Detection of Hereditary Breast Cancer Breast Cancer Genes • Two genes associated with inheritance of breast cancer – Breast cancer gene 1 (BRCA1) – Chromosome 17 – BRCA 2 – Chromosome 13 • When normal… – Both are tumor suppressor genes • Repair damage and prevent cancer cells from forming • When mutated… – Lead to breast or ovarian cancer BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 • 5 to 10% of all breast cancers are because of these genes • Women… – 12% chance of developing breast cancer in lifetime • Goes up to 85% if said woman has mutated BRCA 1 or 2 • If male has BRCA 2 mutation – 1 in 10 ratio of getting breast cancer (100,000 jump) Family Members • Judy is worried!!!!! • Jennifer has DNA sequencing… – Jennifer had breast cancer • Test positive of BRCA 2 (negative for BRCA 1) – Laura • Tests positive for same mutation as Jennifer BRCA2 • We will be looking at BRCA2 – Contains 80,000 nucleotides • 600 mutations associated with BRCA2 – Most cause increased incidence of breast cancer (not all) • Most of these mutations are insertion or deletion Marker Analysis (Haplotyping) • Due to expense of DNA sequencing… – We will use marker analysis to test Jennifer and Diana • Marker analysis… – Genetic test – Gene mutation is analyzed using a genetic marker • Instead of analyzing genet itself • Genetic marker: short sequence of DNA associated with a particular gene or trait with a known location on a chromosome Short Tandem Repeats • Genetic markers used in marker analysis are short DNA sequences – Also called microsatellites • STR = region of DNA composed of a short sequence of nucleotides repeated many times. – Number of repeated STRs varies from person to person • Different number of repeats = different alleles • Most occur in introns (non-coding DNA) – Do not affect gene function STR for BRCA 2 • Location = chromosome 13 • STR analysis for this lab – It is on 13, next to BRCA 2 gene Gel Electrophoresis • Different STRs have different repeats… – Gel will separate alleles based on number of repeats • More repeats travels less • Less repeats travels more Loading Samples • • • • • • • 5 uL: 130 Volts for 30 minutes Lane #1: DNA Size Markers Lane #2: Helen’s DNA Lane #3: Harold’s DNA Lane #4: Susan’s DNA Lane #5: Adam’s DNA Lane #6: Negative Control Determining Size of DNA Fragment • Using a ruler – Measure (ON EACH BAND!!!!) • Distance of DNA fragment from origin (gel well) • Distance from the origin (gel well) to the tracking dye Calculate the Rf value Distance the DNA fragment has migrated from the origin (gel well) Rf = Distance from the origin (gel well) to the reference point (tracking dye) DNA Size Markers Fragment Length in Base Pairs Fragment 1 1353 Fragment 2 1078 Fragment 3 872 Fragment 4 603 Fragment 5 310 Fragment 6 281 Fragment 7 234 Fragment 8 194 Distance Migrated (mm) A Distance to Reference Point (mm) B Rf A÷B DNA Sample: Diana Fragment: Fragment 1 Fragment 2 Jennifer Fragment 1 Fragment 2 Laura Fragment 1 Fragment 2 Judy Fragment 1 Fragment 2 Distance Migrated (mm) A Distance to Reference Point (mm) B Rf A÷B DNA Sample: Fragment: Diana Fragment 1 Fragment 2 Jennifer Fragment 1 Fragment 2 Laura Fragment 1 Fragment 2 Judy Fragment 1 Fragment 2 Fragment Length (in base pairs) Allele Present: Fragment Length in Base Pairs: Allele: 200 Allele 1 300 Allele 2 400 Allele 3 500 Allele 4 600 Allele 5 700 Allele 6 800 Allele 7 900 Allele 8 1000 Allele 9 Questions 1. Which allele is associated with the BRCA2 mutation? Explain your answer. 2. Which family members have the BRCA2 mutation? Explain your answer. 3. Explain whether you think Judy’s family occurrences of breast and ovarian cancers are sporadic, hereditary, or familial. 4. Is Judy a good candidate for BRCA1 or BRCA2 genetic testing? Explain your answer.