Mary Stufano CMC 200 Bibliography Bush, Elizabeth Kaufer. “Ally

Mary Stufano
CMC 200
Bush, Elizabeth Kaufer. “Ally McBeal to Desperate Housewives: A Brief History of the
Postfeminist Heroine.” Perspectives on Political Science, vol . 38 issue (2009):
Cohen, Emily Jane, “Kitschen Witches: Martha Stewart, Gothis Housewife, Corporate
CEO.” Journal of Popular Culture, vol. 38 issue 4 (2005): 650-677.
Duncan, Lauren, “Women’s Relationship to Feminism: Effects of Generation and
Feminist Self-Labeling Women’s Relationship to Feminism.” Psychology of
Women Quarterly, vol. 34 issue 4 (2010) 498-507.
Fernandez-Morales, Marta, “Illness, Genre, and Gender in Contemporary Television
Fiction: Representations of Female Cancer in Sex and the City and Desperate
Housewives.” Women’s Studies, vol. 38 issue 6 (2009): 670-691.
Hill, Lisa “Gender and Genre: Situating Desperate Housewives.” Journal of Popular
Film and Culture, vol. 38 issue 4 (2010): 162-169.
Imre, Aniko, “Gender and Quality Television.” Feminist Media Studies, vol. 9 issue 4
(2009) 111-124.
Levine, Elana, “Remaking Charlie’s Angels.” Feminist Media Studies, vol. 8 issue 4
(2008): 375-389.
McRobbie, Angela, “Young Women and Consumer Culture.” Cultural Studies, vol. 22
issue 5 (2008): 531-550.
Merskin, Debra, “Three Faces of Eva: Perpetuation of the Hot-Latina Stereotype in
Desperate Housewives.” Howard Journal of Communications, vol. 18 issue 2
(2007): 133-151.
Richardson, Niall, “As Kamp As Bree.” Feminist Media Studies, vol. 6 issue 2 (2006):
p. 157-174.
Robinson, Penelope, “Mobilizing Postfeminsim: Young Australian Women Discuss
Sex and the City and Desperate Housewives.” Continuum: Journal of Media &
Cultural Studies, vol. 25 issue 1 (2011): 111-124.
Walsh, Kimberly, “Beauty and the Patriarchial Beast: Gender Role Portrayals in
Sitcoms Featuring Mismatched Couples.” Journal of Popular Film &
Television, vol. 36 issue 3 (2008): 123-132.
Brundson, Charlotte, “Feminism, Postfeminism, Martha, Martha, and Nigella.”
Cinema Journal, vol. 44 issue 2 (2005): 110-116.
Cherry, Marc. Desperate Housewives. ABC, aired October 3, 2004. Televison.
Feder, Don, “Feminists to Women: Shut Up and Do As You’re Told.” Human Events,
vol. 62 issue 9 (2006): 15-15.
Morgan, Carol, “Gender Role Crisis on Wisteria Lane: Desperate Housewives as a
Metaphor For the Modern Day Woman.” Florida Communication Journal, vol.
35 issue 2 (2007): 112-118.
Tasker, Yvonne, “Postfeminism and the Archive for the Future.” Camera Obscurer,
vol. 21 issue 62 (2006): 170-176.