
Smart system for water
control and remote
reading AMR, AMI Spik
Created by Marjan Kotorcevik
Value Proposition
We can offer a great value Smart Meter System, which is equivalently priced compared to other
competitive systems with inferior, manual read RF technology. We can offer scalability for
bigger projects, software and hardware flexibility and can reduce running costs to minimum
Our system extremely simplifies network and node installations and greatly reduces its
maintenance costs by using the most advanced RF technology in the industry combined with
our innovative hardware and software, which requires only single GPRS device/per 1000 Smart
Meters, and few extra Transponders in between, depending on the terrain. We have super low
network cost per 1000 Smart Meters. They are also solar powered, waterproof, self sustained
and can be attached on poles, little or no extra electricity will be needed to power them
We can offer full maintenance of the Smart Meters, new battery, mechanisms and housings
maintenance after the initial 10-15 years of operation. You can protect your investment in long
We can offer option for open/close valve (including many stages in between) , to control the
valve when needed for each consumer independently. On demand, we can also configure cardless prepaid/postpaid operations, as well as we can change different working meter principles
to meet all the specific and unique client needs
As base software, we use our super innovative, proprietary 100% configurable cloud system,
which enables us to automate any data processing based on needs, automate data transfers to:
MDM and CIS, your local billing system, offer multiple personalized e-mail or text messages
directly to consumers about their leakages, their monthly consumptions, and also automate
messages directly to your management for excessive watering, illegal attempts and other
needs, it is 100% configurable to fit all of your working requirements, and it can do much more
than what is explained above ...
Graph of Advancements
Direct contact
with customers SAME PRICE RANGE
Work of employees
Efficiency of revenue collection
+ Smart system for remote
reading and control – Spik Insa
Watermeter + Remote
+ Remote valve for closing
Watermeter + Valve for
closing with a manual key
Watermeter + Remote
reading and/or
control for all
positions trough
mobile device
Successful final reading
Major components of the smart system
Sensor for magnet
Shock sensor
Sensor for active
(removing the watermeter,
putting the meter in
reverse flow, or
destroying the any
electronic part of the
Industry’s most
advanced two-way
RF technology at
868Mhz or 433Mhz,
with increased range
of 1000 meters in
urban environment
Industry’s most advanced computer software
system for reading, monitoring and control
Safety cover lock
Non return valve
Watermeter that
measures a total
flow in MID
classes B, E, C
Removable battery
with a life span of
10-15 years
Automated or remote
manual valve for
opening and closing;
configurations for
card-less prepaid
and postpaid
Types of watermeters with a smart RF system
 For appartments and houses DN 15 – DN 20, class (B,
E, C, D)
(light and small
class B, E and C)
DN15 SM only lengths: 110mm, 130mm, 165mm
DN15 SM + Open/Close valve length: 165mm
Vertical and volumetric
(in classes B, E, C and
improved precision in
class D)
DN20 SM only lengths: 110mm, 130mm, 190mm
DN20 SM + Open/Close valve length: 190mm
 Mid and industrial sized DN 25 – DN 200
Mid sized
DN 25 – DN 40
Industrial sized
DN 50 – DN 200
Innovations of the system
Connecting directly with server system for automated daily reading and control
with a range of 1 km in urban environment and 5 km trough exponders
Installation of special GPRS devices that can read and control more than 1000
watermeters each
Ability for reading trough mobile device, onsite controllers and car in motion
with intervals of 4 seconds to 15 minutes with a range of 500 meters in urban
Special options for automated reading and control of watermeters that are
located in deep pits or underground directly to central computer system or
Possibility of installing modules on watermeters from other manufacturers
General benefits
System enables 90% of total savings of expenses, 70% savings of office expenses,
95% savings of travel expenses, up to 120% increased revenues
Simple and automated control of all devices trough a central computer system during
operation time (reading, setting, control, opening/closing of remote modules, options
for prepaid/postpaid control and other specific configurations based on client needs)
