Harrison County Schools School Board Effectiveness Meeting October 2, 2012 SUSAN LEE COLLINS, Superintendent MICHAEL L. QUEEN, President DAVID M. STURM, Vice-President ANTHONY FRATTO, Assistant Superintendent, Operations and Facilities ALLEN GORRELL WENDY IMPERIAL, Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum & Instruction and Technology GARY M. HAMRICK Dr. GREG MOORE, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources and Policy DOUGLAS K. HOGUE HARRISON COUNTY SCHOOLS – Where all are leaders…and all are learners General Statistics 2011-2012 • • • • • • Enrollment 11,005 ( Current 10,946 ) Attendance Rate 97.52% Low SES (Eligible Free/Reduced) 46.31% Graduation Rate 78.20% Dropout Rate 3.1% (2010-2011) Transfers: – To our county - 84 – From our county - 25 Student Enrollment Trend 1999-2000 through 2012-2013 Student Enrollment By Grade 2012-2013 12th Grade 714 11th Grade 732 10th Grade 786 9th Grade 880 8th Grade 784 7th Grade 839 6th Grade 769 5th Grade 762 4th Grade 783 3rd Grade 761 2nd Grade 835 1st Grade 805 Kindergarten 843 Pre-K 689 *funded 653 Total General Budget $116,836,204 Per Pupil Expenditures 2011-2012 Average Elementary Average Middle Average High Average County $11,653 $11,799 $11,840 $11,729 FY 12 Professional Salary Distribution Professional & Service Personnel By Age Thank You! Excess Levy Five year levy call- July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2016 Approximately $19,768,685 annually Provides: textbooks supplies equipment fine arts support vocational education extra-curricular support facility improvements athletic improvements and admission fees technology student accident insurance duplication services salary supplementation and employee benefits Educational Opportunities 2011-2012 College Courses Harrison County Schools / Fairmont State University / West Virginia University Hours Earned Students Participating Students Participating Fall 2011 Spring 2012 32 37 38 35 Lincoln 22 21 Robert C. Byrd 28 33 South Harrison 12 12 Notre Dame 6 6 138 144 Bridgeport Fall 2011 - 866 hours Spring 2012 - 752 hours Liberty TOTAL Educational Opportunities Advanced Placement 2012-2013 AP English Lang & Comp AP English Lit & Comp AP Studio Art AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC AP Chemistry AP Statistics AP Biology AP Physics B AP US History AP Human Geography AP Gov AP U.S. Civics AP Psychology Enrollment in AP Courses – 474 - an increase of 13% Number of AP Exams passed with a 3 or higher – 173 - an increase of 18% Educational Opportunities • Promise Scholarships 2011-2012 – – – – – Bridgeport High Liberty High Lincoln High Robert C Byrd High South Harrison High 78 students 18 students 21 students 23 students 17 students • ACT – 497 students tested – – – – – English Math Reading Science Composite 21.1 20.0 21.6 21.1 21.1 Harrison County scores were higher than state averages in all areas. Educational Opportunities United Technical Center - 2011 School of Excellence – – – – – Offers services to Doddridge, Harrison and Taylor counties 488 day program students; 98 adult students 36 tenth graders enrolled; 1 ninth grader 20 GED Options Students 15 programs for secondary students and 1 program of Practical Nursing for adults – Also offers many night-time, short term, and online courses – Co-Curricular activities include SkillsUSA and HOSA Educational Opportunities Harrison County Alternative Learning Center Enrollment 2011-2012: Harrison County Alternative High School – 93 Harrison County Transitional High School – 58 Harrison County Transitional Middle School – 68 Total - 219 22 seniors graduated last year while attending Harrison County Alternative High School 2 students graduated while attending Harrison County Transitional High School Options Pathway 2011-2012 Students Enrolled in Options Pathway Students Withdrawing from Options Pathway Students Graduating Students Earning GED before Withdrawing Students Returning Next Year to Complete Options Pathway 2010-2011 52 9 27 11 5 2011-2012 87 7 56 20 4 Option 1 – CTE completers + GED = High School Diploma 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Option 2 – Seniors meeting graduation requirements, except English, math, science, or social studies credit + needed part of GED = High School Diploma 2010‐2011 2011‐2012 Option 3 – Student insists on dropping out, but GED passed while still enrolled = Students not counted as dropouts against high school WESTEST2 Mathematics Percent Proficient 2009-2010 County (State) 2010-2011 County (State) 2011-2012 County (State) Grade 3 55 (44) 47 (41) 54 (49) Grade 4 43 (42) 51 (46) 47 (47) Grade 5 48 (45) 47 (45) 53 (50) Grade 6 42 (43) 46 (45) 48 (48) Grade 7 50 (47) 50 (44) 52 (51) Grade 8 35 (37) 40 (40) 44 (42) Grade 9 34 (36) 36 (39) 41 (41) Grade 10 43 (34) 48 (42) 43 (43) Grade 11 51 (41) 50 (44) 53 (48) Grade WESTEST2 Reading/Language Arts Percent Proficient 2009-2010 County (State) 2010-2011 County (State) 2011-2012 County (State) Grade 3 52 (45) 49 (46) 53 (39) Grade 4 41 (40) 51 (48) 48 (45) Grade 5 52 (43) 52 (46) 60 (51) Grade 6 49 (43) 56 (50) 55 (51) Grade 7 47 (43) 59 (51) 52 (50) Grade 8 45 (42) 54 (48) 54 (48) Grade 9 41 (40) 49 (47) 54 (48) Grade 10 43 (43) 52 (47) 56 (48) Grade 11 40 (35) 51 (44) 55 (45) Grade National Blue Ribbon School Bridgeport Middle Exemplary Schools Will be announced October 2012 County Strategic Five Year Plan HARRISON COUNTY SCHOOLS Create positive learning environments Advance innovative technologies Maximize student achievement Promote family, community, & school partnerships IPI - Instructional Practices Inventory Training will be scheduled for fall for remainder of Harrison County Schools. IPI is a process that provides in-depth data on student engagement in the classroom, which is an area that correlates with increased student achievement. SCS - School Culture Survey The School Culture Survey, which is taken anonymously by every school professional, provides insight about the shared values and beliefs, the patterns of behavior, and the relationships in the school. The SCS will identify strengths and weaknesses and allow each school to discuss strategies to improve the culture within their school. This is also an action step in the County Strategic Plan for Harrison County Schools. WV Next Generation Standards Rollout Schedule 2011-12 Kindergarten 2012-13 First, Fourth, Fifth, and Ninth Grade 2013-14 Second, Third, Sixth, Seventh, and Tenth Grade Rollout Date Pending WVDE Waiver to USDE Eighth, Eleventh, Twelfth Grade Technology Updates • Student / Computer Ratio 1.59:1 • 140 iMacs and over 1,600 thin clients for Bridgeport, Mountaineer, South Harrison, & Washington Irving Middle Schools • Increase number of Virtualized Desktop Integration licenses to 2,220 • Additional computers to make corrections in Student/Computer ratios as necessitated by enrollment shifts • Additional teacher bundles for new teachers • 1 GB Internet connection for the entire county to WVNET • 1 GB TLS upgrade for BHS, BMS, and Johnson • Wireless network upgrades for Adamston, Big Elm, Johnson, Lost Creek, North View Norwood, West Milford, Wilsonburg, Bridgeport Middle, W. I. Middle, Harrison County Alternative High School, and UTC • Additional file servers for VDI SBA Needs Proposal CLASSROOM CLASSROOM CLASSROOM CLASSROOM SCIENCE CLASSROOM / LAB CLASSROOM / LAB CLASSROOM SMALL GROUP CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION CLASSROOM CLASSROOM CLASSROOM CLASSROOM TEACHER LOUNGE ART COMPUTER LAB FACS CLASSROOM STAIRS CLASSROOM PLAY AREA DISTANCE STAIRS LEARNING LAB BUS \ PARENT PICK-UP AND DROP-OFF DEVELOPMENTAL DELAYS CLASSROOM JANITOR RESTROOMS PROP ERTY LINE CLASSROOM CLASSROOM / LAB DEVELOPMENTAL DELAYS CLASSROOM JANITOR RESTROOMS SECOND FLOOR CLASSROOM WING SCHEMATIC DESIGN - SCHEME #2 CLASSROOM TEACHER LOUNGE STAIRS STAIRS ADMINISTRATIVE LIBRARY SPEECH 0' 8' 16' 32' COMMONS 64' FIRST FLOOR SCHEMATIC DESIGN - SCHEME #2 MUSIC AREA TECHNICAL EDUCATION CUSTODIAL EXISTING FOOD SERVICE (SHARED) RESTROOMS GYM HEAT PLANT 1 LOCKER ROOMS AREA SCHEDULE SCHEME #2 AREAS (BY DEPARTMENT) AREA DEPARTMENT Area ADMINISTRATIVE 2759 SF CLASSROOM FACILITIES 22058 SF ENGINEERING AND CUSTODIAL FACILITIES 1600 SF MEDIA CENTER 4560 SF OTHER AREAS 1552 SF PHYSICAL EDUCATION SPACE 7262 SF SPECIALIZED INSTRUCTIONAL AREAS 6993 SF STUDENTS WITH EXCEPTIONALITIES 2390 SF 49174 SF AREA SCHEDULE (TOTAL AREA OF NEW WORK) Name Area FIRST FLOOR AREA 39490 SF SECOND FLOOR AREA 15715 SF 55205 SF ADMINISTRATIVE SCHEME #2 (AREAS BY DEPARTMENT) CLASSROOM FACILITIES ENGINEERING AND CUSTODIAL FACILITIES MEDIA CENTER OTHER AREAS PHYSICAL EDUCATION SPACE SPECIALIZED INSTRUCTIONAL AREAS STUDENTS WITH EXCEPTIONALITIES AREAS IN EXISTING BUILDING TO BE SHARED Omni Associates - Architects, Inc. 1543 Fairmont Avenue ▪Fairmont, WV 26554 Voice 304.367.1417 ▪ omniassociates.com SCH2 COPYRIGHT. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. THIS DRAWING IS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS THE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND MAY NOT BE USED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THIS FIRM. LUMBERPORT MIDDLE SCHOOL SCHEME #2 Lumberport Middle • New Middle School Estimated Cost = $10,400,000 - $12,500,000 • This option is a new facility attached to Lincoln High School that includes a new full-size middle school gym • Shared facilities include the kitchen, cafeteria, access roads, parking, bus/vehicular drop off, and any outdoor storage MGT Efficiency Review August 2011 Harrison County Schools HARRISON COUNTY SCHOOLS – Where all are leaders…and all are learners