Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Sekolah Farmasi (School of Pharmacy) Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung School of Pharmacy Gedung Labtek VII, Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132 Phone/Fax : 022-250-4852 Website: E-mail : Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung School of Pharmacy (history at glance) o is established on 6 October 1947, as Department of Pharmacy under Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMNS) o reorganization of faculties on 1 January 2006, Department of Pharmacy becoming “School of Pharmacy” o UP-Pharmaceutical Science and Technology (PST) and Professional Program (Pharmacist) are established in 1947 (second oldest in Indonesia; UGM 1946) o UP-PST for International Class is opened in 2006 o UP-Clinical and Community Pharmacy: first student enrollment in Sem I2006/2007 (July 2006) o MP-Pharmaceutical Sciences was established in 1980 o MP-Industrial Pharmacy: first student enrollment in Sem I-2014/2015 (July 2014) o MP-Sport Science: first student enrollment in Sem I-2012/2013 (July 2012) o DP-Pharmaceutical Sciences was established 1978 (however, since 1947 doctoral program was conducted under FMNS) Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung School of Pharmacy Vision To be the leading institution in pharmacy education, research and social services, at regional and International level Mision o To provide qualified pharmacy education to achieve academic excellence o To conduct innovative, competitive and continuous research in pharmaceutical fields o To apply knowledge and results of research for community services. o To create networking in pharmacy fields o To maintain the Value of Pharmacy o To contribute in enhancing profession in pharmacy, health, and sports. Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Objectives of School of Pharmacy 2011-2015 o Producing high competence graduates with capability to penetrate into global market o Increasing number of paper which published in peer reviewed journals o Strengthen in commercialization of research products for domestic and Asian market, and/or research products absorbed by community o Establishing a networking and collaboration with universities, research institutes as well as local and multinational pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, public pharmacy o Conducting community services based on expertises in pharmaceutical and sport sciences Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Organization Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Organization membership o Indonesian Association of Pharmacy Higher Education (APTFI) [SP-ITB is Chief Board] o Asian Association of School of Pharmacy (AASP) [SP-ITB is BOD member] o Federation Internationale Pharmaceutic (FIP) Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung School of Pharmacy ITB Dekanat Head of Study Program Chair of Research Group/ Department Head of Administration Prof. Dr. Daryono Hadi Tjahjono (Dean) Dr. Kusnandar AnggadiredjaVice Dean for Academic Affair) Dr. Marlia Singgih Wibowo(Vice Dean for Resources) Dr. Diky Mudhakir (Pharm. Science and Technology) Dr. rer. Nat. Sophi Damayanthi (Clinical & Community Pharmacy) Dr. Lia Amalia(Professional Pharmacist) Dr. Saleh Wikarsa(Magister and Doctoral) Prof. Dr. Slamet Ibrahim S. (Pharmacochemistry) Prof. Dr. Komar Ruslan W. (Pharmaceutical Biology) Prof. Dr. Elin Yulinah (Pharmacology-Clinical Pharmacy) Prof. Dr. Yeyet Cahyati S. (Pharmaceutics) Tommy Apriantono, Ph.D. (Sport Science) Dra. Srimiati Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung School of Pharmacy ITB School Senat Coordinator for Research, Community Services & Collaboration Coordinator for Quality Assurance Coordinator for Student and Alumni Prof. Dr. Tutus Gusdinar K. (Chair) Dr. Irda Fidrianny (Secretary) Prof. Dr. Elin Yulinah Prof. Dr. Yeyet Cahyati S. Dr. Nia Sri Rahmania Dean (ex officio) Vice Dean for Academic Affair (ex officio) Vice Dean for Resources (ex officio) All other professors (6) Invited faculty member (5) Dr. Heni Rachmawati Dr.rer.nat. Catur Riani (Vice Coord) Dr. Maria Immaculata Iwo Dr. Muhamad Insanu Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Study Program and Accreditation Status Name of Study Program and Degree Accreditation Body BAN-PT Others B: Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology (B.Pharm) A ASIIN, AUN-QA, LFM B: Clinical & Community Pharmacy (B.Pharm) A ASIIN, LFM P: Professional Pharmacist (Apt) A M: Pharmaceutical Sciences (M.Sc) A M: Industrial Pharmacy (Applied) (M.Pharm) C M: Sport Sciences (M.Sport. Sc) B D: Pharmaceutical Science (Ph.D) A Note: (1) AUN-QA (4.7/7.0); (2) LFM: SP-ITB is eligible to support for Malaysian Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Academic