School of Computer Sciences College of Business and Technology* *An AACSB Accredited Institution Western Illinois University IS342: Enterprise Data Management TQ1, 200 FALL 2015 Professor: Office: Office Hours: Phone: Email: Website: Course hours: Chandra S. Amaravadi, Ph.d Stipes 442D T, W, TH: 8:30-10:30 309-298-2034 11:00-12:15 T, Th, Stipes 207; RC239 Textbook: SUPPLEMENTARY TEXT: "Modern Database Management" by Hoffer, Ramesh & Topi 11th Edition. ISBN# 9780136088394. Please note that the textbook will not be followed. However, it is strongly recommended that you read the book to develop thought, to fill gaps in your understanding and to develop problem solving skills in the area. Pre-requisites: Business Systems Analysis (IS 341). Course Description and Objectives: A study of the theory and application of database management systems including their design, development and management. Course objectives are: Demonstrate a thorough understanding of database concepts Ability to develop ER models Ability to develop normalized database designs Demonstrate ability to implement database designs Ability to formulate and execute SQL queries Demonstrate understanding of database administration issues and their impact Evaluation: The course grade will be determined from absolute performance on examinations, pop quizzes, class assignments, and discussion. The following is the tentative allocation of points: Evaluation Item First Midterm Second Midterm Final Exam Assignments Participation Attendance Quizzes 2 x 20 Total Points 100 100 100 120 - 20 40 20 40 500 Letter grades will be based on total percentage points with A’s in the range of >=90%, B’s between 8089.9%, C’s between 70-79.9% and D’s between 60-69.9% as shown below: Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF Percentage >=93% 90-92.9% >85% and < 89.9% 83-84.9% 80-82.9% >75% and < 79.9% 73-74.9% 70-72.9% >65% and < 69.9% 63-64.9% 60-62.9% <60% EXAMINATIONS: There will be two midterms and one final examination. The examinations will typically consist of three sections: the first will have a mixture of T/F, fill-in-blank, multiple choice questions, the second section will have both theoretical and applied (mini problems) short answer questions and the third section will have one or two larger problems. The final examination will be comprehensive. Examinations must be taken when scheduled. An absence will mean a zero for the examination (no exceptions). There will not be any make ups. Exceptions will be made in extreme situations where the instructor has been notified and his permission is sought prior to the exam. QUIZZES: There will be two quizzes for twenty points each, consisting of a mix of T/F, fill-in-blanks, multiple choice, short answer questions and mini-problems testing your conceptual understanding of the material. There will additionally be participation quizzes (two points each, ten questions) which may not be announced. There may be 4-5 participation quizzes, but this is tentative. ASSIGNMENTS: Class assignments are geared towards reinforcing concepts from lectures and text material. The assignments will be both written as well as computer assignments. Hand in your assignments in-class on the due date. Assignment Ass#1 Ass#2 Ass#3 Ass#4 Ass#5 Ass#6 Description DBMS basics with Access -I Database basics Data modeling Database design DBMS basics with Access - II MySQL (you may need to install the Workbench sw front end on your PC) # of points 20 20 20 20 20 20 The top five assignments will be taken for evaluation purpose and the lowest scoring assignment will be dropped. But all six assignments need to be turned in. Only complete assignments will be accepted, partially completed assignments will not be accepted. There is a twenty point penalty if all assignments are not turned in (in addition to a zero on the assignment). Written assignments must be submitted on clean white paper and stapled in the correct order. In other words, please do not tear out papers from your notebooks and prepare your assignment on them. Staple outputs in correct orders. Diagrams must be drawn neatly and legibly with corrections whited out. Incomplete or slipshod work will not be accepted. There will be a five point penalty if these requirements are not met. Please bear in mind that these requirements are imposed on you because this is an important professional course. CLASS PARTICIPATION: Class participation will be graded (from