Resume of: Charles W. (Chuck) Vincent EXPERIENCE SUMMARY Mr. Vincent has over Forty-five years of experience in the engineering and construction industry. Mr. Vincent has held senior positions in Project Management, Engineering, Quality Assurance, Procurement/Contracts, in the construction and maintenance business sector. Mr. Vincent has spent the majority of his career managing/supervising the essential functions associated with the construction and operation/maintenance of commercial nuclear power generation plants. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Bernie’s Team, Inc 4/2010 - Present Vice President Operations is responsible for day to day coordination of projects. Mr. Vincent is multitalented in the construction and engineering nuances of Nuclear Power. Mr. Vincent has many years in the commercial nuclear generation business sector and directs the paper-flow of the company specializing in ISFSI Services, Licensing, Planning & Scheduling, Start-up service, and other technical staff augmentation services. Bernies-Team is in Start-up. 5/2006 – 4/2010 R. Brooks and Associates Key Account Manager: Responsible for developing relationships in the commercial Nuclear & Fossil power generation strategic accounts by identifying potential opportunities for the use of Brooks’ Robotic Delivery & Retrieval Systems as well as Audio/Visual Systems. Mr. Vincent was responsible for developing emerging technologies for application in operating nuclear Power facilities These technologies included the use high power industrial laser/filtration systems for decontamination and de3coating critical surfaces, Video image smoke and flame detection systems, usage of three dimensional scanning and modeling to facilitate major component installation and removal. Fluor, Inc. 7/2003 – 2/2006 Director of Operations & Nuclear Plant Services, Mr. Vincent was responsible for oversight/management of maintenance and modification services contracts (net value $60,000,000.00/year at three multi-unit sites for two clients. 2236 Mountainview Hurst, TX 76054 Cell 817.701.5155 Office 817.428.0288 Email TMP Worldwide/SPEC, Pittsburgh, PA 10/97 – 6/2003 Vice President Sales, Nuclear Power Generation Services. Mr. Vincent was responsible for development business with U.S. commercial nuclear power utilities which include the operation of business at major clients in the U.S. commercial nuclear generation market such as Southern Company Services, Entergy and Utility Service Alliances. Responsibilities include marketing, project staffing, negotiation and management of contracts, and interface between TMP and customer senior management. Responsible for strategic direction, business plan development, contract negotiation and implementation responsibility. Duke Engineering & Services, Fort Worth, Texas (ABB Impell was purchased by DE&S) 01/94 – 10/1997 Manager, Project Development, Mr. Vincent’s responsibilities included the development and maintenance of client relationships, and managing the sales process for DE&S Fort Worth office. Mr. Vincent is responsible for the identification and sale of engineering, contract negotiation and project management of technical and consulting services in excess of 14 million dollars. ABB Impell Corporation, Fort Worth, Texas 05/89 - 01/1994 Client Manager. Mr. Vincent’s responsibilities include the development of client relationships, identification of opportunities for new work and managing the sales process for ABB lmpell's Fort Worth office. (8/91 - 1/94) Materials Engineering Manager, Responsibilities include marketing materials engineering and Strategic Sourcing management services to ABB Impell's clients in the South Central and Northeastern regions of the United States. Mr. Vincent also provided Engineering & Strategic Sourcing services to this same client base. These clients included TXU Electric, Houston Light & Power, Entergy and Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation. He also serves as an ABB Impell’s corporate representative on the EPRI/NCIG task committees drafting industry guidelines to address nuclear industry issues regarding Replacement of Commercial Nuclear equipment, Components and Parts. (10/89 - 8/91)Management Consultant, assigned to Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station under TXU Electric to establish and manage the Procurement Quality Engineering Group. This assignment also included continuation of a previous (prior to joining ABB Impell) contract assignment as staff assistant to the Director of Quality Assurance responsible for the resolution of programmatic issues in the area of Materials Management and Procurement Quality Assurance. (05/89 - 10/89) 2236 Mountainview Hurst, TX 76054 Cell 817.701.5155 Office 817.428.0288 Email Sentco, Inc., Crystal River, Florida 09/88 - 05/1989 Engineering Consultant, under contract and assigned to TXU Electric CPSES to recommend and implement changes to the CPSES Materials Management program. The scope of this contract was to establish a procurement engineering program that would meet the proposed EPRI/NCIG industry guidelines. Specific areas to be addressed were the procurement and dedication of commercial grade items, as well as the detection of counterfeit and fraudulent items. Additional assignments included preparation of the Quality Assurance Departments Operational Readiness Review Plan. ERCI/Systems Integration & Management