Ouch! “I am often asked by would-be entrepreneurs seeking escape from life within huge corporate structures, ‘How do I build a small firm for myself?’ The answer seems obvious … Source: Paul Ormerod, Why Most Things Fail: Evolution, Extinction and Economics “I am often asked by would-be entrepreneurs seeking escape from life within huge corporate structures, ‘How do I build a small firm for Buy a very large one and just wait.” myself?’ The answer seems obvious: —Paul Ormerod, Why Most Things Fail: Evolution, Extinction and Economics “Mr. Foster and his McKinsey colleagues collected detailed performance data stretching back 40 years for 1,000 They found that U.S. companies. none of the long-term survivors managed to outperform the market. Worse, the longer companies had been in the database, the worse they did.” —Financial Times “Data drawn from the real world attest to a fact that is beyond Everything in existence tends to deteriorate.” our control: —Norberto Odebrecht, Education Through Work LONG Tom Peters’ Excellence! NOW! Foley & Lardner LLP/Annual Partners Meeting Chicago/15 September 2011 (Presentation/Presentation LONG @ tompeters.com) To appreciate this presentation [and ensure that it is not a mess], you need Microsoft fonts: NOTE: “Showcard Gothic,” “Ravie,” “Chiller” and “Verdana” “[This year’s] graduates are told [by commencement speakers] to pursue happiness and joy. But, of course, when you read a biography of someone you admire, it’s rarely the things that made them happy that compel our admiration. It’s the things they did to court unhappiness—the things they did that were arduous and miserable, which sometimes cost them friends and aroused It’s excellence, not happiness, that we admire most.” —David Brooks, “It’s Not About You,” op-ed, hatred. New York Times, 30 May 2011 Organizations exist to serve. Period. Leaders live to serve. Period. Why in the World did you go to Siberia? An emotional, vital, innovative, joyful, creative, entrepreneurial endeavor that elicits maximum Enterprise* (*at its best): concerted human potential in the wholehearted pursuit of EXCELLENCE in service of others.** **Employees, Customers, Suppliers, Communities, Owners, Temporary partners EXCELLENCE/Synonyms Purity Transcendence Virtue Elegance Majesty EXCELLENCE/Antonym Mediocrity Excellence1982: The Bedrock “Eight Basics” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. A Bias for Action Close to the Customer Autonomy and Entrepreneurship Productivity Through People Hands On, Value-Driven Stick to the Knitting Simple Form, Lean Staff Simultaneous Loose-Tight Properties” “Breakthrough” 82* People! Customers! Action! Values! *In Search of Excellence The Memories That Matter. The Memories That Matter The people you developed who went on to stellar accomplishments inside or outside the company. The (no more than) two or three people you developed who went on to create stellar institutions of their own. The long shots (people with “a certain something”) you bet on who surprised themselves—and your peers. The people of all stripes who 2/5/10/20 years later say “You made a difference in my life,” “Your belief in me changed everything.” The sort of/character of people you hired in general. (And the bad apples you chucked out despite some stellar traits.) A handful of projects (a half dozen at most) you doggedly pursued that still make you smile and which fundamentally changed the way things are done inside or outside the company/industry. The supercharged camaraderie of a handful of Great Teams aiming to “change the world.” The Memories That Matter Belly laughs at some of the stupid-insane things you and your mates tried. Less than a closet full of “I should have …” A frighteningly consistent record of having invariably said, “Go for it!” Not intervening in the face of considerable loss—recognizing that to develop top talent means tolerating failures and allowing the person who screwed up to work their own way through and out of their self-created mess. Dealing with one or more crises with particular/memorable aplomb. CIVILITY Demanding … … regardless of circumstances. Turning around one or two or so truly dreadful situations—and watching almost everyone involved rise to the occasion (often to their own surprise) and acquire a renewed sense of purpose in the process. Leaving something behind of demonstrable-lasting