ECONOMICS Daily Objectives 11-8-13 Chapter 8 Quiz Wednesday Library on 11-12-13 Term Paper Rough Draft due 11-13-13 Learning Objectives: 1. Learn about Wall Street DUE: N/A In Class: Binder Check 10-21 to 11-8 Chapter 8.3: List 4 characteristics of corporations. List the advantages & disadvantages of incorporation. Find and summarize an article from The Californian that is representative of the advantages & disadvantages of incorporation. HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives Binder Check on Friday Library on 11-12-13 Term Paper Rough Draft due 11-13-13 Learning Objectives: 1. Learn about Wall Street DUE: N/A In Class: Take notes on the Wall Street Video HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives Binder Check on Friday Library on 11-12-13 Term Paper Rough Draft due 11-13-13 Learning Objectives: 1. Catch up! DUE: N/A In Class: Finish yesterday’s assignment. Complete any missing work. HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives Binder Check on Friday Library on 11-12-13 Term Paper Rough Draft due 11-13-13 Learning Objectives: 1. Do the Venn! DUE: N/A 11-7-13 11-6-13 11-5-13 In Class: Copy & label Figure 8.2 on p. 186. Then, answer the two questions on specialization at the bottom of page 186. Copy & label Figure 8.3 on page 191. Then, answer the statement on specialization under the figure on the same page. HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives 11-4-13 Binder Check on Friday Library on 11-12-13 Term Paper Rough Draft due 11-13-13 Learning Objectives: 1. Do the Venn! DUE: N/A In Class: Draw a Venn Diagram of the advantages of sole proprietorships (8.1) and partnerships (8.2). Which advantages do they share? Next, do the same for the disadvantages of both. Which disadvantages do they share? Finally, in a brief paragraph explain why you would choose one organization over another. HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives 11-1-13 Learning Objectives: 1. Chapter 8 Key Terms DUE: N/A In Class: Do all key terms from Chapter 8 (34) HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives 10-31-13 Learning Objectives: 1. Understand the economic effect of Halloween. DUE: N/A In Class: Econ Video HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives 10-30-13 Learning Objectives: 1. Take the test. DUE: N/A In Class: Chapter 4-7 Exam HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives 10-29-13 Ch.4-7 Exam 10-30-13 Learning Objectives: 1. Prepare for exam on Wednesday. 2. Take the quiz DUE: N/A In Class: Chapter 7 Key Terms Quiz Chapter 4-7 Review HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives Ch.4-7 Exam 10-30-13 Ch.7 Key Terms Quiz 10-29-13 Learning Objectives: 1. Learn more about Monopolistic Competition. 2. Examine what Oligopoly is and is not. DUE: N/A In Class: Do workbook pages 39 & 40 (all) HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives Senior Project Rough Draft DUE: November 13 Tentatively: Ch.4-7 Exam 10-30-13 Ch.7 Key Terms Quiz 10-29-13 Learning Objectives: 1. Learn more about perfect competition. 2. Examine what monopoly is and is not. DUE: N/A In Class: Read Chapter 7 Section 2 Do workbook pages 37 & 38 (all) HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives Senior Project Rough Draft DUE: November 13 Tentatively: Ch.4-7 Exam 10-30-13 Learning Objectives: 1. Pass the quiz. DUE: N/A In Class: Video Notes HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives Senior Project Rough Draft DUE: November 13 Tentatively: Ch.4-7 Exam 10-29-13 Learning Objectives: 1. Pass the quiz. 10-28-13 10-25-13 10-24-13 10-23-13 DUE: N/A In Class: Take the Chapter 6 Key Terms Quiz Read Chapter 7 Section 1 quietly on your own after the quiz HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives 10-22-13 Senior Project Rough Draft DUE: November 13 Tentatively: Ch.4-7 Exam 10-29-13 Learning Objectives: 1. Understand the Key Terms of Chapter 7. DUE: N/A In Class: Do the Chapter 7 Key Terms (all 27) HW: N/A ECONOMICS Daily Objectives 10-21-13 Key Terms Quiz on Tuesday Learning Objectives: 1. Understand the importance of diligence when working on a project. DUE: N/A In Class: Work on senior project. HW: N/A