What are you listening to?

Live While We’re Young lyrics
Little Things lyrics
What are you
listening to?
By: Yanely Ramos
Live While We’re Young – One
I picked this song, because it is my favorite
band, and I think the song has a catchy beat,
and anyone can relate to it. I think the tone of
the song was meant to put people in good
moods, but to me it put me into a fun, crazy
mood. It isn’t really a song for people that are
having problems, but if you have a
depressing life, you could listen to this song
because the main meaning is to have fun
and do anything and everything you can
while you’re young.
Live While We’re Young.
This song is a literal poem, I know this because
it is in stanzas and in the song it directly states
what they are trying to say.
Although this song doesn’t rhyme nor have
three poetic devices I found three examples
for repetition– ‘Live While We’re Young’, ‘Let’s
go crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun’, and
‘Tonight’s let’s get some….’ and the other
poetic device I found was first person point of
view, I picked this because throughout the
song it says ‘I’.
Live While We’re Young.
 The
title is a big thing about the song,
because if you listen to it throughout the
entire song, they always refer back to this
line in the song.
Little Things – One Direction.
 Little
things has repetition in it , I know this
because the title ‘Little Things’ repeats in
the song a lot, so the title is important to
this song, some other poetic devices is
that it is put in first person point of view,
because it repeats I, or I’m, and it rhymes
in the song a bit ‘And maybe that’s the
reason that you talk in your sleep, And all
those conversation are the secrets that I
Little Things.
 This
song is written towards their girlfriends
to not be insecure about themselves,
because their boyfriends (the singers) love
the things they don’t like about
themselves, so that is why I chose this
song, because I love the meaning.
Little Things.
think the tone is to put any girl that listens
to it into a good mood and not to be
insecure about themselves, so that’s what
mood it puts me in. This song could go
with people with insecurities.
 The song is written in a poem, and it is
literal, because they are just singing what
they feel, they don’t use figurative
Little Things (LT)vs.
Live While We’re Young (LWWY)
Both Little Things and Live While We’re Young
are both sung by One Direction.
Although LWWY is about living life to the fullest
while you can they both have good meaning,
because LT is about not being insecure about
In both songs they have repetition, and the
main repetition for both songs are the title of
the song.
They are both directed to the same audience
but for different people, because LT goes for
insecure girls and LWWY is for anyone.
Compare and contrast cont.
 They
both have literal meanings. I know
this because in the song it doesn’t hide
what it is trying to say, where you have to
find out, it’s just out there.
 LWWY doesn’t rhyme, but LT does
sometimes at the end of a line in stanzas.