Susan Carey shares a Reception/Year 1 class. Susan has planned a unit of work integrating Magill’s Core Values and the Essential Learnings and Key Competencies from SACSA. Susan has posed questions to challenge children’s “What if……...? ” “How could…..?” S o l v i n g p r o b l e m s U s i n g t e c h n o l o g y Working in teams Communicating ideas Empathy with others through example of animals. Animals with differing needs. Protection of environment. Cooperation between animals for a purpose. Tiddalik and Magill Core Values Respect others feelings and group decisions. Making good choices in use of resources. Animals showing unique strengths. Futures: How can we save water? What if we ran out of water? Identity: Conflict resolution. How would the animals have solved their problem? What if the animals hadn’t cooperated with each other? Tiddalik and Interdependence: How were the animals dependent on each other? How did the animals work as a team? What if the animals had not worked out a solution together? Communication: non verbal. What if we couldn’t speak? Thinking: What if everyone thought in the same way? English Design and Technology. Story Response: Recount, story board Make a slide show of story Tiddalik teaches us not to be greedy. Art Society and Environment Rules for living: Values sharing, not being greedy, respecting environment. Colours and patterns in the desert. Story through art patterns. Science Desert frogs. Music: Retelling story using clapping sticks. Martisa Mountzouris has a Reception Year 1 class. Martisa’s interest is in literacy learning and Reading Recovery. Maritsa has focussed on Respect as a core value and has used text support as scaffolding for young children’s reading and writing integrating the Aboriginal theme from the Morialta experience. Awareness of cultural differences. My rights and responsibilities. Encouraging goal setting and individual abilities. Collaborative learning. Key idea: Care of the environment, empathy with others. Respecting aboriginal culture and the environment. Modelling on a text structure using Australian animals and Aboriginal colours. Linking children’s interests to traditional culture.