THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT GREENSBORO Joseph M. Bryan School of Business and Economics INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MGT 301-01 FALL SEMESTER 2008 August 25-December 8 Mondays and Wednesdays, 2:00-3:15 PM 132 Bryan Building This syllabus is subject to change as the semester progresses to accommodate instructional and/or student needs. PART 1: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. CONTACT INFORMATION Professor: Riikka M. Sarala Office: 348 Bryan Office phone: 334 5457 (e-mail preferred) E-mail: Office Hours: Mo 9:00-11:00 AM, Tue 9:00 AM-10AM. Please send me an e-mail or stop by during my office hours to ask questions, etc. You can also come and talk to me before/after class. 2. PREREQUISITES Economics 300 3. REQUIRED COURSE TEXTBOOK International Business (The Challenges of Globalization), 4th edition, by Wild/Wild/Han, Prentice Hall 2008, ISBN 13: 978-0-13-174743-2 Companion website: This website provided by the textbook publisher includes supplemental material (e.g. extra slides, practice quizzes) that can assist you in learning the contents of the textbook. Blackboard: The lecture slides are available through Blackboard before each session! Please check Blackboard regularly for course announcements! 1 4. COURSE CATALOG DESCRIPTION This course is an introduction to the environmental factors which increasingly cause businesses to become international in the scope of their activities. Nature of global business and multinational organizations analyzed. 5. SPECIAL NOTE Certain topics and course content appear in both the ECO 300 and MGT 301 syllabi. This replication of topics is meant to build your knowledge, understanding, and analysis of global issues facing economic policy makers in ECO 300 and business managers in MGT 301. 6. COURSE PHILOSOPHY Due to the increasing globalization of industries and the deepening interdependence of national economies, it is becoming more important for managers to have a basic understanding of the structure of the global economy in which they operate. Also, with the greater freedom firms now have to sell, invest, and operate around the globe comes the need to understand how to assess the stability and growth prospects of individual nations and their markets. Knowledge about how to conduct business with people from numerous cultural backgrounds is just as vital. 7. COURSE OVERVIEW MGT 301 is an introductory undergraduate course in international business. It is the first course in international business. To that extent, it will provide an overview but not in-depth knowledge enough to become an expert in international business. The course covers a wide range of topics to introduce you to different aspects of international business environment and international management with a focus on multinational companies (MNCs). The course is divided in two parts: o Part 1: International Business Environment We cover topics related to the international business environment. o Part 2: International Management We explore how international business operations are managed and discuss how international management differs from the management of domestic operations. 2 8. COURSE OBJECTIVES On completion of this course, you will be able to Define international business and discuss how it differs from domestic business. Define and discuss key terms and concepts related to international business. Acquire a basic understanding of the structure of the global economy and the perspectives of various actors in the global economy. Make well-reasoned suggestions about how to address many of the challenges and opportunities within an international business setting. For example, students are expected to knowledgeably discuss the pros and cons of particular ways of entering national markets, of managing foreign exchange risk, and of selecting members for crosscultural teams. Other issues students will be expected to learn about are outlined in this syllabus and will be addressed as the course progresses. Knowledgeably discuss some of the key public policy, ethical and environmental issues that are typically connected to international business. Students should be able to discuss the challenges that third world countries have in participating in world trade, and the different perspectives that exist with regard to intellectual property rights and the third world. 