
Family, Personal and Healthy Inventory
Family History & Relationships
 Religious History
o Would you describe your parents as religious? Describe:
o Have any of your parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents to your knowledge
ever been involved in any occult, cultic, or non-Christian religious practices? Please
describe: ___________________________________________________________
o Briefly describe your parents’ Christian experience (I.e. if they were believers, did
they profess and live their Christianity)?
o What is your religious affiliation?
o Are you currently involved in a church body? ______________________________
o Name of the church: __________________________________________________
o How would you describe your relationship with the Lord? ____________________
 Marital Status (parents)
o Are your parents presently married or divorced? Explain: _____________________
If divorced, how old were you when that occurred? _____________________
o Was your father clearly the head of the home or was there a role reversal (Ie. where
your mother was dominant)? Explain: ____________________________________
o How would you describe your father’s leadership in the home? ________________
o How did your father treat your mother? __________________________________
o How did your mother respond to him? ___________________________________
o Did your father treat women with respect? ________________________________
o Did you mother treat men with respect? __________________________________
o Did your parents provide guidance and helpful direction concerning the important
issues of life (Ie. moral choices, education, spiritual growth, relationships, sex, dating, church, work, career, health, finances, etc.)? ____________________________
o In what areas would you have liked them to give you more guidance? Explain: ____
o How did you respond when family conflicts occurred? _______________________
o Who was the ‘disciplinarian’ in the home when growing up? And how did that
person discipline you? _________________________________________________
o Are you aware of any physical, emotional or sexual abuse in your family line (Ie. 34 generations)? Describe:
o Is there a history of physical, emotional or sexual abuse in your past?
o Was there ever an adulterous affair to your knowledge with your parents or
grandparents? Any incestuous relationships? _______________________________
o Are there any fearful, painful or traumatic experiences or events not mentioned here
that may be important? Explain: ____________________________________
 Sibling Data:
o Please identify sex and age of sibling(s) and place self in birth order:
o Please describe the emotional atmosphere in home while growing up. Include brief
description of relationship with parents and sibling(s):
o Who was your father’s favorite? _________________________________________
o Who was your mother’s favorite? ________________________________________
o What was your health like, from birth to age 10 (Ie. any illnesses, hospitalizations,
accidents)? __________________________________________________________
o What were your fears as a child? (Ie. any nightmares or night terrors?)
o What are your earliest memories before age seven (name three)? _______________
o What was school like for you growing up?
o How would you describe your teen years? Name significant memories?
o What was your spiritual environment growing up? __________________________
 Marital Status (personal)
o Are you currently married? _____________ If yes, how long? _________________
Spouse’s Name: _________________________________________________
Spouse’s Occupation: _____________________________________________
Previous Marital History: __________________________________________
o In what areas are you and your spouse most compatible? _____________________
o Rate your level of communication with your spouse (1=Low; 10=High): _________
Explain: _______________________________________________________
o What does your spouse like about you? ___________________________________
o What does your spouse dislike about you? _________________________________
o What do you like about your spouse? _____________________________________
o What do you dislike about your spouse?
o What are the primary concerns in your marriage (from your perspective)? ________
o From your spouses perspective? _________________________________________
o Who is currently living in your household? ________________________________
 Relationship With Your Father
o Describe your relationship with your father during childhood: _________________
o Did he spend quality time with you? Why or why not and how did that make you
feel towards him? ____________________________________________________
o How did that make you feel about yourself?
o How would you describe your father’s temperament and character? ____________
o How did your father show you affection? (Eg. Did he say, “I love you.”)?
o How did your father give you praise or affirmation? _________________________
o What did your father criticize you or others for? ____________________________
o How did you handle it when he criticized you (Ie. did you shut down emotionally,
argue with him, make excuses, defend yourself, determine to try harder, give up)?
o Summarize the most hurtful things he ever did or said to you: _________________
o How do you think this affected your perception of yourself?
o Has your relationship with your father changed in recent years? Explain: ________
 Relationship With Your Mother
o Describe your relationship with your mother during childhood: ________________
o Did she spend quality time with you? Why or why not and how did that make you
feel towards her? _____________________________________________________
o How did that make you feel about yourself?
o How would you describe your mother’s temperament and character? ___________
o How did your mother show you affection? (E.g. Did she say, “I love you.”)?
o How did your mother give you praise or affirmation? ________________________
o What did your mother criticize you or others for? ___________________________
o How did you handle it when she criticized you (Ie. did you shut down emotionally,
argue with her, make excuses, defend yourself, determine to try harder, give up)?
o Summarize the most hurtful things she ever did or said to you: _________________
o How do you think this affected your perception of yourself?
o Has your relationship with your mother changed in recent years? ______________
Health (General):
 Are there any addictive problems in your family history (alcohol, drugs, etc.)?
