Peers: Students Helping Students Program funded by UMSU Volunteer Application Form DEADLINE: FRIDAY, MARCH 4th, 2016, 4:00 pm The Peers: Students Helping Students Program at the University of Manitoba began in 1987. The program has grown steadily since that time, presently employing one student on a part-time basis and between 20-35 volunteer Peers, all of whom are students themselves. The program’s main office at 150 University Centre serves as a drop-in, referral, and administrative office. Each Peer commits approximately six hours per week to the program in the following areas: - Training and updating their skills and knowledge Operating the main office for support and referrals for students Planning and participating in outreach and program promotion activities Peers complete an intensive training program led by professionals. In the first term, Peers begin with a mandatory training weekend in September and then continue with weekly meetings throughout the year. Topics covered in training may include the following: - Active listening and empathic communication Crisis intervention Important student-related issues and topics Marketing and promotion skills Training topics may be given by programs or groups on or off campus with particular expertise in these topics. The Peers themselves are the program’s strength. Peers come from a variety of disciplines and perspectives; each makes a unique contribution to the program. What Peers have in common is a desire to learn, to listen, and to reach out actively and support other students. Peers are an approachable resource for students who have questions, or need a supportive listener regarding a personal problem. Peers make referrals to other campus or community resources as appropriate. All services are confidential and free of charge. PLEASE RETURN THE COMPLETED APPLICATION TO PEERS AT 150 UNIVERSITY CENTRE OR THE UMSU OFFICE AT 101 UNIVERSITY CENTRE APPLICATION FOR THE POSITION OF PEERS: STUDENTS HELPING STUDENTS VOLUNTEER PART 1: PERSONAL INFORMATION NAME: _________________________________ TELEPHONE: _(___)___________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ FACULTY: ___________________________________________________________________ YEAR IN UNIVERSITY: 2nd 3rd 4th Other:__________________________________ ICM Student Graduate Student E-MAIL: _____________________________________________________________________ SUMMER ADDRESS (if different than current address): ____________________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC PLAN: (a) (b) (c) (d) Expected year of graduation: ________________________ Degree(s) sought: ______________________ Number of credit hours completed by the end of Winter Term 2016: ________________ Number of credit hours planned for Fall 2016 – Winter 2017: ______________________ PART 2: ATTACH YOUR RESUME PART 3: QUESTIONS (PLEASE ANSWER ON ADDITIONAL SHEET) 1. Why are you interested in becoming a Peer? 2. What skills would you most like to develop from your participation as a Peer? 3. Identify two of your weaknesses (i.e., bossy, sleepy, no time, etc.). If you were to become a Peer, how would you deal with these? 4. Identify what you feel may be your greatest strength(s) to offer the Peers: Students Helping Students Program (i.e., artistic, leadership, humorous, etc.). How have you used this strength in the past? 5. In your opinion, what are the most important issues and topics related to maintaining healthy lifestyles? a) On this university campus? b) Among your friends? 6. What do you do that demonstrates your personal commitment to trying to maintain optimal health? 7. When a friend has a problem and you do not know what to say, what do you do? 8. What do you do when you have a problem? PLEASE RETURN THE COMPLETED APPLICATION TO PEERS AT 150 UNIVERSITY CENTRE OR THE UMSU OFFICE AT 101 UNIVERSITY CENTRE APPLICATION FOR THE POSITION OF PEERS: STUDENTS HELPING STUDENTS VOLUNTEER 9. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? 10. Please make any additional comments you feel would be helpful for us to know about you. 11. Peers are required to commit approximately 6 hours a week to the Peers: SHS program. Will you be able to make this commitment? Yes No 12. How did you hear about the Peers: SHS volunteer recruitment? PLEASE NOTE: (A) Applications must possess a minimum Grade Point Average of 2.5 (Cumulative), and must have taken a minimum of 18 credit hours prior to May 2016 at this University. (B) Ensure you include the following in your application: Part 1: Personal Information Part 2: Attach your resume Part 3: Questions (including answers) (C) References may be requested at a later stage in the application process Required: The time commitment required from the Peers program can be quite intensive (6 hours per week, beginning September 9th,). Checking this box indicates that I understand that if I am selected to become a Peer, I will be expected to fulfill these time requirements. In addition to the weekly meetings, new Peers must attend the mandatory Orientation Weekend on September 9th through 11th (exact times to be confirmed), and also be available for a mandatory full-day Saturday training session in October (exact date to be determined). Checking this box indicates that I will record these dates and attend both sessions. Signature: _________________________ Date: _____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Internal Office Use only: Received by: _______________________ Date: _____________________________ PLEASE RETURN THE COMPLETED APPLICATION TO PEERS AT 150 UNIVERSITY CENTRE OR THE UMSU OFFICE AT 101 UNIVERSITY CENTRE