Introduction No Pens Day Wednesday lesson plans have been created by practising mainstream teachers and speech and language therapists. These have then been quality assured by a specialist speech and language therapist to ensure they are fit for purpose. Lesson plans As all schools will be covering different topics and have different ways of planning, the lesson plans provide an example for teachers to adapt and build on, though they can be used as they are if this fits in with your planning. Lesson plans aim to follow good practice principles; e.g. they Identify explicit learning objectives. Support use of questioning, using Blooms taxonomy, to support learning. Include plenary sessions that encourage pupils to reflect on their learning. Some lessons include reflection on how the “no pens” theme of the day has influenced learning. This could be a discussion you could have in any lesson in order to gather pupils’ views on how an emphasis on talk in the classroom has impacted on their learning and enjoyment of lessons. Each lesson plan also has some key vocabulary identified, which is listed in the vocabulary section of the lesson plan, although you may wish to add particular key words of your own too. Vocabulary is key for all pupils, particularly those whose language is not at an age appropriate level or pupils learning English as an additional language. Teaching vocabulary explicitly as part of a lesson, using tried and tested strategies can make a significant difference to these pupils in particular. Teachers can have a look at strategies for supporting vocabulary in class in the information for staff section of our website. A speaking and listening objective has also been identified for each lesson. Some have been taken from guidelines previously made available by QCA, whilst others have been taken from our Universally Speaking guides (available to download for free from, which track language development throughout the primary years. How do no pens activities support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)? The aim of No Pens Day Wednesday is to include all children in spoken language activities to support their learning. This includes children who require SEN support, many of whom will have speech, language and communication needs (SLCN). The SEND Code of Practice, which came into effect in September 2014, emphasises the importance of all teachers playing an important role in identifying and supporting those who have SEND. By taking part in No Pens Day Wednesday you will be able to access and put in place lots of great ways to build in quality support for all children’s communication across the school day. This is an important part of removing barriers to learning and engaging in inclusive practice. You’ll also be able to access information and guidance that can help you better understand how to identify and support children who are struggling. By placing a focus on spoken language in your setting, you may find that you’re more able to spot those children who are struggling with their speech, language and communication development. For those children who have already been identified as requiring SEN support, placing a focus on spoken language means that you are encouraging them to develop their skills in this important area, which is the foundation for so much of their learning. Lesson plans could also be adapted to link with any objectives that have been set by specialist colleagues, such as a speech and language therapist. You can find out more about identifying and supporting children with SEND, and in particular those with SLCN in our pack of strategies for every classroom, which can be found in the information for staff section of our website. Year 2 Lesson Plans Class: Teacher: Lesson Objectives: To measure and compare lengths using standard units. Date: Lesson: Numeracy – Measuring length (standard units) Speaking and Listening Objectives: To use talk to organise roles and action. To actively include and respond to all group members. Activity Differentiation: Vocabulary: Compare, estimate, measure, length, centimetre (cm), metre (m), millimetre (mm) Starter: Challenge the children to work in groups of 4 to find: -2 objects in the classroom that are shorter than 1 metre -2 objects in the classroom that are longer than 1 metre -1 object that is about 10cm long Where possible ask the children to bring the objects on to the carpet to discuss and compare their findings. Main: Recap previous lessons on measuring and talk about reasons why accurate measuring is important for many reasons (e.g. building a house, making a dress etc). Discuss the different parts of objects that can be measured (e.g. height, width, length) and model this with some practical measuring – children to participate. Recap standard units for measuring Q-How many centimetres in 1 metre? Q-How many millimetres in 1 centimetre? Extension Q – How many metres in 1 kilometre? Lower ability children to have a metre stick to enable them to have a concrete representation of 1metre. Extend higher ability pupils to recall how many metres in 1km and give examples of lengths that would need measuring in kilometres. Resources Metre sticks Metre sticks Rulers Lower ability pupils to be seated near a TA Talk about the importance of accurate measuring and model how to ensure the rulers/metre sticks are used correctly by always starting the measuring at 0cm. Explain that today the children will be working in pairs and supporting each other to complete a challenge. What will help us to work well as part of a pair? Think/Pair/Share - Children to share their ideas and teacher to list them on the board (e.g. take turns, listen to each other, and support each other). (Outside) Activity: Children to be put in pairs. Each pair will need: x1 ‘Measurement Challenge’ – (see example in resources below) Teacher to differentiate according to the ability groups within the class. x1 ruler x1 pair of scissors, x1 role of sellotape (or could be shared between a number of pairs) Lower ability pupils to be supported by adult where needed and have regular modelling of accurate measuring starting from 0cm. Rulers, Scissors, Sellotape, Differentiated ‘Measurement Challenge’ sheet The challenge involves working outside and the children are to find things (e.g. leaves, blades of grass, twigs etc) on the playground and surrounding fields that measure to be the same length as the lengths stated on the ‘Measurement Challenge’ sheet. Explain that objects can be cut down slightly using the scissors to ensure they are exactly the length that the challenge requires. Once items matching the measurements are found, they are to be stuck with sellotape next to the given measurement. Talk through and display the tips for effective paired work (created earlier in the lesson) and ensure rewards are given to children working hard to be a good partner. Plenary: Bring all the children together with the objects they have found. Swap the sheets between pairs and ask them to check the accuracy of the measuring. Reflect on the partnerships and team work, and celebrate achievements and efforts. Q-How confident do you feel that your pair has measured accurately? Q-How successful was the teamwork within your pair? Q-Is there anything you would do differently next time? If so what and why? Assessment for learning: Children to use traffic lights to self-evaluate against speaking and listening objectives. Continual peer assessment - working in pairs ask children to think about: Were children able to take turns to speak? Were they able to listen to another child’s viewpoint? Learning Objective: I can measure length accurately using cm. 1cm = NAMES: ________________________ &________________________ Measurement Challenge (EXAMPLE – sheet would need to be blown up to A3 size) 6 ½ cm = 2cm = 12 cm = 3cm = 17 cm = 4cm = 20 ½ cm = 5cm = 30 cm = Year 2 Lesson Plans Class: Teacher: Date: Lesson Objectives: I can identify the features of an information text. I can explain the reasons why an information text is organised in a certain way. Lesson: Literacy – Information Texts Speaking and Listening Objectives: To explain and give reasons for their views or choices. To actively include and respond to all group members. Activity Vocabulary: non-fiction, information, fact, title page, contents, heading, sub-heading, bold writing, glossary, caption, paragraph, pictures, fact boxes, index, page numbers Differentiation: Starter: Fact or Opinion? Remind children of the difference between a fact and a person’s opinion. Give examples to ensure the children have a clear understanding (e.g. ‘’I think that Arsenal are the best football team in the world!’’ Q-Is this a fact? Or my opinion? Q-How do you know?) Teacher to read a selection of statements (mixture of fact and opinion) and children to identify which it is through actions - Fact = stand up and Opinion = sit down. Main: Display a selection of books (both fiction and non-fiction) in the middle of the carpet. Q-How can you tell which books are fiction and which are non-fiction? Q-What clues do you get from only looking at the front covers? Think/Pair/Share - Choose a few children to identify either a fiction or non-fiction book and give reasons for their choices. Sort all of the books into 2 piles and then remove the fiction books from sight. In a small group lower ability pupils are to play a simplified starter game with a TA, using simple statements such as; This chair is blue (pointing to a blue chair), I think green is the best colour! etc. Explain that we are going to be focusing on non-fiction books today and in particular how they are organised to make them easy for us to navigate. Display a few of the familiar key words (e.g. contents, index, page numbers etc) and explain that these are all ‘features’ of non-fiction books. Q-What is a feature? (relate to features of 2D/3D shapes e.g. different parts of 2D/3D shapes – edge, corner, face etc). Explain that we are going to be identifying the parts of non-fiction books. Have visual aids (e.g. 2D/3D shapes) to model the term ‘feature’ – meaning ‘part’. Children to get into pairs and each pair to have one non-fiction book to share between them. Explain that we are going to become ‘Feature Finders’ and are going in search for the features within the books! Reveal the key vocabulary one at a time and give the children time to find it within their own book. Q-Where are you likely to find this feature? Q-How does this feature help us to navigate the book and find the specific information we are looking for? Q-Has anyone found a __________ (e.g. contents page) that is laid out differently to this one? Q-Does it still work in the same way? Teacher to use a non-fiction big book (ideally topic related) to highlight the feature to the rest of the class. Repeat the questions for all key vocabulary and pause for paired/group discussion. Lower ability pupils to be given simple non-fiction books with simple text. Higher ability pupils to be given more challenging non-fiction books with more complex organisation. Continually refer back to the learning objective and highlight the reasons why each particular feature assists the effective organisation of the non-fiction text. Preparation for the activity: 1) The teacher needs to photocopy a selection of double page spreads from non-fiction texts (Texts should be of varying levels of difficulty in order to meet the needs of various reading ability groups Differentiated text levels according to pupils reading Resources Non-fiction Big Book of teachers choice (ideally topic related) A selection of non-fiction books (enough to have one between two) within the class). 2) The photocopies should then be cut into small pieces so that all the features are separate from each other (e.g. page numbers, heading, sub-heading, caption/paragraph, fact boxes, pictures/photographs). 3) All features to be put into an envelope ready for the activity. abilities. Activity: Children to work in pairs or groups of 3. Provide each group with given an envelope (with pieces of photocopied text – see above), a piece of A3 paper and glue. The children are to read the features carefully and organise them in a way that makes a clear double page spread from a non-fiction text. Children should be encouraged to discuss each decision together before sticking the piece down and give clear reasons for their choices. Higher ability pupils could be given a chopped up photocopy of 2 different pages from a nonfiction text to increase the challenge. Lower ability pupils to work as a guided group with CT or TA to assist with reading. Photocopies of double page spreads from non-fiction texts (of varying levels) A3 paper Glue Plenary: Invite children in their pairs/groups to present their non-fiction page to the rest of the class giving clear reasons and justification for their positioning of the features. Encourage the rest of the children to ask questions to find out their reasons e.g. Q-Why did you put the heading at the top of the page? Q-Why did you put that photo next to that caption/paragraph? Teacher to help draw the learning back to the learning objective by highlighting the overall reason for the organisation of non-fiction texts - to make it easy for the reader to retrieve the information they are looking for. Highlight and celebrate effective partner/team work and encourage the children to evaluate the reasons for their success. Q-What helped you to work well as a team? QWas your partner a good listener? Q-Did you give each other opportunities to speak/participate? Assessment for learning: How well did we explain and listen to each other in our groups? Do you think you achieved the speaking and listening learning objectives? How did working in pairs/groups help your learning today? Is there anything you wish you had done differently today? Why? How? Year 2 Lesson Plans Class: Teacher: Date: Lesson Objectives: I know that the local environment is divided up into different habitats. I can describe how these habitats are similar and different. Lesson: Science - habitats Speaking and Listening Objectives: To explain and give reasons for their views or choices. To actively include and respond to all group members. Activity Vocabulary: animal, habitat, environment, identify, food, water, shelter, air, raise their young, sun, shade, Differentiation: Resources Share ‘Animal Habitat’s’ PowerPoint (see resources) and pause frequently to focus on the key questions: Q-What is a habitat? Q-What things do animals need to survive in their habitat? Q-Can you think of anywhere near by that we might find this type of habitat? (e.g. wood, hedge, pond etc) Q-What type of animals might live in this type of habitat? Check understanding of the word ‘habitat’ and give practical examples from their own experiences. ResourceDetail.aspx? storyCode=6144554 ‘Animal Habitats’ PowerPoint taken from Give children plenty of time to reflect of their own experiences of animal habitats whether it be from holidays, day visits or things they have seen on television. Q-Where have you seen these animals before? Q-Are there any places/parks/beaches that you have visited and have seen these animals or their habitats before? Lower ability pupils to sit near TA so the TA can pre-teach the key vocab and discuss, giving examples to clarify. Main: Q-What is a habitat? Think/Pair/Share - Give children time to reflect on their own experiences of habitats. Remind children that a habitat is a small part of the environment that is home to particular plants and animals. Teacher to help make comparisons between the pond/sea habitats and the hedge/wood habitats. QHow are the habitats for these animals different? Q-Why do they need to be different? Q-Why wouldn’t a hedge be a suitable habitat for a seagull or a fish? Q-Why not? Recap previous learning on animals and their needs, and compare them with other living things (plants). (Outside) Activity: Children to work in groups of 4 or 5. Explain that the children will be working in groups to create a habitat for a chosen animal (each group picks a random animal from the ‘Animal Cards –see resources) 1) Children to gather things from outside (e.g. twigs, leaves, rocks, stones etc) and use some other joining equipment (e.g. string, tape etc) to make the habitat. Once they have created their habitat they then have to carefully consider where they would position it in order to fulfil all 5 of the animal’s needs (food, water shelter, air, a place to raise their young). 