Harrison County Schools School Board Effectiveness Meeting November 5, 2013 SUSAN LEE COLLINS, Superintendent MICHAEL L. QUEEN, President DAVID M. STURM, Vice-President ANTHONY FRATTO, Assistant Superintendent, Operations and Facilities ALLEN GORRELL WENDY IMPERIAL, Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum & Instruction and Technology DONNA HAGE, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources and Policy GARY M. HAMRICK DOUGLAS K. HOGUE HARRISON COUNTY SCHOOLS – Where all are leaders…and all are learners General Statistics 2012-2013 • • • • • • Enrollment 10,946 ( Current 10,913 ) Attendance Rate 97.67% Low SES 49.61% Graduation Rate 77.6% Dropout Rate 1.29% (down from 2.1%) Transfers: – To our county - 79 – From our county – 23 – Approximately $6,000. per student Student Enrollment Trend 1999-2000 through 2013-2014 Student Enrollment By Grade 2013-2014 12th Grade 694 11th Grade 714 10th Grade 826 9th Grade 816 8th Grade 816 7th Grade 782 6th Grade 746 5th Grade 767 4th Grade 765 3rd Grade 842 2nd Grade 793 1st Grade 835 Kindergarten 849 Pre-K 669 Professional & Service Staff Experience FY 13 Fund Balance (Carryover) $9,000,000 $8,000,000 $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 Budget by Object Code Salaries 5% 3% Benefits 8% 2% 1% Purchased Services Property Services 53% 28% Other Purchased Services Supplies/Equipment Other 81% of budget is for salaries and benefits General Current Expense Fund Revenue Budget FY 14 1% 25% Taxes Beginning Fund Balance Misc Local 6% 67% 1% State Sources Federal Sources Thank You! Five year levy call- July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2016 3rd Year of 88% Levy Approximately $19,768,685 annually Provides: textbooks supplies equipment fine arts support vocational education extra-curricular support facility improvements athletic improvements and admission fees technology student accident insurance duplication services salary supplementation and employee benefits Educational Opportunities College Courses Harrison County Schools / Fairmont State University / West Virginia University Over 400 credits potentially earned At a savings of over $113,000. Students Participating Students Participating Students Participating Fall 2012 58 Spring 2013 58 Fall 2013 88 Liberty 34 36 91 Lincoln 18 18 57 Robert C. Byrd 21 19 49 South Harrison 13 14 25 Notre Dame 2 3 8 146 148 318 Bridgeport TOTAL Educational Opportunities Advanced Placement 2013-2014 AP Biology Enrollment in AP Courses: 420 AP Calculus AB a decrease of 11% from 2012-2013 AP Calculus BC AP Chemistry AP English Language & Composition AP English Literature & Composition AP Human Geography AP Physics B Number of AP Exams passed AP Psychology with a 3 or higher: 181 AP Statistics an increase of 5% from 2012-2013 AP Studio Art AP U.S. Government & Politics AP US History Educational Opportunities ACT – 426 students tested Thank you to John Ebert for the ACT Prep Classes Harrison WV Average English 21.2 20.5 Math 20.2 19.5 Reading 22.1 21.3 Science 21.4 20.6 Composite 21.4 20.6 Educational Opportunities Promise Scholarships 2012-2013 2011-2012 BHS 94 78 Liberty 16 18 Lincoln 19 21 RCB 20 23 SHHS 13 17 Educational Opportunities United Technical Center • • • • • • • • • • Multi-County Center - Doddridge, Harrison and Taylor counties New Director – Matthew Call 467 day program students; 65 adult students 51 tenth graders enrolled; 3 ninth graders enrolled 40 GED Options Students 15 programs for secondary students and 1 program of Practical Nursing for adults UTC offers many night-time, short-term, and online courses WVDE CTE Simulated Workplace Pilot Site SREB Technology Centers That Work Site Career-Technical Student Organizations include SkillsUSA and HOSA Educational Opportunities Harrison County Alternative