VCE Business Management - Victorian Curriculum and Assessment

Towards 2010 –
VCE Business Management
2010 -2014
© Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2007
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What’s new, what’s different?
Overview of Minor Review process
Unit 1 & 2 Overview of key changes
Unit 1 & 2 Focus on specific changes
Unit 3 & 4 Overview of key changes
Unit 3 & 4 Focus on specific changes
Unit 3 & 4 Sample activity/case study approach
What’s new, what’s different?
2005 - 2009
2010 - 2014
Unit 1: Small business management
Unit 1: Small business management
AOS 1: Business concepts
AOS 2: Small business decisionmaking, planning and evaluation
AOS 1: Introducing business (mainly
name change)
AOS 2: Small business decisionmaking, planning and evaluation
AOS 3: Day-to-day operations
AOS 3: Day-to-day operations
Unit 2: Communication and management
AOS 1: Communication in business
AOS 2: Managing the marketing
AOS 3: Managing the public relations
Unit 2: Communication and management
AOS 1: Communication in business
AOS 2: Managing the marketing
AOS 3: Managing the public relations
What’s new, what’s different?
2005 - 2009
2010 - 2014
Unit 3: Corporate management
Unit 3: Corporate management
AOS 1: Large-scale organisations
in context
AOS 1: Large-scale organisations
in context
AOS 2: Internal environment of
large-scale organisations
AOS 2: Internal environment of
large-scale organisations
AOS 3: The operations
management function
AOS 3: The operations
management function
Unit 4: Managing people and change
Unit 4: Managing people and change
AOS 1: The human resource
management function
AOS 1: The human resource
management function
AOS 2: The management of change
AOS 2: The management of change
Minor Review Process
• Feedback from teacher focus groups,
conferences, reports: “generally content with
what we have, just fine tuning please”
• Some re-phrasing of outcome statements and
key knowledge statements to make them
clearer to both teachers and students
Key Changes to Unit 1
AOS1 – Introducing business (title change)
• the content has been clarified and some dot points moved to AOS 2
• Approximate time: 3 weeks (9 hours) down from 4 weeks
AOS2 – now includes motivation for starting a business, initial market
research, business support services, innovation & entrepreneurship, key
performance indicators
• Approximate time: 11 weeks (30 hours) up from 10 weeks
AOS3 – 6 options down to 4, but still only required to study ONE
• Approximate time: 4 weeks (11 hours)
1. Introductory accounting for small business
2. Management of staff in small business
3. Information and communication technology (ICT) in small business
4. Introduction to legal requirements of small businesses offering goods
and services
Key Changes to Unit 2
AOS 1 - Communication in business
• Basically the same with some minor rephrasing
• An additional point on ethical communication
• Approximate time: 5 – 6 weeks (16 hours) as before
AOS 2 – Managing the marketing function
• Basically the same
• Product life cycle added
• Approximate time: 6 weeks (17 hours) as before
AOS 3 – Managing the public relations function
• Basically the same
• Minor rephrasing so that the uniform term strategies is used to replace
strategies and tactics
• Approximate time: 6 weeks (17 hours) as before
Key Changes to Unit 3
• Generally minor changes
• Key knowledge more specific – note use of ‘including’ indicates that what
follows must be studied
• AOS 1 - Large-scale organisations in context
• Outcome statement changed – discuss replaces describe to indicate
a higher order understanding is expected
• Contributions of LSO’s both positive and negative
• Performance indicators - financial/non-financial distinction has been
removed and specific indicators to be studied listed
• Note: Students may be taught other performance indicators in addition to
those listed, but those listed must be taught
Key Changes to Unit 3
AOS 2 – Internal environment of large-scale organisations
• Outcome statement changed – discuss replaces describe to indicate a higher
order understanding is expected
• Management roles are stated as planning, organising, leading, controlling
• Styles of management are stated as autocratic, persuasive, consultative,
participative and laissez faire
AOS 3 – The operations management function
• Outcome statement changed – discuss and analyse strategies replaces
identify and evaluate practices and processes to indicate a higher order
understanding is expected
• Characteristics of OM within large-scale manufacturing and service
Weighting of SAC assessment tasks has changed from 25, 50, 25 to 20, 40, 40
Key Changes to Unit 4
• AOS 1 – The human resource management function
• Outcome statement changed – analyse replaces identify
to indicate a higher order understanding is expected
• Employee expectations now includes work life balance
• Key principles of the Maslow, Hertzberg and Locke
theories of motivation are specified
Key Changes to Unit 4
• Maslow (1943) - Hierarchy of Needs
(see pages 37-38 of study design)
Key Changes to Unit 4
Hertzberg (1959) - Two Factor Theory
(see page 38 of study design)
Maintenance factors (hygiene factors)
job security
working conditions
interpersonal relations in the workplace
organisational rules and policies
Motivational factors (satisfiers)
the work itself
opportunities for advancement
Key Changes to Unit 4
Locke (1968) - Goal Setting Theory
(see pages 38-39 of study design)
Goal Setting Theory is a motivational technique that is
concerned with the effect that setting goals has on a
person’s performance
Two factors are thought to be important - goal difficulty
and goal specificity
Key Changes to Unit 4
• AOS 1 – The human resource management function
• The key phases of the employment cycle have been clearly defined
• Employee relations: a more general approach has been taken as
specific acts/legislation may change over the duration of the study
Key Changes to Unit 4
• AOS 2 – The management of change
• Outcome statement extended to include – …and evaluate the impact
of change on the internal environment of a large-scale
• The process of change management is important and not the
significant issue itself
• Teachers can select any significant issue to teach the process of
change and to provide a context
• A list of possible significant issues has been included to assist teachers
Key Changes to Unit 4
AOS 2 – The management of change
• Driving and restraining forces for change in large-scale organisations
including management, employees, time, competitors, low productivity,
organisational inertia, legislation, cost
• one change management theory has been specified for study: Kotter’s 8
Step Theory (see page 39 of study design)
• the possible impact of change on the internal environment of large-scale
organisations, including the functional areas of operations and human
Key Changes to Unit 4
Step One: Create Urgency
Step Two: Form a Powerful Coalition
Step Three: Create a Vision for Change
Step Four: Communicate the Vision
Step Five: Remove Obstacles
Step Six: Create Short-term Wins
Step Seven: Build on the Change
Step Eight: Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture
The VCAA would like to thank the VCTA for their
assistance in the management of these workshops.
Contact Details
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority
Jennifer Quick
Curriculum Manager, Business Studies
Ph: (03) 9651 4436
Fax: (03) 9651 4324