Circuit 17 Juvenile Justice Board Meeting Minutes – Corrected June 13, 2012 April 11, 2012 BOARD MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Marsha Ellison, Yolanda Brown (via telephone), Chief Judge Elijah Williams, Dr. Joel Kaufman, Leslie Leip, Marie Schneider, Major John Nesteruk, Audrey Stang, Jack Vesey, Commissioner Lois Wexler, Pastor Nathaniel Knowles (via telephone), Ella Phillips, Gordon Weekes, Michael Elwell, Detective Ghalib Carmichael (for Chief Frank Adderly), Joel Smith, Dr. Desmond K. Blackburn BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Kimberly Welles, Ann Murray, Francine Klauber DJJ STAFF IN ATTENDANCE: Charles Bethel, Marie Boswell, Alicia Borders GUESTS: Roosevelt Walters-NAACP/Community, Robert LaBelle-Civil Citation Coordinator Barbara Walton-Harmony Development Center, MEETING TIME, DATE AND LOCATION: 115 South Andrews Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale FL. Room 402A @ 3:35p.m. Marie Boswell conducted roll call. Marsha Ellison called the meeting to order. Ms. Ellison began with reviewing the minutes from February 27, 2012 and asked if there were any changes needed to be made. It was acknowledged that Chief Frank Adderly needed to be added to the attendance portion of the minutes. Motion to approve the minutes was made by Commissioner Lois Wexler. Motion was seconded by Pastor Nathaniel Knowles. All in favor. Minutes approved with corrections. Marsha Ellison began the meeting with the introduction of Dr. Desmond Blackburn. Chair person’s Report-Marsha Ellison: Marsha Ellison began with discussions of the 2011-2012 Annual Report. She requested that Ms. Boswell re-send the Annual Report out to the Board via-e-mail. Ms. Ellison advised that this will give everyone an opportunity to give their input. Ms. Ellison asked the Board if there were any concerns as the report stands at this time. She also asked Ms. Boswell, how should the Board respond with any additions or changes? 1|Page Ms. Boswell advised the Board to send her the information and she will place the information on the 2011-2012 Annual Report and bring it back to the Board in June for review, approval and submittal. Ms. Boswell advised that the Annual Report needs to be in headquarters by June 30 2012. Harmony Development Center-Barbara Walton: Barbara Walton provided an update on the DMC program. She instructed the Board to review the Brochures that was provided. Ms. Walton reported on the outcomes and benchmarks of their program. She advised that she wanted to share the outcomes across the Board. Ms. Walton referenced the Board to pages 11 and 12 of the brochure. Ms. Walton shared that their target population was the siblings of youth that have been adjudicated because they have identified that a lot of siblings are committing crimes together. She shared that the target was a 91% improvement in School Attendance. Ms. Walton shared with the Board that their Assessment Tools are evidence-based. Commissioner Wexler asked what the baseline for that group was in regards to school attendance? Commissioner Wexler suggested that they identify the baseline for the siblings in relations to school attendance. She suggested accessing the information from the school attendance record. Commissioner Wexler advised that after the information is retrieved they can measure their performance increase or decrease from that baseline information and advised then success could be measured. Commissioner Wexler asked is the 91 % improved School Attendance based on each of the children or the overall performance numbers. Roosevelt Walters asked if the kids were being tracked throughout the school day and what are the outcomes if the child checks into school but decides to leave early and return later. Marsha Ellison asked is school discipline factored into their data. She gave an example in reference to a child that is suspended. Ms. Walton reported that they meet with the Juvenile Probation Officers monthly if possible and there is a tremendous amount of outreach in the targeted areas. She advised that parental participation is one of the focuses. Ms. Walton reported that the high risk zip code numbers are targeted. She reported that they also service families in-home. Commissioner Wexler expressed that she appreciates the update and the information and requested what are the measurable outcomes that the state put into their contract for this program and is the program meeting them? Ms. Walton responded yes and referenced the information is on pages 8 and 11. 