2) Plan a mini presentation to show why their chosen animal would want to live in their habitat, (e.g. this habitat would be excellent for you Mr Hedgehog because it is hidden in the hedge and there is plenty of shelter to keep you warm and dry etc). Children to record their presentation/habitat Higher ability pupils to make comparisons between animals and their needs (How are their needs the same? Different?) Access to outside/wooded area. String, tape and other joining materials. ‘Animal Cards’ (see below) Images taken from PowerPoint ResourceDetail.aspx? description on Easi Speak microphones. Remind children of the importance of team work and how to be an effective team member. Q-What do you need to remember when working in groups? Q-How can you make sure that everyone gets to join in and share their ideas? Q-What should you do if you feel like you aren’t being listened to? Encourage higher ability pupils to use exciting adjectives when ‘selling’ their habitat to their chosen animal. storyCode=6144554 Easi Speak microphones for children to record their presentations Plenary: In groups, ask the children to present their animal habitat to the rest of the class and explain how it meets the criteria and fulfils all 5 of that particular animal’s needs. Highlight and celebrate effective team work and encourage the children to evaluate the reasons for their success. Q-What helped you to work well as a team? Q-Was your partner a good listener? Q-Did you give each other opportunities to speak/participate? Assessment for learning: Children to use traffic lights to judge how well they achieved each of the learning outcomes and speaking and listening objectives. Year 2 Lesson Plans Class: Teacher: Date: Lesson Objectives: I can describe places using geographical words. I can create a map with a detailed key with symbols or colours to help identify features. Lesson: Geography – maps and directions Speaking and Listening Objectives: To give clear and precise directions and instructions. To use newly learnt words in a specific and appropriate way. Activity Vocabulary: features, island, mainland, map, key, symbols, directions, compass, location, north, south, east, west, route Differentiation: Starter: Display a compass on the board and explain its purpose. Draw the four compass points (north, south, east, west) on the board and teach the well-known sayings to help children remember the points and their locations (e.g. ‘’Never Eat Shredded Wheat’’ and ‘’Naughty Elephants Squirt Water). Label the classroom with North, South, East and West and give commands for children to move to certain locations. Once children are familiar with the compass points, remove the labels and repeat the game. Main: Recap previous learning from this unit ‘An Island Home’ Q-What is an island? Q-How is an island different to the mainland? Use the following PowerPoint if children need reminding of the definition of an island (‘Islands’ ) Explain that we are going to focus our attention today on a fictional island Q-What does fictional mean? Q-Is it real? Q-Could we go to visit the island? Why/why not? The island is the home to a little girl called Katie Morag and the island is called ‘The Isle of Struay’. Today we want to familiarise ourselves with the features of this island and be able to describe where they are located. Introduce and read the first book in the series: ‘Katie Morag Delivers the Mail’. Pause regularly throughout the story to discuss the features that are mentioned and for children to describe its location in comparison to the features already mentioned (e.g. Grannie Island’s house is near to the Bonny Loch etc). Display the enlarged map (see resources) when reading the book so children can familiarise themselves with the locations. Leaving the enlarged version of the Isle of Struay on the board, ask children to play ‘Guess my location’. Teacher to model the game first before the children have a go in pairs. Teacher to choose a secret location from the map (e.g. The Jetty) and then describe the location (e.g. I am north of Katie Morag’s house etc). Children to then take guesses as to what the location is and then repeat the game in pairs. Activity: 1) Children to complete the map of ‘The Isle of Struay’ by cutting and sticking the island features onto the map in the correct place (see resources), 2) In pairs, the children are to then take it in turns to give verbal directions from one place to another on the map with a focus on using N, S, E, W directions. Teacher to record directions on Easi Speak Use small visual representations of the compass points for lower ability pupils to have in front of them. Children to draw on their own experiences of islands that they may have visited. How do they differ from our own location? Explain to pupils that the fictional Isle of Struay is based on a real island called the Isle of Coll in Scotland. Possible homework could be to find out as much as they can about Coll. Resources Labels for putting around the classroom (North, South, East, West) Copy of ‘Katie Morag Delivers the Mail’ Enlarged map of The Isle of Struay. Lower ability pupils to have a smaller version of the map and use less complex directional vocab (e.g. next to, above, below). ‘The Isle of Struay’ map resource sheet amended from original version taken from: microphones to use in plenary. ResourceDetail.aspx ?storyCode=6023607 Easi Speak microphones Plenary: Using the Easi Speak microphones, play back some of the children’s verbal directions recordings and ask the rest of the class to work out where the directions are from and to. Children to help evaluate the directions Q-Were the directions clear and precise? Q-What helped you to identify the exact location? Q-Which words in particular made the directions easy to follow? Reflect on speaking and listening objectives. Q-How has today’s lesson helped us to give clear and precise directions and instructions? Q-What do you need to consider when giving directions? Q-When might you need to give directions/instructions in the future? Assessment for learning: ‘Secret Bunny Ears’ All children to close their eyes and display their bunny ears using hands representing ears: Q- Do you think you have achieved the learning objectives? 0 ears = “No…It was really difficult!” 