HOW TO DO HOME COLONICS ALONG WITH HEALTH TIPS & RECIPES 1|Page 2|Page The author is not a licensed nutritionist or physician. The natural remedy statements here are submitted by numerous people from around the world and may be either true or false, many statements are not given by licensed doctors or have had studies conducted to prove them. The author has no way to test or verify every remedy. As such, these home remedies should be used for academic purposes only and inspire research and increased education. Never use any home remedy or other self-treatment without being advised to do so by a physician. The author hereby grants permission to print and give away this book and anything written there in. 2. home remedies Printed in the United States 3|Page WARNING! ALWAYS KEEP CHILDREN UNDER THE CARE OF A PEDIATRIAN MAKING SURE THEIR DOCTOR KNOWS WHAT THEY EAT, DRINK, AND TAKE FOR VITAMINS AND HERBS, OTHERWISE YOU COULD FACE SERIOUS CRIMINAL CHARGES IMPOSED BY YOUR STATES HEALTH DEPARTMENT. SOME OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IN THIS BOOK COULD BE HARMFUL TO YOUR PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH! DO NOT READ THIS EDUCATIONAL MATERIAL AS ABSOLUTE FACTUAL INFORMATION THAT IS SPECIFIC FOR YOU. CONSULT A LICENSED PHYSICIAN FOR ACCURATE INFORMATION THAT PERTAINS TO YOUR BODY AND MIND. DO NOT SELF TREAT ANY CONDITION YOU MAY HAVE WITHOUT A LICENSED DOCTOR’S SUPERVISION AND ADVICE. The purpose of this information is for educational purposes only. Many statements have not been tested or studied and may be untrue. Statements are written to inspire reader to research and educate themselves. No claim to cure, treat, advise, or prescribe for any human disease, ailment, injury, infirmity, deformity, pain, or other condition, physical or mental , real or imaginary, by any means is intended by the author. All information is a matter of education available on the internet as public knowledge, home remedies, personal story, or has been quoted by a medical doctor. Consult state licensed professional health care providers concerning supplement use, diet, exercise, mental or physical pain, disorder, or disease for education, diagnosis, and therapy. Their knowledge is invaluable because the general public does not have access it. II Chronicles 16:12, “Though his disease was severe, even in his illness, he did not seek help from the Lord, but only from his physicians.” 4|Page Dedicated to you 5|Page Table of Contents (page #’s off by a page or 2 until we fix errors) MY RECOVERY........................................................................................................................................................... 13 DAILY FUEL/FOOD HABITS ....................................................................................................................................... 20 NIGHTLY REGIMINES FOR SLEEP ........................................................................................................................... 21 HARD TIMES ............................................................................................................................................................... 23 GASTROPARESIS ...................................................................................................................................................... 27 THYROID ..................................................................................................................................................................... 27 SIMPLE VERSION OF WHAT I DO SINCE BALANCING MY BODY CHEMISTRY & HEALING MY DIGESTIVE TRACK ......................................................................................................................................................................... 40 EXCITATORY FOODS ................................................................................................................................................ 41 SIMPLEST VERSION OF WHAT I DO & REMIND MYSELF OF TO LIVE & LOVE ONE DAY AT A TIME SINCE RAISING VITAMIN D LEVELS & RESTORING ENDOCRINE SYSTEM ..................................................................... 42 THE POINTS ............................................................................................................................................................... 44 COLONICS .................................................................................................................................................................. 49 SIMPLE & SMART RECIPES ...................................................................................................................................... 55 GRAINS, BREADS, & SWEETS .................................................................................................................................. 56 DARK CHOCOLATE MUFFINS OR OLD FASHIONED OATMEAL MUFFINS ......................................................... 57 SUGAR FREE CHOCOLATE FROSTING .................................................................................................................. 60 SIMPLE SOUR DOUGH BREAD ................................................................................................................................ 61 BREAD OR PIZZA DOUGH ........................................................................................................................................ 63 HEARTY IRISH OAT BREAD ..................................................................................................................................... 64 OLD FASHIONED OATMEAL CAKE ......................................................................................................................... 65 SUGAR FREE VANILLA FROSTING ......................................................................................................................... 66 MOIST PINEAPPLE MUFFINS ................................................................................................................................... 67 SONNY’S BUTTER FINGERS .................................................................................................................................... 68 GINGER MOLASSES COOKIES ................................................................................................................................ 69 PIES ............................................................................................................................................................................. 70 PUMPKIN PIE .............................................................................................................................................................. 71 SINGLE SERVE PIE .................................................................................................................................................... 72 NO ROLL PIE DOUGH ................................................................................................................................................ 73 BAKED BERRY CLOUD ............................................................................................................................................. 74 CHEESE CAKE PIE STYLE ........................................................................................................................................ 75 RHUBARB BERRY PIE............................................................................................................................................... 76 QUICK APPLE PIE ...................................................................................................................................................... 77 ANTIOXIDANT PIE IN 30 MINUTES ........................................................................................................................... 78 CRACKERS, CHIPS, & SIDES .................................................................................................................................... 79 SOURDOUGH CHIPS ................................................................................................................................................. 80 CORN CHIPS .............................................................................................................................................................. 81 GARLIC CHIPS ........................................................................................................................................................... 81 CRACKERS FOR CELIAC .......................................................................................................................................... 82 CHEESE CHIPS .......................................................................................................................................................... 84 POTATO CHIPS OR VEGI CHIPS .............................................................................................................................. 85 NORI CHIPS ................................................................................................................................................................ 86 FRENCH FRIES........................................................................................................................................................... 87 BROWN BASMATTI/WILD RICE PILAF..................................................................................................................... 88 BROWN RICE ............................................................................................................................................................. 89 STOVE TOP STUFFING.............................................................................................................................................. 90 CARBS FROM FRUIT & VEGI’S ................................................................................................................................. 93 FRUITS & VEGI’S GO DOWN EASY WITH A STRAW .............................................................................................. 92 MITOCHONDRIA SHAKE ........................................................................................................................................... 94 CARROT OF CABBAGE PINEAPPLE SMOOTHIE ................................................................................................... 95 6|Page PINEAPPLE, PAPAYA, MANGO SMOOTHIE PACKED WITH NATURAL DIGESTIVE ENZYMES ......................... 96 BERRY-CARROT SMOOTHIE .................................................................................................................................... 97 BEET-ORANGE SMOOTHIE ...................................................................................................................................... 98 PRETTY DRINK........................................................................................................................................................... 99 CARROT-CABBAGE SMOOTHIE ............................................................................................................................ 100 ICY FRUIT SHAKE .................................................................................................................................................... 101 REALLY REFRESHING DRINK ................................................................................................................................ 102 CLEAN DRINK .......................................................................................................................................................... 103 RESULT ..................................................................................................................................................................... 104 DRINKS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 106 SODA POP ................................................................................................................................................................ 107 BEET KVASS ............................................................................................................................................................ 108 ALMOND MILK.......................................................................................................................................................... 109 RICE MILK................................................................................................................................................................. 110 OAT MILK.................................................................................................................................................................. 111 SOUPS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 112 CHICKEN BROTH ..................................................................................................................................................... 113 HOMEMADE TOMATO SOUP .................................................................................................................................. 114 CREAM OF BROCOLLI SOUP ................................................................................................................................. 115 SIMPLE BROCOLLI SOUP ....................................................................................................................................... 116 SOOOO SIMPLE BUTTER GINGER SPICEY CARROT SOUP ............................................................................... 117 NO COOK SPINACH CREAM SOUP ....................................................................................................................... 118 CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP .............................................................................................................................. 119 CREAM OF CELERY SOUP ..................................................................................................................................... 120 NONA’S VEGETABLE BEEF SOUP ........................................................................................................................ 121 SOUP BROTH THAT SUPPORTS BONES, JOINTS, CONNECTIVE TISSUE INCLUDING EYES ........................ 122 SOUP BASE .............................................................................................................................................................. 123 SOUP BASE .............................................................................................................................................................. 124 PHO ........................................................................................................................................................................... 125 TACO SOUP .............................................................................................................................................................. 126 MICHAL;S FAVORITE CHICKEN SOUP .................................................................................................................. 127 SALADS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 128 FRESH SALAD WITHOUT SALAD GREENS .......................................................................................................... 129 QUICK COLE SLAW ................................................................................................................................................. 130 BOWL OF BRUSSEL SPROUTS OR BROCOLLI.................................................................................................... 131 COLORFUL CABBAGE SALAD ............................................................................................................................... 132 CABBAGE OIL & VINEGAR SALAD ........................................................................................................................ 133 COSTCO’S READY MIX EAT SMART 7 SUPER FOOD SALAD............................................................................. 134 JULIANS SALADS .................................................................................................................................................... 135 SWEET SLAW ........................................................................................................................................................... 136 TRADITIONAL COLE SLAW .................................................................................................................................... 137 REFRESHING MEAL ................................................................................................................................................ 138 CONDIMENTS ........................................................................................................................................................... 139 GOOD GRAVY .......................................................................................................................................................... 140 GOURMETITIZE IT .................................................................................................................................................... 141 TARTER SAUCE ....................................................................................................................................................... 142 TOMATOEY CONDIMENT ........................................................................................................................................ 143 DIPPING SAUCE FOR RAW VEGI’S THAT TASTES LIKE RANCH ....................................................................... 144 HOMEMADE MUSTARD ........................................................................................................................................... 145 HOMEMADE BERRY JAM OR CRANBERRY SAUCE ............................................................................................ 146 SALSA ....................................................................................................................................................................... 147 7|Page MAIN COURSE .......................................................................................................................................................... 148 EGG SALAD.............................................................................................................................................................. 149 COLD SARDINES ON SOUR DOUGH TOAST WITH KELP CHIPS........................................................................ 150 SPICEY HUMMUS DIP WITH VEGI’S ....................................................................................................................... 151 COLD ROAST BEEF SANDWICHES ....................................................................................................................... 152 POT ROAST .............................................................................................................................................................. 153 PIZZA SAUCE ........................................................................................................................................................... 154 PIZZA TOPPING........................................................................................................................................................ 155 BBQ ROAST TO SUPPORT CONNECTIVE TISSUE HEALTH ............................................................................... 156 BBQ SKEWERS ........................................................................................................................................................ 157 CHICKEN STRIPS ..................................................................................................................................................... 158 MOUTH WATERING MEAT ...................................................................................................................................... 159 EASY HEALTHY STEAK .......................................................................................................................................... 160 BEEF BROCCOLI ..................................................................................................................................................... 161 BLACKENED PEPPER GREEN BEANS .................................................................................................................. 162 TASTEY KALE .......................................................................................................................................................... 163 CHICKEN FRIED STEAK .......................................................................................................................................... 164 CHILI COLORADO .................................................................................................................................................... 165 MEAT LOAF .............................................................................................................................................................. 166 TAQUITOS ................................................................................................................................................................ 167 HEALTHY HAMBURGER ......................................................................................................................................... 168 FAST FOOD HAMBURGER...................................................................................................................................... 169 GREEK BEEF ............................................................................................................................................................ 170 ITALIAN LADY .......................................................................................................................................................... 171 THANKSGIVING DINNER ANYTIME ........................................................................................................................ 172 CHINESE FAST FOOD ............................................................................................................................................. 173 NUTTY BASIL PESTO .............................................................................................................................................. 174 LAMB......................................................................................................................................................................... 175 HEALTHY TACO MEAT ............................................................................................................................................ 176 TINY TACOS ............................................................................................................................................................. 177 MEXICAN BLACK BEANS ON GREENS ................................................................................................................. 178 FAHITAS ................................................................................................................................................................... 179 SWEET BEEF & VEGI’S ........................................................................................................................................... 180 BLACKENED GREEN BEANS ................................................................................................................................. 181 SPAGETTI SAUCE.................................................................................................................................................... 182 SUSHI ........................................................................................................................................................................ 183 BEEF WITH VEGI SAUCE ........................................................................................................................................ 184 SPANISH RICE ......................................................................................................................................................... 185 LITTLE MAMA’S CHILI ............................................................................................................................................. 186 BAKED CHICKEN ..................................................................................................................................................... 187 POP’S SWISS STEAK .............................................................................................................................................. 188 BEANS BEANS, THE MAGICAL FRUIT................................................................................................................... 189 STOVE TOP BAKED BEANS ................................................................................................................................... 190 CREAMY CHEESY SPINACH/ARTICHOKE DIP WITH TORTILLA CHIPS ............................................................. 191 CASSEROLES ........................................................................................................................................................... 192 GREEN BEAN CASSEROLE .................................................................................................................................... 193 CHEEZY CASSEROLE ............................................................................................................................................. 194 QUICK MAC & CHEESE ........................................................................................................................................... 195 BREAKFAST & MIDNIGHT SNACKS ........................................................................................................................ 196 BAKING SODA BISCUITS FOR TWO ...................................................................................................................... 197 ALLYSSA’S NAVAJO FRY BREAD FOR ONE ........................................................................................................ 198 8|Page KEESH KOSH ........................................................................................................................................................... 199 YOGURT.................................................................................................................................................................... 200 PROTIEN FIBER BARS ............................................................................................................................................ 201 NUT BARS ................................................................................................................................................................ 202 CREPES .................................................................................................................................................................... 203 HOT DAIRY FREE COCOA ...................................................................................................................................... 204 PANCAKES ............................................................................................................................................................... 205 GRANOLA ................................................................................................................................................................. 206 CRUNCHY ................................................................................................................................................................. 207 BEKAH’S NUT BUTTER BALLS .............................................................................................................................. 208 FRENCH TOAST ....................................................................................................................................................... 209 HEALTHY CINNAMON TOAST ................................................................................................................................ 210 MCMORNING SANDWICH ....................................................................................................................................... 211 CREAM OF COMFORT ............................................................................................................................................. 212 OATMEAL COOKIES ................................................................................................................................................ 213 CHOCOLATE PUDDING ........................................................................................................................................... 214 PINEAPPLE OR STRAWBERRY SORBET .............................................................................................................. 215 QUICK CARB SNACK .............................................................................................................................................. 216 QUICK SALTY SNACK ............................................................................................................................................. 217 CRUNCHY MOVIE SNACK ....................................................................................................................................... 218 DESSERT .................................................................................................................................................................. 219 ORGANIC APPLE SAUCE ........................................................................................................................................ 220 STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE ................................................................................................................................. 221 BERRY CLOUD ......................................................................................................................................................... 222 SPIRIT RECIPE ......................................................................................................................................................... 223 SPIRIT RECIPE ......................................................................................................................................................... 224 JESS BIRTHDAY CAKE ........................................................................................................................................... 225 YOUR MEAL IDEAS .................................................................................................................................................. 226 HOW TO SHAPE UP YOUR KITCHEN ..................................................................................................................... 236 WE ARE WHAT WE EAT SHOPPING LIST .............................................................................................................. 237 HOME REMEDIES..................................................................................................................................................... 242 THE DOABLE DIET ................................................................................................................................................... 243 ETIQUETTE ............................................................................................................................................................... 245 TAKING CARE OF ONE’S SELF ............................................................................................................................... 248 ADHD & ADD ............................................................................................................................................................. 257 EMOTIONAL WELL BEING ....................................................................................................................................... 260 TEETH & GUM LONGEVITY ..................................................................................................................................... 264 HAIR CARE ............................................................................................................................................................... 265 ACHES & PAINS........................................................................................................................................................ 266 NEUROLOGICAL/BRAIN HEALTH ........................................................................................................................... 270 DIGESTIVE TRACK ................................................................................................................................................... 274 ALLERGIES/LUNGS .................................................................................................................................................. 282 WATER ...................................................................................................................................................................... 283 BETTER LIVING GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................ 284 CANDIDA & YEAST INFECTIONS ............................................................................................................................ 296 CONSTIPATION ........................................................................................................................................................ 298 HOW TO EASILY INSTALL A HOME SPA WITH A COLEMA BOARD..................................................................... 303 THE CCOLONIC CONTROVERSAY ......................................................................................................................... 307 SAFETY FIRST .......................................................................................................................................................... 309 A FINAL WORD ......................................................................................................................................................... 310 9|Page 10 | P a g e SIMPLE & SMART 11 | P a g e MY RECOVERY 12 | P a g e RECOVERY What Happened During a Decade of My Life Please keep in mind that I am exercising my right of freedom of speech when I discuss my personal experience with medical terms and medications. I am simply sharing my story about what happened to me and am in no way intending to influence the reader to do the same or advise them on how to address their health issues. And I want to take a moment to thank a good friend I made named Elaine. Her name means light to a path like a beacon light in the sea. I figured my story was not worth telling until she asked me exploration questions about what I have gone through with Multiple Sclerosis showing genuine interest. So perhaps my experience will enlighten others. Here goes… MY PAST I lived on white bread toast, margarine, sugar, and high levels of stress and non-peace due to poor relationships for most of my life. After 40 years of debilitating headaches and constipation, I was struck down with Multiple Sclerosis that has Parkinsonian traits and severe insomnia. THE MOMENT OF TRUTH November of 2004.The first sign that something was wrong was noticing the loss of feel good goose bumps. A few weeks later, I had asked my doctor to put me back on a small dose of Noretriptyline to go with the 25mg of Trazadone I took for sleep. Next thing I knew— every capillary in my body had burst. I was purple. The ER checked for acute Leukemia but the test came back negative. They said they didn’t know what had happened to me. I appreciated their honesty. Later, I came to believe that the 6 teeth that I had a dentist grind down for crowns to change my bite, hoping relieve TMJ chronic headaches, had caused my capillaries to burst. Apparently, mercury from my silver fillings did not set well with my system. (Believe it or not, I swallowed all the silver filling dust because the small dental clinic’s assistant was out with the flu the day of my big six thousand dollar appointment— so there was no one holding that sucking nozzle in my mouth. Unfortunately, the dentist told me that the dust would not hurt me when I had asked him if it would. I now am a believer in those dentists that use dams in the mouth to prevent any chemicals from being swallowed as well as constant suction to prevent chemicals from passing into the blood stream through the mucosal lining of the mouth.) I had always had yeast infections, but now they were chronic and no amount of Diflucan or Monistat could relieve them. My hair was falling out. My eye sight was getting really bad. Then in one day I could not straighten up as I always had. I started mispronouncing words. I had pain like sandpaper scraping in between my muscle fibers. My hands would not move the mouse on the computer to where I directed it. My hand writing became very jerky like I was 98, and my bones felt like they were bruised inside. My bones hurt so bad that I could not tolerate sitting in a bathtub or even rest my elbow on an arm of a chair. As time went on, I was no longer able to sleep 8 hours or even take a nap without medication. My right foot would trip me periodically and at other times my legs felt like dead weight, incapable of movement. It was like sandbags were tied to the bottom of my feet. Every time this happened to me, I would cry 13 | P a g e uncontrollably. Of all the emotional pains and losses I endured throughout this life, I could not handle not being able to walk. Eventually, the left side of my face stopped working the way it always had. The left corner of my lips would not pick up in a smile. My jaw had a pain I can’t describe. Then my vocal cord area started feeling very icey cold. It was more unbearable than the sandpaper scratching feeling I had under my eyelids and between my muscle fibers. The tops of my feet would get ice cold and there was nothing that would warm them up. Then the ice cold pain began to be like a sheet over my torso and inner thigh area. When I sat up my torso would not hold me up and I would slide down. My body was plain wobbly and riddled with all sorts of unusual types of pain and weakness. TREATMENT I had started doing 3 colonics a week with extra salt and Lloyd Wright’s 1-877-676-1615 Nat cell product, Power Solution with live stem cells in 24 frozen vials for my adrenal glands. My hair analysis provided by my beloved colon-hydro therapist was from Analytical Research Labs, Inc. 2225 w. Alice Ave. Phoenix AZ 85021 (602) 995-1580. That analysis led me in the direction that saved my life. Despite the cleansing, I was still acquiring more symptoms while others were being alleviated. For example, the scrapping cutting feeling of sandpaper between my muscle fibers and under my eyelids subsided but a new symptom of sound sensitivity came on scene. I couldn’t even stand the sound of my own breathing. Once in a while, I became very sensitive to the sound of my own breathing. One intelligent doctor told me that my brain could not control the volume. Later, I realized that low histamine caused this due to that area of my brain being compromised with scaring on the cell’s myelin sheath due to killer T cells eating away at my brain. MS is different from all other neuro disorders due to the brain-barrier being broken. T cells and many other things were never intended to get past the brain-barrier. Other new symptoms I attained during cleansing were slurred speech and I started having dyslexia type issues as well as stuttering. My body began to waste. My calves got super small and there was nothing I could do to exercise enough to make a muscle burn that signaled the brain to build new muscle. My hands curled and were swollen with fluid due to cells leaking and lymphatic fluid not moving. The pads of my fingertips stopped being able to judge what I was feeling to the point that I could not pick up a piece of paper or wipe off a counter top. Sometimes I would tremor as though I had full blown Parkinson disease. Other instances, I would shake inside so bad that it felt more than miserable— like my cells were vibrating. When I wrote on paper the hand writing was still jerky, I just could not use my body in a smooth muscle way. My hair was still falling out, but I was noticing that I could recall phone numbers better, was calmer, and like I mentioned above, the pain decreases immensely. Something was changing for the good but I never felt good. The only time I felt good though was when I saw my life passing before my eyes. The memories were so real and all of them were full of color and happiness. I would love it when this happened. It was like going back in time! I could literally be a child again walking through my old houses. No memory was sad or bad. At these moments I discovered that my brain was dying which increased dopamine that in turn created euphoria. Causes were random, like no sleep for days, over medicating, or mercury existing my bone and fat to circulate into my blood stream for chelation. 14 | P a g e Sometimes, I shuffled like an elderly person when I walked. On occasion, I would have a severe blood pressure drop upon rising and black out as I fell to the ground of which no one was able to explain the cause, leaving me in fear. To this day, I have not been educated by any other doctor but Kenneth Melvin M.D. and Glen Zielinski DC, DACNB. Those two people took time to talk and explain what was happening to me so I could figure out a battle plan to fight for my health. Most doctors are very tired and pushed extremely hard to treat an average of 24 or more patients in one day with a panel of 2000-2,500 patients. Doctor’s work crazy hours, are not allowed time to educate their patients, and are forced to comply with medical board protocols. Doctors don’t always agree with the protocols that they are required to follow. They realize that all people are different and that tests are not always true for each individual but if they buck the system they lose all that they worked and paid for to attain in their lives. Doctor’s sometimes pay up to one million dollars per year just to practice medicine due to the cost of malpractice insurance. I now realize that they are good people who dreamed of helping others heal, but once locked in the oppressive pharmaceutical and medical insurance culture their hands are tied unless they can have the ability to open their own practice. This can be difficult, if they don’t have a network of doctors or access to costly medical test devices and tools for treatment. So, in trying to put myself in their shoes, I stopped feeling angry about their lack of bedside manner. Speaking of my bed, getting sleep was the worst of my problems. During courses of severe sleep deprivation, I had to crawl to get to the toilet leaving my knees bloody from dragging them. Two times I nearly died from lack of sleep…one knows when their body is checking out. As insomnia ensued, sound hallucinations such as hearing someone call out my name or loud crashing whooshing sounds would wake me from what little sleep I was getting. Sometimes, I experience visual hallucinations to this day, which appear as bright little lights that are in perfect patterns swirling all around me so I can’t see anything else. Pins and needle sensations in my hands and feet started happening when I have surges of adrenaline or eat certain foods and supplements with lecithin that turns to acetylcholine in the body. Acetylcholine is excitatory to the brain but if one has a condition like Myasthenia Gravis (MG) acetylcholine is helpful. CONSTANT CLEANSING AND NURISHING ARE A WAY OF LIFE April of 2008, after 2 years of cleansing my body with colonics, chelation therapy, drinking smoothies packed with cabbage, carrots, blueberries, almonds and Ayurvedic India food, along with cleansing my inner life via Al-anon for my codependency… I was given a second chance. The symptoms I still deal with at times, are severe sound sensitivity, vocal cord and esophageal tremor called spasmodic dystonia, heart issues due to free-seretonin, swollen fingers and lymph nodes (I use wash clothes to dry off and dry with strokes toward my heart to move lymphatics), fascia or other adhesions, bunched up tendons, ligaments, and nerves that cause pain and stiffness, stuttering, turning words around verbally and in writing, not writing certain words I thought I wrote, blood clots and bursting veins, can’t bear cold, cherry blood spots, blood pressure issues, and short term memory loss. I still have breathing issues, at times, due to too much serotonin free-floating in my veins which causes heart problems, tremors, and muscle knots. Thank God for exceptionally gifted body workers like Lavonne Perry Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) from Vancouver WA, and many others. These people have eased my suffering and helped me go on. Without the body workers and of course my chiropractor Robert Allen and his family 360-892-2226, I would have given up due to pain and to the isolation that starved me of love. 3 friends named Mari, Alma, and Carmen that lived nearby came to my house periodically to sit with me or take me somewhere which was my saving grace as I was inside of a very abusive marriage unable to leave at the time and had no one but those gals validating what I was going through with my health. There are 15 | P a g e many other people that smiled or gave me a look of concern over the years or helped me to my car and shared some of their own suffering that I am so thankful for. If you have ever met me or know me, you know that I am deeply grateful for your role in my life even if you wounded me in some way, since I seem to do my best learning from my own and other people’s mistakes. Anyhow, people have so much that they give to us! That is where my riches lye…in the great mosaic of the human race! I must say that Dr. Don Colbert’s book The Seven Pillars of Health, Phyllis A. Balch’s book Prescription for Nutritional Healing, M.D.s Agatha Thrash and Calvin Thrash’s book Home Remedies, Hydrotherapy, Massage, charcoal, and other simple treatments were the books that helped save my life amongst all the wonderful healers out there that came to my rescue and still do, like angels! I especially liked the angel Jill Johnson who strengthened my self-esteem and took out an 8 year old cramp in my calve so I could start excercising. MY SYMPTOMS AFTER 10 YEARS My pain is much less now, I have a thick head of hair, and good hand writing and can walk most of the time but have carpal tunnel which causes a lot of pain in my back and arms but my dearly loved and educated body worker Marsha Akers LMT has drained the lymphatics and straightened out bunched up nerves, tendons, and fascia relieving me of much of that pain. I found that wearing wrist supports at night help despite feeling no pain in my actual wrist. Since Marsha passed away, God sent me a new LMP through my enlightened friend Elaine. The body worker of A Soothing Touch (www. or 360-6009247) who taught me that trigger points are actually adhesions that need to released. Once she relaxed all my trigger points in my arm, my side and hip that had bothered me for years finally released. She taught me what trigger points really are and that it only requires a small amount of pressure to release them. Most body workers never learn of this stuff in Massage School, so one has to pray for a gifted person to relieve pain. The way I think of trigger points is like this… say you have a piece of plastic wrap spread out on the counter and you begin to twist little balls up in it. This causes the plastic to get smaller and no oxygen gets into the little balls you twisted up. Fascia is like plastic that wraps around us to hold our muscles and guts and bones and organs in place. If the fascia is small from twisted little bumps, not only is toxins building up in the twisted ball but the body is getting tight because it has much less room to move inside of, not to mention the pain that fascia, tendons, ligaments, lymph, nerves, and muscle can cause. Releasing all the trigger points in my fingers and arms has made a world of difference on my ribcage and torso feeling tight. It has stopped a nerve from pulling on my neck that caused headaches as well. It amazes me that the hands and arms can be the root of head and neck issues. WHAT HAVE I LEARNED So what have I learned over the past decade battling MS, parasites, mercury-fungus imbalance, and issues of the soul? First and foremost, I have learned to appreciate my body parts and love myself. It was only by God’s grace that my husband immediately became motivated to learn the Rock Talk program via the divorce and became supportive of me…I remarried him 3 years later. It took that long because he needed to teach Happy classes every day to me to become a skilled Rock Talker with a team mentality. We also had to cross many raging rivers to rebuild trust out of a past that seemed impossible to fix relationship wise. Falling back in love with the love of my life was a miracle made out of grace. I can’t be a dependable employee due to needing to focus so heavily on taking care of myself and because I still have some pretty bad days. Not being capable of providing for myself financially leaves me completely at my husband’s mercy. I am so grateful that he finally learned to give me mercy instead of hell. 16 | P a g e Second, I learned to wake myself about an hour or two after falling asleep long before midnight and have another snack to hold my blood sugar up for 2- 4 more hours in the night. I have to wake while I am really groggy so I can fall back asleep. I try not to take any relaxation pills after 11pm because it drastically drops dopamine levels the following day, giving me a host of dangerous side effects. Dopamine is inhibitory so I should try raising it at night with the natural bean that has high levels of L-dopa. Maybe that would work better than phosphatelyserine or tyrosine. Hum? If I am depressed, I figure out what is causing hopelessness and I find hope. I pray for it if I can’t find it. I try my best to keep dopamine and histamine levels up because too much serotonin in relationship to dopamine and histamine makes me feel horrible! Just horrible! It causes fatigue and severe thinking errors. Like difficultly finding words and comprehending, irritability, negativity, and totally wanting to give up. It is amazing to me that I feel so much better today. No more do I feel like I am trudging through quick sand or mud with my body and mind. This is all because of Al-Anon which alleviated my chronic depression and changing my body’s chemical balance. Did you know that depression can make me not walk the same as heat, stress, noise, excitatory foods, and fever do? You would think I have plenty to be depressed about...I have MS, Parkinson symptoms, and insomnia. I am frail, tired, and not able to do things that I would like to do, people don’t understand and misjudge me, and I fear the progression of this disease tremendously. But without my past filled with debilitating depression caused by abuse and me not respecting myself or knowing who I am and what I want… Now, I am soooooo incredibly HAPPY! Guess it was a good thing I had a lifetime of hell to contrast how I feel now. MY DAILY ROUTINES To take care of my physical body, I floss, water pic, and brush my teeth all the time. I don’t use fragrance. I wash my hands a lot. I wash my hair with a bar of unscented Neutrogena soap, (works great on dogs too) because of the allergic reaction of an itchy scalp. I use vinegar and rinse well to soften my hair because it works better than any conditioner I have ever tried. Sometimes I soak my hair in coconut oil for deep conditioning. Today in 2014, I am able finally able to use a natural scented shampoo without my scalp itching because I raised my histamine levels in the night after years of doctors innocently lowering them with Trazadone, Benedryl, and all sorts of anti-depressants used for sleep that I no longer use. After towel drying towards my heart to move lymph, I spritz my body with pre-boiled baking soda and water to further neutralize body odor being careful not to get baking soda in my hair because it makes it dry and brittle. I recommend using a clean old squirt bottle full of water to rinse the tooshie off. It’s like having a portable bidet toilet. When I am unable to forge the energy to shower daily, I simply use the pre-boiled baking soda water to wash odorous body parts off with and spritz. It is so simple, quick, and refreshing. Not only is it easy to stay clean a few days that way, but it allows the skin time to build good bacteria and oils. For make-up, I like to use a non-gritty source of charcoal to accent my eyes. I don’t normally use mascara and eyeliner because it is made out of sewage sledge yet clean and safe…it is clean but the idea is disgusting to me plus I don’t want to spend so much money on make-up. I use a little cocoa power for bronze and a blue berry for blush. I use lemon juice and cranberry juice on my face too. Witch hazel is a nice natural chemical that constricts blood vessels. I do water races every morning, meaning I challenge those around me to drink a huge glass of water (preferably boiled or distilled) in the morning. I fill up 2 jars of water to sip on throughout the rest of the day. 17 | P a g e I listen to my body, especially when it comes to craving salt. Salt or sodium is very important to all the inner workings of the body. Water going into the cells is even excitatory believe it or not so all things in moderation. The best form of salt is sodium phosphate as found in celery and spinach but as it processes it increases excitatory glutamate so I avoid it. According to chemists sodium phosphate makes a world of difference to the adrenal glands and many other body functions like repair and energy so I take it in the form of Natrum Phosphoricum Hyland’s brand Nat.Phos. #10 along with Hylands Bioplasma to get all the cell salts that make the body tick. But I found that, for me, Nat. Phos. # 10 should be taken… not even in the morning because glutamate sources build up over time. One of the best sources I have found to get good education from is He follows Paul Eck’s research which is invaluable. I love to eat small meals rich with hearty whole foods from the Mind your Mitochondria Diet by Dr. Terry levels. I have decided that my health care is MY RESPONSIBILITY….NO ONE ELSES. I live in a day and age where I am privy to much more information than those before me had. Of course, I cannot give myself surgery or treat and diagnose oodles of conditions that only a medical doctor is highly trained to do but for general health…I need to take responsibility and not be lazy about taking care of myself because I buy into the lie that doctors have a pill for every problem I may create for myself by bad choices. I really have to make an effort to build routine into my life so I acquire accumulative success with my health. I find it best to use certain days just for preparing fast ready-to-go foods for the freezer. For my supplement regimens, I set out what I need the morning before so that when I am tired at night, all I have to do is set my cup of supplements by my bed in the morning. I also make sure to know what I will eat for breakfast the following day or I will skip it. I do better when I exercise and pray with music in the mornings and figure out what foods will be eaten for the rest of the day sorta like when I was a girl and needed to set out what I would wear for school the next day. If I take control of my habits and have self-control, I find I have much more good days now than bad. Especially, if I don’t get caught up in TV, computer stuff which makes me stay up too late. Self-discipline became much easier for me once I convinced my family to be supportive and follow the same healthy habits with me. I’ve learned it is very important to take time for ourselves or we can’t really take time for others. The following displays my personal routine charts that I created: 18 | P a g e DAILY FUEL/FOOD HABITS I always take a bite of pure protein before the carbs to help my body make dopamine, the happy chemical and I always pay attention not to swallow air or anything that is not good for me. 6am- If I’m still in bed, I take 1 teaspoon Spectrum coconut oil w/ a little salt, a tiny pinch of baking soda, 100% cherry juice w/aloe vera for inflammation and DE for intestinal parasites, Hyland’s Bioplasma, Vitamin D2 and 3, zinc, cal/mag/boron, 50-100mg histadine, and sometimes teensy (pinch) doses of tyrosine, mucuna dopa, and kelp or red algae silica if the iodine doesn’t fatigue me. Otherwise, I take a sea herb after 9am as a multi-mineral. Later, I go outside for exercise, deep breathing, and prayer accompanied by music. All these chemicals and actions support the endocrine system (especially the adrenal glands) which makes so many of our chemicals and hormones like stomach acid, gaba, dopamine, testosterone, and more. For breakfast I have a boiled egg1 with fresh baking soda/butter biscuit2 and cranberry juice concentrate. Or, Nuwave, broiled, or George Foreman grill fried beef w/stevia and red pepper, toast, and hot lemon water. Or, crepes w/berries. Histadine can potentially excite the brain but you would feel like you were miserably shaking inside like on steroids. 9am- Whey protein poured off Daisy sour crèam into a berry smoothie w/ dark leafy greens like chard or an organic apple with non-additive sea salt, or an icey apple/orange smoothie all of which are packed w/natural digestive enzymes. Dark leafy greens aide the kidneys in excreting BUN. Fruits w/ digestive enzymes supply the pancreas while taurine fuels the liver, cells, gallbladder, and stomach acids. Probiotics or good bacteria, created from vegetables & legumes in the gut, supply cells and intestinal walls w/ digestive enzymes. I take a teaspoon of fish and borage oil along w/ red algae silica if I don’t take iodine @ 6am. I also drink 1 tablespoon of Diatomaceous Earth (DE), being careful to keep it out of the reach of children as well as extremely careful not to breathe in the dust, then I chase it w/water to rinse my vocal cords if I didn’t take it during endocrine time first thing in the morning. About 25 minutes later, I take a 2 tablespoon dose of psyllium husk fiber w/ extra water to blunt and conserve adrenal stores, for my bowels, and to keep my blood sugar stable. I avoid fiber later in the day due to it being excitatory. For kidneys take B5 three times a day and a pinch of baking soda in foods. Keep blood pressure low so permanent damage to small veins in kidneys is less. Take good care of pancreas by not over doing carbs. 11pm or 12 noon- Organic grass fed beef from Fred Myer’s or a blessed humane farmer, not forgetting I need bone in meats or boiled bone for soups to feed my joints. I savor a big bowl of cream of spinach soup for vitamin K to aide D absorption which in turn lowers estrogen, allergic reactions, & intestinal distress. If needed for better sleep, I raise estrogen via tofu or Simplex F by Standard process. Simplex F is my favorite because it has equal parts of progesterone as well. I sip on decaffeinated green tea extract if I am experiencing anxiety. I notice if I eat a pile of fresh stacked tightly dark leafy greens like a burger chewed well, that the bowels loosen, so less Nature’s Way Magnesium Complex is required. 3 or 4pm- I relish a pineapple sorbet made in a food processor w/ salt or a cup of hot mushroom soup. 6 or 7:30pm- Roasted or stems vegi’s of all sorts are so tastey cooked these ways. I love a hot bowl of carrot ginger cream soup, then I have something very yummy like a few onion rings, fried rice along with a wonderfully seasoned with garlic & spices. I enjoy fresh or cooked vegi’s w/ a little roasted or boiled protein and no more than a teaspoon of mayo or oil. No seeds due to high excitatory amino acids. My favorite is finely cut crunchy cabbage w/mayo, lemon, and stevia.. I take 500 mg taurine &/or digestive enzyme. Note to self: Lemon & kelp could be excitatory to me as is sodium chloride, phosphates, nitrates, gel, & other salty/sour good tasting foods including ketchup via natural flavoring plus tomatoes have lots of glutamate. 1I like to get my lecithin or choline via a soft boiled egg from a cage free chicken in the morning but if I need more I mix pure lecithin granules in yogurt or oatmeal until my body tells me I have brought the over all levels up via miserable shaking inside my cells. 2 Make one biscuit with ¼ flour, 1 tablespoon butter, ¼ teaspoon salt and baking soda and cold water. Bake 10 minutes at 425…so yummy and gives you want your body needs in the morning for adrenals with a protein and vita C like cranberry concentrate or lemon juice without sugar so no gas created by the food combination. 19 | P a g e NIGHTY REGIMINES FOR SLEEP 7:30pm- Sometimes I take my first dose of what I need for sleep at 7:30pm so I can fall asleep by 9pm and take my 2nd dose of sleep aides by 1am so it’s not hitting my bloodstream and brain after 3am. This is the only way I can control my mood, sound sensitivity, energy, and/or tremor the following day. 3 When I am sick with a cold or flu the histamine levels rise so high, I need double doses of what I normally take to sleep. 7:30pm- Most of the time, I now take two Simplex F (or none, depending on my bodies ever changing needs), cannabis oil, folic acid, magnesium oxide, and one 225mg turmeric, and Standard Process Black Spanish Radish at 7:30pm so I can fall asleep by 9pm. I make sure to eat a little something w/complex carbs just before falling off to sleep. (I always water pic, floss and brush my teeth too. I set my alarm for 3 to 3 ½ hrs later or have someone wake me so I can take my 2nd dose by 12:00 or 1pm, and so that my body is not awakened naturally… which is always due to a blood sugar drop and epinephrine surge making impossible for me to fall back asleep. I keep my B12 elevated via shots for myelin sheath repair & calming brain. (Just like B6, too much turmeric is neurotoxic due to excitation of the brain cells.) 12:00 or 1am- I then eat again while groggy and take ½ (100) tumeric or less, ½ (50-100 mg) histadine or none, and more cannabis oil. If I can’t wake myself by the alarm or if I awaken too much by getting out of bed or the alarm, I ask a loved one to wake me, feed me, and give me my 2nd dosing of sleep stuff. If I awaken on my own I usually need higher doses to fall back which is not good because it drives my dopamine done further plus it takes about 2 hours to fall back asleep. Sometimes, I sleep better if I omit the histadine but if my digestion, libido, anxiety, or body pain is poor I at least try to raise the histamine in my body for at least 2 weeks. Many times, I took tyrosine at night as well to raise my dopamine in the night but it often made it more difficult to sleep so I would only do it for 2 weeks at a time since the brain changes significantly within a 2 week time period. If I don’t follow my protocols, I sometimes am surprised at what I learn by how I sleep. My knowledge gets in my way sometimes. The best advances I have made were when I mostly listened to my body instead of my brain or just give up for a few days and then start over. I have made my health worse at times by trying to be too healthy without knowledge and balance. Too much of a good thing can be harmful. The body is a delicate balance. Before an outstanding doctor named Chris Haltestad MD prescribed me indica cannabis oil for sleep, I was taking St. John’s Wort only at night or Hawthrone Berry and California Poppy seed for sleep. The Hawthrone Berry was good because it not only helped me sleep but it lowered my blood pressure and soothed my stomach. California Poppy was terrific for helping me sleep and also decreased pain due to its opiate like actions in the brain. All of these herbs raised my serotonin and did not affect the GABA receptor sites as much as cannabis does. I prefer the cannabis because I sleep longer and don’t feel tired the next day due to THC potentiating glycine. I also like it because it is easier for me to experiment with other things like tumeric since it doesn’t take 2 weeks for levels to change in the brain like the other herbs do. I learned that St. John’s Wort, for example, can be very dangerous if someone goes off of it and immediately takes a new remedy like melotonin because the brain still acts like one is still taking the St. John’s Wort for exactly 2 weeks. Adding another chemical or foods that increase serotonin can cause serotonin syndrome, Parkinson like symptoms, depression, or even suicidal ideation or death. This is why it is so important to have a knowledgeable doctor.4 My dopamine was so low in the wee morning hours that I once had a treatment of IV phosphatylcholine to over excite my brain causing cell death which in turn caused a release of dopamine that brought the levels up so I could handle taking sleep aides. I also, over excited my brain with black walnut hull to kill parasites for a few days to raise the dopamine via brain sacrifice which I do not recommend but for me, it helped. My wish was that I could have an IV drip for glucose throughout the night so I could sleep but I couldn’t get a doctor to put me on one at home even for 2 weeks just so I could get enough rest to remain alive. Thank God, I made it through that time in my life and somehow found a solution, but I have to say that had someone just helped me sleep with glucose for even a week, I could have found the energy to think and fight for my life much better. Many people suffer severe insomnia as did Michael Jackson and end up dead from over dosing in there desperation for sleep. Doctors should take sleep deprivation more seriously because it is like starvation from food and water…we have got to get sleep or we die. 4 Good book…Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptom When My Lab Tests Are Normal? Datis Kharrazian DHSc, DC, MS 3 20 | P a g e SLEEP AIDES I practice good sleep hygiene by first clearing my mind, resolving any issues, laughing, loving, and getting spiritual rest before doing the same rituals every evening to wind down and sleep in a dark quiet room with a little complex carbs and protein in my tummy. Always remembering that raising blood sugar too much only causes a rapid blood sugar crash that inspires an epinephrine surge. 