Remote module battery operation of 10-15 years, waterproof IP68 (can replace the
old battery trough regular maintenance)
Automated connections and transfers of the remote data to a local billing system in
current usage, connecting with other computer systems for modification of existing
data and adding new meters, and full support for connecting to other computer
systems for any current or future needs
Bird view of installations and readings
Also possibility of installment of
watermeters, gas meters, calorimeters
and electricity meters
Installation view
Solution for deep pits
and underground
1 km
5 km
Exponders can
5 km extend the range to
5 km (solar powered,
25 days of battery
power, waterproof
and option for a
power adapter)
Increased range 1000 м
two-way RF 868 Mhz Communication GPRS device
radio, IP68
(solar powered, 14 days of
battery power, waterproof and
option for a power adapter)
Reading and control of more than
1000 remote meters with one GPRS
or SIM card
Alarms and manipulations
- System allows for timely detections, alerts and preventions of illegal water
usages and attempts
Timely information to water department
Proximity of a magnet
Bypass of the meter or taking the meter out of the network
Setting up a barrier for the remote valve
Taking out the cover or shocking the meter
Turning the meter in a reverse direction
5 levels for alarms for leaking of water or broken pipe, (1) LOW to (5) HIGH
Analysis of data trough graphs, pie charts, and other levels of
visualizations based on configurations
Key Advantages
Other RF meter systems
Spik Insa system
(for equal price)
Reading RF meters manually trough controllers
only. Without the ability for direct meter control
and settings of key meter parameters. GPRS
readings are available only trough expensive
upgrade of the system. Easiness of manipulation
and untimely transfer of illegal attempts which
results to slower response and loss of readings
Reading, control and monitoring trough GPRS
which is included in our standard offer. Central
announcements of illegal attempts, alarm against
removing the meter from the network, reverse
flow, battery indicator, water leakage and other
technical conditions of the meter. Does not exist
a way of easy manipulation
Without service and/or maintenance program for
the remote devices. Without the possibility of
battery replacement. Need for frequent visits and
functionality checks because of isolated working
principle. Without the ability of opening and
closing valves
Full technical support and service of the remote
meters and battery replacement. Onsite visit not
necessary because of constant module
communication. Opening/closing of valve can be
done trough computer, mobile device or internet
Customers and the water management do not
have a way for automated reports of daily water
consumption, monitoring monthly limits of water
consumption, leakages or other functionalities
Without the ability of automated communications
with other computer systems in current usage.
Without the possibility of reading meters from
other manufacturers or connections with SCADA
Generally without the capability to upgrade and
without ability to conform to specific client needs
Ability to configure daily alerts for customers, as
well as, full automation to water management for
daily spending, monthly limits, illegal attempts,
leakages, opening/closing valves,
prepaid/postpaid control using e-mail, text,
Automated connections to billing centers,
connections to systems for modification, addition
and processing of data, or connections to other
computer systems for diverse utility needs. Ability
to read other manufacturers modules or SCADA
With unlimited upgrades and with complete
configurations to meet specific client needs
Efficiency of water usage
With the disappearance of clean water resources, the illegal usages of the water are on
the high rise and as well as the need for its protection
Efficiency of reading and revenue collection
Efficiency of reading and payment with the
advanced system
Efficiency of reading and payment
without the advanced system with the
increasing prices of water
Price of the water
Timely investments in advanced system for monitoring and control of the water as well
as a system for better efficiency of payment puts you one step ahead in the future in
solving your problems
EUROPE contact and address
++ 389 2 307-7727
++ 389 2 315-1287
++ 389 2 315-1288
++ 389 2 307-4653
++ 389 70 341-879
USA contact and address
Marjan Kotorcevik
310 – 801 – 8309
2108 W. General St
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
Ул. Мирче Оровчанец бр. 1/9
1000 Скопје, Македонија