2|Page Ms. Ellison advised the board that one of the requests was that this Board examines what is working and what is not. She advised that Harmony Development Center wanted to come and do an update as well. She thanked Ms. Walton for her report. Ms. Ellison asked if anyone knew if Maria Schneider had received any Applications or Nomination forms for vacant seats on the Board. The response was no. Marie Boswell advised no and advised of the (2) vacant positions—Business Community and Member-at-Large. Ms. Ellison asked that Marie Boswell attempt to make contact with Francine Klauber because she is receiving conflicting messages as to whether or not her health will allow her to continue to serve on this Board. Ms. Ellison introduced Michael Elwell. Michael Elwell introduced himself as the Human Services Director for Broward County. He advised that he is managing the Civil Citation Coordinator. Marsha Ellison advised that according to the By-Laws we have the following standing committees listed: Committee Chair Grants Review Committee Legislative Committee Nominations and Membership Maria Schneider Maria Schneider Maria Schneider By-Laws ADHOC Committee (DMC) ADHOC Committee Lois Wexler Gordon Weekes Members Audrey Stang Lois Wexler Leslie Leip Audrey Stang Ella Phillips Audrey Stang advised that the (DMC) Disproportionate Minority Contact ADHOC Committee was merged with Standing (DMC) Committee. Audrey Stang advised that the Board made a decision not to have numerous Committees because they were overlapping. She advised that they already had a Standing Committee in the Community so the Committee opted to report out to all of the Entities that were interested. Ella Phillips suggested that this Board get clarity on the committees because based on the Annual Report we need to know what committees we are on and if there any other committees working under any other umbrella. Ms. Phillips expressed that to be affective no changes should be made unless we know about it as a Board. Joel Smith advised that there is a Juvenile Justice Delinquency Committee. 3|Page Ms. Stang clarified that the committee is the Juvenile Strategic Planning Committee. Marsha Ellison asked is it a Committee and does it report to this Board and have we been receiving any Reports. Ms. Stang responded no. Commissioner Wexler advised that the Committee is the Children’s Strategic Plan Committee. Ella Phillips expressed that when we all are here on behalf of the kids we need to be committed. She advised that we try not to have that many Sub-Committees but everyone needs to be a part of at least one. Marsha Ellison asked if (DMC) meets monthly and if so, are they recording/sharing the minutes? Ms. Ellison reminded the Board that per the By-Laws if you are meeting as a Sub-Committee of the Juvenile Justice Board it has to be publicly noticed and the minutes recorded to stay in compliance. (DMC) Disproportionate Minority Contact Committee-Gordon Weekes Gordon Weekes reported that they were meeting monthly through the Children’s Services Council. He advised that there were some inconsistencies and that (DMC) has fragmented into different Committees. Commissioner Wexler advised that we are recognized by the Florida Statutes and we really have to have a viable Strategic Plan. She also advised that the Juvenile Justice Board should make sure that we have strong memberships and that will help us to focus and do a better job of preparing the Strategic Plan. Commissioner Wexler shared that we have really good things that we have done in our community. Commissioner Wexler suggested that this Board revisit the Strategic Plan. Marie Boswell advised that the last Strategic Plan that Circuit 17 Juvenile Justice Board has is dated September 2010. Ms. Boswell advised that a Retreat was done and the Strategic Plan needs to be updated. Gordon Weekes shared with the group that he went on a site visit in Chicago to observe and get new ideas. He advised that theme was on (DMC). He reported that he visited 2 centers where the youth report after school until 9P.M. Mr. Weekes reported that he discovered gangs are a nature of that community. He reported they have no choice they are born into a gang. Mr. Weekes reported that the facility is a dorm type with bunk beds. He expressed that it was set up that way because of the importance of how a child perceives their environment. Mr. Weekes reported that the facility has 3 levels and there are male and female participants, however, they are not allowed to interact with each other. 