Corp., Fairfax, VA 08/85 - 09/1988 Senior Engineer/Issue Coordinator, assigned to Comanche Peak Review Team (LPRT). Responsible for the development and implementation of a program to evaluate and assess the quality of previously purchased and installed safety-related materials and equipment. This evaluation also included an assessment of the implementation and effectiveness of the current (1987) procurement program including on-site storage and maintenance activities. The results of this evaluation were documented as a CPRT Results Report and accepted by the NRC as having provided reasonable confidence in the acceptability of the installed safety-related equipment and materials. This issue was a major contention in support of TU Electric’s obtainment of an operating license for TXU’s CPSES. Additional assignments/responsibilities included the research and development of expert witness testimony for support of litigation of a minority owner’s project mismanagement lawsuit. National Inspection & Consultants, Fort Myers, FL 04/85 - 08/1985 Engineering/Consultant. Mr. Vincent performed task assignments at the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. (Perry Plant) and Georgia Power Co. (Vogtle Plant) April 85 - June 85 and June 85 August 85 respectively. Performed hot functional preparatory inspections and piping/pipe support clearance and slope inspections in preparation for and during hot functional testing for Johnson Controls Inc. at the Perry Nuclear Plant. Developed the ASME Section III; N5 program for inspection, documentation review, record package preparation and turnover of piping systems to at the Southern Company Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant. Science Applications International, Inc., Erwin, Tennessee 09/84 - 02/1985 Engineer/Consultant, under assignment to Phillips-Getchow, Inc. Mr. Vincent was responsible for the development of ASME Section III N5 program, associated training modules and record package management at the Commonwealth Edison’s Braidwood Stations. Power Systems. Inc., Schaumburg, Illinois, Clinton Power Station 2236 Mountainview Hurst, TX 76054 Cell 817.701.5155 Office 817.428.0288 Email 02/84 - 09/1984 Senior Electrical Field Engineer responsible for first-line installation and inspection of electrical raceway, support, cable termination and equipment/instrumentation. National Inspection & Consultants, Cincinnati Gas & Electric 03/82 -02/1984 Manager Quality Engineering and Construction Re-start Coordinator for CG&E’s Zimmer Nuclear Station. Mr. Vincent was the primary interface between CG&E and Bechtel Power. Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Company, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 03/81 - 03/1982 Manager, assigned to Washington Public Power Supply System, Unit 2. Responsible for the installation modifications and final inspection of safety and non-safety related structures and systems in the dry well and suppression pool, which included ASME Section III piping, supports, whip restraints, AWS structural and containment penetrations. Brown and Root Corporation, Houston, Texas 12/77 - 03/1981 Assistant General Project Manager. Reported to the Vice President/General Project Manager, South Texas Project. Responsible for project/contract management interface on Construction, engineering and quality assurance matters with the client and other B&R departments. (06/79 - 03/81) Project Quality Assurance Manager. Responsible for all project quality assurance/quality control activities including quality engineering, audits, vendor surveillance, inspection, records management and training. (03/78 - 06/79) Quality Programs Manager. Responsible for the development of the Brown and Root, Power Division, Quality Assurance Program and implementing procedures. Bailey Controls. Inc., Cleveland, Ohio 06/57 - 12/1977 Mr. Vincent held positions of responsibility for Domestic and International Manufacturing, Quality Assurance, and Environmental/Qualification Testing of Bailey Instrumentation & Control Systems. Mr. Vincent’s responsibilities included three domestic and three foreign engineering and manufacturing facilities. Positions Held: Director of Manufacturing Services Staff Assistant to the President Manager Environmental/Qualification Engineering 2236 Mountainview Hurst, TX 76054 Cell 817.701.5155 Office 817.428.0288 Email EDUCATION Graduate, Wickliffe High School; Wickliffe, Ohio. Graduate, Bailey Controls Inc. Instrumentation & Controls Engineering Training Program (4-year inhouse engineering program). This was a company internal training program for degreed personnel and selected non-degreed personnel. A curriculum of college level courses designed to develop expertise in the design, manufacture, installation and service of pneumatic, analog and digital control systems for the power and process industries. (06/57 - 09/61) Various Technical and management courses at several universities. Numerous Babcock & Wilcox Inc. sponsored advanced management training program’s at Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. REGISTRATIONS/CERTIFICATIONILICENSES Level Ill Mechanical/Welding, ANSI 45.2.6 Level Ill Electrical, ANSI 45.2.6 Level Ill Instrumentation/Control, ANSI 45.2.6 Level Ill Civil/Structural, ANSI 45.2.6 Certified Welding Inspector (A.W.S. Certificate No. 82080451) 2236 Mountainview Hurst, TX 76054 Cell 817.701.5155 Office 817.428.0288 Email