Knowledge And Skills Acquisition (KASA) Summary Form For Certification in Speech-Language Pathology I. KNOWLEDGE AREAS Program BES/BS BES/BS Practicum Standards Course # and Title Experiences # and Title STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOME: The student must demonstrate an understanding of principles of: ● Introduction to Communication Sciences and Disorders ● Introduction to Linguistics Timeline CSD 130 2009 Undergrad course 2009 STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOME: Standard III-A. The applicant must demonstrate knowledge of the principles of: BS/BES BS/BES BS/BES BS/BES BS/BES BS/BES BS/BES BS/BES BS/BES BS/BES BS/BES ● Biological sciences undergrad course 2009 ● Physical sciences undergrad course 2009 ● Mathematics undergrad course 2009 ● Social/Behavioral sciences undergrad course 2009 STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Standard III-B. The applicant must demonstrate knowledge of basic human communication and swallowing processes, including their biological, neurological, acoustic, psychological, developmental, and linguistic and cultural bases Basic Human Communication Processes ● Biological CSD 322: Anatomy and Physiology 2007 2008 ● Neurological CSD 426: Neuro 2007 2008 ● Acoustic CSD 324: Speech Science 2007 2008 ● Psychological CSD 460: Language Dev 2007 2008 ● Developmental/Lifespan CSD 440: Aging; CSD 460: Lang Dev 2007 2008 ● Linguistic CSD 460: Lang Dev 2007 2008 ● Cultural CSD 460: Lang Dev 2007 2008 Swallowing Processes 1 MS MS MS MS BES/BS BES/BS BES/BS BES/BS ● Biological CSD 639 Dysphagia 2009 ● Neurological CSD 639 Dysphagia 2009 ● Developmental/Lifespan CSD 639 Dysphagia 2009 ● Cultural CSD 639 Dysphagia 2009 STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOME: Standard III-C. The applicant must demonstrate knowledge of the nature of speech, language, hearing, and communication disorders and differences and swallowing disorders, including their etiologies, characteristics, anatomical/physiological, acoustic, psychological, developmental, and linguistic and cultural correlates. Specific knowledge must be demonstrated in the following areas: Articulation ● Etiologies CSD 534 Articulation Disorders, CSD 637 Motor Speech 2007 Disorders 2008 ● Characteristics CSD 534 Articulation Disorders, CSD 637 Motor Speech 2007 Disorders 2008 Fluency ● Etiologies CSD 432/532 Fluency; CSD 676 Fluency seminar 2007 2008 ● Characteristics CSD 432/532 Fluency; CSD 676 Fluency seminar 2007 2008 Voice and resonance, including respiration and phonation BES/BS ● Etiologies CSD 531 Voice Disorders, CSD 634 Cleft Palate and Craniofacial; Anomalies, CSD 670 Voice Seminar 2007 2008 BES/BS ● Characteristics CSD 531 Voice Disorders, CSD 634 Cleft Palate and Craniofacial; Anomalies, CSD 670 Voice Seminar 2007 2008 BES/BS BES/BS BES/BS BES/BS Receptive and expressive language (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics) in speaking, listening, reading, writing, and manual modalities ● Etiologies CSD 540: Aging; CSD 561 Lang Disorders; CSD 678 Lang 2007 Seminar 2008 ● Characteristics CSD 540: Aging; CSD 561 Lang Disorders; CSD 678 Lang 2007 Seminar 2008 Hearing, including the impact on speech and language ● Etiologies CSD 325 Hearing Science; CSD 541 Hearing 2007 Measurement; CSD 642 Adv Aud 2008 ● Characteristics CSD 540: Aging, CSD 541 Hearing Measurement, CSD 542 2007 Aud Rehabilitation, CSD 642 Advanced Aud 2008 2 Swallowing (oral, pharyngeal, esophageal, and related functions, including oral function for feeding; orofacial myofunction) MS MS BES/BS BES/BS BES/BS BES/BS BES/BS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS ● Etiologies CSD 639 Dysphagia ● Characteristics CSD 639 Dysphagia Cognitive aspects of communication (attention, memory, sequencing, problem-solving, executive functioning ● Etiologies CSD 540 Aging; CSD 561 Lang Disorders, CSD 635 Aphasia, CSD 678 Lang Seminar ● Characteristics CSD 540 Aging; CSD 561 Lang Disorders, CSD 635 Aphasia, CSD 678 Lang Seminar 2007 2008 2007 2008 Social aspects of communication (challenging behavior, ineffective social skills, lack of communication opportunities) ● Etiologies CSD 434 Artic, CSD 540 Aging; CSD 561 Lang Dis, CSD 2007 678 Lang seminar 2008 ● Characteristics CSD 434 Artic, CSD 540 Aging; CSD 561 Lang Dis, CSD 2007 678 Lang seminar 2008 Communication modalities (including oral, manual, augmentative and alternative communication techniques, and assistive technologies) ● Characteristics CSD 566 Augmentative Comm 2007 2008 STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Standard III-D: The applicant must possess knowledge of the principles and methods of prevention, assessment, and intervention for people with communication and swallowing disorders, including