worth. (On short as well as long assignments.) The Memories That Matter Having almost always (99% of the time) put “Quality” and “Excellence” ahead of “Quantity.” (At times an unpopular approach.) A few “critical” instances where you stopped short and could have “done more”—but to have done so would have compromised your and your team’s character and integrity. A sense of time well and honorably spent. The expression of “simple” human kindness and consideration—no matter how harried you may be/may have been. Understood that your demeanor/expression of character always set the tone—especially in difficult situations. Never (rarely) let your external expression of enthusiasm/ determination flag—the rougher the times, the more your expressed energy and bedrock optimism and sense of humor showed. The respect of your peers. A stoic unwillingness to badmouth others—even in private. The Memories That Matter An invariant creed: When something goes amiss, “The buck stops with me”; when something goes right, it was their doing, not yours. A Mandela-like “naïve” belief that others will rise to the occasion if given the opportunity. A reputation for eschewing the “trappings of power.” (Strong selfmanagement of tendencies toward arrogance or dismissiveness.) Intense, even “driven” … but not to the point of being careless of others in the process of forging ahead. Willing time and again to be surprised by ways of doing things that are inconsistent with your “certain hypotheses.” Humility in the face of others, at every level, who know more than you about “the way things really are.” Bit your tongue on a thousand occasions—and listened, really really listened. (And been constantly delighted when, as a result, you invariably learned something new and invariably increased your connection with the speaker.) The Memories That Matter Unalloyed pleasure in being informed of the fallaciousness of your beliefs by someone 15 years your junior and several rungs below you on the hierarchical ladder. Selflessness. (A sterling reputation as “a guy always willing to help out with alacrity despite personal cost.”) As thoughtful and respectful, or more so, toward thine “enemies” as toward friends and supporters. Always and relentlessly put at the top of your list/any list being first and foremost “of service” to your internal and external constituents. (Employees/Peers/ Customers/Vendors/Community.) Treated the term “servant leadership” as holy writ. (And “preached” “servant leadership” to others—new “non-managerial” hire or old pro, age 18 or 48.) The Memories That Matter Created the sort of workplaces you’d like your kids to inhabit. (Explicitly conscious of this “Would I want my kids to work here?” litmus test.) A “certifiable” “nut” about quality and safety and integrity. (More or less regardless of any costs.) A notable few circumstances where you resigned rather than compromise your bedrock beliefs. Perfectionism just short of the paralyzing variety. A self- and relentlessly enforced group standard of “EXCELLENCE-in-all-we-do”/“EXCELLENCE in our behavior toward one another.” “In a way, the world is a great liar. It shows you it worships and admires money, but at the end of the day it doesn’t. It says it adores fame and celebrity, but it doesn’t, not really. The world admires, and wants to hold on to, and not lose, goodness. It admires virtue. At the end it gives its greatest tributes to generosity, honesty, courage, mercy, talents well used, talents that, brought into the world, make it better. That’s what it really admires. That’s what we talk about in eulogies, because that’s what’s important. We don’t say, ‘The thing about Joe was he was rich!’ We say, if we can … “ … We say, if we can … ‘The thing about Joe was he took good care of people.’” —Peggy Noonan, “A Life’s Lesson,” on the astounding response to the passing of Tim Russert , The Wall Street Journal, June 21-22, 2008 The Quality of one’s Sergeants If the regimental commander lost most of his 2nd lieutenants and 1st lieutenants and captains If he lost his sergeants it would be a catastrophe. The Army and the and majors, it would be a tragedy. Navy are fully aware that success on the battlefield is dependent to an extraordinary degree on its Sergeants and Chief Petty Officers. Does industry have the same awareness? “People leave managers not companies.” —Dave Wheeler