Unit 4 Test Review

Today is Tuesday,
November 17th, 2015
Today is our review. Have any
Reminder: Chromosomes, Mitosis,
Meiosis Questions was due today,
Mitosis Flipbook is due next class.
Today’s Agenda
The Freeform “Lab”
• Let’s take a look at some
actual cells undergoing
• As you know, under the
microscope things aren’t
so “ideal.”
• Here’s what you might see:
– Note: This is an onion root
tip, so it’s a plant cell.
– Look near the tip for more
Mitosis or Meiosis
• Using your partners and your whiteboards, tell
me (quickly) whether each of the following
statements describes mitosis or meiosis.
• Standard trivia questions to follow.
Mitosis or Meiosis:
Question #1
• Four new cells are formed from each original.
– Meiosis (spermatogenesis/oogenesis).
Mitosis or Meiosis:
Question #2
• This type of cell reproduction helps you grow
(or repair/replace old cells).
– Mitosis.
Mitosis or Meiosis:
Question #3
• This makes cells with half the original cell
chromosome number.
• 1 imaginary bonus point if you’re really
– Meiosis I.
Mitosis or Meiosis:
Question #4
• New egg cells are made this way.
• 1 imaginary bonus point if you’re really
– Oogenesis.
Mitosis or Meiosis:
Question #5
• New sperm cells are made this way.
• 1 imaginary bonus point if you’re really
– Spermatogenesis.
Mitosis or Meiosis:
Question #6
• This makes cells with the same chromosome
number as the original.
• 1 imaginary bonus point if you give two
correct answers.
– Mitosis or Meiosis II.
Question #7
• A human haploid cell has this many
– 23.
Question #8
• A specific example of (not a term for) a human
haploid cell is this.
– Sperm or Ovum.
Question #9
• A human diploid cell has this many
– 46.
Question #10
• We call human sex cells (sperm/egg) by this
general term.
– Gametes.
Question #11
• You may wager any/all of your points.
• Category: Presidents
• Who is the only United States president to
have survived two assassination attempts
(both, coincidentally, by women)?
– Gerald Ford.
Question #12
• Why is crossing over a good thing?
– Increases genetic variability.
Question #13
• What do cells that have cell walls develop in
place of a cleavage furrow in order to undergo
– Cell plate (then they build the cell wall along it).
Question #14
• What are the two sets of possible resulting
cells from the process of meiosis? (as in, how
many of what type of cell are made by each
kind of meiosis – NOT phase of meiosis)
– Four sperm cells OR one egg cell and three polar
Question #15
• What’s the difference between daughter cells
and sister chromatids?
– Daughter cells are actual cells – the two cells that
were produced during mitosis.
– Sister chromatids are the two identical halves of
an X-shaped chromosome. They contain the same
DNA and are located in the nucleus.
Question #16
• You may wager any/all of your points.
• Category: Candy
• Which candy company owns the trademark to
the Kit-Kat Bar? (note: other companies still
make Kit-Kat and have a license to produce it,
but only one company truly owns it)
– Nestlé.