the second week of the semester) according to: ability to address issues raised in class, ability to recall important concepts, ability to refer to prior discussion, solving in-class assignments, performance on pop-quizzes, discussing relevant developments in the field, expressed knowledge of course material. Additionally, contribution to classroom atmosphere will also be considered. Engaging in disruptive activities such as talking can result in negative grade for participation. Eating and drinking in class is strictly prohibited. You can also expect quizzes as part of class participation (maximum 2 pts). Overall participation will be evaluated at the end of the semester. ATTENDANCE: Regular attendance is expected. Attendance will be recorded at random after the first two weeks of classes, through the last day of class. It will be recorded at the beginning of class. If you are absent at the time of recording the attendance, you will not be given credit. Attendance will be excused if you have a valid documented reason. Please notify the instructor in advance of the class in question. The total number of excused absences will be limited to two occasions only. Un-excused absences will result in a two point penalty per absence. Your Responsibilites: 1. Regular class attendance and appropriate class room behavior is expected. No eating & drinking in the class. 2. You are expected to obtain all class material from the course web site. This includes lecture notes (powerpoints) that are made available as a convenience to you, as well as assignments and other handouts. Material will be made available to you on the web site before the date the material is scheduled to be discussed in class (as per the syllabus). 3. You are also expected to periodically log into the web site to check for announcements etc. 4. If circumstances prevent you from attending class, notify the instructor ahead of time to receive attendance credit. It is your responsibility to make arrangements to obtain notes from a classmate and to keep abreast of class developments. 5. You are expected to read all assigned material and participate in class discussions. At the very minimum, you are expected to be familiar with the material that has already been covered. Since participation quizzes may be administered any time, it is to your advantage to be always prepared. 6. Homework assignments must be completed on time and handed to the instructor in class on the due date. You are advised to start assignments as soon as they are given out so that you can complete them on time. Homework assignments need to be completed on plain white sheets and stapled in the correct order as already mentioned. Slipshod work will be rejected. NOTE: The syllabus and schedule are subject to change with notice. COURSE/ASSIGNMENT SCHEDULE, FALL 2015 No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Day 08/25 08/27 09/01 09/03 09/08 09/10 09/15 09/17 09/22 09/24 09/29 10/01 Topic Course Administration and Overview. Introduction to DBMS, Ass#1 start. DBMS Evolution and Environment. Database Planning, Ass#1 due, Ass#2 start. Database Analysis. ER Diagrams, Ass#2 due. ER Diagrams. ER Diagrams, Quiz I, Ass#3 Part I due. ER Diagrams. ER Diagrams, Ass#3 Part II due. First Midterm Database Logical Design I. Reading Ch. 1 Ch. 1 Ch. 1 Ch.2 Ch. 2 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 10/06 10/08 10/13 10/15 10/20 10/22 Database Logical Design I. Database Logical Design I. Database Logical Design I. Database Logical Design I, Ass#4 start. Database Logical Design II. Database Logical Design II. Ch. 4 Ch. 4 Ch. 4 Ch. 4 Ch. 4 Ch. 6 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 10/27 10/29 11/03 11/05 11/10 11/12 Database Logical Design II. Database Logical Design II, Ass#4 due, Ass#5 available. Structured Query Language. Structured Query Language. Lab class, come prepared with answers to SQL lab Structured Query Language. Ch. 6 Ch. 6 Ch. 6 Ch. 6 Ch. 6 Ch. 6 11/17 11/19 11/24 11/26 12/01 12/03 12/08 12/10 12/17 Second Midterm Database Physical Design, Ass#5 due, Ass#6 available Thanksgiving break, No Class! Thanksgiving break, No Class! Buffer zone. Database Physical Design. Database Physical Design. Course wrap up. Comprehensive Final at 10:00 – 11:50 am. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Month (Aug.) (Sept.) (Oct.) (Nov.) (Dec.) Ch. 2 Ch. 2 Ch. 2 Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 5 Ch. 5 Ch. 11