Learning Center Enrollment 2012-2013: Harrison County Alternative High School – 152 Harrison County Transitional High School – 76 Harrison County Transitional Middle School – 49 Total – 277 24 seniors graduated last year while attending Alternative High School 3 seniors graduated while attending Transitional High School Options Pathway 2012-2013 Students Enrolled in Options Pathway Students Withdrawing from Options Pathway Students Graduating 2010-2011 52 9 27 11 5 2011-2012 87 7 56 20 4 109 8 75 12 14 2012-2013 Students Earning GED Students Returning Next Year before Withdrawing to Complete Options Pathway Option 1 – CTE completers + GED = High School Diploma Option 2 – Seniors meeting graduation requirements, except English, math, science, or social studies credit + needed part of GED = High School Diploma Option 3 – Student insists on dropping out, but GED passed while still enrolled = Students not counted as dropouts against high school WESTEST2 Mathematics Percent Proficient 2009-2010 County (State) 2010-2011 County (State) 2011-2012 County (State) 2012-2013 County (State) Grade 3 55 (44) 47 (41) 54 (49) 44 (42) Grade 4 43 (42) 51 (46) 47 (47) 46 (48) Grade 5 48 (45) 47 (45) 53 (50) 43 (46) Grade 6 42 (43) 46 (45) 48 (48) 55 (48) Grade 7 50 (47) 50 (44) 52 (51) 49 (47) Grade 8 35 (37) 40 (40) 44 (42) 40 (43) Grade 9 34 (36) 36 (39) 41 (41) 48 (43) Grade 10 43 (34) 48 (42) 43 (43) 44 (42) Grade 11 51 (41) 50 (44) 53 (48) 47 (44) Grade WESTEST2 Reading/Language Arts Percent Proficient 2009-2010 County (State) 2010-2011 County (State) 2011-2012 County (State) 2012-2013 County (State) Grade 3 52 (45) 49 (46) 53 (39) 44 (44) Grade 4 41 (40) 51 (48) 48 (45) 49 (47) Grade 5 52 (43) 52 (46) 60 (51) 42 (42) Grade 6 49 (43) 56 (50) 55 (51) 61 (53) Grade 7 47 (43) 59 (51) 52 (50) 56 (50) Grade 8 45 (42) 54 (48) 54 (48) 50 (50) Grade 9 41 (40) 49 (47) 54 (48) 57 (52) Grade 10 43 (43) 52 (47) 56 (48) 55 (51) Grade 11 40 (35) 51 (44) 55 (45) 51 (47) Grade Success Schools Bridgeport High South Harrison High Lumberport Middle The majority of student groups have: • Met the annual academic goals in mathematics and English/language arts • The school has reached its goals in attendance or graduation rates, student academic growth, student success on WESTEST 2, and learning gaps between student groups are small. County Strategic Five Year Plan Goals HARRISON COUNTY SCHOOLS Create positive learning environments Advance innovative technologies Maximize student achievement Promote family, community, & school partnerships Technology Updates • Student to Computer Ratio - 1.52 to 1 • One-to-One iPad initiative at South Harrison High School • 120 iMacs for Bridgeport, Lincoln, Robert C. Byrd, & South Harrison High • 30 additional thin clients • Increase number of Virtualized Desktop Integration licenses to 3,500 • Replacement teacher computers for math and science teachers • Replacement of original MCU for distance learning connectivity • Upgrade network backbones to single mode fiber in Bridgeport, Robert C. Byrd, and South Harrison High Schools • Replace network backbones between Johnson Elementary & Bridgeport Middle and Bridgeport High & Bridgeport Middle • Redundant load balancers for improved network performance One-to-One iPad Initiative at South Harrison High School • Implementation of 1:1 - First school in Harrison County • Electronic versions – iBooks for new Social Studies Adoption • Teachers were given professional development in technology integration in all classes Lumberport Middle School •First Design-Build School •Completion Date – December 2014 •SBA Project MIP Project for Simpson Elementary • Grant submitted October 1 • Selections will be announced in December Harrison County Schools HARRISON COUNTY SCHOOLS – Where all are leaders…and all are learners