Syllabus - Warren County Schools

English IV
Mrs. Tracy McBrayer
Course Syllabus
Phone: 270-467-7500 Ext. 6246
Classroom: 83
1st – English IV
2nd – Planning
3rd – Yearbook
4th – Journalism I
Class Content: English IV is designed to meet the criteria set forth in Kentucky’s Core Content and Program of Studies.
By the end of this course, students will be able to
1. demonstrate an understanding of grammar, mechanics and usage.
2. use new vocabulary words in context.
3. respond critically to a variety of literary genres and styles by applying knowledge of characteristics of
those genres and literary terms and concepts.
4. write literary pieces that apply characteristics, elements and techniques of genres read.
5. write essays on a level acceptable to advance.
6. research using credible sources and cite those sources using correct MLA format.
7. speak and present to class using technology.
Novels (will be chosen from the following list)
The Bean Trees
Friday Night Lights
Heart of Darkness
The Kite Runner
Lord of the Flies
The Secret Life of Bees
British Literature
King Arthur
The Canterbury Tales
Shakespeare’s Macbeth
Various short stories and poems selected from the text
Death Be Not Proud
The Last Lecture
Various passages and articles chosen by the teacher
If a student believes a novel is unacceptable to read, he/she must submit his/her objection in writing to the teacher. It
will be the student’s responsibility to find a replacement novel from the same time period and approximately the same
number of pages. The assessment for the novel will be a five to seven page analytical research paper over the novel
using MLA format. A Works Cited page must accompany the paper and include five to seven sources.
If time permits, a few movies may be shown to supplement the curriculum including Beowulf, The 13th Warrior,
Macbeth, A Knight’s Tale, Frankenstein, Batman Begins, First Knight, Hamlet, Harry Potter, King Arthur, The Kite
Runner, The Lion King, The Sandlot, The Secret Life of Bees, and excerpts from Elizabeth and Shakespeare in Love.
Parts of Speech
Parts of a Sentence
Pronoun Usage
Literary Analysis
Research Paper
*Other papers may be assigned at the teacher’s discretion.
Materials Needed*
3-ring binder (1 ½” - 2”) with dividers labeled BELL RINGER, GRAMMAR, WRITING, VOCABULARY, LITERATURE
Loose-leaf notebook paper for binder
Blue or black ink pens
*Index cards (MUST HAVE 200 for creating vocabulary flashcards– 3” X 5” lined work best)
Flash drive
*If you do not bring necessary supplies to class and are, therefore, unable to participate in class, you will receive a zero
for any assignment, quiz, or test given that day.
Grades: Grades will be determined by a point system. Grades may reflect homework, quizzes (including pop), tests,
projects, participation, writing, and more. A zero will be earned if the assignment is not made up in the time allowed.
The grading scale conforms to the Warren County policy.
Homework: You are expected to turn in all assignments on time. Late work will be accepted; however, you will lose
10% of the total point value of the assignment for every day that the assignment is late. For every school day that a
major assignment (worth 100 points) is late, a letter grade will be deducted. In the event of an absence, check with me
to see what you missed. You have three days to make up any work. This is your responsibility, and I will NOT remind
Tests: You will be expected to make up any test missed as soon as possible after returning to school. You may make up
the test before school, after school, or during ESS. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule the make-up exam.
**Homework and all writing assignments will be graded for correctness. 1 point will be deducted for each of the
following errors:
 Punctuation
 Capitalization
 Spelling
 Sentence Fragments/Run-Ons
 “Texting” language
 Use of contractions in formal writing
As we cover more grammar and mechanics throughout the semester, this list may expand.
ESS: Extended school services are offered each Thursday from 2:30-4:00. Students may take make-up quizzes, tests, or
receive free tutoring services.
Tutoring: English IV tutoring will be offered every Tuesday from 2:45-3:30 in Room 83. You must sign up ahead of
Cheating: Cheating WILL NOT be tolerated in my class. I consider cheating to be stealing anyone else’s work and
calling it your own. This includes, but is not limited to, downloading reports from the Internet, plagiarizing someone
else’s words, copying from a test, looking at someone else’s test, using cheat sheets on a test, using a cell phone or
other electronic device during a test, copying someone’s homework, etc. If any of this behavior is observed, you will
receive a zero on that assignment.