Performance Undergraduate Student Year Grad. (year enroll) GPA (mean) 2009 (2005) 2010 (2006) 2011 (2007) PST 3.10 3.17 3.23 3.24 3.04 2012 (2008) 3.36 3.27 41 24 2013 (2009) 2014 (2010) 3.24 3.28 3.29 3.27 27 28 28 26 PST = Pharmaceutical Sciences & Tech. CCP = Clinical & Community Pharmacy CCP Cum laude (%) [GPA ≥ 3.5] PST CCP 15 18 14 34 13 Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Academic Performance Graduate Student (Magister in Pharm. Science) Grad. Year Period of study Mean On time (sem) (%) GPA GPA in percentation (%) Min Mean Max < 2,75 2,753,50 > 3,50 2008 4.05 81.3 3.07 3.57 4 - 31.5 68.5 2009 3.88 95.8 2.90 3.68 4 - 83.3 16.7 2010 4.82 84.2 3.36 3.67 4 - 21.0 79.0 2011 5.92 92.3 3.17 3.69 4 - 20.5 79.5 2012 3.76 84.1 2.85 3.65 4 - 21.7 78.3 79.3 3.01 3.63 4 65.4 34.6 2013 Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Academic Performance Graduate Student (Doctoral) Grad. Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Period of GPA (mean) study 9.8 8.7 8.5 7.8 9.0 9.2 9.0 3.38 3.75 3.82 3.64 3.53 3.53 3.89 Number of International Publication (per student; indexed in Scopus, and international conference) there are published journal there are published journal there are published journal 2.2 (minimal 2 internasional conference) 1.5 (minimal 2 internasional conference) 1.0 (minimal 2 internasional conference) 1.0 (minimal 2 internasional conference) Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Student Activities No. 1. Activities Student Exchange [from SF to abroad/ outbound] No. Student per Year Note 5-25 To: Thailand, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Turkey, Portugal, Croatia, Egypt, Malaysia, Poland, Romania, Germany, USA, UK, Singapore, Netherlands, Spain 2. Student Exchange [from abroad to SF/inbound] 8-10 From: Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey, Germany, Netherland, Canada, US, Spain, Bosnia, Poland, Egypt, Slovakia, Poland, Hongaria, France, Finland, Denmark 3. Competion 5-10 Olimpiad in Pharmacy, PIMNAS, Business Competition, PCE (national & international) 4. Internship (national) 5. Internship (international) 100-150 Pharmaceuticals/Cosmetics/ Herbal Companies, Hospital, Apothek, Regulator 2-5 Sumitomo Group (Chemical & Pharmaceutical Division), Osaka-Japan Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Student Activities No. Activities No. Student per Year Note 5-10 (per 2 year) Venue: ITB and NUS (every 2 year alternately) 6. Joint Symposium for Graduate Student 7. Participation of Doctoral Students in International Conference 10-20 Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Japan, Korea, India, Malaysia, Turkey, Taiwan 8. Field study and community sevices 70-100 Visiting industries, other universities, pharmacy for village community 9. Research sandwich for Ph.D student 2-5 Japan, India, Natherland, Australia Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Employment Alumni of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Employment Alumni of Clinical and Community Pharmacy Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Employment Job Field of Alumni SF 45.00 Procentage (%) 39.11 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 14.70 14.89 14.47 10.98 10.00 5.00 2.66 - Job Field of Alumni 3.19 Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Human Resources and Facilities Faculty member (Dosen) No. Academic Position 1. Professor (GB) Number 11 2. 3. 4. Associate Professor (LK) Assistant Professor (L) Instructor (AA) 14 14 5 5. Pre-Instructor or Assist. Prof. (CPNS) Total 6 50 Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Supporting Staff No. Non-teaching staff 1. Administrative 2. 2. 3. Librarian Laborant & Technician Academic Assistant (Asmik) Total Number 31 4 28 7 70 Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Department [Research Group] Farmakokimia [Pharmacochemistry] Biologi Farmasi [Biological Pharmacy] Pharmaceutical Sciences & Pharmacy Farmaseutika [Pharmaceutics] Keolahragaan [Sport Science] Farmakologi dan Farmasi Klinik [Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacy] Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung o Pharmaceutical Analysis Prof. Dr. Slamet Ibrahim S. o Medicinal Chemistry Prof. Dr. Daryono Hadi Tjahjono Assoc. Prof. Dr. R.E. Kartasasmita Dr. Sophi Damayanti Dr. Elin Julianti Benny Permana, M.Si. (Chiba Univ.) o Food Analysis and Safety Assoc. Prof. Dr. R.E. Kartasasmita Prof. Dr. Slamet Ibrahim S. Dr. Sophi Damayanti o Clinical Biochemistry & Diagnostics Prof. Dr. Tutus Gusdinar K. Tursino, M.Si. o Analytical Microbiology and Bioproces Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marlia Singgih W. o Solid State Analysis: Dr. Ilma Nugrahani FARMAKOKIMIA (PharmacoChem) Chair: Prof. Dr. Slamet Ibrahim S. Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Pharmaceutics Chair: Prof. Dr. Yeyet Cahyati S. Biopharmacy Prof. Dr. Yeyet C. Sumirtapura Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jessie S. Pamudji Veterinary pharmacy: Prof. Dr. Sukmadjaja Asyarie Ratna Anissa Utami, M.Si. Pharmacokinetics: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lucy Sasongko Solid crystallography: Prof. Dr. Sundani Nurono S. Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology Assoc. Prof. Dr. Heni Rahmawati Dr. Rachmat Mauludin Nanomedicine: Dr. Diky Mudhakir Liquid-semisolid & Transdermal delivery System: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sasanti T. Darijanto Dr. Tri Suciati Solid Technology: Dr. Saleh Wikarsa Biotechnology & Molecular Microbiology Assoc. Prof. Dr. Debbie Retnoningrum Dr. Catur Riani Dr. Anita Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung BIOLOGI FARMASI (Pharmaceutical Biology) Chair: Prof. Dr. Komar Ruslan W. Isolation & Synthesis of Natural Product Compounds Prof. Dr. Asep Gana Suganda Isolation & Structure Elucidation of Natural Product Compounds Prof. Dr. Komar Ruslan Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irda Fidrianny Prof. Dr. Sukrasno Assoc. Prof. Dra. Siti Kusmardiyani, M.Sc. Dr. M. Insanu, M.Si. Dr. Rika Hartati, M.Si. Standardization of Herbal Extract and Phyto- pharmaca Prof. Dr. Asep Gana Suganda Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elfahmi Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung FARMAKOLOGI-FARMASI KLINIK (Pharmacology-Clinical Pharmacy) Chair: Prof. Dr. Elin Yulinah o Pharmacology and Toxicology Prof. Dr. Elin Yulinah S. Assoc.Prof. Dr. Maria Immaculata Iwo Pharmacology of Natural Products Assoc.Prof. Dr. I Ketut Adyana Pharmacology-Imunology Prof. Dr. Andreanus A. Soemardji Clinical Pharmacology: Cardiovascular & Spleen System Dr. Neng Fisheri Kurniati Hospital Pharmacy/Clinical Pharmacy Dr. Lia Amalia Tomi Hendrayana, M.Si. Pratiwi W., M.Si. Pharmacology of Nervous System Assoc.Prof. Dr. Kusnandar Anggadiredja Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung KEOLAHRAGAAN (Sport Science) Chair: Tommy Apriantono, Ph.D. o Psysiology and Biomechanical Tommy Apriantono, Ph.D. o Sport Education Dr. Nia Sri Raamania, M.Sc. Drs. Samsul Bahri, M.Kes. Dra. Rini Syafriani, M.Kes. Dr. Kusnaedi, M.Pd. Drs. Didi Sunadi, M.Pd. Drs. Doddy Abdul Karim, M.Pd. Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Facilities 1. Laboratorium o 17 Teaching laboratories o Research facilities o Update books o Journals (Science Direct, ACS, Scopus) 2. Wireless internet and computer facilities [for students and faculties member] Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Facilities Services facilities: o Lab. Toxicology and Pesticides o Lab. Extract production o Lab. Bioavaiability & Bioequivalence (BA/BE) o Lab. Animal Breeding o Lab. Pharmaceuticals and Health Products Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung New instrument/machines for Solid Technology [Grant from Dexa Group, Indonesia] Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung National Anti-Doping Laboratory It need about US$ 12 M for running the lab and be accredited by WADA Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Collaboration Partners Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Partner of School of Pharmacy [in Education and Research] Mahidol University Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Partners from Goverment Institutes [in Research] (Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology) (Indonesian Science Institute) BATAN (National Nuclear Energy Agency) Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Company Partners [in Research] Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Company Partners [in Teaching & Internship] PT Herlina Indah Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Partner of School of Pharmacy [in Teaching & Internship] PT Guardian Pharmatama Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Partner of School of Pharmacy [in Teaching & Internship] Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Partner of School of Pharmacy [in Teaching & Internship] Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Partner of School of Pharmacy [in Teaching & Internship] RS. MUHAMMADIYAH BANDUNG RS. HASAN SADIKIN BANDUNG RS. AL-ISLAM BANDUNG RS. CIBABAT - CIMAHI RS. IMMANUEL BANDUNG RSPAD GATOT SUBROTO JAKARTA RS. ADVENT BANDUNG RS. FATMAWATI JAKARTA Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung Partner of School of Pharmacy [in Teaching & Internship] RS. St. BORROMEUS RS. PERTAMINA BALIKPAPAN RS. ISLAM - JAKARTA RS. ISLAM SURAKARTA RSIA BUNDA JAKARTA TNI Angkatan Udara TNI Angkatan Darat TNI Angkatan Laut Sekolah Farmasi - Institut Teknologi Bandung vielen Dank fűr Ihre Aufmerksamkeit Thank You