 10%, camel’s hair brush, thermo-anesthetizer, petri dish, 2 Drosophila vials and labels, Drosophila medium, fly morgue. A vial of wild-type Drosophila was thermally immobilized and the flies were placed in a petri dish. Traits were observed. A vial of prepared Drosophila was immobilized and then observed under a dissecting microscope. Males and females were separated and mutations were observed and recorded. The parental generation was placed in the morgue. The vial was placed in an incubator to allow the F1 generation to mature. 10 The F1 generation was immobilized and examined under a dissecting microscope. The sex and mutations of each fly were recorded. Five mating pairs of the F1 generation were placed into a fresh culture vial, and the vial was placed in an incubator. The remaining F1 flies were placed in the morgue. The F1 flies were left in the vial for about a week to mate and lay eggs. Then the adults were removed and placed in the morgue. The vial was placed back in the incubator to allow the F2 generation to mature. The F2 generation was immobilized and examined under a dissecting microscope. The sex and mutations of each fly were recorded. Results: Phenotypes Table 1 Phenotypes of the Parental Generation Number of Males Number of Females Normal wings/red eyes 0 0 Normal wings/sepia eyes 3 0 vestigial wings/red eyes 0 4 vestigial wings/sepia eyes Phenotype 0 Table 2 Phenotypes of the F1 Generation Number of Males 0 Number of Females Normal wings/red eyes 78 95 Normal wings/sepia eyes 0 0 vestigial wings/red eyes 0 0 vestigial wings/sepia eyes Phenotypes 0 Table 3 Phenotypes of the F2 Generation Number of Males 0 Number of Females Normal wings/red eyes 4 7 Normal wings/sepia eyes 4 5 vestigial wings/red eyes 0 1 vestigial wings/sepia eyes 0 0 normal red/mutated body shape 2 0 normal sepia/mutated body shape Questions 1 0 1. How are the alleles for genes on different chromosomes distributed to gametes? What genetic principle does this illustrate? 11 The alleles on different chromosomes are distributed independently of one another, demonstrating Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment. 2. Why was it important to have virgin females for the first cross (yielding the F1 generation), but not the second cross (yielding the F2 generation)? It was important to have virgin females for the first cross to ensure that the offspring are the result of the desired cross. It was not necessary to isolate virgin females for the second cross because the only male flies to which they had been exposed were also members of the F1 generation. 3. What did the chi-square test tell you about the validity of your experiment data? What is the importance of such a test? The chi-square test showed that the results of our first cross were valid, but that the results of our F1 cross were not normal. It is important to conduct such a test to determine how much your experimental data deviated from what was expected. Discussion and Conclusion: The results of our parental cross turned out just as expected, but our F2 generation was not normal. Some sort of mutation must have occurred that caused the strange body shape seen in several individuals of our F2 generation.