8:30 or 9pm- I make sure my B12 is on the high end of blood tests and take B12 shots monthly. I take Folic acid or folate, very small doses of Tumeric in combo with small doses of cannabis oil and a small every other day dose of a benzodiazapam like Clonazapam or a daily dose of short acting Xanax or point .5mg daily Clonazapam so that .25mg is possibly available to the brain nightly. OR (never combine these,btw) St John’s Wort or Hawthorne Berry, and Simplex F by Standard Process (for men as well because it has natural estrogen AND progesterone. Progesterone is vital to adrenal restoration and for balancing estrogen. I then take magnesium oxide to loosen stool, sometimes 500 mg taurine and occasionally 100-225mg of histadine but only for 2 weeks to raise my levels more. If I am pampering my adrenals, I eat a ¼ -1/2 slice of non GMO whole grain toast with Spectrum coconut oil for more stable blood sugar. [Tumeric protects the body from estrogens in cannabis but too much is neurotoxic due to excitation.] I have also learned that as long as my D is high enough, that Black Spanish Radish helps me sleep much longer (It can lower thyroid activity via glucosinolates but works great for dissolving gall stones and clearing liver according to some research abstracts found online. It is great for intestinal and liver cleansing but could reduce thyroid function. Parasites hate Black Spanish Radish as they do DE btw.) This is my most recent miracle and last entry to this book I struggled and kept trying for 10 years. .5mg Clonazepam with 600mgGaba Pentin then 300mg Gaba Pentin as I fall asleep has been able to replace Cannabis for me. I sleep 7 straight hours now. I also take 4 Black Spanish Radish by Standard Process, ½ turmeric, less Simplex F, 1 folate, and no more Cannabis!(Spoke too soon…GP increased white blood cell count & caused lymph swelling so only 100mg.) 10:00 or 11pm- Vanilla tufo pudding for extra estrogen. Or, a healthy homemade dessert w/very very little fat. I usually take more cannabis/tumeric so it hits after midnight. Before and after midnight, 3am, and 5am-7am dosing times are extremely significant in how a person sleeps and the energy from dopamine that one feels the next day. Back when I had more serotonin in relationship to dopamine I made sure the dose I took hit my blood stream before midnight since after midnight and wee morning hours raise the serotonin and gaba significantly higher. My chemistry is like a dance that is ever changing… there is always hope! Thanks to raising my D levels, I presently take my 1st dose of sleep stuff at 7-8:00pm… sleep 3, 3 ½ or 4 hrs depending on if I have someone wake me before I wake naturally or not. And then take a 2nd dose at 1am omitting the Simplex F and lowering the tumeric significantly to a ¼ of a tablet or all together due to it lowering histamine so much. Otherwise, I take a tiny dose of histadine (100-200mg) during 2nd dosing for sleep. Histamine decreases allergic reactions, repairs cells, connective tissues, supports digestion, and libido. Histadine can cause a person w/bipolar or schizophrenia to worsen unless they are extremely down w/depression. I have read that they should lower histamine when having trouble sleeping. Balance is everything. This is why testing w/ tiny dosages can make a world of difference in my sensitive ever changing body chemistry. Turns out I may be able to build Gaba w/ Gaba along w/ Glutimic Acid from NutriCology MultiMin. Midnight Maybe- If I am really struggling w/insomnia, I have someone gently wake me after an hour of sleep or more to feed me ¼-1/2 cup berries w/ cold cooked oats5, ½ teaspoon butter, sweetener, and probiotics to decrease tooth decay or a non-cornstarch/gelatin yogurt. Consuming complex carbs helps me avoid the excitatory glutamate response that occurs from a blood sugar drop. Gaba is what helps us sleep and relax. Glutamate keeps us alert. Cortisol is important for sleep because it stabilizes blood sugar throughout the night keeping us asleep. Unfortunately, cortisol is processed within 4 hours and epinephrine takes 6 hours to process. Epinephrine is released when there is a blood sugar drop so the brain wakes up to get needed sugars for survival. Epinephrine is released during stress, conflict, fear, exercise, and hunger causing shaking, anxiety, and lack of shut eye. Oat products from GLUTENFREEOATS.COM is best bet for potato free. Bob’s Red Barn and numerous other processing plants that provide gluten free foods contaminate all their products with salts and/or nuts that run through same machines or dusts from other grains and potato dust that gets into their products. Call the companies of the foods you use and find out where each ingredient is derived from and then call the companies that supply them. Eventually, you will find pure foods as well as tell manufacturers that the public needs purity. 5 21 | P a g e HARD TIMES During times I feel my brain may be in an excitatory state due to illness, fever, heat, glutamate, conflict, not feeling fulfilled or at peace, social events, noise, depression, lack of sleep, nasal spray, low blood sugar episodes, steroids, etc I take 500mg of taurine or Valerian root every 4 hours or just before an event that may excite the brain. When under stress I try to care for my adrenals and thyroid a bit more than I do by my routine endocrine time in the morning from 5am-7am. I do this by taking ½ of a Standard Process adrenal dessicated and kelp as well as psyllium husk fiber about 40 minutes after ingesting the pills. [Mainstream medical testing for thyroid is largely inaccurate due to lab tests that only measure TSH levels. Ask your doctor to test T3 and T4 levels and note if you are low or high normal because not everyone is the same and may still need to feed their thyroid what it needs to manufacture hormones and Gaba. Read Suzy Cohen book ,Thyroid Healthy., she knows her stuff. good resource too. ] As a rule I never even taste a bite of the foods I am intolerant too and I am mindful of not swallowing air. Since I started that, I have no bloating and many other health issues are clearing up. Break downs of the body are dealt with by using NATCELL PRODUCTS. For instance, if I had serious digestive issues I would take Pancreas glandular with live stem cells, if I had connective tissue loss I would take Mesemchyme live stem cells and I would take the stem cells on an empty stomach w/ shark cartilage and arginine just before falling asleep from 10pm-midnight because that’s the only way the body rebuilds tissues on cells, in organs, etc. Sleep between 10pm-midnight is the only time the body pumps out growth hormone to do its repair work. I would also use Capra Mineral Whey to get the sodium phosphate to carry nutrients to needed places in the body for repair and the glutamate (but I my brain can’t handle extra excitatory amino acids unless I am needing to sacrifice part of my brain to raise the dopamine which does happen when there is major cell death). And I’d cut acidic foods like sugar and coffee completely out of my diet and do extra greens and Kiwi and Papaya to repair broken parts. Sodium Phosphate helps heal many things from nausea, ulcers, to arthritis so I’d eat lots of celery & spinach if it didn’t over excite my brain! Natrum phosphoricum by Hylands as well as Bioplasma are a good way to get cell salts, yet still excitatory for me. Unfortunately sodium phosphate ends up being glutamate which interferes with my sleep as well as other salty substances like sodium chloride. I have also noticed that any processed foods, especially ones with good salty flavors like green olives usually have excitatory properties. If my breakdowns were in the endocrine system (adrenal/thyroid/pituitary), I would take Natcell glandular products with kelp or red algae silica such as adrenal called Power Solution, but I would time those to be taken around 6am and I would hold the product under my tongue and lay still in bed as long as possible to allow my endocrine system a rest and rebuild since moving around forces it to work hard. I would also do a hair analysis from analytical research labs and pay for a full report at from Phoenix Az. And of course, home colonic. Once I lost all my reserves in my adrenals I took Standard Process Adrenal Dessicated every 4 hours for 2 years. At first, I needed 10 pills to stop shaking then I got down to ½ a pill. I was lucky that my adrenals woke up after the 2 year period so I wasn’t dependent on the glandular. Now my adrenals are doing better again, especially since raising vitamin D during endocrine time and figuring out how to get more sleep after my 10 yearlong battle. Taking a pinch of taurine w/all meals helps calm the brain. More than 50mg is too much for me now. Not being able to fall back asleep or go to sleep causes me to need valium but I try to avoid valium due to toxicity. Skullcap is the one herb that attaches to gaba receptor sites which is like taking a benzodiazepine keeping in mind that it is related to liver damage after taking it for 3-4 months. Mixing valarian root with the skullcap seems to work as well as valium with less toxicity to my brain. I think diazepam affects the liver and kidneys so I take either valium or skullcap and valerian when sleep gets more difficult. Phenibut or B-Phenyly-Aminobutyric works very well but only for 1 night (possible opening of ion channel that causes Gaba to be utilized. Phenibut followed by Gaba if you have a weak blood brain barrier may work). I learned from a psychologist that if I take drugs that cause the body to build a tolerance, it is best to take them every other day. This way the drug has time to exit the body fully and change the brain back to its original state so I never go through pharmaceutical drug withdrawals nor do I need more and more drugs to get the same effect. Seems that rotating various foods and chemicals is the best way to go for the body. 22 | P a g e FOOD AND HEALTH I depend on Costco for organic apple sauce, frozen pineapple chunks, berries, and bags of frozen vegetables. I also get their fresh vegi’s and blanch them for the freezer. I have found that Costco’s big organic package of spinach and other leafy greens can go directly into the freezer. Fred Myers has great organic grass fed beef and many other products I need. Trader Joes sells spelt bread without seeds that can trap in pockets of the gut. I rotate grains and the proteins so I don’t develop a food intolerance. I rotate organic grass fed beef, tofu, nuts, beans and rice, brown organic cage free eggs6, cheese and sardines and drink distilled water. I don’t eat lots of anyone thing like chocolate and cranberry which can cause kidney stones. I rotate all my foods so I don’t develop a food allergy or intolerance. My pets need rotation diets also which I found out the hard way when my best friend Malava Einstein Kitty lost her belly hair and got a swollen chinny chin chin. After a tiny bit of anti-histamine for 2 weeks she recovered. She has been there for me like no one else. It’s as though she was God’s love for me. For kidneys, I take B5 three times a day and a pinch of baking soda in foods. Keep blood pressure low so permanent damage to small veins in kidneys is less. I take good care of my pancreas by not over-doing carbs. Anyway, I enjoy the food I consume and avoid fast food or processed foods. When I found out that processed meats or soft tastey meats are made with parts of animals I would never eat, I got grossed out. If being grossed out doesn’t ward of a craving, I remember how disgusting fast food oil smells when the food sits in a room for a while and ask myself if I should put such putrid food in my stomach. I eat small meals every 2-3 hours unless I take psyllium husk fiber ½ hour after a small meal to keep my sugars stable a bit longer. Too much fiber sweeps good nutrients away as well and can dehydrate the body if one doesn’t drink enough fluids but it is important for causing the bowel to move which is termed peristalsis. The point is that too much of any good thing can make it a bad thing. For instance, too much water can cause dehydration due to sodium washing out of the cells. Achieving balance is the name of the game. ACHIEVING BALANCE It is a very difficult thing to balance chemical makeup once the body and mind become way off of kilter. For example, the Candida I suffered with took over the entire 30 foot intestinal track from my tongue to the rectum. I was not absorbing any nutrients due to its thick sticky white consistency coating the walls of my intestine and even showing its presence in my cells. Not only did I have an overload of yeast but I had many types of parasites in my blood, organs, muscle, and intestinal track. Parasites come in the thousands and are nearly impossible to eradicate but I did 90 parasite cleansing with kelp and black Spanish radish on top of fasting and reduced their numbers drastically as I reduced the number of fungus to increase the number of good bacteria that grew on my intestinal lining and also permeated my cells. One thing to make mention of that is highly important, is that mercury and fungus are pretty much married, meaning I could not get rid of the fungus until I balanced the mercury. I took a lot of boron to drive the mercury down as well as metal chelation. Another very important point is that good bacteria cannot grow on inflamed irritated unhealed tissue so there lays the dilemma. If people would only purchase organic cage free brown eggs from The Happy Egg Co. the market for white eggs would diminish and perhaps END the torture of white and brown laying hens. All other companies that sell certified humane cage free brown eggs also sell white eggs and treat their white and red hens INHUMANELY. The claims of cage free mean the hens get to come out of their cage temporarily to walk on a small concrete porch. This is not cage free. The Happy Egg Co. does not cage their hens at all. They roam free as in nature. 6 23 | P a g e Reducing the inflammation and repairing the lining of the gut took 5 years of hard work. It is all about growing large numbers of good bacteria on the intestinal walls so they permeate the entire body to fight against bad bacteria and fungus. I had to take glutamine which wasn’t best for my brain nor was the black walnut hull but the black walnut killed parasites well and the glutamine helped heal damage in the gut. Juice fasting with fiber was difficult on my adrenals but it was profoundly healing. By the way, glutamic acid is needed for the production of Gaba and Glutamate but balance is vital, especially with neurological disease since they are a Prion disease meaning the condition has a hallmark of malfunctioning glutamate leaving the brain over excited. To understand this better, think about inhaling a can of Raid that kills bugs. It would kill you too by over exciting the brain with glutamate. If you think about it, the bees we see stumbling around crazy-like are experiencing similar symptoms I did. If the world keeps on using pesticides and herbicides we will all have the same fate neurologically because we all drink the same water and breathe the same air. Since learning about illness, I have become careful not to allow people to wear outdoor shoes in the house because it brings in all sorts of poisons, parasites (feces from raccoons, rats, possums, birds, human which can easily be on produce from workers using fields to defecate and other countries using human sewage for fertilizer), and germs that not only babies ingest from playing on the floor but pets lick their fur coats and paws. I never realized that plug in air fresheners, laundry soaps, dryer sheets, and cleaning chemicals put strain on my body as well as children and pets. I especially worry about my pets going outside and drinking from a puddle laden with chemicals. I can’t imagine how sick our birds are getting from drinking out of mud puddles these days. It’s no wonder 100’s of them fall out of the sky and die spontaneously. DIGESTION When I was first cleansing, I was on the best digestive enzymes I could find with all of my meals. I would have taken kelp and histadine during endocrine time, which is 5am-7am to aide my body in the production of some digestive chemicals but I did not know that in the beginning of my illness. Fruit, vegetables, and legumes manufacture probiotics, flora, or what’s call good bacteria for digesting foods, but good bacteria only grows on healed tissues of the intestinal track. Increasing flora is the main goal for healing because this is the body’s immune system. Fish oil with borage oil help decrease the inflammation on tissues but I had to learn that it takes a long time and dedication to repair damaged guts while vitamin A helps the body fight infection. I also had to chelate mercury which took 5 years, and parasite cleanse for 90 days. Concerning digestion, taurine 500mg (not 5000mg) is not a digestive enzyme but it helps the body produce stomach acid and bile which have digestive powers. (On a side note, folate and niacin are extremely important along with B-12 and vitamin D2-3 with calcium/magnesium and tofu for estridol for a sense of well-being and to make the body work well.( Keep in mind that too much niacin can cause itching and liver damage.) And the absolute best way to achieve good health is to achieve one’s dreams of what happy relationships are. See for How To Be Happy In All Your Relationships.) Histadine also aids the body in manufacturing digestive products and L- theanine might. I found decaffeinated green tea extract to be the best form of theanine since most others irritate stomach lining. I took Aloe vera and cayenne pepper with glutamine powder to heal intestinal tissues. The cayenne sure showed me when my tummy dumped because the hot burn disappeared the minute the stomach dumped its contents into my small intestine. I also learned that if the sphincter that allows the stomach to dump its contents into the small intestine is inflamed that it can constrict and not allow food to pass. In this case, I found myself puking. So I ate smaller meals and continued with the cayenne pepper and aloe 3 times a day. Taking Metagenic’s Cal/Mag made my body alkaline and hindered stomach acid to help heal ulcers and inflammation but I noticed I didn’t digest some foods as well during this time and had extra gas and 24 | P a g e sometimes constipation if I didn’t get enough magnesium oxide to counteract the stool hardening that calcium creates. I would test my salvia with Ph strips instead of my urine because urine needs to be a little acidic. I was told that some people make too much stomach acid and need to do a self test found on page 122 of Phyllis Balsh’s book Perscription for Nutritional Healing Third Edition. In most cases, people need more acid and digestive enzymes due to liver problems and low amino acids that help us make these miraculous little critters. I followed the Eat Right For Your Blood Type model from the GeneType book Dr. Peter A’damo wrote with the Mind Your Mitochondria Diet by Dr. Terry Walhs. Theanine and taurine increase the stomach acid and decrease anxiety as well as histadine but I was careful not to overdo histadine due to it causing schizophrenia and bipolar mania. I used the histadine at night for a while until I stopped my allergic reactions. Kelp was very important to my digestion due to its ability to help create gaba and many other things that help with digestion, anxiety, energy, sleep, and constipation. The greatest benefit kelp gave to me, was the sodium alginate in it because it is a natural mercury chelator. Note: Colon needs plant based calcium and sodium to maintain strong walls. Prolapsed colonic walls may improve with colonics and sodium/calcium. MERCURY IMBALANCE Every time my body was clean enough to allow excess mercury to move out from my bone, fat, and brain to the blood stream I would feel itchy around areas of hair like inside my nose, sometimes confusion, forgetfulness, irritability, and get a metallic taste on my tongue. At those times, I would eat some protein and kelp because sodium alginate chelates mercury so it can exit the bloodstream via the urine. I also did a colonic every day during symptoms of metal moving to encourage it to keep on releasing into my blood stream as I took protein and kelp every 6 hours until the moving metal symptoms subsided. When I needed to balance other mineral/metal imbalances I would take a pinch of Captomer by Thorne Research. The active ingredient is Succinic Acid. I didn’t like taking an entire pill because it is very powerful pulling all the good and bad metals at the same time. After a run of that, I always felt weaker and needed to take a natural multi-mineral 3 times a day to build back the good minerals. I like Nutri-Cology multi-minerals but sometimes the glutamic acid in it would excite my brain too much because it turns into glutamate. So, I would use kelp or something without tons of vitamin B 6, since too much of that is neurotoxic. Eventually, I stopped becoming symptomatic of metal moving into my blood stream. It was wonderful not to have a metallic taste on my tongue any longer. Concerning kelp, it has a lot of iodine like red algae silica does. I continued to take so much after my chronic yeast infection cleared up and the metallic taste went away that I developed a metallic taste every time I ate food from iodine overdose. It took a few months of not supplementing minerals before that cause of metal mouth subsided….Thank God! See! Too much of a good thing can turn bad. What Are the Causes of Vagus Nerve Damage? As a side note…The vagus nerve is one of 12 cranial nerves, exiting the skull rather than through the vertebral column. The vagus nerve is the tenth cranial nerve. This nerve supplies motor nerve impulses to the muscles of the voice box and tongue, receiving sensory impulses from the throat, ear and the organs of the chest and abdomen, and supplying visceral nerve impulses to the glands of the throat, chest and abdominal organs. This nerve can be altered with serial cranial work and head injury. Diabetes can cause neuropathy, or nerve damage, to a number of different areas of the body. A prolonged increase in blood sugar associated with diabetes can alter nerve chemistry, and damage the blood vessels that support the nerves. B & C vitamins and repair blood veins but tiny veins in the kidneys die. To support 25 | P a g e kidneys, I put a little baking soda on everything I eat and take B5 three times a day. I am careful not to over do B6 since it can be neurotoxic. In cases where diabetes has damaged the vagus nerve, it can cause gastroparesis, a condition wherein the muscles of the stomach and intestine are not able to efficiently move food through the gastrointestinal system. Gastroparesis manifests in symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, heartburn, constipation, abdominal bloat, stomach spasms and decreased appetite. If you suspect you may have vagal nerve issues from stress or head injury you may be able to find a functional health clinic that provides Bio-Feed Back that re-sets vagal nerve tone so digestion works better. Accupunture is known to help IBS and other digestive track problems as well. One can even consider fecal matter transplants these days. Amazing things can be done if one is unwilling to settle for a life of pain. Note: Colon needs plant based calcium and sodium to maintain strong walls. Prolapsed colonic walls may improve with colonics and sodium/calcium. THYROID Between 5am and 7am, which is endocrine time, I used to take red algae silica as a multi-nutrient so my thyroid was working well, to avoid bladder discomfort, lower blood pressure, and support connective tissue growth. Gaba made by the thyroid is so important for less anxiety, better digestion, moving food through the gut, and burning fat and keeping hair intact. I still try to eat salty protein immediately upon waking in the morning even though I don’t feel like eating and take some vitamin C. It is important to get coconut oil or beef fat for the adrenals to make cortisol and it is also important to take vitamin D via sunshine and D2 supplement with calcium/magnesium D3 and zinc for the production of tyrosine. Tyrosine makes dopamine and epinephrine in the adrenal medulla. (Low D2 contributes to poor digestion as well). Those of us who fight chronic inflammation and are under stress, use more cortisol reserves. Beef is a good choice because it has taurine which is very good for adrenal health on top of all the other wonderful things it does concerning bile production which breaks down fats and stomach acid which breaks down everything. I learned from that mainstream medicine does not normally test for free T3 and free T4 cells that the thyroid produces. Apparently, most doctors only check TSH levels which doesn’t provide an accurate measurement of what the thyroid is making. TSH is a hormone used by the thyroid gland to produce the T3 and T4 cells. TSH uses vitamin D, B12, tyrosine, and iodine to make T3 and T4 cells. This means that there can be high levels of TSH but low levels of the other needed ingredients. Iodine could be so low that the thyroid can’t produce enough T3 and T4. This is why the best test for thyroid is to check TSH, T4 and T3. It is equally important to make sure the body gets all the other necessary ingredients to help the thyroid wake up to do its thing. Omega oils can suppress the thyroid so I take fish oil after 9am. Read Suzy Cohen book ,Thyroid Healthy., she knows her stuff. CORTISOL, STRESS & SLEEP Most think cortisol is bad because it is known as the stress hormone but it actually helps people stay asleep all night if it is balanced! I did not realize that it is the epinephrine surges that are released from the adrenals that cause wakefulness, high blood pressure, shaking, racing heart, and sweating in myself. Adrenal fatigue is a very serious condition but often displays similar symptoms as hypothyroidism, or low thyroid function like faintness upon standing from a stooped position, low blood pressure, and digestive issues. It is important to see s naturopathic doctor to get tested for both adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism if experiencing symptoms of adrenal fatigue. I found that my entire endocrine system was equally compromised due to inflammation, stress, and lack of needed nutrients. I do not supplement with vitamin D without determining current levels, since vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin and therefore can be overdosed. Vitamin D3 in cod liver in the morning during endocrine time hinders thyroid activity due to omega oils so I 26 | P a g e wait and take that after 9am. If I take it with lunch or 3pm snack it boosts my dopamine the happy chemical. Vitamin D also lowers blood pressure most likely due to it requiring cholesterol to produce the host of chemicals it cooks up in the body. Vitamin D 2 and 3 are actually hormones, which explains why it helps the endocrine system work well. Read Suzy Cohen book ,Thyroid Healthy., she knows her stuff ENDOCRINE TIME Getting back to what I do in the morning during endocrine time, I also have a small carbohydrate after I take a couple bites of the protein and lots of water and a spoonful of K.W. Knudsen cranberry concentrate for vitamin C to support the adrenal glands as well as K.W. Knudson’s organic tart juice made with only cherries and no fructose or corn syrup to reduce inflammation and for a treat which helps the Limbic system in the brain combat depression via joy. If the RW Knudsen just tart cherry juice raises my blood sugar too much or causes gas due to mixing it with protein and carbs, I wait and take it for a snack about ½ hour before lunch. I add aloe juice to it also which helps the entire body repair. I can’t even tell I am taking the aloe in the cherry juice because it tastes so good. In the daytime, I take NutriCology Liver Beef glandular for iron or black strap molasses so I don’t have constipation or gas from taking in the iron. The weird thing about iron is that when the body is low on it, the digestion goes completely haywire or should I say barbed wire because that’s what poor digestion feels like on the inside. Lack of iron causes so much gas in the digestive track, especially if one eats the same foods all the time or eats what their body is intolerant to. Iron is one of the most important factors in aiding intestinal discomfort. I not only take fish oil for D3, A and omegas but I take it with borage oil to decrease inflammation via its Cox 2 inhibitor action. I never take it before bed so it doesn’t affect my endocrine levels or sleep, although when I did try it at night, it sure made my brain feel good. The only time I take it at night is when I am prepared to go without as much sleep for a little over 2 weeks in order to raise my dopamine levels permanently. Note: Colon needs plant based calcium and sodium to maintain strong walls. Those with Celiac can have other food sensitivities. Potato is a common one and unfortunately it is in salt and vitamins that fortify foods like dairy. Potato flour is used abundantly for gluten-free foods. Even if a manufacturer claims there is no potato in their product, the dust of the flour cross-contaminates all the foods run through their production process. There are resources like chat rooms and cook books. If you do not have a diagnosis, it is best to eat as though you have Celiac just in case the doctors have missed it. DURING THE DAY I take cheese or Cal-Mag w/D every time I do exercise like lying flat on belly and lifting arms, hands, head, and legs up. This strengthens all those tiny muscles on the backside that help the front move and not tear so calcium is driven into my bones. (I once took calcium alone and got so constipated the stool was like concrete so I never take it without magnesium.) Sometimes I just lie on the bed or floor and hold weights or something heavy. I try to exercise and breathe deeply outside in the sun. If I am stationary most of the day, I wear full body compression wear clothing that wicks moisture because it reduces chance of blood clots and helps lymph not become stagnate. If I have spells of pain, I wear it more to help support my entire frame. I also like to do an exercise that strengthens and relaxes my neck and jaw by tensing up and saying 77 and seventy seas a bunch of times. I look funny when I do it but it sure calms tension in the shoulders, neck, and jaw joint up above the ears. I always pinch my shoulder blades together as well. It helps. HEADACHES CAUSED BY STUCK MYOFASCIA AND TIGHT MUSCLES I still battle with keeping my bite even and the correct height. I wear a night guard I purchased at Fred Myers for $20 and focus on opening my lips a little to relax the jaw and never sleep on my side. I expect to 27 | P a g e make mistakes when forming my night guard so I don’t get upset for having to spend another $20. I have been lucky to find dentists that put composite on my back molars to help me raise and even out my bite. At home I take a very fine sandpaper to change my bite a little, being careful not to sand too much, and not to swallow or allow any sandpaper grits to sit against the mouth membrane due to tungsten and other sandpaper products being very toxic. I think we should let dentist deal with our teeth unless we are educated. For instance, we don’t know how to detect mouth cancer or gum disease, nor do we see hair line fractures and know how they occur. We don’t understand infections from the roots of our teeth that can kill us with no warning from pain. We don’t readily understand that our teeth fit tightly together to keep food particles from nestling in between teeth that cause decay. We don’t realize that bacteria can be trapped inside of a tooth we fill unless it is cleaned and dried properly. We don’t know what a cavity or abscess looks like and we certainly don’t know to never take a dermal tool to our teeth because it causes fractures the same way grinding our teeth in our sleep does, and we know little about how nerve endings in teeth can die or cause endless pain, or how pain in the jaw is related to tiny muscle and pad areas causing TMJ, or associate jaw pain with possible heart issues like a trained dentist can. We need our dentists for much more than the few points I brought up. The problem I found was that I could not afford dental work and I certainly didn’t want to lose so much actual tooth as I have through the years at the hand of a dentist. I have found that I can purchase carbon paper to check my own bite, composite bonding, adhesive bonding, a curing light gun, sanding and drilling tools, stainless steel diamond grit finishing strips, and more on line at DENT- ALL Corp (www.dent-allstore) and other vendors. All I needed to do to stop my headache pain years ago was make sure my teeth were free of bacteria and decay, dry the teeth and use my fingers to shape the composite, then use a curing light for 40 seconds to harden it. I could have easily used carbon paper to balance my bite out. Anyway, I don’t advocate others do their own dental work but many people do crazy things out of pure desperation as myself. DENT-ALL Corp has an online store and great personal assistance as well as a physical store one can browse through in Miami Florida 1305-541-0418. Unfortunately, once dental tools are deemed class II medical devices, it will become illegal to sell a simple LED or UV curing light to the general public. I have heard that a using a near infra-red heat lamp bulb in a tent or closet works to get UV. They are sold for reptiles under $20 is an infra-red UV light so perhaps they will always be available. The moral to the teeth story, is that they are like gold nuggets and should be taken care of well from birth to death. Teeth are the beginning of the digestive track. They don’t like sugar nor does our body. They like to be flossed, water picked, and brushed all the time. No one likes bad breath or that furry feeling, so I wish I would have taken good care of my teeth and never had a cavity in the first place. Later in life, I could have fixed the uneven bite so I could be out of pain and chew better for better absorption of nutrients…at this point in my life, I don’t even think I needed my bite corrected. I think I just needed to sleep on my back and find a good body worker to free up the tight and stuck spots I developed during childhood. Oh well…. Aside from the teeth being uneven creating a host of pain in the head, neck and shoulders is pain from tight muscles, stuck fascia, tendon issues, and bunched up nerves coming from the toes and the fingers. Not many body workers understand this. Most pull the tissues away from the body to give a pleasurable sensation of relaxing but it moves the tissue the wrong direction…everything should move and twist toward the heart. People always teach us to strengthen our core but I find that strengthening the arms and legs automatically strengthens the core. I also avoid typing and sitting for long periods or holding my head in the wrong position. Posture and movement are so important to ending pain patterns. For me, exercising with weight and short rapid movement helps me get a muscle burn signaling the breakdown of tissue which will in turn signal repair and restoration. For instance, sticking the arms straight 28 | P a g e out from the side and doing small circles really helps my arms get stronger now that my brain has changed and is allowing me to build rather than waist or catabolize. I also stretch now that I understand nerves that control movement can get bunched up. I use a few good chiropractors and body workers as much as I can afford…without them in my life I would be completely disabled and riddled with pain. Thank God for gifting some body workers and I thank those body workers that keep learning, educating, and giving of themselves with inner confidence to others who desperately need them. INTESTINAL PARASITES To address intestinal round worms, I take Diatomaceous Earth (being careful never to breathe in the dust or allow my pets to breath it in) for a week or two once a month with black Spanish radish by Standard Process. I supplement with Nature’s Way magnesium complex at night to loosen stool since my bowel does not work very well. Colonics helped me retrain my sleeping colon to the point I don’t have to take 6 cascara root daily to go potty. I did that for 15 years to survive. I am lucky my bowel works at all having been on stimulant laxatives so many years on top of MS which disrupts bowel, urine, and sexual areas of the brain amongst many other things. SCHEDULES I try to keep stress down and peace and laughter up and go to bed well before midnight so growth hormone is made to repair cells and tissues. I don’t have a television in my living room so I can control how much I watch it. I normally only watch TV or DVDs on Saturdays unless there is a special show I want to watch. I read the Bible and pray more in depth on Sundays but not watching TV allows me more time to get bored and find productive things to do like read the Bible more or contact friends and family. When under stress, I take ½ Standard Process adrenal desiccated every four hours along with one Jarrow PS100 in the morning but I have found that sunshine for vitamin D and mushrooms for D2 is better for me. Apparently, D helps the adrenals produce tyrosine which creates dopamine and epinephrine. 7 The goal of adrenal health is to conserve and store these neurochemicals. I eat a small meal 6am, 9am, 12 noon, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm and midnight to keep my adrenal glands calm. I normally take one dose of fiber shortly after my 3pm meal but if I need to focus on aiding my adrenal glands more, I take about a teaspoon or 2 of psyllium husk fiber about 20 minutes after a meal or pills, to blunt stress hormone surges. I wait 20 minutes after meals so the nutrients of the food, meds, or supplements I consume are not absorbed. Fiber does a great job at blunting adrenal activity which conserves their energy and helps replenish them like filling up a gas tank. The blunting is about keeping epinephrine surges at bay. Epinephrine raises blood pressure, causes shakiness, racing heart, anger, etc. For some reason, fiber helps the body feel full longer and make one feel stronger. There was a 2 year period of time that I took 2 adrenal pills every 4 hours. It helped beef up those tired glands a lot. I was just plain lucky that when I stopped the regime, my adrenals woke up and started working on their own, otherwise I would have to take them all the time for the rest of my life. Phospatylserine and adrenaline can sometimes cause pins and needles due to it converting to acetylcholine in the body. Pregnenolone does also if it is taken at times other than between 6am-8am. Too much of any excitatory eventually causes a buzzing shaking sensation in that seems to be in every cell of the body. Increased dopamine is related to schizophrenia and other paranoid conditions of the brain. Excitation of brain causes cell death and increases dopamine levels. Overdosing inhibitory chemicals causes excitation of brain cells and brain cell. Flooding the brain with dopamine via amphetamines can permanently damage dopamine receptor sites due to down regulation actions the cells take in an effort to save the brain from death resulting in conditions such as Parkinson’s. Brain chemistry balance should never be addressed without medical expert oversight. 7 29 | P a g e STILL STRUGGLING FOR SLEEP I take Simplex F by Standard Process at night which supports the entire endocrine system in men as well as in women. I have to be careful not to overdose on Simplex F because it can make me feel sluggish all day long even for a few days after I lower or stop the dose, but it really helps me feel less hunger shakiness and keeps me asleep longer during the night. I found that the higher my serotonin is after midnight the lower my dopamine is the following day. All sleep-aides raise serotonin and lower histamine which also lowers sex-drive and raises allergic reactions. As a last resort I turned to God’s pharmacy and tried medical marijuana but it too did not work very well UNTIL I combined it with turmeric. But because my histamine was lowered by this sleep cocktail, I had unbearable sound sensitivity. Histamine repairs myelin sheath on cells. The myelin sheath is like an electrical wires rubber coating. Without good sheath on cells, cells cannot communicate properly to order the nerves around that make our body move. As I kept trying to figure out how to address the severe insomnia and all the side effects that would ensue after each trial of medication or supplementation, I discovered that I could perhaps use tumeric if I could counteract the anticholinergic activity it seems to have when mixed with the THC of cannabis oil. (FYI: Organic Indica is the strain of cannabis to use for sleep. Organic Sativa is for pain relief. Any strain of cannabis, can cause cancer to sex organs, cause tubal pregnancy, rapid brain cell death, poor judgment, accidents, Parkinson disease, tremor, hallucination, and the pesticides used for growing it can cause all sorts of disease. Cannabis was never intended for recreational use. It is a medicinal herb and should not be abused.) CBN is created by THCA when an heirloom indica cannabis shake is air-dried. CBN causes sleep, not high THC (that only over excites and can kill). I mix the shake leaf with some of the bud and seem to be able to sleep with it. It takes a while to figure it out so don’t give up if you try it and get a racing pulse or anxiety. Too much CBN alone can cause a watery heart beat sensation in the throat or chest. CBN does not have nicotine but it will attach to nicotine receptor sites and cause a watery weird feeling. Cannabis works best with a small amount of turmeric and some people like 1-2 Black Spanish Radish pills but it they have thyroid issues they should not take Black Spanish Radish at high doses or for more than a week. As time went on, I learned that phosphatyl serine actually increases choline down the chain of chemical reactions in the brain so I tried adding it to my sleep cocktail of 100mg phosphatylserine, magnesium oxide found in Nature’s Way mag complex brand, ½ capsule oiled cannabis, 500mg turmeric, and 100 mg or more of histadine, taurine, and Simplex F. (Histadine and Stinging Nettle should not be used by those with Bipolar or Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia and Mania is in part due to elevated histamine levels in the brain. One time I experimented with God’s pharmacy and took Stinging Nettle to get my histadine from a natural source and had a severe allergic reaction so beware! Anything can cause an allergic response and can be lethal.) I normally let the sleep aides take effect before taking phosphatyl serine. MY BODY CHANGED! As time went on, I didn’t need to take the phosphatyl serine at night. What I have found to be true is that the body is constantly changing levels of all sorts of chemicals and hormones so I had to keep up with that and allow for it. Simply said, I have learned to listen to my body and welcome the changes. Before, I felt like every day was a burden because I had to focus on what I was eating and taking and doing all the time due to changes in the body but now I make room for that in my life and truly live one day at a time with a flexible attitude because I cannot count on my body performing without a lot of tender loving care and help anymore. 30 | P a g e In past, I would take 500mg Bio nutrition California poppy seed and Hawthorne Berry. Poppy attaches to opiate receptor sites for pain and sleep and Hawthorne Berry is great for stomach ailments, high blood pressure as well as sleep. Hawthorne Berry does something with Nitric Oxide the same way that Kratom works and the California Poppy Seed changes receptor sites like St. John’s Wort taking 2 weeks for it to clear the system when stopping and a few days on it to start working. California Poppy Seed together with Hawthorne Berry seem to do what Kratom does without causing as much liver toxicity and definitely does not reduce testosterone like Kratom does. (If you are one who is determined to take Kratom, be sure to do colonics and keep your body free of toxins like poor eating, chemicals, and emotional stress. Remember that Kratom can cause intestinal blockage which can kill fast. Go to Doctor if you are not going to the bathroom. They can remove a blockage with surgery in most cases. You can get organic Kratom at LIVER DAMAGE Liver toxicity can cause cirrhosis and always causes anger problems. In past, I used St John’s Wort only at night for sleep and it worked pretty good for a while until my dopamine got too low and my adrenals got so taxed they couldn’t pump out enough cortisol to hold my blood sugar level throughout the night. Just learned as I am finishing up this book that the herb Jiaogulan tea8 is excellent for diabetes like bitter melon is but also can reduce cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, raise dopamine, increase nitric oxide uptake for the heart and erectile dysfunction, is good for fatty liver, has high levels of anti-oxidant and something in it that works like ginseng. It only works when made as a tea. Unfortunatley, I can’t take it because it raises white blood cell counts. BRAIN DAMAGE I like the cannabis because it creates more gaba than all the other herbs due to its actions with glycine and nicotine receptors and levels. It definitely lowers dopamine though and raises serotonin a lot. It also kills brain cells in high numbers when I take too much. Pot is a serious medicinal herb and should never be used unless a person is truly compromised in their health. I don’t think any harmful substance should be used for recreational use these days. Seems so many people have serious addictions that they can’t control. Using something to feel a little tiny bit relaxed is fine, but when so many people end up driving under the influence of a chemical or end up doing something they regret because their inhibitions were removed, hence their judgment was tossed aside, it’s just better to stay away from these things all together. We never know who in the room has a problem so why tempt others. Those of us who can take it or leave it should just leave it for the sake of those who can’t in my opinion. Concerning calming chemicals…all the sleep pills like Ambien, anti-histamines, opiates, anti-depressants, and benzo’s are far more toxic and harmful to the brain than cannabis although if a person just cannot sleep, I have found that an every-other day dose of 1 mg Clonazapam works well with smaller amounts of cannabis. I also noticed that if I only take .5mg of Clonazapam nightly that .25 is still available to the brain. For some reason the way that Clonazapam works at the Gaba receptor sites seems to calm better than diazepam or Valium for me. The cannabis works via blocking the excitatory response of acetylcholine by blocking the nicotine receptor sites that normally cause the acetylcholine to take action. The small amount of Tumeric lowers histamine. (Too much Tumeric excites the brain. Balance is a key factor in the chemistry of the brain.) Getting back on topic, gaba is the antagonist to glutamate which is what wakes me up and also over excites my brain causing cell death. Despite all that, having MS means that natural killer T cells attack my brain cells when my white cell counts get high. Those T cells were never supposed to be inside 8 Gynostemma Pentaphyllum 31 | P a g e my brain but because my blood brain barrier was weakened and broke due to the mercury overload I am stuck with them. But on the positive side, I can take supplements and really change my Parkinson symptoms while those who only have Parkinson cannot get certain supplements to cross the blood brain barrier. Too much GABA that crosses the blood brain barrier can kill though. I have nearly done myself in using natural GABA supplementation. God had a good reason for making humans with a blood brain barrier. Never take Ativan. Never! Only Diazapam, Clonazepam, and Xanax when it comes to the Benzo’s. The others leave permanent damage. TREMOR Some of my Parkinson issues are to be blamed on over medicating and over supplementing or consuming too many carbs at night and not enough protein. I learned that eating a bite of protein before a bite of carb makes a HUGE difference in the body’s level of dopamine which is so important for happiness from a book I read long ago by called Managing Your Mind and Mood Through Food by Judith Wurtman. Dopamine and seretonin are supposed to be balanced like sodium and potassium is in our bodies. Too much serotonin in relationship to dopamine that has no place to find a receptor site is free floating and builds up on artery walls of heart causing them not to be as flexible. All sorts of things happen with serotonin as well as gaba and low histamine. By the way, histamine lowered in me when I received glutathione IV’s. So I believe tumeric raises our body’s strongest antioxidant glutathione via the cysteine connection it has. The inhibitory chemicals can cause all sorts of different types of tremoring when the body receives too much of them. When the body receives too much of anything chemically for the brain the receptor sites start shutting down permanently as they do in Parkinson, for example meth use can cause Parkinson because the flood of dopamine causes the receptor sites to be insensitive to receiving dopamine. Too much serotonin or gaba can turn it into being excitatory like glutamate. I learned the hard way to be very careful so I don’t end up dead trying to relax or sleep like Michael Jackson and Whitney Huston. HISTADINE Histadine is often low in those with MS which hinders sex drive, digestive juices, connective tissue, and myelin sheath repair. Low histadine contributes to intestinal issues a lot. Without enough, the body doesn’t produce hydrochloric acid for digestion. Sardines, strawberries, and tomatoes have a lot of histadine in them and I think bee pollen does. Histadine can potentially excite the brain but you would feel like you were miserably shaking inside like on steroids. ESTROGEN IN MEN AND WOMEN When estrogen gets too high a gal can get sore nipples that remain erect…Ouch! (Sore breast tissue is usually from water retention and elevated progesterone). I take a literal pinch of chaste berry which tastes like Lipton instant tea to help me make more progesterone which makes more cortisol via the action of chaste berry to hold my blood sugar longer during the night. Sometimes it really bothers my bladder though. Another way to lower estrogen is to raise vitamin D2 & 3 with cal/mag and eat a lot of crucifer’s vegetables and liver cleanse. I did not find out that low D contributes to Rheumatoid Arthritis, MS, and high blood pressure until 2014. Nor, did I realize that Olive Leaf Extract can lower blood pressure as well as fight cancer via high anti-oxidants. I just discovered that Extra Virgin Olive Oil actually is a natural NSAID meaning it is a Cox 1-2 inhibitor. Cox 1-2 inhibitors are great for reducing joint pain. I just read that Olive oil put on the scalp for 5 minutes can kill yeast which causes dandruff too. There is so much to explore and always an answer to our problems if we never give up hope. Black Spanish Radish provides DHEA for 32 | P a g e testosterone but only take one or two pills and keep your thyroid checked by asking for tests that reveal t3, t4, and TSH levels. VITAMIN D Once I started increasing the D with sunshine, mushrooms, homemade sourdough bread and supplements along with vitamin K in dark leafy greens, Cal/Mag and vitamin A the estrogen became low in my body which causes bone loss and increased my already severe insomnia. I counter balanced the estrogen with more Simplex F and chocolate w/ taurine or lemon or vanilla tofu pudding…only a ½ cup though. It’s very difficult to control the portion of tofu once you know how to prepare it because it is so good but very important not to overdo estrogen or chocolate. Too much chocolate, too much vitamin D, and even too much turmeric or methionine can cause kidney stones, too much fat can cause gall bladder issues the same way over doing sugars or carbs cause the pancreas havoc. Balance is the goal. I think lemon can reduce kidney stones. I never use soy milk…it contains the wrong type of estrogen and can contribute to breast, ovarian, and prostate cancer. I think the vitamin D’s prevents cancer because they lower estrogen so well but that can cause bone loss so keep the cal/mag going along with weight lifting and estrogen levels tested so they don’t go too low. IDK. But I do know that tumeric is protective against the bad estrogens in cannabis. (Chocolate and lemon could both be excitatory to the brain. It’s hard to know but bland is best if suffering with insomnia. Cook alcohol out of vanilla by adding water and boiling to reduce and cool to use as a flavoring for tofu pudding.) “Vitamin D is used for preventing and treating rickets, a disease that is caused by not having enough vitamin D (vitamin D deficiency). Vitamin D is also used for treating weak bones (osteoporosis), bone pain (osteomalacia), bone loss in people with a condition called hyperparathyroidism, and an inherited disease (osteogenesis imperfecta) in which the bones are especially brittle and easily broken. It is also used for preventing falls and fractures in people at risk for osteoporosis, and preventing low calcium and bone loss (renal osteodystrophy) in people with kidney failure. Vitamin D is used for conditions of the heart and blood vessels, including high blood pressure and high cholesterol. It is also used for diabetes, obesity, muscle weakness, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, bronchitis, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), cancer (lowers estrogen dramatically), adrenal fatigue, and tooth and gum disease. Some people use vitamin D for skin conditions including vitiligo, scleroderma, psoriasis, actinic keratosis, and lupus vulgaris,” according to WebMD on the net. RED RASPBERRY LEAVES I have used raspberry light green leaves before the plants flowers with berry blooms for tea to stop nausea. All I can think of is that the tea must have a lot of B12 in it (IDK). Some people cannot absorb B12 so they need shots to get it. The nutrients in red raspberry leaves are vitamins C, E, A, and B complex, minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and iron and antioxidants. Red raspberry leaves also contains tannins a natural astringent that can help cleanse the outside and inside of the body naturally. These leaves even contain anti-inflammatory properties that can help ease pain and inflammation safely and naturally. Raspberry leaf tea or just eating the newest light green leaf wrapped around a berry is wonderful for the stomach and intestines. I think dandelion leaves are high in nutrients and good for cleansing as well. It is amazing what we can eat to be well for free from our yards! 