consideration of anatomical/physiological, psychological, developmental, and linguistic and cultural correlates of the disorders. Articulation ● Prevention CSD 637 Motor Speech Disorders, CSD 671 Phonological 2010 seminar ● Assessment CSD 637 Motor Speech Disorders, CSD 671 Phonological 2010 seminar ● Intervention CSD 637 Motor Speech Disorders, CSD 671 Phonological 2010 seminar Fluency ● Prevention CSD 676 Fluency seminar 2010 ● Assessment CSD 676 Fluency seminar 2010 ● Intervention CSD 676 Fluency seminar 2010 Voice and Resonance ● Prevention CSD 634 Cleft Palate, CSD 670 Voice seminar 2010 ● Assessment CSD 634 Cleft Palate, CSD 670 Voice seminar 2010 3 2010 MS ● Intervention CSD 634 Cleft Palate, CSD 670 Voice seminar Receptive and Expressive Language ● Prevention CSD 540 Aging; CSD 635 Aphasia, CSD 678 Lang Seminar MS ● Assessment CSD 540 Aging; CSD 635 Aphasia, CSD 678 Lang Seminar 2010 MS ● Intervention CSD 540 Aging; CSD 635 Aphasia, CSD 678 Lang Seminar 2010 MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS Hearing, including the impact on speech and language ● Prevention CSD 541 Hearing Measurement, CSD 542 Aud Rehab, CSD 642 Advanced audiology ● Assessment CSD 541 Hearing Measurement, CSD 542 Aud Rehab, CSD 642 Advanced audiology ● Intervention CSD 541 Hearing Measurement, CSD 542 Aud Rehab, CSD 642 Advanced audiology Swallowing ● Prevention CSD 639 Dysphagia ● Assessment CSD 639 Dysphagia ● Intervention CSD 639 Dysphagia Cognitive aspects of communication ● Prevention CSD 540 Aging; CSD 635 Aphasia, CSD 671 Phonological seminar, CSD 678 Lang Seminar ● Assessment CSD 540 Aging; CSD 635 Aphasia, CSD 671 Phonological seminar, CSD 678 Lang Seminar ● Intervention CSD 540 Aging; CSD 635 Aphasia, CSD 671 Phonological seminar, CSD 678 Lang Seminar Social aspects of communication 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 MS ● Prevention CSD 540 Aging; CSD 678 Lang Seminar 2010 MS ● Assessment CSD 540 Aging; CSD 678 Lang Seminar 2010 MS ● Intervention Communication Modalities ● Assessment ● Intervention CSD 540 Aging; CSD 678 Lang Seminar 2010 CSD 566 Augmentative Comm CSD 566 Augmentative Comm 2010 2010 MS MS 4 MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOME: Standard IV-G: The applicant for certification must complete a program of study that includes supervised clinical experiences sufficient in breadth and depth to achieve the following skills outcomes (in addition to clinical experiences, skills may be demonstrated through successful performance on academic course work and examinations, independent projects, or other appropriate alternative methods): 1. Evaluation (must include all skill outcomes listed in a-g below for each of the 9 major areas) a. Conduct screening and prevention procedures (including prevention activities) b. Collect case history information and integrate information from clients/patients, family, caregivers, teachers, relevant others, and other professionals c. Select and administer appropriate evaluation procedures, such as behavioral observations nonstandardized and standardized tests, and instrumental procedures d. Adapt evaluation procedures to meet client/patient needs e. Interpret, integrate, and synthesize all information to develop diagnoses and make appropriate recommendations for intervention f. Complete administrative and reporting functions necessary to support evaluation g. Refer clients/patients for appropriate services ● Articulation CSD 534 Artic Disorders, CSD 637 Motor Speech Disorders, CSD 671 Phono seminar ● Fluency CSD 676 Fluency seminar: meets 1a, b, c, d,e MS ● Voice and resonance, including respiration and phonation CSD 634 Cleft Palate, CSD 670 Voice seminar MS ● Receptive and expressive language (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics) in speaking, listening, reading, writing, and manual modalities ● Hearing, including the impact on speech and language CSD 561 Language Disorders, CSD 635 Aphasia, CSD 637 Motor Speech Disorders, CSD 678 Language seminar ● Swallowing (oral, pharyngeal, esophageal, and related functions, including oral function for feeding; orofacial myofunction) CSD 639 Dysphagia MS MS CSD 542 Aud rehabilitation, CSD 642 Advanced Audiology CSD 648 Graduate Clinical Practicum, CSD 650 Medical internship, CSD 651 Educational internship CSD 648 Graduate Clinical Practicum, CSD 650 Medical internship, CSD 651 Educational internship CSD 648 Graduate Clinical Practicum, CSD 650 Medical internship, CSD 651 Educational internship CSD 648 Graduate Clinical Practicum, CSD 650 Medical internship, CSD 651 Educational internship 2011 CSD 648 Graduate Clinical Practicum, CSD 650 Medical internship, CSD 651 Educational internship CSD 648 Graduate Clinical Practicum, CSD 650 Medical internship 