ELL Science Adventures Why we do it: Learning English is . . . complicated ★Grammar ★Vocabulary ★Idioms ★Dialects ★Pronunciation ★Spelling Why we do it? Clear Communication is important! Science What? •An experiential science preparatory program developed for ELLs in 2004 to address science content language and concepts. Science Adventures began with a focus on serving 15 grade 7 students Since that time it has been expanded to include ELLs in grades 4-10, annually serving over 100 students. • • Why we do it the way we do it? Why we do it •Lower anxiety level in this learning environment •Experience is a great teacher: Value of teaching English in non-traditional settings •Socioeconomic challenges related to language acquisition impact access to learning venues •Cultural factors •Gaps in language related to content area performance Program Overview General information: ●Summer school course 4 weeks (20 days) ●Offered to incoming 4th grade-10th grade ●Pre-exposure to science curriculum for the upcoming school year ●Integration of literacy, with extended opportunities to promote disciplinary literacy in science Student recruitment •Offered to all students receiving ELL services in grades served by the program •Teacher/student meetings & policy review •Parent open house oRecognize cultural concerns oProvide parents with the opportunity to develop a level of comfort with the program Content ●Units based on upcoming grade level science curriculum ●Vocabulary aligned with science topics ●Establishing the baseline: pre and post assessments ●Use of informational text ●Hands-on learning Literacy Integration Reading ●Fluency ●Vocabulary instruction ●Comprehension instruction Writing ●Journaling ●Summarization ●Research Thematic Overview 4th Grade - Motion and Design, Electricity, Plants, Astronomy 5th Grade - Color and Light, Microworlds, Ecosystems, Floating and Sinking 6th Grade - Chemical Interactions, Astronomy, Simple Machines, Forces in Motion 7th Grade -Ecology - Plants and Animals, Organisms, Cell Genetics and Heredity 8th Grade - Earth Science, Astronomy, Meteorology, Oceanography 9th / 10th Grade - Biology Life Science 4th Grade Curriculum A C C E L E R A T I O N MOTION AND DESIGN Design PLANTS Force ASTRONOMY Circuits ENERGY E L E C T R I C I T Y 5th Grade Curriculum MI C R O W O RL DS PRODUCERS ORGANISMS DECOMPOSERS CONSUMERS ECOSYSTEMS C O L O R Floating and Sinking and L I GH T Density Displacement Pollution Oil Spill 6th Grade Curriculum Resistance Effort Fulcrum SIMPLE MACHINES Motion CHEMICAL INTERACTIONS 7th Grade Curriculum Reproduction P L A N T S Heredity Classification Genetics Adaptation Diversity A N I M A L S 8th Grade Curriculum Meteorology Astronomy Geology Hydrology Oceanography Geological Time Environment Earth’s Internal Processes Earth’s Science 9th/10th Grade Curriculum Limiting Factor Biology Ecology Cells Sustainability Population Adaptations Biodiversity LIFE SCIENCE Carrying Capacity O R G A NI S M S Special Learning Opportunities ●Directly applying learning to real world situations ●Developing background knowledge to better access academic content ●Unique experiences that allow them to relate in a similar fashion to their peers who have had the experiences ●Increase self-confidence in academic and social settings On the road again: Field Trips 4th grade: Community Garden, Barnes and Noble 5th grade: Sea Life Sleepover at Mall of America 6th grade: Chemical Interactions at Energy Incinerator 7th grade: Eagle Bluff Environmental Center (5 days, 4 nights) 8th grade: Earth Science-Black Hills/Badlands 9th/10th: Yellowstone and Physics at Valley Fair River Ecosystems USGS Mississippi River Sea Life Student Testimonials Student Testimonials Pictures from Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center in Lanesboro, Minnesota. Yellowstone The Next Great Adventure Is Just Over The Horizon