Strategic Improving quality of care for Patients. Reducing Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and Cancers. Support for Carers. District Wide West Sussex Police: Operation Accent. Wellbeing Programme: Reducing CVD and Cancer. Citizens Advice Bureau: -Info & advice. -Welfare Benefit support. Citizens Advice Bureau: Healthwatch -By listening to patients opinions. -By influencing. -By ‘enter & view’ West Sussex Hospitals: CVD and Cancer services – How can we help support programmes? Sussex Community NHS Trust: Foundation Trust status will improve quality and productivity whilst reducing costs to the wider health economy. West Sussex Hospitals: -By our ‘Customer care’ programme. -By improving access and reducing complaints. Sussex Community NHS Trust: -NHS Health Checks in outreach areas and LNIA’s (Local Neighbourhood Improvement Areas). - Increasing uptake of screening programmes. Clinical Commissioning Group: -Let’s see where there are synergies – avoid duplicates. Public Health Plan: -CVD action plan actions Carers Support West Sussex: -Automatic referrals to CSWG (Carers Support Working Group) from primary & secondary care and voluntary & statutory agencies. -Think family, think carer. -Building a Carer network ‘Voice’ that partners can engage and consult with. -Support Carers right to an assessment. Southern PAT (Prevention Assessment Team): -Provide info and advice for carers outside of their carer needs e.g. individual health or social needs. Sussex Community NHS Trust: -Development of services specifically looking at the health of carers & increasing their knowledge/understanding of cared for’s condition, to improve coping mechanism. ?: Carers needs assessment (JSNA) recommendations. Local Clinical Commissioning Group: A priority is working with member’s priorities and access to the primary core. Sussex Community NHS Trust: - As for District wide. Sussex Community NHS Trust: -As for District wide. ?: Alcohol initiatives. Southern PAT (Prevention Assessment Team): - Same as District wide. Carers Support West Sussex: -Providing support to local carers: 1:1, peer support, advocacy, information, covers events/training, involvement in dementia friendly initiatives. Neighbourhoods Carers Support West Sussex: -Supporting local carers develop selfsustaining peer support group & networks. -help maximise income. -support respite (time off from caring responsibility). -support whole family. Strategic Proactive Care. Alcohol and Substance misuse. Problem Families. District Wide West Sussex Hospitals: -Working with partners to reduce unnecessary use of Acute Services. Wellbeing Programme: -Working age adults. Citizens Advice Bureau: -Financial Literacy. -Welfare Benefit support. Sussex Community NHS Trust: -Carers service will be located alongside proactive care. -MDT’s (Multi Disciplinary Teams). Southern PAT (Prevention Assessment Team): -link to all Proactive Care Teams. -link with all Proactive Team Co-ordinators -receive appropriate ongoing referrals. Carers Support West Sussex: -Automatic referral of carers to CSWG (Carers Support Working Group) -Supporting families with LTC and other additional vulnerabilities. West Sussex Hospitals: -A&E Services – can we help/support? Sussex Community NHS Trust: -NHS Health Checks incorporate a risk tool re alcohol abuse. ?: -Treatment services. -Needs assessment. -Service design & re-procurement. Public Health Plan: -Alcohol action plan actions. Carers Support West Sussex: -Incorporating Family & Friends network. -Supporting family and friends affected by someone else’s alcohol/substance misuse. Worthing & Arun MIND: -Support to reduce alcohol & substance misuse. West Sussex Police: -Operation Marble – Police night time economy. -Operation Clayton – Targeting supply of Class A drugs in Arun. -Street Communities work – Pan Sussex. -Shore ‘No Second Night Out’ rough sleeping. Carers Support West Sussex: -‘Think Family, Think Carer’, identify, acknowledge and support caring responsibilities within families. Sussex Community NHS Trust: -Carers service will be looking at parent carers and whole families. ?: -CAF (Common Assessment Framework). -see continuum of need (West Sussex County Council). West Sussex Police: -‘Think Family’ – Pan Sussex. ?: -ecomonic growth. -increase employment and average wages. -financial hardship, the need to process Housing Benefits and Council Tax Benefits quickly. West Sussex Children & Family Services: -the West Sussex Children & Family Centre Programme Standard 6. Local ?: Support the principle – make it work – without sinking the whole ship. Southern PAT (Prevention Assessment Team): -Linking with Wellbeing hubs for health promotion work. Southern PAT (Prevention Assessment Team): -information and support for carers where a family may feel they are coming under stress. West Sussex Police: -Operation Accent, Eastern European Community Police. -‘Legal High’ drugs which impact on own health and the police, Health Services, Mental Health services. CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) & GP’s?: -children expressing distress of dysfunctional/obsessive ignorant influences. ?: -Alcohol availability. -labelling. -information at point of purchase. -health beliefs/social norms -exposing supermarkets in particular offering ‘social responsibility’, partnership/voluntary opportunity. Neighbourhoods Worthing & Arun MIND: -work alongside Carers Support services to ensure carers needs are recognised. Southern PAT (Prevention Assessment Team): -same as Local -Linking with Wellbeing hubs for health promotion work. Arun District Council: -leisure & culture provision. ?: -prevent homelessness. Strategic Reducing Demand (Police) Repeat offending victims Human Trafficking Organised Crime. Increase reporting of: Domestic abuse Sexual offences Hate crime All part of PCC plan District Wide West Sussex Police: Policy Plan. West Sussex Police: Operation Accent. Carers Support West Sussex: -By increasing awareness of carers as potential adults