Are You Experienced. The whole book.

1g efter jul
India and the Western World (including travelling and English as a global
language) Jonna Engberg-Pedersen.
Introduction: Travelling
Rosenvold og Bûhlmann, A New Entrance. Systime.2001:
Abroad: Cartoon + A Fly in the Soup
Norman Ramshaw, A World Guide to Good Manners,
Norman Ramshaw, Eating habits and Rituals
If it´s Tuesday we must be in Munich. On the Move Magazine
Wendy Morgan,Writing from Australia. CUP.1994.:Morris Lurie,The
Larder.1984. Short story.
Engberg-Pedersen m.fl. Contexts, Gyldendal. 2004.:
C.D. Divakaruni, Clothes 1995. Short story
Net: Miguel Helft, A Decent Proposal. Prism Rim Issue. November. 1995.
William Sutcliffe, Are You Experienced. Novel. Penguin1997. Novel.
Dan McDougall, “Desperate British Indians fly to India to abort baby girls.”The
Observer 22.01.06. Article
A.Gentleman, ”Warnings unheard as India beats its superpower drum” The
Observer, 04.02.07. Article
Jason Overdorf, Rebel Brides and Ex-Wives. Newsweek May 26/June2 2008
English as a Global Language:
“Not the Queen´s English. Non-native English–speakers now outnumber native
ones 3 to 1 and it´s changing the way we communicate” (Including “The Global
Language in a Circle”. Newsweek, March 7 2005
Sean Coughlan, “It´s Hinglish, Innit?” BBC News Magazine. Nov 2006
“Indian English. Hinglish.” Flensted og Petersen,p. 78 Box on Communication.
Malling Beck. 2006
Supplerende tekster:
Frederiksen og Madelung, Images of India. Munksgaard. 1998.: Saasat Hasan
Manto, The Assignment
Unge rejsende er blinde flokdyr, Alt for damerne 51/2000
Film: Gandhi.
: Slumdog Millionaire.
Evt paralleltekst: Manter, The Beautiful Daughter. I Mottled Dawn, Penguin.
India 1997. (Gloser og “dumme” spørgsmål vedhæftet hvis man I stedet vil
læse den I klassen)
Are You Experienced.
India: Which of the following statements are true?
true false
Bollywood is situated in Bombay
The most important language in India is Hindu
India became independent in 1957
50% of the population are Hindu
40 % of the population are Muslim
Mahatma Gandhi was murdered in 1948
Indira Ghandi was murdered in 1984
only 48% of the population in India are women
Bombay has about 2 million inhabitants
There are about one billion people in India
In 1991 48,1% of the population were illiterate (analfabeter)
India is a democratic republic
The control of India passed to the British Crown in 1658
In 1948 the country was divided into Pakistan and India
India is a union of 25 states, each with its own governor and legislative
75% of the Indians live in the country
Bombay is often called Mumbai by the Indians
Hinduism has traditionally divided its people into three basic castes
The Indian Parliament consists of an upper house and a lower house
The Indian Parliament is called Indian Nation Congress and was built
in 1885
It is legal in India for a man (´s family) to demand a dowry when he is
getting married.
There are no longer arranged marriages in India.
The women and the men have equal rights in India
There are also Hindus in Pakistan, Burma, Ceylon, Bali, South Africa,
Kenya and Trinidad
2. Reading log
As you read, stop from time to time to think back over what you have read, and make notes
to the following questions:
(Write the date for every log book entry that you make)
Is there anything in the text which puzzles you? What and why? Write the question(s)!
Note any quotations which you find interesting, incl. the page reference
Does your reading remind you of anything else you have read, heard, or seen on TV or in the
cinema? Jot down what it is.
Have you had experiences similar to those narrated in the book?
Do you find yourself identifying with closely with one or more of the characters? record this as
accurately as you can
Do you find yourself really liking or disliking/ loathing any of the characters? What is it about
them that makes you react so strongly?
Make notes that you can add to so that you can show changes or development in each of the
most important characters.
Don't forget to give each of them and adjective or two now and then
Can you picture any of the locations and settings? Draw maps, plans, diagrams, drawings, in
fact any doodle that helps you make sense of these things
Now and again try to predict what will happen next in the book. use what you already know of
the author, the genre, the type of story, and the characters to help you do this.
Later record how close you were and whether you were surprised at the outcome
Write down any feelings you may have about the book. Your reading log should help you make
sense of your own ideas alongside those of the author
Are You Experienced. Vocabulary. p.1-p 100
Fill in the gaps.
Add a prefix and get the antonym: happy – unhappy; human – inhuman etc
Can you think of other adjectives and their antonyms
Do you know the English word for : utroskab
What is the year – after high school - called that many young people take off to travel etc before
they start on their further education?
Do you know what it means “to play it by ear”
Do you know what an expression like that is called? (think for example of expresiions like: to lose
face, to wear your heart on your sleeve etc) – we talked about them earlier this year (AP)
Can you think of other expressions?
Are You Experienced. The whole book.
1. What is the theme of the novel?
a. According to Dave, why do many of his friends go to India, South-East Asia or Australia?
b. Do you think he is right?
3.Why doesn´t Dave want to go to the Third World. Mention at least three reasons.
4. Why does he go to the Third World then? (p.49)
5.Why does Liz go?
6.How does he feel about India when they arrive ( p.6-19)
7.Does his view of India change during the three months he is there?
8.Does Dave return to England richer in experience and maturity? Why/why not?
9.Does Liz?
10.What aspects of India doesn´t Dave tell us anything about? Mention at least 10.
