Self-CONCEPT Jaden Roberts

Jaden Roberts
Self-Concept Essay
Self- concept can be explained in many different ways, and it can be used in many
different ways. It can be used in a negative way or positive way. Self-concept is the way you see
yourself in this essay I’m going to describe it in three different paragraphs using the words.
Social life, Positive and negative attitudes, and family and friends to try to tell you what I think
self-concept means.
Your social life is a big part of self concept because its basically what you do all your
life. If you go through life without having any friends or without talking to anybody you
wouldn’t have a very exciting life. But if you do have a good social life its going to effect you in
a good way and many ways. Your most likely going to have a better job and more pay. If you
don’t have a good social life your probably not going to have a family or anything and your
going to go through life bored and lonely and I don’t think anybody wants to be like that. So it’s
a good thing to have a very good social life. Your life it most likely going to be better.
Also to be sucssesful and to have a good self-concept you need to have a good attude or a
positive attitude. Most people are negative and that’s why they see and hear the negative things
more easy because that’s what there attitude is. Postive attitude can carry you a long ways in
your life. So it is better to try to go through life being positive and try not to notice the negative
things in life.
Family and friends can help or hurt your self-concept in a lot of ways. For instints say
your best friend is talking about you behind your back and you hear about it your going to be
mad, or embarrsed. And that’s not going to make you fill good about yourself. So your selfconcept is going to be low and negative. That goes back to pick your friends wisely and
Jaden Roberts
appartyly there not very good friends. And you shouldn’t care what people think about you. That
tends to get all of us down because it is human nature to try to impress everybody but we cant do
that so we have to have a high self-concept and we will be happy and glad of ourselves. Family
usally puts a good self-concept on us. Because we know they love us and we know we can
depend on them. And that’s what more teenage kids need to do, just know our parents are there
for us and that can always raise our self-concept.
Self concept is the freedom from doubt and the belifs in your abilities. Self confidence is
a real big deal in life. If you believe in yourself and you know you can do anything if you try and
put your heart to it you have a good self confidence. That’s kind of what happen to the world
today people don’t try as hard as they can so they don’t accomplish as much in there life time.
And everyone tends to fall under that. To have a good self confidence you can’t think about the
negative things or what if I don’t pass this test that is being negative and to have a good self
concept you cannot be negative you have believe in youselve no matter what somebody says and
you can’t let people tell you can’t.
Another thing we need to be able to do is to have a good self-concept is to be able to
accept critizism. Most people can’t stand people talking about them but we shouldn’t care what
they think about us. As long as were making ourselves happy and accomplishing thing. That’s
what my opinion is one that and some people might disagree with me on that.
“We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while other judge us by what we
have already done.” (Longfellow) This is a great quote of self-concept because people do tend to
judge us about our passed because they don’t know how we have changed. And we shouldn’t
worry what people think about us and just do what we know we can do.
Jaden Roberts
This is what I think self-concept is all about, and I need to use this to help myself to have
a better self-concept. And a lot of people need to, to make this country a better place.
Reference List
1. Philosopher’s Notes. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
September 30, 2010. Mind Valley LC.
September 30, 2010