Elaboration Likelihood model

Past exam Q
The Government wants to reduce the number of accidents caused by
drivers exceeding the 30 mph speed limit in built-up areas. An advertising
company is asked to create a television advertisement to persuade drivers
to reduce their speed.
Suggest some possible features of the television advertisement. Justify your
suggestions with reference to the Hovland-Yale model. (10 marks)
This question requires students to suggest features of a TV advert to reduce speed and apply their
knowledge of the Hovland Yale model of persuasion to justify their suggestions. The Hovland Yale
model focusses on the importance of the source, message, channel and audience in persuasive
communications. In this scenario, the audience (car drivers) and channel (TV advert) are specified
in the question along with the main function of the campaign (speed reduction). Students could
refer to:
The source of the communication: there is considerable evidence that experts/celebrities are
generally thought to be most persuasive in TV adverts - personal stories which arouse empathy
could be used in relation to speeding
The message: students could discuss the role of fear in persuasion (Meyerowitz and Chaiken
suggest moderate fear is most persuasive) they could also discuss the issue of constructing one
versus two sided messages. Most TV campaigns of this nature focus on clear one sided
messages given their target of a wide ranging audience
Students could discuss the interaction between audience characteristics (eg intelligence, self
esteem) and messages (one versus two sided arguments).
Elaboration-Likelihood Model
Thought Hovland’s model was two simple – doesn’t explain why certain
factors affect persuasion/attitude
Believed that there are two ways in which people process persuasive
Central Route
Peripheral Route
Need for cognition (NC) is another important factor of the model
Central Route
Involves cognitive effort and active engagement.
Persuaded by the message itself.
Used when:
 Motivation of recipient is high
 Ability of recipient is high
 They are knowledgeable and interested in the issue
 More likely to be effective when the message is seen as personally relevant (e.g. cancer) or
important (e.g. urgent charity appeal)
 Attitudes acquired through central processing are more resistant to change. This is because we
spend a lot of time considering the message and the arguments for and against. The attitude is likely
to be strengthened by such cognitive activity.
Peripheral Route
Involves minimal cognitive effort
This involves being persuaded by factors other than the message, such as by an attractive or celebrity
communicator (e.g. Joanna Page advertising for Superdrug).
Used When:
•Limited time
•Limited motivation
•Limited ability
If the message is considered to be less important or less relevant, they are likely to be processed
through the peripheral route.
Attitudes acquired through the peripheral route are more susceptible to change/ short-lived than those
acquired by the central route.
Need for Cognition (NC)
The extent to which individuals enjoy thinking about the messages they
receive and analysing problems.
Those with a high cognition have a tendency to search for, scrutinise and
reflect on information in order to better understand the world around
Those with a low need for cognition rely on the opinions of credible others
when making decisions
High NC – Central Route
Low NC – Peripheral Route
Past Exam Q
Outline the Elaboration Likelihood model of persuasion. Explain how a
mobile phone company might use knowledge of this model in a campaign
to market a new phone. (10 marks)
What could we include in this answer????
Adverts which encourage the central route should provide detailed
information / arguments about the specific features of the phone. These
may be designed to appeal to business users
Adverts designed to stimulate peripheral processing will use messages with
a preference for images, imaginative contexts and emotional rather than
fact-based arguments eg showing people using the accessory with friends
Research Evidence
You each have a study to summarise and explain to the others
What are the practical applications of the studies???
Why do people sometimes take the
peripheral route?
Fiske and Taylor(1984) claim that most human beings are essentially
cognitive misers in that they frequently rely on simple and timeefficient strategies when evaluating information and making
If the content of a message is not personally important, then
individuals are more likely to be influenced by contextual cues (such
as celebrity endorsement of a product or the mood created).
However, when the content is more important, they are better
motivated to process the message more carefully (i.e. take a central
Thus, we may be influenced by Gary Lineker endorsing crisps, but not
if he was endorsing mortgages or bank loans.
Differentiate between the strengths and weaknesses of the model
Focuses of internal processes of attitude change (important in knowing how attitudes are
formed and changed on a cognitive level)
Notion of two routes is more realistic than one (Hovland)
Emphasises importance of contextual information e.g. communicator, relevance,
Accounts for individual differences e.g. NC
Oversimplification! 2 forms of processing= oversimplified. Should be a continuum, not two
separate processes. Unlikely that people only ever use one form.
Not clear how central/peripheral processing interact.
Difficult to predict behaviour from the model. Difficult to tell which type of processing
people will use
Homework – due in Mon 17/11/14
A company is about to launch a new perfume aimed at young career
women and wants to devise a television advertising campaign to promote
the perfume.
Using your knowledge of the persuasive effects of television, what advice
would you give to the company so that it could make the television
advertising campaign as effective as possible? Refer to psychological
research to justify your advice. (12 marks)
Include both models in your answer