Cross-border Conversations XFX = #1* *Cross-Functional eXcellence Never waste a lunch! “Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement, all success, all achievement in real life grow.” —Ben Stein “Allied commands depend on mutual confidence and this confidence is gained, above all development of friendships.” through the —General D.D. Eisenhower, Armchair General* *“Perhaps his most outstanding ability [at West Point] he made friends and earned the trust of fellow cadets who came from widely varied backgrounds; it was a quality that would pay was the ease with which great dividends during his future coalition command.” % XF lunches* Measure! Monthly! Part of * evaluation! [The PAs Club.] The sacred 220 “ABs”.* *“At bats” C(I)>C(E) Loser: “He’s such a suck-up!” Winner: “He’s such a suck-down.” George Crile (Charlie Wilson’s War) on Gust “He had become something of a legend with these people who manned the underbelly of the Agency [CIA].” Avarkotos’ strategy: “I got to know his secretaries.” —Dick Parsons (as CEO Time Warner, on successfully dealing with Carl Icahn) “Competency is irrelevant if we don’t share common values.” —Mayo Clinic exec, from Leonard Berry & Kent Seltman, “Orchestrating the Clues of Quality,” Chapter 7 from Management Lessons From Mayo Clinic hundreds of times better here “I am [than because of the support system. It’s like you were working in an organism; you are not a single cell when you are out there practicing.’” in my prior hospital assignment] —quote from Dr. Nina Schwenk, in Chapter 3, “Practicing Team Medicine,” from Leonard Berry & Kent Seltman, from Management Lessons From Mayo Clinic “The doctor interrupts after …* *Source: Jerome Groopman, How Doctors Think 18 … seconds! [An obsession with] Listening is ... the ultimate mark of Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening is is is is is is is ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Listening Listening Listening Listening is is is is ... ... ... ... the heart and soul of Engagement. the heart and soul of Kindness. the heart and soul of Thoughtfulness. the basis for true Collaboration. the basis for true Partnership. a Team Sport. a Developable Individual Skill.* (*Though women are far better at it than men.) the basis for Community. the bedrock of Joint Ventures that work. the bedrock of Joint Ventures that grow. the core of effective Cross-functional Communication* (*Which is in turn Attribute #1 of organizational effectiveness.) [cont.] Respect . “I wasn’t bowled over by [David Boies] intelligence … What impressed me was that when he asked a question, he waited He not only listened … he made me feel like I was the only person in the room.” for an answer. —Lawyer Kevin _____, on his first, inadvertent meeting with renown attorney David Boies, from Marshall Goldsmith, “The One Skill That Separates,” Fast Company “Aggressive listening” Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... EXECUTION the engine of superior . the key to making the Sale. the key to Keeping the Customer’s Business. Service. the engine of Network development. the engine of Network maintenance. the engine of Network expansion. Social Networking’s “secret weapon.” Learning. the sine qua non of Renewal. the sine qua non of Creativity. the sine qua non of Innovation. the core of taking diverse opinions aboard. Strategy. Source #1 of “Value-added.” Differentiator #1. Profitable.* (*The “R.O.I.” from listening is higher than from any other single activity.) Listening is … the bedrock which underpins a Commitment to EXCELLENCE Best Listeners Win … “if you don’t listen, you don’t sell anything.” —Carolyn Marland **8 of 10 sales presentations fail **50% failed sales presentations … talking “at” before listening! —Susan Scott, “Let Silence Do the Heavy Listening,” chapter title, Fierce Conversations: Achieving Success at Work and in Life, One Conversation at a Time If you agree with the above, shouldn’t listening be ... a Core Value? If you agree with the above, shouldn’t listening be ... perhaps Core Value #1?