9. COURSE FORMAT The course will be organized around short lectures, case analyses, in-class discussions, and group project. Active learning strategies are used to facilitate your learning and to enhance your communication and team work skills, which you will need when you enter the business world. Short lectures o Facilitate your understanding of the key terms and concepts and the theoretical foundations of international business. Case studies and in-class discussions o Teach you to apply the international business theories to different international business situations/problems and enhance your learning of the course material. Group project o Develops your knowledge about market entry to a foreign country o Improves your analytical, communication, and presentation skills 3 10. COURSE DESIGN I have designed the course around the Seven Principles of Good Practice in Undergraduate Education: Good practice encourages student-faculty contact. o I encourage you to come and talk to me before or after class or during my office hours if you have any questions or concerns. Also, if you are interested in a specific topic, I am glad to provide you with additional readings. If anything is unclear for you in class, do not hesitate to ask me right away. Good practice encourages cooperation among individual students. o During this course, you will be assigned to a group. During the first class, please exchange your contact information. If you cannot attend a class, please ask your group members for notes and material. Working in groups gives you a chance to discuss the course material with other students and facilitates your learning. Good practice encourages active learning. o Case studies, in-class exercises, and project work are used. Good practice provides for prompt feedback. o I will correct your exams within 24 hours. o I will provide written feedback on your case analyses and project papers. o You can always come and ask feedback on how you are performing in the class discussions. Good practice emphasizes time on task. o I ask you to respect the deadlines for the assignments. All late work will be subject to a 30% deduction. After the last day of the class, no late work will be accepted. Good practice communicates high expectations. o I have high expectations from my students and I expect you to complete all the required assignments and participate actively. If you have any questions about what you are expected to do, please do not hesitate to ask. Good practice respects diverse talents and ways of learning. o International business is all about diversity. I encourage you to share your own views and experiences with your group and the rest of the class. o I use active learning strategies that include different types of exercises and group work to address students’ diverse learning styles. 4 11. COURSE COVERAGE OF AACSB’S COMMON THEMES AND SKILL SET AREAS I have designed the course to provide coverage in all AACSB’s common themes and skill sets. The level of coverage is indicated in the following: Common Themes International issues: Written communication: Extensive coverage The course is international by nature. Ethical issues: Extensive coverage Ethical issues are critical in international business. We will discuss several ethical dilemmas in class. Legal and regulatory issues: Extensive coverage In international business, it is crucial to be familiar with the legal and regulatory environment of foreign countries. Political issues: Extensive coverage Political environment and changes in political environment greatly affect the opportunities and ease of international business. Environmental issues: Some coverage We will discuss environmental issues mainly from the ethical and legal/regulatory aspects. Technological issues: Significant coverage Improvements in technology have a great impact on international business (e.g. internet, logistics and shipping, manufacturing technology). Demographic diversity: Significant coverage One of the themes that we will cover is international human resources management which addresses managing demographic diversity in MNCs. We will also talk about demographic diversity of foreign countries. Skill sets Extensive coverage You will be writing a case study report and a project paper during this course. Oral communication skills: Extensive coverage Every team will present a case study and a project paper. Computer usage skills: Extensive coverage You will use computer to write a professional case report and a project paper. 5 Research skills: Team/personal skills: Extensive coverage You will do research for your case analysis and your project paper. You will learn how to find international business information, and you will learn to evaluate the reliability of the information. Our business librarian, Steve Cramer (, will be happy to assist you with all your information needs. Extensive coverage You will be working in an assigned group during the entire course. You will also be encouraged to participate in the class discussions. 12. HONOR CODE You are required to know and abide by the Honor Code in all matters concerning this course. Please submit all written work with the word “Pledged” followed by your signature indicating that you prepared the work in accordance with the Honor Code and in accordance with any other specific instructions relevant to that assignment. This pledge will also indicated that you have not used information (oral or written), materials, or briefs prepared by or given by current or former students in my cases or students in other classes or online paper-writing services. I will pursue Honor Code violations. 