Overview of Magnetic Fusion Science Program The Quest, The Questions, The Achievements Presented by Herbert L. Berk Department of Physics and Institute for Fusion Studies Assisted by Prashant Valanju Physics Department Colloquium Feb. 20, 2002 Support of DIII-D team of General Atomics gratefully acknowledged An Optimistic Energy Projection New Non-Fossil Energy Sources Needed Optimistic Projection: New Sources Phase-out of Conventional fission Practical Sources of Fusion Energy D-T “Lawson” Criterion for Sustained Confinement: tE = 10 atm sec (kT ~ 10 to 20 keV); tE = energy confinement time, p = plasma pressure Generic Magnetic Fusion Power Plant Superconducting Magnet PFF (1-R) Magnetic pressure B2/2m0 confines particle pressure (if done right) (kinetic/magnetic pressure) 4m0kT/B2 ≈ 0.03 to 0.1 n Normalized beta ≈ 1; To achieve this, energy confinement time, tE , must be large enough! Plasma: The “fourth” State of Matter • Ubiquitous: Astrophysics, Fusion, Chip manufacture • Dominated by collective behavior Inherently complex system • Large ranges of space and time scales All scales affect plasma evolution Today’s Typical Magnetic Fusion Experiments B 2 to 10 Tesla, n 1020 m3 , kT 10 keV to 1 eV at edge Challenge for Physical Insight in Plasmas • Non-equilibrium: Different ion and electron temperatures. • Anisotropic pressure • Intrinsically kinetic problem Fluid closure fails parallel to B • Anisotropic dispersion • Long to short mean free paths • Edge dynamics: must handle plasma to neutral transition, myriad atomic and chemical processes, Strong coupling with core plasma The Physics: Isolate key issues and develop methods to handle them Disparate Scales in a Fusion Experiment B = 3 T, kT 5 keV to 1 eV, n 5 10 m , Device size 1m 19 Space (104 to 10-6 meters) Mean Free Path = kT / m c Frequency (102 to 1012 sec-1) Collision : c n /T 3 / 2 e e : 10 4 4 109 3 10 3 to 10 -4 Debye Length D 3 i i : 2 102 8 107 0 kT ne 2 7 105 to 1 106 c Collisionless skin depth 7 10 -4 pe mkT eB electrons: 5 10-5 to 8 10 -7 , Larmor Radius = ions: 3 10-3 to 5 10-5 e i : 10 3 10 6 ne 2 -1 Plasma : p s , 0m pe 4 1011, pi 7 109 , Hybrid : pH pe pi 5 1010 eB m electron : 5 1011, ion : 1.4 108 Cyclotron : c Particle Orbits in Magnetic Fields Particle Trajectory Charged Particles gyrate around and nearly follow field lines. B V V V|| bˆ VF , VF eE mgeff bˆ VE Vgravity eB 2 V 2 "gravity" geff V|| , = bˆ bˆ Field line curvature 2 Curvature drift may separate electron and ion flows 2 => Electic fields. mV Adiabatic Invariant m leads to " mirror trapping" of some 2B particles as they move along field lines towards increasing B. Equilibrium Leads to Population Inversion Equilibrium: j B p n eTe niTi Diamagnetic Current (relative flow between e and i) b n iTi b ne Te Vi VDi , and Ve VDe n iZieB n e ZeeB In ion frame: electron distribution is inverted In electron frame: ion distribution is inverted Can amplify waves with speeds between ions and electrons. Basic source of “drift wave turbulence” that degrades tE Challenge: understand and control “Q” of plasma cavity to prevent self-excitation of such waves. Obtaining Stable Plasma Confinement Field Line Bending Magnetic Compression Fluid Compression 2 2 B 1 B 2 2 3 W dr 2 p 2 2m0 m0 J|| b B 2 p Parallel Current Drive With resistivity, changes magnetic topology (tearing modes) Curvature pressure gradient (related to geff) Hybrid Culprit Ion Temperature Gradient Mode (ITG): Combined “Drift Wave-Curvature Driven” Mode Curvature Acts Like Gravity n g + VE E x b/B - E + E - n+Dn Stable (Concave) Vdrift n n+Dn n+Dn n g g Vdrift B g n - VE E x b/B + E E + n+Dn Unstable (Convex) Tokamak Has Produced Best Plasma Confinement B toroidal field from coils that link