* (*“We are Effective Listeners— we treat Listening EXCELLENCE as the Centerpiece of our Commitment to Respect and Engagement and Community and Growth.”) If you agree, shouldn’t listening be If you agree, shouldn’t listening be #1? If you agree, shouldn’t listening be item” at every Meeting? If you agree, shouldn’t listening be se? (Listening = Strategy.) If you agree, shouldn’t listening be for in Hiring (for every job)? ... a Core Competence? ... Core Competence ... an explicit “agenda ... our Strategy—per ... the #1 skill we look If you agree, shouldn’t listening be ... the #1 attribute we examine in our Evaluations? If you agree, shouldn’t listening be ... the #1 skill we look for in Promotion decisions? If you agree, shouldn’t listening be ... the #1 Training priority at every stage of everyone’s career—from Day #1 to Day LAST? If you agree, what are you going to do about it ... in the next 30 MINUTES? If you agree, what are you going to do about it ... at your NEXT meeting? If you agree, what are you going to do about it ... by the end of the DAY? If you agree, what are you going to do about it ... in the next 30 DAYS? If you agree, what are you going to do about it ... in the next 12 MONTHS? Message: Listening is a … profession! Suggested addition to your statement of Core “We are Effective Listeners—we treat Listening EXCELLENCE as the Centerpiece of our Commitment to Respect and Engagement and Community and Growth.” Values: st 1 The 98% of talking is listening! Meetings Bitch all you want, but meetings are what you [boss] do! Meetings = #1 leadership opportunity Meeting = Theater Every meeting that does not stir the imagination and curiosity of attendees and increase bonding and cooperation and engagement and sense of worth and motivate rapid action and enhance enthusiasm is a permanently lost opportunity. Meeting: “Script” your first 5-10 “plays.” (I.e., carefully Monday/Tomorrow: launch the day/week in a purposeful fashion.) “Execution is strategy.” Conrad Hilton … Conrad Hilton, at a gala celebrating his career, was called to the podium and “What were the most important lessons you learned in your long and distinguished career?” His answer … asked, “remember to tuck the shower curtain inside the bathtub.” is “Execution strategy.” —Fred Malek You beat yourself! Sports: “When assessing candidates, the first thing I looked for was energy and enthusiasm for execution. Does she talk about the thrill of getting things done, the obstacles overcome, the role her people played —or does she keep wandering back to strategy or philosophy?” —Larry Bossidy, Execution Observed closely: The use of “I” or “we” during a job interview. Source: Leonard Berry & Kent Seltman, chapter 6, “Hiring for Values,” Management Lessons From Mayo Clinic Relentless! “One of my superstitions had always been when I started to go anywhere or to do not to turn back , or anything, stop, until the thing intended was accomplished.” —Grant* *Ulysses Simpson Grant (U.S. Grant) was actually Hiram Ulysses Grant “Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.” —William Feather, author, entrepreneur “[other] admirals more frightened of losing than anxious to win” On ADMIRAL HORATIO NELSON*: *Andrew Lambert, Nelson: Britannia’s God of War “Lick ’em tomorrow” The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it. Michelangelo “ARE YOU BEING REASONABLE? Most people are reasonable; that’s why they only do reasonably well.” Source: Paul Arden, Whatever You Think Think the Opposite Enthusiasts! “I am a dispenser of enthusiasm.” —Ben Zander “Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm.” —Samuel Taylor Coleridge “Make it fun to work at your agency. … Encourage exuberance. Get rid of sad dogs who spread doom.” —David Ogilvy “A man without a smiling face must not open a shop.” —Chinese Proverb “You’ve got to be able to see the beauty in a hamburger bun.” —Ray Kroc starts at home “To develop others, start with yourself.” —Marshall Goldsmith “Being aware of yourself and how you affect everyone around you is what distinguishes a superior leader.” —Edie Seashore (Strategy + Business #45) “Leadership is self-knowledge. Successful leaders are those who are conscious about their behavior and the impact it has on the people around them. They are willing to examine what behaviors of their own may be getting in the way. … The toughest person you will ever lead is yourself. We can’t effectively lead others unless we can lead ourselves.” —Betsy Myers, Take the Lead: Motivate, Inspire, and Bring Out the Best in Yourself and Everyone Around You “How can a high-level leader like _____ be so out of touch with the truth about himself? It’s more common than