13. FACULTY – STUDENT GUIDELINES The Bryan School has adopted a set of faculty and student guidelines. Please read them at: 14. GRADING During the course, you will have many opportunities to demonstrate what you are learning. Active participation during the entire course is very important. Active class attendance will also help you perform better in the exams. All late assignments will be subject to a 30% deduction. No late work will be accepted after the last day of class. The following information indicates the weighting of the various aspects of your work: 6 1. Miniquizzes 2. Exam 1 3. Exam 2 4. Final exam 5. Class Participation 6. Case analysis and presentation 7. Group Project Maximum points 50 100 100 250 100 200 200 1000 15. SCALE For your final grade, I will use the following scale: Score 960-1000 920 - 959 870 – 919 830 – 869 Grade A+ A AB+ Score 790 – 829 750 – 789 710 – 749 670 – 709 Grade B BC+ C Score 630 – 669 590 – 629 550 – 589 0 – 549 Grade CD+ D F Any appeal on grading must be done in writing. You are required to specify in writing why you are appealing. 16. RESOURCES The University offers several services to assist you with your studies. I encourage you to use the services of the Writing Center and the Speaking Center when preparing your papers and presentations: The University Library offers access to newspapers and magazines that deal with international business issues. Recommended sources are: The Economist, Business Week, Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times, Harvard Business Review. These can be accessed through the library website: You can also find hard copies in the library. For your group project, the University Library offers access to several databases with country and industry level information. These are compiled on the Course Library Website Our contact person at the library is Steve Cramer, (, phone 336256-0346). You are welcome to contact him if you need any help with your group project or if you have any general library needs. UNCG cares about your success as a student. We recognize students often balance many challenging personal issues and demands. Please take advantage of the University 7 resources designed to help. For assistance accessing these resources, contact the Dean of Students Office at 334-5514 or Student Academic Services at 334-5730. The Counseling and Testing Center is available for mental health assistance, 334-5874. You may also visit me during my office hours. PART 2: EVALUATION ITEMS 1. MINIQUIZZES (50 points) In the beginning of every session, there will be a miniquizz that tests the homework material (max. 2.5 points / miniquizz). If you arrive more than 5 minutes late, you cannot participate in the miniquizz. The miniquizzess are there to your benefit: They provide a fairly easy way for you to earn points. They also give you an opportunity to check your own learning and encourage you to study the course material gradually and consistently, not just the day before the final exam. 2. EXAM 1 (100 points) Exam 1 will be on Sep 17th 2008. More details about this exam will be available on the Blackboard before the exam. 3. EXAM 2 (100 points) Exam 2 will be on Oct 1st 2008. More details will be available on the Blackboard before the exam. 4. FINAL EXAM (250 points) Final exam will be on Dec 15th 2008 12:00-3:00 in Bryan 132. Details will be announced on the blackboard before the exam. 5. CLASS PARTICIPATION: Physical Attendance and Activity (100 points) You are encouraged to attend all the classes. I will take attendance at every class. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to check with another student to find out if any changes were made and to be prepared for such items when you return to the next class. If you have been sick and have a doctor’s note, please come and see me to have your absence excused. 8 You should complete all reading assignments and be prepared to discuss those assignments, especially the cases. It is important that you participate in class discussions. However, please note that quality, not quantity, is important in the discussion. In addition, the following factors will also be considered: Courtesy (cell phones off, no web surfing, absence of extensive side conversations) Attentiveness (focus directed to the presenter, not distracting others) Asking questions of groups presenting Providing comments and critiquing reading materials and cases. I would like you to view the classroom as a large conference room in a business facility and conduct yourself as you would conduct in a real business situation. The classroom is a good place for you to practice professional business conduct and communication in a safe, non-judgmental environment. Attendance points: You can earn 2 points per session (excluding exam sessions) to a maximum of 50 points by just being present in the class and showing courtesy and attentiveness (see definitions for courtesy and attentiveness above). Thus, attending 25 sessions will give you the maximum attendance points. If you arrive more than 10 minutes late or leave more than 10 minutes early, you will earn no points for that session. Activity points: You can earn additional 50 points by actively participating in the class discussions, asking questions of groups presenting, and by providing comments and critiquing reading materials and cases in a constructive way. I will judge your activity points based on your overall activity during the entire course. Please note that the quality of your contribution, not quantity is important. Inclement Weather Policy: If we experience snow, sleet, etc., we will follow the University’s decision as to holding class. Use your good judgment in such cases. If you do not feel you can safely make it to class, do not come. 6. CASE ANALYSIS AND PRESENTATION (200 points: written report 100 points + presentation 100 points) * Each group is required to present a case. The presenting group will also submit a written analysis of the case (4-6 pages, double-spaced). Please submit a hardcopy of your analysis when you come to class on the day of your presentation. Cases are assigned to you during first class on first-come first-served basis. 