33 | P a g e EPINEPHRINE At this point in my life my mate wakes me up 2 hours after I have fallen asleep to feed me something in order to keep my blood sugar up longer and to keep epinephrine surges down. Epinephrine is blunted by fiber but fiber can be excitatory to the brain as well. Even oatmeal can be excitatory due to mucilage content. Any food that forms a gel like substance if excitatory. Once the blood sugar drops in neurological diseases, the glutamate goes wild and the epinephrine takes 6 hours to wear off. If estrogen goes too low the body can’t normally sleep more than 4 hours because the body processes estrogens before it removes serotonin. So if the estrogen is low the body uses up the serotonin within 4 hours and then a person wakes. The thyroid makes gaba which is similar to the action benzodiazepines mimic. Benzo’s do not work daily. I wish they did. When I take stuff like valium, I have to take it every other day or every 2 days so no tolerance is built unlike how cannabis works. Recently, I discovered that the Chinese herb Skullcap has an affinity for benzo receptor sites so I am switching from valium to Skullcap and mixing it with Valerian root. When I researched Skullcap, I learned that it can damage the liver after using it for 3-4 months. I always type in search terms like liver and kidney damage so the bad news comes up amongst all the lies that advertising companies tell. I better not over do the Skullcap like I have with so many things in the past, yet I am so grateful I can cut down on the valium which seems to hurt my brain. BENZODIAZAPINES Never take Ativan. Never! Only Diazapam, Clonazepam, and Xanex when it comes to the Benzo’s. The others leave permanent miserable damage, like the feeling of being on steroids for life. Never let a doctor up your dosing… just go on and off of it every other day or two so no tolerance is built. If I have to take diazepam after 11pm, I normally take either tyrosine (which can raise blood pressure and/or phosphatyl serine or Mucanna Dopa bean to elevate my dopamine in relationship to the serotonin. Otherwise, I tremor in my vocal cords and other parts of my body and feel sluggish. It is a very difficult balance to achieve because too much Dopa wakes me up. I just keep on trying and deal with it day by day or should I say night by night since how I feel the next day has everything to do with how my brain sets up the next day’s chemical and hormone balances for the following day, especially after midnight. It’s tiring just to think about all this and one would think a person could sleep when they are pooped out but no! A person’s brain can be ON and a person’s endocrine system can be so low on hormones that it can’t help the body maintain an even blood sugar all night long or balanced amounts of gaba, histamine, serotonin, dopamine, B-Phenyl-yAminobutyric acid, tyrosine, taurine, estrogen, progesterone, glycine, nicotine, cannaboids, arginine, and epinephrine etc. Keep mindful of the fact that there are a whole lot more neurotransmitters and processes scientists know nothing about yet. We have just approached the age of knowledge and discovery. Much information and discoveries lie ahead. I always listen to what other people are doing and take advice and suggestions to heart but I do not add anything new to my body without studying about it first. I have learned that Ativan can permanently change the brain for the worse while Clonazapam taken every other day in combo with a slight amount of cannabis to block acetylcholine works very well with 200mg Tumeric which lowers histamine enough to sleep. For some odd reason, Black Spanish Radish seems to induce sleep when combined with a benzo and Standard Process Simplex F. Benzo’s can be helpful or harmful. If you mix them with opiates one could overdose and die. All benzo’s build a tolerance to the sedative effect so if you take them every other day the body can regain balance and the benzo will work again at full strength. Xanax has a short half-life of 11 hours but that does not mean the sedative effect lasts that long. The clinical effect of sedation only lasts 6-8 hours. Xanax could possibly work on a daily basis for sleep since the half-life is short but one could only take one pill at night so they don’t build a tolerance. I have also discovered that benzo’s like Clonazapam can clinically work for anxiety without building a tolerance to that action while the sedative effect does begin to build tolerance and stop working. It is important to always 34 | P a g e discuss medications with your Pharmacist. They are very willing to educate us and look up any answers to questions one might have. Pharmacists can access information that is not privy to the public and most are very intelligent and kind hearted, loving to educate people. METABOLISM Lately, my basal body temp is higher but so is my serotonin when I take the red algae silica during endocrine time between 5am- 7am. I am also very sluggish and have heaviness on chest when I bump up my thyroid activity these days. My metabolism would work better with more thyroid cells but because my adrenal glands are weak they cannot process all the cells. I also personally feel that a lower body temp is good for me since I do not want my white blood cells to rise. I need immunosuppressant therapies like colonics, less heat, and less toxic environments and consumption. When white blood cell counts rise from heat or herbs that raise them, I get lymphodema and very tired as well as the T cells which are killer cells that should not be in my brain start eating away at the connections of my brain as I have said before. Sooo, I have decided to take the silica away from endocrine time for now and trust what my body is telling me rather than worry about having a 98.6 body temp. I do like to take it as a multi-mineral after 9am though. ADRENAL GLANDS A long time ago, I used to awaken in the morning shaking and take ½ Standard Process adrenal dessicated, tyrosine, zinc and a little food and lay still in bed for ½ hour to boost my adrenals. My favorite adrenal supplement is Lloyd Wright’s Nat cell products, Power Solution with live stem cells found at…man does that stuff do amazing things…it has live stem cells in it too called mesemchyme which repair connective tissue and the circulatory system…it’s worth every penny paid for it! Now I don’t wake up shaking. Zinc supports many processes but I took it to support sex hormones. Zinc keeps testosterone levels up while Kratom lower testosterone causing muscle wasting, slow intestinal movement, liver toxicity, irritability, low sex drive, and fatigue as well as brain loss and addiction. I personally think a lot of the problems people face, have to do with under active thyroid. Had I known to take red algae silica at endocrine time between 5am-7am in the beginning of this mess, I probably would have salvaged my adrenal glands. I did not know that the thyroid aided digestion, sleep, and bowel movements. Had I fueled my thyroid in the beginning, my dopamine levels may not have gotten so low that I can’t tolerate the gaba and serotonin the thyroid makes in the wee morning hours with alga or kelp. Read Suzy Cohen book ,Thyroid Healthy., she knows her stuff. PRACTICING PEACE Presently, I stretch all the time like my pets do and dance to good music in the morning and move as much as I can during the day especially to bounce so lymphatic fluid moves. If I am fatigued, I do more isometrics while sitting or lying down. I rest my mind and body as much as possible, pretending to have minivacations in my mind even if it’s only to step outside, smell into the wind and look at a freshly bloomed lily, a bird flying, or the sunset. I try to imagine a feeling of letting go and receiving grace and love from others and God which is a feeling of trust that doesn’t come easy for me. If I cannot sleep, I always look out at the sky in hopes of seeing a bright moon and stars. I find that if I meditate and relax into a sensation of letting go and receiving love, I feel much calmer and happier and even sleep better. It’s as though my spirit needs rest from all of the things I try to control. I take full torso breaths to keep my diaphragm flexible and I exhale slowly and then hold my breath a bit to aide kidneys, help iron absorption, and fight cancer. I walk for exercise and pay attention to my posture. I try to observe what is around me to avoid self-centeredness. I aspire to be a solid Rock Talker to develop 35 | P a g e self-love and other-love so I have purpose and enjoy life and love. Check out Rock Talks.Org! Also, Jadey Baby, if you are reading this book please find the film Documentary/Drama September Dawn and do some reading about Chief Seattle. Oppression against the Natives of America have never had a voice or been vindicated since 400 years ago when the white man stole their land, scalped their heads, created alcohol addiction and diabetes with corn. These people to this day are being wiped out by illness, addiction, and depression. Our government happens to place nuclear waste near or on their reserves as well and does not even help them drill for well water or put power on their land. They are in a type of prison and someone needs to lead them as Martin Luther King did so they can rise up and regain their ways and dignity as the blacks have. WARNING I need to warn you that in the past I have taken 30mg doses of chaste berry herb to balance hormones and raise dopamine at night. This herb had extreme negative effect when I took it with other herbs or before pharmaceutical drugs were cleared from my system…especially thyroid and antidepressant type drugs and herbs like St. John’s Wort and WellButrin and glycine. I would never mix glycine with melatonin, cannabis, or Wellbutrin as it potentiates and can cause heart issues or serotonin storm. Taurine caused heart palpitations when mixed with cannabis for me a long time ago but not now…. See! The brain is ever changing! Especially, when it is messed around with. Anyway, I said all that to tell you that I have learned that God’s herbal pharmacy is extremely powerful so be careful! OVERDOSING Sadly, in my desire to find sleep, I have overdosed on many serotonin inducing substances and permanently lowered dopamine levels in my brain. I say this as a warning to all, but keep in mind that too much dopamine and histamine is related to paranoia. To raise my dopamine levels slightly, I purposely over excited my brain with lecithin which turns to phosphatyl choline. It is an emulsifier, meaning it melts away fats off of cell walls and helps cells transmit communication better. It is a great cleansing method for many diseases but for me it over excites my brain via acetylcholine excitation that gives me pins and needles, shaking, and insomnia. So in getting an IV drip of it under doctor supervision, I not only had a cleaner smoother running mind but I over excited it for a week really good. My body’s cells were shaking and miserable but parts of my brain were being sacrificed to death and releasing high levels of dopamine which actually helped balance the dopamine and serotonin so I feel better and can take the sleep cocktails without as many side effects. Electric shock therapy works the same way but eventually the brain is sacrificed too much and things go bad. Daily, I lose a little more of my brain but I remember that life does inevitably end in death, unless one’s spirit remains alive which is what I am counting on. I have revamped my inner life, and am very thankful to have been given a second chance. I live, love, and laugh one day at a time trying to allow God to be my guide and knowing that bad things can be turned into good things, given time and purposefully looking for the good. Clonazepam slows the release of acetylcholine but too much for too long can stop the receptor sites in brain from receiving it. AND THE BEAT GOES ON Trying to get enough sleep and knowing the dosage is the most difficult part of having this condition for me. The brain is always changing, the food and stress or happiness in my day is ever changing like I have already proclaimed. I have resolved that I will have to take time to think about what my body needs, dosages, what to eat or take as a supplement, and look for new knowledge. New knowledge is amazing! I recently found out that too much phosphatyl serine tends to cause my lymphatic fluid to coagulate. That Folic Acid helps stomach distress and some people get paranoid and more anxiety from cannabis due to 36 | P a g e low histadine! And that St. John’s Wort takes about 3 days to work and 2 weeks down to the very minute the first dose was taken to completely clear the body! The weirdest thing I have learned is that the brains receptor sites shut down permanently if they are flooded with certain things…the body is absolutely an amazing curious machine with many minds and control centers within itself down to a tiny atom we cannot see.9,10 Get this; for a few years I survived on the drug Gaba Pentin or Nuerontin. I went from 3600mg a day to 300mg. Nuerontin saved my life! (Lyrica was horrible! Older drugs are safer and work better in my opinion. Less exspensive too.) OH! And again, I completely steer away from supplementing with glycine because it potentiates with cannabis and causes tremor. I learned this the hard way by taking Well Butrin with cannabis. Talk about a seizure threshold. Glycine, at one time, saved my life during some spells of not sleeping but now I don’t require it. My brain changed…then when I started the Cannabis oil the Gaba Pentin caused me depth perception problems, swelling, increased white blood cells, detox symptoms,so I went off of it. My brain is doing much better now. It especially likes kelp, fish oil, tumeric, and histadine. (Going all the way off of Nuerontin hasn’t helped. I am back on 100mg along with my other stuff at night. There is a blood test to determine if GAD has antibodies meaning Gaba processes do not work properly. I think the anti-bodies to Glutimic Acid Decarboxylase is why many with movement disorders, anxiety, epilepsy, insomnia, and intestinal disorders suffer. Do regular blood tests for GAD anti-bodies when not on Clonazepam, Gaba Pention, or taking other drugs or foods high in Glutamic acid. It kinda sucks that I am aware of how my brain feels and works because it means I have been through hell with it and tested and tried many things and lived to tell about it. It is a pain taking time to plan daily regimens around my health because it is stressful to always be so aware of my health but if I didn’t accept this I would not have more good days than bad ones. And I certainly would not get as much accomplished in this life as I somehow do. I miss out on normal life a lot but I am there for others and myself when it really counts and I am okay with that. Others may not think I care, but I am there when it counts and I accept that others can’t possibly understand chronic illness until they go through it and I don’t wish that on anyone, so I wrote this book for you. LOOKS AS THOUGH I GOT A THIRD CHANCE AT LIFE A few weeks have passed by as I have been changing the D levels in my body. Surprisingly, I think I am sleeping longer and my dopamine seems to be in balance. I think raising the D drove the estrogen down causing me to be able to take more Simplex F for the estrogen, progesterone and all sorts of other endocrine tidbits that are not listed on the bottle as all glandular products only list a few components of it. Glandulars are one of the most nutrient dense, perfectly portioned, ways to invigorate and restore any gland in our body. Our glands act like little brains signaling and manufacturing so many things. BTW, our intestinal track all the way to the colon acts like a stomach. Digesting and manufacturing nutrients. Now, finally something magnificent is happening in my body for the good in the sleep department. I don’t understand it because I had tried so many things and I nearly stopped raising the vitamin D (or, rather the Using melatonin with serotonin or gaba increasing herbs including chia seeds and amino acids such as gylcine, greatly increases chance of serotonin syndrome or storm which can be life threatening according to medical authorities. Increasing serotonin can cause suicidal ideation, Parkinsons, tremor, and seizures due to lowered dopamine or gaba processes in brain. Brain chemistry balance should never be addressed without medical expert oversight. 10 Jarrow brand PS100 can sometimes cause a person to sleep 6 hrs straight because it blunts epinephrine surges from hunger or low blood sugar. One to a half dose of Mucuna Dopa at night plus less high sugar treats can help one feel good the following day if it does not disturb sleep. 9 37 | P a g e hormone D) due to it making the insomnia worse. I think perhaps my histamine was driven up by the D which is so vital but I just don’t really know. I am starting to feel so much better and depend on being able to sleep enough to function. The dopamine levels are not being driven down as much which allows me to sing now that my vocal cords are not getting screwed up with tremors from over doing the serotonin. The body is so complex…I am so glad I kept on trying! It’s going on 10 years with this struggle to live from day to day…now it seems I can relax a little bit. But I know my body will forever be changing but what a blessing to discover that sunshine had so much power to balance my body.11 This is my most recent miracle and last entry to this book I struggled and kept trying for 10 years. .5mg Clonazepam with 600mgGaba Pentin then 300mg Gaba Pentin as I fall asleep has been able to replace Cannabis for me. I sleep 7 straight hours now. I also take 4 Black Spanish Radish by Standard Process, ½ turmeric, less Simplex F, 1 folate, and no more Cannabis! {Well, I spoke too soon…Nuerontin is causing detox, increased white blood cells, edema, lymph is swelling so it must work with phosphatylserine somehow and I need less like 100mg mixed with the rest of my regular stuff and every 2nd day Clonazepam. I am also going to start taking small doses of glutamic acid along with Gaba to see if I can build it up in system. Glutmic acid is needed to form Gaba and Glutamate, not just Glutamate so perhaps my body will use the Gaba if I give it more glutamic acid but not too much or I will excite and feel a miserable buzzing inside as though on steroids. Note: Too much vitamin (hormone) D can cause retardation and facial deformity in pregnant women and in young children. Not enough D can cause Rickets’, bone loss, high blood pressure, adrenal fatigue, etc. Some people cannot absorb dietary forms of D2 it if they have areas of their colon that don’t function optimally. In these cases, I think a person can get shots. I did find out a person can overdose on vitamin D so I cut down on taking the high levels I was at first supplementing with and got outside more throughout the day so that my body could control the dose. I have learned the hard way to follow daily recommendations. Unfortunately, over dosing on supplements creates permanent damage so don’t be a fool like me in my desperation. Aside from dangerously overdosing on supplements…The moral here, is that what works for me, may or may not work for you. We are all different, we all must listen and learn about our bodies and keep on trying and trying and sharing and sharing with one another until we hit the jack pot. I am excited and relieved to say, that on my 50th birthday my body all of a sudden began to get 6 - 7 ½ hours of broken sleep and on occasion it sleeps straight through. I am so lucky to be alive, walking, talking, nearly pain free, and sleeping more than 1-4 hours! The body is an amazing machine and has an awesome ability to fix itself when given the right things if one has enough time, support, money, know how, and faith. I take D & A with cal/mag/zinc when the sun is out and go outside to exercise and expose skin to the sun even if it’s cloudy now as well as use a light therapy box and UV light from infrared light in very small doses to avoid increasing white blood cell counts and to avoid skin cancer. 11 38 | P a g e SIMPLE VERSION OF WHAT I DO AFTER HEALING MY DIGESTIVE TRACK (?, means maybe take it or not) Sometime before the next day, I prepare my cherry juice and freeze it and I set my supplements by my bed for my 5-7am meal. I then plan my meals for the day to come so I don’t deviate from eating right. 5-7am- %100 tart cherry juice w/DE & aloe, MACA for sex drive & arginine, Cal/Mag/zinc, vitamin D 2-3, tsp coconut oil w/ salt & dash of baking soda, 100mg histadine, 100mg creatine for ATP?, non-flushing niacin (extremely important for neurological conditions but can cause itching & liver damage)?, 1/2 -1/4 red algae silica or kelp if not fatigued by it & 250mg tyrosine if blood pressure doesn’t go up. Mucuna Dopa and B5. I plan to take B5 w/pinch of baking soda 2 more times in the day for kidneys & adrenal. Histadine can potentially excite the brain but you would feel like you were miserably shaking inside like on steroids. Lately, all I do is mix 1 tsp brown rice syrup with 1 tsp butter, salt & soda to eat before I get up. I drink my cherry juice w/aloe & DE and take, B5, 5000IU fish oil w/ Calcium-Magnesium,1 adrenal glandular and beta-carotene because the other supplements have finally balanced my brain bio-chemistry. 8-9am- scrambled egg w/tomato and jalapeño, ½ piece toast, water. Or, a freshly baked oat flour biscuit and protein. I then catch some sun, stretching, and Son. Lately, I don’t do gluten so I make crepes w/oat flour, egg, soda, salt, & water. 11am-Noon- ½ can cold sardines on oat flour cracker, coleslaw, Bubbies pickle, ½ tsp fish oil?, kelp or red algae silica, cal/mag/D, water, wait 40 minutes then take pysllium husk fiber fiber or take it after my smoothie. Black Spanish Radish(could cause fatigue) by Standard Process to alkalize gut, kill parasites, decrease gall stones, cleanse liver, raise iron and best of all help me SLEEP LONGER. (Black Spanish Radish can decrease thyroid function.) I make sure I get my regular B12 shot at without prescription. I do not take B6 due to toxic build up… B6 is in foods. 2-3pm- ½ apple/berry smoothie w/ packed cup of chard or kale & salt, maybe more Cal/Mag/D. If I don’t feel like chard in smoothie, I stack it tightly, roll it up & eat it like an apple w/ salt. I sometimes take an adrenal w/Cal/Mag/D from Metaginecs and go back outside to lift weights or jump on trampoline. 6pm- carrot ginger soup, beef w/ grilled onions & mushrooms & sour cream, ½ cup brown rice, 500 mg taurine. (To get a better shot a more sleep I take my first dose of tumeric, cannabis, and simplex by 6:30-7 and fall asleep by 8:30 and another small dose of cannabis & eat again by 10:30 so it hits blood before midnight. Sometimes, I move this sleep dosing up to 8:30 so I am asleep by 10pm and have my partner wake me and give me one more small dose of cannabis and yogurt with no gelatin at midnight. It all depends on brain chemistry and what works to get at least 6 hrs of sleep.) 8:30-9pm- ½ cup soy vanilla pudding or pineapple sorbet and ½ piece of toast or a dessert, 1 folate, 1 tumeric, cannabis oil, 2 simplex, 1 Black Spanish Radish, 300mg of Gaba Pentin, 100 mg phosphatylserine to raise dopamine & sustain sleep unless it causes worsening insomnia or swollen lymph glands via coagulation, magnesium oxide, water (Optional for sleep: California Poppy, St John’s Wort, Hawthorne Berry, Valarian Root, Herbs Etc. Deep Sleep but these have more focus of raising serotonin rather than Gaba. I have noticed that if I avoid all excitatory stimulus including foods like spinach, celery, gravies with meat drippings, chocolate, salty processed foods like green olives, pickles, and all other forms of excitatory things like irritating noise, smells, supplements, omega oils, mucilage, etc that I sleep 6 or more hours straight now that I increased vitamin D and estrogen with tofu. It’s truly a miracle. Thank you Tracy, Nancy, and Any Lab Tests Now! At times, I drink Mezcal tequila to get to sleep as last resort. Alcohol becomes a stimulate after 4 hours. I also, take Clonazepam but I never take these things for more than 2 days in a row and I make sure to wait 2-3 days before I use this again. Sometimes, I need extra glycine and adrenal suppression through Clonadine which is a blood pressure lowering drug. Ashwaganda is helpful for sleep, anxiety, blood pressure, and adrenals as well. It is a known aphrodisiac, narcotic, diuretic, antihelmintic, astringent Thermogenic, increasing thyroid, and anti-anxiety herb. Take with caution after you have done your research. 12am- non-gelatin yogurt or pre-cooked cold oats & berries w/ I-Flora probiotics or homemade yogurt so no potato derived A & D is added. Most of the time, I no longer need a 2nd dose of sedative since I raised the vitamin D. Now, I can sleep 6 or more hours straight. If I need more sleep, I have a loved one wake me an hour after falling asleep to feed me something while I am so groggy I easily fall back to sleep. If I wake and need more sleep I take either diazepam or primaForce Phenibut (w/tyrosine to keep dopamine up) 1 night, then 1 night off so no tolerance is built to it. Our brains are always changing and all the weird combinations of supplements, seeds, herbs, and pharmaceuticals can cause very strange scary symptoms, so be wise and consult with doctors before trying new things. Phenibut works like Xanax. Some get vertigo & pins & needles from acetylcholine release. If I take MultiVin by Nutricology w/Gaba at bedtime before midnight to make Gaba w/ the glutamic acid. I take the Glutamic Acid decarboxylase Antibody test on occasion as well and the ovarian cancer test at 3am- on occasion, I need pre-cooked cold brown rice w/butter & cinnamon w’probiotics (red algae silica or kelp to help me fall back to sleep since gaba is made by the thyroid sometime between 3am and 9am unless I am too fatigued next day. If bumping my thyroid up is not good I take more cannabis w/tiny bit of tumeric). If I can’t fall back asleep, I rest deeply knowing that deep rest is preserving my endocrine system. The latest thing I do for sleep is eat tofu, keep B12 shots up, keep happiness up B6 down, 1 Standard Process Simplex F, 1 Black Spanish Radish, 3 Nature’s Way Magnesium, 1 folate, 1 Tumeric and Cannibis oil. I dose again after midnight with Cannibis oil 1-2 times if need be, but I do better if I am awakened by a loved one and fed and fall back asleep with no more medication to keep dopamine up. This is the easiest and healthiest way for me to get sleep. 39 | P a g e EXCITATORY FOODS Free* Glutamate Content of Foods (mg/100g) Cow's Milk 2 Human Milk 22 Eggs 23 Beef 33 Fish (Mackerel) 36 Chicken 44 Potatoes 102 Corn 130 Oysters 137 Tomatoes 140 Broccoli 176 Mushrooms 180 Peas 200 Grape juice 258 Fresh tomato juice 260 Walnuts 658 Celery ? high end Spinach ? high end Soy Sauce 1090 Parmesan cheese 1200 Roquefort cheese 1280 Lecithin Black Walnut Hull Salts/fermented foods These foods are okay in moderation but they build up and it takes time for them to exit the body. I find it helps to research information about ALS, especially cookbooks and treatments for ALS. ALS is the worst of neurological PRION conditions due to it being the most rapid in over-exciting the brain. PRION means that there is a malfunction in the way the cells process glutamate. We need glutamate to make gaba and stay awake during the day but when our bodies are flooded with glutamate it over excites not only killing brain cells but causing the brain to stop communicating correctly which creates all the symptoms like not being able to walk, talk, swallow correctly. Remember that too much gaba will over-excite the brain as well…it is all about balance and all things in moderation. 40 | P a g e SIMPLEST VERSION OF WHAT I DO & REMIND MYSELF OF TO LIVE & LOVE ONE DAY AT A TIME SINCE RAISING VITAMIN D LEVELS & RESTORING ENDOCRINE SYSTEM 5am-7am: I take 100mg histadine, MACA for libido, B5, 100mg phosphatylserine (unless lymph glands swell), MACA for sex drive (too much is excitatory) and 100mg tyrosine w/ a pinch of kelp (everything our blood is made up of) or silicia powder (unless it fatigues me by over production of t-3 & 4 thyroid cells) ¼ Standard Process Simplex F (unless it fatigues me), ¼ teaspoon local bee pollen for B vitamins & over 150 other nutrients for food intolerances and digestion, %100 Cherry juice with Diatomaceous Earth & Aloe Vera juice, a spoon of concentrated lemon juice for C, and rest long in bed. I also take 1000 D2, 2000-4000 D3, Bone Builder w/ Calcium/mag/D, zinc from Metagenics and molasses or 100mg Ferrous Gluconate along w/Hylands #4 Ferrum Phos. & # 12 Silicia for iron. I don’t stop taking the hormone D daily. I take tablespoon of fish oil once a week. I normally get vitamin B 12 shots as well to calm brain, build myelin sheath, increase calcium, iron absorption, and stop nausea. I sometimes still chelate with a pinch of Thorne Research Captomer and protein. [I make sure to check my D and estridol levels at to make sure I don’t over supplement (One can take too much of the hormone D and suffer chronic histamine release). We all know that estrogen contributes to cancer but not enough causes bone loss and too much D can cause cancer due to leaving calcium deposits in soft tissue like the heart and lungs as well as kidney stones or damage while balanced vitamin D helps prevent cancer. Also, I have to remember that strong antioxidants can help with ADD or ADHD as well as help regenerate veins and their valves. The brand HealthForce AntiOxidant Extreme with Standard Process OPC Synergy can turn a life around but I have to remember that it could lower my histamine if I take too much. Histamine is needed for digestion, libido, connective tissue repair, lowering neurological pain, and repair of cell to cell communications in the brain. Sometimes, antioxidants and other things like heat and phosphatylserine raise white blood cell counts and/or coagulate or stagnate lymph and glands as well which is not good for those with autoimmune disorders or cancer prevention. All things in moderation and be ever researching and learning because my body is always changing! My 98 and a half year old papa said, “Just get through each thing.” [.5mg Clonazepam with 600-800mg of Neurontin has recently been able to replace Cannabis for me. I sleep 7 straight hours.] For kidneys take B5 three times a day and a pinch of baking soda in foods. Keep blood pressure low so permanent damage to small veins in kidneys is less. Take good care of pancreas by not over doing carbs. (Wild Yam during endocrine time is excitatory causing me to feel like I am on steroids. Miserable tremors. Oh yeah! Wild Yam is steroidal so no more of that.) Histadine can potentially excite the brain but you would feel like you were miserably shaking inside like on steroids. 8am breakfast: I fry grass fed beef steak and whip up a home-baked hemp seed biscuit with a tall cold glass of distilled water or yogurt. Either way, I try to get some form of complex amino acids particularly from whey or hemp seed. Then I go outside for meditation, vitamin D from sunshine, and exercise with weights. I make sure to avoid all excitatory foods, sensations, toxins, etc for the day and use red raspberry leaf tea to get vitamins including iron and anti-oxidants. It is okay to pick the light tender green leaves and eat them with a berry…it’s so good, but steeping as tea for 10 minutes changes how the nutrients work for the better. Dandelion leaves are okay to eat as well and help the kidneys. I also take bee pollen for B vitamins because it repairs and makes myelin sheath. I have since learned that I need extra high levels of B12 to avoid feeling shakey as though I am on steroids. The rest of my day on the following page… 41 | P a g e 6:30pm: After dinner I take well thought out and tested dosages and combo’s of turmeric. 225mg standardized turmeric, (too much turmeric turns excitory in the brain so a low dose creates more sleep), 300mg cannabis oil, 1 simplex F, 3 mag oxide, 1 folate acid, & sometimes 200mg arginine. (I never mix cannabis with anything that raises glycine because cannabis potentiates glycine which could cause one to cross the seizure threshold. (When gluten-free, I take Glycine.)I never add substances that raise serotonin to my regime because of serotonin storm, tremor, severe depression, and believe it or not over excitation of the brain. I never use sedatives for recreation or to relax or for recreational use because I believe that is abuse of medicine and the body that God gave us. Anything that sedates can contribute to Parkinson’s disease or other tremors. Cannabis has unhealthy estrogens which affect sexual and pregnancy health. Continuous use of any substance can permanently change neurotransmitter and hormone levels due to the way they affect receptor sites on cells.) Tumeric acts like L-methionine. L-methionine and turmeric are similar in action to Naltrexone on opiate receptor sites and also act like the best neuropathy & sleep medicine Gaba Pentin or Neurontin (Lyrica is very toxic unlike Neurotin). Both turmeric and L-methionine increase T cells for fighting disease (too much not good for auto immune diseases). Tumeric and Lmethionine work with all the B vitamins, arginine, ribose, glycine, and histidine, to repair and build myelin sheath. Raising the hormone D lowers estrogen and raises histidine and testosterone. Normal levels of D can help a person tolerate more turmeric with binds to cancer cells as does pectins to protect the body. Too much turmeric and/or L-methionine can be excitatory and elevates carnitine and taurine while lowering cysteine which lowers histamine and raises glutithione. Too much carnitine and cysteine can cause heart disease. Too much ribose can cause dementia. [Opiate like chemicals will eventually cause insomnia making one unable to cross over to sleep.] B Complex vitamins usually have too much B6 which can cause permanent peripheral nerve damage once the body endures prolonged high doses and becomes toxic despite the vitamin being water soluble, tissues become saturated with vitamins. 8:30pm: I take 150mg more cannabis oil and a ½ piece of toast and go to sleep. When taking sleep aides that hit BEFORE MIDNIGHT, I know I am doing the best I can to keep dopamine and histamine levels higher. But if I need sedative to last long I have to make it hit AFTER MIDNIGHT which lowers the dopa and hista significantly for the following day determining how I will feel and tremor. So when I need sedative AFTER MIDNIGHT, I skip the cannabis dose at 8:30pm and wait until I have slept 2-3 hours. I normally ask someone to wake me and bring me the dose with some yogurt for my blood sugar to remain elevated for 4 hours and fall back to sleep. I take one Black Spanish Radish by Standard Process to alkalize gut, kill, parasites, decrease gall stones, cleanse liver, and best of all help me SLEEP LONGER. I normally take it in afternoon and it still works for the night. (Black Spanish Radish can decrease thyroid function in some.) P.S.If my lymph nodes get coagulated I have a gifted body worker squeeze them and stop Phosphatylserine. Do not mess with your own lymph nodes or you may permanently damage one. I get a lot of body work to move lymph and get myofascia, tendons, and nerves unstuck and straightened out. They tend to bunch up causing a lot of pain in places that I don’t feel it originating from. Like my rib affecting my hands, arms, and gives headaches but the problem is originating from my clavicle area (the front ribs). I also, rest a lot and make sure I take good care of myself. I try to keep stress down and happiness up. When health issues arise, I get busy researching until I figure out how to alleviate bad symptoms that come along. I always have to tell myself that I am getting enough sleep even though it is not so that I don’t over medicate and kill myself accidentally or end up with tremors and more brain damage. This is my most difficult issue because sleep makes all the difference for all of us. I wish I would never have allowed myself to think I could handle so much stress in my past and an unhealthy diet. I beat myself to death, thinking my body could take it. But the truth is, we can lose our health and not be able to get it back. I now tell myself to be healthy as I can now so less issues later. It is so hard to take care of myself if I am sluggish or sick, so I have to stay vigil when I feel good so good habits are in place when I can’t cope. 42 | P a g e THE POINTS _______________________________________ Any Digestive enzyme made from porcine pancreas is excellent. Azeo-Pangen is made by Metagenics. The label only lists 3 of its ingredients but when it is a porcine glandular there can be many more components. For instance, porcine pancrease has over 30 components including Pepsin. One may need to supplement this enzyme with Betaine HCL hydrochloric acid or take 500mg doses of taurine at meal times to increase stomach acid and break down fats. Tumeric and methionine are good for breaking down fats and clearing estrogens from liver. Psyllium husk, flax seed, chia seeds, etc with high mucilage are excitatory. I am real sensitive to these fibers so I don’t use them anylonger at all. Excitatory substances tend to build up over time in the body and take a few days to stop their brain action when discontinued. It is not okay to consume excitatories in the morning for this reason. Endocrine time 5-7am: Amino acids via whey from yogurt or Daisy sour cream, protein, carbs, aloe vera, diatomeacious earth, vitamin C, salt (too much iodine can cause fatigue), beef fat or coconut oil, hormone D2-3, silicia, kelp, iron, histidine, B5, tyrosine, Metagenics liquid zinc (calms intestinal track and supports testosterone levels), folate or folic acid, rase berry leaf (nausea and hormone balance), vitamin A from beta-carotene to fight infection, dandelion root (kidneys), and sometimes phosphatelyserine and Standard Process Simplex F. (I make sure to have B12 shots monthly to keep levels high because it makes and repairs the myelin sheath on cells. I also make sure not to take too much turmeric or B6 because it turns excitatory at higher doses.) 8-9pm: meditation, exercise, and sunshine. Good, happy, fulfilling relationships! 11-noon: mediation and stretching. Good dinner like meal. Celery for glutamate to heal intestinal lining unless one cannot sleep due to excitatory issues in the brain. Otherwise, use celery in moderation. I take Black Spanish Radish by Standard Process to alkalize gut, kill, parasites, decrease gall stones, cleanse liver, and best of all help me SLEEP LONGER. (Black Spanish Radish can decrease thyroid function.) 2-3pm: mediation and stretching. Organic apple, unpeeled carrot, berry, sodium, I-Flora probiotics, and dark leafy green like Kale or Chard smoothie with psyllium husk fiber 20 minutes after drinking. Unless fiber is too excitatory or absorbs needed nutrients. 6pm: Dinner with low excitatory substances. Avoid the following substances with high counts of natural glutamate: Human Milk 22 Eggs 23 Beef 33 Fish (Mackerel) 36 Chicken 44 Potatoes 102 Corn 130 Oysters 137 Tomatoes 140 43 | P a g e Broccoli 176 Mushrooms 180 Peas 200 Grape juice 258 Fresh tomato juice 260 Celery ? high end Spinach ? high end Walnuts 658 Soy Sauce 1090 Parmesan cheese 1200 Roquefort cheese 1280 Pesticides, herbicides, parasite herbs, lecithin, gelatin, powders, amino acids, steroids, over dosing on inhibitory substances and many other food, chemical substances, and/or situations such as mercury in immunization shots or low blood sugar cause over excitation of the brain. (Over excitation of the brain can make a person feel a miserable buzzing or shakiness deep inside as though they can feel their cells shaking.) 8pm: 1 Standard Process Simplex F, 1 non-potato derived B complex (I normally don’t take senthetic B’s due to too much B6 being very neurotoxic). I normally keep B-12 levels up via shots and just take folate or folic acid, 2 or 1 250 mg w/ 95% cucurim Tumeric, 300mg Indica cannabis oil. If I can’t use cannabis I use, Hawthrone Berry (good for high blood pressure and healing gut), St. John’s Wort or Passion Flower and Valerian Root. 9-10pm: snack like soy pudding and go to sleep. Midnight: awake and eat another snack w/ probiotics to preserve teeth and a small dose of sleep aide like 100mg-200mg Indica cannabis oil or Valerian Root or Hawthrone Berry. (I am very careful with cannabis oil because when taken through the stomach one can overdose on cannabis. Sometimes, I also need a tiny bit of turmeric and simplex as well but I do better the next day if I don’t take it.) There is no need to take a second dose of St. John’s Wort or Passion Flower. Sleepy Time or Chamomile tea can help one get back to sleep as well as warm milk. Chamomile attaches to Gaba receptor sites but one can be allergic to it if they are allergic to ragweed. P.S. Sometimes if a person goes to sleep real early in the evening around 7pm for example, that person could possibly dose 3 times and fall back asleep. The surest fire way to get more sleep is to have a lot of fun, happiness, and sense of needs being met by feeling relaxed and content concerning relationships and finances. Contentment and peace are what stop the adrenal glands from over producing epinephrine which is extremely excitatory to the brain. When we are able to have more fun and enjoyment from our lives this can cause us to need extra sedation chemicals and foods but because the happiness and activity raise the dopamine and histamine in the brain, it is easier to sedate one’s self without so many next day side effects. So play and have fun in the evening but make sure to get your sleep between 10-midnight so your body gets growth hormone for repairs. Cannabis is meant for medicinal use only. Indica cannabis works similar to Well Butrin, especially when combined with unusually small doses of turmeric, an every-other-day small dose of Clonazapam and normal doses of Black Spanish Radish by Standard Process.(Black Spanish Radish could lower thyroid activity) 44 | P a g e FYI, short acting Xanax might work nightly as well as .5mg of Clonazapam which would leave .25mg to operate in the brain nightly. Higher doses of any benzo takes longer for it to clear the body’s system and loses its sedative effect via tolerance. Cannabis can cause, over excitation of the brain, brain cell death, Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, tubal pregnancy, ovarion cancer, reproductive and sexual organ cancers, high blood pressure, brain cell death especially in cerebellum, coma, serotonin syndrome, death, poor judgment, anxiety, panic attacks, heart palpitations from the nicotine, etc. NEVER MIX CANNABIS WITH OPIATE LIKE DRUGS AND NEVER MIX BENZO’S WITH OPIATE LIKE DRUGS OR KRATOM which is like opiates and benzo’s. Never take any other benzo’s but valium and clonidine and do not take more than 1-2 pills every other day or two. Benzo’s can cause permenant brain damage. Kratom may be okay for those who suffer with pain but one must eat clean and keep physical and emotional environments clean. One must be vigil to watch for a potential blockage from the fiber of Kratom. Intestinal blockage kills rapidly if a surgeon cannot remove the blockage in time. Gangrene sets in quick and the kidneys shut down. Cannabis really should be thought of as medicine for those who suffer. I have a Prion disorder. If I were to take cannabis and hope for feelings of pleasure it would not work to decrease pain or increase sleep. A person must focus in their mind were to send the action of cannabis to. For instance, decide to send it to pain and sleep rather than sending it to pleasure centers in the brain. All one has to do is think about the effect one wants and it will happen. I have also found that the blood pressure drug Clonidine, in meniscal doses, helps me sleep even longer due to how it blunts the adrenals from releasing so much epinephrine. Less stress in life and relationships helps as well with no side effects like constipation. Epinephrine releases cause shakiness and waking because it signals the brain to get sugars from the liver or your refrigerator. For kidneys take B5 three times a day and a pinch of baking soda in foods. Keep blood pressure low so permanent damage to small veins in kidneys is less. Take good care of pancreas by not over doing carbs. (Wild Yam during endocrine time is excitatory causing me to feel like I am on steroids. Miserable tremors. Oh yeah! Wild Yam is steroidal so no more of that.). Absence seizures can be caused by many things. They are silent, the eyes get caught in a stare, De ja vu happens, picking, chewing, puckering, hallucination, can all mean seizures. Important to have B12 shots and taurine.) C. Sativa is for daytime use for pain or mental alertness and focus (may replace Gaba Pentin) C. Indica for relaxation and sleep (a sweet leaf indica works well but may give one a racing heart beat as though they just had nicotine which can result in a watery type heart beat in throat or lower. Stomachs that feel watery can be caused by nicotine as well. Most say that cannabis does not have nicotine but it has the effect of nicotine at times if the blood pressure rises and heart races. One step up from sweet leaf indica would be the bud of the same plant.) There are over 600 compounds in cannabis… Cannabis should not be smoked due to tars and tiny particulates. Cannabis oil should not be over dosed because there have been deaths due to cannabis and disorders of the body and brain at high doses. Orange Kush and Afghan Indica’s have a small amount of CBD which balance the high THC so the body does not over excite. Sleep Tinctures with high THC and at least 3-10% CBD are a great accompaniment with indica oil for fast falling asleep. Sometimes adding Muccana Dopa from Source Naturals is good for calming tremor and extra sleep. 45 | P a g e Oil stays in the bodies system for 5-6 hours and does not harm the lungs or vocal cords, yet does harm brain and liver. Remember that even B vitamins can build up in the tissues of the body and cause death despite B vitamins being water soluble. Pot is not safe, just like all the other powerful herbs are not safe. Bring to boil 2 cups water and ½ cup coconut oil. Turn burner down to simmer so mixture stops boiling. Add ¼ cup heavily packed organic cannabis (do not stir, just shake pan so cannabis is covered in liquid) Cover pan and simmer on lowest heat for 1 hour. Strain into bowl through a T-shirt and squeeze to get all oil out. (Be careful not to burn skin) Add ¼ cup water to empty pan and bring to boil. Pour over squeezed cannabis to extract more oil. Place bowl in freezer or refrigerator so the water separates from the oil. When oil is firm peel it away from the cold water….if it was froze just let it thaw out some. Measure your oil on a gram scale so you do not over dose on cannabis. Some people have died from over dose when using eatable cannabis. Remember that God has given us many powerful herbs for medicine, not for play. Use self-control and keep your body and mind clean so you have a long healthy life. Strong herbs should only be used for those that are mentally and/or physically challenged under the supervision of a doctor even if the herbs are legal. Other powerful herbs are Passion Flower, Chaste Tree Berry, Hawthrone Berry, St. John’s Wort, Tabacco, Poppy, Cocaine, Opium, Chia seeds, Nuts, Barks, Hulls, Kelp, Red Algae Silica, Turmeric, Stinging Nettle, Valerian, Skullcap, etc. Be very wary of using any of these substances without doctor supervision. These substances are composed of many different things and have high amounts of certain amino acids which most pharmaceutical medications are derived from. No one should irresponsibly take pharmaceutical drugs or a natural substance. For instance, even gorging one’s self on walnuts can be harmful to the brain due to high levels of glutamate. It is all about know-how and balance. Great informational website is VITAMINS-SUPPLEMENTS.ORG Metagenics is also a great resource for information about what products to take for certain conditions.……give them a call. They are very helpful. Remember that you can roast or stem large amounts of all produce for much tastier way to enjoy them. It is simple to cook them this way. Just add the denser vegi’s first such as root vegi’s and later add the delicates like kale or chard leaves. Cook a lot and keep in the refrigerator for quick access. Some fruit is also very good baked or roasted like apples and pears and tomatoes. Chopped greens go lovely in meat fingers like hamburger. Add garlic and onion too, for a very tastey healthy treat that is easy to eat for all, including kids. Find a good myofascia body worker that knows how to release trigger points, straighten out bunched up tendons, nerves, release stuck myofasica, drain lymph glands, and release a muscle knot. The more anatomy your body worker knows the better their understanding of how the body structurally should fit and work together. Exercise to raise dopamine. Positive communication with opposite sex, orgasm, MACA root, and lithium can increase oxytocin. (lithium raises serotonin which lowers dopamine and causes fatigue.) DHEA is used to make all steroids in body and comes from the adrenal gland cortex. DHEA can be helpful if taking during endocrine time to reduce stress. 46 | P a g e Uplifting communication raises all the happy chemicals. Arginine works similar to nitro glycerin but is not fast-acting. Ambulances carry nitro. Coconut oil can be rubbed on skin for fragrance. Henna is a natural hair coloring herb that is safe and strengthens hair. Urinating after sex prevents bladder infections. B6 and other water-soluble vitamins like inositol can cause permanent nerve damage when taken at high doses. Brain fatigue can make the brain incapable of directing signals to the body for walking and talking and is caused by: Noise Depression Lack of Sleep Unmet needs for love, acceptance and security Raising white blood cell counts causes quick degradation of the brains ability to function due to toxicity that is caused by an over-flux of dead white blood cells that cannot exit the body fast enough. What causes too much white blood cells? Heat Fever Substances that boost immunity via raising white blood cell counts and natural killer T cells Lack of inner body cleansing Stagnate lymph Low iron (Black Spanish Radish raises iron levels but lowers thyroid function) The most important thing to NEVER OVER LOOK IS OUR TEETH. An infected tooth many times does not show signs of infection at all but can kill quickly. Make sure your teeth are X-rayed, especially if you are tired. If you have crowns, have the jaw bone checked every month for signs of infection in the bone or remove your crowns to check for decay. Having a bowl of ice water sitting in the kitchen sink is a great for the knuckles in our hands. Teach the entire family to dunk their hands in an ice bath until cold then go to the warm water to bring more blood supply to the region for healing and reduction of hand pain in later life. Brushing and flossing our teeth also brings blood supply to the gums so our teeth don’t fall out. Remember not to add oil to oat flour baked goods and you will have terrific gluten-free snacks or small meals. Unforgiveness and feeling helpless and hopeless is excitatory to the brain. Deal with frustrations and fears down to forgiving a door you smash into going out determined to build a support system made of new friends. Avoiding taking care of your living environment causes all sorts of brain fatigue. Do not use artificial fragrance. Clean your house with bleach, lemon, vinegar, and dish soap. Put some spices, or old veg’s in a pot just to simmer for fragrance. Think about were bad smells are originating and get to the bottom of it. It normally is under rugs, in the wood flooring, or the typical forgotten about ground barrier under all homes. This black plastic barrier is meant to keep moldy, weird, bad smells out of your living space. When anyone goes into a crawl space they will accidentally move the plastic barrier and often times cause needed insulation to fall. Running wire or pipe under a home normally leaves access for rodents so check that out too. If you have a tiny hole in a screen or in concrete that a small rodent can squeeze through, you may have rodents living in the insulation that is hanging down or fallen down onto the ground. Check for leaky pipe or standing ground water. You want a dry environment under your home. Coconut oil lowers testosterone and raising the hormone (vitamin) D will elevate testosterone. 47 | P a g e COLONICS 48 | P a g e COLONICS____________________________________________________________ COLEMA BOARDING I do colonics every week on a Colema board to suppress my immune system. My husband found the Colema board on for under $300 and put a connector in the shower with a water filter and hose so I could divert the water into the hose and fill my 5 gallon bucket of water.(Before I got the filter I filled the bucket with a gallon-sized pitcher by hand. I still leave a ½ pitcher full of warm water by my Colema board to rinse myself before I get up. The pitcher is also handy for rinsing the board before removing it from the toilet.) I pamper myself and use a seat cushion for padding with a garbage sack over it so I can turn it inside out to remove it and safely dispose of the soiled plastic. Unfortunately, Colema boards are soon to be disallowed to the general public unless we speak out and use them with safety measures. Perhaps the public would be trusted with their own care and granted freedom if we used our freedoms responsibly. It is funny to realize that there are new illnesses being caused by taking too many supplements and cleansing too much! Or, as we know too many of us abuse our bodies and push them beyond belief with pharmaceutical drugs, fast food, unsatisfying relationships, allowing ourselves to be ill-at-ease being ourselves, pollution all the way from bacteria’s, smog, unnatural light, contaminated foods and water, and not enough rest. The human race tends to learn by their mistakes, myself included. It’s crazy to fathom the idea that scientists are literally trying to find another planet to move to. I also am dismayed when I see so many plants baring thousands of seeds yet there are starving people in this world. It makes me shake my head and drop the jaw open. Anyway, personal safety and sanitation is very important when doing colonics. Putting large amounts of water and pressure into a one’s body can kill. During a colonic, water passes the colon wall and goes directly into the blood stream as well as puts pressure on colonic walls. 12 Too much water can cause a heart attack and too much pressure can cause a rupture. Not only that, all that water coming in the blood stream tires the adrenal glands as does fasting, low carb diets, lack of sleep, and stress. SAFE ENEMAS Because I do so many high enemas, I make sure to take 1/8 teaspoon of salt and an adrenal desiccated from Standard Process before I do a 30 minute enema.13 I do not do longer colonics. That only hurts the body’s organs by over working them. Afterwards, I rest and don’t drink tons of water. I have to watch for Sanitation for blood borne disease and parasites is extremely important when sharing enema equipment. Some who provide colonics do not follow manufacturer guidelines when it comes to sanitation. For instance, if a client goes into a treatment room to hop on a machine that someone just got done with and it only took the clinic 5-10 minutes to clean the device, they are not following guidelines. They should be using a hospital chemical called CDC which is a fungicide and herbicide that has to set on the clean machine wet for 10 minutes. At home, one needs to use bleach for longer than 2 minutes and do a lot of rinsing. 13 Those who give the public 90 minute enemas which can be harmful due to prolonged electrolyte imbalance and a 10 point higher blood pressure caused by extra water taken in via colon walls. 12 49 | P a g e high blood pressure and other diseases that may thin the wall of my colon so I do not perforate the colonic walls and die. Once in a while, my body over fills with water and stretches the colon walls so they won’t work and release the water. When that happens I have to stop and get up to walk around. Some of the issues I must watch for and never do a high enema with are: Addison’s Disease, abdominal hernia, severe abdominal pain, abdominal surgery, old age, intestinal inflammation, abnormal distension, abdominal masses, abnormal colon, liver failure, cirrhosis, Chrones disease, celiac, severe anemia, aneurism, cancer of the colon, cardiac conditions like untreated high blood pressure or congestive heart failure, kidney dialysis, diverticulosis and diverticulitis due to thinned inflamed colonic pockets that can burst, fissures, fistulas, hemorrhaging, blood or black in stool, polyps, hemorroidectomy, hernia, severe active hemorrhoids, pregnancy, intestinal perforations or prior cuts and meshes, lupus, rectal or colon surgery, renal insufficiencies, and medications that may interact with high amounts of water in blood stream that reduce sodium and raise potassium or medications that weaken intestinal integrity by thinning the walls or causing easy bleeding. THE TRUTH ABOUT COLONICS When I am not at home to do a Colema board enema, I seek out a luxurious colonic at a colon cleansing clinic that employs a colon-hydro therapist that is licensed the same way a massage therapist/body worker holds a license. To my surprise, I discovered that I-Act and G-Pact do not actually license colon hydrotherapists except for in the state of Florida (Florida Administrative Code, 64B7-31.001 Colonic Irrigation). This is so because most other states do not allow for a separate license to do colonic irrigation on a Class II medical device. A class II medical device means that only a licensed medical person can operate it. The powers that be are trying to make Colema Boards a class II medical device. It is sad that the government wishes to stop us from being capable of giving ourselves a high enema in the privacy of our own home. Class II medical devices, to most health departments in the United States, only allow an allopathic, osteopathic, and naturopathic doctor or other licensed staff under limited circumstances to administer a colonic to the public, otherwise it is practicing medicine without a license. All types of physicians may delegate medical procedures, including colon hydrotherapy, to other licensed persons in limited circumstances. The delegating physician is responsible to ensure the training, competence, and appropriate supervision of the person performing the colonic procedure. In Washington state, the professions that allow giving the public a colonic under doctor supervision must include training and practice scopes that allow penetration of the tissue which include allopathic physician assistants, osteopathic physician assistants, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and licensed practical nurses. The dilemma is that doctors prefer not to pursue a career in colonics which takes away a terrific healing modality away from the public. This is most likely why I-ACT and G-PACT go around the law and mislead those who obtain so called certification to be a colon hydrotherapist so that colon hydrotherapy is available to the public since there is rarely a doctor who will purchase and provide colonics to the public because it won’t pay their bills which are astrimonical. Sadly, these organizations do not train colon hydrotherapists for any significant length of time or educate them about constipation or contraindications for colonics and cannot license them due to states not having 50 | P a g e a licensure program for it in place. Instead, they teach students of colon hydrotherapy how to operate the colonic irrigation device and how to sanitize it. I-ACT and G-Pact can legally give certification meaning a certificate was issued. Certificates are just pieces of paper stating that a person has attended a seminar or a teaching of some sort it is not a license. A license is a legal right to provide or do something in our society by the state. The certificate for colon hydrotherapy basically assures others that they can be CERTAIN that the student knows how to clean and care for the colon hydrotherapy device. THE LAW The sale of the colonic medical devices are legally only to be made to a doctor or by a doctor. Manufacturer’s get around this by telling their customers to obtain a prescription from their doctor for rectal nozzles. (Apparently the state of Texas only requires that paper work). The colon hydrotherapists (the term colon hydrotherapist is not legal since a therapist must hold a state license) have no clue that they are being set up for possible fines and jail if they offer colonics to the public. All these innocent CT’s want to do is help people which is probably what many medical doctors start out wanting to do but soon after (being swept into the pharmaceutical money machine), they are misunderstood by their patients and accused of not caring. The following is a brief quotation of public record Findings Of Fact, Conclusions Of Law And Final Order page 6, Docket No. 06-01-B1038UR in Washington State: (the clients who were harmed during colonics did not receive any money…the health department was awarded all fines issued to the colonhydrotherapists in these cases.) “3. 2 Respondent is further assessed a fine in accordance with RCW 18.130.190(3) in the amount of one thousand dollars ($1000.00) per day in the total amount of four hundred forty-four thousand dollars ($444,000.00) based on 37 months averaging 12 work days per month (three days per week). The proceeds of such fines shall be deposited to the health professions account. Respondent is responsible for and shall pay any and all costs associated with this proceeding. The payment shall be made payable to the Washington State Department of Health and sent to the following address: Unlicensed Practice Program, PO Box 1099, Olympia, WA 98507.” Washington State law admits that, “The colonic procedure’s reported benefits reasonably fit within description of the naturopathy scope as the practice of, ‘diagnosis, prevention, and treatment by stimulation or support, or both, of the natural processes of the human body.” See RCW 18.36A.040. This statement is of great value to those who love colonics having experienced their benefit. The reason this statement is of great value is because when colonics end up in a court of law the person or persons trying to prevent the public from having them are constantly stating that there have been no studies proving the medical benefit of colonics or cleansing. Yet there have been studies…"Every physician should realize that intestinal toxemias are the most important primary and contributing cause of many disorders and diseases of the human body." Quote from Dr. Anthony Bassier. Professor of Gastroenterology at Fordham University Medical College and New York Polyclinic Medical College. Bassier conducted a 25 year study of intestinal toxemia with more than 5,000 cases. It is unfortunate that deceit affects every faucet of government and society. 51 | P a g e PROOF THAT COLONICS ARE USEFUL There are studies proving that paraplegics benefit via bowel training, colon cancer risk is reduced, worm egg counts are diminished, withdrawal from addictions are reduced as well as cravings, and Multiple Sclerosis slows progression and even goes into remission as it helps the body create its own interferon and immunosuppressant benefit. Colonics greatest benefit is to relieve a person of impaction of fecal matter which can kill or permanently change the condition of colonic walls and membranes. With tremendous sorrow I say, “My dear niece, Annette, died of constipation when she was 16 years old.” She didn’t need a study--- she needed a colonic. Blockages from Kratom, too much fiber, worms, a twist or node in the track preventing food from moving shuts the kidneys down within 24 hours due to gangrene setting in. Not only do colonics promote cleansing of the entire body down to the cells as well as increase the powers of the immune system but they flush the mind emotionally. Sexual abuse victims feel less dirty after colonics and anyone overwhelmed with stress usually releases that stress during colonic irrigation. Never forget that older homes have enema bag hooks in every bathroom and schools used to administer enemas to children who were sick in the 1970’s. We would do well to bring back this healing knowledge to following generations. It’s nuts how one generation can become deprived of century old information that could give them better quality of life due to greed and rumors from the medical field that are lies. Many colon hydrotherapists outside of Florida State provide this medical procedure without even knowing that they are practicing medicine without a license due to lies that manufacturers and certification programs propagate. Although, these entities break the law, they continue to get away with it leaving their colon hydrotherapists at tremendous risk. What surprises me most is that the wonderful businesses that provide the public with colonics do not usually face consequences for practicing medicine without a license due to health departments lack to enforce their standards. Health departments see the need for colonics and don’t see the clinics as a public threat and do not have time to pursue petty conflicts or attempts to sue that patients may present. THE BOTTOM LINE So what else have I learned and what do I do to remain happy and healthy as I live out this third chance? I pray for at least 7 minutes a day and read at least one Bible verse a day and work at being a Rock Talker…see So that’s it! That’s what I have learned over the past 8 years! Thank you for taking the time to read my story. In between all of the stuff you just read about I developed a lot of recipes while I was changing my life style. I hope you find at least one that improves your life’s journey. 52 | P a g e 53 | P a g e SIMPLE & SMART RECIPES 54 | P a g e GRAINS, BREAD, & SWEETS 55 | P a g e CARBS FROM GRAINS, BREAD, & SWEETS___________________ DARK CHOCOLATE MUFFINS OR OLD FASHIONED OATMEAL MUFFINS Decide if you are in a chocolate or cinnamon mood. The only difference between the two, is the cinnamon or chocolate and amount of stevia used. Research stevia. It may decrease good bacteria. Get 3 bowls out, non-stick traditional size cupcake pan, food processor, and all the ingredients Oat flour (make your own by mixing oats from in a blender) Coconut oil Raw sugar or brown sugar Eggs 100% pure vanilla NuNaturals pure liquid alcohol free stevia Cocoa powder OR cinnamon Whole grain spelt flour Diamond Crystal salt [pure, no allergens or potato] or Sea Salt Arm & Hammer baking soda Almonds that have been soaked over night Baking spray (some stores carry pure olive or coconut sprays)14 Bowl 1: -1 ½ cups hottest tap water. [Caution: boiling water makes the oats much too thick and lukewarm water leaves them soupy. The oats must have a consistency like pudding after they soak. -Mix 1 ½ cups oat flour into the water with a whisk [set aside to thicken and cool. One or half of a Dark Chocolate muffin is satisfactory for a meal that can provide 3 hrs of energy. Almonds have omega fats and protein. Cocoa has PEA, raises dopamine, and is packed with minerals. Coconut oil aide’s adrenal glands in creating pregnelolone the mother hormone responsible for making all our other hormones that provide energy via the adrenal glands. Eggs have protein, lecithin, and amino acids that aide the brain. Whole grain flour and oats provide fiber and slow burning carbs. Supplementing with the amino acid taurine at a small dose of 500mg before consuming chocolate can calm effects of caffeine. Taurine attaches to gaba receptor sites and inhibits glutamate according to medical based public data resources. The Christopher Reeves foundation studied taurine and found that it is beneficial but should not be dosed higher than 3000mg. 14 56 | P a g e Bowl 2: -Cream together ½ cup coconut oil & -½ cup raw sugar or brown sugar -Add 2 eggs -1 tsp. vanilla -1 full teaspoon stevia for Dark Chocolate Muffins OR ½ teaspoon if you are changing the recipe to Moist Oatmeal Cinnamon Muffins Mix immediately and thoroughly Bowl 3: -Mix dry ingredients -¾ cup whole spelt flour -2 tsp baking soda -Set aside one cup of pre-soaked crumbed almonds [Grind nuts in a food processor to a crumb like consistency. If they are ground too long they will become nut butter and over shadow the taste of chocolate OR cinnamon.] -1 ½ tsp Salt -¼ cup cocoa powder for Dark Chocolate Muffins15 OR 1 ½ teaspoons of cinnamon if you are changing the recipe to Moist Oatmeal Cinnamon Muffins Preheat oven to 350 degrees Spray cupcake pan being careful not to breathe in the spray. Combine all 3 bowls together and gently mix together: Then add 1 cup soaked almonds. Use a high quality old fashion ice cream scoop that holds ¼ cup to measure each muffin. Choose the topping you desire, if any. A nut on top is nice. Recipe yields 12 or one dozen. If you are making Old Fashioned Oatmeal Muffins and desire Streusel on the tops, you will need to make the streusel and sprinkle on top before you bake them. Bake on the middle rack for 20 minutes. They are done when you can stick a toothpick or a butter knife in the center and pull it out clean. Do not over bake. Pop out of the pan quickly Cool completely and package in zip lock baggies or plastic wrap. Store in freezer. These muffins are better after 24 hours. Recipe continued on following page… Option: Streusel for Old Fashioned Oatmeal Muffins One can add ½ cup cocoa to make muffins darker but refrain from feeding them to children. Even ¼ cup cocoa provides a strong concentration of caffeine. Ask your doctor if you can safely add 3000 mg taurine powder to dry ingredients to calm brain. The Christopher Reeves foundation studied taurine and found that it is beneficial as an inhibitory chemical but should not be dosed higher than 3000mg. 15 57 | P a g e ¼ cup sugar 1/8 cup spelt flour ¼ tsp cinnamon 1/8 cup butter (add a dash of salt if unsalted butter) In a mixing bowl, cream together all ingredients until a mild dough texture is formed. Press in teaspoon and measure out 12 dollops of streusel Crumble one ball on top of each muffin and press in a tad bit before baking. Option: Dark Chocolate Muffin Frosting Cream together: 1 cup powdered sugar 2 tbsp cocoa powder ¼ tsp salt 2 tbsp of coconut oil Add a teaspoon of water to creamed mixture and mix. Add additional teaspoons of water until you get the consistency you prefer. If it gets too thin, just add more powdered sugar. Easiest to spread onto frozen muffin Sugar Free Frosting: ½ cup cocoa ¼ cup coconut oil or butter (softened) ¼ cup olive oil Optional: use less oil and substitute water…water makes the frosting creamy and spreadable 1 teaspoon liquid stevia Mix well. Do not add water. Oils are what gives cocoa a sheen. Water and even stevia change the consistency of the cocoa dramatically. Add more olive oil if you desire thinner frosting and keep the muffins chilled. Tip: To make a 4 layer cake with 4 layers of frosting simply bake your cake batter on an oiled cookie sheet for a smaller amount of time. Let cool, then carefully cut the cake in half both ways to make 4 panels. Then take a pancake spatula and gently lift onto a piece of cardboard covered in tin foil and spread on frosting. Then add the next layer and so forth…to make the side look nice, put frosting on them and then carefully put handfuls of chopped nuts on the sides to hide blemishes. Also, you can add about 2 tablespoons of fiber to any cake to reduce sugar spikes. For cream cheese frosting, just whip the cream cheese with a little vanilla, and any sweetener of your choosing…it’s so simple and good! 58 | P a g e SUGAR FREE CHOCOLATE FROSTING 3/4 cup cocoa powder ½ cup coconut oil or butter (optional: substitute ¼ cup fresh olive oil) ¼ cup water 1 ½ teaspoon liquid stevia Optional: 3000 mg taurine powder Spread on frozen baked goods to avoid oil soaking into the goods. Keep chilled. 