Plagiarism: The Simon and Schuster Handbook for Writers defines plagiarism as “present[ing] another person’s words
or ideas as if they were your own.” Plagiarism is synonymous with stealing and is against the law. In fact, the word
plagiarism comes from the Latin word for kidnapper and literary thief. Anyone caught plagiarizing any work will receive
a zero for that work – no questions asked – and will be reported to the office.
Classroom Rules
1. You are expected to be in the room and prepared to work when the tardy bell rings. If you are not prepared to
work when the bell rings, you will be in jeopardy of not completing the timed Bell Ringer assignment given at
the beginning of class. You must check in at the office before coming to class if you are late to first block.
2. You are expected to have all materials when you come to class.
3. The majority of writing assignments will be done in class. A student MAY NOT opt to complete a writing
assignment at home if in-class time is given for the assignment. The final copy for all writing assignments will
be typed.
Per school policy, cell phones may be used in the hallways and in the cafeteria before school, after school,
during class change, and during lunch. There are times when cell phones and other technology may be used in
the classroom for instructional purposes; however, cell phones are to be turned off and out of sight unless
otherwise specified by the teacher. If I see or hear your device or suspect you are using it, I will ask you to
turn it off and put it away. If you choose not to put the device away, I will take up the phone and turn it in
to the office with a discipline referral.
5. Sleeping will not be tolerated in my class. If you are sleeping, you will be asked to wake up. If you fail to do so,
you will be written up and sent to the office.
6. All students are to remain seated until the dismissal bell for the class rings. If anyone is standing by the door or
away from his/her desk when the bell rings, the class will be asked to stay until everyone is seated.
7. Be courteous and considerate of others. Treat others as you want to be treated.
8. Use positive language. No profanity will be tolerated.
9. Any other rules the class feels should be implemented will be added.
Tardies: The school tardy policy states that you must be in the room when the tardy bell rings. In addition, I expect
you to be seated and prepared for class. Being prepared for class means that pencils are sharpened and notebooks are
out, and that you have looked at the board for the day’s schedule of activities. Running into the room as the bell is
ringing will result in a tardy.
Hall Passes: Students will be given four hall passes per quarter for restroom breaks or other errands. To use a pass,
you are required to leave your cell phone and the pass on the teacher’s desk. Use passes with discretion because once
all passes have been used, you will not be allowed to leave the classroom. The teacher will address emergency
situations. I will follow the 10-10 policy: Do not ask to leave class during the first or final ten minutes of class.
Food and Drinks: Because my classroom also functions as the yearbook computer lab, no food or drinks will be allowed
in my room with the exception of bottled water which must be kept far away from the computers at all times.
All information included on this syllabus is subject to change at the teacher’s discretion.
I am looking forward to working with each of you this semester. I know that each of you can and will find success in my
class. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions or request extra help. I am available before and after school and during
my planning period to talk with you and/or your parents.
*This form must be returned to Mrs. McBrayer.
Student Name
McBrayer/English IV
Teacher, Student, and Parent/Guardian Agreement
It is imperative that the teacher, student, and parent or guardian work together to create a positive
educational experience. After looking over the class syllabus and classroom expectations, please read and sign below
to signify that you give your consent to the course of study for English IV.
Student: I have read and understand the syllabus and classroom expectations. I agree to comply with the rules,
expectations, and procedures set before me.
Student Signature
Parent or guardian: I have carefully read and understand the syllabus and classroom expectations. I agree to the
curriculum and guidelines and give my child permission to participate in all classroom activities, including reading the
listed books and viewing the listed movies. I agree to support my student and Mrs. McBrayer in their efforts for a
successful semester.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent/Guardian Permission for Movie Viewing
Movies (see syllabus) may be shown as part of the English IV curriculum. Students are most likely to view The Secret
Life of Bees and Beowulf, both of which are rated PG-13. Other movies with a PG-13 or R rating may be shown if they
contain a strong connection to the literature we are studying.
After reading the syllabus and the statement above, I give permission for my child to view movies that may be shown in
Mrs. McBrayer’s English IV class.
Parent/Guardian Signature