you would imagine. In fact, the higher up the ladder a leader climbs, the less accurate his self-assessment is likely to be. The problem is an acute lack of feedback [especially on people issues].” —Daniel Goleman (et al.), The New Leaders "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself" - Leo Tolstoy Listen to your grandmother! “Courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and appreciating heart.” —Henry Clay, American Statesman (1777-1852) 139,380 former patients from 225 hospitals: Press Ganey Assoc: none of THE top 15 factors determining Patient Satisfaction referred to patient’s health outcome. Instead: directly related to Staff Interaction; directly correlated with Employee Satisfaction Source: Putting Patients First, Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin, Patrick Charmel K=R=P Kindness = Repeat business = Profit. Kindness = Repeat Business = Profit. “I regard apologizing as the most magical, healing, restorative gesture human beings can make. It is the centerpiece of my work with executives who want to get better.” —Marshall Goldsmith, What Got You Here Won’t Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful. Toro, the lawn mower folks, reduced the average cost of settling a claim from $115,000 in 1991 to $35,000 in 2008— and the company hasn’t been to trial in the last 15 years! With a new and forthcoming policy on apologies … The VA hospital in Lexington, Massachusetts, developed an approach, totally uncharacteristic in healthcare, to apologizing for errors—even when no patient request or claim was made. In 2000, the systemic mean VA hospital malpractice settlement throughout the United States was $413,000; the Lexington VA hospital settlement number was $36,000 —and there were far fewer per patient claims to begin with.) Source: John Kador, Effective Apology Relationships (of all varieties): THERE ONCE WAS A TIME WHEN A THREE-MINUTE PHONE CALL WOULD HAVE AVOIDED SETTING OFF THE DOWNWARD SPIRAL THAT RESULTED IN A COMPLETE RUPTURE.* *divorce, loss of a BILLION $$$ aircraft sale, etc., etc. THE PROBLEM IS RARELY/NEVER THE PROBLEM. THE RESPONSE TO THE PROBLEM INVARIABLY ENDS UP BEING THE REAL PROBLEM.* *PERCEPTION IS ALL THERE IS! Edward VII B. Franklin Or Not: ClintonCornwallisYorktown Which customers first? “You have to treat your employees like customers.” —Herb Kelleher, upon being asked his “secret to success” Source: Joe Nocera, NYT, “Parting Words of an Airline Pioneer,” on the occasion of Herb Kelleher’s retirement after 37 years at Southwest Airlines (SWA’s pilots union took out a full-page ad in USA Today thanking HK for all he had done) ; across the way in Dallas, American Airlines’ pilots were picketing AA’s Annual Meeting) "If you want staff to give great service, give great service to staff." —Ari Weinzweig, Zingerman's … no less than Cathedrals in which the full and awesome power of the Imagination and Spirit and native Entrepreneurial flair of diverse individuals is unleashed in passionate pursuit of … Excellence. “The ONE Question”: “In the last year [3 years, current job], three people name the … … whose growth you’ve most contributed to. Please explain where they were at the beginning of the year, where they are today, and where they are heading in the next 12 months. Please explain … in painstaking detail … your development strategy in each case. Please tell me your biggest development disappointment—looking back, could you or would you have done anything differently? Please tell me about your greatest development triumph—and disaster—in the last five years. What are the ‘three big things’ you’ve learned about helping people grow along the way?” From sweaters to people! Les Wexner: “A man should never be promoted to a managerial position if his vision focuses on people’s weaknesses rather than on their strengths.” —Peter Drucker, The Practice of Management Andrew Carnegie’s Tombstone Inscription … Here lies a man Who knew how to enlist In his service Better men than himself. Source: Peter Drucker, The Practice of Management Innovation 1 of 2 “This is so simple it sounds stupid, but it is amazing how few oil people really you only find oil if you drill wells. understand that You may think you’re finding it when you’re drawing maps and studying logs, but you have to drill.” Source: The Hunters, by John Masters, wildly successful Canadian