4|Page Mr. Weekes reported that they supervise the core function of the Judicial Branch and as a result the court order mandates that they get their children out of detention. He advised that because of the gangs and conditions while in the facility they couldn’t keep them safe and they were progressive enough to say we need to get these kids out of this facility. Mr. Weekes shared that as a result of that action Probation Officers are trying to get the children to change their lifestyles. He reported that Probation Officers brand relationships with the community and the community becomes the hub for treatment. Mr. Weekes advised that this community treats their youth within the community while saving money on building programs. Commissioner Wexler expressed that she is all for having another Retreat to revisit the Juvenile Justice Plan. Marsha Ellison advised that Ms. Boswell will be sending out the current Juvenile Justice Plan that we have. Joel Smith shared that the Department of Juvenile Justice and they used to assign a Juvenile Probation Officer to the Schools. Charles Bethel advised that the Probation Officers are being assigned to Schools. Mr. Smith expressed that we do have some local control over some of these issues if we come up with a plan. Judge Elijah Williams shared that he recently left a conference--Collaborations and DMC. He shared that he was interacting with Judges from different States. Judge Williams advised that the Judges shared with him that a definitive plan is a must. He expressed that with the group that we have we can get some things done but we have to plan. Judge Williams expressed that he has been to several meetings in relations to Juvenile Justice and everyone is going in different directions with the same focus--Juvenile Delinquency but no one is talking to each other. Judge Williams expressed that we have a lot of work to do on all levels. Zero Tolerance (ADHOC) Committee: Jack Vesey reported that Zero Tolerance was brought down by the State in efforts to reduce the number of kids who were being arrested. Mr. Vesey reported that they were responsible for getting the information out to the Principals and the SRD’s from a School’s standpoint. Mr. Vesey reported that they were finding themselves in the same area as (DMC) Disproportionate Minority Contact was—how do you continue the education component for the Police Officers. Marsha Ellison expressed that Zero Tolerance should be a Standing Committee. She shared that the Superintendent has committed to working with it. Ms. Ellison shared that during the meeting the Law-Enforcement component was missing from the table. She advised that there is a Task Force with (SRO) School Resource Officers and Fort Lauderdale and she suggested that Detective Carmichael would be a good candidate. Ms. Ellison advised that she would be willing to work with Detective Carmichael and Dr. Blackburn on getting Zero Tolerance addressed properly to bring the numbers down. Gordon Weekes expressed that he is concerned that we have so many different committees. He expressed that we need the Judges at the table and we have to find some way to condense what we are doing into less meetings with more substance. He suggested getting 5|Page everyone at the table at one time to address these issues and move forward. Mr. Weekes suggested that DMC and Zero Tolerance be merged together because it is one issue. Marie Schneider seconded that motion. Joel Smith agreed and shared with the Board that (JDAI) Juvenile Detention Alternative Initiative is a very narrow Initiative and is about the front door. He advised that DMC is part of JDAI however, part of DMC is Prevention--changing culture and that is a bigger issue. Marsha Ellison clarified that the Committee will be Zero Tolerance and DMC will be a part of it with Gordon Weekes as the Chair and we will be advertising with an agenda and minutes. Marsha Ellison advised that we have an ADHOC Zero Tolerance Committee and an ADHOC DMC Committee. Marie Schneider moved to make Zero Tolerance/DMC a Standing Committee with Mr. Weekes as the Chairperson. Ella Philips Seconded. All in favor. The Zero Tolerance/DMC Committee will have the following members: (members volunteered) 1. Jack Vesey 2. Audrey Stang 3. Major John Nesteruk 4. Leslie Leip 5. Marie Schneider 6. Dr. Desmond Blackburn 7. Joel Kaufman 8. Pastor Knowles 9. Ella Phillips 10. Charles Bethel 11. Joel Smith 12. Yolanda Brown Nominations Committee-Marie Schneider: Marie Schneider reported that she has not received any nominations at this time. Legislative Update-Marie Schneider: Marie Schneider reported that there was no report. Joel Smith reported that within the budget there is a little over a million dollars being dedicated to Respite Statewide. He advised that this Board needs to be aware because we currently do not have Community Respite. Mr. Smith reported that we need 600 annual beds to save about $90,000 dollars. Mr. Smith reported that there were 200 kids last year that didn’t score high 6|Page enough for secured detention but we had no place to send them so they spent 1-3 days in detention for somewhere between $250-$300 dollars a day of county funding. Gordon Weekes reported that the County spends a lot of money on Respite and that he would encourage this Board to encourage the County to consider the best practices for Respite/Shelter in this community. He expressed that we should be the best model for that service. Mr. Weekes suggested that we encourage the County to allocate some funding to build a Model Respite/Shelter in our Community