1 ear = “Almost…but maybe I need more practice” 2 ears = “Yes!” Year 2 Lesson Plans Class: Teacher: Lesson Objectives: I know that we learn in different ways. I can identify some of my own strengths as a learner. Date: Lesson: PSHE – Going for Goals Speaking and Listening Objectives: Takes turns to talk, listen and respond in two-way conversations and groups. Activity Vocabulary: learning, style, method, help, listen, look, different, strengths Differentiation: Starter: Circle time: Teacher to explain that this game is about highlighting the differences between us and stress how the world would be very boring if we were all exactly the same and liked the same things. Play ‘Stand up and cross the circle if…’ (e.g. you’re wearing short socks, you like mangos, you have a pet, you love maths etc). Children to physically stand and swap seats with others if the statement is true to them. TA to support lower ability pupils by re-wording the statements into questions (e.g. Are you wearing short socks today? Do you like mangos? etc). Resources Lesson idea taken from SEAL ‘Going for Goals’ theme. The theme provides opportunities for children to reflect on themselves as individuals and their strengths as learners and how they learn most effectively. Main: Discuss the importance of learning. Q-Why do we need to learn? Q-What do we need to learn? QWhat things don’t you already know that you would like to learn? In small groups of 3 or 4, give the children an opportunity to discuss these questions, maybe relating to hobbies or interests outside of school. Talk about the importance of learning in order to achieve certain lifetime goals (e.g. if you want to become an astronaut then you need to study hard at school, and go to university in order to learn everything that an astronaut needs to know etc). Pose the key question Q-How do we learn? Q-What do we have to do in order to learn something? Share ‘How do we learn’ PowerPoint and discuss each slide using the following questions: Q- Why is this important? Q-Who finds this difficult? Why? Q-What could we do to in class to make this easier for you? Think/Pair/Share Remind the children that these learning tips are mostly useful when you are learning when the teacher is talking. It’s great to listen but the BEST learning happens when you try it out for yourself and discuss what you’ve learned with your classmates. Choose a new song and explain that the children are going to try and learn it in different ways. QWhat could we do to help us try and learn this song? Think/Pair/Share - Encourage the children to reflect on songs they have learnt in the past Q-How did you do it? (e.g. reading the lyrics, hearing the song, singing it, repeating it, making up actions to go with the words etc). As a class, work through the different methods for learning a song and reflect on which of the methods /ResourceDetail.asp x?storyCode=6006478 ‘How do we learn’ PowerPoint Children to reflect on things that they find easy at school and things that are more challenging for them. How are they similar/different to their peers? Children to identify resources (visual and other) that support their learning. Children to draw on their own experiences of extra-curricular activities – How do you learn how to play football? How do you learn a new dance? An unfamiliar song (preferably with lyrics displayed and possible actions to accompany the song) help the most when trying to learn the song. Q-Does everyone find that reading the words helps you to learn the song or is there a better method for you? Conclude that many of us learn in different ways and it’s best to have a variety of methods when learning as they all help us to learn. Activity: Children to work in mixed ability pairs and ask them to try and teach each other something (e.g. song/dance/laces/counting/languages/clapping game etc). Children to be reminded of the different methods that help us to learn and put them into practise when ‘teaching’ or being ‘taught’. Teacher to take photographs or short videos to capture the moments and maybe make into a class display. Highlight children that are particularly good at giving clear instructions and highlight what it is that makes their teaching successful. Camera for the Teacher or TA to take photographs with. Plenary: Display a selection of the photographs taken during the paired activity. Q-What do you think is being taught/learned in this picture? Q-How can you tell? Q-Can you describe what the learner is doing that makes it look like he/she is working hard to learn what is being taught? Q-What do you think is your strength as a learner? Q-How do you learn best? Children to sit in a circle and give their answers one at a time. Teacher to help draw comparisons between the children’s learning styles and how they can use this new knowledge to help them learn in the future. Assessment for learning: Do you think you achieved the speaking and listening learning objectives? How did working in pairs/groups help your learning today? Is there anything you wish you had done differently today? Why? How? Year 2 Lesson Plans Class: Teacher: Date: Lesson objectives: To use a range of adjectives to create descriptive and creative sentences. To make adventurous word and language choices appropriate to the style of the text. Activity Starter: Q-What is an adjective? Display a selection of pictures on IWB (e.g. animals, cars, people) and children to come up with a variety of adjectives to describe the object. Encourage children to suggest their second or third ‘thought’ instead of their first as often their first thought may be the same as everyone else’s. Vocabulary: Adjectives, nouns, size, colour, shape, image, create, see. Lesson: Literacy – Poetry ‘Really Looking’ Speaking and listening objectives: To use newly learnt words in specific and appropriate ways. Differentiation Resource Main: Ask the children to close their eyes but open their minds! Explain that they will have to switch off all of their senses apart from their hearing which is essential for this part of the lesson. Q-What helps you to be a good listener? Think/Pair/Share Explain that the poem you are about to read is quite special because by listening to it, your mind will magically paint pictures of what you hear! Read ‘The Magic Box’ by Kit Wright, a section at a time and pause for questioning: Q-Can you describe what you can see? Q-What images has your mind created? Q-What colours can you see? Q-How does it make you feel? Ask the children to be even more explicit with their descriptions by using one or more adjectives to describe the noun. Q-How can we categorise the adjectives that we are using? Think/pair/share. The Teacher should then scribe sub headings or make a mind map e.g. size, colour, shape, texture and note down any adjectives used on IWB. Once ‘The Magic Box’ has been read the Class Teacher is then to share his/her ‘Magic Box’ which is filled with a selection of interesting objects. Explain that this time our hearing is not a vital sense, but instead we will be relying on our sight and touch to describe the objects inside the box. Q-What adjectives can you use to describe the objects inside the box? Q-Can you use an adjective from each of the sub-headings on the board e.g. A tiny, smooth, oval and blue pebble. Group Activity: Children to be in mixed ability groups of 4/5. Each group to have a box with a selection of objects inside. Each child to take it in turns to discreetly select an item and then describe the object using adjectives only (same format as above) and without naming it. Rest of the group listen and guess which object has been selected. Plenary: Choose a selection of children to share their descriptive sentence for a chosen item from ‘The Magic Box’. Class Teacher to scribe the sentences on the board to create a whole class poem. Children to evaluate and improve the sentences where appropriate. Q-Is there an even better adjective we could use instead of _______________? Assessment for learning: ‘Secret Bunny Ears’ All children to close their eyes and display their bunny ears using hands representing ears: Q- Do you think you have achieved today’s learning objective? 0 ears = “No…It was really difficult!” 