KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA FARIDKOT SESSION(2014-15) ACTIVITIES SUBJECT- ENGLISH CLASS- IV WAKE UP (POEM) LISTENING: 1. Students will listen to the poem recited by the teacher. 2. Students will listen to the teacher and pay attention towards the correct pronunciation of words. READING: 1. Students will be asked to recite the poem one by one and the class will follow. 2. Children to recite poem with proper pronunciation, gesture and voice modulation. SPELLING/VOCABULARY: 1. To ask students to speak words starting with ‘’b’ sound. 2. To learn new words on seeing the flash cards. 3. To pick out rhyming words. GRAMMAR: 1. To make use of flash cards and real objects for introducing adjectives. 2. To explain the degrees of comparison of adjectives. 3. To use ‘and’ and ‘but’ to connect sentences. WRITING: 1. To write the answers of simple questions based on Poem. 2. To list out the sounds children hear in the morning e.g. birds chirping, leaves rustling etc. 3. To write 5 lines about morning scene. NEHA’S ALARM CLOCK ACTIVITIES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To use appropriate preposition in the fill in the blanks. To make use of was and were. To find out words in cross word puzzle. To tell who said to whom on the basis of the text. To discuss on the importance of Morning walk and write a paragraph on it. To discuss on the importance of punctuality in life. To draw a picture of clock and write sentences on it. NOSES (POEM) ACTIVITIES: READING: 1. Students to read the poem with proper intonation. SPEAKING 1. To discuss different types of faces after observing their friends’ face in class. SPELLING/VOCABULARY: 1. To pick out the rhyming words. 2. To learn the spelling of new words through drill and seeing flash cards. GRAMMAR: 1. To use Action words in sentences. 2. To drill the use of ‘Do’ and ‘Don’t in sentences. 3. To punctuate the given passage. WRITING 1. To write new words in cursive way. 2. To write a paragraph on my favourite fruit. THE LITTLE FIR TREE ACTIVITIES: 1. Students to read the lesson aloud with proper pronunciation, expression and pause. 2. Students to do silent reading. 3. To Dramatize /Role play the story. 4. To change the circled words to its opposite. 5. To change the words to their opposite using ‘un’ ‘im’. 6. To understand and learn the new words. 7. To learn the Correct spelling by looking at the flash cards. 8. To read with proper pronunciation. 9. To make Use of exclamation sign. 10. To Identify Homophones and using them in sentences. 11. To make use of Past continuous tense in sentences. 12. To have discussion on Indoor/Outdoor games and to write a paragraph on “My favourite game”. 13. To show a picture to students and ask them to observe it carefully. Then teacher will ask students to describe the picture and write sentences. 14. To punctuate a passage. 15. To make use of is/are. 16. To make sentences using homophones. 17. To write a Paragraph on ‘Our National Bird’. 18. To write short answers. 19. To write five sentences on different types of trees