59 | P a g e SIMPLE SOUR DOUGH BREAD 3 cups packed whole spelt 3 cups of starter (add water if there is not enough due to evaporation or add more flour if too thin) 1 tablespoon salt 1 tablespoon Red Star Yeast [starters require no extra yeast when the stars line up with the stars or actually the yeasts in air and the body] 1 teaspoon raw or white sugar Optional: 1 tablespoon caraway seeds for rye bread flavor Add all ingredients to a bread machine that has a setting for mixing dough. You will not be cooking, warming, or letting dough rise in your machine, just kneading. Read the following instructions before you begin mixing or kneading. Choose the dough setting and mix for at least 10 minutes. If the machine stops before 10 minutes and begins to warm, simply turn off the machine and reset it to start over. You may have to do this 4 times. Check the dough. It may be too thin like a batter or too heavy like a ball. The dough should not be formable. It will look like it almost makes a ball in the machine while it is mixing but when you stop the machine, the dough should begin to level out, the way batter does in a cake pan but slower like a blob and is settling. If your dough is too heavy and formable like a ball, then add 1 tablespoon of warm water and mix thoroughly before you add another. You will need to depress the dough some to help the machine mix the water in. Be patient, and fully mix each tablespoon of water in and check for the in between batter-and-ball consistency. The dough should not be formable. It will look like it almost makes a ball in the machine while it is mixing but when you stop the machine, the dough should begin to level out, the way batter does in a cake pan but slower like a blob and is settling. If the dough is too thin like pancake batter, add only 1 tablespoon of flour and let it mix well before you add another. Add 1 tablespoon of flour at a time, until it is in between batter-and-ball consistency. The dough should not be formable. It will look like it almost makes a ball in the machine while it is mixing but when you stop the machine, the dough should begin to level out, the way batter does in a cake pan but slower like a blob and is settling. As the dough is mixing, prepare one loaf pan. Spray with cooking spray liberally or grease by hand with coconut oil or any other oil. It is important to dust the loaf pan with corn meal or flour so one can easily remove bread. Cornmeal works best. After 10 minutes of kneading, you can place the dough into the loaf pan. The dough will need to be pulled out of the pan because it will look and stick like making taffy. Recipe continued on following page… Drizzle a bit of olive oil all over the top. Use your fingers to rub it all around. Cover the bread with plastic. 60 | P a g e Let rise for about an hour or until it reaches the top of the pan but does not bubble over the sides. Remove plastic Snip wide slits in the top of the loaf of dough with scissors before baking. Bake at 375 degrees for 40-45 minutes. Bread should sound hollow when you thunk it and a butter knife prick (made in same direction you would slice) to mid-center of the loaf should come out clean with no dough on it. Remove from pan. Rub fresh olive over top for softening and cool. Slice. (Bread tends to crumble, slice slowly and don’t expect perfection. Artisan style is the way to go.) Store small portions in a sandwich size Ziplock baggie. Don’t zip up the bags until the bread is completely cool and no steam. Freeze Sourdough toastettes compliment cold sardines, cheese, avocado, tomatoes, etc very well STARTER RECIPE___________________________________________________________________ ½ cup flour (oat works) wicked with ¾ cup distilled water in a large uncovered bowl. Leave the mixture out so it can draw bacteria and fungi from the air. The next day add another ½ cup plus ¾ cup water. Do this pattern for a total of 6 days. The mixture may develop a dark watery look but that is okay. Starter should have a sour smell. Starter can be used to replace yeast. It really does help your bread dough rise but works best with white flour breads. Whole grains are just very dense and do not rise well even with yeast and sugar added. You can freeze your starter and the good things it pulled out of the air will still remain for fighting cancer and other disease. The flavor will remain as well…I like it for cast iron baked pizza crust. Yum! 61 | P a g e BREAD OR PIZZA DOUGH 4 ½ cups of flour 2 cups of water 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 tablespoon Red Star Yeast (can replace yeast with 1 teaspoon baking powder & omit sugar) 1 teaspoon honey or sugar Combine ingredients and knead for 10 minutes Place formed loaf of dough in oiled and dusted with cornmeal loaf pan or roll out into 2 thin rounds and place large pizza trays or make a deep dish pizza crust in a well-oiled cast iron pan. For pizza, you may need to shape dough by hand and pull edges out to rim of pan with fingers and make sure to partially bake it before adding toppings. Also, pre-baking vegi’s like mushrooms and spinach in the oven, dries them out well so the pizza isn’t soggy. Gluten and potato free oatflour crusts work well for pizza too! Using pizza crust and baking nontraditional ingredients in a well-oiled cast iron pan makes anything taste wonderful btw! Just be sure not to store what you created in the cast iron pan because it will rust onto the food. Oil top of dough and cover with plastic wrap. Allow to rise until dough reaches top of pan. Remove plastic. For bread bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes. For pizza crust bake at 425 degrees for 5 minutes on an oiled and dusted with cornmeal pan, then add toppings and continue to bake for another 15-20 minutes. Optional: For pizza dough, add a little oregano spice and cheese into the dough. Roll the pizza dough paper thin and allow it to rise and bubble a bit before baking it. Celiac: Bake a large oat cracker that you have added ½ tspn of Red Star Yeast to for flavor if you want to or just bake a large oat cracker. The cracker will crack a bit so after you bake it in a cast iron pan with no oil (too much oil in oat flour is not eatable) DO NOT TOP IT WITH TOMATOE PIZZA SAUCE! TOP IT WITH HARVARTI CHEESE then your meat and fresh oregano, salt and pepper and then thin sliced tomatoes to act as your sauce. You may add a little shredded cheese over the tomatoes and fresh basil or other greens like green onions or kale. Bake it all until the cheese bubbles. The slices will crumble so use a spatula to serve and a fork to eat. It is very good though! 62 | P a g e CELIAC HEARTY IRISH OAT BREAD16 Bowl 1: 2 cups warm water (not hot, it will kill yeast) 1 tablespoon raw sugar or honey 1 tablespoon red star yeast (this is potato free) Bowl 2: 4 packed cups of oat flour from GLUTENFREEOATS.COM 1 cup steel cut oats or an extra cup of oat flour 1 ¼ diamond crystal salt or sea salt 2 tablespoons psyllium husk powder Mix wet into dry ingredients and stir well Form a loaf and put into a non-greased pan. Cover with plastic and let rise for 2 hours. Bread will not rise much. Bake at 400 degrees for first 10 minutes then turn oven down to 325 degrees and bake 55 minutes. Remove from pack. Let cool Slice thin with sharp knife Store small amounts in sandwich baggies and put in the freezer Best eaten warmed or toasted Oat flour works good enough for cupcakes as well. I prefer the cracker recipe below to use as my main carbohydrate along with various rice’s that I rinse well before cooking. Pinto beans are a nice carb if rinsed well and don’t create intestinal gas. Soak beans overnight and add a digestive enzyme to them when cooking. PS: Oat flour works well for crackers and biscuits. For one person just mix 1/2 flour with big pinch of baking soda and 1/8 teaspoon salt. Then mix in 1/2 teaspoon of butter or cocoa nut oil with fingers. Add about 1 Tsp or more of water until you have a heavy non-sticky dough but pliable. Make a golf ball sized biscuits or flattened disc’s like cookies for thick crackers. Use your fingers to rub water on top of the crackers then salt. For cookies, top with sugar or add sugar and spice or chocolate and nuts to the dough or on top of it. Bake for 10 minutes at 400 to warm up the house in the morning. Warning: These crackers are dry and can be hard to swallow just like coconut flour. Watch children as they eat which should be done anyway to prevent choking to death. Have water, or use butter and jam on top the cracker. These crackers are very good. If they are too crumbly to hold in your hands then add more water to your next batch of dough. 16 No gluten or other allergens 63 | P a g e OLD FASHIONED OATMEAL CAKE 1 cup rolled oats 1/14 cups boiling water ½ cup butter 1 cup white sugar 1 cup packed brown sugar 2 eggs 1 1/3 cups flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1.2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Pour water over oats, let stand. Cream together butter and sugars. Add eggs and blend. In separate bowl mix flour, baking soda, salt, and spices. Add dry to wet and blend. Finally, add oats and vanilla and blend. GLUTENFREEOATS.COM for potato free. Pour batter in an oiled and dusted flour 9 x 13” cake pan. Bake in a preheated oven at 350 degrees for 3040 minutes. Do not over-bake. Stick a toothpick or butter knife in center of cake if batter is not sticking to knife the cake is done. This cake is better if it sets overnight before serving. It does not need frosting. Coconut oil on top with a sprinkle of salt is good or a fancy cream cheese frosting with nuts and coconut is very tastey too. Plain is great! 64 | P a g e SUGAR FREE VANILLA FROSTING ¾ cup Almond flour (usually contaminated with potato unless you make your own from rinsed nuts) ½ cup warmed to liquid coconut oil ¼ cup water ½ teaspoon vanilla ½ teaspoon liquid stevia Spread on frozen protein bars and sprinkle with poppy seeds Bake at 350 for 30 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. 65 | P a g e MOIST PINEAPPLE MUFFINS #1- Puree ¾ yogurt (organic raw with no added A and D. These vitamins are potato based as most B vitamins are also) 1 cup pineapple 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/3 cup olive oil 1/2 cup sugar and ½ teaspoon of stevia 2 eggs #2- Mix together in separate bowl the following dry ingredients: 1½ cup spelt flour 1 ½ teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon psyllium husk powder #3- pour wet ingredients into dry and mix #4- fold in 1 cup frozen cranberries and 1 cup chopped nuts #5- Spray muffin tins with cooking spray Add ½ cup of mixture to pan #6- In a separate small bowl mix ¼ cup butter and ½ cup brown sugar together and top the muffins with equal parts. 66 | P a g e SONNY’S BUTTER FINGERS In extra large separate bowl mix: 1 cup olive oil [if using oat flour do not use oil. Replace with water] 2 cups brown sugar or 1 cup sugar & 1 teaspoon stevia (fresh pureed from, your garden) 1 tablespoon vanilla After blending well Add 2 cups 100% peanut butter or 2 cups millet seeds [if using oat flour, drain off the peanut oil and use for frying cabbage or something. Oat flour does not behave with oil but loves water.] In separate bowl combine: 4 cups oat flour (non gluten) or other flour [Do not use oil with oat flour. Use water] ¼ cup psyllium husk powder 2 teaspoons salt 2 teaspoons baking soda (helps cells obtain oxygen and iron) Add dry ingredients to wet and blend well Dump mixture onto a regular size oiled cookie sheet. Spread evenly and press down firmly with a sanitized brick covered in a heavy gallon sized Ziplock bag. Break 2 large Hershey dark chocolate bars into pieces and place on top of the mixture. Or wait until after bar is baked and use sugar free chocolate frosting recipe. Bake at 350 degrees for 12 minutes. Allow to cool and cut with a pizza cutter. Wrap individually and freeze. Eat chilled so protein bar doesn’t break as you eat it. 67 | P a g e GINGER MOLASSES COOKIES In one medium size serving bowl cream together: ½ cup olive oil ½ teaspoon stevia ½ cup brown sugar or honey (you can cut back sugar by ¼ cup if you prefer) 1 egg 2 teaspoons vanilla Set aside In one large serving bowl mix together: 2 cups finely ground pumpkin seeds (high tryptophan not for children on regular basis) 1 cup spelt or other flour 1 tablespoon ginger 1 teaspoon cinnamon (optional) 1 ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon baking soda Add wet ingredients to dry mixture and blend well. With ice cream scoop, scoop out dough and cut in half. Spray cookie sheet with oil and press each cookie onto it with wet hands. Sprinkle millet or grated unsweetened coconut over top of each cookie and pat a little. Bake at 375 for 7 minutes for a chewy cookie or 350 for 10 minutes for a crispier cookie. Yields about 22 large cookies. 68 | P a g e PIES 69 | P a g e PIES____________________________________________________ PUMPKIN PIE One 16 oz can of Libby’s pumpkin 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon ginger ½ teaspoon cloves or all spice 1 cup white sugar 4 eggs Dough: 2 cups whole grain flour 1 teaspoon salt ½ cup coconut oil or butter Mix with fingers until crumbly 2-3 tablespoons cold water You want the dough to remain crumbly Place 1 ½ cup dough in baking dish and press in with fingers. Pour pie filling in Press small pieces of dough out with fingers and thumbs as though making a small leaf from a plum tree. Place all over the top of pie filling. Sprinkle raw sugar and kosher salt on the top. Bake at 350 degrees for one hour Optional: Pour into a greased pie dish Top with no roll dough 70 | P a g e SINGLE SERVE PIE Boil 1 cup berries with ¼ cup or less sugar (not brown rice syrup) and ½ cup water until thickens Sugar free: Wisk into berries ¼ teaspoon liquid stevia & ¼ cup oat flour Pour into pie dish Top with crust: ¼ cup flour or 1 grated apple for thickening agent 1 tablespoon coconut oil or butter Mix flour and oil until granular Add: ¼ tsp salt ¼ tsp baking soda 1-3 tsp cold water Mixture should be crumb like and sprinkled over pie. If one prefers a traditional pie crust add more water and press small pieces out thin like crackers with hands and place many of them on the top of the berry filling. Bake crust under broiler on the middle rack or in a new wave oven until golden and crisp for about 5-7 minutes Celiac: Take your baked oat crackers and lay them over the top of any dish for a nice crunch. 71 | P a g e NO ROLL PIE DOUGH Top with hand pressed pie dough bits and add to top of filing 1 cup flour ½ cup coconut oil 1-3 tablespoons cold water ½ teaspoon sea salt ¼ teaspoon baking soda For a crumble topping don’t add as much water and add finely chopped walnuts. Sprinkle with raw sugar and salt 72 | P a g e BAKED BERRY CLOUD Fold ½ cup flour or one grated apple into 2 lbs of berries Add ½ cup sugar or honey ¼ teaspoon salt Optional: A bit of lemon zest Or 1 tablespoon lemon concentrate Optional: ½ teaspoon cinnamon Optional sugar free pie: for those who need the seeds pureed warm the berries and blend all ingredients accept sugar. Substitute ½ teaspoon liquid stevia Transfer berries to an oiled pie dish Top with no roll dough 73 | P a g e CHEESE CAKE PIE STYLE Take any cheese cake recipe and simply just make your own pie crust. Pie shell: Add a few chopped walnuts, stevia and extra butter if you like to make crust crunchier. Don’t forget not to over mix and just press the crust into the pan rather than roll it out. Use ice cold ingredients too. Spray cooking oil spray on the pie shell pan and on the actual pie crust and partially bake it at 400 degrees for about 4 minutes before adding the cream cheese mixture. For the cream cheese part it basically only needs a sweetener like stevia, salt, eggs, sour cream, vanilla, and lemon zest. You don’t need a water bath or special pan…just use a pie pan and bake for about an hour at 325. When a tooth pick can be stuck in and come out clean it is done. Some use a sour cream and sugar topping then drizzle some chocolate over top with berries or pureed berries. Optional: Omit the pie crust and simply oil and dust w/flour the pie pan. Cheese cake is actually a very healthy breakfast or meal if little sugar is added. It is mostly egg and dairy with a little carb. Celiac: Take your baked oat crackers and lay them over the top of any pie for a nice crunch. 74 | P a g e RHUBARB BERRY PIE Dice 2 cups rhubarb Add 1 cup berries of any sort (optional) Add ¼ cup flour or 1 grated sweet apple Stevia or sugar Top with hand pressed NO ROLL PIE DOUGH or roll it out and make a lattice. Bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees. Another easy topping is equal parts sugar, flour, and butter with ½ teaspoon salt and baking soda sprinkled over the top. 75 | P a g e QUICK APPLE PIE Peel and slice any apples and put into medium size salad serving bowl Add ¼ cup flour ¼ raw sugar, ¼ cup honey, or 1 teaspoon liquid stevia ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon cinnamon Optional: Lemon zest, cranberries, or any other berry Mix well Transfer to oiled pie dish (apples should be piled high because they will soften and shrink Top with no roll dough 76 | P a g e ANTIOXIDANT PIE IN 30 MINUTES 8 cups of frozen triple berry mix ¼ teaspoon cinnamon ½ teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon liquid stevia ¼ cup sugar ¼ cup flour, oat or spelt Combine all ingredients in a large saucepan and bring to a boil for 5 minutes stirring constantly. Place in a glass pie pan. 1 cup flour. 1/3 cup butter or coconut oil ½ teaspoon salt Mix the above 3 ingredients until consistency of crumbs, then add a tiny bit of cold water until a very dry dough is formed. Do not over mix or crust will become tough 1-2 tablespoons cold water Take small pieces of dough and press them out flat in your hand. Set the pieces on top of the berry pie filling in an artisan design. Bake for 30 minutes at 375 or bake in a Nu Wave oven for 15 minutes. Crust will be crunchy and filling bubbly. Serve hot or chill. Optional: Replace sugar with ½ teaspoon stevia 77 | P a g e CRACKERS, CHIPS & SIDES 78 | P a g e CRACKERS, CHIPS & SIDES________________________________ SOURDOUGH CHIPS Thinly slice sour dough bread Toast in Nu wave oven or low heat in conventional oven Do not over toast homemade breads. They should remain somewhat soft because they can chip a tooth or cut the inside of the mouth. Optional: brush with olive oil, butter, and spices 79 | P a g e CORN CHIPS Cut up corn tortillas and fry a small amount in ½ “ olive oil on medium heat until almost crisp. Place on paper towel and salt Transfer to 350 degree oven on a cookie sheet for a few minutes to crisp completely 80 | P a g e GARLIC CHIPS Thinly slice whole cloves of garlic and fry with salt on low heat until crisp. Serve on top of soups or meat for a tasty healthy gourmet style crunch 81 | P a g e CRACKERS 2 cups buck wheat or other flour. You can make your own flour in a Vita Mix. Buckwheat is fabulous but should be rotated and served sparingly to children as it is a seed which is an herb that alters digestive track absorption. All flours except for oat flour from are usually cross-contaminated with potato flour which is a common food intolerance (potato derivatives are in A, D, B vitamins and many other things like some dextrose, and Morton Salt products which is the salt giant of America and used in all processed foods. Diamond Crystal Salt is the other salt \company of America and has no additives or potato contamination. 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/3 cup olive oil Mix and roll out thin as possible. Dust with coarse salt and spice such as caraway seed, parsley, garlic, and press into dough with rolling pin. Cut into random shapes and sizes and place on cookie sheet. Bake at 450 degrees for 9 minutes Let cool on racks Store in sealed container with silicia packs found in supplement bottles. Celiac Crackers… Gluten free oat flour works well for crackers and biscuits. For one person just mix 1/2 flour with 1/8 tsp baking soda and 1/8 teaspoon salt. Then mix in 1 teaspoon of butter or cocoa nut oil with fingers. Add about 1 tablespoon of water. If the dough gets sticky add more flour until you have a heavy dough. More water and less oil seem to make the crackers best. Make a golf ball size biscuit and tiny bit sized crackers that you press out onto the baking sheet with your hand. I like to dampen the crackers with water and sprinkle salt on top. Bake for 10 minutes at 400 to warm up the house in the morning. Oat baked goods can be dry and difficult to swallow so serve with butter and top with fruit. Do not feed to children or elderly without being in their presence as they eat. If the crackers end up crumbly with too much oil discard and start over. Gluten free buck wheat flour is actually a seed that could have strong amino acids but they sure make great pancakes and crackers. Also, gluten free rice flour is a wonderful way to bake things and not feel deprived. If you have Celiac and can handle rice sugars, make sure to rice your rice and your beans and lentils well before cooking. Do not eat out. Remember too, that deep fry oil vats have gluten in the oil due to frying wheat and spelt flours. Most Celiacs cannot tolerate many other types of carbohydrates such as potato due to damage in the intestinal track. Make sure to look for cook books just for Celiac’s and get emotional support and ideas from online chat rooms and real life support groups. Rotate the carbs you can eat so no intolerance is built. If you cannot do any carbs for a season, take ½ a calcium/magnesium from Metagenics with 1-5 Adrenal Dessicated from Standard Process every 4 hours. If you make your own dairy, use raw unprocessed milk but be sure to heat it properly at home to kill germs and then make your own dairy products that are not fortified with vitamins A and D which are derived from potato. Any foreign chemical in your foods could cause serious damage to your intestinal track and pain. 82 | P a g e CHEESE CHIPS Grate cheddar cheese and place in a hot non-stick frying pan and fry until crisp then flip. These are big and make interesting folds for a great presentation. 83 | P a g e POTATO CHIPS OR VEGI CHIPS Thinly slice whatever you want to eat with a crisp and pat completely dry with paper towels. Toss with olive oil and salt Set individual pieces on a cookie sheet Bake at 400 degrees until dried and crisp Optional: Kale can be de-stemmed and baked on low heat of 200 degrees after spraying with bakers oil and salted to make chips. Bake until the chips are crisp. These are very tastey. Celiac: You most likely cannot tolerant potato sugars due to damage in the intestinal track so make sure to avoid all carbs and see a 7th Day Adventist for dietary help. Use fresh oil that you know is gluten and potato free. Do not use oil that has been used for deep frying and never use oil that has fried gluten or potato in it. 84 | P a g e NORI CHIPS Trader Joes sells a nice kelp chip snack 85 | P a g e FRENCH FRIES Slice minimally micro waved clean potatoes Cover a heavy frying pan ¼ inch full of olive oil and heat it on medium so it does not smoke or flame. Fry very small amount of potatoes in the oil at a time Remove with tongs onto a paper towel and salt. Serve with tartor sauce or honey dry mustard sauce Optional: Replace potato with fresh boiled green beans and use less oil. They are very similar to French fries in texture, style, and taste if dipped in favorite dipping sauce. 86 | P a g e BROWN BASMATTI/WILD RICE PILAF Find this flavorful premixed pilaf in the bins at Winco or other super markets. It has no wheat It has dried carrots, celery, bell pepper and spices. It is very flavorful and compliments any meal Fill large pot with water Salt and pepper Boil for 20-25 minutes Strain and serve 87 | P a g e BROWN RICE Boil 2 cups of brown rice in large amount of water for 30-45 minutes until tender. Scoop out into bowl with spider or strain Keeps ready for use 3 days in the refrigerator and freezes well. 88 | P a g e STOVE TOP STUFFING Puree ½ cup organic celery Puree ¼ cup onion Cook covered in ½ cup water and 1 tbsp oil until tender Add to cooked mixture ½ tsp salt ½ tsp pepper 1 tsp sage ¼ cup butter Mix Puree 5 standard slices of bread to crumbs. Add ½ water to celery/onion/spice mixture Quickly add bread crumbs, stir and heat through GLUTEN FREE: Replace the bread with pre-cooked rice Serve with baked or fried chicken Homemade spelt bread works nice for stove top stuffing CRAZY GREAT STUFFING Cook blend of wild and brown rices. Add 1 tsp ginger 1 tsp sage Salt and pepper Finely chop a box of mushrooms and fry into the rice and spices Optional: pre-cooked chopped garlic and a small hot pepper 89 | P a g e CARBS FROM FRUIT & VEGI’S 90 | P a g e CARBS FROM FRUIT & VEGI’S______________________________ FRUITS & VEGI’S GO DOWN EASY WITH A STRAW _____________________________________________________________________________________ A pint of a chilled smoothie, provides 1 ½ hrs of energy, water, fiber, good bacteria, and nutrients. If cooked brown rice is added to a smoothie, it typically provides 3 hours of energy for the body. Keeping the body fueled consistently aids’ energy and rest. Purchase pint or ½ pint canning jars for containers to keep smoothies on hand and a Vita mix. Blenders and food processors cannot create a creamy smooth consistency that is appealing to drink. Wide-mouth canning jars work well for freezing and can go straight to the microwave. You can even bake in them. Parasite control is best when foods are heated. Otherwise, scrub well and peel. Always wear gloves when doing yard and garden work to prevent parasite infections. Parasite larvae can come from feces from raccoons, rats, possums, birds, human which can easily be on produce from workers using fields to defecate and other countries using human sewage for fertilizer. This is why we must wash our produce well and never eat undercooked meat. Larvae of parasites live in muscle and intestinal track. Blanch vegetables and store in freezer for future use in smoothies. Always defrost veggies and fruits before adding them to a mixer, otherwise one runs the risk on breaking their blender. Blanch entire bag of carrots for 2 minutes in boiling water. Freeze for later use Boil large beets, peel, and chunk to store in freezer. Blanch or soak whole pineapple overnight in bleach bath, peel chop and freeze Tree Top Organic apple sauce (so good with Douglas Labs I-Flora probiotics, cinnamon and salt) Organic Orange Juice Concentrate Frozen berries blends (Costco has inexpensive frozen organic blends for all types of smoothies) Cooked brown rice Keep fresh organic oranges, spinach, and apples in refrigerator [Fresh spinach freezes well] Keep wheatgrass and sunflower seed grass powder on hand. Smoothies will keep for about 4 days so drink up with a straw, don’t swallow any air to prevent gas, and let the fruit pass through the stomach before eating anything else to prevent gas. 91 | P a g e EASIEST SMOOTHIES AND EASY BAKED OR STEAMED SPREADS OF PRODUCE Purchase a variety of frozen organic fruits and berries from Costco Purchase organic fresh spinach from Costco and toss in freezer Baby carrots Cabbage Organic apples Oranges Randomly add 2-3 ingredients and cover with water and a pinch or 2 of salt and maybe a drop or 2 of stevia and one has easy smoothies to store in jars in the refrigerator. I especially love an apple and orange smoothie. Spinach and cabbage taste pretty good in any smoothie but celery and broccoli don’t. If I don’t feel like making a smoothie I just eat the fruit and vegi’s. You can stack spinach, cabbage, and other leaves very high and chew and eat quickly by holding the stack in your hands like a sandwich to eat it plain. It’s really good that way and simple to consume a large portion when compacted that way. Tip: It is easy to roast or bake all sorts of fruit and vegi’s all at once by putting the dense produce in oven first, (you can drizzle or toss with olive oil and spices) then add the delicate produce toward the end and save in the refrigerator. When produced is prepared beforehand it is much easier to eat it up. Also, one can purchase an over-sized steamer and cook the dense produce first and then add the delicates. Steamed produce is very tastey, especially with a small amount of fresh butter and salt and pepper. 92 | P a g e MITOCHONDRIA SHAKE In a Vita Mix combine: 2 cups cabbage ½ cup carrot ½ cup pineapple 2 cups berries 1 cup spinach Top off with water 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon stevia Store in jars with lids and consume all the drinks over the course of the day to meet mitochondria needs. 93 | P a g e CARROT OR CABBAGE PINEAPPLE SMOOTHIE In blender combine: Fill blender with equal parts pineapple to carrots OR cabbage 1/8 teaspoon stevia 1/8 teaspoon salt Fill blender with water and puree Fill jars ¾ full of smoothie mixture and top off with water 94 | P a g e PINEAPPLE, PAPAYA, MANGO SMOOTHIE PACKED WITH NATURAL DIGESTIVE ENZYMES Add equal parts of cubed fruit Cover with water Add ¼ teaspoon salt Blend and chill 95 | P a g e BERRY- CARROT SMOOTHIE In blender combine: Fill blender with equal parts berries to carrots 1/8 teaspoon stevia ¼ teaspoon salt Optional: ¼ cup grated coconut Fill blender with water and puree Fill jars ¾ full of smoothie mixture and top off with water Smoothies will keep for about 4 days so drink up with a straw and make a different batch of vegetables and fruit. 96 | P a g e BEET- ORANGE SMOOTHIE In blender combine: Fill blender ¾ full with cooked and thawed beets 1/4 cup frozen organic orange juice 1/8 teaspoon stevia ¼ teaspoon salt Optional: ¼ cup grated coconut Fill blender with water and puree Fill jars ¾ full of smoothie mixture and top off with water This recipe is just as delicious and beautiful if pineapple concentrate juice is substituted for organic orange juice. Using one part fresh pineapple to one part cooked beets is also a wonderful treat. Caution: Beets can constipate like banana’s do 97 | P a g e PRETTY DRINK Fill Vita Mix with 2 Cups of chopped red cabbage 1 medium sweet red apple or 2 peeled carrots chopped 1/8 teaspoon liquid stevia 1/8 teaspoon salt Cover with distilled water and puree Serve over ice in a fancy glass with a straw and garnish with a key lime Save left over in jars 98 | P a g e CARROT-CABBAGE SMOOTHIE Fill Vita Mix with 2 cups green cabbage 2 medium peeled and chopped carrots ¼ teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon liquid stevia Optional: ¼ cup grated coconut Cover with distilled water and puree Drink and pretend to chew when drinking to increase your body’s digestive enzymes. 99 | P a g e ICY FRUIT SHAKE Fill blender 1/3 full with frozen fruits from Costco Add water to top and 1/4 teaspoon salt Blend 100 | P a g e REALLY REFRESHING DRINK Juice 4 medium sized peeled carrots Add one red medium sized peeled sweet apple Add one large peeled (peel well to remove bitterness) juicy orange Pour over ice and enjoy 1 cup every hour. Too much sugar at once is bad for the body. Take borage and fish oil with it to help slow down the insulin release. Wait 30-40 minutes before consuming other foods Fiber option: In vita mix add one large carrot cut into 2” pieces Add 2 cups of spinach greens Add the above TASTEY DRINK for liquid Blend Serve over ice 101 | P a g e CLEAN DRINK This drink does not contain carbohydrates. Wheat grass juice and sunflower sprout juice on ice 102 | P a g e RESULT 103 | P a g e RESULT_________________________________________________ DEAR READER _____________________________________________________________________________________ If all one does is add muffins, molasses cookies, and smoothies to the diet they will be eating: Dark chocolate (not too much!!!! Don’t want to get kidney stones!) Cinnamon Baking soda (kidneys) add a dash to foods like Crepes, Crackers, or a bowl of oatmeal Almonds Coconut oil (easy on the oils and fats to avoid kidney stones and gall bladder attacks) Olive oil Whole grain oats from GLUTENFREE.COM 307-754-7041 Whole grain spelt Oranges Apples Pineapple Carrots Cabbage Spinach Beets Berries Melon Wheat and sunflower grass Millet Pumpkin seeds Ginger Molasses Eggs Grated or flaked coconut Many people usually only consume refined sugars, animal fats, refined flour and flavorings with processed meats and cheeses. When people have little time, they tend to eat unhealthier. For example, quick foods like hamburger helper or pizza with perhaps a can of green beans, cooked broccoli, or a green salad is a common choice. When people have little money, they tend to eat healthier. For example, they may eat more eggs, potatoes, whole grain, pinto beans, apples, peanut butter and jelly. After shopping, use a solution of bleach and water to sanitize food bins in refrigerator as well as all produce. Soak all produce from 2 hours to 24 hours depending on strength of produce skin. Rinse and allow to dry completely before placing in refrigerator or other storage areas. Fresh greens and green onions freeze well Celery freezes well. Cover potatoes with towel. Do not store in refrigerator Soak nuts over night. Rinse well and freeze in 1 cup portions. 104 | P a g e DRINKS 105 | P a g e DRINKS__________________________________________________ SODA POP Corn syrup and fructose contribute to Alzheimer’s disease. It has to do with the brain producing AGEs from it. Drinking carbonated water helps one get oxygen into the cells like deep breathing does. Deep slowed breathing and carbonation increase iron absorption. Carbonated water Add any flavor and a couple drops of liquid stevia or a teaspoon of sugar RW Knudsen’s cranberry concentrate RW Knudsen’s cherry concentrate with vanilla Lime Lemon Root beer flavoring or sarsaparilla Grape juice Strawberry jam Etc. 106 | P a g e BEET KVASS Purchase a gallon size glass jar with a seal for fermenting foods. Quarter 1 washed beet and fill sterile jar with distilled water Add 1 teaspoon sea salt Optional: add one opened capsule of probiotic Pour a small amount of oil olive on top to form a film that seals the liquid. Leave jar out at room temperature for 2 days, remove oil and beets then transfer to drinking container and chill. Beets can be reused one more time for a second batch of KVASS 107 | P a g e ALMOND MILK 1 cup raw almonds soaked in water overnight Rinse well Boil almonds to a boil for 2 minutes in water Strain Put almonds in Vita Mix Add 3 cups water Optional: ½ vanilla and 2 drops stevia Blend very well Allow to settle for 30 minutes, then strain through cheese clothe Keeps in refrigerator for 3-4 days and freezes well 108 | P a g e RICE MILK Cook ½ cup brown rice with ½ teaspoon vanilla and 1 ¼ cup water, until over soft Transfer to Vita Mix Add 4 cups water Blend well Let settle for 30 minutes and strain through cheese cloth Keeps in refrigerator for 3-4 days, freezes nicely 109 | P a g e OAT MILK Bring to boil for 2 minutes 1 cup of oats from in 2 cups water with ½ teaspoon vanilla and 2 drops stevia Transfer to Vita Mix Add 2 cups water Blend well Let settle 30 minutes, strain through cheese cloth Keeps 3-4 days in refrigerator and freezes well 110 | P a g e SOUPS 111 | P a g e SOUPS__________________________________________________ CHICKEN BROTH In a large pot of water add: Old chunked up celery Old chunked up carrots One large onion with skin (just cut off the roots to assure no dirt granules) 4 pieces of garlic with skin on Bones and pieces of meat left on them from a chicken Parsley with stems Thyme Salt pepper Bring to boil then cover and simmer for 5 hours Strain through a cheese cloth and freeze in ice trays and jars for soups and added flavor to any dish. 112 | P a g e HOMEMADE TOMATO SOUP Bake 2 cookie sheets full of diced or cherry tomatoes at 400 degrees until they are semi-browned. Baked tomatoes are the absolute most flavorable way to sauce it up! Fill Vita Mix full with tomatoes. Puree with a little water. [Pureed baked tomatoes can be used for tomato paste or sauce] Add your choice of milk or tofu and salt You may add a little cream or butter to give it a nice flavor and consistency if you are using homemade oat milk for instance. 113 | P a g e CREAM OF BROCOLLI SOUP 3 lb bag of fresh cut broccoli Cover with water and boil In fry pan fry covered until tender 1 diced onion in ½ cup butter add 1 tsp salt, ¼ tsp red pepper, ½ tsp black pepper Stir in ½ white spelt flour and ¼ cup oat flour Whisk in 6 cups of broccoli water and boil until thickened well Puree white sauce and put in a large bowl Puree half of the broccoli with water and add to the bowl of white sauce Puree the other half. Make sure not to over water the broccoli so when it is mixed it in with the white sauce the soup has a thick consistency. Eat on the exhale so not to swallow air and get gas. Note: A cook can puree to cream almost any combo of vegi and have a great soup. All one has to do is add the butter, red pepper flakes and pair it with some other spice or not. For those who like crackers but can’t have gluten, cut thin strips of corn tortia and deep fry until crisp for a soup topper. Sorbet’s are the same way, all one has to do is freeze and partially thaw any chunked fruit or berry and add vanilla, salt, and a sweetener, then blend in a food processor and eat immediately. 114 | P a g e SIMPLE BROCOLLI SOUP Boil up some broccoli with optional garlic, salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes Blend in a Vita Mix only using enough of the water to give the thickness you desire of the soup Optional: add a little butter and stir Optional: garnish with a dap of cream and run a fork through it to make a design or put a flower or sprig of herb or green onion or cheese on it for a garnish Eat on the exhale so not to swallow air and get gas. Note: A cook can puree to cream almost any combo of vegi and have a great soup. All one has to do is add the butter, red pepper flakes and pair it with some other spice or not. For those who like crackers but can’t have gluten, cut thin strips of corn tortia and deep fry until crisp for a soup topper. Sorbet’s are the same way, all one has to do is freeze and partially thaw any chunked fruit or berry and add vanilla, salt, and a sweetener, then blend in a food processor and eat immediately. 115 | P a g e SOOOO SIMPLE BUTTER GINGER SPICEY CARROT SOUP…IT’S UNBELIEVABLY GOOD Boil up a bunch of peeled carrots with salt, a few red pepper flakes, and a good amount of powdered ginger Add a little butter and taste to see if you need more salt or spice Blend in a Vita Mix only using enough of the water to give the thickness you desire of the soup Optional: garnish with a dap of cream and run a fork through it to make a design or put a flower or sprig of herb or green onion, black pepper or cheese on it for a garnish Eat on the exhale so not to swallow air and get gas. Note: A cook can puree to cream almost any combo of vegi and have a great soup. All one has to do is add the butter, red pepper flakes and pair it with some other spice or not. For those who like crackers but can’t have gluten, cut thin strips of corn tortia and deep fry until crisp for a soup topper. 116 | P a g e NO COOK SPINACH CREAM SOUP…TASTEIR THAN YOU’D THINK & SO SIMPLE! Add entire box of fresh or frozen organic spinach from Costco into your Vita Mix Add a little butter, teaspoon powdered ginger spice, ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes, about a tablespoon of lemon juice, and salt Blend in a Vita Mix only using enough of the water to give the thickness you desire of the soup. Blend until soup becomes steaming hot Optional: ½ block of tofu and or 16oz cream cheese and ½ cup corn Eat on the exhale so not to swallow air and get gas. Note: A cook can puree to cream almost any combo of vegi and have a great soup. All one has to do is add the butter, red pepper flakes and pair it with some other spice or not. For those who like crackers but can’t have gluten, cut thin strips of corn tortia and deep fry until crisp for a soup topper. Tip: Spinach has high levels of sodium phosphate which is great for building the bodies tissues and repairing them but the glutamate action may cause insomnia if one is prone to that. I prefer other dark leafy greens like Swiss Chard, Collard, Mustard, etc. 117 | P a g e CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP (GOOD SOURCE OF VITAMIN D 2) USE AS A FLAVOR BASE OR GRAVY FOR MANY DISHES! Sauté 1/3 cup chopped salted garlic in oil on low heat until caramelized Blend in a Vita Mix 2 cups of fresh mushrooms with 2 cups of water Add cooked garlic, salt, pepper, ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes and ¼ cup butter Blend until steaming hot Add 1 box of crumbled firm tofu “or ” 2 cups milk Eat on the exhale so not to swallow air and get gas. Note: A cook can puree to cream almost any combo of vegi and have a great soup. All one has to do is add the butter, red pepper flakes and pair it with some other spice or not. For those who like crackers but can’t have gluten, cut thin strips of corn tortia and deep fry until crisp for a soup topper. Sorbet’s are the same way, all one has to do is freeze and partially thaw any chunked fruit or berry and add vanilla, salt, and a sweetener, then blend in a food processor and eat immediately. 118 | P a g e CREAM OF CELERY SOUP (Does not taste like Campbell’s soup unfortunately) USE AS A FLAVOR BASE FOR CASSEROLES AND GRAVIES Sauté 1/4 onion in oil until clear and semi-caramelized. Onions take much longer than garlic to cook. Sauté 2 tablespoons garlic until fully cooked, careful not to burn it. Puree chopped celery stocks in a Vita Mix w/ 2 cups water and salt until steaming hot Add cooked onion and garlic and puree. Add ¼ cup of butter, salt, pepper and puree. Add ¼ cup oat flour for thickening. Add your choice of milk or crumble a firm tofu block in and puree until steaming hot. Optional for gravy to roast beef, lamb, or chicken in add 1 tablespoon rosemary in a cheese cloth and remove after roasting and add 2 tablespoons lemon juice. You may add a little cream to give it a nice flavor and consistency if you are using homemade oat milk for instance. Tip: Celery contains high levels of sodium phosphate which can be excitatory to the brain but healing to the bodies tissues, especially connective tissue. 119 | P a g e NONA’S VEGETABLE BEEF SOUP Fry 1 lb hamburger 1 small diced onion 1 tablespoon garlic Add 1 can diced tomatoes Add 1 can rinsed and drained navy, red, or black beans Add 1 can drained green beans Add 3 cups water 2 bay leaf (remove from soup after simmered) 2 teaspoons oregano 2 teaspoons basil 1/8 teaspoon celery seed or ¼ cup celery 2 small chopped carrots 1 cup precooked chopped kale or other greens ½ cup noodles, rice, or potatoes Bring to boil and simmer for 1 hour 120 | P a g e SOUP BROTH THAT SUPPORTS BONES, JOINTS, CONNECTIVE TISSUE INCLUDING THE EYES Always save the bones of anything you cook and freeze them for soup broth. They provide terrific flavor and nutrients that our own bones and connective tissues need. In a crock pot cover bones and fat parts of a chicken, fish, beef, or lamb with water. Add 1 ½ teaspoon salt Cook on low heat for 2 days Optional: Add celery, onion, carrot, red pepper flakes, and black pepper, tomato, or any other herbs and vegetables you’d like even if they are old. You will simply strain everything and only use the liquid broth. You can even leave the peel of onion and garlic on for your broth, just be sure to cut off any dirt. Strain and place broth in jars for freezing For better eye health…wear glasses instead of contacts and blink a lot when reading and on computer. 121 | P a g e SOUP BASE Big pot of water 2 teaspoons salt 1 large diced tomato 6 stalks of chopped celery 1 diced onion 2 chopped carrots 1 tablespoon chili powder (for white meat or navy bean soup one may want to omit the chili powder and add turmeric for color) If one suffers with neurological conditions they may find themselves tired from the effects of turmeric. 1 bay leaf 1 teaspoon oregano ½ teaspoon black pepper ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes Optional: For joint health add a beef or chicken bone and boil long before removing it. Boil until tender with your favorite ingredients Add any meat, lentils, dry beans, veggies you would like but save potatoes and rice for last part of the time you are boiling ingredients together. As water evaporates add more. If you use dry black beans they will color the soup black. Pre-cooked black beans are best and should be added at the end of boiling your pot of soup. Keep in mind how each ingredient could possibly color the broth. For instance, if you add a lot of raw spinach the soup with turn greenish or brown when combined…you can pre-cook the spinach and squeeze out juice before adding to the soup to avoid a distasteful color of broth. If one desires a brown broth, try frying beef and onion until caramelized and pour water in the pan to deglaze it. Use this water for color and flavor. 122 | P a g e SOUP BASE Chili Colorado sauce or plain pureed chili’s and salt…YUM! Add some scrambled eggs, corn, or eat plain 123 | P a g e PHO BROTH THAT SUPPORTS BONES, JOINTS, CONNECTIVE TISSUE INCLUDING THE EYES Boil beef with bone a few minutes and drain foamy water Fill pot with fresh water Add large chunks of clean Onion Garlic Cilantro Salt to taste And about 4 Anise seed (best to tie it up in cheese cloth and toss in the soup pot) Strain broth through and cloth into a bowl or another soup pot Remove the meat and shred then add to the broth Add noodles and boil until tender Serve with fresh cut jalapeño and fish sauce that is made with sea salt that has no additives. Just call the company and ask who supplies their salt and then call that salt company. There are 2 major salt companies that supply all of the United States…Diamond Crystal and Morton…All Morton salt has additives that are allergens or are food intolerances to sensitive tummies. All vitamins are derived from things like potatoes or fungi so one should make sure their vitamins are pure forms of foods and herbs like fish oil and kelp as well. 124 | P a g e TACO SOUP Fry one onion With 1 pound ground Beef Add Water Chili powder or pureed chilies Tomato Cumin Garlic Cilantro Salt Jalapeño Cabbage Corn Pre-cooked and rinsed Black beans Thinly slice corn tortias and fry until crisp for topper Chunks of avocado or raw cabbage compliment soup well 125 | P a g e MICHAL’S FAVORITE CHICKEN SOUP Boil ½ chicken until meat falls off bone (when chicken comes to a boil there will be foam. Drain the water off to eliminate foam and add more water and bring to boil again. If more foam presents, just skim it off or stir into liquid Pour water from boiled chicken into the soup pot you will be using Debone the chicken and add meat Add the following: 1 medium diced onion 1 tablespoon garlic 3 cups chopped celery with leaves 2 small chopped carrots ½ head sliced cabbage 1 teaspoon sea salt ½ teaspoon black pepper 2 teaspoons tumeric 2 teaspoons oregano 1 tablespoon parsley Bring to boil and simmer for 1 hour !/2 hour before serving add ½ cup rice and boil until tender 126 | P a g e SALADS 127 | P a g e SALADS_________________________________________________ FRESH SALAD WITHOUT SALAD GREENS The trick is to finely dice cold ingredients and be creative with food combinations. Think untraditionally and you will become a great cook. Diced tomato Diced pepper of any sort without seeds A dollop of sour cream A few olives A little grated cheese Traditional dressing from Italy is fresh lemon juice with extra virgin olive oil whisked in. After the dressing has emulsified, thus thickened via whisking add salt. You may also add any herbs you may like but they are not necessary. This salad dressing can go on any fruits, vegi’s, potatoes, rice, quinoa, lentils, nuts, and meat combination one creates. Optional: Use any form of fresh vegetable that is typically eaten raw and mix it with anything. You can use lemon and olive oil or a little mayonnaise with stevia and lemon for dressing or just vinegar and oil or plain with salt and pepper. Cutting up the vegi’s in tiny cubes is what makes the pallet enjoy them more. Try anything, even cooked chilled foods like beans, sweet potato, rice, peas, etc. 128 | P a g e QUICK COLESLAW Chop ½ head of cabbage Blend in food processor In bowl mix ¼ cup grapeseed oil mayonnaise With 1/8 teaspoon liquid stevia or 1 teaspoon honey Dash of salt and pepper Optional:1 tablespoon lemon juice Add cabbage to sauce and toss Optional: add a grated carrot, currants, cashews, or red onion for color and crunch just before serving Cut up cabbage, strawberries and add mayo and sugar or yogurt for a tastey salad. (Sprinkle a few nuts on top.) Sauerkraut is simple to make. Just add salt and water and put something heavy on top to keep the cut cabbage under water. %70 of the immune system is the intestinal track which is 30 feet long. Always care about what goes in your mouth which is the beginning of the digestive track and care for your teeth like gold nuggets because the teeth and mouth start releasing digestive enzymes. The more you can chew, the more enzymes are released and the food is broke down further by how much your teeth can mash it. If you find whole pieces of food in your stool, you simply are not chewing well enough or have an incorrect bite. GREAT TIP! CABBAGE FERMENTS IN THE GUT CREATING OODLES OF GOOD BACTERIA KNOW AS PROBIOTICS. AN EASY AND TASTEY WAY TO EAT CABBAGE IS BY CUTTING THE ENTIRE HEAD INTO WEDGES AND SALTING THE TOP AND JUST PICKING UP THE WEDGE AND EATING IT. THE LAYERS HAVE A WONDERFUL TEXTURE AND A WEDGE IS EASILY HELD. MAKE SURE TO CORE THE CABBAGE AS WELL. 129 | P a g e BOWL OF BRUSSEL SPROUTS OR BROCOLLI Cover with water and boil for about 5 minutes. Drain Season with butter and salt Sit down and eat the whole bowl Have a half slice of sour dough bread, side of rice, carrots, peas, corn, oats, or beans for carbs 130 | P a g e COLORFUL CABBAGE SALAD Thinly slice Green cabbage Red cabbage Use potato peeler to add carrot curls Red onion Salt Optional: Lemon or lime, pepper, cilantro, currents 131 | P a g e CABBAGE OIL & VINEGAR SALAD Chop or tear cabbage into a salad bowl Drizzle equal parts California Ranch Olive Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar over greens Salt and pepper Toss Serve with croutons or crackers or enjoy plain 132 | P a g e COSTCO’S READY MIX EAT SMART 7 SUPER FOOD SALAD It’s called SWEET KALE and is in chilled produce section It has fresh, Broccoli Brussel sprouts Cabbage Kale Chicory Pumpkin Seeds Cranberries Poppy Seed dressing 133 | P a g e JULIAN SALADS Use any colorful veggies and cut thin 3” strips Peppers Red onion Asparagus Toss with lemon, salt, pepper, and olive oil Optional: Liquid stevia or vinegar Pick up with tongs and place in center of white plate then add another tongful in a crossway position and place meat on top. Then drizzle honey or any other fancy gourmet type sauce around the plate. 134 | P a g e SWEET SLAW Recipe for one fresh serving Thinly slice a plateful of red cabbage Add I small diced apple ¼ cup diced tofu optional Top with 1 teaspoon of parsley I tablespoon of green onion 1 tablespoon of red onion Salt to taste Optional: add thinly sliced greens of any sort Drizzle with 1 tablespoon of brown rice syrup Chew well and enjoy the color of the meal 135 | P a g e TRADITIONAL COLESLAW In serving bowl add ¼ cup Grapeseed Vegenase mayo with ½ teaspoon liquid stevia Thinly slice or puree ½ head of cabbage Transfer to mayo bowl and toss 136 | P a g e REFRESHING MEAL Boil 1 cup of brown rice until tender and strain…chill Add ½ cup raw sunflower seeds ¼ cup raw pumpkin seeds 4 stalks of chopped green onion 1 tablespoon fresh chopped cilantro 1 tablespoon fresh chopped parsley 2 tablespoons California Ranch Olive Oil 2 tablespoons of fresh squeezed lemon juice And salt and pepper to taste Serve chilled 137 | P a g e CONDIMENTS 138 | P a g e CONDIMENTS____________________________________________ GOOD GRAVY Gluten free Fry in large skillet one pureed bunch of organic celery with olive oil until tender and caramelized. In a separate pan, on low heat, slowly fry 2 peeled bulbs of pureed garlic Add garlic to celery. (Onion can be substituted for garlic.) Fill the garlic/celery large skillet with water Add zest of one lemon and the lemons juice 1 teaspoon salt 3 large sprigs of fresh rosemary to be removed later Cover with a tight fitting lid and simmer for ½ hour to distribute the rosemary Remove rosemary In a small bowl, whisk together ½ cup oat flour with ½ cup water. Whisk into sauce to thicken it and bring to a boil. If sauce is not thick enough add a little more oat and water mixture until it is the correct consistency. Gravy will be lumpy. Let cool Pour into vitamix to blend well for a smooth creamy delicious gravy that compliments rice, lamb, chicken, and beef. Freeze portions in canning jars for later use. Canning jars are microwavable. Use oven mitts to remove boiling gravy from microwave or thaw and heat in a sauce pan or pour the gravy over fried meat and simmer for a browner colored and tender meat dish. Tip: Onion and garlic contain sulfur which helps cells release toxins in like manner to MSM Try making a plain garlic gravy. Fry the garlic until golden with salt and olive oil then add 3 cups water, a tablespoon of butter and whisk a ¼ cup of oat flour in. Boil to thicken and then transfer to vita mix to cream. 139 | P a g e GOURMETITIZE IT Serve any sort of seasoned meat on a bed of finely chopped and sautéed greens or cabbage. To create a gourmet look, boil dark leafy greens and drain. Season with red chili flakes and brown rice syrup or any other spice for a flavor that compliments the meal. Puree in a vita mix until smooth and creamy. Transfer to a squeeze bottle or plastic bag of which one can cut the tip to release greens for decorating the plate. Decorate each plate with hot green sauce before plating up the meat. Example of seasoned meat may be organic lean hamburger mixed with salsa. Top meat with grilled onions 140 | P a g e TARTER SAUCE ¼ cup Vegenase grapeseed mayonnaise ¼ teaspoon Dill ½ Bubbies pickle grated 1 teaspoon pickle juice Combine ingredients and serve with fish, hamburgers, chips, or dip for vegi’s Optional: ¼ teaspoon dry mustard or prepared mustard Tip:Tarter Sauce is delicious with chicken strips, chicken nuggets (puree chicken breast in food processor, pre-cook then coat and deep fry quickly) or chicken fried steak if one stays away from fish due to mercury content. Chicken strips can be cut easily when boneless thigh or breast meat is partially frozen. Take kelp with seafood because kelp is a natural chelator of mercury. 141 | P a g e TOMATOEY CONDIMENT Diced or sliced organic tomato compliments chicken or beef well as well as the carbs and veggies 142 | P a g e DIPPING SAUCE FOR RAW VEGI’S THAT TASTES LIKE RANCH 1/2 cup of Vegenase grapeseed oil mayonnaise or Daisy Sour Cream 1 tablespoon of Bubbies Pickle juice 1/8 teaspoon dry mustard powder ½ teaspoon dill or parsley Dip all veggies as a side dish or a meal. 143 | P a g e HOMEMADE MUSTARD ¼ cup dry mustard powder ½ teaspoon turmeric Dash salt 2 tsp apple cider vinegar 3 drops stevia For Hot Mustard, simply add water to dry mustard powder and salt 144 | P a g e HOMEMADE BERRY JAM or CRANBERRY SAUCE Place berries in a heavy pot and cover with water. Add sugar, stevia, or both. Do not use brown rice syrup. Stirring constantly, boil berries with enough sugar or stevia for a sweet taste. Boil long. Cranberries have high pectin content and require less sugar or none if using stevia. If you use sugar and boil too long oil it will become candy like. Keeps for a week in frig or can be frozen in small portions 145 | P a g e SALSA Diced large tomato Diced ½ onion Diced jalapeño Diced clove garlic 1 Tablespoon chopped cilantro ½ teaspoon cumin ¼ teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon fresh lemon or lime Optional: ¼ cup corn kernels ¼ cup chilled cooked black beans Serve chilled over hot meat and side of rice Eat with homemade baked corn chips or crackers Optional: roast in a frying pan garlic with the skin on until soft along with chilies of your choice until skin is bubbly and black in places…Peel and puree for added flavor 146 | P a g e MAIN COURSE 147 | P a g e MAIN COURSE____________________________________________ EGG SALAD Boil 5 eggs Peel Use cheese grater to grate the eggs into a bowl Add 2 tablespoons Vegenase grapeseed mayonnaise 1 teaspoon Bubbie's pickle juice 1 teaspoon parsley Salt Optional: Pre-cook and cool finely chopped greens to add in. This is a good way to get kids to eat greens. Mix Serve open face on bread of choice. Hearty Oat Bread is best warmed and eaten with a fork on hand due to crumbling. Serve Egg Salad sandwiches with potato or green bean French fries. Tip: Warm bread with scrambled eggs and mayo is a terrific quick treat. FACT: Oat flour can be soured just like any other flour for terrific sourdough oat bread 148 | P a g e COLD SARDINES ON SOUR DOUGH TOAST w/KELP CHIPS Chill Bumble Bee sardines packed in water if you have any food intolerances and eat on top of a thin slice of toasted sour dough bread. Costco sells Kelp or Sea Weed Chips to compliment meal or just take a Nature’s Way Kelp capsule to chelate the little bit of mercury found in sardines. 149 | P a g e SPICEY HUMMUS DIP WITH VEGI’S Make your own hummus by boiling Chick Peas and puree with a little sesame seed oil, garlic powder, and red pepper flakes or purchase it and serve with various sliced raw veggies for a delicious meal 150 | P a g e COLD ROAST BEEF SANDWICHES Preheat oven to 450 degrees Rinse and pat dry the roast. (Purchasing beef from a farm is best way to find beef that tastes good and is tender.) Rub coconut oil all over roast Salt and pepper all sides of roast with large-sized salt and pepper granules. Set roast in deep dish baking dish and cover with foil or a tight fitting lid. After 1 hour or after roast is nearly cooked, remove cover and transfer hot drippings to a frying pan to make gravy or place in a canning jar to freeze for flavoring in future. Bake roast without liquid 10 minutes longer to brown. When roast is fully cooked, remove from oven and allow to stand at least 20 minutes to seal juices in before slicing. Roast will slice cleaner if one completely chills the roast. Goes good with bread and various toppings. Optional: Serve with crackers or cheese, avocado, tomato or any cold vegetables. 151 | P a g e POT ROAST Use any cut of beef, preferably with bone in. Chuck roast is nice. Place raw meat in baking dish Add ¼ cup tomato paste 1 teaspoon rosemary tied in a cloth bag so the pieces can be removed and not choked on 2 table spoons garlic 1 sliced onion ½ cup diced celery Salt and pepper Add enough water to go half way up side of steak Cover tightly with foil and bake for 3 hours at 350 degrees. Uncover and add string beans to the roast and cook for ½ hour uncovered. You may want to drizzle juice over beans to keep them from drying out. Serve with boiled wild rice pilaf from Winco bin section. 152 | P a g e PIZZA SAUCE 1 8oz can tomato paste 1 teaspoon garlic powder or chopped fresh garlic 1½ teaspoon oregano ¼ teaspoon black pepper ¼ teaspoon salt Mix together and spread on partially cooked pizza dough. Home grown tomato paste is simple to make. Quarter your freshly picked tomatoes and pile high on a cookie sheet and bake all day at 200 degrees. If you burn them a little they taste even better. After baking just toss them in your Vitamix with water and salt and blend. Store in pint jars leaving 1 inch space from lid and freeze. You can do this with peppers as well. Homemade tomato sauce is wonderful on pizza crust and if you add Chili Colorado pepper sauce on top of the tomato sauce it is awesome! One of my favorites is thinly sliced grass fed beef fried up with salt and pepper tossed on my pizza topped with cheese and grilled onions with the homemade tomato paste and softened pureed dried chili sauce with oregano, salt, and pepper. Celiac: Oat flour normally can make a nice pizza crust on the bottom but it will crumble, so a fork is necessary and the sauce goes on after the cheese (which fills in the cracks and holds crust together), I like to skip sauce and top the entire pizza with tomato slices and greens with a little shredded cheese over the top. When preparing oat pizza crust do not use oil…use water instead. Take your baked oat crackers and lay them over the top of any dish for a nice crunch. 153 | P a g e PIZZA TOPPING Fry ½ or 1 lb organic hamburger with fennel seed, salt, pepper and onion slices. (Fennel seed causes the meat to have a sausage flavor.) Mozzarella cheese Parsley flakes And anything else you desire Bake until it bubbles Serve each person a full bowl of crushed cooked spinach or other greens topped with salt and coconut oil to eat just before the pizza is pulled out of the oven. MY FAVORITE PERSONAL SIZE CAST IRON PAN PIZZA SIMPLE IS: 1/3 cup whole grain spelt flour [If you use oat flour do not use oil] Dash of baking soda Dash of bakers red star yeast 1/8 teaspoon sea salt About 2 tablespoons water Mix well to activate gluten…press in oiled pan…partially pre-bake Top with thin amount of plain Contadina tomato paste (no spice) Sprinkle with salt, black pepper, basil, and oregano Add slices of Havarti cheese and a little sharp cheddar Cover with thin slices of small fresh tomatoes sprinkled with basil. I find that pizza of any kind works best baked in a cast iron pan on 400 with a good amount of olive oil spread on the bottom of the cast iron pan. I press the dough in with my fingers and make it thin. I bake it well, then I keep it hot on 150 degrees which tends to make it much crispier. You cannot store anything that is baked in cast iron because the food will sweat and cause rust. I eat my salad while my pizza is baking and warming up the house. My salad can be as simple as stacking a large amount of organic fresh green leaves together like a huge sandwich and eating it with my hands like a hamburger. 154 | P a g e BBQ ROAST TO SUPPORT CONNECTIVE TISSUE HEALTH In bowl combine 2 cups ketchup ¼ cup liquid smoke ½ cup brown sugar ¼ teaspoon salt Stir sauce Place a large cut of beef or pork in a baking dish and cover with sauce Cover with foil and bake at 350 for 3 hours or until tender Save the bones in the freezer to make broth in a crock pot for later use. Cook in crock pot for 2 days with salt and any other spice and veg you like and strain. Place broth in jars and freeze for later use. Bone broth is very flavorable and supports joint and bone health. Serve with basmitta brown rice or corn and 2 green vegetables like asparagus and green beans 155 | P a g e BBQ SKEWERS 1” wide, thin slices of beef to put on skewer with an accordion fold 1” cubes of pineapple Salt and pepper Cook Optional: brush a mixture of molasses, honey, or stevia with cayenne or red pepper onto skewers Optional: BBQ all various types of produce. Some may need to be cooked partially in the microwave before BBQ’d. Blister whole dark green chilies until tender on low heat. Remove skins and seeds and save for later use on Mexican food, in chili, on eggs, on hamburgers, stuffed with fried tofu, or mozzarella cheese— yum! 156 | P a g e CHICKEN STRIPS Cut up small strips of breast or boneless thigh chicken meat Pour 2 cups oat flour in bowl Add 1 teaspoon salt Optional: 2 teaspoons paprika and ¼ teaspoon black pepper Cover all chicken pieces with flour mixture and place on a cookie sheet that has been covered with foil and oiled Spray the chicken pieces with olive oil baker’s spray and sprinkle liberally with parmesan cheese that has cellulose for anti-caking rather than aluminum. Bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes or until golden brown. Serve with tartar sauce or honey-hot sauce Optional: Pre-cook finely chopped greens, squeeze liquid out, and add to the meat mixture. This is a good way to get children to consume greens. For Chicken Nuggets simply grind meat in a Vita Mix and shape, coat with egg white and oat flour with spices and deep fry or spray with cooking spray and bake. 157 | P a g e MOUTH WATERING MEAT Cook a fatty cut of meat in a crock pot all day with nothing but salt. OR Cook any cut of meat in a crock pot all day with a jar of salsa that is either store bought or homemade. 