Prokaryotes NAME______________________________ #_____ Block_____ PPt and Book Q's 1. Label the parts of this prokaryotic cell. 2. Name the 2 prokaryotic Domains a. b. 3. ______________ are found in harsh environments. 4. Give 3 examples of harsh environments in which #3 can be found. 5. What group is referred to as the true bacteria? 6. What photosynthetic member is in this group? 7. What must be used to view prokaryotic cells? 8.What cell structures are lacking in prokaryotes? 9. Do bacteria have ribosomes like other types of cells? 10. Describe the genetic material of the bacteria. Be sure to tell where it is found. 11. What surrounds the cytoplasm of bacterial cells? 12.What surrounds the outside of all bacterial cells? 13. Cell walls of true bacteria contain ____________________. 14. Some bacteria have a sticky ____________ around the cell wall to attach to __________ or other bacteria. 15. Besides the circular chromosome, where else can DNA be found inside a bacterial cell? 16. What is the size of most bacterial cells? 17. Most bacteria act as ________________. Why is this so important? 18. How can some bacteria be harmful? Give an example. 19. Give two other important uses for bacteria. 20. What does motile mean? 21. Motile bacteria may have one or more ______________ for movement. 22. What are bacterial pili? 23. How do pili compare to flagella in size? 24. Give two functions of pili. 25. Name and describe 3 shapes used to classify bacteria. a. b. c. 26. Sketch the shape of these bacteria: a. Coccus b. Bacillus c. Spirillium d. Diplococcus e. Streptococcus f. Staphylococcus g. Diplobacillus 27. How do the cell walls of Archaebacteria differ from the true bacteria? 28. How do the cell membranes differ? 29. Are the ribosomes the same? 30. Are the gene sequences the same? 31. Do Archaebacteria require oxygen? 32. How is their environment different from true bacteria? 33. Methanogens live in _____________ environments. What is lacking in this environment? 34. How do methanogens get their energy? 35. How do methanogens help cows? 36. How did the methanogens get their name? 37. The ____________________ live in very salty environments. 38. Name two bodies of water in which halophiles are found. 39. ______________ live in extremely hot environments. 40. Name 3 habitats in which thermophiles are found. 41. Describe Gram staining. (MAGNET) 42. Describe the cell wall of Gram positive bacteria.(MAG) 43. What color do they stain? MAG 44. Describe the cell walls of Gram negative bacteria. (MAG) 45. Name and describe 3 modes of nutrition in bacteria. a. b. c. 46. Explain each of the following methods of respiration in bacteria. a. Obligate Aerobes- b. Obligate Anaerobes- c. Facultative Anaerobes- 47. Bacteria reproduce asexually by what method? 48. Bacteria can reproduce sexually by ________________. 49. Describe how conjugation occurs. 50. How do the new cells compare to each other after conjugation? 51. How long can an endospore survive? 52. Why are endospores such a problem in health care facilities and in the canning industry? 53. How can bacteria transform? 54. What are pathogens? 55. Pathogens may cause ____________. 56. What are toxins? 57. What is the difference between endotoxins and exotoxins? 58. Name a bacterium that produces each type of toxin. a. Endotoxin? b. Exotoxin? 59. Draw a GENERAL cladogram of the evolution of Eubacteria, Archaea and Eukarya. 60. Which other Domain is Eukarya most closely related to? Give at least 3 reasons as to why. 61. As we previously studied, Eukarya have introns. A. Define intron. B. Do mutations have more of a phenotypic effect on true bacteria or archaea? Explain. 62. Give 3 characteristics of Archaea that are not homologous with Eubacteria. 63. Explain the term moneran and why the term no longer applies.