Transistor Video Link

Matrix Vesajd
Final Project CTEC/Libr115 spring 09 (Due June 10th)
 My Topic is “ Evolution of Transistor Technology.”
 There will be also the history, the making of transistors which is
the most important invention of the 20th century.
3 Search questions:
 What search tools do I want to use?
 What database do I want to include in my search?
 What search field do I want in Booleans search?
(1) Source one book:
 Googlebook
 Boolean search
 I use this Google book to locate my subject. The book pages
highlighted the word “Transistor” or “Technology” on the page in
yellow. This is very useful to glance through and get right to the
subject for researching purposes. I found this very valuable to be at
home and access the book to read at my convenience time so long
as I have the computer and the Internet at home. I strongly recommend to
anyone to do the same.
 Citation:
Henderson, Jeffrey. The Globalization of High Technology
Production. Taylor & Francis,1991. 8 June 2009.
(2)Popular Magazine Article: Design and micro-architecture of the IBM
System z10 microprocessor.
 I founded through EbscoHost.
 I used Booleans search strategy
 The newer IBM z10 chip is the fastest chip that run 64 bits CISC
(complex instruction set computer). It is twice as fast of what the
z9 processor. This EbscoHost can search through variety of
searching strategy. I must say it is quite a challenge to work
through by picking the right combination, for example, searching
from what year to what date.
 Citation:
Shum, C.-L. K., et al. "Design and microarchitecture of the IBM
System z10 microprocessor." IBM Journal of Research &
Development 53.1 (Jan. 2009): 1:1-1:12. Academic Search
Premier. EBSCO. [Library name], [City], [State abbreviation]. 8
June 2009 <
(3) From a scholar Journal:
 Title: Single-electron update
 Seach Tool: Ebsco Host:
 This is a research update that has mostly texts and very little
graphic. By reading all the technical vocabulary and reasoning and
findings of new small transistors, I am convince that this article is
very scholarly written. It divides into five topics, and at the end I
see the bibliography of all other connections for the research.
 Citation:
Chen Zhi, et al. "Time-Dependent Transport in Nanoscale
Devices." Chinese Physics Letters 26.3 (Mar. 2009): 37303-37303.
Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. [Library name], [City], [State
abbreviation]. 8 June 2009
(4)Source newspaper article:
 I use Google because I remember one of the class assignment last
quarter about the Seattle Times.
 Just word search and it came up with this quite interesting article.
 Moore’s Law has made an impact in computer industry. His first
prediction published in 1965 that a computer chip will double the
transistors in one year, but 10 years later it will double in two
years instead, and the price will drop with better, reliable and
faster, smaller in size.
 Citation:
Takahashi, Dean. “Forty Years of Moore’s Law”. Seattle Times.
18 April, 2005. 8 June 2009.
(5)Website 1:
 I used Google
 I used Booleans search.
 This is a good site because it belongs to Intel Corporation and it
wants to show us its technology. It has other news articles, videos,
images, books. It also has links to other articles, matter and
energy, computer and math, and references. I like to recommend
this site to anyone who wants to read and learn what is Intel is up
 Citation:
Intel Corporation. "Transistor Technology Breakthrough
Represents Biggest Change to Computer Chips In 40 Years."
ScienceDaily 29 January 2007. 9 June 2009
(6) Website 2
 I used Google
 I uses Booleans search
 This site shows detail with early stage of different kind of
transistors. As we know that Wikipedia is a public domain open to
discussion and even we can edit the site. I definitely recommend
this site for curiosity learning or for expanding the knowledge on
reading the history of the transistors.
 Citation:
"Transistor–transistor logic." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
12 May 2009, 18:34 UTC. 12 May 2009
(7) Website 3
 I used google
 Word search.
 This site is a very well known name in the business. But, a
drawback is it is not free. I have to copy and paste to the word
document so the account sign in window is not blocking the
reading. I would recommend this site if the trouble copy and paste
is not the trouble. It is a good reading to find the history of the
making of the first invention of transistors that use the germanium
and silicon to create the transistor by the Bell Lab in April 1945.
 Citation:
"transistor." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2009. Encyclopædia
Britannica Online. 10 Jun. 2009
(8) Government Document: Export Controls: Rapid Advances in China's
Semiconductor Industry Underscore Need for Fundamental U.S. Policy
Review: GAO-02-620.
 I Used EbscoHost
 Boleans search
 I heard something like this before, and now here it is about the
Government was trying to control about the security of computer
production that the computer having the processing speed capable
of launching Nuclear Warhead. Well, almost if not all computers
are made in China. So what is the fuzz? But, as the article stated
that only the first generation chip are licensed out. Does this mean
that we keep the first generation here? The source is credible
because of the abstract form policy. And the copyright reports are
owned by the US Government.
 Citaion:
Christoff, Joseph. "Export Controls: Rapid Advances in China's
Semiconductor Industry Underscore Need for Fundamental U.S.
Policy Review: GAO-02-620." GAO Reports (19 Apr. 2002): 1.
Military & Government Collection. EBSCO. [Library name],
[City], [State abbreviation]. 8 June 2009 <
(9)Blog: YoutubeTransistor> Nobel
 I Googled “YouTube transistor” it leaded me to the Nebel prize
 Word search and follow the link to “transistor”.
 This is the educational site contains very fun and detailed
explanations, first showing information that leads to the invention
of the first transistor. The Topic Transistor is among other dozen
varieties of chapters. There are drawings then there are cartoons
showing the man is waking up. I recommend any one to check this
site out and learn why it is such an important invention in the 21
 Citation (link to chapter):
“Nobel Price Physics” > the Transistor. 8 June 2009
(10) Cited Image with source:
 ”Wikipedia.” Transistor. 8 June 2009.
 Image of a replica of first transistor by Bell
(11) Link to upload documents: The Globalization of High Technology
(12)Transistor Video Link:
(This one for Bob):
(13)Final advise to someone:
 This has been a challenge for me to search on my favorite subject
relating to transistors. This very good topic should be search
through many search tools available, like EbscoHost, Proquest,
Google, using Booleans search. I was stuck on the Booleans
search, and until I change the search field, all text, author etc., and
changed the databases and I came out OK. I remember I can zoom
out to get the result number just one (1). That was very unusual.
But most of the time from 10 to 50 results is desirable. I use key
word “transistors” in Google search. It comes with a list of many
different kinds of related subjects. Sometimes they are not useful.
Other time, there will be the site that I need to sign up and pay to
get an account with pass word. It is not free. I found a way around
to Britannica Encyclopedia by copy and paste to a word document
just before the blockage asking for password. It is very fun to be
able to see the word transistor highlighted on every page either in a
book or in a website.
This has been a fun class with lot of learning improving my
searching strategy.
Cannell Library: