JOPES Project Improvement of Operations Capacity, Philippine Defense Reform Program SCOPE OF PRESENTATION Overview Introduction to AFP JOPES The AJPEC Deliberate Planning Crisis Action Planning (CAP) AFP JOPES Plan Review, Management and Assessment OVERVIEW The Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES) is the integrated system used to plan and execute joint military operations. JOPES is a combination of joint policies and procedures (guidance), and automated data processing (ADP) support used to plan and execute joint military operations. THREE VOLUMES OF US JOPES CJCSM 3122.01 JOINT OPERATION PLANNING AND EXECUTION SYSTEM (JOPES) VOLUME I (PLANNING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES) 29 Sep 2006 CJCSM 3122.03A CJCSM 3122.02C JOPES JOPES VOLUME III (CRISIS ACTION TIME PHASED FORCE AND DEPLOYMENT DATA DEVELOPMENT AND DEPLOYMENT EXECUTION) 16 Apr 2008 VOLUME II PLANNING FORMATS AND GUIDANCE 17 Aug 2007 CJCSM 3122.04 JOPES VOLUME II SECRET Supplement FORMATS AND GUIDANCE 19 May 2000 INTRODUCTION TO AFP JOINT OPERATION PLANNING AND EXECUTION SYSTEM (JOPES) AFP JOPES FRAMEWORK JOPES FUNCTIONS & PLANNING AFP JOINT PLANNING & EXECUTION COMMUNITY (AJPEC) AJPEC FRAMEWORK DELIBERATE PLANNING DELIBERATE PLANNING encompasses the preparation of plans that occur in non-crisis situations is a process that is adaptive to situational changes within the operational and planning environments also referred to as Contingency Planning Deliberate Plans are developed in anticipation of a potential crisis outside of crisis conditions DELIBERATE PLANNING PROCESS normally begins with the publication of a CSAFP’s guidance for changes in the plan; the identified contingencies that used to be addressed; or when the CSAFP directs out-ofcycle deliberate planning. new plans are developed and existing plans are updated. in its basic form: Strategic Guidance Concept Development Plan Development Plan Refinement JOINT OPERATION PLANNING PROCESS (JOPP) (Same Analytical Process for both CAP and Deliberate Planning) Strategic Guidance *Warning Order Step 1: Initiation Step 2: Mission Analysis Step 3: COA Development Step 4: COA Analysis and Wargaming Concept Development Step 5: COA Comparison Step 6: COA Approval Plan Developme nt *Planning/ Alert Order Step 7: Plan or Order Development *CAP specific CRISIS ACTION PLANNING (CAP) CRISIS ACTION PLANNING based on circumstances that exist at the time planning occurs provides a process for responding to crises spanning full range of military operations responds to a national security threat and continues thru military option selection, OPORD development, and execution CAP ends when requirement for the plan is canceled, the operation is terminated, or the crisis is satisfactorily resolved CAP PROCEDURES are used by the AJPEC to plan and execute the deployment and employment of AFP forces in crisis situations is divided into six (6) separate phases: Situation Development, Crisis Assessment, COA Development, COA Selection, Execution Planning and Execution AFP JOPES PLAN REVIEW, MANAGEMENT AND ASSESSMENT IN-PROGRESS REVIEW (IPR) IPR IPR - are reviews to ensure that plans remain relevant, feasible, and respond to the CSAFP’s/ SND direction throughout the planning process DELIBERATE PLAN APPROVAL AUTHORITY & ALIGNMENT Deliberate Plan Category In Progress Review Recipient and Approval Authority IPR Plan Assumption Approval IPR Concept of Operation Approval IPR Final Plan Approval SND SND SND CSAFP CSAFP CSAFP Commander UC/CSAFP Commander UC/CSAFP Commander UC/CSAFP GHQ Strategic Plan CSAFP recommends approval of final plan via IPR to SND UC Implan/Campaign/ Functional Plans UC Commander recommends approval of final plan to CSAFP JTF Plans JTF Cmdr recommends approval of final plan to Cmdr UC/CSAFP DELIBERATE PLAN REVIEW PROCESS Involves early and detailed planning guidance and frequent dialogue during the in-progress review between senior leaders and planners Deliberate plans are reviewed during any of the following instances: by AJPEC during plan dev’t; by UC Cmdr every year/annually; by UC Cmdr following a change of command; by AJPEC at the request of UC Cmdr; change in operational environment /UDP Plans should not be more than three (3) years old from the time of CSAFP or SND’s approval Plans should be reviewed after two (2) years, with review period not exceeding one (1) year GHQ STRATEGIC PLANS REVIEW PROCESS UC IMPLAN/CAMPAIGN/FUNCTIONAL PLANS REVIEW PROCESS CAMPAIGN PLAN ASSESSMENT continuously monitors and evaluates current situation and progress of a joint operation toward mission accomplishment involves deliberately comparing forecasted outcomes to actual events to determine the overall effectiveness of force employment plan assessment encompasses four distinct evaluations of a plan: refinement (R), adaptation (A), termination (T), or execution (E)