 Is there any history of mental illness? Please describe: _______________________________
 Please indicate if you have any history of the following ailments in your family:
o ____ Tuberculosis; ____ Cancer; ____ Heart disease; ____ Ulcer ____ Diabetes;
____ Glandular problems; ____ Other(s): __________
 How would you describe your family’s concern for (Ie. Excessive or Limited):
o Diet: ______________________________________________________________
o Exercise: ___________________________________________________________
o Rest: ______________________________________________________________
o Moral Climate: describe the moral atmosphere in which you were raised during the
first 18 years of your life (Ie. Overly permissive; overly strict):
History of Personal Health
 Physical Status
o Describe your eating habits (i.e. do you eat healthy foods or often junk foods? Do
you eat regularly or sporadically; is your diet balanced, etc.?): _________________
o Do you have any addictions or cravings to sweets, drugs, alcohol, food?
o Are you presently under any kind of medications for either physical or
psychological reasons? Yes: ___ No: ___
If yes, please list:
o Do you have any problems sleeping? Describe your sleeping patterns (I.e. do you
have restful sleep?):
o Are you having any recurring nightmares or disturbances? ____________________
o Do you allow for regular periods of rest and relaxation? ______________________
o Have you ever experienced any type of trauma (i.e. physical, emotional, or sexual
abuse; involvement in a severe accident, death of family member, etc.)? Explain:
o Do you have any physical disabilities? Describe: ____________________________
o Do you have a history of drug use?
o How much alcohol do you drink? ________________________________________
o What is your present height and weight? And has your weight changed over the last
year? ______________________________________________________________
o When was the last time you felt well for a reasonable amount of time (Ie.
physically, emotionally, spiritually)?
 Emotional Health
o Describe briefly your earliest memory:
o Do you have periods or blocks of time in your past that you cannot remember?
Please describe: ______________________________________________________
o Please indicate any of the following which you have or are presently struggling
___daydreaming; ___lustful thoughts; ___inferiority; ___inadequacy;
___worry; ___doubts; ___fantasy; ___obsessive thoughts; ___insecurity;
___dizziness; ___headaches; ___compulsive thoughts ___blasphemous
o Do you spend much time wishing you were somebody else or fantasizing that you
were somebody else or possibly imagining yourself living at a different time, place,
or under different circumstances? Explain:
o How many hours of TV do you watch per week? ___________________________
o List your five favorite programs:
o How many hours do you spend a week reading? ____________________________
o What do you read primarily (Ie. newspaper, magazines, books)?
o What type of music do you listen to, and what is the amount of time spent listening?
o Do you consider yourself to be an optimist or pessimist? Explain:
o Have you ever thought you were "cracking up", and do you presently fear that
possibility? Explain:
o Do you regularly read the Bible and/or a Devotional? When and to what extent?
o Do you find prayer difficult mentally? Explain: _____________________________
o When attending church or other Christian ministries, are you plagued with foul
thoughts, jealousies, and/or other mental harassments? Explain: _______________
o Concerning your emotions, indicate which of the following best describes you (X):
Readily express them
Express some of my emotions, but not all
Readily acknowledge their presence, but reserved in expressing them
Tendency to suppress my emotions
Find it safest not to express how I feel
Tendency to disregard how I feel since I cannot trust my feelings
Consciously or subconsciously deny them; too painful to deal with them
o Is there someone in your life whom you know that you could be emotionally honest
with right now (i.e., you could tell this person exactly how you feel about yourself,
life, and other people)? ________________________________________________
o How important is it that you are emotionally honest before God, and do you feel
that you are? Explain: _________________________________________________
 Psychiatric History
o Have you had any previous treatment for psychological or emotional problems? If
yes, please describe. (Note: This includes any prior counseling) _______________
o Have you had any previous hospitalizations for psychological or emotional
problems? If yes, please describe:
o What is your current emotional/mental status? _____________________________
o Are you having any current suicidal thoughts or plans? If yes, describe:
o Have you had any past problems or hospitalizations for suicidal attempts? If yes,
please describe (include dates):
o Are you having any current homicidal or harmful thoughts or feelings, or any
anger-control problems? If yes, please describe: ____________________________
o Is there any mental or emotional illness or addictions in your family line? If yes,
please describe: ______________________________________________________