158 | P a g e EASY HEALTHY STEAK Use high quality grass fed organic hamburger and mix it with finely crushed cooked greens Shape into finger steaks and fry Season with tumeric, paprika, salt, pepper. Optional: Stevia and cayenne 159 | P a g e BEEF BROCCOLI Fry ½ lb thin cut steak with 1 teaspoon oil and ¼ cup diced sweet onion and ¼ teaspoon salt and pepper until caramelized Add: Cooked firm broccoli spears ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes ¼ teaspoon liquid stevia Toss as you heat Serve with rice or add a little corn or carrot for carbs 160 | P a g e BLACKENED PEPPER GREENBEANS Boil 1 lb fresh green beans until tender and drain Fried cubed tofu block in 1 tablespoon oil until golden brown In a separate pan, fry beans in ¼ cup oil with ½ teaspoon-1 teaspoon black pepper until at least one side of the beans is dark brown Add to fried beans and sauté: 2 teaspoons of chopped garlic ¼ cup finely sliced mushrooms ¼ cup almond pieces or slivers Add: Tofu 1 tablespoon butter Optional: add and fry in ½ cup corn, rice, or red potato for carb 161 | P a g e TASTEY KALE Cut out the stems of a bunch of Kale Cut up the kale to bite size pieces Sauté in a frying pan with salt/ pepper/ red pepper and oil or water Add chicken broth for flavor and cover to steam the flavor in. 162 | P a g e CHICKEN FRIED STEAK Pound out cut portions of steak to about ¼ thin or blend hamburger in a food processor for an easy to chew restaurant quality chicken fried steak. (Pureed meat works best if it is pre-cooked before battering and frying to crisp it better) Heat ¼ cup oil in frying pan on medium Dust steaks in oat flour, paprika, and salt and pepper Fry until crispy. Serve steaks on a rack to keep both sides crispy. To keep warm, set in 200 degree oven for no more than 20 minutes so they don’t dry out Serve with tartar sauce Note: Any deep or fan fried veg or protein can be dusted with flour so a batter sticks to it better. Whatever batter you choose to use make sure to fold in stiff egg whites and enjoy the light crispy crunch. Make sure not to let crispy cooked foods take in their own steam…put them on racks so air circulates or you loose the crunch and keep warm on low heat in oven like 200 but not long or your food dries out. 163 | P a g e CHILI COLORADO Cube a London broil steak or any cut of meat and fry on high heat in oil until caramelized so keep juices in. Salt meat. Add to Crock Pot. Cover beef with pureed chili’s, salt, garlic, 2 table spoons lemon juice, tomato, and ½ teaspoon cumin. Cook on high all day. Serve with Basmati brown rice. Use leftovers to make Chimi Chonga’s. Simply shred the meat mixture put in a tortilla and fry. Top with sauce and over favorite Mexican garnishes. Chili sauce works well as Mole. Simply semi- burn the flour with oil, add salt, cumin, and lots of pureed chili’s. For additional flavor puree and fry onion or garlic to add. Mole goes well over any meat, eggs, tofu, rice, or Mexican meal just for dipping. Mole is easily turned into Enchilada sauce by added roasted pureed tomatoes or tomato paste. 164 | P a g e MEAT LOAF 1 pound of organic ground beef in a bowl Add one egg (optional) Salt and pepper ¼ cup tomato paste or ketchup ½ cup oat flour Bake at 350 degrees until crisp on top. Drain off juices and fat. Chill in frig and slice for sandwiches. 165 | P a g e TAQUITO’S Shred left over chili Colorado meat and place in a slighty fried corn tortilla for pliability. Roll the tortilla and fry until crisp. Serve with finely grated cheese, sour cream, or avocado. Black beans, rice, and left over chili sauce go nicely inside a Taquita rather than meat. 166 | P a g e HEALTHY HAMBURGER Prepare all your favorite burger fixin’s except for the bun. Slice paper thin cabbage and pile on a single serving dish. Toss cooked corn, peas, carrot, squash, or brown rice amongst cabbage. Top with a burger that is not salted until ready to go in the hot frying pan so it is moist, pickle, mustard, mayo, ketchup, red onion, tomato, avocado, BBQ sauce etc BEEF STICKS FOR CHILDREN___________________________________________________________ Pre-cook and press liquid out of finely chopped greens and add to the meat before frying it. 167 | P a g e FAST FOOD HAMBURGER Fry small organic grass fed burgers and freeze individually. (Do not mix salt into the meat because it will dry it out. Salt the burger just before frying in a hot skillet.) When needing a quick meal, pop in microwave and serve on a slice of bread with ketchup or tomato, mustard or dry mustard, onion, and a pickle 168 | P a g e GREEK BEEF Before you start, get the following items out. Choose a frying pan that you’d like to use as a serving dish. A pot for boiling 4 servings of noodles. Add the water and start to boil it. Noodles are added “after” water comes to a rapid boil Spider Spatula Knife Measuring utensils Ingredients 2 tablespoons oil 1 med onion diced 1 pound of beef steak cut into small bite size pieces or 2 cups of almonds 1 cup micro waved until semi-dry beet tops, spinach or kale [if your greens are in freezer, just crush them while still frozen to eliminate the need to finely chop them] 2 tablespoons dry basil ½ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon pepper ½ cup water 1 cup feta cheese 1 tablespoon fresh olive oil 4 servings of noodles Fry onion in 2 tablespoons of olive oil until caramelized. Add beef to onions and fry until meat crisps a little on the edges. While cooking add ½ teaspoon salt and ¼ teaspoon pepper. Add noodles to boiling water. To meat mixture, add 1 cup cooked greens [if they have liquid in them, press a paper towel on them so the greens do not discolor your meal] 2 tablespoons of dry basil. Sauté for 1 minute. Add ½ cup of hot water (you can use noodle water) to meat mixture to deglaze pan. Do not continue to cook and lose liquid. Set aside. Remove noodles with a spider and add to meat mixture. Stir very well. Drizzle 1 tablespoon fresh olive oil on the mixture for easy mixing and sheen. Toss 1 packed cup of feta cheese on top of Greek Beef and serve in the frying pan. Serve with sourdough bread, corn, and /or broccoli, green beans, asparagus, artichoke. 169 | P a g e ITALIAN LADY In a large beautiful salad bowl toss together the following… Partially baked/roasted mushrooms Baked cherry tomatoes or sun dried tomato Partially baked then fried onion slivers Sautéed garlic (optional) Crushed cooked and squeezed spinach (squeeze out the liquid so meal is not discolored) Olives Parsley Thyme Basil Oregano Olive oil Salt and pepper Thinnly cut fried seasoned meat or tofu Cooked spaghetti noodles Warm the entire meal in the microwave before serving and top with fresh grated parmesan cheese 170 | P a g e THANKS GIVING DINNER ANY TIME Cube up 8 slices of bread and bake at 175 degrees for ½ hour Sprinkle with 1 tablespoon sage ½ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon pepper Puree one medium onion Puree 1 cup diced celery Fry with water until tender Add ¼ cup butter and melt into hot mixture Add 1 cup of warm water Put bread cubes in sauce pan and add hot mixture Cook and stir until moist and hot Bake 6 chicken legs on a raised rack to avoid drippings Season with salt, pepper, and sage In a sauce pan add 1 cup of cranberries 1 cup water 1 teaspoon liquid stevia Help berries burst with potato masher Boil down until desired consistency Optional: One can of Eden green beans Microwaved sweet potato (top w/coconut oil & salt) 171 | P a g e CHINESE FAST FOOD Cook 1 cup of your favorite rice with 1/8 teaspoon salt Cut up one package of firm tofu, season with salt and fry until golden brown in olive oil. Remove from pan and set aside Sauté 3 cups of frozen vegetables that include broccoli, carrots, and green beans. Add 1/8 teaspoon salt When veggies are almost done, add the tofu back in and add ¼ cup of brown rice syrup and 7 drops of liquid stevia Add ½ teaspoon of red chili flakes. Continue to fry about 3 minutes to form a glaze. Serve with rice and top with sesame seeds Optional: add unsalted peanuts to stir fry and cook Mix dry mustard with water and salt for Chinese hot mustard Add 1 teaspoon of ginger and 1 teaspoon of basil spice to vegetables when adding the brown rice syrup. 172 | P a g e NUTTY BASIL PESTO In food processor add the following ingredients 2 tightly packed chard or other greens Blend the greens well before adding the rest of the ingredients ½ cup almonds 2 Tablespoons garlic or onion ¼ cup fresh olive oil 2 Tablespoons basil 1 Tablespoon parsley ¼ teaspoon salt Pinch red pepper flakes Dash black pepper Use raw over noodles or fry until garlic caramelizes, then add to noodles Recipe is for 2 servings of noodles but ½ cup noodles can be used to create a hardy dark green meal. 173 | P a g e LAMB Fry lamb, to well done, with salt and rosemary until well done or add molasses after it has browned with a little water to deglaze pan. Cover for 15 minutes and simmer Serve with brown rice, coconut oil and salt. A warm slice of sourdough bread and green beans compliments this fancy feast To save money: Buy a boneless roast Slice and freeze in preferred portions 174 | P a g e HEALTHY TACO MEAT Crumble and fry 1 lb grass fed organic beef with: 1 diced white or yellow onion ½ large head of green cabbage sliced thin and chopped 1/8 cup dried parsley ½ cup pureed chili’s (soak dry dark chilies 20 minutes, remove seeds and stems, rinse and puree in Vita Mix, freeze left over in measured portions in canning jelly jars) 4 small jalapeño peppers chopped (remove seeds, do not touch the face. If one does and skin burns apply milk) ½ teaspoon cumin Optional: 1 teaspoon turmeric ½ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon black pepper ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes After mixture fries and cooked down it is ready to be served with fresh red onion and organic tomato Serve in any type of tortilla, on chips, over rice, or on a bed of pureed greens 175 | P a g e TINY TACO’S Blend hamburger in a Vita Mix, this gives it the consistency of Taco Bell meat. Fry as usual with pureed onion and spices Cut out small cookie size rounds from corn tortillas …warm in oil for easy folding so they do not break when frying Spread a small amount of taco meat onto ½ of oiled shell and fold…Fry both sides until crisp Drain on paper towel and keep in low temp oven Great sport watching food! 176 | P a g e MEXICAN BLACK BEANS ON GREENS Crush frozen spinach and pile on plate Cook down in microwave Top with plain fully cooked black beans Avocado Sour cream Red pepper flakes, fresh jalapeño, or homemade pureed chili’s Optional: Cooked corn or rice and cheese or cut one half of a corn tortia into fine 1” strips and pan fry until crisp for a crunchy topper. If you prefer to eat simpler just open a can of pre-cooked black beans they are wonderful topped with crispy tortilla strips and eat your spinach on the side. Enjoy 177 | P a g e FAHITA’S Slice thinly and fry 4 colorful bell peppers with one large Walla Walla sweet sliced onion. Slice thin pieces of beef or chicken and fry with salt and pepper Serve with warm corn or flour tortillas and sour cream Optional: Serve the meat mixture piled high on a plate and top with thinly sliced and freshly fried tortilla strips to cut down on carbs. 178 | P a g e SWEET BEEF & VEGI’s Fry in 2 teaspoons oil ½ lb thinly sliced beef with salt and pepper and ¼ cup thinly sliced onion until caramelized. Mix in ¼ water, 15 drops liquid stevia, and ½ teaspoon red pepper flakes. Set aside. Boil or steam ½ cup carrots and 1 cup broccoli Add to beef Add ½ cup frozen corn Add 1 diced red bell pepper Fry until heated and serve 179 | P a g e BLACKENED GREEN BEANS Boil 2 lbs of fresh string beans In large sauté pan fry drained beans with 1/8 olive or coconut oil At the same time in a separate frying pan, fry ½ block of diced firm tofu. Season with sprinkle of cayenne pepper, salt, and red pepper flakes. Sprinkle with ½ teaspoon black pepper and ¼ teaspoon salt Fry until the beans turn dark brown on some sides Add and sauté thinly sliced mushrooms 1 tablespoon diced garlic ½ cup almonds Toss the tofu into the mixture Optional: add corn, boiled small red potatoes, brown rice, or eat with a slice of sour dough bread for carbs. 180 | P a g e SPAGETTI SAUCE Fry 1 lb hamburger with 1 diced onion until caramelized Add ¼ cup pre chopped garlic and fry until caramelized Add 2 16oz cans of tomato sauce 1 cup water 1 tablespoon oregano ¼ teaspoon black pepper ½ teaspoon salt Simmer until it thickens…about 30 minutes Optional: thyme, rosemary, parsley, basil, diced tomatoes Serve on top of Quinoa noodles or use a good potato peeler to make carrot curls. Boil the carrot curls and use as noodles with a side of green peas. Goldbaums brown rice noodles are very inexpensive and taste and texture is exactly like pasta from wheat. 181 | P a g e SUSHI Do not eat raw fish Sushi or even frequent a restaurant that serves it. This is a sure way to get parasites from fish flesh. Many parasites are resistant to medicines and herbs that cleanse. Rinse 2 cups of white rice until water is clear. Prepare rice with 4 cups of water by bringing to a boil and then turning burner down to low. Cover rice and cook for 20 minutes. Mix together and heat in microwave 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon salt Pour over rice and mix. Spread rice over sushi Nori (kelp wraps) or prepared rice paper 3 inches away from the edge of the paper add your favorite filling in a long thin line. Use cooked shrimp, salmon, crab, fried tofu, etc. Use cooked carrot or raw colorful vegetables like red pepper, avocado, cucumber, red onion etc. Roll and slice with a sharp knife that is dipped in water each time. Top with sesame seeds. Serve with Wasabi sauce and pickled ginger. 182 | P a g e BEEF WITH VEGI SAUCE Layer in a deep dish with lid baking dish or crock pot Carrots Tomato (optional) Cabbage Beef Sliced onion 2 teaspoons thyme 2 teaspoons parsley Salt Pepper ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes 1 bay leaf (optional) remove and dispose of before blending veggies Corn Green beans Bake in conventional oven at 400 degrees until tender. Add water if baking time exceeds an hour so veggies don’t burn and dry out. Cook in crock pot over night. When meat is tender, remove meat and pour vegetables into a Vita Mix with a little distilled water to puree into a nutrient dense tasty sauce for the beef. 183 | P a g e SPANISH RICE Fry 2 pounds ground beef with 1 diced onion. Set aside In bowl mix 1 6 oz can of Contadina Tomato paste and 3 cups of water For added flavor fry some chicken skin and drain the fat into the water to make chicken broth. (save chicken fat in freezer for this use or drain fat when making chicken and freeze the fat) 3 tablespoons of dried chili puree (soak dried chilies with a bowl on top to submerge and when soft tear of stem and rinse out seeds, put in blender with a little water and puree for a thick sauce to freeze) Add 2 tablespoons butter 2 teaspoons salt 1½ teaspoon oregano 1 clove of garlic (optional) Add 2 ½ cups of white or brown rice Now add the meat mixture and pour into a baking dish. Cover with foil and bake for 30 minutes for white rice and 45-50 for brown…brown usually needs ½ cup extra water. 184 | P a g e LITTLE MAMA’S CHILI Soak 2 cups small red beans overnight. Not kidney beans…they separate and get too soft. Rinse and add clean water and salt and boil until soft (one can also make pinto beans or black turtle beans the same way and freeze in small portions for tostadas and burritos or plain soup with sour dough bread and butter) Fry 1 pound beef with 1 diced onion ½ teaspoon salt and pepper ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes or cayenne pepper or ¼ cup diced jalapeño Mix into cooked mixture Add 1 cup dried chili puree or ¼ cup chili powder ¼ cup celery or 1/8 teaspoon celery seed ¼ cup apple cider vinegar 1 tablespoon honey or brown sugar 1 tablespoon of tomato paste Enough water to cover beans Add rinsed pre-cooked red beans after the mixture has boiled down a bit and one cup of pre-cooked rice to make the beans be a complete protein…there are 9 essential amino acids that are only found in complete protein. Essential means that our body must eat those nutrients to get them. Optional: Crush a ½ bag of frozen chard ½ frozen lima beans (optional) can use ½ cup black beans or corn for color and extra nutrients Freeze in small portions for anytime meals Topping: thinly slice ½ corn tortilla and deep fry until crisp. Remove from oil, salt and sprinkle over one serving of chili. 185 | P a g e BAKED CHICKEN One whole Foster Farms no additives chicken Salt and oil skin Cover with foil Bake in a pan that converts to stove top at 375 for 1 hour or more according to directions on package. Take cover off for last 15 minutes to brown skin. Drizzle drippings or oil on skin to increase browning. When chicken is fully cooked, place pan on stove top and remove bird to a serving dish. Bring drippings to a boil. Add water ½ teaspoon turmeric for color and brain antioxidant Salt to taste Pepper Wisk ½ cup white spelt flour or oat flour with water Slowly add mixture to boiling dripping and whisk quickly so no lumps to thicken gravy Serve with rice and greens Left-overs: Debone chicken and add to the left over gravy to warm over a slice of bread for a quick meal the next day. 186 | P a g e POP’S SWISS STEAK Fry 2 pounds of beef to sear and caramelize edges Add to large skillet or baking dish one 6 oz can of tomato paste pre-mixed with 2 cups of water Sprinkle with 1 tsp each of basil, rosemary, and thyme Slice 1 onion and set a slice all around on top the meat Add peeled carrots all around Add 6 Bay leaves all around in places. Remember to pull them out and discard so not to choke on them Cover and simmer or bake at 375 degree about 1 hour or in a crock pot all day Serve with brown basmati rice 187 | P a g e BEANS BEANS THE MAGICAL FRUIT... Soak black beans, pinto, and red beans in separate bowls for 2 days Rinse well and boil in 3 densely salted water pots until tender Use a spider ladle to transfer to 3 bowls to let cool. Fill pint size canning jars or heavy zip lock bags and freeze. Beans will be ready for burritos, side dish topped with cheese, chili, salsas, or plain any time. Be sure to eat them at least once a week or more. Beans help the body grow good bacteria 188 | P a g e STOVE TOP BAKED BEANS In small sauce pan fry: ¼ cup diced onion 1 table spoon fresh chopped garlic 1 tablespoon oil Sauté until caramelized Add: ¼ cup Portland company ketchup ¼ cup brown sugar ¼ teaspoon salt ¼ water Bring to boil then add: 1 cup of rinsed pre-cooked beans of one’s choice and heat through. Optional: add small bay leaf to reduce gas and pinch of dry mustard for added flavor 189 | P a g e CREAMY CHEESY SPINACH/ARTICHOKE DIP w/TORTILLA CHIPS 1 brick of extra firm tofu blended with 2 cups water in Vita Mix until creamy Transfer to a medium size sauce pan on low heat. Bring to boil and reduce until the consistency you like. Add: ¼ teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon black pepper ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes 1 lb cheese of choice like sharp cheddar, pepper jack, Colby, mozzarella 1 cup of a harder cheese like Romania Parmesan a, Feta, Monster, Harvardi Do not boil the cheese…just melt it. Then take a large bowl of spinach and cut with scissors until each piece is about ½” in diameter. Cook in the microwave for about 5-6 minutes, then press out as much liquid as possible and dispose of it so the cheese sauce does not turn watery or green. Add the spinach to the cheese sauce and mix. Fry cut Tortilla’s in small amount of olive or coconut oil…keep chips on a paper toweled baking dish and set in warm oven to keep crisp. Salt and serve with dip. Optional: Sautéed mushrooms and garlic topped with a pad of butter is an excellent complement to this meal. Tofu creamed in a Vita Mix with water is a perfect substitute for any dish that requires cream or a milk based sauce. 190 | P a g e CASSEROLES 191 | P a g e CASSEROLES____________________________________________ GREEN BEAN CASSEROLE In a large pot boil 4 quarts of snapped green beans until tender and strain. (you can save this water and use for the gravy water for added nutrients) In a very large skillet, fry 1 lb ground beef with 1 medium diced onion until caramelized Add ¾ whole grain spelt flour and ¼ cup olive oil. Continue to fry until flour turns brown and smells like it is just barely starting to burn for color and taste. Add one small diced tomato and fry until it dissolves Add ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes 1 teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon black pepper 1/8 teaspoon celery seed ½ teaspoon thyme Add ½ gallon of water while whisking so no lumps are created and one 80z can of mushrooms. Bring to boil to thicken. If gravy is not thick enough put ¼ cup flour in a small bowl and 1 cup cold water and mix. Whisk this mixture into sauce and bring to boil. Fold green beans into gravy Transfer to a baking dish. Top with biscuit mix or make your own. 4 cups flour 1 ½ teaspoons baking soda 1 teaspoon salt Mix well and cut in ½ cup or one stick of real butter Mix until it has a cornmeal texture, Add 1 to 1 ½ cups chilled water for a light dough. Do not over mix Spread over top of green bean and meat gravy Bake at 375 for 30 minutes. 192 | P a g e CHEEZY CASSEROLE Basic Roux In heavy sauce pan heat ¼ oil with ¾ cup oat flour until flour is dark brown. Add: ¼ teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon black pepper 1/8 red pepper flakes 4 cups water Bring to boil until sauce thickens Remove from heat and transfer to Health Master or Vita Mix to puree Put creamy mixture back in rinsed sauce pan and on low heat Add: 1 lb grated cheese of choice ¼ teaspoon tumeric for color ¼ cup butter ¼ Daisy sour cream Set aside Fry until caramelized and dry sausage, hamburger, or any other meat or vegetarian protein with 1 pureed onion, 1 tablespoon pureed garlic, and ¼ teaspoon celery seed. Non-animal products do not have enough B12. In an oiled baking dish layer either thin sliced partially boiled potato, noodles, or rice with meat and sauce. Top with fried mushrooms or parmesan cheese and parsley. Bake in 375 degree oven for 30-45 minutes. Cover with foil if you think the casserole will be too dry. Take foil off at the end to brown top. Optional: layer with pre-cooked chopped kale that has been squeezed well so the greens do not discolor the casserole. 193 | P a g e QUICK MAC & CHEESE Boil one handful of rice noodles for one serving In a sauté pan combine: 1 tablespoon of coconut oil 2 tablespoons of white spelt flour or oat flour ¼ teaspoon turmeric ¼ teaspoon salt Heat ingredients and boil well Wisk in 2 cups of water and boil until mixture thickens Turn off heat Stir in ½ cup cheese Combine with cut up rice noodles 194 | P a g e BREAKFAST & MIDNIGHT SNACKS 195 | P a g e BREAKFAST & MIDNIGHT SNACKS__________________________ BAKING SODA BISCUITS FOR TWO Mix until grainy in a cold bowl ½ cup cold flour 2 tablespoons cold butter or coconut oil add 1/2 teaspoon baking soda ½ teaspoon salt And gently mix in 1/8 cup ice cold water Drop on baking sheet, salt tops and bake at 400 degrees for 7-9 minutes to warm the house and the tummy in the morning….have a bite of nuts, cheese, or cold meat before you dig into your biscuit to raise dopamine for energy. PS: Oat flour works well for crackers and biscuits. All you need to do is make small servings that should be eaten within the day or make large batches and freeze with silicia packets inside your container to keep them crispy. For one person just mix 1/2 flour with pinch of baking soda and 1/8 teaspoon salt. Then mix in 1 teaspoon of butter or cocoa nut oil with your fingers [ you can skip the oil, oats behave best with water only. Make a golf ball size biscuit and 2 flattened disc’s for 2 thick crackers for later in the day. Bake for 10 minutes at 400 to warm up the house in the morning. Use a heavy mallet to press for crackers. Remember that oat flour always is better with water instead of oil. 196 | P a g e ALLYSSA’S NAVAJO FRY BREAD FOR ONE ¼ cup spelt flour (spelt spoils quickly, meaning it breaks down in the body easily) 1/8 teaspoon baking soda 1/8 teaspoon salt 1-2 tablespoons water (you want the dough to be loose and sticky) Mix well to activate gluten With enough olive oil to coat the bottom of a small frying pan, preheat the oil on low Try to flatten the dough some and set it in the oil carefully. Fry until the it looks browned Turn to fry the other side. Top with just butter or add sweetener and cinnamon 197 | P a g e KEESH KOSH Any meal can easily be formed into a pie or casserole dish for easy serving and leftovers. Pie crust is versatile for any dish. CRUST: Blend flour and oil first 1 cup flour ½ cup butter or coconut oil ½ teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1-3 tablespoons water Mix in food processor or by hand Crumble over top if you used less water or press out small thin pieces and place on top if you formed a ball of dough. You may also toss flour on counter top and use a rolling pin for a traditional pie crust. Do not over work the dough. Keeping it cold is what makes it crispy instead of tough. Celiac: Take your baked oat crackers and lay them over the top of any pie for a nice crunch. 198 | P a g e YOGURT Brown Cow Maple Syrup and Vanilla yogurt go down like a milkshake with a straw 199 | P a g e PROTEIN FIBER BARS 1 cup almonds (seeds contain high tryptophan which lowers dopamine in the brain, if you use seeds use types with less tryptophan or use less seeds) 4 cups oats, barley, or almond flour for grain free (barley contains protease for digestion. Remember to ROTATE GRAINS and NUTS so one does not develop a food intolerance) 1 tablespoon millet (optional) 1 tablespoon lecithin granules (optional) 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon baking soda (for kidneys & iron absorption) ½ teaspoon cinnamon or vanilla Blend in food processor to crumb like consistency and pour into a large bowl. Set aside. Consistency is better when puree is increased but does not turn the oats into flour. This can be hit and miss. Keep trying, some batches will be better than others. Oats are more likely not to have potato in them from GLUTENFREEOATS.COM Blend Full ¼ cup California Ranch Olive oil [use water if you are using oat flour. Do not use oil] Full ¼ cup brown rice syrup Full 1 teaspoon liquid stevia Drizzle liquid into grain and seed mixture while mixing. Use hands to mix as though making meat loaf until mixture is crumbly and sticky through out Spray a cookie sheet with olive oil baking spray and dump mixture onto pan. Press mixture firmly into pan. Use a clean brick or small concrete block covered with plastic to compact the mixture into the pan as firmly as possible. Bake at 175 degrees for 1 hour. During last 5 minutes place two broken up 4.25 oz Dark Chocolate bars onto mixture to soften. Take out of the oven and spread chocolate evenly. Sprinkle chocolate with millet, poppy, finely ground nuts, coconut, sesame seeds, unsweetened coconut, or parsley. Chill. After chilled, break pieces and wrap portions in plastic wrap. A couple bites of a protein bar after meals is nice for those with a sweet tooth and the fiber helps for those with blood sugar drops. Substitute sugar free chocolate or vanilla frosting for chocolate bars. 200 | P a g e NUT BARS 4 cups almonds 1 cup millet seeds or crushed sunflower seeds ½ cup brown sugar ¼ cup olive oil or warmed coconut oil Mix Oil a cookie sheet and salt the pan lightly press mixture evenly out onto sheet with wet hands, then salt the nuts on top very lightly Break up dark chocolate candy bars over the top Bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees After pulling bars from oven spread hot melted chocolate evenly over bars then allow to cool before cutting with a pizza cutter 201 | P a g e CREPES Mix well 1 cup flour 2 eggs 1 cup water ¼ teaspoon salt 2 tablespoon olive oil In hot non-stick fry pan add ¼ cup mixture and spread all around thin…cook about 2 minutes and flip. Top with cooked fruit or berries or add tablespoon of cocoa to the mix with stevia and sprinkle with powdered sugar or spread chocolate frosting in them and roll up. FANY DANCY CREPE SUZETTES 1 cup oat flour 2 eggs 1 cup water ¼ teaspoon baking soda ¼ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon ginger ½ teaspoon poppy seeds ¼ cup tiny chocolate chips 7 drops stevia or 1/8 teaspoon pureed stevia leaf from your garden 1 tablespoon olive oil In hot non-stick fry pan add ¼ cup mixture and spread all around thin…cook about 2 minutes and flip. Top with butter and real maple syrup….ooooo soooo gooood! 202 | P a g e HOT DAIRY FREE COCOA 1 Tablespoon cocoa powder 1 Tablespoon sugar 1/16 teaspoon salt Mix Add to a mug of piping hot water 203 | P a g e PANCAKES 1 cup flour 1 egg ½ teaspoon baking soda ¼ teaspoon salt ½ cup water Mix and fry in a non-stick pan. Flip pancake when bubbles form. Optional: sprinkle corn, sprouts, blue berries, or nuts on pancakes before flipping. 204 | P a g e GRANOLA Toss in large bowl 8 cups thick rolled oats from 1 cup almond slivers 1 cup walnuts 1 cup flaked coconut ½ cup millet Mix in small bowl ½ cup olive oil ½ cup honey Drizzle over grain and nut mixture and mix well with hands Spread granola onto 2 cookie sheets and lightly dust with salt Bake for 1- 2 hours at 200 degrees churning often Chill before packaging. Use silicone packets from supplement bottles to keep granola crisp 205 | P a g e CHRUNCY Whole Grain Cheerios, almonds, melted butter drizzled on with salt. Bake at 350 for 5 minutes. FYI: Those with potato or unknown intolerances or allergies should not consume fortified products because these vitamins could be derived from potato or yeasts derived from potato and other unknown chemicals. 206 | P a g e BEKAH’S NUT BUTTER BALLS 2 cups almond butter 1 cup soaked chopped almonds ¼ cup millet (high in protein) ½ cup brown rice syrup mixed with 1/8 teaspoon liquid stevia Optional: ½ cup grated unsweetened coconut Mix well and use ice cream scoop to make balls. Set on a cookie sheet and freeze, then individually wrap or toss in a gallon size freezer bag. Best served frozen Optional: roll in sesame seeds and nuts or coconut before freezing 207 | P a g e FRENCH TOAST Slice of oat or other bread Beat one egg with 4 drops of stevia, ¼ teaspoon vanilla, and a dash of salt and cinnamon Batter the slice of bread and let it soak up as much egg as possible Fry in a teaspoon of olive oil and cover with lid to assure egg is fully cooked. No need for a topping 208 | P a g e HEALTHY CINNAMON TOAST For a quick tasty breakfast or a midnight snack. Keep a jar of coconut oil by the toaster with squeeze bottle of honey or brown rice syrup, cinnamon in a shaker, and salt. Use coconut oil as butter then salt it Spread or drizzle with sweetener and a dash of cinnamon 209 | P a g e McMORNING SANDWICH Fry an egg, top with cheese Spread grapeseed oil Vegenase mayo on a slice of bread and sprinkle with dry mustard. Set the egg on top of the bread for an open face sandwich and enjoy 210 | P a g e CREAM OF COMFORT Boil ¼ cup oat flour with ½ cup water in microwave for 1 minute. Top with salt, sweetener, cinnamon, coconut oil, pre-soaked nuts, and berries. 211 | P a g e OATMEAL COOKIES Follow the recipe off of the lid of oats from container. Triple the cinnamon If one needs allergen free cookies with less sugar Substitute oat flour for flour and cut way down on the oil replacing it with water Brown rice syrup with stevia for sugar Unsalted Tillamook butter for oil and olive oil Diamond crystal salt crushed in the hands to make finer or Sea Salt And skip the baking powder and use only arm and hammer baking soda Optional: place a dollop of homemade cranberry sauce on each cookie before baking for a chewy jelly like center. 212 | P a g e CHOCOLATE PUDDING 1 box of firm tofu 1/3 cup baker’s sugar or liquid stevia 2 tablespoons cocoa powder Crumble the soy well and blend in blender. Add a smiggit of water if need be and chill LEMON PUDDING 1 box of tofu firm omitting the liquid 1/3 cup finely ground baker’s sugar 1/4 cup constituted lemon juice or more ¼ tsp turmeric or less to create yellow color Tofu has healthy form of estrogen because it is broken down during fermentation. Turmeric fights cancer, high estrogen, inflammation, and constipation. Remember that elevated estrogen and sugars hinders thyroid activity slowing metabolism. Chaste Berry at low doses elevates progesterone, aids sleep, thyroid, and increases dopamine (the happy chemical) when taken at dosages of 20mg-80mg. Higher doses interfere with sleep and elevate estrogen. Chaste Berry has been used for centuries for both men and women. It is vital to be under a doctor’s care to test all hormone levels of the endocrine system including testosterone in order to bring them into balance. Do not mix with medications unless your doctor approves. Chaste Berry attaches to serotonin and dopamine receptor sites which can interfere with Parkinson medications and increase risk for developing Schizophrenia if used at higher doses. Use under a doctor’s care. Takes 4 months to change chemical levels in body. Sometimes it works better for me in the morning during endocrine time or vice versa. The brain and body’s system is ever changing so I have learned to be careful and keep listening to the body. It is a pain to always have to think about it, but I have so many better days now than bad ones. Low iron, low B12, low D all largely effect the thyroid and adrenals. Menopause can mean less sleep due to less estrogen. In the synapse between cells is where serotonin and estrogen work to make us feel calm. When estrogen is low the enzymes that process and clean up estrogen eat up the serotonin instead causing moodiness and insomnia. Listen to your body. A sign of too much estrogen is sore erect nipples. Sore surrounding breast tissue means too much progesterone and water retention. Men can take progesterone to help restore adrenal health. Adrenal glands use progesterone to make most of the body’s important chemicals that give us energy to do everything including sleep. Raising vitamin D levels causes estrogen to lower which can hinder sleep due to clean up action of cell enzymes on estrogen. Estrogen is cleaned up before serotonin is by the same enzyme. So if estrogen is low that enzyme cleans away the serotonin first instead. 213 | P a g e PINEAPPLE OR STRAWBERRY SORBET Freeze one diced pineapple in 2 freezer bags or fresh cut strawberries Remove one bag and very slightly defrost it in micro wave. Place pineapple in food processor and blend with ½ teaspoon liquid stevia and ½ teaspoon vanilla Serve immediately with a garnish Optional: Add 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder and extra ½ teaspoon stevia for chocolate pineapple or strawberry delight Tip: Any fruits diced, frozen and partially thawed will work to make sorbet…you can add a little cream to make it instant soft ice cream. Simply freeze and partially thaw any chunked fruit or berry and add vanilla, salt, and a sweetener, then blend in a food processor and eat immediately. 214 | P a g e QUICK CARB SNACK Microwaved warmed bread with butter Couples well with anything 215 | P a g e QUICK SALTY SNACK Bubbies Pickles found at New Seasons…other pickles are high in aluminum for crispness. 216 | P a g e CRUNCHY MOVIE SNACK Fry shelled pumpkin seeds in olive oil Place on paper towel Season with salt Cayenne pepper Raw sugar or Truvia (any fake sweetener can be excitatory to the brain) 217 | P a g e DESSERT Cold berries dusted with sugar or other sweetener twice a day. Optional: Daisy Sour Crème blended with Bakers sugar (which is a finely ground granulated white sugar) is a wonderful sweet, smooth topping for any dessert. A little vanilla or other flavoring like cocoa would taste splendid. 218 | P a g e ORGANIC APPLE SAUCE Pectin in apples, berries, and other fruits fights cancer. Tree Top sells organic at Costco. Add salt, cinnamon, lemon, and probiotics for extra flavor 219 | P a g e STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE Mash clean organic strawberries with a potato masher Add sugar to cause berries to release more juice In a bowl add: ½ cup coconut oil or butter [omit oil and replace with water if using oat flour] ½ cup sugar Mix well Add 1 teaspoon vanilla Add 3 cups of whole grain spelt flour or oat flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 ½ teaspoon baking soda Mix gently Add ¼ cup water to form a stiff dough Do not over work the biscuit dough. Make shapes that are about 1” thick and bake at 375 for 10 minutes Serve chilled strawberries on top of biscuit and top with whipped topping or chocolate shavings. 220 | P a g e BERRY CLOUD 1 quart of organic whipping cream ½ teaspoon liquid stevia or ½ cup white sugar 2 lbs frozen berries Beat whipping cream until stiff peaks form Add sweetener and blend Fold 2 lbs of berries into cream Place in bread pans and cover or some other frozen dessert dish Freeze To serve cut portions and eat like ice cream 221 | P a g e SPIRIT RECIPE 222 | P a g e SPIRIT RECIPE____________________________________________ SPIRIT RECIPE Make sure to have a space in your home that is designated for meditation, prayer, breathing, stretching, and exercise. For instance, a prayer chair or prayer place slash workout place During flag salutes, My Dad, Edward Eugene Hoff Senior, always put his hand over his heart to say, “I pledge allegiance to Jesus Christ and to the family of God, for which He stands, One family, under God, with liberty, justice, and eternal life for all who trust Jesus as the son of God.” I did not find this out about him until very close to his death day. I told him that I say the following quote every night to give me peace about death…“My citizenship is of heaven, for which I eagerly await Jesus from there, to transform this lowly body into one as His heavenly.” 223 | P a g e JESUS BIRTHDAY CAKE Use the chocolate muffin recipe for the cake batter and add 2 cream tops of maple or vanilla Brown Cow yogurt with about a ¼ cup of yogurt as well as 2 tablespoons of vinegar to moisten the batter. Divide the batter in half. Freeze the other half of the cake batter in a jar that has space left in the top because freezing things with water causes the substance to expand a lot. Bake in a greased and floured 8x8 baking dish for about 20 minutes or until a toothpick comes out of the center fairly clean from wet batter. Do not over bake the cake. While it is still hot sprinkle chocolate chips over the top of the cake to completely cover it. About 2 cups Fry enough almonds without oil to make a double layer over the chocolate chips. About 2 cups Toasting whole almonds is quick and easy, just make sure not to burn them. In a Pyrex bowl or measuring cup add: ½ cup butter ¼ teaspoon salt And 1 cup brown sugar Microwave until sugar melts and do not burn the butter…stir (don’t burn yourself…candy burns are serious) While piping hot add ½ teaspoon of baking soda and stir for a great chemical reaction then pour and spread over the top of the almonds that are on the cake…sprinkle with millet, coconut, or sesame seeds and press down lightly…chill This is the best cake one will ever eat! Seriously. Don’t forget to light the candle and sing happy birthday to Jesus on Christmas. 224 | P a g e YOUR MEAL IDEAS 225 | P a g e YOUR MEAL IDEAS________________________________________ MORE MEAL IDEAS: REMEMBER TO THINK OUTSIDE OF TRADITIONS & BE CREATIVE! Spaghetti (use carrot peels for noodles if one has a quality vegetable peeler) Tacos Burrito’s with plain Pinto beans, onions, and sour cream Enchiladas Chili Colorado (use pureed dried chili’s that one puts up in the freezer for all Mexican dishes) Tamales (cook any meat in Crockpot with salsa for filling) Mole (use chili sauce and add to a burnt flour roué or white sauce) Fried rice with onion, jalapeño peppers, or hot paprika, turmeric, and parsley Chicken fried steak with oat flour (try making a batter and fold in stiff egg whites for a very crispy coating) Fried chicken with spelt batter and sesame seeds Pounded out meat fried or cut in strips Scrambled Egg Sandwich Cheese on Toast (add fennel and salt and pepper for pizza flavor) Onion slivers (spelt or oat battered onion pieces deep fried in ½ -1” oil, dust w/flour before battering so batter sticks and fold stiff egg whites into your batter for a fluffy crispy onion ring or silver. Folding stiff egg whites into any deep fry batter makes anything very light and crispy chrunchy!) Fried crispy garlic, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, or nuts served on meat or veg’s Ketchup on foods children won’t eat Banana and peanut butter sandwich Toasted thin sliced breads dried for extra crunch for sardines, cheese, tomato, and avocado Cinnamon toast Mango and pomegranate Kiwi and papaya (combination creates one of natures best antioxidants) Green Tea Decaf or Green Tea Extract pills (creates calm, treats anxiety due to high theanine content) Fruit or berry cobbler on the stove (boil in pot. Place dollops of dumpling dough on top and cover with a lid.) Dried papaya York peppermint candies Dark chocolate Homemade tortilla chips and homemade salsa Cinnamon rolls Rice pudding Spice cake Lemon meringue pie thickened with oat flour and puree’d Fried celery, onion or garlic, rosemary thickened with oat flour and water. Puree for a wonderful gravy for lamb dishes Wild rice cooked first then add brown to that water for flavorful brown rice. Chicken fat and salt added is even better 226 | P a g e MY RECIPES MAKE YOUR OWN FOOD COMBINATIONS, COOKING TECHINQUES, AND PRESENTATIONS. BE DARING AND CREATIVE. DON’T GIVE UP IF YOUR MEAL DOESN’T TURN OUT. TRY AGAIN. IT’S FUN AND YOU WILL BE SURPRISED AT HOW SOON YOU FEEL LIKE A CONFIDENT CHEF! 227 | P a g e 1) For sleep, I need to just take 1 folate, 3 mag, 1 black Spanish radish (Black Spanish Radish alkalizes as well as cleanse liver and gut which protects the tiny blood veins in the kidneys…acid destroys small kidney veins) ½ turmeric, and 400mg shake leaf cannabis oil for the CBN not CBC. And 200mg regular indica bud oil. Then when I wake I take 200mg shake leaf cannabis oil. If I need to use Clonazepam every 2 days so no tolerance, I might trade for a small amount of red wine to open the ion chloride channel so the gaba works. I have noticed I cannot use red wine after midnight or every night because after a while the acetylcholine releases over excite my brain. Seems Mezcal Tequila does a better job for sleep but only intermittently since all alcohol turns stimulant after about 4 hours and fries the stomach. I add lime, aloe juice, cayenne, sweet, and salt. The aloe and cayenne protect and heal stomach lining. I require more than the average person would for sleep due to my malfunction with glutamate (PRION disease). I must never take too much glutamic acid containing substances or caffeine in any form, especially chocolate or I am not going to sleep no matter what. Too much sleep stuff just turns to an excitatory if one keeps taking it which causes comma and death. Alcohol especially is the worst choice for sleep because it really messes up REM sleep and can back-fire to cause insomnia for a couple of years. It also builds a tolerance along with benzos so one cannot drink one night and the next night take a benzo. The tolerance is a cross-tolerance. 2) The latest thing I do for sleep is eat tofu, keep B12 shots up, keep happiness up, 1 Black Spanish Radish, 3 Nature’s Way Magnesium, 1 folate, 500 mg taurine, 2 Hawthorne Berry, 1 Ashwaganda, 1 Tumeric and Cannibis oil. I dose again after midnight with Cannibis oil if need be. But, I get more sleep if an alarm is set or someone wakes me and feeds me so I remain groggy and fall back asleep with no more poison that shoves dopamine down! I do not take B6 in a pill because it causes toxcitiy which shows up on me as over-excitation. It feels like steroids and also feels like my legs, arms, lips, and head are tingling a lot. It takes weeks for these types of toxicities to correct. My favorite pharmaceutical for neurological conditions is Clonazepam but one cannot take it daily unless for anxiety. For sleep one can only take it every 2 days or at different times with the circadian rhythms. It does a great job protecting the brain from too much glutamate excitation. This is the easiest and healthiest way for me to get sleep. When I am gluten free, I take a small dose of glycine once per week in the day time when I am gluten-free. Those with Celiac need to supplement with glycine. They also need to understand that Celiac means the body can’t handle sugars or carbs. This is why those who function higher than others look pencil thin and use adrenal glandulars and glucose under the tongue so the body does not get ketosis (medicine breath) and to prevent addison’s disease. Glycine helps raise blood sugar and keep it steady but too much can cause seizure or restless legs. I am trying Ashwaganda as it is acclaimed as a herb for insomnia by working at Gaba receptor sites, it is also an aphrodisiac, narcotic, diurectic, antihelmintic, astringent, thermogenic, stimulant, and can increase thyroid activity and lower blood pressure as it seems to blunt cortisol from leaving the adrenals as well as absorbic acid which is vitamin C. This means that Gaba too, works to blunt and preserve what is inside the adrenals. The adrenals and blood veins need a lot of C. Ashwaganda lowers Tribulin an endocoid marker for clinical anxiety. Clonidine is an old blood pressure lowering drug that hinders Norephinephrine. It works to help some people with high blood pressure ADHD, Borderline Personality Disorder, Smoking cessation, insomnia, opiate withdrawal, pain, etc. I have to be careful with it because it can over sedate to the point of unconsciousness and can also cause too low blood pressure which will cause a person to 228 | P a g e fall upon rising. See a doctor and make sure the doctor knows what you are mixing with pharmaceuticals so you don’t kill yourself. I am also only eating oats and rice and some potatoes for carbs and have noticed a huge reduction in yeast and the little bumpy bumps that get on the back of my arms and legs. 3) I struggle for sleep but I have found many ways to mix it up and get sleep. Bacoflen seems to help with cannabis well but makes my MS symptoms more prevalent and jacks up my stomach. My preference is Clonazepam with Gaba Pentin and a little cannabis with turmeric, folate, 2 Black Spanish Radish now, and 1 Simplex. There are all kinds of things I can do now. I just need to keep trying hoping for a good day the following day. Lately, all I take is 1 folate, keep up B12 shots, 4 Black Spanish Radish, 1 Tumeric, 20mg of Chaste Tree Berry, Tofu, 3 Natures Way Magnesium, Cannabis Oil, and 300mg or less of Gaba Pentin. If I can’t fall asleep I sometimes take benzo’s or booze like Tequila and Gaba or Phenibut. I make sure I eat red meat for taurine or I take taurine because it creates Gaba naturally as well as kelp for the thyroid which also makes Gaba. Green Tea has a lot of theanine for the calm sleep waves in the brain too. Lately, all I need to take for sleep is 1 Tumeric, 3 Magnesium, 2 Simplex, and cannabis oil. I drink Sleepy Time Tea too with Chamomile. 4) I make sure to take vitamin D2 and 3 with Calcium/mag and small dose of histadine during endocrine time and eat something with butter or coconut oil, baking soda, salt, and vita C. 5) The rest of the day I eat every 3 hours and focus on increasing flora by taking 1-flora and Diametacous Earth as well as some psyllium husk powder away for nutrients. Psyllium clean sweeps the intestines, blunts adrenal releases making one feel full longer, and makes for better bowel habits. I also make sure I get my regular B12 shots and I don’t shy away from fluoride anymore because it helps maintain strong bones. The rest is just eating right and staying at peace. 6) Roll a string cheese in a warmed tortia and fry. Dip in dry Chili sauce or cut up peppers and mix in sour cream to dip. 7) Warm corn tortia can easily be dressed like a crepe. 8) Cocoa powder, dash of salt, baking soda, taurine, and sugar heated is a great non-dairy hot cocoa. 9) Fried or heated sardines are good with mayo, dill, and pickle juice for tartar sauce. Less mercury in small fish and sardines have all the right stuff including calcium because the bones are eatable. 10) Tartar sauce as a dressing for salad or coleslaw is really good. Floured and fried sardines are good too. 11) I need to try grilling or roasted all sorts of peppers and just eat them whole. Yum. 12) Frozen cherries buzzed up with daisy sour cream, stevia, and a little water for a great milk shake. 13) Add pre-cooked and pressed greens to anything including ground meats and baked goods. 229 | P a g e 230 | P a g e 231 | P a g e 232 | P a g e 233 | P a g e 234 | P a g e __________________________________________________________________________________ HOW TO SHAPE UP YOUR KITCHEN: Here are the basics to get one’s life on the right track. Get a good freezer that can go in the kitchen, laundry room, or garage. Vita Mix or Health Master Two or Three George Forman Grills with baking dish. Clean new flat brick for pressing out protein bars (wrap block in heavy gallon size bag for each use) Highest quality old fashioned ice cream scoop (needs to have a mechanism that slips across the bowl to push out the scoop of batter or cookie) Nu Wave oven Food Processor Canning jars and freezer bags Gallon size jars with tight rubber seal for fermenting foods Paper plates Disposable drinking cups Keep a dish soap bottle full of diluted bleach in a glass Bowl by your sink that is well labeled and out of reach from children Bleach in an old dish soap bottle marked poison by your sink (Bleach and dish soap set nicely in a decorative bowl) Make a supplement shelf and space in your kitchen. Perhaps a roll out self-installed in cupboards. Think ahead—plan what you will consume for the day. Fill jars with ice water and set the goal to drink them. Set aside days just for cooking…it is relaxing and can bring people together if you share the experience. Remove what you do not wish to consume and fill your kitchen foods and supplements you want. Do this and you can’t go wrong. 235 | P a g e ___________________________________________________________________________________ WE ARE WHAT WE EAT SHOPPING LIST: No salt Tillamook Butter Spectrum Coconut oil (replace Vaseline use with coconut oil) Spectrum coconut oil spray California Ranch olive oil (freshest oil around) Grapeseed oil Vegenase Twin lab fish oil (at night for ADD- increases dopamine) Natures Way borage oil Digestive enzymes (Digest More Ultra) Vitamin D2 found in mushrooms is important to keep digestive health optimal Metagenics Bone Builder w/Magnesium and D (bone health/cancer prevention…too much can create kidney stones. Best absorbed when lifting weight) Capra Mineral Whey from goat milk for sodium phosphate (this sodium supports adrenals by helping cells allow nutrients in and out of the cell) Natural whey that is poured off of any yogurt is best form for brain. Hyland’s Bioplasma for all 12 cell salts (ferrum and silica #4 and #12 help anemia and digestive issues) Hyland’s Nat Phos #10 for sodium phosphate (most important to all cell functioning). Do not take after 2pm as it can raise glutamate activity which aids protein synthesis by breaking proteins down. Some people cannot take this form of whey at all because the excitatory effect builds over time. Poor breakdown of proteins result in gas, poor digestion, wasting of muscle tissue called catabolism. Too much glutamate can cause insomnia. Hyland’s homeopathics have something for everything Hylands Allergy Relief I-Flora probiotic powder for intestines, skin, and bladder. (Douglas labs brand, Emerson Ecologists. com) Calcium-Magnesium with vita D (CalApatite Bone Builder w/Magnesium) Ashwaganda (adrenal care, heart, anxiety, and insomnia) Do not take if problems with night shade foods. Food grade Diatomaceous Earth (don’t breath or get in eyes. Keep away from children and pets: bio hazard) Kelp (increase thyroid activity & gaba production) Solgar Oceanic Red Algae Silica (thyroid, iron, multimineral, and silicia) Cough suppressant (Hyland’s homeopathics work well) Decongestant Betadine (disinfectant used by surgeons) Boric Acid Scald/Burn Band-Aids Charcoal (food poisoning and over dose) 236 | P a g e Aspirin or white willow Standard Process Simplex F supports the entire endocrine system. It works well taken at night to increase sleep and balance endocrine system for men and women. Test all hormone levels while taking this supplement and stop if experiencing fatigue. Progesterone cream with actual progesterone in it is good for both men and women with adrenal issues since progesterone helps the body make cortisol. Standard Process Adrenal Dessicated Licorice Root to support adrenals but can raise blood pressure Chinese Skullcap! Supports Gaba but can cause liver damage Standard Process Black Spanish radish (intestinal healing) Folic Acid (nausea and abdominal pain) Old fashioned hot water bottle/enema bag found at Fred Myers for about $10. Zinc Picolinate (support testosterone levels) Vitamin D2 (need calcium and possibly tofu to bring up estrogen and prevent bone loss) Kelp (all purpose body builder) Psyllium Husk powder ½ teaspoon after small meals (keep blood sugar stable longer and move bowels) Glycerin Suppositories (move bowel) Nature’s Way Magnesium Complex (loosen stool) California Poppy Seed for pain (natural opiate, raises serotonin & gaba) Aspirin or White Willow Berberine (Kidneys) Candi-Bactin-BR by Metagenics Oregano and thyme oil Candi-bactin-AR by Metagenics for natural antibiotic and to fight candida for 10 days Histamine (builds myelin sheath at night, raises sex drive and stomach acid, can cause insomnia, reduce sound sensitivity and create schizophrenia, those with bipolar should not consume histadine while cycling up toward maniac stages)Mucuna Dopa (happiness, focus, and sex drive) MACA root 500mg (libido. Too much could be excitatory and raise estrogen) Lecithin granules (brain health, emulsifies sticky fats on cell membranes that inhibit communication. Caution: too much can make you shake on inside miserably from over excitation of the brain similar to being on steriods) Licorice Root (can raise blood pressure and bless adrenals) Hawthorne Berry (can lower blood pressure) Slippery Elm (intestinal pain) Gotu Kola (focus, stomach, blood pressure) Epsom Salts (stool loosener) Aloe (stomach ulcer & joint pain) Red Algae Silica Solgar brand (connective tissue, blood pressure, thyroid, iron, seems to work better than kelp) Dark Willard Water (antioxidant and helps cells uptake nutrients better due to fulvic acid) 500mg Solgar Taurine (process fats, increase bile, stomach acid, and gaba) Valerian Root (gaba and serotonin for calming and sleep. Nature’s Way brand) Cayenne (stop intestinal bleeding) 237 | P a g e Black Strap Molasses (non-constipating iron, other minerals, and fulvic acid ) Local bee pollen (allergies) Phosphatyl-serine (blunt epinephrine and raise dopa…too much coagulates lymph nodes) Nutri Cology Liver Glandular (iron) Turmeric (for everything…countries that adhere to Indian food diets have much less disease) Standard Process Black Spanish Radish (clear gall bladder, cleanse liver, kill parasites, alkalize body, iron, insomnia. Warning: could interfere with thyroid by depressing it.) Apple cider vinegar (Spectrum) Portland Ketchup Company ( is good organic ketchup) Turmeric, sage, fennel, dill, oregano, thyme, rosemary, cayenne, basil, celery seed, red pepper, cumin, dry mustard, paprika, garlic powder, etc Dried chilies Kelp or Sea Weed Chips (Costco…not too much!) Dark chocolate bars with no allergens or paraffin (not too much! Kidney stones!) York Peppermint patties Lime, Lemon, Orange, Peppermint oil (Young Living) Cocoa powder Arm & hammer baking soda Red Star Yeast (no potato) Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt (Amazon) Sea Salt (get the kind that is lumpy and appears dirty) %100 pure Vanilla Brown rice syrup (Fred Myers and NuNaturals alchohol free stevia (Fred Myers and Truvia Raw Sugar Brown sugar White bakers sugar Pure honey from a farmer Low sugar Smuckers strawberry jam (Fred Myers) Brown rice Basmatti brown rice Wild rice Basmatti brown rice/wild rice pilaf White rice Oat flour and oats from Whole grain spelt flour and white spelt flour (easy to digest) Freddies and healthfood stores Whole grain brown rice pasta (all natural Goldbaums by penn) brown rice, nothing added. LOW PRICE Corn Masa flour 238 | P a g e Corn tortillas for homemade chips too Almond flour (Soak nuts in water overnight, rinse and freeze in 1 cup) portions for easy digestion Almonds Almond butter Walnuts Peanut butter no salt Sesame seeds for coating on fried chicken Pumpkin seeds (high in trytophan…don’t overdo and never eat 2 weeks in a row) Sunflower seeds Grated or flaked coconut Lemons and limes…soak in bleach water overnight, rinse, cut up and freeze Pinto beans Black beans Small red beans Frozen lima beans Grass-fed organic beef slaughtered with compassion (request blood be drained well during hanging) Lamb Chicken no salt Foster farms Trout farm-fed Water packed sardines Steelhead Eggs (purchase local cage free eggs) Firm tofu Brown Cow Cream Top yogurt…(no additives like vitamin A and D which are derived from potato and has pectin which helps eliminate cancer cells) Fred Myers and other health food stores. Daisy sour cream Feta cheese (freezes well) Blue cheese (freezes well) Tillamook cheese Yogurt made with pectin rather than gelatin. Pure yogurts are difficult to digest due to high milk content. Contadina tomato paste Grape seed oil (Veganase brand all health food stores and Fred Myers) Bubbies pickles (New Seasons) Bubbies horse radish (New Seasons) R.W. Knudsen Cranberry concentrate R.W. Knudsen Just Tart Cherry Juice Concentrated organic orange juice 7 super slaw salad (Costco) Asparagus Brussel sprouts (Costco) Broccoli (slows thyroid production) Purchase Suzy Cohen book ,Thyroid Healthy. 239 | P a g e Frozen and fresh broccoli (Costco) Fennel Wheat grass Sunflower sprouts Celery (organic hearts Fred Myers) Cabbage (crucifers slow thyroid production and clear dangerous estrogens) Peeled baby carrots Garlic Onions Pineapple (frozen chunks at Costco) Tree Top Organic apple sauce (Costco) Chard Organic Spinach (Costco, freezes well in original container) Beets Red peppers Mango (frozen Costco) Kiwi (frozen Costco) Papaya Lemons Limes Melon (frozen Costco) Artichokes Jalapeño’s Dried chili’s Dried plumes Figs Frozen corn (Costco) Frozen Organic string green beans (Costco) Frozen mixed stir fry veggies (Costco) Frozen berries (Costco) Wash all fruits, veggies, and containers before placing in a sanitized refrigerator. Hygiene and cleaning products Seventh Generation dish soap Borax (do not get in eyes) Washing Soda (not baking soda) (do not get in eyes) Baking Soda Hydrogen peroxide Rubbing Alcohol Ammonia (do not mix bleach and ammonia) Bleach (do not mix bleach and ammonia) Vinegar Salt Herbal Magic unscented deodorant ( or super supplement stores and other healthfood stores) Avalon Lemon Lotion (not okay if allergic to cinnamon) Bidet with blow dryer or squeeze bottles to fill with water so one can use water for cleansing and less toilet paper 240 | P a g e HOME REMEDIES RANDOM INFORMATION FOUND FROM RANDOM SOURCES OFF THE INTERNET AS PUBLIC KNOWLEGDE OR EDUCATION IS PROVIDED IN THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC…INFORMATION MAY OR MAY NOT BE TRUE…CHECK WITH YOUR STATE LICENSED DOCTOR OR MENTAL HEALTH CARE PROFIDER TO VARIFY INFORMATION AND FOR AN INDIVIDUALIZED TREATMENT PLAN THAT ADDRESSES YOUR SPECIFIC HEALTHCARE NEEDS. AS A PERSONAL NOTE, CONSIDER CHALLENGING DOCTORS TO KNOW MORE ABOUT PREVENTION AND BEDSIDE MANNER…PHARMECUTICAL COMPANIES AND DOCTORS BASICALLY CONTROL THE COUNTRY…HOW CAN WE THE PEOPLE TAKE CONTROL OF OUR OWN LIVES AND HEALTH? 