1 ear = “Almost….but maybe I need more practice” 2 ears = “Yes!” Poem – ‘The Magic Box’ by Kit Wright ng-resource/The-MagicBox-by-Kit-Wright3006308/ LSA to scribe possible word bank for lower ability pupils A ‘Magic Box’ (small covered box with a selection of interesting objects.) A selection of similar adjectives ready prepared for lower ability pupils to choose from. Q-Which word would best describe this scarf? Higher ability pupils to be given a children’s thesaurus to find alternative words for popular adjectives e.g. big, small Children’s Thesaurus’s Year 2 Lesson Plans Class: Teacher: Date: Lesson objectives: To visualise common 2D shapes and 3D solids and describe shapes according to their properties. Activity Starter: Place value - Have six children at the front of the classroom arranged in two groups of 3. One represents the hundreds column, the middle the tens and the last being the units. The class is split into two teams and a set of digit cards is given to each team. The teacher calls out a three digit number and the winner is the first team to get the appropriate number represented with the digit cards correctly positioned. Vocabulary: Shapes, solid, faces, edges, corners, vertices. Main: This problem is taken from the problem solving website It is a practical activity that provides many opportunities for speaking and listening, working systematically and building on skills of visualisation whilst primarily assisting the children in understanding the various properties of common geometric solid shapes. Lesson: Numeracy – Problem Solving Speaking and listening objectives: To listen to others in class, ask relevant questions and follow instructions. Differentiation Resource Two sets of 0-9 digit cards. ‘Skeleton Shapes’ visual images A selection of cube shaped objects. Ensure the children have had an opportunity to free play with building sets of solid shapes so they have an understanding of shape properties. Copy of ‘Skeleton Shapes’ poster (below) taken from Reveal a selection of different sized cubes in various forms (e.g. dice of various sizes, boxes, rubix cube, 3D shapes of different sizes) Q-Can you tell me everything you know about cubes? In pairs, children to discuss this question and come up with at least 2 facts they know about cubes. Share with the rest of the class. Scribe the vocab; faces, edges, corners on the board when mentioned. Q-Do these facts apply to every type of cube? Test the statements with the various examples of cubes. Display ‘Skeleton Shapes’ images taken from and reveal problem: Part I - Q-How many balls of modelling clay and how many straws does it take to make the cube? Part II – Look at the rest of the 3D shapes. Q-Which piles are needed to make a skeleton of each shape? Group Activity: Children to work in pairs or groups to solve the problem. Possible extension – children could find other solid shapes and continue the activity. Lower ability children to have access to real 3D shapes to assist with the skeleton shape making. Straws (cut to equal lengths) and pieces of modelling clay. 3D shapes to match those highlighted in poster Plenary: Reflect on the problem and the possible approaches. Children to evaluate what worked well and what was not as effective. Q-How many edges did you count? What does this tell you about the number of straws we need? Q-How many corners did you count? What does this tell you about the number of balls of modelling clay we need? Q-How many edges meet at this corner? Assessment for learning: Children to use traffic lights to self-evaluate. Continual peer assessment as working in pairs. Skeleton shape models that the children created during paired activity. Numeracy – Skeleton Shapes (taken from Year 2 Lesson Plans Class: Teacher: Date: Lesson objectives: To recall the key points from a significant event in history. Activity Starter: NB – This lesson should be taught as part of an introduction to the topic of ‘The Great Fire of London’ at a time when the children have little or no prior knowledge of the famous event. Q-What do you know about The Great Fire of London? Think/Pair/Share and Class Teacher to scribe any responses on to flip chart under sub heading ‘What we know’. Vocabulary: Fire, main events, fact, question, answer. Lesson: History – The Great Fire of London Speaking and listening objectives: To ask relevant questions to find out specific information. Differentiation Resource Main: Display a picture representing ‘The Great Fire of London’ from Google images and discuss what the children already know about the event. Q-Does anyone know what this is a picture of? Explain that this is a famous event that happened many years ago. Highlight recent famous events/celebrations (e.g. London 2012, Queens Diamond Jubilee, Royal wedding) and compare with ‘The Great Fire of London’. Q-Do you think this was a happy event and one that people enjoyed? Why? Think/pair/Share Google Images: /imghp?hl=en&tab=wi Discuss possible ways to find out more information about this famous event. Q-How can we learn about what happened during The Great Fire of London? Remind children of the difference between fact and opinion and explain that today we are going to be learning the key facts that help to explain what happened in The Great Fire of London. Explain to the children that by the end of the lesson, ALL of the children will be able to answer 7 questions about the key events from The Great Fire of London (see Quiz, Quiz, Swap ‘Fact Slips’ for questions) Explain ‘Quiz, Quiz, Swap’ activity and discuss necessary skills for the activity to be successful (e.g. turn taking, listening, speaking clearly etc.) Group Activity: (This activity needs to be completed in a large area where there is plenty of room for the children to move around freely – maybe the school hall.) All children to work individually and complete ‘Quiz, Quiz Swap’ activity. Outline of activity: 1) Hand out the ‘Fact Slips’ (7 different fact slips – 1 fact slip per child. Every child to have a fact slip so there will be duplicates). Give the children time to read the Question and Answer of their own fact slip. 2) QUIZ - Find another person and ask them the question and confirm the answer on the fact slip. 3) QUIZ - Allow the other person to ask the question and confirm the answer on their fact slip. 4) SWAP – Swap the ‘Fact Slips’ and then repeat points 2-4. * The Class Teacher is to stop the activity when he/she hears that the majority of the children are able to answer the 7 ‘Fact Slip’ questions. Pre teach the new vocab to lower ability readers to support them with reading section of Quiz. Quiz, Quiz, Swap ‘Fact Slips’ (See below) Children that need support with reading should initially be accompanied by either the Class Teacher or LSA for Quiz, Quiz, Swap activity. Plenary: Display flip chart page from starter ‘What we know’ and talk through responses. Display a new page on flip chart ‘What we NOW know’. Q-Who can tell me a fact they have learnt about The Great Fire of London? Celebrate the number of children who now have their hand up and hold knowledge about the famous event! Wow! Fill the flip chart with all of the facts the children have learnt and match the facts up with the 7 questions previously asked. Assessment for learning: Reflect on speaking and listening objectives – who felt they achieved them? In what way did they achieve them? Smiley Face show of hands History - Quiz, Quiz, Swap ‘Fact Slips’ Photocopy and cut individually. Give each child one ‘Fact Slip’ to begin the activity. (See plan for full outline of activity) Year 2 Lesson Plans Class: Teacher: Date: Lesson objectives: To know what a balanced diet is. To understand that knowledge of the food groups can help us to build healthy diets. Activity Lesson: Science/D&T – ‘Health and Growth’ Speaking and listening objectives: To use newly learnt words in a specific and appropriate way. Differentiation Resource Vocabulary: Fruit, vegetables, cereals, starch, processed, balanced, healthy, energy, high-energy. Main: Ask the children to tell you some of the things they ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner yesterday (list on the flip chart under main food group headings. Use the lists as a starting point Q-Can you think of any other foods that could go in the _______ list? Think/Pair/Share Q-Does anyone think any of these foods are bad for you? Q-Can a food be bad for you? Remind children that no food is bad for you unless you eat too much of it – explain what a balanced diet is: Large amount – Fruit and veg and cereals Medium amount – Meat, fish, dairy products Small amount – Sweets, chocolate, salt etc. Display a selection of meal pictures on the Interactive whiteboard (or possibly photographs from a selection of recipe books). Discuss the meals with the children. Q-Is this a wellbalanced meal? Why? Why not? Q-What is missing to make this a balanced meal? QIs