Large news sites

building communities around news
Team Members
Dan Berenholtz
Venkat Dinavahi
Evelyn Larrubia
Thomas Kong
Initial Idea
Centralized online platform to discuss news events
Smart, informed audience
Use social media identity
Comment on any story
News media as key partners
Business Model Canvas # 1
News Sites
-Talking to Users and
Large News Sites
-Finding AI developer
-Drafting Mockups
-Developing Site
-Partnerships w/
News Sites
-Large user base
-Human Resources
-Fixed Costs
-Variable Costs
-Providing central place
for individuals to
connect with other
readers about news
News Partners
-Taking away burden of
policing comments
communication among
their readers
-Driving traffic
-The web
-Social Networks
-News Sites
-CPM Ad revenue
-Multi-sided platform
What We Did
Surveyed users
Interviewed users
Talked to six large newspapers and chains
Legal Staff
Started drawing mockups and building the site
What is the MVP?
Drupal vs. Ning. Vs. Wordpress
What We Found
News consumers
Want to engage in dialogue
Lack of civility prevents engagement
Want real identities
Large news sites
Fed up with trash talk
Hesitant to drive traffic off their sites
Not legally responsible for readers’ posts
Slow to change
Business Model Canvas # 2
-News Sites
(waiting on Stanford
Review’s decision)
-Developing site
-Talking to small News
-Testing viral features
-Talking to users
-Large user base
-Human Resources
-Potentially news
-Engaging in high-level
conversations about
news articles with likeminded individuals and
-Bookmarking articles
News Partners
-Demographic data
-More eyeballs due to
viral elements
-Shared ad revenue
-Reaching educated, highincome individuals
-Web site programming, design, and maintenance;
salaries related to business activities and site monitoring
-The web
-Social Networks
-Potentially News Sites
-Peer-to-peer invitations
-CPM Ad revenue
-Multi-sided platform
What We Did
Talked to smaller news sites
 Mountain View Voice
 The Modesto Bee
 The Daily Herald
 The Stanford Review
 The Stanford Daily
Talked to more users
Ethnographic studies of face-to-face conversations
Tested moderation
Continued building site
 MVP completed
 Improved UI
 Analytics
What We Found
Like the mockups
Slow to migrate to new platforms
More likely to share than discuss articles
Moderation created more robust conversations
Small news sites
Interested in leveraging social media
Interested in demographic data
Slow to make decisions
Have deficient IT infrastructures
-News Sites*
(Stanford Review
rejects partnership)
(Stanford Daily wants
to be involved)
*We are exploring
ways to become less
reliant on news
-Brainstorming ways to
become less reliant on
news sites
-Continuing site
-Testing viral features
-Large user base
-Human Resources
-Potentially news
-Engaging in high-level
conversations about
news articles with likeminded individuals and
-Bookmarking articles
News Partners
-Demographic data
-More eyeballs due to
viral elements
-Shared ad revenue
-Reaching educated,
high-income individuals
-Web site programming, design, and maintenance;
salaries related to business activities and site monitoring
-The web
-Social Networks
-Potentially News Sites
-Peer-to-peer invitations
-CPM Ad revenue
-Multi-sided platform
News partnerships are a slow process
Users are not engaged
Empty room effect
Potential solutions
Don’t want users to leave their site
Are slow to make decisions
Focus on a niche community
Recommend active conversations
Was Drupal necessary?
Focus on testing community, not features
The End