241 | P a g e ____________________________________________________________________________________ THE DOABLE DIET: Dr. Terry Wahls has reversed MS and quotes from her website, “Here is how I did it. Three cups of vegetables equals a dinner plate heaped high. [Keep in mind that many people just cannot tolerate grains or sugars yet they need some kind of heavy carb about every 3 hours but if they cannot have carbs they should be on adrenal glandulars every 4 hours.] I start with 3 cups or a plateful of greens every day because they are potent sources of B vitamins, along with vitamins A, C and K. Think Green B-A-C-K. They are also rich in minerals. The B vitamins support your brain cells and your mitochondria. Vitamins A and C help protect you from cancer, and vitamin K helps keep your blood vessels and bones healthy. Minerals are important co-factors to hundreds of different enzymes used by your cells to conduct the business of life. Eating a plateful of greens every day markedly reduces your risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. My favorite green is kale. Other great greens include parsley, lettuce and spinach. Have more salads, green smoothies, or oven baked kale chips. (To make Kale chips just spray with bakers spray, salt, and bake at 200 for a few hours until completely crisp.) Next I recommend 3 cups or a plateful of sulfur containing vegetables each day. Sulfur is important to our brains and our mitochondria. Our liver and kidneys use sulfur as they remove toxins from the bloodstream. Good sources of sulfur include cabbage family vegetables – cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, collards, radishes, and turnips. The onion family is also rich in sulfur – that includes garlic, leeks and chives. So are mushrooms and asparagus. We should also eat a plateful of color, preferably 3 different colors each day. Bright colors equal flavonoids and polyphenols. These are potent antioxidants that help protect all your cells from damage and support your retinas and your ability to excrete toxins. You can get your color eating vegetables like beets, carrots, red cabbage, and colored peppers, or from berries. I also want you to have high quality protein that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The myelin, the fatty insulation around the wiring in your brain, needs omega-3 fatty acids. You also need omega-3 fatty acids to ensure a healthy jaw, straight teeth and a larger brain. Eat wild fish, especially salmon or herring, and grass-fed meat or wild game. The hunter-gatherers prized organ meats, which are potent sources of minerals, vitamins and coenzyme Q, which is particularly important to mitochondria. Have liver, heart or other organ meats once a week. The primitive societies traveled great distances to ensure access to seaweed, which is rich in iodine and selenium. Iodine is important to the manufacture of myelin, the insulation in the brain and to the excretion of toxins by the liver. In addition, having adequate iodine stores lowers the risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer. Studies have shown 80% of Americans have inadequate iodine stores in our bodies. Have some seaweed every week to restore and maintain healthy iodine levels. People often can’t imagine eating 9 cups of vegetables a day. But if you eat your 9 cups of vegetables, three platefuls before having any grain or potatoes or dairy, you have dramatically increased the vitamin, mineral and essentially fatty acid intake in your diet. In addition, food allergies and sensitivities to gluten, the protein in wheat, rye and barley, and to casein, the protein in milk, are vastly under-diagnosed, and have been linked to a wide variety of health problems, including but not limited to asthma, eczema, 242 | P a g e infertility, depression, migraines, fibromyalgia, behavioral problems and neurological problems.” Dr. Terry Wahls author of Minding your Mitochondria 243 | P a g e ____________________________________________________________________________________ ETIQUETTE: Parents may face criminal charges if their children are not under doctor supervision. The natural remedy statements here are submitted by numerous people from around the world and may be either true or false, many statements are not given by licensed doctors or have had studies conducted to prove them. The author has no way to test or verify every remedy. As such, these home remedies should be used for academic purposes only and inspire research and increased education. Never use any home remedy or other self-treatment without being advised to do so by a licensed physician. II Chronicles 16:12, “Though his disease was severe, even in his illness, he did not seek help from the Lord, but only from his physicians.” ■“We have just as much right to insult another as we have to knock them down.” Safe Counsel: Search Lights on Dark Corners, a complete sexual science and a guide to purity and physical manhood, advice to maiden, wife, and mother, love, courtship, and marriage. By Prof. B.G. Jefferis, M.D., PH.D., and J.L. Nichols, A.M. published by J. L. Nichols & Company Naperville, Ill. 1916…a most interesting read. Free as an ebook. ■We don’t learn to live until we learn to give. If we are depressed we must learn to give ourselves self-love so we are balanced in giving. Tyrosine amino acid can raise dopamine and happiness as well as blood pressure. ■Ask questions and seek out the oldest generation of people who’ve lived before you and soak in their knowledge, because once they are gone, their knowledge and lessons of life are nowhere to be found. Without this knowledge upcoming generations must learn by themselves which slows the progression of world knowledge down tremendously. Use what they pass down so one has something new to pass down to the next generation. ■Learn from your mistakes, and learn from other people’s mistakes or negative issues. One may find that those who caused the most difficulty made more impact for good than you ever could have imagined. ■My dad said, “Chew right and choose right.” He also said, “Is there anything you want to tell me?” At the end of every conversation, he said, “Trust Jesus.” ■My grandfather used to call or send a card every so often just to warmly say, “Was thinking about you and wanted to tell you I love you.” ■It’s not how you look…it is how you love. ■It can take a lifetime to put aside foolish pride and begin to let go and let God. ■God loves and can fix all of us badly broken people. Maybe we need this hard old world to get us on our knees to look up and believe in His power, His love, His grace for our souls. In the end it’s all about accepting Jesus, loving Him for His sacrifice, thus allowing Him to save our eternal soul. 244 | P a g e ■Don’t deal with sour feelings out of a “feel sorry for me” attitude. ■ Do not use escalators with children or if you think you could fall. Children and adults have lost fingers and suffered other serious injuries via accidents on escalators. ■Do not leave a child, baby or pets by a front door or any door. You never know when a shooting or a forced break in will occur. Police Officers have the right to break in through entry ways and rarely go in via a window. Firefighters are not supposed to break and enter via front door until they have done a 360 around the premises. If they do bust through a door, the fall can crush those on the other side of it. Doors forced open do not swing like they do on television, forced doors break at hinges and fall forward when they have dead bolts. Dog’s that are a threat to police can legally be killed by them if they impede their progress. ■ Firefighter’s are to walk around the property in question before entering. They normally enter via a window. The danger of breaking through a door is a back draft that could potentially kill all in the home if it is on fire. This is why they put holes in the roof. ■If you live in an apartment with children under 10 years of age you can request window safety devices that prevent children from falling out of windows and the apartment owners must install them at no cost to the renter. ■Children, teens, and adult should all take gun safety and self-defense classes. Many do not realize that a gun can blow up in one’s hand or fire 1-2 minutes after a gun is shot but no bullet came out. Many do not realize that shooting someone in self-defense is a last resort and there are many rules about when it is okay. It is not legal to hold a gun up in the air to intimidate which is called brandishing. If you feel you must pull a gun on someone, think first, because that someone has the right to pull one on you and kill you in self-defense. You have to know your life is in danger and be ready to stop the threat. If one does need to shoot at an attacker it is not okay to finish them off after they have fallen to the ground and are no longer a threat. ■Teenagers should not run from a police officer. Police brutality is real and many people are murdered due to power and control issues of police. Police are rarely held accountable for their misdeeds to the public and have become the judge and jury in many states. Investigations are rarely made and many innocent people spend part of their lives in jail or prison due to failure of the United States Justice system. NATO international law says it is a crime to put juveniles in isolation because it is torture yet it seems every juvenile detention center does this. My son was held in isolation for 9 days and I know a young lady who was raped by a police officer at a detention center. They have complete power over our children there and no windows like a strip club. They don’t allow parents to look inside the detention centers. Jesus said to visit prisoners for this very reason. Our world is unjust despite what the media teaches us on crime dramas or news. It is best to keep yourself and children uninvolved with police these days. ■It is best not to call 911 about your neighbors. Call mediation services instead or help your neighbors resolve issues unless you are witnessing a situation with guns, and violence. Never call the police over domestic squabbles. If you suspect child abuse do not call police, they can make it worse for the child. Call Children Protective Services first. ■My dad said, “Chew right and choose right.” 245 | P a g e He also said, “Is there anything you want to tell me?” At the end of every conversation, he said, “Trust Jesus.” ■Listening to the classic cd “Worlds Apart”, by Jars of Clay and praying those timeless beautiful lyrics can cause a heart to be more loving. ■Test your spirit theology by running your beliefs past a child who is actively being sexually abused without escape. Does your way of believing cause a child in that situation more shame? If so, that particular belief may not be accurate. Truth is, what humanity searches for, this simple test can lead the way. ■Sex is usually better when it is spontaneous rather than planned but sometimes life gets busy and date nights are necessary. Sex is statically better among married partners rather than non-committed individuals. It is important to understand and accept that sex is not meant to give a dopamine rush like a drug. This is what sex-addiction is about. Normal wholesome sex is a steady feeling full of trust and love for the person one is having intercourse with. ■ Ebola has been around since 1979. Many viruses, parasites, and dangers to our health exist in this world. It is important now-a-days not to swim, to drink distilled water, keep hands and feet out of dirt and sand where feces of raccoons, birds, other animals and humans could have left viruses, blood, or parasites in. Dead animals and humans should not be touched. Sex should only be with one partner for life. Shaking hands should be replaced with hugs. There is no shame in wearing face masks and gloves in public. Outside shoes should not be worn inside a home. Keep in mind that parasite eggs can live up to 10 years in the ground and that many other illnesses can be transferred through dry body fluids for weeks or longer. Meat and eggs should never be handled without gloves and should always be cooked to well-done. Dairy should be pasteurized. Gloves should be worn when washing containers of store bought items and produce. Try to purchase edible items that are sealed well. Heat is the best form of sanitation and friction via scrubbing. Bleach cannot degrade a parasite egg unless it surrounds the egg for a few hours. ■ Date rape is real and so is abduction. Teach children, teens, and adults different scenarios in which this can occur through a victim being unable to fight back by being drugged or trapped. Attending parties where there is alcohol, taking pills for pain from someone, taking a drag off of someone else’s cigarette or cannabis joint. Using communal bong, needle, or dollar for sniffing drugs. Using drugs because they can be laced with all sorts of crazy stuff. Not telling loved one’s where you are going to be. Not making loved one’s aware of all those you come into contact with. Telling too much on social media. Avoid slippery places and people. Better safe than sorry. ■ Use a Life Alert necklace as a safety devise for any age. ■Check under your vehicle often for loose lines, loose bolts, missing cotter pins, hairline fractures in axils and tyrods. Did you know there is normally just one bolt holding your tires to the frame of the vehicle? When these parts snap, the vehicle goes completely out of control with NO WARNING. 246 | P a g e ____________________________________________________________________________________ TAKING CARE OF ONESELF: Parents may face criminal charges if their children are not under doctor supervision. The natural remedies here are submitted by numerous people from around the world many of which are not licensed doctors or studies been conducted. The author has no way to test or verify every remedy. As such, these home remedies should be used for academic purposes only. Never use any home remedy or other self-treatment without being advised to do so by a licensed physician. II Chronicles 16:12, “Though his disease was severe, even in his illness, he did not seek help from the Lord, but only from his physicians.” ■Get your finances in order and receive one free credit report yearly at Save everything you have including your skinny jeans. We spend way too much money on silly things we don’t need. If we saved our stuff even after it goes out of style we soon find out it comes back into style and is even valuable. In other words start thinking about and planning your retirement when you are 16. ■My dad always walked. Humans are designed for walking. Swing the arms to strengthen the triceps, push the chest out, and hold head high. Direct weight onto the ground through the bones. The inner forward part of the heal is where the force of the body should fall. When walking, it helps the body naturally realign myofacsia, release muscle tension and stress, breathe well and feel happy. 17 The textbook Movement Therapy for the Manual Therapist by Johnathan Primack LMT and Alex Susbauer, BCSI, LMT is a must read by these gifted teachers from Portland, OR. Peak Performance Therapy Glen Arn 360-521-0804. And, Jill Johnson LMT at and 360-601-0111. See and youtube for free videos of Marsha Akers body work. She was superb at draining lymph and working with fascia. Marsha was considered the Queen of body work in the region she lived because was self-taught and never stopped investing money in learning from others, such as from healers in China. She was well known over the United States by severely suffering patients who flew across the states just to have her work on them and literally fix their body ailments. ■Be aware that if you need a shot into the muscle that if you are compromised with tissue issues, that a shot can really upset the muscles and myofascia to the point of permanent pain and immobility unless you are lucky and find and afford a gifted self-taught body worker that can fix the issue. The needle going in and releasing fluid causes an injury and those with muscle, nerve, tendon, and fascial issues are at risk. Trigger points are points of bumps and pain that require release by a gifted body worker. 17 Horses should not be shut up in a stall for hours at a time. They were meant to run and play to avoid pain and structural problems with their bodies. No animal that naturally only eats grasses should be fed animal waste products especially of their own kind like cows do. No animal should live in a cage, especially birds and exotic creatures…placing them in cages for our enjoyment or food is utter cruelty. Especially when they are stacked cages which causes them to poop on top of the hens below them. Although Wilcox Farms and Eggland’s Best are certified humane companies, the only hens that are treated somewhat humanely are the Long Island Red hens that are organic and cage free. They do get to walk out of their cages onto concrete and some get to go out on a porch to scratch and eat insects. The white chickens are treated inhumanely which these companies still torture to sell white eggs to the public. It is best to never purchase white eggs because you can guarantee the hens are harmed. If possible, raise your own hens in your backyard. Most cities allow this. Chickens are a natural pesticide since they love to eat bugs. 247 | P a g e ■Do 5 second pelvic tilts in bed and point big toes down to stretch. Do wall angels on a wall or floor. Press finger tips against wall or floor for 5 seconds and relax, move arms up a few inches and repeat again and again as you make your wings. ■Emergency Room visits cost approximately $3500 if one includes the doctor’s fee and no other expensive tests besides urine and blood. ER’s will not warn the public of this cost, they bully patients to run every test possible and will collect the debt via wage garnishment just as a credit card company does. This may explain why doctors run unnecessary tests and do not promote healthy lifestyles through diet or cleansing. The medical industry is a gateway to people innocently signing legal contracts for unbelievable amounts of money. Break down of the fee is as follows: $1000 for the IV, blood and urine test $2000 for the room $500+ for the doctor If you do have to be in a hospital, go to the top and ask for better security. Hospitals, churches, and schools leave the most vulnerable very vulnerable to crime, abuse, and spreading of illness due to freely allowing the public in.18 If doctors give us drugs for pain or anti-depressants, we do well to beg for stool softeners with magnesium oxide in them. We should know to ask for enema’s and sodium, especially after surgery when we cannot bear down and are filled with gas pain. We also should know that we don’t want high doses of drugs for sedation and pain that raise serotonin and constipate. On the note of pain, if a patient is bed ridden, we ought to pay to have a gifted body worker massage and loosen our tight muscles. We should also ask for back support built into the furniture that patients sit in or at least ask for arch and neck support pillows. These requests can be made by families and friends. Also, family and friends should stay by the bedside of their loved ones because hospitals will provide a little black comb for $20 but they don’t provide important things like Chapstick for dry lips, let alone the protocol to administer the lip balm. Hospitals have no security, so leaving a patient alone can result in theft of belongings as well as abuses. We the people need to take more personal responsibility. For instance, we need to let nurses and doctors know our food and drug intolerances. Many hospitals give patients banana to actually stop bowels from moving so often which goes against healing unless dehydration is the issue. For me, a banana would cause unbelievable sharp gas pangs. Besides, toxins and dead red and white blood cells leaving the body via the bowels and bile, cleanses the liver and every other cell which promotes healing. Sleep, deep rest, and quiet heals too, but it’s rare to get that in a hospital. These issues are not to be blamed on doctors. It is the system and the powers that own these facilities. There are many good and lifesaving things about western medicine but at the same time there is bad working against life saving strategies. For example, medical staff know that if a patient has to have large amounts of antibiotics, the patient will get Candida but they don’t make sure the patients diet is plum full of foods that will bring the good bacteria back. This is not the physicians, CEO’s, or nursing staff’s fault. Fault lies primarily with insurance companies and owners of hospitals. Medical personnel put their own lives at stake every day just working in a hospital. They face the deadly spread of illness to themselves and many We the people have the right to contact those who run hospitals, schools, and churches and ask for things like security cameras, inspection, metal detectors, locks, national background checks via finger printing on staff, etc. Security issues do not need state or federal laws in place to put security in place. It is up to the leaders of these entities. 18 248 | P a g e quit their jobs due to the increase in deadly staph infections. The general public does not know that physicians have high rates of depression and over 300 will commit suicide in 2014. Insurance companies and our government understand that when end of life issues arise that costs will be well over $100,000.00. Both entities make sure to get that money back via estate. Even if a person does not incur high medical bills at end of life, they must pay a death tax. Why would the powers that be want medical personnel to be who they set out to be? If doctors and nurses were allowed to be the healers they intended to be, the bigwigs on the top would not benefit financially. Check out Kevin Pho, MD, an internist with a popular blog where physicians often vent their frustrations. And watch for Dr. Stephen Schimpff new book about the crisis in primary care. He is an internist and former CEO of University of Maryland Medical Center. ■ is a wonderful holistic healthcare facility that will not turn one away due to financial hardship. Brian and Anna Maria Clement operate the hospital. Reserve Life Transformation today Call (561)471-8876, ext. 177. ■Any Lab Tests Now! employs doctors that have outstanding knowledge. They will tell you how to read your tests and allow you to see one of their doctors for less than ½ of what an average medical office charges for an office visit. is truly the way of the future for medical care. We are all learning how to take care of ourselves. helps us do it better! ■Take off outside shoes and wash hands every time you enter a home. This reduces house work like washing walls and shampooing carpets as well as disease and toxins. Remember that your pets ingest through self-cleaning and breathing whatever is on the floors and in the air via air fresheners and cleaners. ■Anger, irritability or a short fuse, depression or lack of joy, can be caused by our needs not being met as well as too many toxins in the body and imbalance of hormones and brain chemistry. ■Breathing properly can help a host of problems we encounter with our bodies according to…This is an article worth reading to learn breathing technique. Breathing patterns, Connective Tissue and Soft-Shelled Eggs by Leon Chaitow, ND, DO ■Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis A. Balch, CNC is the best healing manual ever written. Every household should own one. ■Having energy for the day and a good night’s rest is up to the endocrine system. The pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands regulate sleep and energy.’s metabolic-temperature graph suggests taking body temperature to assess endocrine function. Don’t shoot for a perfect 98.6 because too much thyroid activity can really hurt a person. According to Dr. Rinds blog, when adrenals are taxed they can’t process all the thyroid T cells, therefore causing extreme fatigue, heaviness on chest, difficult breathing. People should be under a doctor’s care when trying to balance hormones. Caution: Thyroid glandulars19 can cause arthritis and heart episodes according to FDA. Doctors can screen for tumors and other issues that can have imbalancing effects on glands and organs. Doctors are an invaluable source of information that we Standard Process Thytrophin may be a safer way to raise T3 and T4 cells by adding the hormone TSH and using Kelp to feed thyroid iodine and tyrosine between 6am-9am. Take tiny ½ doses only under the care of a licensed physician so you do not give yourself a heart attack. 19 249 | P a g e are not privy too, even on the internet. Best way to diagnose and monitor the thyroid is to REQUEST that your doctor provide measurement of your free T3 and free T4 cells. If the doctor is only allowed to test your TSH you will not be capable of truly knowing what is going on with your thyroid. Read Suzy Cohen book ,Thyroid Healthy., she knows her stuff. ■ Brazil nuts have high levels of selenium so one should only eat 4. ■Ashwaganda herb helps adrenals and also helps thyroid convert T4 to T3. ■To increase thyroid, take extra kelp according to Dr. Wilson ( ). Tyrosine and kelp taken at 6am will increase thyroid activity and produce gaba along with other neurotransmitters and hormones.20 Do not treat hormones without doctor supervision. Many herbs and supplements are very powerful and can cause serious problems. Read Suzy Cohen book ,Thyroid Healthy., she knows her stuff. ■ Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms When My Lab Tests Are Normal? By, Datis Kharrazian, DHSc, DC Ms is a great book. ■Phosphatylserine blunts epinephrine surges that raise blood pressure, cause people to shake, not fall asleep, wake in the night and not be able to fall back asleep. Too much can coagulate lymph nodes. ■Small whole food regular meals, sunshine, peacefulness, and calm rest are the best way to care for adrenals and pancreas. Low D might be related to cancer. See a naturopathic doctor or for D testing. Do not overdose D as it stores in the fat and can become toxic causing permanent damage. ■Epinephrine is different from cortisol, it is adrenaline. This is why some people need the extra cortisol for adrenals to keep blood sugar up during the night yet wake up from the epinephrine surge and can’t fall back to sleep. Sunshine is part of the component to helping the adrenals make what they need to keep the body asleep through the night. ■For those who wake in the middle of the night and cannot fall back asleep, consider setting alarm to wake up about ½ hour before normally do and eat. If the brain is not over excited by glutamate from the blood sugar drop and surge of epinephrine the body pumps out can help one fall back asleep if gaba levels are high enough. Some use small dose of phosphatylserine to blunt epinephrine for about 6 hours as well as Standard Process Adrenal desiccated for cortisol to keep blood sugar level for about 4 hours. Standard Process Simplex F works well for men and women alike. ■Excitatory foods, supplements, as situations such as, depression, illness from a simple cold to serious virus, emotional stress, healthy excitement, agitating noise like fans, non-soothing sounds, loud sounds, fragrance, black walnut hull, glutamic acid, lecithin, hydrolyzed protein, soy sauce, peas, parmesan cheese, walnuts, Roquefort cheese, mushrooms, broccoli, oysters, potatoes, oats, tomatoes, sodium caseinate, sodium chloride, monopotasium glutamate, yeast extract, monosodium glutamate, calcium caseinate, sodium caseinate, autolyzed yeast, NATURAL FLAVORINGS (mean MSG), acetyl anything, good tasting salty or sour processed foods like green olives and cheese, D-Ribose, corn fructose, corn, 20 Read about thyroid on Wikipedia 250 | P a g e digestive enzymes, fake sweeteners, stimulant laxatives, mucilage fiber, lecithin, testosterone, pregnenolone, caffeine, brewer’s yeast, MSG, gelatin, legumes slow cooked due to formation of gel, gravies due to gel formation that comes off meat and bone, sodium chloride, powders, corn starch, gravy made from meat drippings because of gelatin, whey protein, acetylcholine from adrenaline other various substances that end in manufacture of acetylcholine, and high doses of inhibitory herbs and pharmaceuticals, NOISE, lecithin, any steroid including natural steroidal saponins as found in wild yam etc, natural and unnatural sweeteners, too high of doses of serotonin and other calming chemicals, etc. Excitatory substances raise glutamate and lower gaba levels in brain causing insomnia and brain cell death. The following usually contain or create MSG: soy sauce, liquid amino acids, malt flavoring, protease, cornstarch, citric acid, powdered milk, barley malt, maltodextrin, carrageenan, bouillon, artificial flavors, seasonings, natural flavorings, stock, broth, malt extract, pectin, protein fortified ingredients, mucilage fibers, stimulant laxatives, enzyme-modified ingredients, ultra-pasteurized ingredients, fun and excitement, or upset and depression. Some of the items in this list were taken from Dr. Don Colbert’s M.D. book, “The Seven Pillars of Health.” Wikipedia states that, “Disodium phosphate is used as an in conjunction with trisodium phosphate in foods and water treatment. In foods, it is used to adjust pH. Its presence prevents coagulation in the preparation of condensed milk. Similarly, it is used as an anti-caking additive in powdered products. It is used in desserts and puddings, e.g. Cream of Wheat to quicken cook time, and Jell-O Instant Pudding for thickening. In water treatment, it retards calcium scale formation. It is also found in some detergents and cleaning agents.” Distinct roles for sodium, chloride, and calcium in excitotoxic dendritic injury and recovery published by NCBI Exp Neurol 1998 Nov; 154(1):24158 Hasbani MJ1, Hyrc KL, Faddis BT, Romano C, Goldberg MP. Abstract: The postsynaptic neuronal dendrite is selectively vulnerable to hypoxic-ischemic brain injury and glutamate receptor overactivation. We explored the glutamate receptor pharmacology and ionic basis of rapid, reversible alterations in dendritic shape which occur in cultured neurons exposed to glutamate. Dendrite morphology was assessed with the fluorescent membrane tracer, DiI, or immunofluorescence labeling of the somatodendritic protein, MAP2. Cortical cultures derived from 15-day-old mouse embryos underwent segmental dendritic beading when exposed to NMDA, AMPA, or kainate, but not to metabotropic glutamate receptor agonists. Varicosity formation in response to NMDA or kainate application was substantially attenuated in reduced sodium buffer (substituted with N-methyl-D-glucamine). Furthermore, veratridine-induced sodium entry mimicked excitotoxic alterations in dendrites and additionally caused varicosity formation in axons. Solutions deficient in chloride (substituted with Na methylsulfate) and antagonists of chloride-permeable GABA/glycine receptors reduced NMDA- or kainateinduced varicosity formation. An increase in dendrite volume was observed as varicosities formed, and varicosity formation was attenuated in sucrose-supplemented hypertonic media. Despite marked structural changes affecting virtually all neurons, dendrite shape returned to normal within 2 h of terminating glutamate receptor agonist application. Neurons exposed to kainate recovered more rapidly than those exposed to NMDA, and neurons exposed to NMDA in calcium-free buffer recovered more rapidly than cells treated with NMDA in normal buffer. While sodium, chloride, and water entry contribute to excitotoxic dendritic injury acutely, calcium entry through NMDA receptors results in lasting structural changes in damaged dendrites. Kainate receptors, or KARs, are ionotropic receptors that respond to the neurotransmitter glutamate. They were first identified as a distinct receptor type through their selective activation by the agonist kainate, a drug first isolated from the red alga Digenea simplex. KARs are less understood than AMPA and NMDA 251 | P a g e receptors, the other ionotropic glutamate receptors. Postsynaptic kainate receptors are involved in excitatory neurotransmission. Presynaptic kainate receptors have been implicated in inhibitory neurotransmission by modulating release of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA through a presynaptic mechanism. Quote by Wikipedia Cannabis not only raises seretonin, estrogen, and gaba but it binds to nicotine receptor sites which block the excitability of acetylcholine. Many people over excite their brains unknowingly causing much damage via energy drinks, caffiene, foods high in acetylcholine, stress, smoking etc. If one abuses their body during the day to feel energy and has to turn around and use cannabis in an abusive way just to relax and get sleep they should reconsider their priorities and attain natural health. ■50-100mg of taurine every 4 hours guards the brain against too much gluatamate. ■Excitatory foods build up in the body over time and likewise need to be omitted over time to allow Gaba receptor sites to flourish. ■Kratom and opiate or opiate type medications cause muscle wasting and liver/kidney problems, low testosterone, and eventual insomnia giving the sensation of almost falling asleep but not being able to cross over into sleep. Pure organic Kratom is used by many people world-wide for pain and feeling normal. It can cause bowel obstruction and if combined with other chemicals including herbs one stands the chance of death, yet Kratom used responsibly and knowledgably can actually help those with chronic pain and an appeal for opiates. Go to an Emergency room if you are not feeling well due to Kratom. A blockage can kill quickly but a surgeon can remove the obstruction quickly. ■Chinese Skullcap in large doses can make a huge difference in the body that is similar to Kratom. Kratom seems safer as long as it is never mixed with other chemicals. Skullcap has been implicated in rare instances of clinically apparent liver injury, although in most cases multiple herbal medications were being taken and the role of skullcap in the hepatic damage was unclear. Furthermore, in some instances phytochemical analysis has identified significant adulterants (germander) or mislabelling in cases of suspected skullcap hepatotoxicity. In reported cases, the onset of symptoms and jaundice occurred within 6 to 24 weeks of starting skullcap, and the serum enzyme pattern was typically hepatocellular. Immunoallergic and autoimmune features were usually absent, although low titers of autoantibodies were not infrequent. Recovery was rapid once the herbal was discontinued, but some cases have resulted in acute liver failure. Chinese skullcap is a different species, but may also have adverse effects on the liver. There have been several reports and small case series of acute liver injury with jaundice arising after 1 to 3 months of starting herbals or dietary supplements with Chinese skullcap (Scutellaria biacalensis), the liver injury resembling that associated with North American skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora). ■Too high a dose of histadine at night may cause insomnia or schizophrenia and low levels of thyroid activity, as well as stomach irritation. Remember that it takes 2 weeks for receptor sites in the brain to change when starting a new supplement and when discontinuing. Histadine helps the body produce stomach acid for digestion. ■ Vitamin D2 is important to digestive health. It is found in mushrooms or in supplements. Low D2 is related to food allergy and food intolerance. Vitamin D is called a ‘vitamin’ because of its exogenous 252 | P a g e source, predominately from oily fish in the form of vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. However, it is really a hormone, synthesized by the skin and metabolized to an active hormone, calcitriol, by the kidney which then acts throughout the body. In the skin, 7-dehydrocholesterol is converted to vitamin D3 in response to sun light, a process that is inhibited by sunscreen of SPF 8 or greater. Once in the blood, vitamin D2 and D3 from diet or skin bind with vitamin D binding protein, and carried to the liver where they are hydroxylated to yield 25(OH)D, often called calcidiol. Calcidiol is then converted in the kidney to 1,25(OH)2D by the action of 1α-hydroxylase (CYP27B1). The CYP27B1 in the kidney is regulated by nearly every hormone involved in calcium homeostasis, and its activity is stimulated by PTH, estrogen, calcitonin, prolactin, growth hormone, low calcium and low phosphorus. Its activity is inhibited by calcitriol, thus providing the ‘feedback’ loop that regulates calcitriol synthesis according to ncbi the National Center for Biotechnology Information. ■Turmeric seems to possess anticholrec activity which is responsible for lowering histamine. When added with THC from cannabis tumeric seems to raise nitric oxide in similar fashion to amino acid arginine. Raising histamine is good for sex, cell repair, and fighting allergies but can cause insomnia. For some, it is helpful to raise histamine as well as sleep aides to feel better the next day. The brain is constantly changing as well as endocrine system chemical changes so listen to the body and go with the flow. Nitric Oxide is also known for hindering cancer cell division. ■Berberine is a powerful herb used for serious illness. It raises white blood cell counts. Iron helps raise red blood cell counts and deep breathing. ■Chickweed, vibrating machines, and stair steppers help the body move lymph. Heat raises white blood cell counts. Colonics help rid the body of excess dead white blood cells. High counts of white blood cells cause fatigue. ■ is a wonderful informational resource for getting unique ideas that are not mainstream…for example boiled aloe vera leafs can ward of inflammation of degenerative joints and increase growth hormone to repair tissues. Pre-made aloe juice is available at at a low price. ■ is a resource for noninvasive back surgery. ■Pearl Women’s Center in Portland Oregon is great place to address female issues like ovarian cysts that cause gallbladder like pain and to receive hysterectomy via laser surgery so no long recovery time or muscle and connective tissue issues down the road. ■Some individuals believe dark Willard Water with fulvic acid in it, dramatically changes their energy levels due to cells becoming more permeable to take in nutrients. I believe this is true. I have tried this water and it works similar to DMSO and glutathione. It is very good for raising our greatest anti-oxidant glutathione. ■Tumeric is one of nature’s most healthful herbs. It can improve length of sleep tremendously and improve neurological conditions. Glutathione is the strongest of antioxidants for the body. Tumeric can cause sleepiness and sound sensitivity due to reduction of histadine. Histadine is abundant in strawberries, fish, bee pollen, etc. Countries that cook with tumeric rarely encounter neurological disorders. Those with Bipolar are warned to never take histadine but many people take small doses at night during depression times and take anti-histamines during mania according to internet natural alternative solutions for bipolar. 253 | P a g e ■MSM. From hair loss to heart disease. ■A tablespoons a day— keeps the parasites away. Diatomaceous Earth keeps intestinal parasite loads down, especially with Black Spanish Radish but only take the BSR for a week or one pill so your thyroid does not lower in function. Drink in disposable cup. Chase with water to rinse throat. Keep this food grade bio-hazard away from children and from breathing powder into lungs due to possible death or disease. ■ for diet and enema instructions. ■Some hospitals use charcoal for absorbing toxins and overdosing on supplements or medications. Call poison control center or 911. ■Cayenne pepper can stop bleeding of cuts on the surface of the skin and sores in intestinal track. ■ Folic acid is known for reducing nausea and abdominal discomfort. ■Opiates and Kratom interfere with intestinal motility causing constipation and bowel obstruction yet many use Kratom for years and find that it made all the difference. Kratom can darken one’s face. Remain clean inside and out if you take Kratom and do not overdo it. A clean diet like Palio, doing colonics, and Rock Talks for good relationships is a good way to be clean. If you suspect that you have a blockage go to the hospital right away. A blockage can kill within 24 hours due to gangrene and kidney failure. Aloe stems and leaves is great for cleansing but a little ouchie. If you have a blockage, a pill will not help…only a doctor due to gangrene setting in lickity-split and shutting your kidneys down. ■Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo’s book The Geno Type Diet is an excellent resource for knowing what your body likes for fuel. He is the author of Eat Right For Your Blood Type. ■Sleep between 10-midnight releases growth hormone for tissue and cell repair. ■Take time to pray, read, stretch, dance to good music and sing, eat something delicious, then shower and head out for the day. Don’t forget that isometric exercise is easy to do while sitting or lying in bed. ■Fruit is cancer fighting and supports adrenals. Don’t be afraid to eat small amounts of fruit and berries even if one believes they have Candida overgrowth. Avoid citrus, vinegar, and tomato when Candida cleansing. ■Epstein Barr Virus is related to many disease processes that cause fatigue. Detoxing liver and brain via increasing glutathione is helpful. It can be caused by exchange of saliva, flu, and raw eggs. ■ gives tips on how to kill pests for example. How to stop dust mites that contribute to asthma and allergies, bed bugs, mesquito’s etc. For bed bugs try a lid full of salt under the feet of each bed post. ■Fish oil at night can cause lower thyroid cell production and raise dopamine causing insomnia. 254 | P a g e ■Take tablespoon of fish oil on Saturdays if one can’t remember to take it daily. Vitamin A stores in liver. ■Soak in sunshine everyday to get vitamin D3. D2 is in mushrooms. Vitamin D2 deficiency is related to food intolerances and food allergy. Vitamin D increases expression of the tyrosine hydroxylase gene in adrenal medullary cells. It also is involved in the biosynthesis of neurotrophic factors, synthesis of nitric oxide synthase, and increased glutathione levels. D also helps one process zinc which is needed to produce testosterone. Nitric oxide is in dark leafy greens and helps the penis have proper blood flow by relaxing veins. Too much vitamin D can cause retardation and facial deformity in pregnant women and in young children. Not enough D can cause Rickets’, bone loss, adrenal issues, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, etc. ■Sugar, honey, molasses, corn syrup, dates, and fruits mixed with meals can create a lot of indigestion and stomach upset. 255 | P a g e ___________________________________________________________________________________ ADHD & ADD: Parents may face criminal charges if their children are not under doctor supervision. The natural remedy statements here are submitted by numerous people from around the world and may be either true or false, many statements are not given by licensed doctors or have had studies conducted to prove them. The author has no way to test or verify every remedy. As such, these home remedies should be used for academic purposes only and inspire research and increased education. Never use any home remedy or other self-treatment without being advised to do so by a licensed physician. II Chronicles 16:12, “Though his disease was severe, even in his illness, he did not seek help from the Lord, but only from his physicians.” ■Attention Deficit, autism, and depression related to low dopamine are common conditions. Diets high in sugars and carbohydrates lower dopamine just like tryptophan, St. John’s Wort, Passion Flower, antihistamine, and many other herbs and anti-depressant medications do. Never alter a child’s brain chemistry with these things unless a doctor monitors and prescribes. These kinds of changes to the brain can be permanent. Often times, mentally challenged individuals have co-existing personality disorders meaning that a person can have 2 or more overlapping mental and physical health conditions at the same time such as ADD, high blood pressure, anti-social personality disorder, conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, bi-polar, schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive personality disorder, obsessive compulsive, depression, addiction, codependency, narcissism, tourettes, aspergers, paranoia, histrionic, and the list can go on and on in any combination of brain and body imbalance. Many mental and physical health issues are exasperated by childhood abuse and neglect so these conditions carry great hope of change via diet, chemical re-balancing, and behavior and belief system modification. Personality disorders and other mental and physical problems can be difficult to diagnose but once diagnosis is made, there are wonderful therapies that can help those who are imbalanced emotionally and chemically. Borderline Personality Disorder is one that often goes undiagnosed especially in men because many people experience similar reactions to upset in their lives so how can one think that they are overreactive in comparison to society. Borderlines experience extreme reactions, have a pattern of intense and stormy relationships, can easily go from love (idealization) to hate (devaluation), are impulsive and reckless in behavior, very moody, trouble managing finances, have chronic boredom and feelings of emptiness, have trouble with self-worth causing them to have sudden changes in decisions, opinions, values, etc., can dissacosiate or become paranoid, can feel cut-off from one’s self, can observe one’s self from outside the body, lose touch with reality, self-harm like suicide or cutting, and display intense anger or problems controlling anger. Some believe that omega 3 oils are beneficial for calming and balancing those who struggle with Borderline. Let’s review Oppositional defiant disorder which is a childhood disorder (but seems to fit many adults as well) to see how similar it looks in comparison to Borderline personality disorder. ODD individuals can be negativistic, hostile, and use defiant behavior for long periods of time, losing temper, being argumentative, passive-aggressive, purposely defies or refuses to comply with rules and boundaries, deliberately annoys others, blame shifts, defensive or easily agitated by others, becomes angry and resentful, and can be revengeful but do not hurt animals, destroy property, steal and lie as in a child or teenager who has 256 | P a g e Conduct disorder. And to further complicate things, those who present with Conduct disorder that are also addicted to something or someone often drop the Conduct disorder diagnosis once they are successfully treated for addiction. Low oxytocin levels are correlated with those who don’t relate to others well. Lithium levels can be checked by a doctor. Lithium can be purchased over the counter and can raise oxytocin levels. Be careful not to mix lithium with other serotonin increasing substances like cannabis. Although one can make greater strides in self-improvement by understanding their make-up, diagnosis can be very difficult to achieve but recovering balance is not. One does not necessarily need to have an accurate or even a diagnosis at all to begin balancing behavior and beliefs. Check out Rock Talks is a program with hands on tools using therapies that help people change behavior and belief systems similar to DBT (Dialectical behavior therapy) to help individuals learn to self-sooth and build empathy and logic for improved problem solving. Rock Talks can be done independently without the help of mental healthcare professionals or with assistance for no fee. ■Chia seeds have high amounts of tryptophan which raise serotonin permanently. Some people, especially children could be allergic to chia seeds as well as other foods. Signs of allergy are racing heart, nausea, hives, swelling of throat. Signs of intolerance are gas and indigestion. Do not allow children to consume chia seeds due to chia lowering dopamine as well as swelling in stomach and the potential for them to choke a child due to the swelling effect of the seeds unless a physician orders it as a treatment. ■Fish oil can assist those with Adult and Child Attention Deficit. Fish oil taken at night raises dopamine and can cause insomnia but if one can get used to it, it can increase focus and decrease night twitching. Warning: Fish oil at night may lower thyroid activity. ■Attention Deficit Disorder is aggravated by food additives such as preservatives, flavorings, coloring etc and by salicylate foods. According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, or CSPI, non-salicylate fruits and vegetables are bananas, melons, grapefruits, kiwis, lemons, mangos, papayas, pears, pineapples, beans, beets, bean sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, kale, lettuce, lentils, mushrooms, onions, peas, potatoes, spinach, squash, corn, sweet potatoes and zucchini. Foods high in salicylates should be avoided and include apples, apricots, tomatoes, berries, cherries, cucumbers, grapes, nectarines, oranges, peaches, peppers, plums and tangerines. ■Guto Kola is known for increasing focus, lowering blood pressure, soothing stomach, etc. Some report developing liver problems from this herb. Never take herbs or give them to children without a doctor monitoring and without journaling how one feels. Do not mix herbs, medications, or seeds. Try remedies one at a time in small doses. ■ADHD and ADD symptoms are thought to be reduced with fish oil, phosphatylserine, magnesium, B vitamins, iron, vitamin D 2& 3 and homeopathics such as Synaptol found at Phosphatylserine can coagulate lymph nodes. ■Doctor Daniel Amen M.D. has written wonderful books about changing the brain. Healing ADD, the breakthrough program that allows the public to see and heal the 6 types of ADD as well as his book Sex on the Brain are terrific resources. MACA root is very helpful for increasing libido but too much of anything is never a good idea. 257 | P a g e ■Under a doctor’s care, Mucuna Dopa, phosphatidylserine, and tyrosine herb can elevate dopamine. Dopamine elevates most if taken at night before midnight and taken again between 3am-7am, but can hinder sleep. Two weeks of a small dose at night will change brain levels. Dopamine is a happy chemical and often low in our society from over eating sweets, carbohydrates, and sedating drug use which elevate serotonin, thus lowering dopamine. Over elevation of any hormone, neurotransmitter, or chemical can shut down and damage receptor sites on brain cells. Do not give anything to a child without a licensed doctor’s supervision. ■Dehydration causes a host of problems including insomnia. Dehydration involves low sodium, water, and sugars in the cells. Caffeine and alcohol dehydrate as well as sweating too much, diarrhea, vomiting, and eating & drinking disorders. It is recommended that people drink 1 cup of before bed and when you wake up. It is also recommended to drink 2 cups of water before meals. People don’t generally drink enough water period. If one has adrenal fatigue they could add a little salt and soda to their water so it sets better with the stomach. ■How food helps… Meat/protein=happiness, focus, muscle, and energy Milk and sale=electrolytes Grains & oils=neurological and adrenal healthy Vegi’s like carrots, cabbage, apple, and dark leafy greens=create probiotics Fruits=cleanse Berries=fights cancer Strawberries=fights allergies 258 | P a g e ____________________________________________________________________________________ EMOTIONAL WELL BEING: Parents may face criminal charges if their children are not under doctor supervision. The natural remedy statements here are submitted by numerous people from around the world and may be either true or false, many statements are not given by licensed doctors or have had studies conducted to prove them. The author has no way to test or verify every remedy. As such, these home remedies should be used for academic purposes only and inspire research and increased education. Never use any home remedy or other self-treatment without being advised to do so by a licensed physician. II Chronicles 16:12, “Though his disease was severe, even in his illness, he did not seek help from the Lord, but only from his physicians.” ■Become a Rock Talker. Rock Talkers have achieved emotional intimacy, and increased their self-esteem. RockTalks.Org ■ Segregation of the sexes is the surest way to propagate dysfunctional ideals. Exposure to the opposite sex of various ages is very important for mental health. Children who get to know a variety of parents and playmates learn large amounts of information from these experiences that give them good perspectives. Adults who get to know a variety of people of the opposite and same sex learn to lower or raise expectations they have of their mate. Some who are abused, remain in abuse simply because they think it is normal. Experiencing good people around them is the best way to help them raise expectations. Adults who expect more from looks and actions from their mate may lower expectations if they get to know a variety of people of the opposite sex. For example they may come to the knowledge that perhaps a woman who looks young at 50 might spend thousands to form her appearance. One might also learn about problems associated with plastic surgery. For instance, many people do not know that a breast implant can explode and cause hardening of the lungs. Adults may also find that their mate acts normal and is very similar to others and find that they can accept certain behaviors easier. ■Healing starts in the Heart… Adult Children of Alcoholics and Any other Dysfunction 12 step work books and support groups can decrease stress and increase inner peace. (ACA) ■Jesus said tell the truth and love yourself, others, and God. Think about others and try to encourage them, while at the same time having enough courage to be honest. ■A pliable heart that can be wide open and close a bit when need be is the foundation of spiritual health. ■Stay in touch with young people to stay in touch with changing times and their culture. Don’t isolate due to jealousy, fear of affairs, and laziness to relate and give to others that are not like you. ■We must learn to do all we can to fix our problems and then let God do the rest to find peace and health. ■Arguments cause anxiety for everyone…pets, children, friends, and those who are fighting. Try to resolve issues with Rock Talks and fight less in front of children and pets. This causes those around us to go into flight or fight changing neurochemistry as well as creating anxiety disorders, health problems, anger problems, and sleep disorders. Do whatever it take to make a happy household. Your pets and children get 259 | P a g e anxiety and high blood pressure during fights. High blood pressure destroys their kidneys. Taste your pets food to make sure they can eat it. is a prescribed food that is so bitter, I consider the company partaking in animal abuse. ■ has a blog about everything which can be very informative as well as allow a person an outlet for self-expression. ■Both males and females in a marriage need to feel respected and valued more than all others to feel happy. On the note of sex... 1) Men need their mate to be attractive in action and appearance just for them. Being discrete in attire and only sharing womanly whiles with a male mate is more appealing than plastic surgery. 2) Women need to feel like they are the absolute most attractive woman their mate has ever seen and known. They need their mate to touch them non-sexually and spend time with them as friends to build desire. They need their mate be discrete in their attitude and actions toward other women. 3) Massage Therapists, LMT’s, or Body Workers conduct classes for couples to teach them how to lovingly safe touch, sexual touch, and relieve muscle pain. ■Condoms and one partner is best birth control aside from surgery. Most chemical birth control lowers sex drive and has serious side effects and can cause birth defects. Men should take responsibility more so in preventing pregnancy. Vasectomies are an easy doctor office procedure and condoms are very safe as long as they are used before any penetration due to the penis affinity for leaking seamon without warning to the male. Men tend to be self-centered about sex at times and convince women that condoms are not pleasing when in reality the male who is irresponsible simply doesn’t want to put forth any effort. This can be a sign that if a baby were to be born with a man like this as a father, the child may not be provided for well or even related to by the father. Women do well to ask men in their lives to be giving and considerate. ■ The amino acid arginine works wonderfully for Erectile Dysfunction if the under lying cause is not diabetes or heart disease. Arginine brings Nitric Oxide to the body which relaxes blood vessels allowing more blood flow. It can become neurotoxic if taking too much. One can take 4000 grams 2 times a day for ED and begin to eat more dark leafy greens which naturally provide the body with nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is important for liver and heart function as well. It comes from dark leafy greens. Men who have difficulty ejaculating are likely to have control issues that cause anxiety and bully-ism. Freedom exercises like joyfully shouting, being spontaneous, and trust exercises that induce the ability to be playful and giving in a mutual way could help. ■Discover Your God-Given Gifts by Don & Katie Fortune for yourself, your children, and your spouse is an excellent tool and includes testing to better understand personality and talents. These books can increase intimacy with yourself and others aiding in understanding and cutting down on conflict. ■Arginine is natural alternative to Viagra.Testosterone can be prescribed for women with low libido as well as men. ■Wild yam does not raise progestrorone, rather, it raises estrogen. Wild yam is considered a steroidal saponin which increases growth hormone and testosterone. Any steroidal substance is excitatory to the brain. 260 | P a g e ■Opiates, Kratom, and Cannabis lower testosterone levels and can cause insomnia. Never mix with benzodiazapines, alcohol, or other chemicals. Important to keep liver cleansed with colonics. ■ is best resource besides neuroscience’s for study of brain chemistry I have found. ■Epstein Barr Virus is related to Mononucleosis. Best not to share saliva with anyone but a mate. ■RISK…and the came when the risk to remain a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Anais Nin. ■Safe birth control that does not require prescriptions are foam, suppositories, condoms, rhythm method, and vasectomy. Foam and suppositories kill the sperm in the vagina before it can enter womb. New condoms are the best protection because they also protect one from venereal diseases. ■Play the high/low game every day with people who are closest to you. Just ask them what their high and low for the day was and share yours, too. Ask loved ones if they have anything they need to tell you. ■Rather than try to cram everything into one day. Why not take a day to pray, to play, to do self-care, to shop, to cook, to clean, to socialize, to watch favorite shows, videos, and movies, etc. ■For kitchen day, remember that people used to spend all summer harvesting and preserving food. This is why children were let out of school for summers. It is not a chore to spend a day in the kitchen to cook and put things in the freezer. Try it. It is fun, relaxing, bonding activity that assures you will have healthy good things to eat even when you are on the go. ■Child Protective Services can be contacted to answer questions and provide help like mediation services. CPS would rather educate families than get legally involved. ■Consider giving a monthly donation of time or money to a foundation that supports a cause one can aspire to. This raises dopamine for happiness and provides a sense of purpose. Examples of reliable organizations are… will help raise a child for $30 a month. will help stop sex trafficking. heals those who’ve been sexually abused. A $3 month donation to How To Be Happy Classes provide schools of engineering for girls with no tuition and education against oppression or bully-ism, $5 per month to OPB television for educational programming. ■Think about saving money and investing in a business, annuity, or property so one can have a retirement. ■It is important to have a primary care doctor in the event of death. They read your personalized chart notes and inform the medical examiner of your cause of death. This helps one avoid an autopsy due to others being held in suspicion of murder. Another point to consider is that hospice care or medical expenses covered by Medicare are always paid for out of the deceased estate as well as estate death tax. In some cases, parents will deed their home to children to avoid the loss of all inheritance. This has to be done 3 years before a diagnosed illness though and a parent’s children must be trustworthy. It is not uncommon for adult children to be living in a parent’s home and actually lock them out and take over their 261 | P a g e residence. Most states require a court order to remove a party that is presumed to a resident of a home even if they have only stayed for 3 days. 262 | P a g e ____________________________________________________________________________________ TEETH and GUM LONGEVITY: Parents may face criminal charges if their children are not under doctor supervision. The natural remedy statements here are submitted by numerous people from around the world and may be either true or false, many statements are not given by licensed doctors or have had studies conducted to prove them. The author has no way to test or verify every remedy. As such, these home remedies should be used for academic purposes only and inspire research and increased education. Never use any home remedy or other self-treatment without being advised to do so by a licensed physician. II Chronicles 16:12, “Though his disease was severe, even in his illness, he did not seek help from the Lord, but only from his physicians.” ■Floss and water pic your teeth— gotta hav’em to eat. ■Treat your teeth like valuable gold. Tea Tree Oil mouthwash is really good for teeth and gums. ■Can’t use’m if ya loos’em. Every home should have a WP-60W model water pic for adults and a less powerful one for children.1.1% Sodium flouride and 5% Potassium Nitrate in Fluoridex works great for tooth sensitivity. Do not use often or swallow because it raises aluminum in brain. Aluminum elevation is related to intestinal disease and distress. Clabber Girl Double Acting Baking Powder lists Sodium Aluminum Sulfate as a main ingredient…Baking Soda alone works fine for baking. Caution: We do need aluminum and fluoride for strong bones and teeth. Green tea has fluoride which can fight against osteoporosis plus calm anxiety along with oodles of antioxidants. ■To reduce headaches and teeth fractures wear a night guard. Buy extra, so the correct fit can be found. ■Headaches can be caused by an incorrect bite. This can easily be corrected by a dentist grinding down a high spot on the teeth after checking the bite with carbon paper. Most dentists will not make their patients aware of this service so one must ask for it. Another inexpensive trick is to have your teeth built up with filling material and bite down on it slightly to form the meeting teeth to it and set the space you would like your bite to be. The dentist can drill the material off and start over or change it. Dentists normally refer their patients to orthodontists for braces or TMJ specialists that are very expensive when they can help for less. Sometimes dentists do not wish to alter a patient’s bite due to liability issues and fear that the patients bite will only worsen as a result of their efforts so don’t be angry if a dentist will not help the public in this way. ■Crowns only last about 10-15 years before decay sets in. Medical vacations are a great way to fix the teeth. Don’t let a dentist take so much of the actual teeth out. There are many new bonding and filling materials that are inexpensive and can save more of the structure of the teeth. Humans need their teeth for their entire life to eat…. We should keep and take care of them the way we see is best. Watch out for mouth cancer, abscesses and dead roots, they can cause blood infections that can kill without the warning of pain. Fever and dental checkups are important for this reason. ■Real beef bones clean a dog’s teeth real good but don’t let your dog actually eat the bone. Much better than products sold on the market. (Bones and raw hide can break a dogs teeth, get caught and stuck anywhere in the mouth to rectum. Get stuck in the stomach. Cause bleeding and infection and death.) 263 | P a g e ____________________________________________________________________________________ HAIR CARE: Parents may face criminal charges if their children are not under doctor supervision. The natural remedy statements here are submitted by numerous people from around the world and may be either true or false, many statements are not given by licensed doctors or have had studies conducted to prove them. The author has no way to test or verify every remedy. As such, these home remedies should be used for academic purposes only and inspire research and increased education. Never use any home remedy or other self-treatment without being advised to do so by a licensed physician. II Chronicles 16:12, “Though his disease was severe, even in his illness, he did not seek help from the Lord, but only from his physicians.” ■Coconut oil rubbed into hair and left on for a while is a great conditioner for humans and pets. Spectrum baker’s spray coconut oil works well too and is easier to apply. Make sure not to breath in the spray. ■Extra Virgin Olive Oil left on the scalp for 5 minutes can kill candida that causes dandruff. Olive Leaf Extra is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal plus a blood pressure lowering agent. Extra Virgin Olive Oil is also a Cox 1 and 2 inhibitor which decreases joint pain. ■Vinegar softens hair but can irritate skin and eyes. Use an old upside down ketchup squeeze bottle to store vinegar for conditioner use in. ■Bar soap works well for shampoo or borax. Fragrance can cause itching on pets and people. ■Wash with baking soda to exfoliate and aide healing of skin and scalp issues. Caution: Don’t get soda in eyes; it will scratch and do not use if the skin condition is related to Candida or fungus. Baking soda makes skin alkaline and fungus thrives in alkaline environment. ■Wash hair with an egg . ■Wash hair with borax but do not use on children. Harmful to eyes. If borax gets in eyes, flush eyes for 15 minutes and see a doctor. 264 | P a g e ____________________________________________________________________________________ ACHES AND PAINS: Parents may face criminal charges if their children are not under doctor supervision. The natural remedy statements here are submitted by numerous people from around the world and may be either true or false, many statements are not given by licensed doctors or have had studies conducted to prove them. The author has no way to test or verify every remedy. As such, these home remedies should be used for academic purposes only and inspire research and increased education. Never use any home remedy or other self-treatment without being advised to do so by a licensed physician. II Chronicles 16:12, “Though his disease was severe, even in his illness, he did not seek help from the Lord, but only from his physicians.” ■I suffered with headaches all my life. Turns out it was from biting too hard all night long as well as sleeping on my side. My ribs on my back between my shoulder blades have a lot to do with my headaches also. If my shoulders and ribcage are loose, my neck and head feel better. I learned that my low back pain had more to do with my legs and stuck fascia in the inner thigh and outer calf areas beginning at my feet. Best thing I found was a myofascia body worker that understood the body well and was very sensitive and slow in technique. I also get my ribs adjusted by chiropractor but it has been difficult to find one that can do it without moving the fascia too much out of place. Recently, I learned that trigger points are points of bumps and pain that require release by a gifted body worker. This treatment was the final cure for a long term issue I had in my hip and side. It is funny how something in the arm can affect the hip and ribcage. ■Stretch upon moving out of any position a person has been set in just like a cat or dog. Focus on ribcage, abdomen, and crease by top of leg where it meets pelvis or torso. 