Hiam's Recipes

Hiam Tahir
Lentils Soup
Afiah Stuffed Cucumber
 1 medium onion minced
 5 cloves of garlic minced
 2 tablesspoon olive oil
 1 teaspoon salt
 2 teaspoons cumin
 1 teaspoon turmeric
 ½ teaspoon black pepper
 2 Cups yellow lentils, washed
 3 cups diced carrots
 5 cups water
 2 table spoons minced
 Parsely to garnish
Heat the oil in the pot and add the onions
, garlic salt pepper tumeric and cumin...
when the onions become translucent add
the carrots and sautee them then add
the five cups of boiling water and simmer
fot thirty minutes..until the lentils and
carrots are cooked well. .. Turn down the
stove and put the soup in the blender
and blend. put back in the pot and heat
again rectify the salt and spices and let
boil for five minuts garnish with the
minced parsly and serve et Bon Appetit..
Sahtain wa
1 KG medium size cucumber
1 table spoon salt
5 cups water
250g minced meat <lamb>
3/4 cup round rice
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cardamom
1 teaspoon black pepper
2 tablespoons oil
2 tablespoons melted butter
Scoop out the pulp of the cucumber and put the the pulp in a strainer and Put
the empty cucumber in a bowl filled with the five cups of water and the table
spoon of salt and let stand for twenty minutes. In the meantime wash the rice
and let it soak in water for twenty minutes… then strain and put in a bowl ...
add the salt and spices and one tablespoon of oil and the the meat mix well…
Remove the cucumbers from the water and drain well and stuff them with the
rice and meat make sure that filling reaches two cm below the top of the
cucumber. Now put one table spoon of oil in the bottom of the cooking pot
and arrange the stuffed cucumber ..measure the straned water from the pulp
of the cucumbers if it comes to one cup add one teaspoon of salt and pour
over the stuffed cucumber if the water of the pulp is less than a cup add more
water then put the pot on medium heat and when it starts boiling lower the
heat and simmer for thirty to forty five minutes, When done remove from the
heat . arrange the cooked cucmbers in a baking dish and but two table spoon
of melted butter on top of the cucumbers and put them in the oven with grill
turned on until they turn golden..... and this should be eaten with the
following Yogurt salad….
Yogurt salad
1 KG Yogurt 4 cloves garlic minced with a little salt one tablespoon olive oil
½ teaspoon dried mint leaves powdered
Mix the minced garlic with the yogurt add the pulp of the cucumber add the olive oil and sprinkle the mint on top and