Hitchhiker's Guide

7 April 2014
Dual Credit
• Inquiring minds want to know-Can perfection be achieved?
• Watching Jiro Dreams of Sushi
• HW-Bring 3 possible questions for inquiry research!
7 April 2014
English IV
Do Now: Prepare for quiz
Vocabulary quiz 25-Latin and Greek Unit 4
Watch: “Life in the trenches”
Read: “The Rear Guard” and “Dulce et Decorum Est”
Respond: Write an analysis of these poems, comparing
and contrasting imagery, sound devices, and structure.
• HW-Bring reading journal for check!
7 April 2014
ACC English IV
Do Now: Tone 100; Prepare for quiz.
Vocabulary quiz 25-Latin and Greek Unit 4
Discussing “Witchcraft”
20th Century Britain review
HW-Prepare for test; Ocean at the End of the Lane!
8 April 2014
English IV
Do Now: Prepare for quiz
Vocabulary quiz 25-Latin and Greek Unit 4
Watch: “Life in the trenches”
Read: “The Rear Guard” and “Dulce et Decorum Est”
Respond: Write an analysis of these poems, comparing
and contrasting the imagery, sound devices, and structure.
• HW-Bring reading journal for check!
8 April 2014
Do Now: Get out Ferris 6 and a highlighter!
Ferris Bueller 7, 11 mins.
Simon quiz 7
HW-Verbal packet 7 due.
8 April 2014
AP English IV
• Do Now: Tone 100
• 1995 AP Exam Prose essay, 45 minutes timed
• HW-PR #4
9 April 2014
Dual Credit
• Discussing inquiry topics
• Research in library
• HW-Bring research materials to start rough draft in class
9 April 2014
English IV
• Do Now: Clear Pronoun Reference A; Journal check
• Read: Yeats’s “Lake Isle of Innisfree”, Thomas’s “Fern Hill”,
and Heaney’s “Digging”
• Respond: How does nature help these poets express
their individual themes?
• Read and journal, if you have time after response!
• HW-Vocab quiz 26; Bring journal and novel for classwork
9 April 2014
ACC English IV
• Do Now: Tone 101
• 20th Century test
• HW-Bring Ocean every day; Vocab quiz 26
10 April 2014
English IV
• Do Now: Clear Pronoun Reference A; Journal check
• Read: Yeats’s “Lake Isle of Innisfree”, Thomas’s “Fern Hill”,
and Heaney’s “Digging”
• Respond: How does nature help these poets express
their individual themes?
• Read and journal, if you have time after response!
• HW-Vocab quiz 26; Bring journal and novel for classwork
10 April 2014
Do Now: Get out Packet 7 and a highlighter!
Receive Packet 8; due April 22nd
Groups finish discussing W practice 1
Checking it
W timed practice 2
10 April 2014
AP English IV
• Do Now: Tone 101; turn in PR #4
• Workshop of essay from last class
• HW-Revise and type final draft
11 April 2014
Dual Credit
Do Now: Get out research materials
Reviewing/reading research
Start drafting essay
HW-Bring research materials and draft to continue working
11 April 2014
English IV
Do Now: Prepare for quiz.
Vocabulary quiz 26-Latin and Greek Unit 5
The Victorian Period and The 20th Century Review
Reading and journaling HGTTG
HW: Prepare for test; Bring journal for check!
11 April 2014
ACC English IV
• Do Now: Tone 102; Prepare for quiz.
• Vocabulary quiz 26-Latin and Greek Unit 5
• Ocean at the End of the Lane:
An introduction to Neil Gaiman
• Reading schedule & Study guide questions
• HW: Read and answer section 1 questions!
14 April 2014
English IV
Do Now: Prepare for quiz.
Vocabulary quiz 26-Latin and Greek Unit 5
The Victorian Period and The 20th Century Review
Reading and journaling HGTTG
HW: Prepare for test; Bring journal for check!
14 April 2014
• Math!
14 April 2014
AP English IV
• Do Now: Tone 102
• AP Question 3 essay practice, 45 minutes timed
• HW-PR #5
15 April 2014
Dual Credit
• Do Now: Get out research materials and rough draft
• Continue rough draft
• HW-Rough draft should be at least 90% finished;
finishing and conferencing on it next time
15 April 2014
English IV
• Do Now: Journal check
• The Victorian Period and The 20th Century test
• HW- Bring Hitchhiker’s Guide every day!
15 April 2014
ACC English IV
• Do Now: Tone 103
• Ocean at the End of the Lane-Section 1
• HW-Read and answer Section 2 questions!
16 April 2014
English IV
• Do Now: Journal check
• The Victorian Period and The 20th Century test
• HW- Bring Hitchhiker’s Guide every day!
16 April 2014
Do Now: Get out Ferris 7 and a highlighter!
Ferris Bueller 8, 16 mins.
Simon quiz 8
HW-Packet 8 due.
16 April 2014
AP English IV
• Do Now: Tone 103, turn in PR #5
• Workshop essay from last class and revise
17 April 2014
Dual Credit
Do Now: Get out research materials and rough draft.
Finalize draft/Create works cited page
Conference with Schooler
HW-Type up revised final draft; bring rough draft
17 April 2014
English IV
• Do Now: Verb forms A
• Hitchhiker’s Guide-Section 1 work
• HW- Vocab quiz 27; Bring finalized journal to turn in!
17 April 2014
ACC English IV
• Do Now: Tone 104
• Ocean at the End of the Lane-Section 2
• HW-Vocab quiz 27; Read and answer Section 3 questions!
22 April 2014
English IV
• Do Now: Verb forms A
• Hitchhiker’s Guide-Section 1 work
• HW- Vocab quiz 27; Bring finalized journal to turn in!
22 April 2014
• Do Now: Get out Verbal packet 8 and a highlighter!
• W timed practice 3
• HW-Math
22 April 2014
AP English IV
• Do Now: Tone 104
• AP Exam Question 3 practice, 45 minutes timed
• HW-PR #6
23 April 2014
Dual Credit
• Do Now: Staple final draft and works cited page
on top of rough draft and turn in!
• Elements of Drama
• The Victorian Era and Oscar Wilde
• The Importance of Being Ernest, Act I
23 April 2014
English IV
Do Now: Turn in dialectical journal
Vocabulary quiz 27- Latin and Greek Unit 6
Hitchhiker’s Guide-Section 2 work
HW-ALL make up work must be completed by May 2.
23 April 2014
ACC English IV
Do Now: Tone 106; Prepare for quiz.
Vocabulary quiz 27- Latin and Greek Unit 6
Ocean at the End of the Lane-Section 3
HW-Answer End of Book questions!
24 April 2014
English IV
Do Now: Turn in dialectical journal
Vocabulary quiz 27- Latin and Greek Unit 6
Hitchhiker’s Guide-Section 2 work
HW-ALL make up work must be completed by May 2.
24 April 2014
24 April 2014
AP English IV
• Do Now: Tone 106, turn in PR #6
• Workshop essay from last class and revise
• HW-Contemporary novel project due!
25 April 2014
Dual Credit
• The Importance of Being Ernest, Act II
25 April 2014
English IV
• Do Now: Commas A
• Hitchhiker’s Guide-Section 3 work
• HW- Vocab quiz 28; ALL make up work done by May 2.
25 April 2014
ACC English IV
• Do Now: Tone 107
• Ocean at the End of the Lane-End of book
• HW-Vocab quiz 28; Bring textbook and Ocean
for in-class essay