there too much of a particular food group that makes this meal un-balanced and unhealthy? Group Activity: Children to work in pairs to collage their own ‘balanced meal’ on paper plates. Children to be encouraged to use a range of collage techniques (e.g. folding, scrunching, tearing, rolling etc) to make their 3D plate of food. When their plate is complete, they have to prepare a short presentation which describes their planned meal and outlines the reasons why this is a balanced meal. Download and print copies of the ‘Eat well plate’ from ll/Goodfood/Pages/eatwel l-plate.aspx and use as discussion point for lower ability pupils. Paper plates (1 per child) Higher ability pupils to create ‘alternatives’ or substitutes for certain foods on their plate (e.g. pasta, or rice) A selection of papers and materials Scissors & glue Plenary/Assessment for learning: Choose a selection of children to present their ‘balanced meal’ to the rest of the class. The rest of the class to ask questions or comment on their presented meal. Q-Could we substitute the rice for pasta? Q-Would that make a difference to the meal? Why? Why not? Year 2 Lesson Plans Class: Teacher: Date: Lesson objectives: To repeat and explore movements and skills. To select and use appropriate skills, actions and ideas. Activity Warm Up: Play ‘Human Bop It’ - Teacher calls out actions to which the children respond in the following ways: Kick it – children kick in front of them (ensure they are all in a space first!) Twist it – twist their bodies half way around then back, feet remaining in the same place on the floor Spin it – children turn around Pull it – imagine they are pulling two levers down from above their heads Bop it – Jump in the air They must try to do all these actions on the beat of the music. Vocabulary: Monster, size, shape, stout, heavy, long, slithery, beat, stomp. Lesson: PE - Dance Speaking and listening objectives: To understand and follow two or three part instructions. Differentiation Resource Children to be encouraged to think of some other movements and instructions to accompany them. CD with drum beat on. Main: Play and discuss the music ‘Wild Thing’ Q-What does it make you think of? Q-What kind of creature do you think this song could be about? Why? ‘Wild Thing’ by The Troggs Show ‘Monster Poster’ (a selection of images of different types of monsters including images from ‘Not Now Bernard’ - link with Literacy unit – Stories with familiar settings) QHow do you think these monsters would move? Q-Are they stout and heavy or long and slithery? Explore vocab and ideas and share different examples of children modelling a variety of movements. Rest of class to repeat and practice to music. Monster Poster (see below – images found from Google images) Encourage the children to listen to the beat and clap along in time. Q-Can you march or stomp in time to the music? Q-How would this type (choose from poster) of monster stomp in time to the music? Q-What about this type of monster? Q-What words could you use that would describe the movements of this monster? Group Activity: In small groups of 3-4, children are to choose in secret one of the monster pictures from the poster and decide on movements that will represent how they think the monster will move. Rehearse in their groups and then present to the rest of the class. Plenary/Assessment for learning: Children to present their Wild Thing monster dance to the rest of the class a group at a time. The rest of the class to identify which monster they think is being represented and give reasons why by reflecting on the type of movements used. Cool Down: All children to create long slithery monster shapes and movements, focusing on feeling the stretches and slow movements. Lower ability children to be supported with giving feedback “I think it was the _______ monster because….” Children to be given descriptive vocab to assist oral feedback. A number of ‘Monster Posters’ photocopied and displayed around the hall as stimulus for group work Dance – Monster Poster Year 2 Lesson Plans Class: Teacher: Date: Lesson objectives: I share my opinions on things that matter to me and explain my views. I say what I like and dislike, what is fair and unfair, and what is right and wrong. Activity Starter: Play the ‘Yes’ ‘No’ game with the children. Display on the board a selection of alterative responses to ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ and read through them with the children. In pairs, the children ask each other a number of questions about themselves and the partner cannot respond with ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Lesson: PSHE – ‘Good to be me’ Speaking and listening objectives: To ask relevant and specific questions in order to gather information. Differentiation Resource Ready prepared alternative responses to ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ scribed on board. Vocabulary: Special, precious, valuable, treasured, question, answer, visualise. What, when, why, how, who, where. Main: Class Teacher to hold the Treasure Box with his/her treasure hidden inside (possible an old blanket or tatty toy from when they were a child). Explain to the class that inside the box is a very precious and valuable item which is extremely special to me. Q-What do you think could be inside this box? Q-What type of thing do you think could be described as ‘precious’ or ‘valuable’? Think/Pair/Share A ‘Treasure Box’ (a special looking opaque box Discuss some suggestions and compare children’s different opinions on ‘valuable’. Q-What does ‘valuable’ or ‘treasured’ mean? Q-What types of things are valuable to you? Explain that valuable items do not necessarily have to be of a high value in terms of price. Many people treasure items with sentimental value that are irreplaceable due to the memories they hold. Explain to the children that they have a total of 20 questions to ask in order to try and guess what is inside the Treasure Box. Display and read through the questions words. Q-What type of answer would you expect to get it you asked a question beginning with ‘who’? Think/Pair/Share – the answer would involve a person. Repeat with other question words and ask children to think carefully about the types of questions they are asking so that no question is wasted. Lower ability pupils to be supported by LSA and to focus on one question word at a time. Also remind the children to visualise the possible treasure in their head according to the clues they get from the questions that have been asked. Higher ability pupils to be expected to notice the difference between ‘open’ and ‘closed’ questions and create questions that will provide the most information. Whole Class Activity: Whole class to join in asking 20 questions to the Class Teacher in order to find out what the treasure is. Class Teacher to celebrate effective questioning and scribe any key information on the board. At the end of the 20 questions, the Class Teacher is to reveal his/her treasure. Question words on individual cards to be used as visual aids during questioning session. Plenary: Reveal and discuss the Class Teachers treasure. Class Teacher to explain why it is treasured by himself/herself and tell any relevant anecdotes that helps to contextualise the item. Q-Was it what you thought it would be? Why? Q-Could it have been anything else based on the answers you got from the questions that were asked? Think/Pair/Share Explain that over the coming weeks, everyone will get an opportunity to have the Treasure Box and they will in turn, take the Treasure Box home and return it to school with their hidden treasure and the rest of the class will ask questions to find out what the hidden treasure is. Assessment for learning: Children to evaluate the questions that were asked – reflect on speaking and listening objectives. Q-Which question do you think helped to find out the most information about the hidden treasure? Q-Why and how did it find out the most information? Q-If