9 Each group member should attest with the word “Pledged” on the cover sheet followed by your signature indicating that you prepared the work in accordance with the Honor Code and in accordance with any other specific instructions relevant to that assignment. The groups will be formed during the first class (5 members). Your group for the case analysis and the group project should be the same. I have the right to assign additional members to your group, if needed. You are expected to use additional sources (company websites, newspaper/magazine articles) when writing your case report. Newspaper/magazine articles can be accessed through the library website: Please use the APA citation to indicate your sources in the text and at the end of your report (reference list). A guide for APA citation can be found at Do not hesitate to ask me if you are not familiar with the APA citation or have any questions. Important: It is required that you come and check with me for additional readings and questions related to the case you are presenting one week before your presentation. Grading of the written case report Your case report will be evaluated based on the following criteria o Structure and general readability of the report A brief introduction that links the case report to the course themes Separate answers to each questions that are clearly indicated by subtitles A brief conclusion section that sums up the most important points of your report o Content The extent and quality to which several alternative answers for the questions are presented, evaluated, and justified Use of additional sources (company websites, newspaper articles) and their integration to the report (quality not quantity is important) The extent to which the report goes beyond repeating the facts given in the case study Grading of the case presentation Your case presentation will be evaluated based on the following criteria o Structure of the presentation Each group member should present! Your first slide should contain an overview of your presentation. 10 A brief introduction A review of each question: The group either presents their own answers or first asks the audience for their answers and then compares those with their own answers. A brief conclusion followed by questions and answers session o Content and quality of the presentation Quality of the slides Quality of the presentation Try to make your presentation entertaining! (For example, use pictures) o Involving audience The extent to which the group succeeds to involve the audience (e.g. asking questions, comparing other groups’ answers with their own answers). 7. GROUP PROJECT: DEVELOPING AN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PLAN (IBP) (200 points)* Working in groups, you are required to prepare an international business plan for a real or hypothetical product and present it to the class. The purpose of an international business plan is to help prepare a company to enter or expand in foreign countries. It should describe all the relevant external (e.g. economic, political, cultural) and internal elements that influence your product’s success in foreign markets. An International business plan should include the following elements: 1. Identifying the product you would like to sell 2. Selecting a potential country to market your product. 3. Analyzing the potential marketability of your product in this new market. 4. Assessing the competition you will face. 5. Identifying any limitations on trade, including tariff barriers, quantitative restrictions as well as non-tariff barriers to trade (i.e. regulations and standards). 6. Establishing a market entry strategy a. Choosing the entry mode (e.g., export, contractual agreement, licensing, joint venture, strategic partnership and investment). b. Designing the marketing plan (product, place, promotion and price) Each group should submit a hard-copy of the Project Proposal (1 page) on Oct 8th (hand in the hard-copy when you enter the class) that identifies the product you would like to sell, the potential country to market your product, and data sources that you are planning to use. Each group should plan on spending up to 10 minutes for presentation, followed by a 5-minute question and answer period. Please do not exceed your time limit. 