plasma torus, increases inward I toroidal current driven inductively by central solenoid [or by non - inductive sources (rf, ion beams," bootstrap current" )] B poloidal field produced from I in plasma and external coils Winding net magnetic field generates nested flux surfaces, q Magnetic shear: s Particle Orbits in Tokamak: Bananas Balanced orbits radially confined Bpoloidal Ion Vgravity Btoroidal Neo-classical diffusion: collisions cause random radial motion and loss Displaced bananas produce Unbalanced downward drift; Ware Pinch! Bpoloidal Ion Vgravity Etoroidal Btoroidal V pinch E toroidal B poloidal E b E toroidalB poloidal 2 B Btoroidal Banana Trick: Bootstrap Current Feeds counter-current passing Feeds co-current passing particles inside base flux tube particles outside base flux tube Gradient drives net co-current Bpoloidal Gradient drives net co-current Btoroidal Bootstrap Current and Ware Pinch Are both related to Onsager Symmetry Toroidal Electric Field => Toroidal plasma current Generalized Thermo Force Pressure gradient => Radial heat flux Offdiagonal “Pinch”: inward particle and heat flux Toroidal Current flow High-quality Tokamak Plasmas Sustained with Large Bootstrap Current Fraction ≈ 0.5 Non-inductive current fraction ≈0.75 Scientific Progress in Plasma Confinement • Empirical scaling: traditional experimental guidelines • Emergence of theory-based scaling Breakthrough with IFS (UT) - Princeton (PPPL) model (Dorland, Kotschenreuther, Hammett) Accurate stability criteria with simulations showing “stiffness” of plasma response. “ITG” mode (drift+curvature driven) is principal driver. • Detailed comparisons of theory with experiments over large range of plasma parameters. Tokamak Confinement Empirical Scaling Theory Prediction (J. Kinsey) Tokamak Issues External shaping optimizes stability (elongation & triangularity) Sawtooth region in core (RF and neutral beam sources) Pedestal (Core to edge transition) In magnetic divertor region Sawtooth Oscillations • Instability near plasma center: a) Field line pitch too large (q < 1) near plasma center b) Still elusive: complete explanation for relaxation • Usually not dangerous, only internal rearrangement. • More worrisome at MHD beta limits: a) Undo bootstrap current; Carrera,Hazeltine,Kotschenreuther b) Lock to wall error fields causing disruption (rapid plasma loss) • Successful experimental cures: a) Restore bootstrap with external current drive b) Keep plasma flowing Importance of Plasma Flows -I • Prevent locking of internal modes to external error fields with plasma flow and magnetic feedback (Seminal work: R. Fitzpatrick) • Shear flow enhances MHD stability, quenches drift waves (F. Waelbroeck; W. Horton; M. Kotschenreuther) • H (high-confinement) -mode: Self-organized spontaneous steep barrier formation 1. Pedestal width ~ banana width 2. Strong drop in edge turbulence; tE increases by ~ 2 3. Shear flows are critical 4. Interplay of drift wave turbulence and sophisticated neoclassical processes. 5. Experimentally robust but theory still incomplete. Importance of Plasma Flows -II • Internal barrier formation: • Concentrate heating to create strong flow shear, • Easiest to make around zero magnetic shear region [reduce transport to intrinsic collisional (neo-classical) loss] • Critical Experimental Issue: Reversed shear needs hollow currents that diffuse within “skin-time” unless non-ohmic current drives maintain hollow current profiles. • Horton: difficult to find “nucleation centers” • Modeled by P. Morrison in non-twist maps Mode “Insulation” at Zero Magnetic Shear Surface q(r) Rational Surfaces = r/R Zero shear region does not support ITG eigenmode excitations Zero Magnetic Shear Transport Barriers and