we changed the question word, would it still be an effective question? Why? Why not? Thumbs up/thumbs down, Q-How effective do you think your questioning was? Year 2 Lesson Plans Class: Teacher: Lesson objectives: To recognise traditional stories To know characters, themes and settings Date: Previous learning: Knowledge of a variety of fairy tales Activity Starter: Teach 3 words - Ogre, beanstalk, harp. Use picture prompts Introduce each word – ask children to ‘think, pair, share’ a meaning for each word Choose pairs to share their explanations As a group - what is the first sound, the last, clap the syllables, what category does each word belong to? Use the I CAN Communication Cookbook word magic template below to help Give the meanings for children to guess the word Vocabulary: Ogre, beanstalk, harp Main: Ask the question? - What sort of stories might have ogres, beanstalks and harps in? - What sort of stories might we learn about today? Jigsaw activity 1.Give each child an object or picture from a variety of fairy tales (castle, ogre, Jack, pumpkin, harp, cow, wolf, beans, pig, slipper, sticks, straw, bricks, ragged clothes, gold coins, prince, Cinderella, Ugly Sisters, apple, mirror, dwarf, Wicked Queen) 2. Ask children to move around and, by talking to each other, get together in groups with all the other children that have things from their story. 3. In the groups - what is your story? What are the main things that happen in the story? Where does the story take place? Are the characters ‘good’ or ‘bad’? How does your story end? 4. Make a podcast from your group using Easi Speak microphone - what is the story, who’s in it, where does it takes place, how does it ends Plenary: Listen to podcasts Question - what things are similar in the stories? What are differences? What other things could we find out about traditional stories? Lesson: English – Traditional tales Speaking and listening objectives: Take turns to talk and listen, and respond in two-way conversations Identify what is important and unimportant information Differentiation Picture prompts for each word Resource Picture prompts for each word on A4 cards or IWB Management of ‘pair, share’ groups Use Word Magic template below, taken from I CAN’s Communication Cookbook, available to order from Forced alternative target questions - e.g. would a pig be in Jack and the Beanstalk or Red Riding Hood Bags of pictures/objects per group; picture resources, Clicker 5 picture library, fairy tale charades cards Management of grouping For target children – ‘find everyone who has things from........’ Prompt cards to focus group discussion – good/bad character, setting Narrative cue cards – ‘What’ happens? ‘Where does it happen?’ ‘Who are the characters?’ Easi Speak recorder ml Assessment for learning: Children to use self assessment checklist to see how well they worked in the groups In groups, ask the children to think about how they know what is important information when listening to the stories and what is less important – use traffic lights to show how confident they are with this objective. Year 2 Lesson Plans Class: Teacher: Lesson objectives: To know what maps are for To know that maps share common features Date: Lesson: Geography – Map work Previous learning: To have investigated features of their surroundings Speaking and listening objective: Join in a discussion about an activity using topic related vocabulary Activity Starter: Active listening - ‘Simon Says’ with direction words Vocabulary: Forward, back, left, right, up, down, stop, next to, symbol, sign, route Teach vocabulary using strategies and materials suggested in the activity template pack. Highlight vocabulary for the lesson and explain that all children will have the opportunity to use these words throughout the lesson – encourage all children to listen out for them Main: Introduce lesson with the slide show of different maps Question - what are these pictures of? Children talk about – where they have seen maps being used, when they have used a map. Jigsaw activity - give each child part of a cut up map (photocopies or printed images from slide show). The children are asked to move around the room talking to others about the features of their map part, and find the other parts of their map. In groups - put the pieces together to make the map. Take a photo of the reconstructed map. Differentiation Visual prompt cards for direction words - e.g. arrow pointing up/down Resource Give more obvious elements of map pictures to lower achieving pupils PowerPoint - Map images Ensure lower achieving children ask and answer the more concrete questions “who and what” rather than more abstract “why” question Printed images from the slideshow, photocopied maps - cut into jigsaw pieces Camera Structured discussion - how do I know what this map is of? Who might need this map? Why would they need this map? Children re-gather to report back on 3 things they have found out - what, who, why. Plenary / Assessment for learning: What have we learned? What are the common features of all the maps (symbols, signs, route marking, key)? What else do we need to learn to do with maps? ‘Tell your neighbour’ - Class teacher to display one of the words from vocabulary list and children to tell their neighbour a sentence or piece of information which includes this word. Share some examples with the class. Homework: Find an old map or leaflet with a map. Make your own map jigsaw or draw a route map of your journey to school. Give your mum/dad/carer directions to follow on how to get to school. Year 2 Lesson Plans Class: Teacher: Lesson objectives: To explore the effect of the fire on people in London Date: Previous learning: To have listened to recounts of the Fire To have seen images of the Fire; to have understood that the fire occurred long in the past Activity Starter: What do we know already? Speedy think - one minute to think of something you know already about the Fire. Then share that idea with your partner and any other things you can remember. Structure thinking - ask children to think about when was it, what happened, where Revisit key vocabulary Vocabulary: Emotions vocabulary, flames, destroy, loss Teach vocabulary using strategies and materials suggested in the activity template pack Main: Tell children that today we will be thinking about the people who were involved in the fire. How did it affect them? How did they feel? Use TES PowerPoint presentation to re-tell the sequence of events - encourage children to actively think about how it might feel to be in London at the time of the fire, how people were affected. Round Robin - collecting ideas on feelings and how affected Lesson: History – The Great Fire Speaking and listening objective: Work in role in small or large groups. Pupils can improvise and respond to a variety of actions and situations. Differentiation Use pictures of the fire of London for target children to promote thinking Resource Emotions icons (from SEAL resources) ationalstrategies/sealresource-sheetwords-core-feelings Eye witness accounts and background detail k/education/lesson47.htm PowerPoint presentation Support questioning Hot seating Select key characters/ people from the event – Pepys, King, Thomas Farrinor (baker), a child with question cue Other sources card, e.g. what, and a home owner. In groups, assign a character to each group. Remind children of being ‘in role’ - e.g. talking in first person, speaking from the point of view where, who Question cards available in the of another person etc. I CAN Communication Cookbook What questions do I want to ask this person? One child in hot seat, others to interview in role – what did you see, what happened to you, Digiblue and / or Easi Speak how did you feel, what will you do now? microphones to record outcomes Record or video interviews Plenary: What did we learn? - each group say one effect the fire had on people in London Ask a specific child (good example) to repeat being ‘hot seated’ - draw attention to their use of tone of voice, stress on words and gestures. If not present, then model how they could be included to enhance the performance. Assessment for learning: use traffic lights to say how well they worked in Homework: Find out what you should do if you see a fire starting groups Year 2 Lesson Plans Class: Teacher: Lesson objectives: Collect and record data Read data and generate questions Date: Previous learning: Tallying Recording data in a variety of forms Activity Starter: 20 questions - I’m thinking of a number between..........’ Vocabulary - higher, lower, 2 digit, 1 digit, odd, even Vocabulary: Higher, lower, 2 digit, 1 digit, odd, even, tally, data, more, less Teach vocabulary using strategies and materials suggested in the activity template pack Main: Problem solving Introduce the idea of a class survey of 5 pets - but remind children that it is ‘no pens’ day’ so we cannot write numbers or use a tally chart! How else could we record what children like with some of the maths resources we have in the classroom? Show an assortment of concrete counting materials – elicit ideas as to how they could be used e.g. a Sumthing string for each animal, a Unifix tower for each animal, same colour beads/counters for a particular animal. Class survey Assign children to 3 groups with a set of concrete apparatus per group Each group creates their own tally chart based on their own preferences. What do we know? Children discuss what they know from their data and create their own questions to ask and record them on Talking Tins Remind children of possible question words - what type of answers would you expect to get from this type of question word (include open and closed questions)? Answer my question Leaving the tallies (whatever form) and the Talking Tins, rotate the groups Each group visits the other tally charts, listens to questions on the Talking Tins and answers them from the data. Plenary: What did we learn? - was it easy to understand what the data meant? We can record data in different ways. Assessment for learning: Children to use number cards (1-5) and rate how well they felt they did. Comment on how they managed to generate questions. Discuss and evaluate Lesson: Maths - Data Speaking and listening objective: Ask questions using appropriate question words Differentiation Narrow range of numbers for lower achieving children; visual representation Give sentence starter to support questioning “Who has a .....” “How many...” Give specific roles in groups to lower achieving pupils Give examples of how tallies can be represented Resource Number cards Pets pictures - dog, cat, rabbit, guinea pig, fish Sumthing beads Counters and pots Beads and laces Unifix cubes Numicon Each group - a set of pet picture cards and one set of concrete apparatus Cue cards - altogether, most, least, how many Talking Tins or other voice recorders Homework: Think of a way of doing a traffic survey past your house or on your journey home - without writing anything down! Year 2 Lesson Plans Class: Teacher: Date: Lesson objective: Previous learning: Children will know what they are good at (strengths) Children will have had experience of and be able to talk about things they want to get talking about themselves better at Activity Starter: Swaps – all the children sit in a circle. The teacher explains that the children must find a new place if what s/he says applies to them. e.g. ‘Find a new place if...’ you like cheese and onion crisps you like splashing in puddles you enjoy helping other people you like reading your favourite colour is green you don’t like bananas you have 2 brothers Vocabulary: Good / better, because Main: Structured pair activity - think / pair/share. Think alone for 1 minute; talk to your partner about your idea, some children chosen to share. Pass round a ‘big mike’ for children to share ideas about what they are good at/would like to get better at. Remind children of the use of the word ‘because’ - encourage children to think of a reason why they would like to get better at certain things or reasons why they are good at certain things. Highlight how ‘because’ adds detail/reason to a sentence/explanation. Model if necessary; “I’d like to be better at cooking because I like eating delicious food” In pairs - structured talking task - 1st child says something they are good at and something they want/need to get better at. 2nd child then says another thing the child is good at and another thing they need to work at. Swap roles. Change partners. Repeat exercise with new partner. Change partner. Repeat exercise. Plenary: Thumbs down, thumbs up - teacher begins by saying one thing s/he wants to get better at (thumbs down) and one thing they are good at (thumbs up) then names child to do the same, who names another child and so on. Assessment for learning: What do pupils think about this activity, how easy or difficult was it to identify things they are good/not so good at? Lesson: PSHE – Good to be me Speaking and listening objective: Join phrases with words such as if, so, because, etc. Differentiation Resource Big microphone More able children to use ‘strengths’ instead of good at Use visual prompts / forced alternatives for lower achieving pupils Optional - Big foam thumb prop k_Hands.html Homework: practise one of the things you would like to get better at; ask Mum and Dad to help you. Year 2 Lesson Plans Class: Teacher: Lesson objective: To compare and contrast – similarities and differences between animal life Date: Lesson: Science - Living things: similarities and differences Previous learning: Speaking and listening objective: Identifying and classifying animals and their key Use newly learnt words in a specific and appropriate way features Activity Starter: Riddles - clues are given to the children about an animal/bird/fish; children guess the creature. Vocabulary: Category, same, different, fur, hair, feathers, scales, beak, claws Teach vocabulary using strategies and materials suggested in the activity template pack Main: Display and discuss vocab. (Other words to be added throughout the lesson if children think of more). Encourage the children to use these words where appropriate to help them achieve the lesson objective. Describe it - circle activity. Children take a turn at describing a creature they can think of (or pick from a selection). Model or encourage children to use animal categories, descriptive vocabulary etc. Other children must guess the creature being described. Encourage children to ask questions if they cannot guess straight away. What do you need to know? – What does it look like/sound like, what does it eat, where does it live? Remind children of the vocabulary for describing properties of creatures Differentiation Resource for examples of riddles with picture answers that could be displayed through IWB Words printed on cards Picture selection / use objects rather than pictures Communication activity Give each child a picture card from a range of different creatures. Children move around the room, talking to each other about their creature. Encourage children to discuss their creatures’ characteristics and compare with the other children. Find a partner who has an animal that shares characteristics - e.g. lion and dog both eat meat, worm and mole both live underground. Plenary / Assessment for learning: What did we learn? Re-group as a class - each pair tells the group why they paired up. Make a recording (‘we go together because.....’) or take a photo to record what children have learned. Rest of class to identify the newly learnt words when used in explanations. In pairs children pull out one of the new vocabulary words and put it into a sentence; all judge whether it makes sense. Homework: Make a PowerPoint collage of ‘creatures that live in the sea’ or ‘animals that eat meat’ Picture selection Templates for teaching new vocabulary in the “activity templates” pack attached Colorcards – Animals Voice recorder, camera