Oil & Gas wildcatter /45 Lesson45: WTTMSW Whoever Tries The Most Stuff Wins “Intelligent people can always come up with intelligent reasons … to do nothing.” —Scott Simon “Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre successes.” —Phil Daniels, Sydney exec “You miss 100% of the shots you never take.” —Wayne Gretzky BLAME NOBODY. EXPECT NOTHING. DO SOMETHING. Source: Locker room sign posted by NFL football coach Bill Parcells Innovation 2 of 2 “You will become like the five people you associate with the most—this can be either a blessing or a curse.” —Billy Cox “The Bottleneck … “The Bottleneck … Is at the Top of the Bottle” “Where are you likely to find people with the least diversity of experience, the largest investment in the past, and the greatest reverence for industry dogma … At the top!” — Gary Hamel/Harvard Business Review We are What We Eat/We Are the company we keep The “Hang Out Axiom I”: “Hang out with ‘cool’ and thou shalT become more cool. Hang out with ‘dull’ and thou shalT become more dull. Period.” The “Hang Out Axiom II”: We Are the company we keep! Manage it! The “We are what we eat”/ “We are who we hang out with” Axiom: At its core, every (!!!) relationship-partnership decision (employee, vendor, customer, etc, etc) is a strategic decision about: “Innovate, ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ ” “The short road to ruin is to emulate the methods of your adversary.” — Winston Churchill “Diverse groups of problem solvers—groups of people with diverse tools—consistently outperformed groups of the best and the brightest. If I formed two groups, one random (and therefore diverse) and one consisting of the best individual performers, the first group almost always did better. … Diversity trumped ability.” —Scott Page, The Difference: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools, and Societies Diversity … per se … is a key … maybe the key … to effective and innovative decision making. “Who’s the most interesting person you’ve met in the last 90 days? How do I get in touch with them?” —Fred Smith Vanity Fair: “What is your most marked characteristic?” Mike Bloomberg: “Curiosity.” Obvious as the end of your nose “Headline 2020: Women Hold 80 Percent of Management and Professional Jobs” Source: The Extreme Future: The Top Trends That Will Reshape the World in the Next 20 Years, James Canton “Power Women 100” 26 female CEOs of Public Companies Vs. Men/Market: Vs. Industry: *Post-appointment Source: Forbes 10,10 +28%* +15%* “AS LEADERS, WOMEN RULE: New Studies find that female managers outshine their male counterparts in almost every measure” TITLE/ Special Report/ BusinessWeek Women’s Strengths Match New Economy Imperatives: Link [rather than rank] workers; favor interactivecollaborative leadership style [empowerment beats top-down decision making]; sustain fruitful collaborations; comfortable with sharing information; see redistribution of power as victory, not surrender; favor multi-dimensional feedback; value technical & interpersonal skills, individual & group contributions equally; readily accept ambiguity; honor intuition as well as pure “rationality”; inherently flexible; appreciate cultural diversity. Source: Judy B. Rosener, America’s Competitive Secret: Women Managers Women’s Negotiating Strengths *Ability to put themselves in their counterparties’ shoes *Comprehensive, attentive and detailed communication style *Empathy that facilitates trust-building *Curious and attentive listening *Less competitive attitude *Strong sense of fairness and ability to persuade *Proactive risk manager *Collaborative decision-making Source: Horacio Falcao, Cover story/May 2006, World Business, “Say It Like a Woman: Why the 21st-century negotiator will need the female touch” W> 2X (C + I)* *“Women now drive the global economy. Globally, they control about $20 trillion in consumer spending, and that figure could climb as high as $28 trillion in the next five years . Their $13 trillion in total yearly earnings could reach $18 trillion in the same period. In aggregate, women represent a growth market bigger than China and India combined—more than twice as big in fact. Given those numbers, it would be foolish to ignore or underestimate the female consumer. And yet many companies do just that—even ones that are confidant that they have a winning strategy when it comes to