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 5 MS MS MS MS MS ● Cognitive aspects of CSD 561 Language Disorders, CSD CSD 648 Graduate Clinical Practicum, communication (attention, memory, 635 Aphasia, CSD 637 Motor CSD 650 Medical internship, CSD 651 sequencing, problem-solving, Speech Disorders, CSD 678 Educational internship executive functioning) Language seminar ● Social aspects of communication CSD 561 Language Disorders, CSD CSD 648 Graduate Clinical Practicum, (including challenging behavior, 566 Aug Comm, CSD 635 Aphasia, CSD 650 Medical internship, CSD 651 ineffective social skills, lack of CSD 637 Motor Speech Disorders, Educational internship communication opportunities) CSD 678 Language seminar ● Communication modalities CSD 561 Language Disorders, CSD CSD 648 Graduate Clinical Practicum, (including oral, manual, 566 Aug Comm, CSD 637 Motor CSD 650 Medical internship, CSD 651 augmentative, and alternative Speech Disorders, CSD 678 Educational internship communication techniques and Language seminar assistive technologies) 2. Intervention (must include all skill outcomes listed in a-g below for each of the 9 major areas) 2011 2011 2011 MS MS a. Develop setting-appropriate intervention plans with measurable and achievable goals that meet clients'/patients' needs. Collaborate with clients/patients and relevant others in the planning process b. Implement intervention plans (involve clients/patients and relevant others in the intervention process) c. Select or develop and use appropriate materials and instrumentation for prevention and intervention MS d. Measure and evaluate clients'/patients' performance and progress MS e. Modify intervention plans, strategies, materials, or instrumentation as appropriate to meet the needs of clients/patients MS f. Complete administrative and reporting functions necessary to support intervention MS g. Identify and refer clients/patients for services as appropriate MS ● Articulation MS ● Fluency MS ● Voice and resonance CSD 634 Cleft Palate, CSD 670 Voice seminar MS ● Receptive and expressive language CSD 561 Language Disorders, CSD 635 Aphasia, CSD 637 Motor Speech Disorders, CSD 678 Language seminar CSD 534 Artic Disorders, CSD 637 Motor Speech Disorders, CSD 671 Phono seminar CSD 676 Fluency seminar: meets 2 a, c, and e CSD 648 Graduate Clinical Practicum, CSD 650 Medical internship, CSD 651 Educational internship CSD 648 Graduate Clinical Practicum, CSD 650 Medical internship, CSD 651 Educational internship CSD 648 Graduate Clinical Practicum, CSD 650 Medical internship, CSD 651 Educational internship CSD 648 Graduate Clinical Practicum, CSD 650 Medical internship, CSD 651 Educational internship 2011 2011 2011 2011 6 MS ● Hearing, including the impact on speech and language CSD 542 Aud rehabilitation, CSD 642 Advanced Audiology MS ● Swallowing CSD 639 Dysphagia MS ● Cognitive aspects of communication MS ● Social aspects of communication MS ● Communication modalities CSD 561 Language Disorders, CSD 635 Aphasia, CSD 637 Motor Speech Disorders, CSD 678 Language seminar CSD 561 Language Disorders, CSD 566 Aug Comm, CSD 635 Aphasia, CSD 637 Motor Speech Disorders, CSD 678 Language seminar CSD 561 Language Disorders, CSD 566 Aug Comm, CSD 637 Motor Speech Disorders, CSD 678 Language seminar CSD 648 Graduate Clinical Practicum, CSD 650 Medical internship, CSD 651 Educational internship CSD 648 Graduate Clinical Practicum, CSD 650 Medical internship CSD 648 Graduate Clinical Practicum, CSD 650 Medical internship, CSD 651 Educational internship CSD 648 Graduate Clinical Practicum, CSD 650 Medical internship, CSD 651 Educational internship 2010 CSD 648 Graduate Clinical Practicum, CSD 650 Medical internship, CSD 651 Educational internship 2010 2010 2010 2010 3. Interaction and Personal Qualities MS MS MS MS a. Communicate effectively, recognizing the needs values, preferred mode of communication, and cultural/linguistic background of the client/patient, family, caregivers, and relevant others. b. Collaborate with other professionals in case management. All disorder courses CSD 648 Graduate Clinical Practicum, CSD 650 Medical internship, CSD 651 Educational internship 2010 All disorder courses 2010 c. Provide counseling regarding communication and swallowing disorders to clients/patients, family, caregivers, and relevant others. d. Adhere to the ASHA Code of Ethics and behave professionally. All disorder courses CSD 648 Graduate Clinical Practicum, CSD 650 Medical internship, CSD 651 Educational internship CSD 648 Graduate Clinical Practicum, CSD 650 Medical internship, CSD 651 Educational internship CSD 648 Graduate Clinical Practicum, CSD 650 Medical internship, CSD 651 Educational internship 2010 CSD 350 Clinical Methods, CSD 677 Issues and Ethics, and all disorder courses 2010 7