so that we will have a dedicated place to send these children. Mr. Weekes advised that this will be a long term plan with DJJ however we will show some initiative to take on some local responsibilities. He advised that we have to do it at a very high Level. Commissioner Wexler advised that she had this conversation with the Secretary about 2 weeks into the Sessions. She reported that they were asking for their portion of the million dollars so that they could create the Respite beds and the Program in Broward County because the closest Respite bed for boys is located in Homestead. She advised that they dedicated a million dollars and advised that the County is in the same situation and they agree that the Respite beds will be less expensive than housing them at the Detention Center. Joel Smith reported that they are not getting educated and for the children involved in Domestic Violence cases they need to report back to court within 48 hours. Marie Schneider exampled a kid who has a run in with his parents whom after a couple of days will not want to press charges. She expressed that we have no place to put them and they are missing school. Robert LaBelle advised there are some inherited issues with receiving the funding to build a Respite Program. He suggested the Board consider utilizing an existing place in the community because it will be well over $100,000 dollars to develop a specialized shelter. Mr. Weekes advised that the beds are needed and should be paid for so that these children will receive a higher degree of service. Judge Williams inquired about a Respite Home they used to utilize. Charles Bethel shared with the Board that the rate of pay per bed has to be the going rate that everyone is paying. He reported that the Department of Juvenile Justice does not pay the same rates as the Department of Children and Families. Mr. Bethel reported that the Department had to pay for the days the kids were there, food, transportation to and from school as well as staffing 24 hours a day. Mr. Bethel also shared that it was a home type setting as opposed to a facility. Marsha Ellison advised that the Board needs to look at a holistic action plan to address Respite. Department of Juvenile Justice-Charles Bethel, ACPO 7|Page Charles Bethel reported that the Department began Electronic Monitoring and they have been averaging 4 kids per week on a monitor. He reported that they began with 15 monitors and they are utilizing approximately 10. Mr. Bethel reported that the kids are in detention but qualify to be released on electronic monitoring with the ankle bracelet, GPS and the tracking system. Mr. Bethel advised that 3M--the provider, will track those kids from the day until late at night. He shared that the system will allow us to locate the exact address in terms of street numbers. Mr. Bethel reported on the Probation & Community Intervention Initiative “School Never Stops.” He advised that the kids are given Workshops on the days there is no school. He advised that they are averaging 50 kids per Session. He reported that they have speakers to come out to address different issues in relation to their behavior, education, job skills etc. Mr. Bethel reported on another initiative that is a work in progress through New Horizon-trainings that deals with job skills, educational skills, socialization skills and behavioral skills. Mr. Bethel reported that they are training their staff to implement these trainings to the kids upon entering probation. Mr. Bethel reported on the new initiative for misdemeanants. He reported that they are offering services from the onset as oppose to putting them into a program in an attempt to deter misdemeanants from going deeper into the system on misdemeanor charges. Mr. Weekes expressed to the Board that he has returned from Chicago energized and that he saw a lot of things that were progressive in Chicago that he would like to see implemented in Florida. Mr. Weekes advised that they take the same children that have been in their Juvenile Justice System but have shown great potential and offer them scholarships, mentors them through college and hires them into the Department with great success. Mr. Weekes expressed that if we get that child in the community with mentors, community stake holders and Faith-Based Organizations, money will be saved and this Board will have a better legacy. Marsha Ellison advised that attendance and participation has improved and suggested that the Board get more people who are going to bring something to the table and be active. Leslie Leip asked if there is going to be a Strategic Planning Meeting. Commissioner Wexler responded yes, a committee will be convened. Marsha Ellison advised Ms. Boswell to get a list of people who want to serve on the Circuit 17 Juvenile Justice Board Strategic Planning Committee. Meeting Adjourned @ 4:21pm 8|Page 9|Page