11 Each group will also submit a hard-copy of the business plan (about 12-pages) on Dec 1st (hand in the hard-copy when you enter the class) with the word “Pledged” on the cover sheet followed by your signatures indicating that you prepared the work in accordance with the Honor Code and in accordance with any other specific instructions relevant to that assignment. The course library website has links to several databases and websites where you can find information for your project: Do not hesitate to contact our course contact person at the library, Steve Cramer (, if you need any help with finding data for your group project. Please use the APA citation to indicate your sources in the text and at the end of your report (reference list). A guide for APA citation can be found at There is also a guide for citing business databases in APA style available at Do not hesitate to ask me if you are not familiar with the APA citation or have any questions. The groups are formed during the first class (5 members). The performance of your group (Project report: 100 points; Project presentation: 40 points) and your evaluation by other members of the group (maximum: 60 points) will determine your group project grade. Each group member is also required to submit the “Peer evaluation form” no later than the last day of the class. WELCOME TO THE COURSE! I HOPE THAT YOU WILL ENJOY EXPLORING THE FASCINATING WORLD OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS! 12 PART 3: CLASS SCHEDULE DATE Mo Aug 25 TOPIC CLASS PREPARATION CLASS ACTIVITIES PART ONE: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Session 1: Introduction Introduction to the course Participant introductions Instructions for the assignments Group formation We Aug 27 Session 2: Globalization Definition of globalization Globalization benefits Globalization drivers Globalization debate Types of firms in IB Elements of the global business environment Globalization phases Mo Sep 1 LABOR DAY HOLIDAY: NO CLASS! We Sep 3 Session 3: National culture Different views of culture Levels of culture Definition of national culture Components of national culture Quantitative frameworks of culture Read CH 1 Prepare to discuss case: MTV going global with a local beat” (p. 37) Miniquizz 1 (CH 1) Case presentation: Instructor Read CH 2 Prepare to discuss Case 1: “Modernization or Westernization?” (p. 8283) Miniquizz 2 (CH2) Case 1 presentation : Group 1 13 Mo Sep 8 Session 4: Political environment National political environment Political risk Read CH 3 Prepare to discuss: Talk it over # 1 (p. 116) Miniquizz 3 (CH3: p. 84100) We Sep 10 Session 5: Legal environment and business ethics National legal environments Ethical behavior and social responsibility International relations and IB Prepare to discuss: Ethical challenges # 3 (p. 117) Miniquizz 4 (CH 3: p. 101-115) In-class discussion: “Ethical challenges # 3” (p. 117) Mo Sep 15 Session 6: International trade Volume and patterns Theories of international trade Read CH 5 Prepare to discuss Case 2: First in Asia and the World” (p. 175) Prepare for Exam 1 Miniquizz 5 (CH 5) Case 2 presentation: Group 2 Session 7: Business-government trade relations Reasons for government intervention Trade promotion methods Trade restriction methods Session 8: FDI Definition of FDI Global FDI flows and patterns FDI in North Carolina Main theories of FDI Read CH 6 Prepare to discuss Case 3: “Unfair protection or valid defense? (p. 201) Miniquizz 6 (CH 6) Case 3 presentation: Group 3 Read CH 7 Prepare to discuss “Ethical challenges # 2” (p. 224) Miniquizz 7 (CH 7: p. 202-209) In-class discussion: “Ethical challenges # 2” (p. 224) Session 9: FDI continued Managerial issues in FDI decision Government intervention in FDI Prepare to discuss Case 4: Mercedes-Benz is footloose in Tuscaloosa” (p. 225) Miniquizz 8 (CH 7: p. 209-222) Case 4 presentation: Group 4 We Sep 17 Mo Sep 22 We Sep 24 Mo Sep 29 EXAM 1 14 EXAM 1: CH 1, 2, 3, & 5 We Oct 1 Session 10: Regional economic integration Introduction to the group project How to find information for your group project (Steve Cramer) Levels of regional integration Effects of regional integration Regional integration efforts in Europe Mo Oct 6 Session 11: Regional economic integration continued Regional integration efforts in the Americas, Asia, and Africa We Oct 8 Session 12: International financial markets International capital market Foreign exchange market Key market institutions Government restrictions on currencies Session 13: International monetary system Exchange rates International monetary systems Mo Oct 13 We Oct 15 Mo Oct 20 EXAM 2 Presentation by Steve Cramer, Business Reference Librarian Read CH 8 Prepare to discuss Case 5: “Tainted trade: Increasing imports brings increase in illness” (p. 255) Read CH 9 Prepare to discuss Case 6: “Is Argentina back from the Abyss?” (p. 282) Miniquizz 9 & 10 (CH 8) Case 5 presentation: Group 5 Read CH 10 Prepare to discuss Case 7: Banking on forgiveness” (p. 311) Miniquizz 12 (CH 10) Case 7 presentation: Group 7 Prepare for exam 2 Exam 2: CH 6, 7, 8, 9, & 10 FALL BREAK: NO CLASS! 