21Obtain a myofascial release body worker. Myofascia body workers are difficult to find. Look up the term on Wikipedia and learn about it. Don’t give up there are some very gifted body workers out there that are licensed massage therapists. Take time to find the right one as they do not learn much about this in massage school. When fingers are numb and nerve pain across shoulder blades radiating down tricep, consider asking your body worker to focus on the scallion muscles in the front of chest by neck and the ribcage. If stomach feels tight consider having the arch of the feet worked on as well as the outside of lower calf by ankle, hamstrings, inner thigh, and glute muscles released with strain and counter strain. The soas muscle releases well from the sternum area according to many chiropractors. ■Work on posture with the guidance of a chiropractor. Stick the chest out and lift. Hold head high as though looking up toward a beautiful sunset at the ocean. Drop shoulders and turn palms out with thumbs pointing away from the body. Stand with legs apart. Take a deep breath and relax into what feels natural. This creates a lift for the stomach and a natural curve in the back. When sitting, spread legs apart so the weight is held on the same bones you’d use when riding a bike. Stick tail bone out slightly. Your bones were made to hold the body weight and the soft tissue was made to hold the body together. When we move as designed, we do much less damage and have less pain. Lunge the legs to stretch out top of leg. Hold hands high again the wall and stretching stomach. Look over the shoulder shortly and allow ribcage to twist without turning hips to open rib cage. The torso area is most important to stretch as it is the core. Pay attention to how animals do this when they arise. 21 265 | P a g e ■Use a large exercise ball to work the legs and lower back by placing the ball on the wall and hold it up with your back, then slide down and hold. To work the abdomen, hold the ball up high and move it from side to side. Use weights to work the triceps by holding anything slightly heavy with your hands behind your head for a few seconds. ■For body pain, scrub scalp well, and do slow stretches that educated body workers recommend. Myofascia holds every part of our bodies together. We’ve all seen a layer of clear film that wraps around a piece of raw chicken breast. That is fascia. Our fascia gets stuck in places and causes pain if it doesn’t move freely or remain in the correct positions in the body. Fascia swirls around our parts like a spiral in many layers. On our heads the fascia sometimes follows the flow of the cowlick. The scalp is the top of all attachments to the sinews and connecting tissues that can cause pain and lack of mobility. Think of the heads myofascia as a swimming cap just under the skin. Does the scalp move freely with no areas of pain? Use finger tips to gently put pressure on the layer of tissue under the skin. If it hurts anywhere, tenderly try to slowly, slowly move the tissue to a place where the pain stops. One can actually barely press on the tissue and hold. After 2 minutes the fascia may move by itself and feel like butter melting under the finger tips as it travels back to where it belongs. ■Myofascia body workers work lightly and slowly as prescribed by Thomas Myers of Anatomy Trains book. Sometimes a good body worker will need to use more pressure to release muscle cramps and scar tissue. If one sits often, the soas muscle, which is the tenderloin of the human body will need repetitive release work as well as the abductors in the inner thigh. When sitting much of the time, the soas muscle changes and can create lower back pain as well as stiffness upon standing. Many attachments are located in the legs so the legs need much attention. Body workers are needed to release attachments inside of the inner thigh, the knees, calves, across the pubic bone, stomach, lower back, and deep inside the notch were the hip and leg bends. This can be painful and expensive but has great reward. When at a computer, the chest and torso curl inward and some muscles shorten or lengthen to accommodate the constant position the body is in. Body workers and stretches are needed to release chest and clavicle area to reduce tension between shoulder blades and pain in arms but they often overlook carpal tunnel issues due to clients not experiencing pain in the wrist. A seasoned body worker will know how to move lymphatic fluid from the arm and neck, then basically iron out the medial and radial nerve from the hand to the shoulder. Laying on the side to have your body worker release latt muscle helps and working knots out of the tricept toward the armpit instead of the elbow is very helpful in reducing arm, neck, and upper back pain as well as pain that may be in the ribcage area and hip. Rolfing is a therapy for fascial release. Recently, I learned that trigger points are points of bumps and pain that require release by a gifted body worker. This treatment was the final cure for a long term issue I had in my hip and side. It is funny how something in the arm can affect the hip and ribcage. ■ with Tina Allen for information on teaching children how to comfort one another with safe touch. ■Deep tissue massage is very beneficial for moving lymph and toxins. Jumping or bouncing is beneficial to moving lymphatics as well as deep slow breathing in through nose and out through mouth and walking or swinging. ■Wear compression socks when sitting or lying down to keep blood and lymph moving. This can prevent foot pain. Get up to walk and pump calf muscles so blood does not pool and cause a blot clot. 266 | P a g e ■If knees hurt consider compression sleeves for knees., or for inexpensive quality compression wear search at Walmart or other department stores. ■Groin muscle issues can originate from the smaller toes. Skilled body workers that understand how the body is engineered can fix an issue in one session but it is best to give them a chance to learn your particular body mechanics with at least 6-10 sessions. The body is built and held together like any complex structure. Your body worker should relate to a structural engineer concerning moments, deflection, stresses, connections and so on. All tendons, nerves, myofascia hold the body together and affect parts of the body that are nowhere near the place of pain a person feels. The client of a body worker also needs to understand this concept, otherwise the client may push for the body worker to work on the area of pain rather than in the areas that are causing the pain. Education about structural engineering is an extremely beneficial aspect of both the body worker because both need to work as a team to combat pain and increase mobility. Chronic problems have a lot to do with client habits and health. Clients need to share in the responsibility of getting better rather than expecting the body worker to carry full responsibility. ■Compression wear comes in all sorts of styles for every part of the body. Autistic people can benefit from tight clothing sometimes referred to as Amour Wear. ■Wear loose fitting waist bands and bras to keep body’s lymphatic system moving through those areas. Fluids need to flow easily under breast tissue. Breast tissue should float off of rib cage. Use an Elite fitness Mini-Stepper machine so legs pump lymph. Position the posture correctly--- place hands on the wall at chest level, and lean while slowly step to engage all your muscle groups. Do not use the hand ropes for pull ups. ■Look up chiropractic adjustments on the internet and You Tube to do minor traditional adjustments on your families backs so you do not harm them. Never adjust the public, that is a doctor’s role. Remember that it is best not to adjust a bone that has movement in it when you are checking either side of each vertebrate. The ones with movement are not the ones that need an adjustment; it is either the top or bottom vertebrate or a rib that is sitting higher than the other. Have your family member suck in air and hold their breath for an adjustment. Be careful not to break a bone or bone spear. Do not adjust anyone with fragile bones such as the elderly. Never adjust the neck of a family member. Use a chiropractor as often as you can. They are wonderful doctors that relieve millions of pain everyday worldwide and have done this for thousands of years, long before western medicine came to bat. ■A muscle that has a cramp or a knot is relaxing when one pushes down on it for a length of time and then notices a slight softening like melting butter or snow. Warning, if one pushes and rubs on a nerve that nerve can become very inflamed and cause serious problems in movement, possibly being permanent. Nerves are like cords in the body that send the message to make it move. Be careful. Study body parts and know your anatomy. Make sure your body workers also know the anatomy. They are not required to learn as much as one would think before they are issued a license. Good body workers are self-taught. Do stretching slowly to allow muscle and fascia to relax. Sometimes sitting up on the heels of your feet and pressing a tight hamstring muscle into your heel covered in a shoe with a thick rubber sole or a firm ball or foam tube until you feel the pain lesson can release the hamstring. Be careful not to bruise the body or make your heel or foot bones move out of place. 267 | P a g e ■Dehydration (the imbalance of sodium and potassium) can cause kidney damage among a host of other problems for the body. Too much water can flush out sodium and cause a high potassium that can cause a heart attack. ■Low vitamin D 2 & 3 levels can cause aches and pains, to severe joint pain, fatigue, and low serum levels may be related to Multiple Sclerosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Low calcium and magnesium can create low vitamin D. Our bodies need all 3 ingredients to do their magic. Test estrogen levels during times of raising vitamin D so no bone loss occurs and pump weighs to drive calcium into bones. Do not overdose on D. Just eat right every day and get outside and expose skin for a small amount of time. Sunscreen and window glass block UV light. Too much UV light causes deadly skin cancer. Too much vitamin D can cause retardation and facial deformity in pregnant women and in young children. Not enough D can cause Rickets’, bone loss, low or high blood pressure, etc. ■Tumeric can halt joint pain. ■Extra Virgin Olive Oil is also a Cox 1 and 2 inhibitor which decreases joint pain. ■Live stem cells from Mesemchyme has the power to rebuild cartilage in Osteo Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. One must be careful about mesemchyme supporting cancer tumors by helping body build blood vessels to supply tumors. It should be taken on empty stomach while laying still about 10pm then sleep so growth hormone can help the stem cells to their magic. Nitric Oxide is also known for hindering cancer cell division. employ sports medicine doctors who are using their patients own stem cells from bone marrow and their fat. They are able to inject the stem cells into joints where cartilage is gone for the body to regenerate its own joint. My husband did this procedure on both knees and thumbs for $5000.00. It is truly miraculous. They are located in Lake Oswego, Oregon. Also, the Unloader FIT knee brace is miraculous in how it stops pain immediately. 268 | P a g e __________________________________________________________________________________ NEUOROLOGICAL/BRAIN HEALTH: Parents may face criminal charges if their children are not under doctor supervision. The natural remedy statements here are submitted by numerous people from around the world and may be either true or false, many statements are not given by licensed doctors or have had studies conducted to prove them. The author has no way to test or verify every remedy. As such, these home remedies should be used for academic purposes only and inspire research and increased education. Never use any home remedy or other self-treatment without being advised to do so by a licensed physician. II Chronicles 16:12, “Though his disease was severe, even in his illness, he did not seek help from the Lord, but only from his physicians.” ■Tumeric and fish oil and kelp are superb brain tonics. Cultures that eat Indian Food Diets have significantly low numbers of people with brain disorders. ■Vitamin A & D deficiency can cause many brain and other health issues along with low B12. ■Round Up and other herbicides are similar to or equal to Agent Orange. Agent Orange rapidly or slowly kills the brain by over excitation of glutamate receptor sites as seen in Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease. Pesticides such as Raid kill in like manner. Lysol and all hand sanitizers, wet wipes are made of chemicals that excite the human brain causing neuro death. These chemicals kill fungus and viruses in like manner. Vinegar and lemon can kill many organisms. Vodka can kill anything bleach can kill. Bleach is safer, stronger, and cheaper than pesticide based sanitizers. ■Boil water, add vinegar and pour over weeds to kill them on the curb and sidewalk. It doesn’t hurt you or the bees. Flame weed wands work well as does salt and rock salt. Contact the WSU Master Gardeners at for any questions about gardening your own food or just taking care of your yard. Contacting these kinds of organizations can help one figure out how to do something simple like store your own seeds. For instance, heirloom seeds are the only seeds one should use. These are the original seeds that do not come from hybrid plants. If you have an heirloom tomato, just squeeze out the seeds and allow them to set in a covered bowl or cup for a few days to ferment and then rinse. Allow them to dry thoroughly on cotton and then place in a paper envelop and keep in a cool dark place for up to 10 years. Do not store in a freezer. All seeds are made this way. Other countries need seeds…why not try getting seeds overseas? Always wear gardening gloves when working outside. Parasites can come from feces from raccoons, rats, possums, birds, human which can easily be on produce from workers using fields to defecate and other countries using human sewage for fertilizer. ■Pumpkin seeds are high in tryptophan so they may not be a healthy choice for those who are low in dopamine. ■Brain cell connection is blocked by hardened fats on cells. Good fats, raw fats, and emulsifying fats like lecithin help to dissolve hardened sticky fats. ■Excellent adrenal and brain function testing is provided by Very informational website to learn about the brain. Be sure to order a full panel and make sure your doctor is correct in interpreting results. 269 | P a g e ■Nuclear medicine is exposure to radiation. X-rays are radiation. Kelp can prevent damage according to America’s #1 Guide to Natural Health…Prescription for Nutritional Healing, by Phyllis A. Balch, CNC ■The brain desperately needs B vitamins. Puritans Pride sells high quality vitamins. Do not overdose on B6, it can be neurotoxic. Jiaogulan tea is very beneficial to the body and brain as well. ■Ask doctors to teach you how to read your own lab tests so you can understand your body better and avoid medical mistakes. ■Head injury can cause neurological disease and damage. Neurological damage sneaks up on a person. It can begin with no symptoms and end with an array of problems. ■Mentally Challenged people are not demon possessed. Demon possession is rooted in bully-ism which is oppression…not a broken brain. ■B12 and magnesium deficiency can mimic neurological disease. Stomach staple surgery stops the stomach from processing B12 and requires B12 shots for life. Many surgeons do not advise patients to do this. B12 is needed for calcium absorption and iron absorption so when raising vitamin D make sure to raise B12. It can take years for liver reserves of B12 to diminish but once it does the symptoms can look like Parkinson or Dementia and fatigue. Super Oxide Dismutase is a powerful antioxidant that may help in neurological conditions that allow too much oxygen in cells called oxidative stress. ■Black mold causes neurological and lung damage. Mold spores are in the air. Over exposure is undetectable to the senses. Black mold can grow behind walls, ceilings, and under floors. In many states, laws do not demand that homes or businesses are inspected for black mold counts. The public can purchase test kits at hardware stores for under $20. Concerning the lungs, one can get pneumonia and have the infection reach the heart and kill in a matter of days. Take infection seriously but do not let doctors give you anti-biotics with black box warnings or side effects like permanent colitis or other stomach problems. ■Histadine is good for allergies, inflammation, multiple sclerosis due to its part in building myelin around the sheath of cells, and to increase sex drive. Too much histamine can lower thyroid hormone levels, cause stomach irritation, and schizophrenia. Bi Polar or Manic Depressive individuals are warned to never take histadine. ■Bipolar and schizophrenia have much to do with histamine levels. Manic states and schizophrenia may be due to elevated histamine. Manic states of bipolar could possibly respond well to lowering histamine which is done by raising vitamin C, sleeping after midnight, raising serotonin, tumeric, methionine, sleeping between 10-midnight with orthinine, arginine on an empty stomach followed by sleep, or anti-histamines. Methionine and turmeric seem to lower histamine well with minimal doses. The depressed state of bipolar might be related to low histamine levels and could possibly be managed by temporarily raising histamine via vitamin D, sleeping before midnight, histadine, and dopamine. Sound sensitivity is associated with decreased levels of histamine. Foods, illness, allergies, and inflammation all affect histamine levels in the body. Zinc, copper, and histamine levels should be monitored constantly by a doctor as well as any supplementation plan. Too much vitamin D can cause an allergy to it which can make a person experience chronic histamine reactions that are flu-like so do not over do anything and have your levels monitored. B vitamins and histadine work with methionine to create myelin sheath. 270 | P a g e ■Excitatory foods, supplements, as situations such as, depression, illness from a simple cold to serious virus, emotional stress, healthy excitement, agitating noise like fans, non-soothing sounds, loud sounds, fragrance, black walnut hull, glutamic acid, hydrolyzed protein, sodium caseinate, monopotasium glutamate, yeast extract, monosodium glutamate, calcium caseinate, sodium caseinate, autolyzed yeast, DRibose, corn fructose, digestive enzymes, fake sweeteners, stimulant laxatives, lecithin, caffeine, brewer’s yeast, MSG, gelatin, powders, gravy made from meat drippings because of gelatin, whey protein, acetylcholine from adrenaline other various substances that end in manufacture of acetylcholine, and high doses of inhibitory herbs and pharmaceuticals, NOISE, celery, sodium phosphate, unusually high doses of inhibitory chemicals like serotonin, etc raise glutamate and lower gaba levels in brain causing insomnia and brain cell death. The following usually contain or create MSG: soy sauce, liquid amino acids, malt flavoring, protease, cornstarch, citric acid, powdered milk, barley malt, maltodextrin, carrageenan, bouillon, artificial flavors, seasonings, natural flavorings, stock, broth, malt extract, pectin, protein fortified ingredients, mucilage fibers, stimulant laxatives, enzyme-modified ingredients, ultra-pasteurized ingredients, fun and excitement, or upset and depression. Some of the items in this list were taken from Dr. Don Colbert’s M.D. book, “The Seven Pillars of Health”. Myasthenia Gravis disease is a neurological disorder where there is a dysfunction in acetylcholine availability which means that all neurological disorders are different and require different things to manage. ■Omega 3 oils can lower thyroid hormone levels. Chia, flax, fish, borage, etc. Read Suzy Cohen book ,Thyroid Healthy., she knows her stuff. ■Body Bio PC is one of the purest forms of phosphatidylcholine and has the power to dissolve hardened plaques of fat off of cell linings to enable the brain to make better connections. Some IV clinics do washes of lecithin in effort to fight disease processes. ■Hair Analysis by Analytical Research Labs based in Arizona provides an overall good mineral test that can help a person understand their body and what it needs. ■All neurological disease has increased glutamate responses. These are called Prion conditions. ■All processed whey is excitatory increasing glutamate in the brain due to processing so if one needs glutamate to help repair tissues and has insomnia issues, they can take whey or glutamine early in the day and never after 2pm. ■Sometimes glutamate inducing chemicals build up and can take a few days of not taking them at all to calm the brain. ■Natural liquid found on top of yogurt has less excitatory amino acids. All concentrated amino acids has high amounts of glutamic, asparatic, and alanine which all end in more glutamate but natural forms like on yogurt do not. Some avoid whey from yogurt at night if they have insomnia though. ■Poor sleep, poor thinking, inability to move body parts smoothly, inhibit talking and breathing, swallowing issues, sight issues, muscle wasting, tremor, balance, irritability, confusion, vertigo, judging space and distance, fatigue, digestion, bladder and bowel control, poor memory, sound and visual hallucinations, unnatural pain, cold and hot sensations, numbness, and paralysis to name a few. 271 | P a g e ■Many people who have neurological disease or damage do not exhibit symptoms that others are aware of. This causes lack of support and validation. For instance, a person with brain malfunction may be having a visual or sound hallucination as you are interacting with them and you would never know it unless that person explained it to you. They can put on a happy hat and hold a conversation and act perfectly normal for a day or a couple of hours. Would people know you had a headache, internal bleeding, a stomach ache, constipation, or very little sleep if you didn’t complain? ■Neurological issues are often misdiagnosed and even over looked by doctors. It is important to give those who suffer with brain issues understanding and support because neurological issues are unpredictable and frightening. There are those who are quick to call chronic sufferers hypochondriacs because they don’t want to give of themselves. Treat others with respect when it comes to all issues and aliments. It is a rarity that people want pity, sympathy, or attention due to illness. What people want is to feel good. ■People who chronically complain are afraid, looking for answers, and need a dose of validation so they can keep going. It is easy to bake a casserole for someone who has just had a surgery and will recover because there is a fast payoff. The payoff being that a rush of endorphins to the brain or the sense that the obligation will be short lived. It is harder to reach out to those who need constant help because the payoff trickles down from heaven as well as out of the heart of the person you are caring for which offers no rush of happy endorphins. ■Remember, those who chronically suffer need to feel valuable and cared for more than they need a casserole. Many who suffer, find themselves falsely accused of seeking attention and then abandoned by friends, employers, and family. 272 | P a g e ___________________________________________________________________________________ DIGESTIVE TRACK: Parents may face criminal charges if their children are not under doctor supervision. The natural remedy statements here are submitted by numerous people from around the world and may be either true or false, many statements are not given by licensed doctors or have had studies conducted to prove them. The author has no way to test or verify every remedy. As such, these home remedies should be used for academic purposes only and inspire research and increased education. Never use any home remedy or other self-treatment without being advised to do so by a licensed physician. II Chronicles 16:12, “Though his disease was severe, even in his illness, he did not seek help from the Lord, but only from his physicians.” ■ Some people experience severe digestive issues following consumption of whey protein powder. These may include gas, bloating, cramps, tiredness, weakness, fatigue, headaches, and irritability. One of the possible causes is lactose intolerance after they ingest whey concentrate. Undigested protein in the colon will undergo bacterial fermentation which leads to the production of, among other things, gas and fatty acids. Low BP can cause nausea, fatigue, dizziness. ■ One can move gas and feces through the digestive track by rubbing the belly button in a clockwise circular motion and moving out in a spiral. Pretend a clock is sitting face up with the 12 at the chest not the pelvis. So make little circles with your hand going right to left starting in the center of belly button. Then move out and rub again in one spot then move toward the left in a new spot and so on until you have make a full spiral that would be as big as a Frisbee. Make sure you do not rub from left to right because that will move feces or gas back up toward the mouth rather than directing it toward the bodies exit route. Body workers can do this for you as well and a colonic is a great way to move gas and feces. Put aside any worry of smell or sound because body workers do not care. They love to help relieve pain. ■All processed whey is excitatory increasing glutamate in the brain due to processing so if one needs glutamate to help repair tissues and has insomnia issues, they can take whey or glutamine early in the day and never after 2pm. ■Natural liquid found on top of yogurt has less excitatory amino acids. All concentrated amino acids has high amounts of glutamic, asparatic, and alanine which all end in more glutamate but natural forms like on yogurt do not. Some avoid whey from yogurt at night if they have insomnia though. ■How does ones prevent gas from poor break down of proteins in the colon? Histadine increases the body’s natural stomach acid (hydrochloric acid) which is responsible for digesting protein. Stay away from whey powder, too many seeds and herbs unless you know there amino acid and medicinal properties. Moderation. Soy sauce has glutamate and so does Braggs amino acid. MSG is hard on the body. Bone broth has it but some is necessary for connective tissue and the repair of tissue. This is why those with serious need for intestinal healing use glutamate…cayenne pepper and aloe work to stop bleeding and heal also via growth hormone. ■Taurine creates gaba and also increases the body’s natural ability to produce stomach acid which is hydrochloric acid. 273 | P a g e ■Sodium phosphate found in spinach, celery, and other naturally salty tasting greens is best form of sodium. This helps adrenals, all cell processes, and can even curtail nausea. Spinach soup is pureed and will not allow leaves to stick on the sides of colonic walls causing pain. Celery has high amounts of asparagine which later turns to glutamate. Glutamate is excellent for body building but can cause insomnia and progress neurological diseases. Hylands brand Nat. Phos. # 10. Hylands also carries Bioplasma which has all 12 cell salts. All sodium phosphate can excite brain due to enhancing glutamate production. ■Cold Sardines, bee pollen, and histadine raise histamine and stomach acid as well as support connective tissue, cell and tissue repair, and libido or sex drive. Raising histadine at night is most powerful way to increase levels but can disturb sleep if taken after 2pm and cause mania or schizophrenia if one is prone to high histadine to start with. Hylands Allergy Relief increases histadine and helps calm the bodies allergic reactions of inflamation. Sardines, meats, and eggs also have phosphates or phosphorus that is good for body. ■The most beneficial accurate test around for food and chemical allergies is ALCAT. Any Lab Test Now provides these inexpensive tests to the public without doctor’s orders or even a doctor’s visit. The price is about the same or lower than a traditional office visit with a medical doctor. Whatever your problems are, this test is extremely beneficial in helping one discover answers. 1-800-US-ALCAT. After you receive this test you are also given a ½ hour appointment with their dietitians at no extra fee. Make sure to write down all your questions so they all get answered in your appointment slot. Go to Any Lab Test Now in your area and request a free packet with a DVD about ALCAT. ■The goal is to reduce aluminum and inflammation so that good bacteria can grow on the walls of digestive track to keep candida down, increase digestion, immunity, and allow minerals to remain balanced in body. Lack of vitamin B-12 can cause anemia or low iron. Most vegetarians become deficient in B-12 due to lack of complete protein in their diet. Methionine, B-12, and Taurine are abundant in red meat. ■L-Glutamine is building block for intestinal issues. Low iron and high aluminum is involved in intestinal issues. Block aluminum with red algae silica under doctor’s advice. Non constipating forms of iron are thyme, black strap molasses, ferros phos #4 by Hylands, chocolate, baking soda, red algae, and slowed exhale deep breathing. ■Borage and fish oil reduce inflammation in the body. Remember omega oils can suppress thyroid. Some people with IBS and/or Colitis respond well to St. John’s Wort which increases serotonin in the gut to relax it and decrease anxiety, chamomile, passion flower, or theanine. Slippery elm is known to reduce acute pain. See a doctor about these topics and for medical advice and diagnosis. Ashwaganda is good at alleviating anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure, etc. Do not take if intolerant of night shade foods. ■Low vitamin D2 levels are related to food allergy and food intolerance. D2 helps the adrenal glands produce power. Supplementing with Cal/Mag, zinc, and D2 between 5am and 7am is very beneficial. Vitamin C, salt, protein, beef or coconut fat, and 20 minutes of sunshine is also important for adrenal health. Red Algae oceanic silica taken at this time supports the thyroid as well. After 9am fish oil, borage oil, bee pollen, probiotics, and a swig of lemon or concentrated cranberry juice provides all the rest of the nutrients one requires for optimal health. Of course around 3pm, 2 tablespoons of fiber is extremely beneficial to the digestive track as well as cooking with tumeric along with a wide variety of foods. 274 | P a g e ■Rotating Food Groups helps reduce intestinal stress and reduces chance of food intolerance and allergy. Color, texture, change, whole, fresh, is good with food. Pets need their foods rotated also. Cats loose hair and get swollen chins from food allergy. Dogs get sore foot pads and other symptoms. Small broken off piece of Benadryl helps relieve inflammation symptoms in animals and sometimes clears it up if taken for no more than 2 weeks. Some cats prefer meat baby foods. These are easily rotated and could be mixed with vegi’s. ■The Plan Diet book and website might be a good resource for discovering food intolerances by keeping a daily food journal and weighing self the next day. The claim is that if the body becomes inflamed by the food, one will be heavier the following day due to the body’s inability to process the food or chemical. ■ Some hospitals use charcoal for absorbing toxins and overdosing on supplements or medications. Call poison control center or 911. ■Cayenne pepper can stop bleeding of cuts on the surface of the skin and sores in intestinal track. ■Opiates and Kratom interfere with intestinal motility. ■Sleep between 10-midnight releases growth hormone for tissue and cell repair. ■Some individuals are intolerant of much more than dairy…They may be intolerant of the additives in the dairy which are potato based, while some are intolerant of more than one food, spice, or chemical at a time. ■Seek a gifted professionals help with a rotation diet to truly change the condition of the intestinal track. ■ FMBT is a treatment for Chrone’s disease and possibly other intestinal issues. Fecal Micro Biotic Transfer is when a healthy person’s stool is placed into the unhealthy person’s digestive track. It may seem gross but it is having profound effects in healing those whose bodies don’t have certain bacterias and digestive enzymes. It is done similar to a retention enema and drug companies are beginning to make fecal matter pills. Vitamin D2 deficiency is related to food allergy and intolerances. ■When one seems to be passing unprocessed oils from body, the amino acid taurine in small doses may be of benefit, kelp for thyroid, or straight betaine HCL with pepsin. Bipolar individuals should not take histadine during mania or when the body is cycling up towards maniac phase. Always have a doctor supervise your health care plan for safety. ■Specific Carbohydrate Diet by Elaine Gottshall B.A. MSc.can relieve many intestinal ailments. ■ is an excellent resource for learning and getting ideas on how to be healthy. ■Eat fruit alone and wait 20-30 minutes before adding other foods to avoid gas. Nuts and nut butters mixed with fruit is a lethal combo when it comes to gas. ■Great Taste, No Pain food combination diet by Sherry Brescia. 275 | P a g e ■With intestinal or bloating ailments it is recommended by many naturopathic doctors to take high quality digestive enzymes before every meal due to the body’s insufficiency or lack of enzymes. Metagenics AzeoPangen. ■Iron supplements cause gas and constipation. Use natural forms of iron and proper deep breathing. ■Lactulose Solution USP is a prescription drug in United States that works well for chronic constipation. In other countries it is sold over the counter. Aloe stems and leaves is great for cleansing but a little ouchie. If you have a blockage, a pill will not help…only a doctor due to gangrene setting in lickity-split and shutting your kidneys down. ■Hyland’s #4 Ferrum Phos. Increases iron absorption and decreases aluminum absorption. ■Hyland’s #12 Silicea helps to block aluminum absorption which drives iron levels down. ■Calcium without magnesium constipates. ■Oil in stool can mean the body is not producing enough digestive enzymes. Histamine, vitamin D2 and 3 taurine, tumeric, hydrochloric acid, kelp, thyroid support can increase stomach acids. Metagenics AzeoPangen helps give the body other enzymes made by liver and digestive track. ■Pain medications, cough syrups, and anti-depressants dry up the intestinal track and cause severe constipation. Never take these pharmaceuticals without a stool softener or plenty of Nature’s Way Magnesium Complex. Once a plug of hard stool develops in the rectum it is difficult to pass. This plug may need to be manually dug out. Use disposable rubber gloves. Normally, the plug of fecal matter is only 1-4” at the base of the rectum. Once it is out of the way, an enema can help you release the rest of what may have back up. The last 2 feet of the colon walls is the only portion that absorbs the liquid from the digested food called Chime. If one is constipated for any length of time, the last 2 feet of colon wall will continue to absorb liquid from the Chime making the fecal matter harder and harder and no amount of stool softener will work in this part of the digestive track. One must use enema on a Colema board to evacuate the firm stool and immediately begin using stool softeners. It one takes too much stool softener, they will have a very loose stool and only needs to cut back on the dose until one finds what they need to be able to go to the bathroom every single day. If you take Nature’s Way Magnesium Complex, it may be safer to take it in divided doses with meals. ■Shepard’s Purse herb is used for internal bleeding. ■Cayenne pepper and aloe vera is a treatment for ulcers after H pylori bacteria is ruled out. ■Tobacco products cause ulcers and gum disease due to how they signal the stomach to release acid. ■Low B12, iron, and vitamin D 2 & 3 cause fatigue among a host of other health problems. Too much vitamin D can cause retardation and facial deformity in pregnant women and in young children. Not enough D can cause Rickets’, bone loss, high or low blood pressure, etc. ■The iodine in Natures Way kelp can increase thyroid activity. Low normal readings on thyroid tests may mean the body needs more thyroid activity. Hair loss, fatigue, constipation, low body temp, poor digestion, 276 | P a g e poor sleep, and anxiety are some signs of low thyroid function. Millions of people suffer from undiagnosed low thyroid according to naturopathic physicians. Taking Kelp between 5am-8am dramatically increases T3 and T4 thyroid cell counts as well as gaba for the day. Gaba is needed to decrease anxiety, seizures , and constipation issues. Read Suzy Cohen book ,Thyroid Healthy., she knows her stuff. ■The amino acid L-Theanine can reduce the anxiety of a panic attack within 20 minutes. Some brands of theanine can create stomach irritation. Green Tea Extract pills are easiest on the stomach. ■Consuming small portions of whole foods every 2-3 hours supports adrenal function. Think of it by looking at a clock— 6am, 9am, noon, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm, and so on. ■Pineapple and papaya are natural digestive enzymes. ■Mucus in the stool is a result of inflammation of the digestive track. ■Oily substance in the stool is the result of oils not digesting. Taurine could help digestion of fats. ■Aluminum is an anti-caking agent in foods and is an antagonist to iron, meaning aluminum blocks iron absorption. Breathe slow and deep to increase iron absorption. ■Most all household cleaning products that leave a shiny and smooth texture behind are aluminum based. ■Organic Black Strap molasses has iron and other minerals like calcium as well as fulvic acid. Molasses does not constipate. ■Colon hydrotherapy moves gas out of the intestinal track and flushes the liver as well as cleansing the colon. ■Oceanic Silica from red algae for connective tissue and high blood pressure. Silica blocks aluminum absorption and aids in iron absorption. Note that Red Algae Silica also increases iron and increases thyroid activity especially when taken between 5 and 7am better than kelp. Low Blood Pressure causes nausea, fatigue, and dizziness. This is how I know that Hawthrone Berry works well for lowering BP. ■Never mix fruit with meals or add sugar to meals to avoid gas. ■Black stool may be iron or blood from the stomach. ■Throwing up after meals can be the result of an ulcer and /or inflammation. This can mean that the stomachs sphincter closes off and will not allow the contents to pass to the small intestine. This signals the brain to purge poisons causing vomiting, sweating, and diarrhea. ■Salt additives are a cause of food intolerances for some. Refined sea salt has no additives. Vitamin additives, vitamins, and other supplements have additives that can contribute to food sensitivities. ■Good bacteria is like the flora found in sour kraut and yogurt. The body converts vegetables to good bacteria in the gut. These bacteria help with digestion and immunities. This is good reason to eat vegetables as the main course. 277 | P a g e ■You Are What You Eat by Dr. Gillian McKeith is a great book for healing any problem and has lots of pictures. ■Blastocystis Hominis is a parasite responsible for IBS according some health care providers. Triple antibiotic treatment is a known treatment in in based in London and will see patients via Skype +44 1865 459 553. MetaMetrix labs can provide the Comprehensive Stool Analysis called GIFX. It is recommended to have subsequent stool testing since results are only 20% accurate. ■According to parasitologists, five to ten tests can give a higher rate of success for diagnosing despite what test labs claim to push sales. ■All anti-perspirants warn to ask doctor for use if you have kidney disease. Aluminum is absorbable through skin and connected or intestinal diseases. ■Baking soda can be used for ulcers and can possibly prevent the need for kidney dialysis. Be sure to consume baking soda and breathe deeply to keep carbon dioxide levels normal in blood. Breathing is best when air is let out slowly like blowing through a straw and then holding the breath before taking a natural full breath. Keeping the air in and letting it out slowly is what creates alkalinity and helps the cells get iron and oxygen. ■Kelp is packed with nutrients and is a natural mercury chelator for mercury due to its content of sodium alginate. The body cannot release heavy metals into the blood stream without cleansing. Cleansing allows the mercury that hides in bone and brain to move out into the blood stream and if a chelate agent plus protein is also added to the blood, the body will excrete the metal through the urine. ■Fungus or Candida and parasites are related to mercury toxicity. Candida will only become balanced in the body by balancing mercury too. Boron is mercury’s antagonist. So by taking boron a person can drive mercury levels down. Mercury and boron should be balanced in our bodies in the same way that sodium and potassium should remain balanced. Jalapeno Pepper seeds are easy to swallow whole or in capsules along with DE to kill parasites. Do not rub face with fingers that have de-seeded a Jalapeno. If you make this firey mistake use milk on the skin to alleviate the burning sensation. Dried chilies and Black Spanish Radish with Black Walnut Hull for 90 days and DE for life can help lower parasite counts of Large Intestinal Round worm. Check thyroid while taking Black Spanish Radish. ■Fungus thrives in an alkaline environment. Removing citrus, tomato, vinegar, sugar, and gluten from the diet and adding large amounts of fruits and vegetables such as cabbage create good bacteria on gut lining that is not inflamed. Oregano and thyme oil works well for killing fungus but must be used for 10 days. Metagenics Candi-Bactin AR is a good product for this use. If fungus will not go away with this product, mercury chelation and diet changes are a must for about 4-6 years. Cleansing is very important component of heavy metal chelation because if the body is not clean the liver has no room for hidden metals. If the liver is clean heavy metals such as mercury will be allowed to circulate out into the blood stream which allows the chelator to bind to it as long as the body ingests protein. This allows the body to urinate the metals out. Symptoms of mercury circulation can be itching around hair areas like eyes, nose, nap of neck and pubic hair. I circulated every time I menstruated since that is the natural time for the body to sluff off toxins. Thorne Research sells Captimere which is similar to DMPS. I only took a pinch worth every 6 hours because it also pulls the good minerals out of the body. It is important to take antagonists and eat nutrient dense foods to keep balance of metals. It is when they become imbalanced that disease occurs. This is 278 | P a g e why foods that lack nutrient value are so harmful in the long run. Some of these statements taken from book, “Prescription for Nutritional Healing,” by Phyllis A. Balch, CNC. L-methionine and B12 are very good for reducing lead, other metals, estrogens, and fats as long as one also takes L-histadine to keep histamine levels optimal. L-methionine as well as turmeric lower histamine by raising glutathione levels dramatically in the body. I think milk thistle is great for increasing glutathione but it cuts the livers ability to make the digestive enzyme protease (to break down proteins in cells) by %50. ■Intestinal distress is related to aluminum toxicity. Ferrus Phos and Silicia by Hylands #4 and #12 help prevent aluminum absorption. Black strap molasses contains iron that is non constipating. If iron attaches to receptor sites in gut then aluminum cannot. Hair care products, soda cans, and house hold cleaners have high levels of aluminum. Silicia also competes with aluminum at receptor sites, so adding silicia to diet prevents aluminum uptake. Flouride turns into aluminum in the body so use tea tree mouth washes and rinse mouth well after brushing teeth. ■ Some common sources of aluminum or other metals: Fluorescent light bulbs Ocean food Pesticides Chemicals Amalgam dental filings Some vaccines Scents Perfumes Aerosols Paint Antiperspirants Antacids Maalox Paper Ink Cleansers White flour products Tobacco Beer Fructose Dried milk Herb teas Some soaps Some oils Some table salt like Mc Donalds Jam Crisp pickles Some yellow lake food coloring Some soymilk if made in aluminum machinery Processed cheese (orange color) Leavening agents Anticaking agents Drying agents Emulsifiers Phosphates Pharmaceutical glaze and color on pills Coating on M & M’s etc 279 | P a g e Cornbread mix Aluminum cans Aluminum cookware Fluoride Fire extinguishers Hair care products and chemicals such as hair spray Nail polish Make up or cosmetics Poor sleep hygiene Poor nutrition Parasites Stress HOW TO DECREASE ALUMINUM: Boron, iron, and silicia antagonize against aluminum by competing with receptor sites that uptake it. Adrenal fatigue increases aluminum Calcium citrate, lactate, and absorpate increase aluminum…use calcium acetate Shaving body hair can help reduce aluminum but it takes 7 years to reduce it by half as the body allows it to move out of the body via hair. Deferoxamine mesylate can chelate aluminum with and IV naturopath Rest and adrenal care are very helpful (Elyte with sodium and potassium is a great product) Low ph increases aluminum (learn to breath properly) and Caprylic acid from Priority One has calcium, magnesium, and zinc with slow aluminum absortions Sleep between 10-midnight Stress reduction can reduce aluminum Genotype diet Cleansing/ Gall bladder flushes Alfa lipoic acid Co Q 10 Liver glandulars for irson Selenium, zinc, vitamin E Glutamine but take it early in day if it creates insomnia 280 | P a g e _______________________________________________________________________________ ALLERGIES/ LUNGS: Parents may face criminal charges if their children are not under doctor supervision. The natural remedy statements here are submitted by numerous people from around the world and may be either true or false, many statements are not given by licensed doctors or have had studies conducted to prove them. The author has no way to test or verify every remedy. As such, these home remedies should be used for academic purposes only and inspire research and increased education. Never use any home remedy or other self-treatment without being advised to do so by a licensed physician. II Chronicles 16:12, “Though his disease was severe, even in his illness, he did not seek help from the Lord, but only from his physicians.” ■Ozone machines kill bacteria and molds in air and leave a fresh smell as after a rain. Too much ozone is harmful. Small plug in ozone devices are affordable and easy to control. ■Use oregano oil and colonics to cleanse for black mold under a doctor’s care. ■Local raw honey helps fight allergic reactions. ■Air conditioners are a cesspool for molds, fungus, and pollens. Keep the inside of an air conditioner cleaned to avoid allergic responses. ■Clean all filters, including the little hidden ones in vacuums, carpet shampooers, cars, computers, electronics, heat and cooling vents, dishwashers, dryers, air vents, appliances, and especially a juicers screen. They will work like new! ■Avoid unnatural fragrance…it is extremely toxic. The longer the nice smells hang around the more toxic they are because they do not easily break down. Same with foods. Anything that doesn’t rot quickly, doesn’t break down in the body well either. ■ According to a consensus of holistic healers, protocol for most disease and disorders is parasite cleansing and restoring chemical balance. Other treatments are…heavy metal cleansing and balance, mold and fungus cleansing, chemical cleansing, bacterial cleansing, virus treatment, emotional cleansing, neurological balancing, endocrine system balancing, lymphatic drainage, exercise and bodywork, deep breathing in through nose-out through mouth slowly and hold breath-then take natural breath filling both stomach and chest simultaneously, surgery, and other medical treatments. 281 | P a g e ____________________________________________________________________________________ WATER: Parents may face criminal charges if their children are not under doctor supervision. The natural remedies here are submitted by numerous people from around the world many of which are not licensed doctors or studies been conducted. The author has no way to test or verify every remedy. As such, these home remedies should be used for academic purposes only. Never use any home remedy or other self-treatment without being advised to do so by a licensed physician. II Chronicles 16:12, “Though his disease was severe, even in his illness, he did not seek help from the Lord, but only from his physicians.” ■Distilled water is safest. Just be sure to take minerals such as kelp. ■Be an activist for clean water in America. Without clean water, we are sick. ■Enormous amounts of pharmaceutical drugs are dumped into our waters daily. These end up in our soils and drinking water. Teach children that they can do something to heal our world. Future generations need more hope than building an elevator to space as a port to travel to a new world or living in underground cities. 282 | P a g e ____________________________________________________________________________________ BETTER LIVING GENERAL INFORMATION: Parents may face criminal charges if their children are not under doctor supervision. The natural remedy statements here are submitted by numerous people from around the world and may be either true or false, many statements are not given by licensed doctors or have had studies conducted to prove them. The author has no way to test or verify every remedy. As such, these home remedies should be used for academic purposes only and inspire research and increased education. Never use any home remedy or other self-treatment without being advised to do so by a licensed physician. ■Simplify holidays and other aspects of your life as much as possible. Have no guilt around your decisions concerning consumerism. Create traditions or delete them, it’s your life, culture, and country. Don’t allow society to determine what you spend your time and money on. Someone told me the greatest gift she ever got was a framed statement of good thoughts her family member thought about her. ■Find an near you. This is a new approach to the medical field that works! There tests are much less than mainstream medicine and much more informative. ■ If you are taking medications, look them up on Wikipedia and read the section on pharmacology. Teach yourself how that drug is changing your brain chemistry or how it is affecting your body on the cellular level. Many anti-depressants raise serotonin which can cause depression when there is too much. This is why the warning say not to give to teenagers and that suicide is a side effect. All sleep drugs lower histamine and raise serotonin. Histamine is needed to repair myelin sheath of cells every night and to fight allergic reactions. Raising Serotonin can lower sex drive and create fatigue because when one raises serotonin they are lowering Dopamine. This works just like Sodium and Potassium in the body…they are 2 chemicals that are supposed to stay in balance with one another, otherwise the body faces serious problems. Estrogen and progesterone are the same way. They are to be in balance with each other. If you get Periodic Table chart of elements from the school supply section of any store you can see all the chemicals we are made up of and learn how each one has an antagonist, for example aluminum competes for iron receptor sites on the cells, and therefore they need to stay in balance or else the body has issues. The biggest issue of too much aluminum is anemia and digestive disorders. Ask your doctor or pharmacist to inform you so that you understand how you are permanently changing your body. You have the right to know these things and pay a whole lot of money to have medical care. Don’t allow yourself to be a pawn for pharmaceutical companies…you may even want to take one college course about pharmacology. Drugs can really be helpful or harmful. You need to make educated choices that affect your life. Another common example is, using anti-biotics like Cipro. This anti-biotic eats away at your cartilage and create a permanent problem of weakened connective tissue that tears easily, thyroid meds can cause arthritis and the list goes one. There are many alternative solutions to common health conditions if you do your research. Many drugs have black box warnings which mean death is associated with the drug or permanent damage to body. Pay attention to those warnings. People suffer so much due to side effects of drugs and don’t realize it. Read Suzy Cohen book ,Thyroid Healthy., she knows her stuff. ■Keep cars away from those who use weed eaters so chips in paint and windshield do not appear. Weed eaters severely injure people by randomly throwing rocks at high speeds. 283 | P a g e ■Teaching anti-bully programs do not cause children to bully more. Bullies are inundated with sources that reinforce violence in our culture. Anti-bully programs help decrease violence. ■Take caution when taking supplements between 3am-8am because this is the time the body is making and mixing chemicals to be used for the day. This is endocrine time. Some work better after 5am but when raising dopamine and histamine they will raise better if taken around 3am. The thyroid, histamine, dopamine, serotonin, epinephrine, sex hormones, gaba are significantly altered during these times. ■Liquorice can be used to treat ileitis, leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease as it is antispasmodic in the bowels. The compound glycyrrhizic acid, found in liquorice, is now routinely used throughout Japan for the treatment and control of chronic viral hepatitis, and there is a possible transaminase-lowering effect. Liquorice affects the body's endocrine system as it contains isoflavones (phytoestrogens). It might lower the amount of serum testosterone slightly, but whether it affects the amount of free testosterone is unclear. Liquorice can be used to treat ileitis, leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease as it is antispasmodic in the bowels. Large doses of glycyrrhizinic acid and glycyrrhetinic acid in liquorice extract can lead to hypokalemia and serious increases in blood pressure, a syndrome known as apparent mineralocorticoid excess. These side effects stem from the inhibition of the enzyme 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (type 2) and subsequent increase in activity of cortisol on the kidney. 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase normally inactivates cortisol in the kidney; thus, liquorice's inhibition of this enzyme makes the concentration of cortisol appear to increase. Cortisol acts at the same receptor as the hormone aldosterone in the kidney and the effects mimic aldosterone excess, although aldosterone remains low or normal during liquorice overdose. To decrease the chances of these serious side effects, deglycyrrhizinated liquorice preparations are available. This information was quoted from Wikipedia a very good encyclopedia source available to the public at this time in history. ■When the body gets shakey due to confrontation, nerves, when awakening, when hungry…that normally means adrenal fatigue causing low blood sugar. Good idea to eat a diabetic diet and have small amounts of carbs every 2-3 hours and sunshine. sells naturally sugar free chocolate and other high antioxidant products. ■Take kelp before X-rays or any nuclear medicine procedure. ■Histamine or histadine and dopamine are essential to our health. Levels should be raised at night but may cause insomnia. Raising these 2 chemicals can be very advantageous to those with neurological or anxiety issues. Warning: those with Bi-Polar or Manic Depression should never take histadine. Too high of histadine can cause Schizophrenia. Low thyroid, low adrenals, low estrogen/progesterone, and low blood sugar contribute to insomnia. Sound sensitivity may be related to need for phospatylserine and/or choline. BreathRight Strips can help one get enough oxygen to sleep better. Remove BreathRight Strip glue left on the nose with peanut butter. If your strip won’t stick, wash off oils on nose with rubbing alcohol or soap. ■Test saliva rather than urine when checking Ph. Metagenics Cal Apatite Bone Builder with magnesium and D is superb at alkalizing the blood which must stay at 7.4. The blood takes minerals from the bone to keep the blood at the proper Ph. This is why we need not to deplete our reserves in all our body parts. Citrus, spicey, vinegar, sugar, wine, tomato, etc are acidic to the stomach and can irritate ulcers but they turn alkaline in the digestive track. If Candida is an issue, avoid acidic foods that turn alkaline. Fungus proliferates in alkaline and bladder suffers. 284 | P a g e ■For any ailment one may be experiencing it is wise and educational to stop in at a Super Supplement store and walk the isles. This store is set up so simply and is not overwhelming at all. They carry the finest brands and label each section according to health condition. Just viewing the shelves and names of products will give you an idea of what you can take and research about on line. Empower yourself with education while you still can. Some other countries do not allow, knowledge, supplements, or seeds to even grow medicinal herbs. For instance, China blocked all of the public’s pictures of a car that crashed into Tinnimen square and created a large fire within minutes of those recording, tweeting, and taking video. On a separate topic, one would think that since a government can control social media so finitely that governments could easily stop the exploitation of women and children over social media, internet, and other forms of electronic exchange. ■Make laundry soap with 3 cups borax, 3 cups washing soda (not baking soda), and 3 cups grated bar of soap. Use a heaping tablespoon per load. ■Soup and salad before or after meals hydrates and causes alkalinity in blood. Make soup and salad out of anything. A little oregano, salt, pepper, tomato, and lemon can make anything taste good. Experiment. ■ Muchas Gracious and Chipotle eateries are excellent healthy choices but the over all best food for restoring health is Indian food.. ■Califlower and tumeric fight prostate cancer according to some internet sources. Carnivora is an herb that helps fight cancer. Saw Palmetto very good preventative herb for prostate issues. ■One does not need a Netty pot to rinse sinuses. Just a squeeze bottle with distilled water and ½ teaspoon sea salt and baking soda that has been brought to a boil and cooled to room temp. Just lean over the sink and allow the water to go in one nostril and come out the other side and then do the other nostril. If one uses baking soda for deodorant it is very important to boil it in water so it completely dissolves so no skin abrasions occur. ■People can do retention enemas with Vitamin C in place of IV vitamin C but a lot of vitamin C can harm adrenal glands so never do retention enema’s with something that seems harmless without your doctors over sight. ■Calcium supplements, cystiene supplements, corn fructose, high vitamin C supplements, salt etc can cause kidney stones. ■High fat diets can cause gall stones. Many people do gal stone flushes to keep gall bladder and liver free of buildup. Be aware that the large green and yellow nuggets one sees in the toilet are not gall stones. These nuggets are the unprocessed olive oil that comes through the bile ducts to OPEN them wide enough to allow gall stones to pass. Soft gall stones can look like floating brown lentils, black bee pollen or millet sized pellets, or random crystallized shapes and colors. Seek medical advice before attempting a gal stone flush. ■If one can’t sleep through the night set an alarm to wake up before one normally would and eat something out of a chilled lunch pouch kept beside the bed. 285 | P a g e ■Soak all vegetables including potatoes in large bowl or sink of bleach water. Use about ¼ -1/2 cup. Leafy vegetables dip for 2 minutes, root vegi’s soak for 20 minutes, and fruits with thick skins 2 hours or overnight. Scrub, rinse well and place in a freshly sanitized refrigerator crisper. ■ 1 cup baking soda and 1 cup borax mixed makes dishwasher soap as well as dish soap for hand washing just put in a visibly labeled jar with holes in lid for sprinkling on dishes. Use 1 tablespoon. Other great inexpensive remedies are at ■ Micro Fiber clothes found in automotive section of stores are wonderful for cleaning all surfaces in the home! ■To create safe non-slip steps or other outdoor surfaces mix sand in gray or yellow paint and put plenty of warning signs up to avoid injury law suits. ■Vacuum the air vents on back of the refrigerator and freezer on January 1st to prevent them from breaking due to overheating. They will get warm spots on rubber seals if airflow is blocked from dust. Clean all filters in house on the 1st and don’t forget all electronics, appliances, vacumns, cars, etc. They will all last so much longer the filter systems are cleared just like your body (liver needs flushing). How about colema colonics and food/chemical/stress cleansing in spring and fall? BTW, the Bissell onepass 12 amp vacuums that sell for around $100 (usually less) are the best vacuums according to this Suzi Homemaker. Over the years, I have tried the Rainbow, Oreck, and other high end vacuums. Nothing sucks as well as the Bissell 12 amp. ■ Take about an 1/8 teaspoon of salt and an adrenal glandular before doing a colonic to make it easier on the body. Try cortisone cream on the crack of the behind before a colonic also to decrease skin irritation due to bile. ■ is one of many public online schools. ■Putting an old fashion television antenna up will provide many channels that are healthy to watch. Cooking, sports, spiritual, retro, MeTv, this, 49 as well as local channels. OPB is picked up easily and gives a variety of channels including 3 radio stations. ■Disinfect refrigerator handles and all cupboard door handles, faucet handle, stove switches, etc often. Wash all packages that items from stores come from including cans so all is sanitary. ■Put brown rice syrup in a squeeze bottle for easy use. Keep squeeze bottle on hand for gourmet style presentation of sauces, glazes, purees, or frostings. ■Feed ants crushed cat or dog food to keep them out of the house and help them survive. Attach a dish to a shaded dry side of house to keep other rodents out of it. Plant fruit trees and allow some fruit to rot on the earth to feed little critters and to create habitats. ■Do not kill big garden spiders or break their webs down. They have a very short life but do long lasting things like balance the eco system by killing flies and mosquitoes. 286 | P a g e ■ Electrical fire prevention: When pounding a nail in the wall, be sure not to drive the nail or screw into an electrical wire. A sign of hitting a wire is a nail bouncing back. Do not use long extension cords or over load an electrical outlet with a heater. ■Use food as makeup. Food on the face is pleasant and healing for the skin. ■Herbal magic deodorants main ingredient is baking soda as well as Vasigil powder. Vasigil can be used as an all-purpose powder for men and women. It is talcum free. Talcum is related to ovarian cancer. Quercertin and selenium are preventative according to Phylis A. Balch CNC. ■Children should not be exposed to fragrance such as dryer sheets, perfumes, colognes, hair spray, beauty parlors, scented soaps, plug in air fresheners, scented candles, etc because fragrance is very toxic and a child’s body is much too small to process the poisons through their livers and kidneys. ■Artificial fragrance is poison to the body. Laws do not regulate the sale of fragrance such as plug in air fresheners, dryer sheets, perfumes, colognes, etc. Doctor offices ask patients not to wear fragrance in their buildings because it increases allergy symptoms due to toxic overloads in the body. ■The general public can get their own lab tests at in your area. Ovarian cancer tumor marker tests are available. CA-125 and LPA. Ovarian cancer is not screened for by mainstream medicine which is why the death rate is high. It is always good to fight for women’s right to equality for this very reason. Any Lab Test Now! employs doctors that understand nutrition’s role in our health. ■Berberine is good for kidney issues, cancer, eye, and other problems. Take as directed under doctor supervision. ■Avoid soy other than tofu…soy that has not been fermented is linked to cancer causing estrogens. Organic Raw Revolution makes protein bars without soy ■If one thinks they need to throw out a pot they burnt something in, think again. Just fill with bleach water and let it soak for a week. The bleach will eat up the burnt part. ■Ongoing learning with associated smells and music reduces dementia. Some Young Living oils are terrific scents that can be used on hair and skin without harming liver. Don’t burn the eyes with them. Be careful of oil left on hands. Jalapeño pepper seed residue left on hands can really burn eyes and face. Apply milk if this happens. ■Try rinsing contacts with distilled water before daily storage in solution makes them more comfortable and last longer. Close the trap in the sink in case it is dropped. Some contact solutions contain benzalkonium chloride, also known as alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride which is a bio hazard. It is extremely toxic to fish and can cause death to humans if ingested. ■When using a public restroom turn the seat covers sideways and they won’t fall in the toilet before you take your seat. ■Fish oil is good from heart to happiness. 