at risk due to their caring role. -By supporting carers to plan for emergencies and how to cope with complex caring roles. -By increasing safeguarding incidents West Sussex Hospitality: A& E services, What can we do to support? Carers Support West Sussex: -By supporting carers to use assistive technology to support independence e.g. GP trackers. -By supporting families in complex caring roles where stress levels are very high and, potentially, offending occurs. ?: Reduce incidents of crime and support victims. Local Neighbourhoods Strategic Mental Health. Keeping people safe, well and at home. Community Safety: Reducing – re-offending, vulnerability, anti-social behaviour. Improving public confidence. District Wide West Sussex Hospitals: -A&E services, how can we help and support. West Sussex Children & Family Services: -promoting safety information, offer universal and targeted. West Sussex Police: -Integrated operating model: Operation Impact. -Neighbourhood Justice panels (Arun Pilot). -Gambling as an addiction and driver for crime. Sussex Community NHS Trust: Carers service will look at depression in carers. Carers Support West Sussex: -provide emotional support & peer support. -coping strategies. -time off (respite care) for informal carers. -looking after their own wellbeing. West Sussex Police: -Street communities. -Operation Packet. -Operation Shore, no second night out. Citizens Advice Bureau: -Financial literacy. -Benefits. Arun District Council: -Leisure, improved facilities e.g. Parks etc. West Sussex Police: -Operation Shore – No second night out. -Street communities. ?: -Health messages, eg Lullaby Trust (formerly SIDS) -safety message information, eg poisons, car/road safety, falls etc. CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) & GP’s?: -Risk stratification tool. ?: -reduce crime and give improved support to victims and communities. Local Worthing & Arun MIND -grow peer support and mentoring for promoting recovery (OCN accredited) -self-development & greater independence. -support people to improve knowledge and understanding of own problems. -raise awareness of the needs of people with MH issues by delivering MH awareness training and thereby reduce the stigma and discrimination. West Sussex Children & Family Services: -working with families where mothers have PND (post natal depression). -outreach support. -improving emotional wellbeing. Carers Support West Sussex: As district wide, -provide emotional support & peer support. -coping strategies. -time off (respite care) for informal carers. -looking after their own wellbeing. ?: -Children/family support/theory etc. Arun District Council: -leisure & culture provision. ?: -improve wellbeing of targeted communities. Neighbourhoods West Sussex Children & Family Services: -Events being held locally promoting safety, eg CAPT (Child Accident Prevention Trust) Week. Strategic Starting Well. Transforming delivery of home services. Reducing health inequalities. District Wide West Sussex Children & Family Services: -Healthy Children & Family Centre Programme. -Family outreach work. -targeted work with parents of children under 5. -supporting families to give children the best start through universal and targeted offers, the children centre’s core purpose. West Sussex Hospitals: -Service Improvement Plan -Re-admissions. -Customer care -Capital programme. Wellbeing Programme: -key priority, reducing health inequalities. Arun District Council: -Economic growth. -increase employment. -increase average wage. -Housing – increase number of affordable homes. -build more homes that are affordable. Citizens Advice Bureau: -Patient opinion. -Influencing. West Sussex Police: -Travellers. West Sussex Children & Family Services: -Children & Family Centre agenda. -Information advice and guidance. Sussex Community NHS Trust: -QIPP (Quality, Innovation, Productivity & Prevention) Arun District Council: -Transformation = increased quality, -Leisure, improved facilities. increased productivity and a reduction in costs. Citizens Advice Bureau: -Healthwatch. -Priority is to reduce inequalities. Worthing & Arun MIND: -support the public health agenda by looking at developing more ways/interventions to support better ways of coping. -reduce isolation. -reduce drug/alcohol misuse and other health risk behaviours. Carers Support West Sussex: -supporting carers to address their own health needs. -supporting carers to their right to a carers assessment. Southern PAT (Prevention Assessment Team): -NHS Health checks. -local health promotions, eg Fruity Fri Local Arun District Council: -Leisure and culture provision. Arun District Council: -leisure & culture provision. Worthing & Arun MIND: -work with CCG’s to consider new initiatives to promote good mental health. -work with CCG to ensure that they understand the social care support needs of our clients. West Sussex Children & Family Services: -the Healthy Children’s Centre Programme. West Sussex Children & Family Services: -to ensure there are sufficient quality funded childcare for 2yr olds. CCG & GP’s: -Littlehampton Health Hub. Neighbourhoods Southern PAT (Prevention Assessment Team): -NHS Health checks by PAT health advisers. -Health promotions. Southern PAT (Prevention Assessment Team): -As district wide, NHS Health checks by PAT health advisers. -Health promotions. Southern PAT (Prevention Assessment Team): -NHS Health checks. -local health promotions, including Workplace NHS health checks and PAT promotions. Carers Support West Sussex: -working in partnership in the community to support local carers access time off. -help carers make plans for the future. -reduce stress and provide peer support. Encourage registration at GP surgery. Sussex Community NHS Trust: -NHS Health checks in LNIA’s (Local Neighbourhood Improvement Areas). Southern PAT (Prevention Assessment Team): -local venues and regular NHS Health checks. -PAT promotions. West Sussex Children & Family Services: -events and information. -oral health etc.