Nontwist Map Surface of zero twist (shear) provides final barrier to chaos Critical surface has fractal properties x (103)2 Nontwist map evolved from the use of maps in generalized studies of chaos theory Role of Computation a) Many basic issues remain unresolved. b) Modern computers allow calculation on multiple scales: • Gyro-kinetic: Global to ion Larmor radius • Resolution of collisionless electron skin scale for sawteeth (A. Aydemir) • Resulting predictions being tested in experiment c) Gyro-kinetic simulation shows turbulence <-> flow shear generation interplay d) Method applied to astrophysical accretion (Talk tomorrow by W. Dorland). Out-flowing Heat Must Be Removed • Danger: a) Wall sputtering and erosion causes wall deterioration b) Impurities fill plasma • Solution: a) Cool plasma outflow with neutral gas using recombination and radiation to spread heat load. b) Detach plasma from wall - already achieved. Challenges: Compatibility with edge and core physics. • Will steep pedestal survive? • ELMS: Edge-localized Modes, energy bursts. Detached Divertors Enable Nondestructive Power Handling Conduction Zone Te ~ 30 - 50 eV Carbon Radiation Zone Te ~ 10 - 15 eV Ionization Zone Te ~ 5 - 10 eV Recombination Zone Te ~ 1 eV Ion-Neutral Interaction Zone Te ~ 2 - 5 eV Deuterium Radiation Emerging Frontiers • Energetic Alpha Particles (new physics issues): a) Is it like a stabilizing passive internal coil? (Rosenbluth, Van Dam, Berk, Wong, early 1980s) b) May induce a giant sawtooth, (violent relaxation) • Universal drift wave mechanism (Ea ~ 100 Ti) allows new resonant particle instabilities a) Shear Alfven interaction => radial alpha diffusion (Led to compact, general, non-linear theory to predict saturation, Berk & Breizman) b) New “Drift” instabilities => operating space limits on burning plasmas Theoretical Fit of Pitchfork Splitting in JET Experiment Frequency Time Evolution of the Bifurcating Mode dA A L dt 2 t/2 t 0 2 dt t 2 t dt 1 exp[ 3eff t 2 (2t / 3 t1 )] 0 A(t t )A(t t t 1 )A (t 2t t 1 ) Burning Plasma Experiment • Can we produce fusion energy? a) Near energy break-even in JET (Europe). b) Copious energy production in TFTR (Princeton). • Proposed Experiments: a) ITER-FEAT (International): Moderate B ~ 5.5 Tesla. b) FIRE (US): High B ~ 10 Tesla. c) Ignitor (MIT-Italy): Very High B ~ 13 Tesla. • New interesting diagnostics with nuclear reactions Gamma ray Spectroscopy in Fusion Plasmas Excitation functions of the 4.44 MeV & 7.65 MeV levels of C12 in Be9(a,n C. Promising Alternate Approaches • Compact aspect ratio, highly elongated tokamaks. a) MAST (Culham), NSTX (Princeton). b) Stable to ITG mode => high beta achieved. • Large elongation plus liquid metal walls (Lithium). a) M. Kotschenreuther proposal for power handling. • Stellarators: Confinement with in vacuum fields. a) Avoids sawteeth and disruptions. b) Quasi-symmetry to improve orbit losses. • Use large plasma flows to achieve relaxed high beta states. a) Mahajan-Yoshida “Double Beltrami” states (experiment initiated by P. Valanju & R. Bengtson) Importance of Fusion Research Quote from V. L. Ginzburg who discussed remaining interesting physics problems at end of the twentieth century: Controlled Nuclear Fusion (first on his list): “This is however an exceedingly important and still unsolved problem, and therefore I would discard it from the list only after the first thermonuclear reactors start operating” Personal View We need to determine rather quickly whether controlled fusion is a viable energy option, as only relatively wealthy economies with an inexpensive energy supply have the resources to answer the needed intellectually challenging science and technology issues needed to achieve controlled fusion.