287 | P a g e ■ by Lloyd Wright is one of the best resources for those suffering with any disease. My favorite product is for adrenal fatigue and repairing connective tissues and veins. It is called POWER SOLUTION in a 24 pack of vials containing mescemchyme live stem cells and highest quality adrenal extract. 1-877-676-1615. ■If you are going to eat fast food for a treat, avoid restaurants like Jack in the Box and Carl’s Jr. that use pornography (including wetting appetites for child prostitution) for advertising. There are plenty of fast food joints to choose from that are respectable. ■Cosmetic companies, television, YouTube, commercials, written, printed and other media that imply that teenagers, children, or animals have sexual desire are sending the message that it is acceptable to exploit the innocent. Remember that sexually violent people are bullies and seek those that are pure, innocent, unknowing, needy, and trusting to victimize. We must take a stand and avoid and use our voices about anything that encourages pornography and prostitution. ■Set a timer to remind one when to eat, drink, relax, take pills etc. ■Whole foods are satisfying and less work in the long run. Put all one eats in a day out on the kitchen counter to get a visual of how much one is eating. Ask yourself if it is balanced and full of color. ■Coconut oil and beef fat are important for the production of pregnenolone the mother hormone of the adrenals. Raw coconut oil is best form because cooked oils can lead to dementia due to sticky and hardened fats that block cell function. When supplementing with pregnenolone, only take a tiny broken piece that is less than 1milligram and take it between 6am- 9am under a doctor’s care. Larger doses and dosing at other times increases acetylcholine which is excitatory to the brain. Pregnenolone interacts with adrenal supplements taken in early morning and some medications. See a doctor that specializes in hormonal balance. ■California Ranch olive oil is fresh and fights disease. Best if unheated. ■Soak 2 cups of beans overnight and boil with lots of water and 1 tablespoon of salt, once per week consume burrito’s, beans and rice with hot sauce and cheese, plus more good bacteria in the gut and nutrients for the prostrate. ■Hawthorne Berry for high blood pressure, stomach issues, connective tissue, and sleep. Sweet potatoes lower blood pressure and pork raises it due to tyramines. Avoid any foods with high tyramines if one experiences insomnia or hypertension because tyramines increase epinephrine in the blood stream according to internet doctor sources. Hawthorne Berry really works if you stay with it, especially if you eat an Indian Diet with curry due to turmeric. Medications are very toxic and can cause stomach upset. Remember that high blood pressure is a SILENT KILLER OF THE KIDNEYS! Cut down on smoking, bad fats, and energy drinks Michal. ■Low purine diet for gout and arthritis. ■Taurine for Prion diseases and for breaking down triglycerides (stringy fats in the blood) which help to lower blood pressure. Smallest dose is 500mg. More can be damaging…consult a doctor. 288 | P a g e ■Taurine is abundant in red meat so those who don’t consume much or any red meat may need taurine supplementation at very small doses if their health care practitioner agrees. ■Kiwi & Papaya in combination create a superb brain antioxidant. ■Raw foods have the potential to give people parasites and food borne illness. Protect the public by preparing foods with thoughtfulness. ■Bubbies brand pickles and horseradish for probiotics. Other pickles have aluminum added to form crispness. Baking Power contains aluminum. Aluminum blocks iron. ■Try to stick with eating real food. ■Frozen crushed greens make a great vegetable when stir fried with butter and salt and plated up as a bed for any meat dish to lie upon. ■Sunflower sprouts are a super food high in protein and most nutrients the body needs. Puree almost any vegetable and add to sauces. Most vegetables are very tasty when baked or fried with liquid stevia and cayenne pepper. ■For dry nasal passages that sometimes bleed or wake an individual, try sanitary coconut oil instead of Vaseline. ■Benard Jensen, D.C. PhD, Iridologist books can be very helpful for health knowledge. An Iridologist can assess the iris of the eyes and gain important information about a person’s body. Nancy Coones is a knowledgeable Iridologist and freely gives information if contacted at ■Oat flour is made by simply grinding it in a blender. High in iron and protein. ■Bitter Melon herb is known for lowing blood sugar. ■Medical vacations are becoming very popular. People are finding affordable high quality dental and health care solutions in other countries. Get a passport and start saving. One medical trip costs the same as one year’s premiums for good health insurance. ■Used under a doctor’s advice and supervision, taurine at night or every 4 hrs in small doses 500mg can assist the body to burn fats, improve sleep, clear liver, digest food, support adrenals, heart, brain, stop seizures, and block glutamate in the brain. Too much glutamate is a neurotoxin. Pesticides and herbicides kill insects by over exciting the brain with glutamate. Taurine was studied by the Christopher Reeves Foundation (Super Man). ■Kelp is a bladder tonic. Kelp increases thyroid activity. Half life of T3 cells is 7 days. That means half of the T3 cells will be gone in 7 days. In 7 more days half of the remaining T3 cells will be gone. Read Suzy Cohen book ,Thyroid Healthy., she knows her stuff. T4 converting to T3 is the most important part of the process for one to feel good. 289 | P a g e ■Boiled berries or fruit and sugar cubed and frozen serve for a savory icey sorbet when slightly thawed and pureed. ■Spices are medicine…be sure to cook with them Celery seed, sage, paprika, turmeric, dill, cumin, oregano, thyme, rosemary, cayenne, caraway seeds, basil, anise, cinnamon, etc. ■Fragrance increases skin issues and overall toxicity levels in the body more than fast foods. Unscented laundry soap Herbal Magic unscented deodorant Ivory soap has less scent Neutrogena unscented soap Avalon organics lemon lotion Goat milk bar soap 1/8 cup baking soda dissolved in warm water and placed in a spray bottle for body mist controls body order. ■Acne needs three things to develop--too-oily skin, clogged pores and bacteria. Male hormones such as testosterone create oily skin by over-stimulating the skin's oil-producing sebaceous glands, which then produce too much oil. Oil encourages bacterial growth. If the skin cells shed too rapidly, the dead cells will clog pores, and develop acne lesions. Estrogen can be related to acne also. Acne can be treated with Chaste Berry under doctor supervision due to dramatic changes in levels of sex hormones and other hormones. See a doctor and be monitored because this is a very powerful and complicated natural medicine that completely changes the body’s chemical levels over time according to small or low doses. St Johns Wort potentiates the effects of Chaste Berry. Chaste Berry can irritate bladder. Monks used Chaste Berry by sprinkling on their food for spice in small doses to hinder sex drive. To slow sex drive down use only 20-39mg of Chaste Berry. Did you know that Sex Tourism involves at least 2 million kids world-wide? ■Witch Hazel constricts blood vessels, thus firming the skin on the face. It is used for hemorrhoids to decrease inflamed blood sacs. ■Fish oil in combination with borage oil reduces inflammation and increases ability for gut lining to heal and grow good bacteria with fruit, vegetables, and lentils. These 2 oils are often used as a Cox2 inhibitor to relieve arthritic pain. ■Use pumas block on feet and find pedicure products that dissolve and remove excess skin. Thin skin on feet should be examined by a doctor. ■Eating most of a steak for dinner before digging into the carbohydrate side dish significantly raises dopamine. Eating protein between 3am- 7am also raises dopamine. Over elevation of dopamine can cause paranoia. See a doctor or follow daily recommended dosages to stay safe. ■Take kelp when eating fish to chelate some of the mercury that is in the fish. All seafood including farmraised contains mercury which when it be imbalanced with its antagonists is neurotoxic. Seafood from other countries often times has no regulations for how it is grown. There are no food industries that grow organic non-mercury seafood at a reasonable price yet. Consider fishing without hooks. Broken lines and hooks remain in waters, torturing fish as they become tangled and stabbed. 290 | P a g e ■Lecithin and L-serine are involved with the amino acid glycine which keeps connective tissue healthy and helps keep blood sugar stable for those suffering with adrenal fatigue and low blood sugar issues. Lecithin also helps fight Parkinson and dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Take early in day. ■Corn syrup and D-Ribose are not good for the brain. They cause AGEs which is a kind of cell death attributed to Alzheimer’s and other neurological diseases. ■Earth’s Best Harvest Organic Baby Food is a yummy tasting healthy snack for adults too! I have found that the easiest most convenient cheapest way to feed a wee one is to use the fine side of a cheese grater to mash pineapple, strawberries, cabbage etc. And, other foods like oats can be ground in a vitamix as well as meats or other firmer foods that need to be creamed for babies. Oats from GLUTENFREEOATS.COM are less likely to have potato contamination. ■ located in Ridgefield Washington is a wonderful place to get information, learn to grow food, buy food etc. Sign up for their newsletter. ■Zinc is needed to keep testosterone levels up in both men and women. ■Baking soda for exfoliation.Baking soda or for order in shoes. ■Carrots have beta-carotene which fights cancer. ■Organic apples have digestive enzymes in the peel and pectin which fight cancer. Mushrooms have D2 which aids digestion. ■Wheat grass does not have gluten in it and is cancer fighter. ■DIM by Source Naturals helps the liver clear excess estrogen as well as low glycemic foods. ■Sleeping with good posture on your back rather than on your side can alleviate headaches caused by jaw fascial changes. Getting the ribs adjusted can help reduce pain coming from back of arms or triceps area. ■PectaSol-C modified citrus pectin is a wonderful supplement that prevents and fights cancer according to Isaac Eliaz, MD Why not take the time to look this doctor up and read about it. Berries have pectin, as well as many other fruits that naturally thicken when heated. Nitric Oxide is known for hindering cancer cell division. ■Pesticides do grow into the flesh of produce and cannot be washed otf. Waxes can be removed by blanching in boiling water and scrubbing peel. ■Eating or drinking fruit/melon with a meal will give one gas all day. Always eat melon alone and wait 30 minutes before eating something else. ■Purchase a Bidet toilet seat or squeeze bottles to fill with water for cleansing. Bidets run from $250- $600 but easily pay for themselves by not needing to buy toilet paper. Bidets are sanitary ways of spraying water on bottom to clean off fecal matter and urine. Some Bidets have added features such as blow dryers. 291 | P a g e Amazon, Home Depot, Lowes, and Costco sell bidets. Ketchup or liquid dish soap bottles work well for homemade bidet use. ■Use left hand to wipe after toileting and right hand for switches and knobs to reduce transmission of parasites and disease. ■Iron, blue berries, bananas, beets, fiber, calcium, opiates, and pain medications can dry the stool and create severe constipation. ■Glycerin suppositories work well for constipation. If one finds that they are pushing hard, they may do better to dig out the hard fecal matter with gloves on, in order not to create hemorrhoids or make them worse. Aloe stems and leaves is great for cleansing but a little ouchie. If you have a blockage, a pill will not help…only a doctor due to gangrene setting in lickity-split and shutting your kidneys down. ■Animals can use small amount of psyllium husk powder mixed well in wet food for constipation. ■Wear simple comfortable clothing. Decide on what you like and buy a lot of the same thing in only a few colors. This cuts down on shoes and accessories, stress, and cost. It’s nice when you are in a hurry not to have to stop and think about what you will wear. One dresser and one half of a closet space is all a person needs for clothing. Try to purchase clothing with no added chemicals since chemicals are absorbed through the skin. ■Parents should avoid involving police or juvenile departments with their children or teenagers. Parents end up paying the courts much money and children become adults trapped in probation, fines, no driver’s license issues, legal records that prevent renting an apartment, employment, loans, etc. One is better off dealing with power struggles, drugs, alcohol, theft, etc at home with a professional counselor. Be on the same page with all parental figures. Set firm boundaries. If that doesn’t work, lighten the rules. Give up control over them if need be. Make their bedroom like an apartment so it is like a safe haven to them. It is so unsafe away from home or party away from home. Date rape is real, police brutality is the norm. Let kids do their rebellion. They will get over it just like older generations did. Move to the country or something if one can. Do whatever it takes. Just don’t make children want to run away and don’t involve the law. Remember that both male and female runaways are propositioned by a pimp within 48 hours in the city. These propositions are filled with lies, charm, and “I will help you messages.” Pimps never tell the truth to their victims--- they trick them into prostitution and drugs. ■Just as many males are sexually abused as a child or teenager as females. Statistics do not reveal this simply because men do not readily share their stories of sexual violation. Parents should teach teen boys that there are older men who may buy beer or other things to cause the teenager to feel friendship and obligation all in efforts to make their move on them. Most believe that men are attracted to women and a man with intent to molest a younger man will even purport that he is attracted to women to win the teens trust. ■Kevlar is one of the best Christian Rappers around. His CD Regenerated is found on by Kevlar. ■Wash salt and pepper shakers as often as one bleach handles, switches, phones, computer key pads, and remotes. 292 | P a g e ■Set goals and celebrate each one that gets accomplished by rewarding one’s self. ■ Tofu creamed in a Vita Mix with water is a perfect substitute for any dish that requires cream or a milk based sauce. ■ for all kinds of natural affordable tips. ■ Jojobo oil is best for skin and hair. ■ Save computer information of a couple of flash drives and store one outside of the house somewhere in case of a fire, theft, or computer crash. ■ Watch what you are drinking at parties or bars. Don’t bum cigarettes, and be careful with foods like produce, bins, and breads that are not sealed well. Date rape drugs or other contaminates can be found in anything that is left open to people. Be careful not to share personal information in emails, texts, or any social networks. Lock your house up always and lock the garage door entrance to inside of house. Install do-it-yourself security systems from Be careful of friends and neighbors. Do checks on them and know who you are allowing into your life. Be careful when going outside to your parked car. Criminals watch routines. Drive with car doors locked and do not text when driving. Drive slow in neighborhoods and parking lots always watching for tiny children to pop out of nowhere. Keep watch on your children all the time. Do not trust anyone alone with them, even older child female family members. Remember that boys are sexually abused also, especially in teen years. Do not leave yourself or children vulnerable to harm in this crazy world. Better to be safe than sorry. Too trusting or too fearful is never a good thing. Seek balance in all things including health choices. Just be smart…don’t get sick with worry, be wise not weird. Spend time with those you love encouraging and letting them be themselves. Get to know them. Ask yourself what you would be doing if your loved one had only 2 more weeks to live. Make good memories so you have no regrets. ■Teach children to floss without cutting themselves. It is fun for them and gives parents a break for a few minutes. ■Teach yourself and children to wash hands before eating and after toilet use. ■Teach children that alcohol and drug use will cause a weird feeling and that too much of it will lead to harm like rape or being killed by those they are with. No one high on chemicals can be trusted. ■Teach children that if they run from police they stand a strong chance at being shot and killed. This is a common occurrence that is not generally reported to the public. ■ Read children the book of Revelations in the Bible. It is only 20 chapters, very interesting and warns children never to take the mark of the beast which could be a microchip in hand or forehead that allows them to sell and purchase food and other items as well as contain all health information. Once this or some other form of the mark of the beast comes into play the world will only have either 3 ½ years or 7 years before the end comes. It is not worth taking the mark of the beast and ending up in the lake of fire over it when death and judgment will be right around the corner anyway. The book promises that those who read it, even if they don’t understand YET will be blessed for doing so. 293 | P a g e ■Acquaint yourself with the Violence Against Women Act that President Bill Clinton signed. In 2013 when it needed to be passed again, 199 Democrats voted to pass it and only 85 Republicans voted to pass it. 135 Republicans protested the Act. This Act provides services to children, males, females, American Indians, and children of rape and other forms of violence. ■ Avoid social networks and giving too much information out on texts, to doctors, or emails. Our country is compiling all our information mostly to keep the greed monster going but anytime a country invades privacy, allows the police to be the judge and jury despite supposedly getting a fair trail, and causes it’s people not to be self-sufficient but dependent on others for foods, health, homes, etc., that country is in danger of losing personal freedom. ■Dancing 4 times a week releases chemicals that reduce risk of dementia or memory loss by 76%. Music, feeling free, and peace are powerful medicines for the brain. ■Seeking God for the baptism in the Holy Spirit may provide you with a special prayer language in God’s time. Praying in the spirit or the tongues of angels helps the cells obtain oxygen and iron and gives the mind and heart serenity. ■Creativity engages the entire brain in building connections. Scientists have proven this by comparing Free Style Rapping to Rapping Memorized music. They found that Free Style Rapping was healthier for the brain. ■Some insects dance to music according to scientists. ■Try eating one carrot, a bowl of coleslaw, a bed of greens under meat, berry pie, fish oil, and kelp every day. ■An apple a day keeps the doctor away. ■Use peas, carrot, squash, pineapple, lentils, and brown rice syrup for carbs and always rotate foods for humans as well as pets. Carrots make nice noodles when using a potato peeler. ■Don’t lie down or stay immobile without using compression wear or one may develop a blood clot. Vitamin K and estrogen helps blood to clot. Pumping calves decreases chances of blood clots in lungs as well as fish oil, garlic, and aspirin. ■ Throw pillows, stuffed animals, blankets, sofa cushions in dryer and dry on high heat for 10-20 minutes to kill germs and dust mites. ■See your professional health care provider for diagnosis and treatment. This cookbook makes no claims to treat, diagnose, or heal disease. All information was derived from public knowledge resources. It is always recommended to consult your healthcare provider concerning consumption of any product, food, or physical activity. 294 | P a g e ___________________________________________________________________________ CANDIDA or YEAST INFECTIONS: Parents may face criminal charges if their children are not under doctor supervision. The natural remedy statements here are submitted by numerous people from around the world and may be either true or false, many statements are not given by licensed doctors or have had studies conducted to prove them. The author has no way to test or verify every remedy. As such, these home remedies should be used for academic purposes only and inspire research and increased education. Never use any home remedy or other self-treatment without being advised to do so by a licensed physician. II Chronicles 16:12, “Though his disease was severe, even in his illness, he did not seek help from the Lord, but only from his physicians.” ■Cleansing encourages mercury to move out into the blood stream for chelation. Kelp has sodium alginate in it which is a natural chelator of mercury. ■Mercury is known for increasing the body’s levels of Candida as well as a poor diet, antibiotics, hormonal imbalance, mineral imbalance, and stress. ■Before starting a cleansing program, seek medical advice and diagnosis with your Primary Care Physician to eliminate other possible diagnosis and receive proper therapy. ■Cleansing should begin with a few colonics to clear the liver and then add a 90 day parasite cleanse such as ParaGone by Renewed Life (6 boxes, adhere to directions). Take with kelp and Standard Process Black Spanish Radish. Monitor thyroid while on Black Spanish Radish. ■Reduce gluten, cane/beet sugars, dates, honey, and dairy if one’s doctor recommends this action. ■Reduce inflammation with fish and borage oil. ■After parasite cleansing and changing the diet…(Mind Your Mitochondria Diet, by Dr. Terry Wahls. See her 17 minute You Tube video for motivation and understanding of the diet.) one can attempt to kill candida for 10 days with Metagenics CandiBactin- AR. Later one may want to also use CandiBactin-BR. Using CandiBactin for 10 days is similar to how Diflucan works and will kill good and bad bacteria. This is necessary in order for the tissues of the gut to be healed from inflammation. Good bacteria cannot be grown on inflamed tissue. So after antibiotics always eat a lot of cabbage so the gut makes sauerkraut out of it through fermentation for good bacteria. Other vegi’s and things like pinto beans will proliferate the gut lining with good bacteria and they will grow because the gut lining tissue is not inflamed or over grown with Candida. ■Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth is well known for maintaining lower levels of large intestinal round worm. ■Avoid mercury containing substances such as seafood, some make up, hair beauty products, tattoo ink, filings, beer, etc. ■Deep breathing, smiling, and sleep between 10-midnight aide healing. 295 | P a g e ______________________________________________________________________________ CONSTIPATION: Parents may face criminal charges if their children are not under doctor supervision. The natural remedy statements here are submitted by numerous people from around the world and may be either true or false, many statements are not given by licensed doctors or have had studies conducted to prove them. The author has no way to test or verify every remedy. As such, these home remedies should be used for academic purposes only and inspire research and increased education. Never use any home remedy or other self-treatment without being advised to do so by a licensed physician. II Chronicles 16:12, “Though his disease was severe, even in his illness, he did not seek help from the Lord, but only from his physicians.” ■It is okay to dig out hard stool that will not pass with your fingers! Gloves are helpful. Go to the hospital if you think you have a blockage. Worms, fiber, Kratom, swollen nodes, a twist in the track, etc can block motility meaning the blockage has stopped all food from passing a certain point. What happens in this case is that gangrene sets in and shuts the kidneys down rapidly. Most surgeons can remove a blockage to save your life if you get treatment right away. ■Calcium without magnesium constipates, as well as beets, blue berries, banana’s, iron, etc. Low thyroid T cells contribute to constipation. See doctor about thyroid and make sure to request that your doctor test your T3 and T4 cell levels as well as TSH. Doctors normally only test TSH which does not give them enough information to truly address thyroid issues. They also don’t tell their patients how to prevent illnesses that they can easily see coming when tests come back to them with low normal ranges. Low normals mean that the body is distressed, yet doctors do not teach prevention, they wait until we are completely broken with little chance of redemption and give up pills as Band-Aids to drive the pharmaceutical market. Billions of people have unknown, untreated thyroid issues due to the traditional way of testing the thyroid glands activity. America has addressed these kinds of epidemics in past, for instance the FDA forces food manufactures to put iodine in salt, and A and D in dairy. Natural therapies include tyrosine, red algae silica and/or Standard Process thytrophin PMG to increase TSH which picks up and processes body’s iodine. Taking these supplements between 3am and 7am increases thyroid activity. Too much thyroid can be deadly, never self-administer supplements without a doctor’s guidance. Call to discuss what tests to request from your doctor or get your tests at Any Lab Test Now and have them forwarded to your doctor. Challenge your doctor to educate you. We are paying plenty of money to Western medicine to have the right to understand our tests and our health. T4 converting to T3 is what makes a person feel good according to She is an expert and wrote Thyroid Healthy. Note: Colon needs plant based calcium and sodium to maintain strong walls. Prolapsed colonic walls may improve with colonics and sodium/calcium. ■Nature’s Way Magnesium Complex is an alternative to Phillips Milk of Magnesia. It works like a stool softener. ■Yerba Prima Vegetarian capsule psyllium husk powder is excellent source of fiber. Take fiber away from medications and supplements. Fiber stabilizes blood sugar somewhat but should be taken 20 minutes after a meal. 296 | P a g e ■Fiber causes walls of colon to have a wavelike motion to move stool through colon. People with gallbladder issues or little bile in liver may become more constipated from extra fiber. Consult a doctor for diagnosis and monitoring health. Ask about adding tumeric and 500mg taurine to diet to increase bile, support liver, process fat, increase stomach acid, protect brain, support adrenals, and heart. ■Gall bladder flushes found on the internet and in books should be monitored by a doctor. The big green and yellow so called stones are unprocessed olive oil. Black bee pollen shaped or brown lentil shaped debris might be gall bladder gravel. ■Low energy levels can be caused by many factors. One common cause for low energy is endocrine system issues. Thyroid, pituitary, adrenal, and other important glands that provide energy and sleep. Standard Process Adrenal Desiccated is an adrenal glandular with cortisol and other hormones in it. It should be taken in smallest dose possible every 4 hours if needed. Lloyd Wright’s Alternative Medicine Solutions.Com provides a Nat Cell product called Power Solution with live stem cells called mesemchyme that works very well for adrenal fatigue. It should be taken under doctor supervision and at 6am melted under the tongue while lying in bed for at least ½ half before moving. Read Suzy Cohen book ,Thyroid Healthy., she knows her stuff. ■Sleep between 10-midnight produces growth hormone for repair of tissues and cells. ■Taking fish oil at night can raise dopamine and cause insomnia. Getting sunshine can decrease insomnia. ■Low dopamine can cause Parkinson like symptoms such as tremor, fatigue, depression. Raising dopamine levels in the night or 3am -6am can help a person feel sharp and energized next day. Too much dopamine is related to some mental health issues such as paranoid schizophrenia. ■Parasite cleansing is protocol for many disease processes. Para Gone by Renewed Life is a good product that many doctors make available to their patients. Stool testing is only %20 accurate so many tests done at different times of the month are needed to discover parasites in the gut according to parasitolygists. Cytoblasts are difficult to diagnosis and treat. Many doctors suggest and grain free diet and low sugars to combat some parasites and Candida. Adrenal support is needed when a person is not eating carbohydrates. ■6 boxes of ParaGone by Renewed Life, kelp and Standard Process Black Spanish Radish is what is needed to do a 90 day parasite cleanse. The kelp has sodium alginate in it which is a natural mercury chelator. Chelation of any toxic metal cannot be removed from body unless it moves into the blood stream thereby making cleansing a very important factor in the chelation process. Mercury is related to fungus and parasites. Some people need IV clinics to help with heavy metal chelation and to supplement with strong vitamins, antioxidants, and lecithin. If candida is a problem, it can take years of metal chelation, diet changes like Mind your Mitochondria by Terry Walhs M.D., and stress reduction to combat yeast over growth in the gut lining. ■Parasite cleansing should be maintained with Diamotaceous Earth in healthy individuals as large intestinal round worm has become resistant to many medications and supplements. Warning: do not inhale or breathe in the dust of DE. The key is to decrease the weak parasites and keep the stronger ones count in body as low as possible. Consult a doctor before taking any herb or supplement as many herbs and 297 | P a g e supplements are extremely powerful and can have serious side effects just the same as a harsh pharmaceutical drug. ■Waking in the night is usually caused by stress or adrenal stress and low blood sugar. Waking before one’s body naturally wakes and eating may help one fall back asleep. If the body naturally awakens in the night it is most commonly due to an epinephrine surge which is not cortisol. Both these chemical reactions are needed to maintain a proper blood sugar level while asleep to stay asleep. When the brain or adrenals have issues, waking in the night becomes a problem. Blunting adrenal release of epinephrine with small dose of Jarrow PS 100 or phosphatylserine can help but may also cause insomnia as it raises dopamine and blood pressure, but also raises white blood cell counts so it may not be good at high doses for those with autoimmune disorders. Psyllium husk fiber works well at blunting adrenal gland surges of epinephrine but taken at night it could increase insomnia due to mucilage being excitatory. Dr. is a good resource for sleep issues. See a sleep specialist and get a sleep study done. All sleep inducing drugs or supplements raise serotonin, lower histamine, and lower dopamine making one prone to Parkinson’s or other muscle, movement, and mood disorders. ■Histamine is needed to repair cells on a daily basis and reduce allergic reactions according to some naturopathic doctors. If one chooses to use L-methionine and/or turmeric to help purge the body of lead, arsenic, and possibly other metals; one must also use histadine and B12 to keep histamine levels high enough for myelin sheath repair and production. Kelp has sodium alginate which chelates only mercury. DMPS can be a better choice is histamine is low. ■Home enemas can be done with an old fashioned hot water bottle and distilled or water filtered with an inline UV light. They are found at Fred Myers for about $10. One can fill the bag 4 times but have a check up by an individual’s licensed doctor first to rule out any contraindications for high home enema and remember that too much water taken in vial colon walls into blood stream can lead to electrolyte imbalance, nausea, vomiting, heart failure, fluid in the lungs, abnormal heart rhythms, or coma according to the Washington State Health Department. An individual may set their fanny on a pillow covered with a garbage sack and fill colon until they have urge to vacate fecal matter. They then Hold. Turn to one side for 5 minutes and hold, then turn to their other side and hold 5 minutes before getting up to go to the toilet. Repeat. Do not use Vaseline to lubricate rectal tube. Do not share enema bag. Use olive or coconut oil. The colon absorbs water and other things through the colon wall rapidly the same way the body absorbed a shot into the vein to directly hit the blood stream. Never add things to the distilled water being absorbed by the body’s colonic walls. One can easily over dose. Extra water in the body’s system can create the need for more salt in blood and cause potassium to be too high temporarily and heart attack. If a person has heart, blood pressure, or any problems with intestinal track that can cause a thin lining via inflammation, diverticulitis, hernia, colon cancer, recent abdominal surgery, or anything that compromises the integrity of the colon walls DO NOT DO ENEMAS! A tear in the lining can kill. ■People with some chronic illness can use a Colema Board at home found on It is important to have a doctor recommend this kind of treatment and monitor frequency. Frequent colonic irrigation can cause dehydration due to low sodium levels. Frequent colonic irrigation can cause skin irritation. Using cortisone, Vaseline, or diaper rash ointment can create a barrier on skin to reduce irritation bile can cause. 298 | P a g e ■The Gerson Method at is an Institute for natural healing modalities that include things such as coffee enemas. For a coffee enema use an old-fashioned hot water bottle bag and fill with 2-4 cups prepared blonde organic coffee. This will stimulate the gall bladder to release bile from the liver and cause the colon walls to perform peristalsis which is the wavelike motion of the muscles that move fecal matter out of the colon. It is recommended to lie on the left side for 15 minutes retaining the coffee in the colon before eliminating it on the bidet or toilet. After elimination it is recommended to use distilled water and do another enema bag full of water to flush out the colon further. ■Tips:Raw fish sushi is a sure way to get parasites. ■Parasite cleansing takes 90 days with Paragone by Renewed Life, Kelp, Black Spanish Radish, and Diatomaceous Earth for maintenance since not all parasites can be eradicated according to the World Health Organization. Getting numbers of parasite as well as fungus (candidia) counts down is the body is the goal. Myth:Everyone has parasites. The most common way to address most disease is to cleanse. Thyme and oregano oil called Candi-Bactin AR from Metagenics is typically used for 10 days by itself to address Candida and sometimes longer to address black mold. But when the gut is overcome by Candida there is also a mercury problem which can take years to chelate out of the body. Chelation can only happen when the body is cleansing so that mercury hidden in tissues will circulate into the blood stream. This is why colonics and changing the diet to mostly vegi’s like carrot, cabbage, and kale and some fruits like apple, pineapple, papaya, kiwi, strawberries and blue berries is best. Small amounts of gluten is okay but it is best to decrease it to almost nothing along with sugar. Oats, potato,corn, peas, lentils, and brown rice are good replacements for gluten. Meats are important but fats should be cut down and coconut and fish oils added to diet along with kelp. All seafood must be eliminated due to mercury content because mercury and fungus have a relationship like a marriage that is impossible to separate. When mercury circulates one must take a small amount of a chelator like Captimere from thorne research for all minerals or kelp with sodium alginate for just mercury and eat some protein like peanut butter, tofu, meat, or eggs. Cleansing efforts should increase by doing more colonics when circulating to keep the flow of mercury coming so the body can urinate mercury out. Kidney testing is important during this time because chelation is hard on kidneys. If you have high aluminum, sweating and leg and pubic hair removal and growth help decrease aluminum. One should never use anti-perspirant or hairspray due to high aluminum content absorbing through the skin and lungs. One must understand that good bacteria like Douglas Labs I-Flora with 16 strains of good bacteria will never grow on the intestinal lining unless inflammation goes down. Fish oil and borage oil are best ways to reduce inflammation and raise dopamine but if you take it at night it may cause insomnia which is a problem for many people with physical and emotional issues. Good bacteria can only grow on healed healthy tissues. This is why most anti-biotics and fungal medications are taken for 10 day rounds in order for gut lining to heal up and good bacterias to replenish on the colonic and intestinal walls. Colonics do wash out good bacteria but they also help repair the integrity of the guts lining making it easy for the good bacteria to grow and populate. For instance, after one colonic, good bacteria is replaced immediately if one takes probiotics or eats a meal with vegetables like cabbage or legumes like pinto beans. Generally when one’s body is compromised with a disease process there are also parasites involved. Flat worms can be in liver and bladder, large round worms in intestinal track and larvae in lungs, hook worms in intestinal lining as well as muscle and so on. Para Gone taken for 90 days will do a good job killing most parasites but some others are almost impossible to kill without taken measures like triple anti-biotics, bee 299 | P a g e stings for Lymes disease, fecal matter transplants, or absolutely no carbohydrates or sugars in diet of which when this is the case one must be on cortisol via an adrenal glandular every 4 hours to preserve integrity of adrenal glands. ½ of an adrenal glandular works and as aging occurs the dose may need to go up. Sunshine is a very important component of adrenal health as well. Parasite cleansing dramatically helps the body to cleanse and allow heavy metals to circulate into the blood stream. When parasite cleansing it is important to do many colonics while keeping your sodium levels up to reduce egg counts via flushing. Along with Para Gone or black walnut hull one must take kelp and black Spanish radish. When the 90 day cleanse is complete one can use Diatomaceous Earth 1-2 table spoons a day to keep large intestinal worm counts down so the body can uptake nutrients and the lining of gut can remain healthier over more space for good bacteria to grow. Taking kelp up to 6 a day is important to keep mineral levels in back in balance. If you have had a stomach surgery like a staple it is imperative to take B12 injections for life as the section of stomach that processes it has been removed. Balance of minerals, amino acids, and vitamins is what keeps a person healthy and removal of toxins from emotional to physical. Reading the introduction to the $4 dollar book Home Remedies, Hydrotherapy, massage, charcoal, and other simple treatments by Agatha Thrash, M.D. and Calvin Thrash, M.D. is the most excellent book written that describes the problems with white blood cells in the body that contribute to toxicity. This information is in Chapter 3, called Masterfully Engineered for Healing on page 9 of Home Remedies by Agatha and Calvin Thrash M.D. You can go to to the prices page for more information about parasites and links that this author has written about. ■Those who do not eat much read meat should look into taking 500mg taurine at night or with meals. Never take 5000mg, only 500mg spread every 4-6 hours. Amino acids are similar to pharmaceutical medications and very powerful brain altering chemicals. Taurine is accepted at gaba receptor sites and supports neurological health but can interact with medicine. Check with doctor. Taurine aids liver, increases bile, helps weight loss, lowers triglycerides, increases stomach acid for digestion of protein, etc. ■Nature’s Way Magnesium Complex has mag oxide in it to soften stool and is not addictive. Yerba Prima psyllium husk fiber causes bowel to move and can decrease bouts of diarrhea. ■GOAL FOR BODY HEALTH IS TO INCREASE PROBIOTICS AND PREBIOTICS IN DIGESTIVE TRACK. INFLAMATION MUST BE DECREASED FOR AT LEAST 10 DAYS FOR GOOD BACTERIA TO GROW ON GUT LINING. VITAMINS, MINERALS, AND AMINO ACIDS NEED TO COME INTO BALANCE AS WELL TO ALLOW THE BODY TO CREATE NEEDED DIGESTIVE ENZYMES. D2, HISTADINE, TAURINE, TYROSINE, IODINE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES. ■COLONICS IS ONE OF NATURES BEST WAY TO CLEANSE THE LIVER. THE FIRST DAY COLONIC IS LIKE THROWING THE LIVER IN A WASHING MACHINE WITH SOAP AND AGGITATING IT. THE SECOND DAY COLONIC IS LIKE THE RINSE CYCLE. OTHERWISE THE BODY WILL CONTINUE PURGE MODE OR DETOX MODE FOR UP TO 4 DAYS. MAKE SURE COLONICS ARE SANITIZED PROPERLY. AN OUTBREAK OF AMEBIASIS WAS ONCE ASSOCIATED WITH COLONIC IRRIGATION. ■AFTER COLONIC TEST TUMMY OUT WITH CHICKEN OR VEGETABLE BROTH. IT IS GOOD TO HAVE CHINESE FOOD OR BEANS AND RICE. 300 | P a g e The authoress intends to inspire the public to increase their personal knowledge concerning home remedies and recommends that none of these remedies be used without a licensed medical, naturopathic, or chiropractic doctor’s supervision and advice. ____________________________________________________________________________________ HOW TO EASILY INSTALL A HOME SPA WITH A COLEMA BOARD: Purchase… ●Colema Board ( or 1-800-745-2446, remember that the government is fighting to stop this company from selling these boards to the general public to keep pharmaceutical and chemotherapy sales up) ●Filter housing with a carbon filter (local hardware store) and in-line UV light to kill parasites. ●Diverter Valve for shower head ●Gallon sized pitcher for hand filling and rinsing Colema board before taking off of toilet ●Clear ½ ‘ diameter Hose ●Silicone ●Sturdy chair with no arms ●Cushion to lie on ●Pillow for head ●Garbage sacks ●Ajax ●Paper towels for cleaning body after colonic. ●Towel to cover self-up with. 1. Install a diverter valve (available at local hardware store) at shower head 2. Attach inlet side of the filter system to diverter valve according to manufacturer’s instructions 3. Attach outlet side of the filter system to a long hose that will reach the water reservoir of the Colema board. 4. Start water through the hose with the filter to eliminate the water that has been sitting in the housing of the filter so all is fresh and clean. Remember to change the carbon filter every so often also and bleach out the housing unit. 5. Set a steady firm chair in front of the toilet. Open seat and set the Colema board onto toilet and rest head of board on chair. 6. Place a cushion that is covered with a garbage sack on the board for the back and fanny and a pillow for the head. 301 | P a g e 7. Push the diverter valve in and turn shower onto warm water. 8. Bend the hose to stop the flow of water and take it to the reservoir to fill the bucket or tank. When done filling bend the hose again to stop flow and return to bathtub for storage. 9.Turn off shower water. 10.Put the rectal nozzle on the hose that is coming from the Colema board tank or bucket (make sure to put silicone around the outside of the hose connection to prevent leaking and allow 48 hours to dry before using the bucket or tank) 11. Place the rectal nozzle through the outside hole of the Colema board and pull it through into the inside until it is snug. 12. Place olive oil on nozzle for insertion. Do not use petroleum jelly (use can put petroleum jelly on the buttocks crack to avoid irritation from bile or chime that will contact surface of skin if you are sensitive). 13.Lay face up on the Colema board and insert the rectal nozzle in rectum. It only has to go in about ½ inch to work. 14. Open the clapper switch that is on the hose coming from the Colema board tank or bucket to begin flow of water to the colon. The water will not go past the 5 foot large intestine or colon into the small intestine. → There is a sphincter were the large and 25 foot long small intestine meet that will not allow water past. → The water flowing into the colon will stimulate the liver to release bile into the gall bladder and cause the body to release toxins directly out of the liver via the bile. The bile will travel from just below the stomach at the top of the 30 foot intestinal track. → When releasing just push like a person is going # 2. The rectal nozzle will not normally fall out because it has tension on it. The bowel will work with the brain as though a person is receiving acupuncture from the inside. Honor urges at first and push with the abdomen every time one feels the urge to defecate. → Later, a person may hold the water in longer to get deeper yellow releases. If releases are more of an orangish bronze color, one may have greater toxicity, for instance after a night of drinking whiskey or taking strong medications a person will notice this color. Or an individual may be eating a lot of chocolate or carrot juice. → If bile is green, a person may have eaten a lot of greens or may be fighting an infection. Green mucus is also a sign of infection from virus or bacteria. (Bronchitis can turn to pneumonia and pneumonia and become a blood infection. Any infection in lungs that is not addressed promptly can cause permanent damage to the lungs. Metagenics Candi-Bactin AR and BR are wonderful natural anti-biotics but if one is seeing green discharge they should see a doctor because a natural anti-biotic might not target a specific bacteria.) → If bile is yellow that is normal. 302 | P a g e → Beets make the bile look like beet juice. → If a person is releasing blood or black, that person must stop the colonic immediately and see a doctor right away. They may be bleeding internally or may have perforated the colonic walls which can kill them. If that person develops a fever and doctor has sent them home, immediately go back to the emergency room. Doctors sometimes miss a bowel perforation. It is deadly. Do not take chances! TIPS: ●Only do a colonic with 4 gallons of water and do not go longer than 30 minutes. ●Always have a little salt (1/8 teaspoon) before a colonic and take kelp. For those with adrenal issues it is important to take an adrenal glandular before a colonic as your organs will be working very hard. ●When finished, scoot body up to allow the rectal nozzle to dislodge without having to touch it. Have paper towels handy to wipe the bottom before getting up off of the board. ●Remove the garbage sacks by turning them inside out and place your dirty paper towels in sack. ●Fill gallon sized pitcher with hot water and pour on Colema board to rinse into the toilet before transferring to tub for sanitization. ●Pick up the board and set it in bathtub for cleanup. Use Ajax or other cleanser with bleach or alcohol and on occasion use bleach for 2 minutes but rinse well because bleach degrades plastic. ●Rinse your Colema board for at least 4 minutes to be safe from passing disease. ●Rinse and disinfect tub so no residue or parasite eggs are left in it. Rinse it very well especially if it is used for bathing children. ●Shower when you are done since all open colonics create a mess on the buttocks. ●Store your Colema equipment in a safe place away from contact of others. Always let it air dry and cover the top of the bucket with a clean towel so nothing gets into the bucket that you do not want to get into your colon. → It is best to do 2 colonics back to back every time one does cleansing. That means do one another one the following day. It is also best to do them in the morning when bowels are programmed to move. Colonics help the body learn to defecate more regularly, prevent colon cancer, and are extremely beneficial for basic health and healing all the way down to allowing your cells to release their toxins because colonics flush out the liver which creates more space for toxins hidden in bone, fat, joints, and brain to enter blood stream and find their way to the liver. Colonics have been used since the time of Christ and are very popular in many cultures as a preventative measure. → Colonics will not kill worms but they do decrease egg counts. → Colonics will not destroy good bacteria as long as people eat fresh vegetables or legumes which ferment in gut and grow massive amounts of good bacteria just like sour kraut is made. → Colonics will raise blood pressure by 10 points for the day. → Colonics can tire adrenal glands and kidneys. → Colonics can kill if a person has an untreated heart condition or inflamed thinning of colonic walls. →Colonics do cause electrolyte imbalance due to water being absorbed through colon wall, decreasing sodium levels in the cells which automatically raises potassium levels. An extremely high potassium level can give one a heart attack. This is why it is a rule by the FDA not to use colonics for more than 40 minutes with 5 gallons of water. Do not add anything to the Colema board bucket’s water unless a doctor prescribes. Taking things in via colonic walls goes directly into the blood stream like an IV, a shot, or through the lungs which can cause over dose and death. 303 | P a g e → Pooh that looks like clay and is grey must be addressed with a doctor. → Pooh that is yellow and smells like a new born baby’s pooh may mean jaundice or elevated liver enzymes. Sometimes more colonics helps lower liver enzymes. → Pooh that is sticky and black usually means the stomach is bleeding or iron supplementation causing it. → Pooh that has red blood in it may mean hemorrhoids, fissure, Chrone’s Disease, diverticulitis, parasites, sores, etc and must be addresses with a doctor. → Pooh that is brown is normal. → Pooh that has oil pools around it may mean a person needs digestive enzymes. → Pooh that is hard needs softening with stool softener like Nature’s Way Magnesium Complex without Calcium. Calcium constipates and hardens stool as well as many medications, especially opiate class drugs and antidepressants. Sometimes beets and banana’s constipate. Those who don’t eat much red meat may be deficient in the amino acid Taurine. Only take 500mg spread apart by 4-6 hours to increase bile in liver to move toxins out of body. → Pooh that is runny needs bulk like psyllium husk powder. Having the runs a lot can dehydrate a person due to loss of sodium. → Serious intestinal distress might be managed with fecal matter transplants or liquefied via blender and distilled water retention enema…pooh provided by a healthy person. → Pooh that just won’t move out of the body needs bulk fiber to signal the colonic walls to do peristalsis which is the wave like motion of the colonic muscles that move chime through the track. Low normal thyroid T 3 and T 4 cell counts can cause a lack of peristalsis. Read Suzy Cohen book ,Thyroid Healthy., she knows her stuff. → Avoid processed refined foods like white flour. Our bodies need whole foods to obtain the nutrients and fibers we need for survival and proper elimination. Consider taking I-Flora from Douglas labs and fish oil in the morning. These 2 items will compliment your immune system. → If a person needs more than 4 colonics per month, they should get a prescription from their doctor and get regular checkups and blood work. Too many 30 minute colonics are not good for people but when they have serious other health risks that colonics can help, the risk may outweigh the health problem. Ask a physician. 304 | P a g e THE COLONIC CONTROVERSAY: It is our choice to do colonics or not until the government decides that doing home enema’s are to be done only under a doctor’s care. In every state besides Florida, colonics are not legal unless a doctor is directly providing them. Colonics are not regulated in most states so colonic businesses will be found providing colonics despite the law due to the fact that doctors and naturopaths do not provide colonics. Many doctors are lied to about colonics and their benefits so that doctors will dismiss their value to the general public. Think about the side effects of drugs…those side effects cause a lot of other serious health problems for the citizens of America yet we ignore the warnings and keep taking pills in hopes they are a magic cure. They are not. They destroy the earth’s water supply and often times make people sicker with other disorders that require an additional prescription. Some drugs are very helpful but too many people in this country are on them! It is as though we don’t understand that human beings did fine for centuries and centuries without pharmaceuticals. It is important that everyone be educated about high enemas and put one in every home and continue spreading awareness so the government does not take this healing art away from the people. Drug companies fight and lobby against natural healing arts for selfish reasons. Our country is falling because our children are unhealthy and abused by society. America cannot be strong if the people who fight the wars and run the country are mentally and physically weak. Other countries use prevention to increase physical stamina and mental health to keep their country strong, united, and capable of fighting when necessary. Our country uses money and weapons as its only defense and because of our countries leadership motivated by greed they are blind to allowing China to own us financially and blind to what they are doing to its people. America is collapsing from the inside out just like a human body does with disease. Keep in mind that our country is archaic when it comes to women’s, children, elder, and disabled people’s rights. For example; there really shouldn’t be debates over laws about whether or not a woman can access birth control or laws to end homelessness for severely mentally challenged or orphaned teenagers. Women’s rights to freedom and housing for those who cannot house themselves should simply be given to them. We should be hearing discussion over laws to protect soldier’s health or age they are ready for combat. Discussion about laws to protect children from prostitution. Discussion about laws concerning pesticides and herbicides which are causing insects and people to get sick. Discussion about laws concerning clean water in America. Discussion about what nonfood chemicals are added to our foods or what foods are available to us to eat at fair prices. And more discussion about the number and safety protocols of nuclear weaponry in storage that could destroy the planet. Remember that Hitler got in power in 1938 by being partisan. Extreme differences balance decisions. Two heads are always better than one. But we the people should stop being distracted with our fiery opinions and start doing something to effect change. Contacting any form of leadership to learn from them and hope 305 | P a g e they learn from you is the best way to influence and bring about needed protections for humanity and the earth. 22 See to learn more about a personal Rock Talk Kit. So, think twice before you think your Colema board will be available for purchase to the general public for years to come. That will not be the case unless we fight for our rights. Acupuncture and chiropractic care have only barely just been recognized as healing modalities and covered through health care insurance plans and that is a fight that has been going on since before the time of Christ. Here’s the bottom line (pun intended)… governments with the exception of Florida are deeming all forms of colonics a class 2 medical device meaning only a doctor can own a colonic device and provide a colonic to the general public. That law is in place. We the people need to change it. Go to the lobbies of your law makers and set appointments to talk with them. Form a petition and get signatures! We the people do have power to cause law makers to implement laws. 22 306 | P a g e SAFETY FIRST Have a doctor check you and your family twice a year for contraindications to colonics. Never do more than a 40 minute enema which is what the FDA allows for those who do not have contraindications for colonics.23 It is safer to do just 5-10 minutes if you require daily colonics. If you get too much water your colonic walls can stretch out and stop their wave like motion temporarily making it impossible to release the water. If this occurs stop your colonic and get up to walk around. Sometimes people need to sit inclined so bile doesn’t back up into their stomach and cause nausea and other times constipation can cause a plug in the end of the rectum that needs to be manually removed with gloves on. Sometimes nausea lasts all day due to a Vegas nerve reflex and possible gall bladder issues or detox symptoms which can last up to 4 days. Watch for high blood pressure and other diseases and medications that may thin the wall of the colon so you do not perforate the colonic walls and die. Some of the issues one must watch for and never do a high enema with are: Addison’s Disease, abdominal hernia, severe abdominal pain, abdominal surgery, old age, intestinal inflammation, abnormal distension, abdominal masses, abnormal colon, liver failure, cirrhosis, severe anemia, aneurysum, cancer of the colon, cardiac conditions like untreated high blood pressure or congestive heart failure, kidney dialysis, diverticululosis and diverticulitis due to thinned inflamed colonic pockets that can burst, fissures, fistulas, hemorrhaging, blood or black in stool, polyps, hemorrhoidectomy, hernia, severe active hemorrhoids, cirrhosis, nausea, pregnancy, intestinal perforations or prior cuts and meshes, lupus, rectal or colon surgery, renal insufficiencies, medications that may interact with high amounts of water in blood stream that reduce sodium and raise potassium, and the many medications that weaken intestinal integrity such as causing bleeding, ulcers, sores, thinning of the walls of intestine, stomach, and colon. On another note, one can get infections in the stomach or anywhere like in the brain from simply touching the face if your hands have come in contact with an unwanted organism. Sometimes, we can breathe in or our eyes allow an unwanted pathogen into our bodies. P.S. If you feel your medical providers are not knowledgeable or have poor bed-side manner contact your states Health Systems Quality Assurance Offices of Customer Service for Complaint Intake Forms that are simple to fill out and file. But first, try discussing your issue with your doctor. You have the right to expect your doctor to collaborate with you about your body rather than Lord Over you with a God-Like attitude. Your doctor should know as much as you do and you need to remember there is plenty doctors know that we don’t even have access to via medical journals, research, etc. Doctor and patient should be a caring team. 90 minute enemas can be harmful due to prolonged electrolyte imbalance and a 10 point higher blood pressure caused by extra water taken in via colon walls. Colonics 10 days in a row is harmful concerning electrolytes and adrenal fatigue. 23 307 | P a g e A FINAL WORD Again, the most important thing to NEVER OVER LOOK IS OUR TEETH. An infected tooth many times does not show signs of infection at all but can kill quickly without warning. Make sure your teeth are Xrayed, especially if you are tired. If you have crowns, have the jaw bone checked every month for signs of infection in the bone or remove your crowns to check for decay. Breath RX is a wonderful tooth paste but one must be sure to rinse well so not to ingest it. Amazon carries it. If you have read this book searching for answers to serious health issues, please find a doctor who will listen to you and rule out conditions that only a medical doctor has knowledge of. Doctors know more than society thinks. Doctors have access to knowledge and data bases that the general public is not privy to. Understand that physicians have to constantly improve their “productivity” and patient satisfaction scores— or risk losing their jobs. The primary care doctor doesn’t have the political power to say no to anything. Doctors constantly fear being sued for malpractice and pay over $100,000.00 a year for malpractice insurance. That kind of pressure makes it easier to make mistakes. They deal with an unmanageable number of forms, piles of lab results, refill requests, emails, and people they are to call back on top of calls they have to make to plead with insurance companies. Failing to attend to these things brings prompt disciplining or patient complaint. And mercilessly, all of these tasks have to be done on the exhausted doctor’s personal time. Almost comically, the response of medical leadership is to call for more physician testing. In fact, the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) has decided that in addition to being tested every ten years, doctors must comply with new, costly, "two year milestones." For many physicians, if they don't comply by the end of this month, the ABIM will advertise the doctor's "lack of compliance" on their website, according to Daniela Drake a journalist from, dated 4/14/14. For those of us, myself included, who have been told by doctors and nurses that we are crazy, misunderstood, suffered medical mistakes, been turned away, charged too much money, and irrevocable harmed by medical personnel, I say forgive for they know not what they do. And to medical personnel who have been treated coldly by patients and public opinion, I say forgive for they know not what they do. We all make mistakes. We are all just people that don’t understand one another. We should not criticize medical personnel or patients as a group. Patients must remember that there are usually just a few bad apples in a bunch, so don’t throw awhile the entire batch. Medical personnel must remember that many patients are also healers who learned via experience. All of us must never give up hope and work together as a team integrating our individual strengths into gaining the outcome of easing suffering and promoting healing. Psalms 119:49-50, “Remember the Word to Your servant, upon which You have caused me to hope. This is my comfort in my affliction…for Your Word has given me life.” 308 | P a g e 309 | P a g e Author’s insight for victims of bully-ism: We are not hearing God when we think that He wants us to deny our spirit needs for love, understanding, validation of existence, encouragement to be ourselves, prayer support, and consideration and protection of our feelings. Our spirit needs are as important as clean food and water for survival. When we are victimized by bully-ism it is like our spirit is drinking in sewage. Thus the spirit dies from anger and depression. We are to love our enemies with agape love but we also need healthy intimate relationships to sustain our life. ROCKTALKS.ORG 310 | P a g e 311 | P a g e