Bulldozing small bookmakers

A strategy for putting dinero in der pocket
Bulldozing a bookmaker means getting its odds in line with the honest
odds of a more efficient bookmaker. This adjusts its odds while putting
money in your pocket.
Small bookmakers have a big disadvantage compared to the established ones: they can’t offer thin vigorish until
they produce an efficient market. An efficient market needs high volume and rational players. But:
• rational players bet at the established bookmakers (Pinnacle, SBOBET);
• these small companies are unable to accept big bets because they would not balance their books anymore, which
can mean death through the gambler’s ruin.
This situation makes them see two opposing business paths:
1. Offer shitty odds and scam people in with irrelevant bonuses. A bookmaker that does this will still go bankrupt in
the long run.
2. Try to compete by offering an equitable vigorish at low limits and hope to grow naturally and through efficient
marketing. By doing this they give themselves a chance of rolling with the big boys, but they go through
tremendous risks in the first operating years.
Mostly bookmakers that choose the second path expose themselves to bulldozing. In the next slides I will discuss step
by step how you should implement this strategy. English is not my first language; I hope I’m explicit enough.
How to
• Choose a sport… I’ll go with tennis for this how-to.
• Choose a market. I’ll select money line for tennis. For most of the
sports you’ll probably have to go with spread betting instead (for
better margins).
• Choose the most efficient bookmaker for that sport and market.
For tennis it will be Pinnacle. If you are unable to do this alone,
send me an email on Laurentiu.Andronache@gmail.com with the
sport/market combination for which you want to know who is the
most efficient bookmaker/exchange. Or ask on r/sportsbetting.
• Log into oddsportal.com, open all the events from today and
tomorrow from that sport/market and on each one calculate
Pinnacle’s honest odds and note which bookmakers have higher
offers than that. See on the right an example. Pinnacle offers 1.63
and 2.40, therefore the honest odds are 1.679 and 2.472. This is a
lot more likely to reflect the true probability than Interwetten’s
1.75 for home win. Put Interwetten and others on your soon to be
Victims List and go to step 2.
How to
• Choose one or two major offenders from the Victims List and verify that they actually offer the odds shown by
• Read Pinnacle’s TOS for the sport and also read theirs; make sure they’re not Nazis;
• Check their wager limits and determine if they are suited for your bankroll;
• Search for your choices on Google, coupled with the word “scam”. For example “Interwetten scam”. Read a few
forum threads from start to finish.
• After you’ve finished choosing a bookmaker, register an account with them and before depositing complete the
Know Your Customer (KYC) process;
• Make sure they confirm to you by email that your account is fully verified and you’ll be able to withdraw at any time
in the future, without further bureaucracy;
• Deposit and start making money in a fun way.
For the slower bunnies out there:
start making money = place a bet whenever and wherever the odds get out of line with the honest odds of the efficient
You should be happy. Not many professional gamblers
share a system of making money for free.
This is in no way related to the Hard Worker’s System. The concepts
revealed there are a lot more advanced and suited for the highest stakes.
I will be honest. I skipped a few small steps that can improve the ROI of bulldozing, simply
because I am a big believer in survival of the fittest. I do not believe that everything
should be handed over on a plate in life. It certainly wasn’t offered to me that way.
In the next part of
“Nature’s Guide to Sports Betting”…
In the next part I will make a big reveal as to the
optimum way of sizing stakes. Everybody knew it
but almost nobody implemented it correctly. New
lessons will be posted first on gamblers-united.com
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