Your Role In Public Relations

Your Role In Public Relations
 What do you do?
 Why are you here?
 What is Public Relations?
 How have things changed with digital?
 How do generational differences impact your work?
 Other differences?
 What do you want to know?
 What are situations/issues you’ve faced?
My Issues
 Talking in public
 Social media
 Parties
 News coverage
 Competition
What is Public Relations?
 PR is about reputation – the result of what you do,
what you say and what others say about you with the
aim of earning understanding and support, and
influencing opinion and behavior.
What is Public Relations
 The deliberate, planned and sustained effort to
establish and maintain mutual understanding
between an organization and its publics.
 The management, through communication, of
perceptions and strategic relationships between an
organization and its internal and external
What is Public Relations
(Common Themes)
 Deliberate
 Planned activity
 Research-based social science
 Socially responsible
 Performance
 Public interest
 Two-way communication
 Management function
Ten Basic Principles
 Deals with fact, not fiction
 PR is a public, not personal service
 Must have the guts to say no
 Never lie – EVER
 Cannot afford to be a guessing game
 Intuition is not enough
 Requires multidisciplinary applications
 Should alert and advise – no surprises
 Ethics are critical
What will you do?
 Counseling
 Research
 Media, employee, member, government, community,
financial, industry, multicultural relations (other
Public affairs
Issues management
Special events
Marketing communication
How does PR contribute to the bottom line?
 Awareness and information
 Organizational motivation
 Issue anticipation
 Opportunity identification
 Crisis management
 Overcoming executive isolation
 Change agentry
 Social responsibility
 Influencing public policy
 Who is your audience?
 Employees
 Media
 Investors/Boards
 Community and community groups
 Governments
 Customers
 Constituents
 Businesses
 ?
What about you?
 Are you ever not representing your organization?
Generational Differences
 Baby Boomers
 Generation X
 Generation Y (Millenials)
 Generation Z (Homelanders)
 Newspapers
 Television
 Magazines
 Social/digital media
Let’s talk Specifics
 What questions do you have?
 Scenarios?
 Issues?