15 Return Project Proposal Miniquizz 11 (CH 9) Case 6 presentation: Group 6 We Oct 22 Mo Oct 27 PART TWO: INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT Session 14: International strategy Read CH 11 and organization Strategy formulation in IB Core competence and value chain MNC strategy Corporate level strategies Session 15: International strategy Prepare to discuss Case and organization continued 8: “The global strategy Business level strategies of IKEA” (p. 335) International organizational structure We Oct 29 Session 16: International marketing research International marketing research process Mo Nov 3 Session 17: International marketing research continued Market research difficulties Data sources We Nov 5 Session 18: Selecting and managing entry modes Exporting Contractual entry modes Session 19: Selecting and managing entry modes continued Investment entry modes Strategic factors in selecting entry modes Mo Nov 10 Miniquizz 13 (CH 11) Case 8 presentation: Group 8 Read CH 12 Prepare to discuss Case 11: “Vietnam’s emerging market potential” (p. 361) Prepare to discuss: “Talk it over # 1” (p. 359) Miniquizz 14 (CH 12: p. 336-349) Case 11 presentation: Group 11 presents Read CH 13 Miniquizz 16 (CH 13: p. 362-371) Prepare to discuss Case 9: “Telecom ventures unite the world” (p. 391) Miniquizz 17 (CH 13: p. 372-387) Case 9 presentation: Group 9 16 Miniquizz 15 (CH 12: p. 350-358) In-class discussion: “Talk it over # 1” (p. 359) Wed Nov 12 Session 20: International marketing International product strategies Mon Nov 17 Session 21: International marketing continued Promotion strategies Distribution strategies (Place) Pricing strategies Session 22: International operations management Production planning Make or buy decisions Other production issues Session 23: International HRM Recruitment and selection Training and development Compensation Labor management relations THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY: NO CLASS! Session 24: Presentations Group presentations Wed Nov 19 Mo Nov 24 Wed Nov 26 Mo Dec 1 Wed Dec 3 Session 25: Presentations Group presentations Mo Dec 8 Session 26: Conclusion Overview of the course Final exam preparation FINAL EXAM 12 PM – 3 PM, Mo Dec 15 Read CH 14 Miniquizz 18 (CH 14: 392399) Miniquizz 19 (CH 14: 399411) Read CH 15 Prepare to discuss Case 10: “Toyota’s strategy for production efficiency” (p. 437) Read Chapter 16 Prepare to discuss “Talk it over # 2” (p. 455) Miniquizz 20 (CH 15) Case 10 presentation: Group 10 Finalize your Group Project paper Prepare for group presentations (Groups 6-10) Prepare for group presentations (Groups 1-5) Return Group Project Paper (DEADLINE FOR ALL GROUPS!) Groups 6-10 presenting Miniquizz extra (CH 16) In-class discussion: “Talk it over # 2” (p. 455) Groups 1-5 presenting Final exam: CH 11, 12, 13, 17 BRYAN 132 14, 15, & 16 18 University of North Carolina at Greensboro Bryan School of Business and Economics MGT 301-01: Introduction to International Business FALL 2008 Course Participant Information and Course Commitment Form Your full name The name you preferred to be called Your hometown Your telephone number Your class standing (Soph., Jr., Sr.) and major Your previous work experience Your educational and career goal Name of five global companies you would be interested to work for Other information you would like for me to know about you 19 University of North Carolina at Greensboro Bryan School of Business and Economics MGT 301-01: Introduction to International Business FALL 2008 Peer Evaluation Form The purpose of this evaluation is to give credit to those students who did excellent work in developing the group project. Conversely, if any group member did not do his/her fair share, the student should not get full credit for the group’s work. I will hold all data on this form in confidence. Each group member is required to submit the “Peer evaluation form” no later than the last day of the class. Name (include yourself) Attendance/ Cooperation Academic Contribution Comparative Ranking* Total points Add the points from the three columns and place in TOTAL POINTS column. The average of your evaluation by other members of the group will be your peer evaluation grade (Max. 60 points). KEY TO NUMERICAL RANKING ATTENDANCE AND COOPERATION: 20 = Was a team leader both in and outside class; cooperation superior 15 = Attended meetings regularly; good cooperation; a team player 10 = Attended meetings fairly regularly; did what was asked but no more 5 = Missed some meetings and did the minimum amount of work 0 = Poor attendance at meetings and/or poor cooperation/workload ACADEMIC CONTRIBUTION: 20 = A team leader in ideas; enthusiastic; a lot of good ideas 15 = Contributed greatly to the team; did more than his/her fair share 10 = Had good ideas from time to time; an average performance 5 = Probably was either too quiet or slightly disinterested to be an effective academic contributor to the team 0 = Contributed little to the team OVERALL COMPARATIVE RANKING (*you can assign a number more than once) 20 = THE team leader (or A team leader, if more than one) 15 = A team player, second to the leader(s) only slightly; excellent work 10 = An average member of the team; good work 5 = Slightly below average member of the team 0 = Contributed the least to the team 20