11.Which of the following words would you use to characterize Dave, Liz, Ranj, Fee and Caz? Feel
free to add words of your own.
un/adventurous conceited curious cynical in/experienced foolish generous
ignorant un/imaginative in/dependent un/interesting
un/likable im/mature
naive un/prejudiced ridiculous self-centered self-absorbed self-important
in/sincere in/secure un/selfish in/sensitive silly spiritual
un/sympathetic thoughtless
Fee and Caz
12. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements:
 “ The “gap year” between school and university/further education is an increasingly common
phenomenon both in Britain and in Denmark.
 The “gap year” is taking on the role of a rite of passage into adulthood.
 The adventures and misadventures of Dave are narrated in the third person.
 Dave traverses India with the aid of the Lonely Planet guide.
 Dave´s ignorance is exposed in his encounter with a Western journalist.
 “ Your kind of travel is all about low horizons dressed up as open-mindednesss. You have no
interest in India, and no sensitivity for the problems this country is trying to face up to.” (
British journalist to Dave p. 140 )
 Dave has a stereotype view of the Indians.
 Fee and Caz are changed persons after they have worked at the leprosy colony.
 Liz finds it difficult to reacclimatize to Western culture.
 The guru of Intimate Yoga is a sham.
 Dave and Ranj will stay in touch after they return to England
 “ I had been to places and done things that most people avoid out of fear. I had suffered and
confronted dark sides of myself. I had experienced the world” (Dave p. 212)
 “I am a completely different person….I´m just you know, more grown up. I was a kid – now
I´m a proper, confident adult.” ” (Dave p. 218 and 219)
a. How does Dave feel most of the time? happy cheerful depressed content miserable
nervous lonely desperate bored thrilled homesick anxious
14. Which words would you use to characterise the tone of the novel: serious
neutral comic sad
15. Which words would you use to characterize the language/style of the novel: formal
colloquial literary poetic
16. What is the message of the novel?
17. Did you find the novel: amusing interesting boring thought-provoking realistic
unrealistic entertaining awful depressing moving unputdownable easy difficult
1. Write a summary of the whole book in 200-300 words
2. Write an essay about Are You Experienced in which you include the points listed below.
Your essay must also include a couple of quotations that are relevant to your interpretation.
The setting
A characterization of Dave
A characterization of Liz
2 themes
Language and style
The Dutiful Daughter
´refuge: tilflugtssted
´temporary: midlertidigt
shelter: opholdssted
refu´gee: flygtning
fa´cilities: “bekvemmeligheder”
epi´demics: epidemier
’volunteer: frivillig
re´cover:få fat i
ab´ducted: bortført
re´store:give tilbage
re´covery: generhvervelse
enthu´siastic: begejstret, noget man går op i med
liv og sjæl
´effort: anstrengelse
un´do: omgøre, gøre en ende på
´perpetrate: begå ( en forbrydelse)
reha´bilitate: skaffe oprejsning
de´votion: opofrelse, brændende iver
ab´ductor: bortfører
trace: spore
de´vise: udtænke
means: middel
e´lude: undgå, smutte fra
pur´suer: forfølger
trail: spor
li´aison officer: forbindelsesofficer
a´busive language: skælsord
pro´truding: fremstående ( de er gravide)
cracked: sprukken
matted: sammenfiltret
a´bandon: opgive
´futile: nyttesløs, forgæves
in´duce to: få til at
´confident: sikker på
slash: flænge, skære over
i´mmortal: udødelig
de´feat: nederlag
enter´tain: være ind på, overveje
´ragged: laset
´threadbare: slidt
frail: skrøbelig
con´viction: overbevisning
a´ssure: forsikre
´holocaust: massakre, massemyrderi
de´ceive: narre
grief: sorg
´roundabout: rundkørsel
inter´sect: gennemskære
´infinite: endelig
totter: vakle
raving mad: bindegal
a´sylum: sindsygeanstalt
di´vest of: fratage, berøve
con´fine: spærre inde
peer: stirre
ex´change: samtale
con´tain: indeholde
claim: gære krav på
womb: livmoder
ledger: “bog”
ab´duction: bortførelse
violate: voldtage
board up: slå brædder for
shutter up: lukke med vinduesskodder
en´tire: hele
´suburbs: forstad
di´stracted: ude af sig selv
´desolate: fortvivlet, sindsforvirret
rags: laser
coat: dække
de´termined: besluttet
brisk: hurtig
fall in a heap: synke om
The Dutiful Daughter.
In pairs: Take turns asking and answering the following questions.
1. Why were hundreds of thousands of Muslims and Hindus moving from India to Pakistan and
from Pakistan to India?
2. What is the situation in the refugee camps?
3. What is the job of the volunteers?
4. What is it that the narrator (fortæller) does not understand?
p. 97.
1. Why is it difficult to find the women and children who have been abducted?
2. How do the abducted women react when they have to go ”home”?
3. Try and explain their reactions
1. ” I had boarded up all the doors and windows of my mind, shuttered them up.” (lines 3-4).
Explain what the narrator means.
The story of the liaison officer:
2. How does the old woman look the first time he sees her?
3. What has happened to her daughter?
4. How does the woman look the second time he sees her?
1. Why does he tell her that her daughter has probably been murdered?
2. Does she believe him?
3.How does she look the third time he sees her?
4. Why is the old woman certain that no one has killed her daughter?
1. Does the liaison officer think she is right?
2. Why doesn´t he want to put her in an asylum?
3. What happens the last time he sees her?
4. Why is the short story called ”The dutiful daughter”?