women. Consider Dell’s …” Source: Michael Silverstein and Kate Sayre, “The Female Economy,” HBR, 09.09 “Forget China, India and the Internet: Economic Growth Is Driven by Women.” Source: Headline, Economist “Men Are Finished” Source: Title, Slate conference, 0920/NYU 30! “Insanely Great” Steve Jobs “Radically thrilling” BMW “Astonish me!” (Sergei Diaghlev) “Build something great!” (Hiroshi Yamauchi) “Make it immortal!” (David Ogilvy). ) Raise your sights! Blaze new trails! Compete with the immortals! —David Ogilvy, on Ogilvy & Mather’s corporate culture Wanted by Ogilvy & Mather International Trumpeter Swans —David Ogilvy “Every project we undertake starts with the same question : ‘How can we do what has never been done before?’” —Stuart Hornery, Lend Lease “Let us create such a building that future generations will take us for lunatics.” —the church hierarchs at Seville 14,000 20,000 14,000/eBay 20,000/Amazon 30/Craigslist GREAT Professional Service Firms GREAT Professional Service Firms 1. Stunning commitment to integrity. 2. Counselors first. (“We are not in a commodity business.” Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.) 3. Stellar listeners—to our Clients. 4. Stellar listeners—to our fellow partners. 5. Stellar listeners—to our most junior associates. (!!!!!) 6. Stellar listeners—to every member of staff. 7. Insatiable curiosity marks 100% of partners. 8. We live to serve/Extreme service ethic. 9. Our leaders are servant leaders. (Every partner is a leader first.) 10. Deeply ingrained sense of fairness. 11. Hustlers—but thoughtful to a fault! (Excise rude bastards.) 12. “Service ethic” means service to one another as much as service to clients. 13. Drop everything to assist a colleague in need—central to our overall ethos. 14. Toss “lousy colleagues” out on their derrieres. GREAT Professional Service Firms 15. Intellectual/Process point of view that is Distinct/Exciting. 16. Every partner must have a point of view of note. 17. The definition of the very best partners is that they are “insanely great” (thanks, Steve) mentors! 18. Equal compensation/recognition to top “rainmakers,” “intellectuals,” magical mentors. 19. Invest heavily in ideas. 20. Technology pioneers. (Yes, “pioneer.”) 21. A decent share of oddballs; not “rainmakers” but disturbers-of-the-peace. (Often irritating people.) 22. Relatively high turnover and high “d”/Diversity in top leadership committees. 23. Quality >> Quantity. (Big is fine as a byproduct of Great Work. “Big for big’s sake” is unfine.) 24. Significant portfolio of interesting clients. (I.e. clients that lead us-drag us into new pastures.) 25. Willingness to dump bad-demotivating-enervating clients (even big ones). GREAT Professional Service Firms 26. Understand that we are running a for-profit enterprise. Cash flow matters! (A lot.) 27. In love with our work! (Expunge those who are not in love with their work—dump the burnouts.) 28. Sense of fun. (Yes, damn it.) 30. Professional to a fault but not pompous. 31. Notable-visible respect for the ideas of young associates.(!!!!!!) 32. “d”iversity. (And Diversity.) 33. Practice-as-teamwork. (Teammate-ism rewarded, lack thereof punished with extreme prejudice.) 34. Deep bench. “Supporting cast,” notably starting with receptionists, must be of same quality as partners— there are no “bit players” in our business. 35. Age gracefully gives way to youth—regeneration a deep-seated guiding belief. 36. Hard work expected and cherished—workaholism for workaholism’s sake assiduously guarded against. 37. Proud of our culture, guard our culture zealously—but even “great cultures” age. (And get horribly elaborated.) GREAT Professional Service Firms 38. Rigorous exit interviews. 39. Rigorous evaluations of client satisfaction by more or less disinterested parties. 40. Sky-high time investment in our evaluation process. 41. My legacy (as a partner) is: Being “of service.” Developing people. Being a good colleague—which absorbed lots of my time. Doing consistently superior (sky high) quality work. Adding materially to the ideas base of the Firm. Insuring the continuity of the firm—culturally and financially. Being a paragon of integrity and decency. Leaving gracefully. 42. “Execution is strategy.” (Thanks, Fred.) 43. My word is my bond. 44. Excellence. PERIOD. Excellence. Always. If not Excellence, what? If not Excellence now, when?